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27 Jul 2024 01:42:55
I get everyone is asking about transfers and comings and going's. but just to change things up a bit. people's favourite player for us? Not best player but favourite player?
I'm 45 years old and seen some absolutely class on show over the years but I'll kick things off with my pick . Bobby šŸ˜ what a player and absolutely loves Liverpool and mo and mane would never have achieved the numbers they had without Bobby., šŸ‘šŸ‘ Gerrard was a close 2nd but Bobby was just so special and went a little bit under the radar in my opinion. šŸ‘Œ.


{Ed077's Note - Torres for me. Torres in his prime for LFC


27 Jul 2024 02:59:04
Iā€™ve been a Liverpool fan for 30 years give or take, and the player I idolised the most growing up will probably be an unpopular one- McManaman šŸ«£. I played on the wing because of him, and I will admit to watching him play at Real even though he left us under acrimonious circumstances. I would say that besides choosing Macca for sentimental reasons, Fowler would be an obvious pick, and Xabi was always a joy to watch spraying passes from deep.

I would probably say that overall the best player I have seen play for Liverpool is Virgil at the height of his powers, though, when he was switched on he was in my opinion the most awe inspiring player in world football, a one man back four who could outpace and outmuscle anybody, was never caught out of possession or dribbled past, could win any battle in the air or the ground and with a ridiculous range of passing. So I think that my final answer would probably be Virgil.


27 Jul 2024 03:24:25
Bobby is a great choice.

Fowler for me.


27 Jul 2024 03:35:09
John Barnes without a shadow of doubt.


27 Jul 2024 00:50:58
Excited to watch the match in my home city. Any of you make it to Pittsburgh, I'd be curious for your thoughts. Mind you I've lived in Florida for 15 years.


27 Jul 2024 00:48:53
I put Dirk kuyt makes more sense I red he'd offered to give advise to work with Slot and Rated Geertruida highly More sense than a ex Everton player John Heitinga with limited coaching experience and far less playing achievements even less understanding and affiliation of what it means to be a Liverpool player . whereas Dirk Kuyt was a hell of a player who's work ethics were second to none and in my opinion a better choice.


26 Jul 2024 19:19:52
I think an outstanding DM would would solve so many of our defensive issues and really help with ball retention if thatā€™s Slots tactic - just imagine Rodri in our team last year, nothing against Endo as I rate him- itā€™s just thatā€™s the area that the ā€˜next levelā€™ DM can improve us and at the same time help Quansa and extend VVDs career, as theyā€™d be under less pressure.
No idea if we want one or who we could/ might get, but itā€™s the key to a great team in mho, eg; Gerrard, Keane, Robson, Reid, Souness, McMahon, Viera, Rodri, et al.


26 Jul 2024 19:52:01
I keep seeing people say we need a defensive midfielder but who exactly? Who is the defensive midfielder that is world class defensively whilst also being good enough on the ball for a team that has the majority of possession in 90% of the games they play?


26 Jul 2024 20:16:41
Youā€™ve drunk Viktorā€™s Koolade then.


26 Jul 2024 20:45:37
Rather let Bajectic develop under Endo. I think Endo continues to be quite underrated on here. He's a solid player with better vision and passing range than he's given credit for.


26 Jul 2024 21:15:55
Thunderbird 2, you ain't never lied. We hear the same thing all the time. "Oh, A Rodri type player is who we need", "We should be looking to bring in a top class, athletic, and bruising DM who is great on the ball to come in and . " etc. Does the latter exist or do we have to create him in a lab somwhere?

So since there is only one Rodri (or Rice), maybe we should actually start coming up actual names of these human beings at the DM position we can get that can do all this "Rodri" or "Rice" type stuff so we can discuss the topic a lot deeper. Now wee can always create our own model of DM that can do all this stuff in a lab somewhere in Siberia somewhere. That would be nice.


26 Jul 2024 21:22:28
The best hybrid type of centre midfielder who can play defensive midfielder is Ederson from Atalanta, defensively strong, great on the ball, mobile and physically strong, but thatā€™s not going to happen.

Weā€™ll either recruit extremely badly with someone like Kimmich or Rabiot or weā€™ll stick with what we have, in either case weā€™re not title contenders.


26 Jul 2024 21:40:24
Considering last season was Endoā€™s first in England I thought he did really well.


{Ed025's Note - i would say...relatively well Ron..


26 Jul 2024 22:46:57
2 seasons ago after the quadruple season we were in a similar boat. Lots of fans wanted the midfield improved and the fans that didnā€™t said that weā€™ve just competed for a quadruple so we didnā€™t need signings and we all know what happened next.

Iā€™m not saying history will repeat itself but thereā€™s also no guarantee that just because we were 3rd last season does it mean we will be competing next.

This is a huge step up for Slot and Iā€™ve seen loads say that he has a track record for improving players but Iā€™d argue thereā€™s more evidence out there of Klopp improving and getting more out of players.

Slots 100% got my backing and I think itā€™s going to take him time to make his mark on this league which is a league that Klopp only won once in 9 years. And thatā€™s despite him being regarded as the best manager in the world by many.


26 Jul 2024 23:05:29
Hard to suggest a player when we donā€™t actually know the Style of play weā€™re going to be using. But after tonight, we will have an idea.


27 Jul 2024 02:08:11
Just realised this when re-reading the post again but how did you list Gerrard as a "next level" DM? We were extremely open when we played him there and our strategy then was to outscore the opponent. He is a great player but a DM he is not.


26 Jul 2024 11:56:28
1 thing I didn't agree with slots press conference yesterday was he said this squad Is capable of challenging and its very hard to improve the current squad. I strongly disagree! the 2 teams above us have already strengthened and the reason we finished 3rd last season was because there squads were stronger and we were weaker in key areas . If we don't address this we could easily slip out of the top 4 never mind challenging.


26 Jul 2024 12:18:48
In fairness if thatā€™s what slot and the club thinks then great.

If they believe this squad can challenge then letā€™s go out and give it our all.

But if we donā€™t challenge then they canā€™t say itā€™s because the squad isnā€™t strong enough.

We had this a few seasons ago when Klopp told the world we didnā€™t need a midfielder to then 180 with a few days to go of the window and sign Arthur.

Iā€™ve liked Slots press interviews and he can certainly talk the talk. Letā€™s hope he can walk the walk as well.


26 Jul 2024 12:32:42
I'm not so sure Hailstones - we fell away the last 5 weeks but were top at April

We looked like we could concede but were scoring a lot before those last few weeks so honestly think if they work on the defending as a unit etc and make us harder to break down we'll not be too far off tbh

Though, even those games we lost we had an absolute plethora of chances that none of the front ones could bury - it was like everyone in the team forgot how to actually finish a chance

Then you have the abundance of referee and VAR calls that just cost us points after points.

Look, not saying we do not need players but we do have a decent team I think.


26 Jul 2024 12:42:43
It's probably him just playing to the media Hailstones and supporting his players in public.

He said himself that he was watching LFC for a while already, even before he was officially announced as head coach.

I have no doubt that he is fully aware that we need to reinforce.


26 Jul 2024 13:16:24
The team last year was ruined with injuries. Not much to improve really replace Matip and Diaz if he goes (hopefully) and maybe cover for endo but bajetic is back. If we can sort the injury / recovery time out that would be a great help.


26 Jul 2024 13:33:59
He comes across quite diplomatic and he will be optimistic and excited for the season ahead I would think stepping up from Feyenoord.

Heā€™s unlikely to say the team needs serious surgery. I donā€™t think that is in his character and he will be optimistic that it will be strong enough to challenge

Equally I donā€™t see him as a mourinho or conte type that might use media interviews to leverage something within the club anyway.

I still expect (like slot) that at least 1 player will sign, hopefully more.

If Salah stays I think a RW signing is less essential. At this stage for me, a left sided defender and a centre midfielder would be what is needed. Unless key players leave in which case they would need to be replaced most likely too.

I canā€™t see the club doing anything drastic like selling Nunez for a new CF, or selling VVD for a new CB. Minor tweaks at most I think.


26 Jul 2024 13:44:17
We lost not because of players but because the way we was playing was unsustainable and a loss of form from key players in the business end of the season.


26 Jul 2024 14:25:45
Challenging and winning are two entirely different concepts. He is absolutely right in that this squad can challenge because it did that last season.
There's over a month left in the window and he is hardly going to come out and say "the squads crap, probably looking at top 4 if I'm lucky"


26 Jul 2024 14:27:48
Hardly going to come out and say the squads rubbish is he.


26 Jul 2024 14:58:00
We will find out the ambition of the club under Slot in this window.
This squad canā€™t and wonā€™t win the league.


26 Jul 2024 15:12:49
Hailstones if Slot said "we shall see if we can challenge" or something like that, what message is he sending to the Salah"s, Ali's, VVD's and Trent's of the world, some of whom have said that regardless of who the manager is, the standards do not change? Ali said the exact same thing last season when he was asked about Slot coming in. We challenged last season so in the players' eyes and minds, what stops them from doing so this season? It's a mentality thing, my guy.

Slot is saying what the players (esp. the ones I mentioned) want to hear as that will spur them on to challenge esp. since they are used to challenging on all fronts regardless of success or not. Players at the club right now ain't trying to hear "Oh, we won't be challenging this season" cos that's not in their DNA anymore. These guys grew from "Can we? " to "Yes, we did" under Klopp. That will not go down well in the DR and that's not the way you want to start your reign at an institution like LFC who are used to competing and winning over the past decade or so. Just my opinion.


26 Jul 2024 15:26:51
Two things which are weird habits. For some reason everyone thinks we were really shaky at the back when in reality we tied arsenal for best defence until about march or so.

Secondly that we were awful all year, we were top for significant parts of it just failing after those spirit crushing two defeats against United. If either of those is a win im confident we be champs now.


26 Jul 2024 15:27:04
The money is there to spend, the ambition will be down to Hughes, slot and the recruitment team - Not FSG.


26 Jul 2024 15:29:29
He said it's hard to improve the squad also. This by definition is true as there are a couple dozen players in some positions to possibly only a couple of players if any that improve us depending on the position. And when you remove the ones that are literally not available at any price plus the ones that would cost outrageous fees / demand wages way outside of our structure, well then you realise that it is actually quite difficult to improve the squad and especially the starting 11.


26 Jul 2024 16:19:20
Nice summary PickleRick.


26 Jul 2024 17:09:59
you disagree as you want a Shinny new toy soon as we sign someone you will be ecstatic. Sad and pathetic OG.


26 Jul 2024 17:11:21
stevie Wonder can see that we need atop No 6 , macca needs to be higher up the pitch, wasted at No 6, BAJ needs to be eased back in


26 Jul 2024 20:46:40
A new coach and tactics can make all the difference. If Leicester can win the league after almost getting relegated than a team that finishes third can certainly challenge and win.


27 Jul 2024 03:04:52
Problem is, Nevada, that we were poor even though we were top of the league for periods last season. I lost count of the games we narrowly drew or won by a goal in the last 5 minutes. Overall, our performances were pretty average.


26 Jul 2024 10:37:24

Just saw a YT video of Bobby taking up new role as a Pastor.

Is it true?


{Ed002's Note - Yes - he is not the first.}


26 Jul 2024 10:50:05
By far my favourite player of the Klopp era, such an underrated player. Seems a very humble and genuine person, wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


26 Jul 2024 10:53:10
Amazing do you know how much he charges to render an internal and external wall.


26 Jul 2024 12:26:26
Pastor ball to Bobby he will score.


26 Jul 2024 12:33:47
Teaching us all how to create space for others. in our hearts.


26 Jul 2024 13:26:34
So underrated, more so to those who didnā€™t watch him live - he was the glue for the front three - super player.


26 Jul 2024 15:13:18
Spot on, Bill. And all power to him.


26 Jul 2024 20:18:30
And the joke goes over Oliā€™s head as usual.


27 Jul 2024 03:06:37
Well he was part of the holy trinity in our forward line so its a natural progression.


26 Jul 2024 08:35:14
Did people see the Curtis Jones interview? Quite insightful. He as good as said that Klopp's way of playing didn't suit his style, but Slot's did. Maybe it's me putting my own spin on it, but he seemed a tad critical of Klopp's way of playing. Like I say, maybe I misinterpreted it. He certainly seemed very upbeat and was hoping to be in the starting lineup for Ipswich.


26 Jul 2024 09:12:13
@Rome to me, it could be that the slow, possession style we were playing in the last couple of years under Klopp did not suit Jones and I can see that being a thing.

Or it could be that Jones is trying to get into the good graces of the new manager early on cos I have seen players say stuff like this multiple times in the past in these types of settings. Just my take on it.


26 Jul 2024 09:20:31
Yep, read that and was a bit uncomfortable as agree he was a bit disparaging of kloppā€™s way of playing whilst also saying it didnā€™t suit him (the latter I have no issue with) .

The way he describes it sounds a bit like death by possession which I donā€™t love the sound of. Perhaps itā€™ll be more entertaining if coached better than the previous couple of years.

Still excited to see what the season brings.


26 Jul 2024 09:33:40
I think it was fair enough. I don't think it was necessary that Klopp's tactics didn't suit him but that Slots tactics are better suited to him. My takeaway was that Klopp's attacking focus was on the front 3 whereas Slot has a bigger emphasis on the midfield whilst attacking (and from some of the clips I've seen from training it will be great to watch) . I think it will benefit several of the midfielders and I think it could also benefit some of the forwards. I'm quite excited to see it in action.


26 Jul 2024 09:36:36
The exact opposite, OliRed. He was saying the intense way of playing under Klopp didn't suit him and he preferred the slower more possession way of playing under Slot suited him.


26 Jul 2024 09:41:25
only disparaging or disrespectful if you take it that way. I thought it was really helpful insight because the majority of fans on here have bemoaned our inability to break down defenses. Lots of different reasons why that may have been the case but I appreciate Curtis' take because it's shining light on a new direction which is what I think the team needed. I don't want to see us running at 100mph every game, I expect intensity but I also expect to see more nuance to our game. Good on Jones for speaking his mind.

I thought he was quite clear about how he formed his opinion. WHat I took out from it was that the midfield under Klopp was there to press and get the balls up to the attackers to counter. And now under Slot there may be a more measured approach after winning the ball back and onus on the midfielders to tie the play together and create the openings. Jones is a naturally attacking player so I understand fully why he'd be "happy" now.

He's also getting to an age where he will want to find his own voice in the squad, so that's quite different to the age and stage in his career that he entered under Klopp.


26 Jul 2024 09:45:50
Looking forward to seeing the born again Curtis Jones rip it up next season playing in a style that suits him.

Must have been torture winning all those trophies under Klopp not playing in that style.


26 Jul 2024 10:02:35
Bit ridiculous there JK. Theyā€™re professionals and will do the job asked of them. So you think every single player under Klopp is going to say that the style was 100% to their liking and was the best ever? Even dortmund players spoke of enjoying football in a different way after Klopp left there. Itā€™s not denigrating the time together.

We shpuld be happy that thereā€™s a positive report as we are in transition. Unless weā€™re just trying to find things to be miserable about šŸ¤£.


26 Jul 2024 10:09:29
Love your sarcastic wit, JK23!

Regards to Jones, I've more than once said on here that I'm not a big fan of his, so I hope he shuts me up.


26 Jul 2024 10:15:39
Faith why would i be miserable. New season is almost among us and loads to look forward to.


26 Jul 2024 10:20:57
How many times have the posters on here, myself included, moaned about Kloppā€™s insistence on playing players out of position, or square pegs in round holes?

Klopp was not infallible. Nor is Curtis saying ā€œKlopp was rubbishā€.

There really isnā€™t much to Curtisā€™ comment to make it a massive talking point.


26 Jul 2024 10:37:49
he didn't say anything wrong, he just said he had to adapt his game when got to the first Team under Klopp and that now its more suited to how he likes to play football nothing wrong with it.


26 Jul 2024 11:23:21
Thanks, Rome. If Jones said that then, he is entitled to his opinion. Also, I don't think he is saying Klopp was rubbish cos clearly, that is a stretch esp. since we know Klopp's his energy system won us the lot and gave near every team on the planet fits (including Pep and City) except Real Madrid.

At the end of the day, Jones was honest and sincere in his answers and he has a right to his own belief and opinions. We can all differ and all that but I repeat, that is not a pop at Klopp of any kind. Let's not start beef where there isn't any, IMO.


26 Jul 2024 11:30:58
I think the whole team got fed up of the tactical system in the end once linders took control it went to pot, was the right time to end it for everyoneā€™s sake.


26 Jul 2024 12:10:27
For the record, I'm not criticising Jones for what he said, I was just surprised to hear it. I just thought I'd post it to bring about a discussion, which is what it brought about.


26 Jul 2024 13:28:39
Rome, I thought slot also had an energetic style of play?


26 Jul 2024 13:33:38
Curtis needs to stay fit, that's no.1 priority for him. Doesn't matter the style we play if he can only play 4-6 games without breaking down with something or other, he needs to be moved on.

For the record, I think there is an excellent player there who could go on to be a great player for lfc, but his availability has to be better.


26 Jul 2024 13:48:40
Context is a funny thing isnā€™t it faith? You chose to read into some of posts that people are miserable, not even remotely from my side.

I just think his wording suggested negativity from his side. It was always.


26 Jul 2024 14:28:59
I think Curtis actually said the previous tactics and way of playing didn't suit him and that Slots way of playing suits him and the other lads in the team better. So he wasn't even talking from an individual point of view which makes you think it could be the general consensus amongst the squad.


26 Jul 2024 14:48:23
Always good to see it being turned onto Lynders, God forbid someone would criticize Klopp.


26 Jul 2024 15:14:48
Nice one, Rome1977!.


26 Jul 2024 15:32:59
So did I, Drogie. I was surprised Jones said what he did. Paraphrasing what he said, he said Slots style wasn't as intense.


26 Jul 2024 15:49:53
Its crazy how our style of play and tactics cost us the league last season yet it was our style of play and tactics that put us in a place to challenge for the league in the first place.


26 Jul 2024 16:35:57
It was all Pep Ljinders fault, JK. He was a bad, bad, man. That and his pesky book.


26 Jul 2024 19:08:20
Pep Lijnders going to be the baddie in the next Scooby Doo cartoon.


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