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13 Nov 2023 11:39:28
A search didn't bring anything recent up - is there anything in the rumours linking us with Lloyd Kelly from Bournemouth?


{Ed002's Note - Lloyd Kelly (CB) Free Agent next summer interesting Spurs, Milan Borussia Dortmund and West Ham. Wildcard may be Fulham, Newcastle or even Liverpool who have a lengthy list of CBs being considered.}

1.) 13 Nov 2023 11:54:32
Cheers Ed002. Can't say I've seen him play really but assume he's half decent based on the list of interested teams ?.

2.) 13 Nov 2023 12:48:17
Might be wrong but I'm pretty sure Liverpool had a lot interest a long time ago when he moved to Bournemouth, would be a very good option to replace Matip with potentially saying that I feel Quansah has shown more then enough to be 3rd/ 4th choice.

{Ed002's Note - There was interest before.}

3.) 13 Nov 2023 12:30:20
How do I search for that CB list ED? Any names to search for?

{Ed002's Note - I don't want to get involved in providing any lists at this time.}

4.) 14 Nov 2023 11:11:18
He would be a great signing.

5.) 14 Nov 2023 18:18:20
Nah, Lfcfan_03beef. We can definitely do better than Kelly, bro.

6.) 15 Nov 2023 10:19:58
If its for free in the summer its a good signing for me too. especially if the club still thinks Chambers needs a loan.

7.) 17 Nov 2023 00:30:50
Only thinking squad option, tidy player with plenty of potential and youd think quite cheap, Ed2 has told us a few times that Tsimikas won't last forever as our backup so would be a fine addition in my opinion. If you haven’t watched so much of him take a little look. Since I made that post I also have seen a few rumours about Ait-nouri (sp sorry if wrong) who I do also like. Neither would spell the end for Chambers I don’t think.



21 Jul 2023 13:16:32
I know we've seen this dismissed before but reading earlier that City and Leipzig are some way apart over Gvardiol - any chance of us stepping in now that we have extra funds available from the Hendo/ Fab sales?


{Ed002's Note - Of course not.}

1.) 21 Jul 2023 16:32:45
They not selling this year and us signing him next???just kidding.



13 Apr 2022 07:23:26
Eds, seen us linked with Gelson Bremer of Torino in the press a few times recently - anything in this? Wasn't sure we need another CB at the moment unless someone is moving on perhaps.


{Ed002's Note - Try searching.}

1.) 13 Apr 2022 11:26:00
I can see Gomez leaving for Villa so that he gets to play. I also see a need for an elite CB who can challenge the rest. Gomez is not that suited to our system, and is unlucky w injuries. I like the look of Bremer, but it appears he has chosen Inter.
Wonder why we bid for Demiral and then didn't go for him once he became available.

2.) 13 Apr 2022 12:29:18
Would have thought Gomez was perfect for our system.

3.) 13 Apr 2022 12:58:48
How is Gomez not suited to our system he's perfect for it. rapid and decent on the ball.

4.) 13 Apr 2022 14:10:43
I think that Ed1 said once that it’s cos he’s not good in the air which is needed for the high line.

5.) 13 Apr 2022 14:25:09
What about either of the centre half’s from Burnley. Ben mee and Tarkowski spelling 🤣. remember when they were highly thought of 👍👍.

6.) 13 Apr 2022 16:33:06
Can imagine dem 2 defending near d halfway line alrite! Gomez on the other hand is nearly as quick as Virg.

7.) 13 Apr 2022 17:35:33
Gomez isn't suited to our system?
Baffled by that to be honest.

8.) 13 Apr 2022 18:38:07
Gomez should be playing next to VVD. Klopp has that wrong imo. Gomez would cover the area Trent leaves much better than Matip. And of course Matip is the deflection own goal king. Matip has been good but not as good as Gomez was in the title winning season and of course Gomez could be playing in our side for the next 10 years.

9.) 13 Apr 2022 19:43:03
I've got the faintest suspicion that this Klopp fella know what he's doing.

10.) 14 Apr 2022 01:56:10
Spot on Flash. Best manager in the world, yet all the experts here know better than him, lol.

11.) 14 Apr 2022 09:49:03
Gomez isn't good enough he's a ball watcher. the only thing that bails him out is his pace. Virgil doesn't need pace he's always in the right position. thast thetype of cb we need, not a recovering CB.

12.) 14 Apr 2022 11:25:58
I thought Matip was the ball watcher who is constantly caught out with balls over the top. I don't get where this dislike for Gomez comes from - before his injury him and VVD were the main CB partnership and he didn't put a foot wrong. Personally, I still think Gomez is a better CB than Matip and Konate.

13.) 14 Apr 2022 15:41:52
Totally agree, he needs games, is England best CB when MATCH fit and can assist like Trent too and at one point was the fastest in the team. One hell of a player.

14.) 14 Apr 2022 17:51:37
Centre backs generally need pace in our system due to the high line they defend with (Matip possibly being a slight exception) . And I see Van Dijk using his pace on a regular basis, if he didn't we'd be conceding a damned sight more than we are now.

15.) 14 Apr 2022 19:58:05
Hi ed. do we have any attention on Lovro Majer? Appreciate for your thoughts. thank you.

{Ed002's Note - No, this is just another random player.}

16.) 14 Apr 2022 20:02:50
If Gomez played for another top European side and was available, everyone on here would be screaming for his signature. Top player in my opinion.

17.) 15 Apr 2022 10:11:51
I agree with Stuie, Gomez is our 2nd best CB and perfectly suited to our system, letting him go would be a huge mistake.

18.) 15 Apr 2022 19:15:06
Games stays IMO. Really quick and covers two positions well. The highline typically needs someone stronger in the air on paper, which matip offers, but JG isn't exactly bad either. I'd prefer recovery pace, especially going up against teams that try to pass through the back line.

19.) 16 Apr 2022 11:34:22
Gomez is a top player and his pace means he can play the high line we want very well. Honestly hope he stays as I see him and Konate as our cb partnership for years to come.

20.) 18 Apr 2022 00:02:13
I honestly think Gomez doesn’t get played purely because of his height. Being a top team means that teams target set pieces as their most realistic chance of scoring and Matip and Konate are better at defending them with their height and aerial ability.
Gomez did us proud in the title winning season he was outstanding and if he does leave I’m sure he will be again. Good luck to him.

21.) 20 Apr 2022 09:24:58
Do not think Gomez is aggressive enough in the air for us. With liverpool's high line and pressing up front, teams will lump it up, so you need the CB's and DM to be dominant in the air and while Gomez might not be weak in that area, he's behind others.



25 Mar 2022 14:38:50
Just reading that Leeds are looking to buy Ryan Kent from Rangers, fee mentioned is £20m. Any of the Eds know whether there is a sell-on clause from when we sold him to Rangers? Could be a nice boost (or pay Salah's new wage for a couple of weeks) .


{Ed002's Note - Kent's TMS listing has a sell on clause identified on a sliding scale. It seems unlikely anyone would pay £20M for him. It is hard to see Leeds having a need for him.}

1.) 25 Mar 2022 18:08:43
Jaysus are be scraping the barrel we need to be looking for a sell on clause he’s not worth 5m.

2.) 25 Mar 2022 22:20:23
@Jay, some call it scrapping the barrel, some call it sound business sense.

3.) 26 Mar 2022 02:48:43
Jay won’t even pay for Sky Sports yet Liverpool are the ones scraping the barrel 😭.

4.) 26 Mar 2022 04:18:42
I wouldn't pay for Sky Sports either. Scumbag channel.

5.) 26 Mar 2022 04:21:00
If scraping the barrel means getting 1m more . I am for scrapping my life.

6.) 26 Mar 2022 12:23:03
Jay why is he not worth that Leeds payed £15m for Dan James and he is worse than awful.

7.) 26 Mar 2022 15:21:02
James is doing his best in the epl! Scottish league is below championship level in my opinion.

8.) 26 Mar 2022 18:22:00
VVD must be crap aswell then having played for Celtic, tierney aswell?

9.) 26 Mar 2022 19:50:03
Jay Kent did not look to bad against Dortmund don’t think I have seen James play good once for Leeds or Utd loads of pace and that’s it.

10.) 27 Mar 2022 03:31:28
I don’t watch a lot of Scottish football but I have never thought Kent has stood out for Rangers, I would be amazed if someone would pay £20m for him.

11.) 27 Mar 2022 04:17:39
Kent’s value isn’t really the point.

It is more a case of our revenue streams have been seriously disrupted over the past couple of years and a person who isn’t shy at saying that the club has no money and that the owners won’t spend is saying the club shouldn’t be ars#d trying to make money out of a sell on clause. Just seems strange to me.



08 Jan 2022 12:04:14
Spurs looking to bid for Traore according to the press today chaps. That should put that one to bed unless Klopp wants to push the boat out for his alleged obsession 😂.


1.) 08 Jan 2022 12:24:53
If klopps and conte's reportes interest is true its mad how little both know about football. I honestly think some fans living at home in there Mothers attic could do a better job than these overpaid overhyped ciaches sometimes.

2.) 08 Jan 2022 12:32:47
They can have him.
My main concern is Villa want Bissouma now. We’re going to miss some very big targets if the club don’t start selling and spending. He’s one player I think we are in need of. Midfield looks tired and is ageing or not working or both.

3.) 08 Jan 2022 14:10:52
Brighton to Villa would be a step up but not to the extent of moving to Liverpool and playing under Klopp would be. I’m sure (might be wrong) but Bissouma’s preference would surely be Liverpool and Klopp.

But the problem is Brightons preference would probably be 50 mill in cash from Villa over milk tokens paid over 60 months by Liverpool.

4.) 08 Jan 2022 14:29:22
I would no point for a player to move from Brighton to Villa except for more money. A step up, but not enough to warrant the move unless its for money imo.

5.) 08 Jan 2022 15:26:39
And yet we saw a 31yr old leave Madrid and the champs Lge yesterday for a relegation fight on sunny Týneside.

6.) 08 Jan 2022 15:32:39
Liverpool might be a bigger step up but we haven’t bud so it’s a mute point, Villa will be a good team given time and it’s a step up from Brighton.

7.) 08 Jan 2022 16:57:04
Tripper wanted to leave and come back to England. I fail to see the comparison.

8.) 08 Jan 2022 17:16:17
Ok, he would have swapped Madrid and champs lge under Simeone for that Newcastle side before the saudi's arrived witheir chequebook. At his age its not even as if he's going to see trophies there. He'll probably be relegated in May. Mattress b fulla nice cash though.

9.) 08 Jan 2022 17:23:27
Jason Havertz, sure, you know better than Klopp. Dream on, and keep playing FIFA.

10.) 08 Jan 2022 17:36:58
I knew there'd be one😆.

11.) 08 Jan 2022 18:19:29
Aye but you had to wait 5 hours Jadon. All the same, there's always one.

12.) 08 Jan 2022 19:07:36
Maybe there was no suitors for tripper until Newcastle owners ce in. I mean ots a pretty good fit. They need to upgrade and he is experienced.

13.) 08 Jan 2022 19:33:45
Bored Irish, the highlight of my day😆.

14.) 08 Jan 2022 21:29:28
Klopp as also hinted he won't sign unvaccinated players.

15.) 09 Jan 2022 03:21:43
I may be wrong here but wasn’t it said (by Ed02 maybe - but I stand to be corrected) that Bissouma preferred Arsenal as a destination when a few of us were getting into a tizzy in the summer transfer window?

16.) 09 Jan 2022 10:54:21
Maybe Aresnal won't prefer him tho WDW?




johnnyr1970's banter posts with other poster's replies to johnnyr1970's banter posts


30 Mar 2024 10:27:23
Torres back at Anfield and shadowing Klopp in training. Could this be the new Spanish manager we're looking for?

Joking obvs! But who knows these days ??.


1.) 30 Mar 2024 10:46:53
He’ll need to be a quick learner Johnnyr. Klopp is gone in seven weeks mate ?.

2.) 30 Mar 2024 12:24:07
Like I said, only joking, but given the likely managerial merry go round this summer, I'm ruling nothing out ?

TBH I'd be amazed if whoever is coming in hasn't already been sewn up so they can join they day after Jürgen leaves. As you say that's only 7 weeks away and we need a replacement in asap to start planning for next season, Edwards and co know this obvs.



26 Jan 2024 11:13:45
Surprised this has come out now, possible to derail what looks like it could be a good season ☹️.


1.) 26 Jan 2024 11:25:44
I reckon journos may have got wind of it, so getting the club to announce it before rumours swirl is smart. If the club need to start speaking with other managers, that's more and more people knowing what is going on and greater chance of people talking.

We all knew it'd happen eventually and no greater motivation for the players now. Let's go and win the lot and send the man out on the highest note possible.

2.) 26 Jan 2024 11:36:44
Pretty sure the only people that did not know about it are us fans. And he said that in his interview. Everyone within the club had known about it since Nov. and he literally said that if it "derails" the good season then, that's on him and the players.

3.) 26 Jan 2024 12:50:40
That's what I think WYred, think he had to say it or is was going to be a big story broke, someone's got wind of it.



22 Jan 2024 17:05:58
I'm asking for trouble now but. does anyone else think that Gomez holds down that LB spot for now even when Robertson is fit? I think it's working well so far, why change it?


1.) 22 Jan 2024 17:15:15
It's a valid argument now which is saying something about how good Joe is playing right now.

Not for me personally though. I'm a massive Robertson fan.

But this inverted RB formation seems to work better with Joe.

Still Robertson for me though. He is just electric and going forward makes that left side lethal.

Man that was tough. Hard to choose between two players you love. And Tsimikas. Love him too. LB is covered to say the least.

2.) 22 Jan 2024 18:08:18
As long as Robbo is available, the spot is his for me but at the same time, I completely agree with Davey, it is a tough one. Part of me thinks why change what's clearly working? Gomez has done incredible and we can't fault him but we're talking about Robbo here, he has to start when fit.

3.) 22 Jan 2024 18:15:55
I thought the same thing during the Bournemouth game to be honest. Huge Robbo fan, but unless you're moving him to RB, I don't think you can drop Gomez from the team at the moment. The way the games have unfolded so far, it's not a stretch to imagine one for weekend games, one for midweek games, which, along with our front line, gives us the strongest lb combination in the league IMO.

4.) 22 Jan 2024 18:51:33
I concur. Massive Robbo fan but he should have to fight for it and earn that place back from Gomez.

5.) 22 Jan 2024 19:23:10
Robbo has been fantastic for us so this isn't a slating but I just felt we looked a bit weaker at the back earlier in the season than we do now, and that's coincided with Gomez playing really well. Good problem for the manager to have as the old cliche goes.

6.) 22 Jan 2024 20:29:39
OP, the only good thing with Gomez playing lights out right now is that we don't have to rush Robbo back to play and even when he is fully fit and ready, Gomez should still keep his place cos at that point, he will be playing with a lot of confidence and momentum and it would be foolish to cut all that short suddenly.

7.) 22 Jan 2024 20:29:50
Isn’t it great that we can debate this .
I can’t remember the last time we could have so many different opinions on who plays where when everyone is fit .

How far we have come.

8.) 22 Jan 2024 20:43:13
Gomez has been so good this season. But I still feel, Diaz's game suffers from not having a left sided LB. Robertson still the first choice for me. But Joe has been nothing short of fantastic. The application has been first class.

9.) 22 Jan 2024 21:32:09
Robbo is a genuine attacking outlet down that left hand side. Gomez much less so.
It's a tough one, but whatever happens I badly want to see Gomez get his first goal for the club. preferably with one of those long range efforts he seems to let go at least once in every game now.

10.) 22 Jan 2024 21:47:55
Would defs keep playing Gomez. Lose a bit going forward but shores up the defence and arguably takes pressure off Trent defensively to allow him to go and play his game.
With Trent and Robbo bombing on it often leaves us exposed.

11.) 22 Jan 2024 21:50:00
I think when Robbo is back we might see Gomez get more game time in the middle allowing Konate to have his game time managed.

12.) 23 Jan 2024 01:16:56
Gomez keeps his place in the team, simple as that. Not only is the team winning (do not make unnecessary changes to a winning team), but Gomez is starting to look like the top class, brutal defender we hoped he’d become. He was excellent from 2018-2020, but was limited by his size at the time and age. Now, he’s bigger, stronger and more aggressive to go along with his defensive ability.

13.) 23 Jan 2024 03:44:34
I'm with Oli on this though. Robbo would still be first choice at LB for me purely because that is his natural position unlike Gomez but, Gomez's form does mean that Robbo has more time to get up to speed and get used to the demands of playing again. There's now no urgency to rush players back from injury, which is a testament to how good our squad is at the moment.

14.) 23 Jan 2024 04:05:40
I wouldn’t make changes to a winning team looks. Plus Gomez has been one of our star performers these last 8 weeks or so. Put him right back he perform, put him left back he performs. That’s pretty impressive by all accounts. It’s a tough one but Gomez stays left back for the time being. Trent has to come in because he is one of the main players in the side. So back four of Gomez, VVD, Konate and Trent for me. Gomez can always go right back later on in matches, Trent moves into midfield and Robbo goes left back. Klopp has pushed Trent into midfield in the latter stages of games, so it’s not a far fetched idea.

15.) 23 Jan 2024 07:52:49
Really impressed with Gomez of late his confidence and energy has been awesome
Robbo will be so happy to be back soon fighting for his spot
Lucky to have healthy competition.

16.) 23 Jan 2024 08:38:37
i Think Joe Gomez keeps the LB position until he at least scores YNWA.

17.) 23 Jan 2024 08:55:59
First world problems, right Dhfc?

18.) 23 Jan 2024 09:50:06
It just means we don't have to rush Robertson back doesn't it, so its a win win for everyone.

19.) 23 Jan 2024 10:13:49
I personally don't believe in dropping a player who has been performing really well. I think robbo should be brought back in when form dips or injury hits. He won't be fully fit for a while anyway.

20.) 23 Jan 2024 11:25:41
Honestly a great debate to have isn't it? Think, given the sheer number of games coming up that we could well see one play midweek and one at the weekend

Interesting too we could rotate as well depending on the opposition and what is needed in game - a more attacking outlet? Definitely Robbo, works very well with Diaz too. More defensive and the ability to drop in as a 3rd cb to let TAA go to midfield? Definitely Gomez.

Great option and debate to have though isn't it?

21.) 23 Jan 2024 11:55:01
I personally believe that Joe should be kept at LB for the foreseeable.

I think he helps the inverted Trent role work better. My opinion only is that when Trent moves in and we go to the make shift back 3 Joe is a natural CB. Where as asking Robbo to move into a back 3 is a square peg in a round hole. We just look more assured defensively with Joe back there.

The tactical play of both wing back bombing on has developed into the new system. Which ultimately wouldn't suit Robbo.

I am glad i'm not Jurgen or Pep having to make such decisions.

{Ed025's Note - dont worry about the fullback position RedO, joe will be injured shortly mate...after all he has played about 5 games now so thats his season nearly over i expect.. :)

22.) 24 Jan 2024 00:40:56
That's a but unfair on Joe though Ed. He does seem to be injury prone but a check on his injury history paints a different picture. While it does seem like he misses a lot of games due to injury, he basically only had two very significant periods where he was out due to major problems - first in 15/ 16 where he was out for 234 days due to cruciate ligament problems and the second in 20/ 21 where he was out for 231 days due to patellar tendon problems after reporting for England duty and being overplayed.

Since coming back from that, he has just missed 5 games due to injury. Fair point, his form was poor for the entirety of last season and he was out of the side because of that but to say that it was because of injuries would be incorrect.

{Ed025's Note - thats why i just love Liverpool supporters Drac, last season when he was not playing well the majority on here wanted shut of him, now he has come in and done a good job and is apparently "World class" now!, i actually think hes a decent player but a bit injury prone and can be inconsistent mate..



28 Sep 2023 06:30:59
Anyone got any thoughts on why we seem to be conceding first in so many games. Not having an issue with the ultimate results just find it odd that we're not starting games as positively as we're ending them and nervous that it might catch up on us eventually!


1.) 28 Sep 2023 06:55:25
No idea! The goals we’ve conceded have kinda been different too and the opposition have to be good enough to take the chance.

I can remember many games when we’ve scored first but that was after the opposition missed a chance themselves.

2.) 28 Sep 2023 06:57:30
Better teams won’t be so kind.

3.) 28 Sep 2023 07:17:21
Hopefully it's just a small run of bad luck rather than us not being 100% focused/ ready at the start of games!

4.) 28 Sep 2023 08:19:44
I've been saying it for weeks: we're not bothering to defend this season.
The focus is on scoring three every game ?.

5.) 28 Sep 2023 08:25:48
Look at the goals themselves in addition to the period we are conceding them. Without exception, when we concede first in games they are goals born from defensive errors which, with the quality of players we have, is down to a lack of concentration and nothing more. Bournemouth, Newcastle, Wolves, Leicester - all early goals and all poor defensive errors.

6.) 28 Sep 2023 09:04:49
If Tsimikas didn’t go down holding his ankle I very much doubt Leicester would have scored!

7.) 28 Sep 2023 09:19:52
Not all goals are because of poor defending.

However, if you accept that they are then the argument that our defence is poor is self defeating, as we are on a 17 game unbeaten run in the PL and this season we have 7 wins and 1 draw from our 8 games.

As our defence keeps conceding less than the opposition then, logically, we have the best defence in the league at the current time.

8.) 28 Sep 2023 09:53:31
Indeed, WDW3. And sorry, people need to miss me with the old, tired "other teams will not be so kind" and all that mess. It's football. Other teams will get chances against us and score due to the way we play. Move on.

Now in the games vs Chelsea, Bournmouth and Newcastle, those goals were down to individual errors/ not pushing up on the offside trap as a defensive block vs Chelsea, all of which can happen.

Vs Wolves again, individual defensive mistakes (not tracking your man, and Gomez and Matip standing around for Neto to walk past them) . Vs WH and LASK, I put it down to great play by the opposition while vs LC, it was a well worked counter attack. Like I said above, the other guys on the other team are pros. who get paid big wages to sort us out and find gaps, create chances and score goals. It is what it is. And Good luck keeping clean sheets in every game you play. I wouldn't hold my breathe tho.

9.) 28 Sep 2023 10:14:46
West Derby Wanderer - Point me to any, ANY, of the early goals we’ve conceded this season and tell me they were as a result of quality play by the opposition. You know full well that isn’t true.
Your whole comment makes no sense, surprising given what you normally post. And no one said our defence is poor, in fact most people agree it is stacked with world class players, hence the bafflement at why we’re conceding poor goals early in games.

10.) 28 Sep 2023 10:36:06
A lot of individuals errors.

11.) 28 Sep 2023 10:46:59
It’s to keep the betting syndicates happy, get a tenner on Liverpool winning 3-1 every game after conceding first. Lol.

12.) 28 Sep 2023 13:33:44
@IR yes, a lot of individual errors cos it is the start of the season and we have not even gotten a settled midfield nor back line yet due to injuries, new tactics, rotation, new players needing to bed in and suspensions.

Clearly, no team in history has had to deal with all of that at the start of a season until LFC pitched up. Like I said, it's football. It happens. No need to overthink it.

13.) 28 Sep 2023 14:20:32
By "better teams" you mean?

Let's look at the Stats:

5 Unwanted concessions in first 6 league games

However second lowest in Prem. Only City less with 3 and then Arsenal and Chelsea come joint 3rd with 6 in 6

Of the other teams top 8 Brighton 8, Newcastle and Spurs 7, Villa and West Ham 10

Needless to say Chelsea is the only team out of top 10 to then get close though they can't score hence where they are

Then other comps. The only team bettering us in goals conceded in the league also conceded first to average competition in the CL (we did in Europa) they conceded and are out of the other competition to have started.

Now to the games played:

I would argue (though not getting much counter argument and more agreement from those I speak to) that we have had as tough a start as any. Us and Newcastle have arguably had the hardest start in terms of teams played and that is set to continue for us for the next 2 with high flying Spurs and Brighton both away.

Last night a breakaway goal scored early and, in honesty, pure domination thereafter. I don't know about anyone else but at the moment when we have any form of setback (concession, red card) I am continually believing we will turn it around - that's a good feeling!

So all in all when you break it down, I don't think you can really confidently use the words "better teams" right now - certainly not in the context used?!

14.) 28 Sep 2023 13:36:02
Us and everyone else by the look of the stats then @Rigsby?

Except the scoring 3 that is esp. in Chelsea’s case.

15.) 28 Sep 2023 13:42:56
We’ve still conceded the second least goals to Man City, only 25 clean sheets across 20 teams (representing 120 opportunities for clean sheets across the 6 games) .

Conceding early is much better than conceding late unless you have a pretty decent cushion already.

Not conceding at all is of course best and but this is clearly not a league where clean sheets are an abundant norm and if you are an entertaining attacking team you do open up more but as long as you have the credentials to outscore why would your fans have issue?!

16.) 29 Sep 2023 05:43:21
^ what he said ?.



26 Mar 2023 16:22:31
Just noted that England are playing out first choice midfield for the 23/ 24 season. what a coincidence ??.


1.) 26 Mar 2023 17:16:55
Was a joke BTW, we all know Hendo won't be in it as Rabiot will be there instead.

2.) 26 Mar 2023 18:42:13
Thought it'd be trent.

3.) 26 Mar 2023 20:27:29
Did England start Henderson, Elliott amd Fabhino? As that's our starting midfield next season.

4.) 27 Mar 2023 00:57:02
See what you did there @Kim - you think we won’t be signing any mids don’t you?




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17 Jul 2024 09:40:43
'Make the team competitive'? I assume you never watched England play before Southgate took over. I don't want him as our club manager but two Euro finals and a world cup semi feels pretty competitive to me given what went before.




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16 Jun 2024 16:26:38
My only hope here is that any offer comes in at a sensible point for us to do something in terms of a replacement. Clubs know when the windows are, there's no need for an offer for our star player 10mins before it closes.




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12 Jun 2024 17:29:57
I see we're linked with Geertruida again today. Can anyone honestly say he's a better player than Gomez? Probably not but he'd probably cost twice as much as we'd get for Gomez yet offer similar ability/ vetsatility on the pitch.




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12 Jun 2024 14:29:04
Gomez is definitely a player I'd be looking to keep. Covers across the back 4 and does a good job pretty much every time he plays. So we can sell him for maybe £15m, how much will it cost to replace that much versatility?




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03 Jun 2024 16:57:21
I agree on Edwards, he's hardly tearing up the Portuguese league and if he was then surely he'd be in the England squad. Not for me.





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22 Jul 2024 19:14:49
I love how folk are losing their minds on transfers because United have chucked £50m at an 18 year old with no PL experience and Arsenal are/ have chucked £40m at an Italian defender (not sure I've seen any successful Italian defenders over here) . I think some of us need to calm down a bit, I'd rather get the right players in TBH.


{Ed025's Note - i get that Johnny but even so it can be a little frustrating i feel when nothing seems to be happening mate, for me i would like the club to give a bit of an update even if its just that they have irons in the fire, no need to mention names just that they are considering their options and that Slot would be backed by the club in this transfer window, it would certainly put the supporters at ease ....and make our job a lot easier.. :)



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20 Jul 2024 07:46:59
Do you see a situation where he might be able to take over from Salah on the right Ed001? Could be a perfect money saving solution to what happens when Mo leaves.


{Ed001's Note - yes, I think he could be the replacement there.}



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18 Jul 2024 10:58:49
I don't get this mucking about over Ignacio. If he's as good as our scouts think he is then get him paid for regardless of the payment terms. He's 22, could be our first choice CB for the next ten years and addresses the problem of replacing VVD.

I get paying it all at once might impact our cashflow and all that but I'd rather see one quality player come in than 2/ 3 average ones just because they were available through Klarna!




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17 Jul 2024 22:44:40
I find myself agreeing with VV far often these days! Once again he is correct that the lack of a class DM is affecting our ability to use TAAs best attributes e. g. flying up the wing from RB and putting in excellent crosses and long range passes. There’s just not enough quality cover right now to fill the gap he leaves.




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20 Jun 2024 13:20:42
Suker scored a goal pretty much every other game at his peak with Seville and Real Madrid. I think you're doing him a disservice here - great player in his prime years.




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