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10 May 2024 13:41:32
Hello ed2 hope u well? Do u know of any lfc interest in Colwell of chelsea? R chelsea stance on selling him? We rumoured to be interested in him both now and previously. I checked search here but anything on him is going back a year.


{Ed002's Note - There was prior interest but Chelsea have no intention of selling regardless of some remaining interest from elsewhere.}

1.) 10 May 2024 18:12:47
Thanks for response. Would prefer branthwaite myself but Colwell looked good as well.

2.) 10 May 2024 18:23:51
Ed, I've read your summary on CB options that Liv is interested. It seems like there is no clear first choice for CB. Do you know if the club have their first choice CB? Or is it still to early to know?

{Ed002's Note - Inacio would have been first choice. Hincapie would be on the list. David Hancko would perhaps be an option.}

3.) 11 May 2024 13:33:56
Can’t understand why we didn’t sign Gvardiol last summer. We missed the boat on so many great young players that moved the last few years in positions we needed players. Gvardiol, Bellingham, Haaland, Tchouameni to name a few.

4.) 11 May 2024 16:36:31
Maybe because city did ??‍♂️.

5.) 12 May 2024 01:58:54
@OneKiss mostly because he didn’t want to sign for us. Nice you kept it under your hat until the last but one game of the season.



12 Feb 2024 10:10:47
Hello ed2 hope u well. U have said previously that lfc one of clubs to approach alonso repersentives to see what's his situation is next season. Would u be able to say who other clubs are? Reason I ask is I think he head and shoulders best candidate for us and wondering who competition will be to get him.


{Ed002's Note - Xabi Alonso (C) A popular choice for clubs and having a great season at Bayer Leverkusen, but very inexperienced, although there will be interest in him from Liverpool, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Chelsea and Manchester United. Has made no secret of a desire to follow Ancelotti at Real Madrid - but that won't be until 2026 so they can be discounted at this time although he has the support of Carlo Ancelotti. If he were to win the league this season it would likely make it very difficult for him to leave. There are no clauses in his contract allowing him to leave to join them.}

1.) 12 Feb 2024 10:25:21
Didn't he said that he would like to manage Liv at some point in his career?

2.) 12 Feb 2024 10:37:07
Can’t see him coming to us. Probably stay another year then go to Madrid. He more than likely has a bigger affiliation to them than us, and if that’s the case then would you want him for a season or two? I wouldn’t I want someone who prepared to stay.

3.) 12 Feb 2024 13:13:03
Thanks for response. Not be that simple to get him then. Hope we do as I'm not too sure of the quality of the alternatives.

4.) 12 Feb 2024 13:34:17
Am not sure he would have a bigger affiliation to Madrid over us with this statement he made when playing for them.
am still a Liverpool fan and will be forever, absolutely" and that he will raise his Liverpool-born son as a Red supporter.

5.) 12 Feb 2024 14:01:14
His first choice is very much Liverpool going from the recordings I have seen. His family support Liverpool.

6.) 12 Feb 2024 14:46:47
@ Grino. I don’t think he would choose another premier league team over us if we was in for him too. That’s the level of Isupport for us I think he has. But us v Madrid different story.

7.) 12 Feb 2024 14:48:42
Not only is he coming to liverpool, but his club are now putting out feelers for their next manager. He will fit right in, and take us to another level, heard that he is also bringing over his best centre back, but not 3 players that has been mentioned.

8.) 12 Feb 2024 15:03:21
Ed02, why would winning the league make it difficult for him to leave? Just curious.

{Ed002's Note - There will be a huge push to keep him at the club where he is very happy if he wins the league.}

9.) 12 Feb 2024 15:03:41
Real Madrid are the only thing preventing us from landing Xabi IMO. Carlo until 2026 means we lock him in this summer or miss out (or we wait until Madrid are finished with him) .

Ed02 funny you say that. I actually thought winning the Bundesliga would make it easier for him to depart. What a hero to take them from relegation zone to champions in under two years. Especially for a club often mocked for bottling it. I don't see how he tops that as Bayern and even Dortmund will likely be stronger next season and i expect the opposite for Leverkuson with so many eyes on their players. But then again l, he might want to stay and ride that wave and see what he can do with them in the CL. Just my opinion

Amorins Sporting are also playing serious football. Really like them and he seems to have a way about. Maybe a good 2nd choice.

10.) 12 Feb 2024 15:27:21
L8 he is a Liverpool fan so I think he would love to manage us didn’t only leave because of a fall out with Rafa when he tried forcing him out of the club to replace his Barry.
I think he will be the Liverpool manager next season but only time will tell.

11.) 12 Feb 2024 15:44:09
From what I am hearng it's a done deal.

12.) 12 Feb 2024 15:46:49
There are countless interviews on YouTube where he says Liverpool is his second home and that we hold the fondest memories in his career. His family are also Liverpool fans. Not me saying it but it’s there for everyone to see. He also said he hopes our paths cross and he gets to manage us one day. If we approach him, I think it would be extremely difficult for him to turn us down. Let’s see what happens though.

13.) 12 Feb 2024 16:42:18
I can’t see him choosing Man U or Chelsea if LFC are interested.
Let’s be honest, Chelsea is a bit of a merry-go-round, they go through managers quicker than we go through Prime Ministers.
Man U - a club in a very long transition.

14.) 12 Feb 2024 21:41:12
We need a Manager who has suffered ups and downs, somwone who has walked through the storms. Alonso has none of that.

15.) 12 Feb 2024 21:46:35
Xabi Alonso is coming to Anfield as our next manager……. That’s my opinion……. No inside knowledge on the matter……. but I have a similar feeling to the time when we brought Klopp in… I just kinda knew he would come…… and that turned out as I had hoped

It’s just meant to be.

16.) 12 Feb 2024 22:30:20
Leek, based on your logic, who would you suggest? Sam Allardyce?

17.) 12 Feb 2024 22:31:52
Can’t see anyone but Xabi.

18.) 12 Feb 2024 22:41:18
I don't see him at another PL side if Liverpool are interested. I can't think of a manager who has moved clubs to a direct rival club so Bayern would be a contentious move, as would Barcelona if he has ambitions in Madrid. My guess is he moves to Liverpool or stays at Bayer.

19.) 13 Feb 2024 06:17:52
I think Leek would love Big Sam at the club, so he can say how unambitious FSG are. Personally I'd go for Neil Warnock.

FSG OUT. So unambitious.

20.) 13 Feb 2024 07:40:30
Good morning ed002,
Just our of interest, who would be your first choice to replace Klopp?


{Ed002's Note - I think Alonso would be a good choice. I expect Klopp would support Julian Nagelsmann.}

21.) 13 Feb 2024 10:19:48
Hi eds, i would choose Julian Nagelsmann ahead of Alonso. Alonso could crumble badly if face with adversity e. g losing league by 1 pt or losing CL final, or faced with injury crisis.

22.) 13 Feb 2024 10:48:44
Alonso is a humble, quiet man, who I believe will be lead by a longer term vision. If BL win the league and get into the CL as champs, surely he will stay for another season.
At the same time, it seems clear that LFC and RM are his two dream tickets as a manager, and perhaps a long stint at each is what beckons.

23.) 13 Feb 2024 12:17:02
@ Centrepoint, humility is nice but not required for top manager. Is Paisley a humble man? He said the" only 2 teams Merseyside joke. "

We need a serial winner, someone who has suffered failure, who can pick up pieces if things don't go as planned and go get the next one.

{Ed001's Note - that wasn't Paisley. Please don't make up nonsense out of ignorance. Paisley was one of the most humble men ever. Your ignorance is astonishing.}

24.) 13 Feb 2024 17:54:31
Bayern will do what they do best and poach the best players from them to make it a one horse race again so pointless him staying if that happens.

25.) 14 Feb 2024 06:27:41
No thankyou to Julian Nagelsmann. His wife couldn't trust him, so neither will I.

26.) 14 Feb 2024 18:03:37
Has your account been hacked leek? You never used to post such nonsense in the past. Or am I mistaken?

With regards the new manager, I, like most of is would love to see Alonso.
He’d be given time due to the affiliation the fans have with him. He plays progressive football, Bayer are always looking to play forwards and move up the pitch. The formations he uses would very much suit the players Liverpool have in the squad right now and on top of all of that I think he’ll become a great manager.
Only thing is I would hate for the expectation to be so great that if, for whatever reason, he didn't join, where does that leave the club? I personally like Nagelsmann, has a touch of the Brendan Rodgers about him but I think a very good coach. Outside of those two Im a little lost for candidates that aren't an even bigger gamble.
Certainly going to be a very important summer in the short to medium term for the club.

27.) 14 Feb 2024 19:39:02
Whenever we hype things up such as Bellingham being a shoe-in, it all goes a bit Pete Tong. However we have a habit of getting a rough diamond who goes on to be a great fit. Alonso is a great fit but i cannot help feeling that he will either stay where he is and take Bayer Leverkusen on their Champions League journey or one of the Spanish giants nick him. Hopefully he comes. This may depend on who we recruit as Director of Football, as they will need to be singing off the same hymn sheet. I take it as Red that the owners will frank the plan. At the moment let's concern ourselves with the task in hand and leave the powers that be to get the job done, whatever that will be. They have been mostly spot on over the last 10 years so trust them.

28.) 14 Feb 2024 19:54:00
Scouse john, depends if he likes the loyalty and love of the Liverpool fans or take the risk of the Madrid fans turning on him and having 2 years at Madrid if he can, he would take the job at Liverpool if offered, we need to offer him it, i'm sure we are working hard on it, winning Bundesliga would be the perfect send off, no one else gives a feeling that would soften the blow of Klopp going, can't think of anyone who comes close?



07 Sep 2023 18:17:08
Hello ed2 hope u keeping well. Do u know why Saudis have waited so late into window to bid for salah? Salah is obviously interested as they wouldn't have bid in 1st place if he wasnt. Seems to me if they hadve come with these sorts of bids 2 months liverpool wouldn't have been able to refuse it as they would've then been able to reinvest it in other areas. Bidding now lfc have no time to then use funds to bolster team.


{Ed002's Note - They previously made their interest known and have returned after having a bid rejected. I have explained my expectations and I stand by those. Another year at Liverpool then a move.

1.) 07 Sep 2023 19:05:43
Ed002 if I may, I understand you think a move next summer seems likey and probably best for all parties if I'm honest. My question is transfer fee. I understand he will be a year older and only 1 year left on contract but would you think lfc could still negotiate a 100m fee or close to?

{Ed002's Note - Possibly.}

2.) 08 Sep 2023 06:50:14
Agree totally. This is definitely mos last season. Quick question if you have time Ed.
Obviously we would struggle to replace like for like so probably would look to replace output over a number of positions. If you had 200m who would you buy?

{Ed002's Note - What makes you think Liverpool will have £200M to spend on players?}

3.) 08 Sep 2023 08:53:05
I thought they only bidding last fortnight or so. Yes I think next summer he will go as well . I'm glad we didn't take money as we've started season well and in each of 4 games we've improved steadily. I think selling a starting player could upset the applecart

4.) 08 Sep 2023 09:46:36
We have 200m cos we didn’t spend 115m on Caicedo and we’re going to get 400m from Saudis. So that’s 200m ed2 ?

For Mo, I’m genuinely surprised there isn’t more chat about him leaving the worlds elite league. When we were debating the merits of extending MO’s contract, some fans made the case that he could be performing in the top leagues into his late 30s like Messi and CR7. Where’s that chat gone? Does Mo not have that ambition?

5.) 08 Sep 2023 10:24:58
Faith, I imagine there’s somewhat more factors to his desire than playing in our league alone, family etc.

6.) 08 Sep 2023 10:39:01
Why don't the Saudis just but lfc and have done.

7.) 08 Sep 2023 11:10:23
How do we know he doesn't have that desire? hearing on here he's leaving the last 6 years and yet he's still here doing Mo things.

8.) 08 Sep 2023 11:49:17
Well if he left to go to the Saudi league then we’d know he doesn’t have the desire to be the best anymore.

I’m just saying I’m surprised that there is very little chatter about his ambition over earning a payday. Especially given that much of the argument to extend him was that he’d deliver at an elite level for the duration of the contract.

9.) 08 Sep 2023 12:29:45
I think one factor in if he wants to leave is the chance we have of winning the very top trophies again.
And also Mo’s fitness levels as well.
If he thinks he’s still got another year after this one of performing at the top level and with a realistic chance of bagging one last big trophy, I think he might stay longer.
I know everyone’s got their price but I always thought Mo’s main ambition was to win the big prizes rather than be a museum piece in some desert.
If he thinks he can realistically play till his mid 30s and beyond like ronaldo then there’s plenty of time to make the lucrative but career ending move.
Just my thoughts anyway, I’m sure the club are already looking and semi prepared for his departure whenever that may be. All good things must come to an end and I’m looking forward to see how the club adapts and moves on, we have sometimes done better when a superstar moves on (coutinho) and we have sometimes messed it up (suarez) so it will be interesting to see how well the club copes (or doesn’t)

10.) 08 Sep 2023 18:12:29
We have to stop thinking that Saudi Arabia isn't serious about football anymore, they seem serious about taking over everything else in business terms, this part of the world and quite a bit of the West are on its knees in financial terms in comparison! Times are changing why wouldn't the football world?

11.) 08 Sep 2023 18:21:23
There is no way of 200 mil for Salah with a year left on contract. Its not rocket science so stop wasting the Eds' time.

12.) 08 Sep 2023 22:09:04
What’s to stop Mo extending his contract at Liverpool? I’d say after this season he might well have another 2 or 3 years at the top and might still want to challenge for honours in Europe. There are, potentially, a number of possibilities. For all we know this might turn out to be his best season yet.

13.) 09 Sep 2023 21:45:49
I’m pretty sure centre backs will be the main area of focus next summer as well as replacing Mo.

14.) 09 Sep 2023 23:12:11
Faith, Mo Salah is quite possibly the greatest Muslim player of all time, and has an opportunity to be a star as a muslim country emerges as a football destination.

The draw for both Mo and the Saudis must be immense.

15.) 11 Sep 2023 13:36:54
Quite possibly the greatest Muslim player of all time? I love Salah, but there are Muslim players who'd probably like to have a word with you, about stretching things (even if you're saying possibly) .

Like Zinedine Zidane, Paul Pogba, N'Golo Kante, Mesut Ozil, Karim Benzema, Yaya Touré, Riyad Mahrez, Franck Ribery, Éric Abidal, Ilkay Gundogan, amongst others. Even Sadio would probably like a word with you.

16.) 11 Sep 2023 13:44:09
And just to add, since you brought it up, there is no such thing as an "immense draw". The Gulf Arabs dislike the other Arabs and it's the same vice versa. This narrative of Muslims and Arabs being homogenous and in absolute love with each other is completely false.

But yes, Salah will go over and play over there for the money. Just like any other professional footballer.

17.) 15 Sep 2023 04:03:17
I always found it strange that everyone assumes Salah is drawn to Saudi Arabia. Tons of people get rich and leave Saudi Arabia for the UK and elsewhere. I have no idea what Salah thinks about Saudi Arabia or how much he enjoys living in Liverpool or anywhere else. It's strange as people have different things that push their buttons. Shouldn't Jordan Henderson be drawn toward not going to SA according to the "Muslim/ Not Muslim" formula? And yet, Salah remains and Henderson does not.

Everybody ranks the variables differently. For all we know Mo Salah really does not want to play in SA. There's every possibility that's true.



30 Jun 2023 18:19:13
Hello ed2 hope u well. Do u know did we receive a loan fee for carvalho from Leipzig?


{Ed002's Note - Yes there will be.}

1.) 30 Jun 2023 20:22:00
Good thought there would be. Thanks.

2.) 30 Jun 2023 20:22:00
Good thought there would be. Thanks.



01 Jun 2023 19:45:40
Hello ed2 hope you keeping well. How do you see the man city issue with the charges that is put against them. do you think it will run on 2-4 years as is being reported? Do you think they will be found guilty? I don't know all that much about it bar what I've read, senic in me says even if they guilty they have enough money and power to run this threw the courts for years. In saying that 115 or so charges is an awful lot, the premier league I presume wouldn't have charged them with that amount without being confident some would stick.


{Ed002's Note - Charges will be dealt with individually so it will take time.}

1.) 01 Jun 2023 23:08:57
I would imagine a big fine, their legal team will be untouchable.

2.) 02 Jun 2023 00:50:06
Ed002 is correct, it will take time, time barring….

3.) 02 Jun 2023 09:09:28
Basically, no one knows anything about timelines or outcomes and when there is a conclusion then little to no tangible punishment will be wrought. We should all just forget about this as anything other than an extra bill for their legal department.

The only suitable outcome would be relegation from the football league IMO to work their way up again, seeing how many of their stars would stay, forced to start again properly etc. If that doesn't deter then nothing will.

4.) 02 Jun 2023 11:08:05
Should Man City be found guilty after the evidence hearings, then, when the wrong doing was found to have happened and season that preceded that wrong doing, example, summer of 2022 - then all titles in the 2022 -23 period should be stripped imo.

Again that’s an example, any season that was effected by over spending which gave advantage through purchases and wages, as above stripped along with the financial gains of if any cup or title wins also.

5.) 02 Jun 2023 11:23:47
No doubt just enough time for the statute of limitations again.

6.) 02 Jun 2023 11:35:27
Do fines come out of the club's FFP qualifying budget or the bottomless pit of the state-backed Group?

7.) 02 Jun 2023 12:55:49
Danny there are no legal timelines in this case.

8.) 02 Jun 2023 11:56:31
I don't think the FA charges have a statute of limitations so they can't go down that route again. It'll most likely just be a fine.

9.) 02 Jun 2023 12:05:37
I'm admittedly cynical about this whole situation. I don't think anything will come of it. City have too much money to allow it to happen. Yes, very cynical view.

10.) 02 Jun 2023 12:45:38
Great point Pelican.

11.) 02 Jun 2023 15:59:46
@1jj let's hope that stands true but seen it said they are arguing rule changes that happend after they cooked so prob trying to get off on technicality again with accounts that have more fiction then harry potter series.

12.) 02 Jun 2023 11:56:31
I don't think the FA charges have a statute of limitations so they can't go down that route again. It'll most likely just be a fine.

13.) 02 Jun 2023 12:05:37
I'm admittedly cynical about this whole situation. I don't think anything will come of it. City have too much money to allow it to happen. Yes, very cynical view.




Digger10's banter posts with other poster's replies to Digger10's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 07:13:03
Hello ed1 hope u well. what's your opinion on szobsazlia? (spelling! )
Seen him at previous club and thought he be great signing for us, and he started even better than I couldve hoped for, looked best attacking midfielder in league.
Form dipped dramatically as we know, along with injuries, and he was dreadful at end of season (wasn't on his own) . don't think euros went great for him but hungary poor enough side from what I seen. Big season for him, he looked 2 different players during last season, I wonder where his level is actually at?


{Ed001's Note - he will be fine, he just needs time to settle in and get a long run without injuries. Then I think he will end up making himself one of our better players. You have to remember the amount of pressure he is under is immense. A whole nation is sat on his shoulders, as well as being the face of so much at Liverpool as well. He needs time to grow into it.}

1.) 20 Jul 2024 07:46:59
Do you see a situation where he might be able to take over from Salah on the right Ed001? Could be a perfect money saving solution to what happens when Mo leaves.

{Ed001's Note - yes, I think he could be the replacement there.}

2.) 20 Jul 2024 08:27:21
He played on left wing for red bull when I seen him. I liked him in middle at start of last season, bombing threw centre gave us a great option that we probably haven't had since ox played there after signing.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 08:37:13
Szobosazlia? ???best spelling of his I have seen yet!

4.) 20 Jul 2024 09:53:04
I wish I shared your confidence, Ed. His drop in form was startling. Hope you're right.

{Ed001's Note - he was injured and never got back to form that's all.}

5.) 20 Jul 2024 10:03:34
Dom Szob ? has shown he can cut it at premier league level.
He’s had a tough start to his LFC career - got injured mid season, manager decided he was leaving, team ran out of gas and confidence. Went to the Euros and struggled.

The lad needs time to settle again. New manager, new coaches, new team approach.
I’m not giving up on him, there’s definitely a player in there.
I pegged him as Mo’s replacement too, but if that’s his position for Slot he needs a lot of work.

6.) 20 Jul 2024 11:06:46
Never going to replace Mo in my opinion.

7.) 20 Jul 2024 11:18:41
Szobo will do from now on!

8.) 20 Jul 2024 11:45:25
I think Szob will fit nicely into Slots 4231 formation.

Yes I know Slot has said he doesn’t play 4231 but Oli told us he did and I believe him more.

9.) 20 Jul 2024 11:55:31
Spot on, Ron. Szobo was being touted as the "signing of the season" by several accounts in his first 3 months of the season. he was one of our better to best performaers in that span. Then, the injuries came and he never got back to his best. The team playing crap did not help him either.

He just needs to get back to his best, refocus and try to gzin his confidence back. That is all on him now and IMO if he can do all of this, I see no reason why he cannot get back to what he was back then. At least, that is my hope.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 13:41:22
Edd001 I think he can be a magnificent box to box midfielder. Has the legs and quality. Think he's going to be an 8 for years to come.

11.) 20 Jul 2024 15:22:27
I really don't think we have seen the best of Dominic. I think he found it hard to settle in Merseyside as he said he was going home to an empty home a year on he may of settled and can get on with his private life and have his head on playing for LFC. YNWA.

12.) 20 Jul 2024 15:56:12
Just to add, he’s only 21. Even though he looks about 30! Plenty of time.

13.) 20 Jul 2024 16:58:46
Stoneage, he's 24 in October.

14.) 20 Jul 2024 19:25:55
It’s clear Szobo’s injuries slowed him down, however he couldn’t do the basics which was run, close down and play easy balls. Far too lackadaisical for me and he needs to shape up for the new season as he’s behind Elliot in the pecking order currently.

15.) 20 Jul 2024 20:50:34
As a fan I wasn't too keen on his comment that he wasn't too bothered about being injured most of the season because it means he was fresh for the euros. Little too close to the kind of things Michael Owen used to say for me.

If you're playing for Liverpool you don't put your focus on your country and vice versa.

16.) 21 Jul 2024 00:10:17
@irish rover, realistically we are not going to replace mo like for like, the team will evolve. I'm looking forward to it.

17.) 22 Jul 2024 02:21:40
Szoboszlai is class, one of the best players in the squad.



16 Jul 2024 18:50:05
Hello ed1 hope u well. I would like to see trent get a run playing midfield for lfc, it's being talked about for a long time but he's never got any sort of run playing there, bits and pieces but nothing worth. Do u think trent playing for England in midfield and it not going well (I didn't see 1st 2 games he played so I'm only going on reports) will effect slots thinking on playing him there? I also noted, if I'm correct, that slot said in his 1st interview that he doesn't play 4231. If he doesn't play 2 sitting I wouldn't be in favour of trent playing as a 6 in a 433 but if 2 sitting I think trent as 1 of them could work a treat. i don't think trent switched on enough defensively or aggressive enough to play as a 6 on his own. What do u think? Thanks.


{Ed001's Note - impossible to say until we see how he wants us to play. In the past the full-backs inverted to become the deep-lying defensive midfielders, so none of the midfielders did that job. But he might not decide to go that way with our squad.}

1.) 16 Jul 2024 19:17:43
Ed001 - assuming he stays who you starting at right back Bradley or Trent? Connor is a fantastic attacking right back and so well balanced with his asset but Trent has that X factor no one comes near to.

{Ed001's Note - it depends on how the team is being set up to play.}

2.) 16 Jul 2024 20:51:04
I be think Trent would be better right midfield/ right wing I don’t see a centre/ defensive midfielder there.

{Ed025's Note - im with you there Jaydee, he could even be a stand in for Salah on the right possibly mate, but as you say not in the midfield..

3.) 16 Jul 2024 21:52:00
Trent isn’t good enough on the ball to be a winger. He can open teams up if given time and space with his passing range but he’s not going to go past people higher up the pitch.

He worked in our old 4-3-3 system because he came forward into space. The inverted system was used so he could come inside and be a spare man in space.

He’s just not the best when pressed, he invariably gives up possession which is why he can’t play in the midfield. Klopp knew it and I’m sure it was tried many times in training and friendly games but it never worked.

In theory Trent should be a good midfield player with his passing range but he’ll need to improve massively on his press resistance because you just don’t get the time in midfield.

{Ed025's Note - i suppose im trying to shoehorn Trent into the side somehow BP, i dont think hes your best right back or fits in what do you do with him mate?..answers on a postcard..

4.) 16 Jul 2024 21:52:19
Should be Fascinating to see what Slot goes with ed.
Excited for pre season just to see what shape/ style we line up with. Shame we won’t see Trent/ Gakpo for a while though because I think they’re the proper questionable ones. You think there’s any chance we’ll try wingbacks under Slot?

5.) 16 Jul 2024 21:52:19
Should be Fascinating to see what Slot goes with ed.
Excited for pre season just to see what shape/ style we line up with. Shame we won’t see Trent/ Gakpo for a while though because I think they’re the proper questionable ones. You think there’s any chance we’ll try wingbacks under Slot?

{Ed001's Note - it seems unlikely, it is not something he has tried before.}

6.) 16 Jul 2024 23:46:58
I’d just let him play as a natural full back and break assist records again.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 00:35:41
If Slot likes the total football approach whilst having Fullbacks invert to DM, is it not feasible that Trent and Bradley both start and interchange positions, one being the RB that moves to DM, and the other being the right sided winger? They could swap, interchange on the fly to suit their strengths depending on the game momentum and confuse out of the opposition. Just a thought.

8.) 17 Jul 2024 00:53:27
Getting a bit bored of the Trent debate to be completely honest.
With a few exceptions, there is no player that is completely infallible. Some of the stuff I'm reading about Trent is just making my mind wobble.

Walker is supposedly the best English fullback but constantly gets caught out again and again and again. Luis Diaz, who is apparently is surplus at Liverpool, rang absolutely rings around him and caught him out of position multiple times.
Just like Trent, just like any other great fullback can be prone to doing. And Walker is a complete nothing in the attacking third. His pace is his best asset. I'd never in a million years have Walker over Trent at fullback in my team.

9.) 17 Jul 2024 06:11:21
Ed01, do you like Trent as much as I do? You know what I mean haha.

{Ed001's Note - I love Trent, he is probably the best player at the club. I don't understand why anyone would be happy to let him go when he is just approaching what should be his peak.}

10.) 17 Jul 2024 07:44:23
Faith, I was a bit shocked to see Walker named in the team of the tournament. Thinking back, I honestly can't think of a standout performance from him. He didn't really offer anything going forward apart from running very fast, saka rarely seemed to use him as an outlet and instead came inside.
I personally also think walker was responsible for the two goals conceded in the final, yet he was never singled out in any analysis. Don't get me wrong, he is obviously talented, you don't have as successful a career as he has had without being so, but it just seemed out to me how he gets so much praise. Imagine if Trent was playing RB in the final, I have a feeling he'd have instantly been singled out for leaving so much space on the right etc.

11.) 17 Jul 2024 08:16:19
On Walker, Man city doesn’t come up against Spain or any team that has two world class wingers in the league.
Spain have Williams and Yamal on either side who are Prime Mane and Salah. They can destroy you with shear pace.
Nobody talks about how crap Saka was for both the goals. Offering zero help tracking back.
England had kids in their midfield compared to Spain who has (Ruiz, Rodri, Olmo and Zubemendi) .

12.) 17 Jul 2024 08:18:21
Stuie, you’re not wrong, I think Walker was entirely culpable for the Spanish goals. He literally went missing for both of them. Personally I think the whole “team of the season”/ “team of the tournament” is a pointless exercise and meaningless accolade, the fact that Walker was put into one pretty much hardens my view on that.

As for Trent, I don’t see him as a midfielder, or at least not one you’d want sat in front of the defence, he could be the greatest attacking right back ever alongside the likes of Cafu and that’s where I see him.

13.) 17 Jul 2024 09:17:49
I don't think how someone performs in a Southgate setup is much to go by in all honesty. We would all think Declan is crap based on this and he is far from that.

Give the lad a run of games in midfield in pre season and see how he gets on.

14.) 17 Jul 2024 10:15:03
Walker was behind Embolo for the Swiss goal too…. just saying he gets himself in some really bad positions and relies on his pace to get back.

15.) 17 Jul 2024 10:17:50
Yeah Viktor, I agree with you. Let Trent do what he does best and stop shoe horning him into a MF. It must be so frustrating to be part of that England team, the pinnacle of international football bar the WC and you don't even really get a game, and not just Trent. The likes of Toney, Bowen, Gordon etc. I thought Mainoo did well but he was anonymous in the final. Must be difficult sitting on the bench knowing you're never getting called upon unless there is an injury even though those ahead of you are underperforming.

16.) 17 Jul 2024 11:01:28
Jaguar - Lamine Yamal was in midfield for Spain for most of the match. If he is not the definition of “kid in midfield” then I don’t know what is. And if Pedro had been fit he would have been in there too!

We had Mainoo and latterly Palmer. Both th gave good accounts of themselves throughout the tournament.

Kane, who is no kid, was probably our worst player. What is your point because I am struggling to see it?

17.) 17 Jul 2024 11:11:40
Again I don’t think it is managers shoehorning Trent into MF positions. It is more down to where Trent wants to play and I believe he wants to do that as a midfielder.

18.) 17 Jul 2024 12:01:06
Yamal and Williams are Spain’s wide players. Spain fielded Rodri / Fabian / Olmo in midfield and later Zubemendi. You could argue Pedri instead of Olmo. I am referring to experience here.
England had Mainoo and Rice.

19.) 17 Jul 2024 12:37:53
Thing is Irish, we’re a football club, not make a wish. He may well want to play there, but that doesn’t mean he should. Beckham was exactly the same, wanted to be in the middle of the park but when played there it never worked. There isn’t one top side where he starts as a centre midfielder, as a right back he gets in ever side as there isn’t a better attacking right back. He should focus on the player he is then waste time on something he isn’t.

20.) 17 Jul 2024 12:50:11
The answer for Trent is play him at RB again and have him covered when he goes forward, how he played when we had the best attacking fullbacks in the world, he should be made captain now to keep him.

21.) 17 Jul 2024 13:02:33
spot on Viktor.

22.) 17 Jul 2024 13:48:59
VV, Walker has been at fault for goals like that lots of times at City BUT cos he name ain't Trent, you prolly never knew that. Goes missing a lot in those exact situations a lot.

As for Trent, he's going to have to show us he can play in midfield. if not, it's back to RB for me, IMO.

23.) 17 Jul 2024 16:56:24
Williams and Yamal are brilliant young players. But they are not yet, and weren't in the Euros, prime Mane and Salah!

The very suggestion is beyond laughable.



17 Jun 2024 20:31:51
Hello ed1 hope u well. Have u seen much of jaros, the goalie on loan in Austria? with us looking likely to need a no.2 as I presume kelleher will go would he be good enough do u think? He has won double in Austria as starting keeper and has made Czech squad for euros so he must be doing something right. Considering how often alisson gets injured it's a v important position for us a good no.2.


{Ed001's Note - I haven't seen much of him at all sorry. He is highly rated but I expect him to want to continue getting first team football.}

1.) 18 Jun 2024 03:16:43
I think that Jaros has shown that he is a good keeper that should definitely be playing at a higher level than the Austrian league. But he should be cautious though, about wanting to move to another team for first team football. He is still fairly young for a keeper and I appreciate his hunger on wanting to play regularly. But there are so many players like him that made a move too early or made a wrong move, and are now languishing. Danny Ward springs to mind. A decent up and coming keeper who moved to Leicester early in hopes of first team football and has been second choice ever since.

{Ed001's Note - I meant on loan mate. I expect him to move out on loan again for the season.}

2.) 18 Jun 2024 07:06:05
Thanks for response ed1. A Pity as he should remember he will get fa cup+ league cup matches with lfc and going by allisson previous injury record he will prob get some league+ maybe champ league games as well.

{Ed001's Note - that's not really enough for a young keeper to progress. He needs to be playing every week.}

3.) 18 Jun 2024 09:16:49
Its a difficult one because if Kelleher leaves we need a keeper that will be understudy to arguably the best keeper in the world but then also be good enough to step up and likely play quite a few games.

Kelleher made 26 appearances last season due to Alison's injuries.

4.) 18 Jun 2024 09:29:18
Ahh, then that makes sense Ed. I thought you meant he would look to move permanently in search of first team football. Going out on loan again would be the safer option for his development although I was hoping that he would stay behind and take Kelleher's spot in the squad if Kelleher goes. Pitaluga seems like he has some way to go before he's ready so we would need to buy a 2nd GK if Jaros decides to go on loan.

5.) 18 Jun 2024 12:41:39
If Alisson is injured as often as some some reckon, why would Kelleher want to leave?

6.) 18 Jun 2024 17:13:46
VV is right we ain’t winning the league particularly if we don’t supplement the squad. We’ve won one title in over 30 years… there’s a reason.

7.) 18 Jun 2024 18:56:47
Man City, Kippers?



12 May 2024 10:41:27
Hello ed1 hope u keeping well. What u make of young danns? I impressed what I seen of him, although that hasn't been an awful lot, looks like a goalscorer. I v surprised he wasn't used last month r so as he looked to me that he exactly type of player we needed at the time, somebody to stick ball in net. our forwards at the time looked like they had the wait of the world on them, somebody like danns, fresh and young with no baggage would've been well worth a go imo.
I know he suffered concussion against forest which ruled him out for a while.


{Ed001's Note - I am also surprised he was not given more opportunities, he looks a genuine goalsniffer with a decent link up play too. I really like the look of him, even though on first glance he seems a bit awkward and gangly. It does look like he is still growing into his body, so I wouldn't want him to be starting every week, but he looks ready for more time than he is getting. Especially with Jota out, we really lack someone who can actually be relied upon to score.}

1.) 12 May 2024 10:57:35
Was crying out for him to come on vs United in that final 10 minutes.

2.) 12 May 2024 11:02:19
Danns is a very good, young propect with the extremely little i've seen of him. The goals he has scored for the senior and U21 games are quite tasty in terms of his composure in front of goal. See his goals vs Southhmpton and his goal vs Utd with the U21's with an audacious back heel. He is definitely one to watch out for next season.

3.) 12 May 2024 11:36:26
Thanks for response. Reminds me a bit of Harry kane when he 1st broke into spurs team as a youngster.

4.) 12 May 2024 11:56:52
This is one thing I hope the new manager picks up on - the youngsters, id be prioritizing them from the off especially him, Bradley and quansah. Give them their chances or we'll lose them because all three are that good, they could go pretty much anywhere in this league right now so I hope they keep here and get their chances.

5.) 12 May 2024 13:06:06
Bradley and Quansah have been starting. They and Danns wouldn't be going to City and Arsenal and starting.
I'm pretty sure about that.

6.) 12 May 2024 13:11:44
Salah the youngsters have really stepped up this season.

Was said the other day that the two seasons Klopp has used the kids the most are the 2 seasons we have been in the Europa.

Next season in the CL we will likely have to go full strength every game. That leaves the Fa and League cup but that’s all based on the draws.

Over recent seasons we seem to get drawn against Premier league opposition quite a bit whilst City get drawn at home to the dog and duck local pub team.

7.) 12 May 2024 13:54:51
Out of interest, does anyone know if slot uses youngsters? or is he more of a veteran type coach?
I'm surprised now that we've got nothing to play for we haven't seen some of the youngsters more, especially with some of the dips in form.

8.) 12 May 2024 15:10:01
Slot has a very good record in working with young players. Infact, he has never signed anyone over the age of 24 while at Feyenoord if I remember correctly. However, that is something you expect with managers in the Dutch league, so it would be interesting to see if he tweaks the approach now given that he has considerably more money and pull now. At the same time, I believe his use of youth must have been an important factor while hiring him.

9.) 12 May 2024 16:16:48
Koumas looks like a player too, more of a Beardsley type player but can certainly score. Needs more first team play.

10.) 12 May 2024 17:13:39
Beardsley was a top player. Him, Barnes and Aldridge were brilliant for us. What a summer that was for us signing those three after selling Ian Rush.
I'd be thrilled if Koumas turns out half as good as Beardsley.

11.) 12 May 2024 17:52:18
Edd001 i think klopp now has regrets on team selection. His comment of regret on not playing elliot more was very surprising because we've all been wondering WHY. He never gave a reason why but i think ultimately loyalty to other players plus the way we were playing cost us. Even young bradley getting injured, the comment klopp made comparing him to trent i thought was wrong. I don't think he's got it right with the younger players who were actually getting us through the tough period. He disregarded them once the "stars" returned and those same stars let us down.

12.) 12 May 2024 19:03:43
If we'd played Elliott more I reckon we finish third and having won the Carabao Cup.
It wouldn't change our League position or have kept us in the Europa.
This is not a slight against because I like him but he's not a player that would have changed the course of our season.
Not yet anyway.

13.) 12 May 2024 19:18:59
He looks like a member of Bone thugz and harmony as well as a good footballer. Fingers crossed he will get a chance to impress in pre season along with others. Hoping Bajcetic can stay injury free he needs minutes on the pitch that’s for sure. Exciting times ahead out with the old in with the new.

14.) 13 May 2024 01:08:53
Mizer, I wouldn't read too much into what Klopp said, about not playing Elliott more. If I recall correctly, said the same thing about Minamino as well the season we won the Carling Cup.

{Ed001's Note - and he was right about Minamino - he should have played him more.}

15.) 13 May 2024 04:12:31
And I agree with that Ed, Minamino should have played more. Just pointing out that there is precedence to Klopp saying that he should have played xxx player more often, so it is not all that surprising that he is saying so again. It is more surprising that he has not learnt from it though, choosing instead to be "loyal" to players who are under-performing.

16.) 13 May 2024 11:44:29
Dracred, took the words right out of my mouth cos Klopp did openly say that about Mino and at the time, I was screaming for Klopp to play him more. Mino got a raw deal from Klopp and had he played him more, he could have done more. That's on Klopp. Loyalty will ALWAYS be one of his blind spots, IMO.



21 Apr 2024 09:40:09
Hello ed1 hope u good. Have u seen much of owen beck? Do u see him as a possibility in team/ squad next season if we play wing backs?
I see he has got in to Scottish team of season, which v good achievement playing for a team outside of the old firm . obviously big step up to play for a team 2wards top of prem, he 21 now so u would imagine it now r never for him at lfc. haven't seen anything of him myself.


{Ed001's Note - I think he deserves the chance, I thought we should have considered letting Tsimikas go in the summer to give him a chance. So I defo think he has shown he is capable and ready to play for us. I know it is only Dundee, but he is one of the few players that Rangers and Celtic fans always rave about when he plays against them, so he can handle the big occasion.}

1.) 21 Apr 2024 10:51:55
Will be an opportunity for all squad members to impress the new manager during pre season.

Klopp clearly has the players he likes to start but the slate will be wiped clean.

I think apart from below no one else is a guaranteed starter under the new manager whoever it may be.

Alison world class keeper

Vvd still a world class centre half and unless we buy 2 more world class centre half’s he starts

Trent - 50/ 50 on this one as no idea where new manager sees him playing

Mac - only my opinion but he’s different gravy in our midfield

Salah - but that’s only if he’s even still here.

2.) 21 Apr 2024 13:22:41
Robertson and Beck for next season and Gomez can fill in then I’d go big on repalcing Robertson after next season.

3.) 21 Apr 2024 13:39:26
As an aberdonian I’ve seen beck on several occasions this season live, and I have been very impressed with him, Tommy docherty has been raving about him all season to our old manager derek Mcinnes, and a few other folk I know. He is going to be a real talent.

4.) 21 Apr 2024 14:52:10
Well Ed, it's going to be a clean slate for everyone when the new manger gets in regardless what he may have seen of us this season cos I believe the new guy has already been hired. We shall see.

5.) 21 Apr 2024 21:36:19
I agree JK only 3-4 nailed on starters for next season. If you want to play you better show up.

6.) 22 Apr 2024 10:29:38
@Onekiss - if Beck is good enough to be in the first team squad next season, why do we need to”go big” the following season when we get rid of Robbo? Why don’t we promote Beck as a starter and bring in an understudy to him - perhaps Chambers? Perhaps we can save literally millions eh?

7.) 23 Apr 2024 10:17:42
WDW it depends how good Beck performs. Robertson was the best left back in the world at his peak. If Beck can be that then great.




Digger10's rumour replies


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15 Jul 2024 19:27:58
His father's comments have been v poor considering support lfc gave the player and his family, but in fairness to diaz u will always get 100% off him on pitch. his output as regards goals and assists would need to be better but I don't see where you will get a better player than him at reasonable money. Gordon a good player, not a great 1 and at reported price of £75m he serious price and is he improvement on diaz at all? 1 benefit gordon would have is that he wants badly to play for us which good but I'm not so sure he any better than diaz as a player.




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15 Jul 2024 17:44:23
I'd prefer to keep diaz and sell nunez in an ideal world. If salah stays play him upfront, diaz on right, gakpo on left. jota+ danns as support and another pacy winger. If slot prefers his wingers playing wide as opposed to cutting in i think possibly help diaz playing on right and getting toeards byline, a lot of last season he cutting in from left into trouble and ended up going backways.




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12 Jul 2024 05:58:49
For me vvd has been thee crucial player during the klopp era. Nothing happens without his signing imo, a colossus for us for many years. from 17/ 18 til his injury he best cb ever I seen anywhere and that not because he lfc player. he almost like 1 man defence at time, periods around then that gomez and matip played with him they looked like world class players, which with all due respect to them in hindsight they weren't, I think that Down to vvd playing alongside them.
Whenever we do have to replace vvd, which is coming 1 way r another, we will have some job to do.




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29 Jun 2024 07:53:26
Yeah ed1 I think that correct, i believe we released him due to him being too small. What u think of him as a player ed1? at the right fee and if diaz leaves yes, but i wouldn't be going too heavy money wise on him, would be my call.


{Ed001's Note - no thank you, he was released because he is not good enough and he still isn't. No skill, just pace. For me he is a Vardy-type player and that is where he should be playing. However to get the most out of a player like that, you need to play on the counter.}



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29 Jun 2024 07:14:40
I think the interest in ANTONY gordon is geniune. he done few interviews lately and spoke v highly of liverpool where he could which v surpriseing coming from an ex everton player. He definetly a good player but i certainly wouldn't pay a record fee for him which has been mooted. other positions in team need strengthening before that imo.


{Ed001's Note - he is a Liverpool fan and started off in the Liverpool academy if I remember correctly.}




Digger10's banter replies


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27 Jul 2024 07:43:33
John barnes. Poetry in motion.


{Ed025's Note - marvelous player Digger..



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26 Jul 2024 13:33:38
Curtis needs to stay fit, that's no.1 priority for him. Doesn't matter the style we play if he can only play 4-6 games without breaking down with something or other, he needs to be moved on.

For the record, I think there is an excellent player there who could go on to be a great player for lfc, but his availability has to be better.




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24 Jul 2024 19:50:58
I'd like to see salah play up top, i think it the natural evolution in his career. Agree with ron as regards salah not being most clinical forward but what he has always been world class at is non stop movement. That's why he gets so many chances and scores more than his fair share. Gakpo on left, mo up top and diaz on right would be my front 3 if there a cup final in morning.




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21 Jul 2024 09:04:29
Thanks for that fixer, good to get an idea on the formation we guna go with if he sticks to that.
If he wants wingers playing v wide would diaz not be ideal on the right?




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20 Jul 2024 11:18:41
Szobo will do from now on!




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