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Tristan's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Tristan's rumours posts


04 Jun 2018 09:31:32
Another transfer out of the “where did this come from” locker.

. Emre Can agrees 4 year deal with Juventus.


1.) 04 Jun 2018 10:39:58
Shocking 😱had him down as the loyal type. Good riddance keita is twice the player he is. Think Klopp not too bothered he’s gone.

2.) 04 Jun 2018 11:09:23
Decent player with good potential but he had some way to go to being ready to tie down a permanent starting spot, and I was never sure if he was a 6 or an 8 or somewhere in between. Good luck to the lad, hope he does well.

3.) 04 Jun 2018 11:10:48
I'm stupefied, astounded, staggered and quite simply flabbergasted by this news. Of all the possible exits, this one is the most unexpected. And to Juventus of all possible teams? Just shows you the unpredictable nature of football. 😉.

4.) 04 Jun 2018 11:11:06
Good riddance? Looks like you aren’t the loyal type either! Not sure what he has done to upset you Barnes?

5.) 04 Jun 2018 11:11:57
I think Can deserves more respect than Coutinho and Suarez Barnes. He didn't force the move or skip training. He kept his mouth shut and was professional about it. He knew his game time would be less next year and chose to go somewhere where he could get more minutes. Hope he does well.

6.) 04 Jun 2018 11:29:47
Agree with Shents, he moved on and so should we. He was a professional and Klopp even mentioned this several times.

7.) 04 Jun 2018 11:41:33
He saw out his complete contract and always gave his all (IMO) - seems as loyal as you could ask a play to be nowadays really!

{Ed002's Note - The last thing clubs want is players to see out their contracts.}

8.) 04 Jun 2018 12:08:40
I think there's a fair smattering of dripping irony in this thread ;-)

9.) 04 Jun 2018 12:24:16
I think the main reason can left was that he knew when klopp had another transfer window that his starting place was most likely gone.

I think we paid 10.5 million or something around that and he has played quite a few positions and number of games since he joined.

I think in overall terms he has paid back his transfer fee and despite the bad games he had he was never bereft of desire to perform and see the club do well.

Cant see how anyone would have a problem with him leaving.

The fact the club aren't getting any money for him is their fault. His contract should have been extended before it got to a year left.

But maybe he wouldn't have signed it even then unless he had the exit clause. But a few seasons back he was starting every game he was fit.

Still it frees up a wage for someone who wouldn't have been in the main starting 11 next season.

Personally id have lallana follow him as quick as posdible. Not sure what they are both on but that should free up about 150k at least.

10.) 04 Jun 2018 12:37:13
For me personally I would of loved to have kept him. When he is on his game he is very good but I agree some below par performances also but I think he can only get better.

All the best to him for his future.

11.) 04 Jun 2018 13:13:10
Biggest mistake was not selling him last year. When he didn't commit to new deal. It was originally about playing time apparently yet when fit he started almost all the time. It then became apparent he then wanted a clause in contract that club weren't willing to add so he should have been moved on. I said this time last year after he won competition with Germany and never signed new deal on return, he would see out his deal and leave on a free which is his right of course. Hopefully the club will learn from this and if player is nearing last 18month or so of deal and doesn't commit then move them on as harsh as it sounds. I wish him luck as he was 1 of my favourite players, just a pity he's chosen to move on.

12.) 04 Jun 2018 13:21:50
What has being local got to do with wanting can gone. Im local and I'm glad he's gone. He can fekir off.

13.) 04 Jun 2018 15:48:53
He didn’t have to force the move he’s a free agent he can go where he wants. Not a bad player but slows the play down too much so Italy will suit his game. He will be remembered for the great goal he scored and nothing else 👋🏻👋🏻.

14.) 04 Jun 2018 16:07:14
This was unexpected / s.

15.) 04 Jun 2018 18:49:35
Can didn't give his all for us, if he did he would be one of the world's best by now. He has all the ingredients, but application is what let's him down. Losing concentration and focus and being positionally un sound in what is a very structured team is not giving your all in my opinion. Everyone has a role, and certain triggers set shapes in motion. Can simply didn't stay on it for sustained periods.

16.) 04 Jun 2018 23:25:10

I think your being slightly harsh mate. There is a difference between giving your all and your concentration levels.

There aren't too many midfielders can's age who are world class.

Some players struggle with concentration and positional awareness. Its not always related to a desire to be an individual rarther than a team player. Sometimes maturity cures the problem and sometimes it just never kicks in.

Gerrard never had great positional awareness.

In can's case i refuse to believe that he simply didn't care. I think its more of a case of him being young and eager. I think the positional awareness will come as he gets older.

If he had such poor concentration and positional awareness perhaps he should not have been playing as a holding midfielder when he did which is hardly his fault.

Im a bit sad to see him go because i quite liked him as a player who i always thought could get better.

He seemed to gain the trait of slowing down and waiting to roll the tackle which he never needed to do. I think he bulked up a bit too much wich cost him a bit in the nimbleness department.

Perhaps it might have been an injury that lost him a bit of spring in his step or a bit of doubt crept into his brain which isn't uncommon and is hard to shift.

Italy is probably league that will suit him better.

Of all the players who have left liverpool over the years can might actually be top of my list of players i would like to see succeed.

He is a player who genuinly loves the game. You can tell that by watching him play.

Sometimes things just naturally run their course.



18 Jun 2017 08:13:19
Hi ed,
The rumour pages have Karius as a target for Augsburg. Anything in this at all?


{Ed001's Note - there are a few clubs in Germany that would be interested if he were to be available. He is not though.}

1.) 18 Jun 2017 08:59:26
Is he still going to be No.1 eds?

{Ed001's Note - it will not be like that, I expect Migs to have the shirt but only so long as he performs.}

2.) 18 Jun 2017 09:19:25
With ward staying that means we have 3 decent - good keepers challenging for 1 place. However to start challenging for major trophies I would prefer us to have a top class-world class keeper in there starting week in week out. Scoring isn't a problem it's keeping the ball out after the opposition have only 2 shots a game.

3.) 18 Jun 2017 09:42:54
I think butland would be a great signing for us . Best English goalkeeper I think . Let karius and ward go out on loan . Mignolet as number 2.

4.) 18 Jun 2017 10:34:30
Agree about Butland Jonboy.

5.) 18 Jun 2017 10:56:45
I don't think we will sign a keeper but now would be the time to buy Butland, his stock is low after a injury plagued season.

6.) 18 Jun 2017 11:44:10
Liverpool signing a goalkeeper that needs building back up? Sounds like a recipe for a ruined career to me.

7.) 18 Jun 2017 11:51:11
I still think karius is good enough, he's hardly had a chance.

8.) 18 Jun 2017 13:39:19
What on earth would we need 4 goalkeepers for?

9.) 18 Jun 2017 15:22:41
Karius, last season was ok on shot stopping and distribution.

His ability on crosses and general mental strength were AT THE TIME below par.
He's a young lad who moved to a new club in a new country.

Whether throwing him in as No.1 was not the right decision especially as he got injured in pre-season.

10.) 18 Jun 2017 16:26:57
From what we've seen karius isn't good enough. Arguably we have the worst keeper in the top six except maybe city. Jack but land would be a great signing imo. Saying that we'd be in europa leage if not for mignolet. I think he has the ability to improve.

11.) 18 Jun 2017 17:03:09
But, johnnyskies, and it's a big 'but, ' is what we have seen truly representative of what he can achieve?

12.) 18 Jun 2017 17:22:34
And when he gets his chance the fans get off his back and give himself time to make it his own.

13.) 18 Jun 2017 19:44:25
Omg the election drama has completely thrown me off football - I can only dealing with one thing stressing me out at a time! Ward is staying? What is the club smoking?

14.) 18 Jun 2017 19:50:19
Johnny if by "what you have seen" in a pathetic amount 10 games, show that Karius is not good enough then you should never be a manager or academy coach cos you would be shipping out players left right and center cos you simply lack the patience to work with them esp. the talented ones as Karius is clearly talented.

As for those calling for Butland, a player who has gone almost a season without playing should give their heads a wobble.

15.) 18 Jun 2017 21:38:41
Brussels-You saying Karius wasn't poor in those 10 games?
Some players don't even get 10 games to prove themselves. It's a cut throat business and if we gave all players a prolonged period in the team regardless of performance then the team wouldn't be very successful.
That being said I'm not writing Karius off, I think he's got a good chance of being our number 1 (mainly because Mignolet is poor) but from what we have seen at Liverpool it hasn't been great.

16.) 18 Jun 2017 23:22:55
10 games is nowhere near enough. You also have to consider he was a young keeper in his debut season coming coming back from a broken hand. Migs was still poor when he first got his place back. It wasn't until the the end of the season when the gk staff changed the routine of training that migs showed improvements. We haven't seen what effect that has had on karius yet. Basically give the young lad a fair chance.

17.) 19 Jun 2017 01:25:44
Top top keepers establish themselves in first ten games. I don't think karius has done that. I haven't written him off but wold welcome improvement in that position.

{Ed001's Note - Buffon didn't. Grobbelaar didn't. In fact I doubt you could name one top top keeper that did.}

18.) 19 Jun 2017 10:41:49
some of the greatest keepers in history were pretty awful in their first year - Buffon, Shilton, Toldo all dropped in and out of first team in first 1-2 years. I think Oliver Khan is the only one who played consistently in first year for Bayern but then he had no competition at the time.

19.) 19 Jun 2017 11:14:51
Just like to add to Nevada's post, think back at how much we were laughing at Utd in De Gea's first season?!

Some people have such short memories.

20.) 19 Jun 2017 11:46:46
Massimo Taibi established himself in his first game and then it all fell apart 😆.



13 Feb 2016 10:57:59
Everyone is always asking Ed002 for her list of players that Liverpool are looking at. Any chance you can do the same from what you've been told? Time permitting of course. I'm sure most would like to have a gander at what you know!


{Ed001's Note - I was hoping to get time today, but not had the chance, I have added it to my to do list to try and get on to it during the week.}

1.) 13 Feb 2016 15:30:01
Thanks Ed can't wait to see it mate.

2.) 13 Feb 2016 20:45:10
That's what she said.




Tristan's banter posts with other poster's replies to Tristan's banter posts


21 Mar 2023 07:21:18
I don't understand why everyone is so convinced that we will not be playing Chapions League next season.

12 matches to go, 7 behind Spurs with 2 in hand, and 5 behind Newcastle.

This isn't the place to come if you need a bit of a morale boost.


1.) 21 Mar 2023 07:44:40
I don’t understand why people think we’ll struggle to sign players if we don’t make it.
We’ve made 3 finals in 5 years, and Chelsea seem to sign players quite easily.
No panic ?.

2.) 21 Mar 2023 08:33:57
It’s still doable but it means finding some half decent form. That’s the bit so many struggle with after many false dawns and failed resets so far this season.

3.) 21 Mar 2023 08:37:24
Top 4 certainly isn’t off the table but the players will need to buck their ideas up if they want to achieve it.

No one knows how many points will be needed to get top 4 but over the last 5 seasons it indicates we need another 26-30 points to get there and there’s only 36 points to play for.

Our next 9 points will be extremely hard to get and could very well be make or break.

4.) 21 Mar 2023 08:43:49
Tristan, your comment is valid if you look at things on a macro level. Now when we dg into the weeds, you cannot really blame people who think that. We are so inconsistent and it is not even cos we are crap for real. IMO, it is cos we are playing a set of tactics for big teams and another for lesser teams. Vs big teams, we play the Klopp way and get good results. Vs lesser teams, we deliberately do NOT press, reactive, move the ball slowly, play with NO intensity and I can keep going. These tactics do NOT suit this team and we all know it. We did this to ourselves, IMO.

What is more annoying is that this is by choice and it is killing any type of attempt at consistency hence for every City, Newcastle or even a Utd battering, there is a Forest, Leeds, Wolves and Bmouth waiting to be had. Personally, I have no opinion on this and we will get what we deserve and we will all get over it. Just my take.

5.) 21 Mar 2023 09:12:56
Who is struggling with that, Pelican? Has anyone said that we don't need to improve on how we've played this season?
We all know we've been shyte but some have a different-and less hysterical- way of expressing it.

6.) 21 Mar 2023 09:17:27
We will not be in champs league and what’s worse is that between us and Tottenham we have put Newcastle in pole position. If they get 4th and United takeover gets complete we will really struggle again next year unless we actually do have enough money to buy 3/ 4 quality players.

7.) 21 Mar 2023 09:41:21
Are Newcastle a big team now?

We’ve only beaten City, Utd and Napoli this season in 3 games as big teams.

If we’re going to count Newcastle as they are competing for top 4 then I guess we can throw in Brighton, Brentford and Fulham as they are just as close to us and we didn’t beat them either.

So technically we’ve lost more big games than we’ve won.

8.) 21 Mar 2023 09:42:21
Rigsby - congrats, your “I’m less hysterical” medal is in the post.

9.) 21 Mar 2023 10:14:22
Newcastle have tons of cash @JK and they need a project to sell. Adding CL in their kitty becomes attractive to players. They can blow most teams from the race on money. Newcastle are scouting a host of top end players now!

10.) 21 Mar 2023 10:16:10
Tristan, it’s just being realistic and accepting where we are and what our limitations are, we are incapable of stringing more than two wins together without dropping points stupidly, that is a fact. We’ve lost games against teams in the bottom three more times than we should do, those are the games we need to be winning. We’re too inconsistent and we’re too weak mentally and physically. Our chances are slim at best. As for struggling to buy players, we worked on a very limited budget when we were in the champions league, those purse strings aren’t getting looser when we’re out. It’ll be sell to buy as always, with a much lower additional budget. That’s the message being put out in the more reputable corners of the press. So yes there’ll be money to spend, but not very much.

Unless we can put a run or wins together Champions League is not happening, I think our next three games are City, Spurs and Chelsea. So it’s not getting any easier.

11.) 21 Mar 2023 10:45:53
Capitol I get that mate. Newcastle have the potential to be a big club and most likely will be and challenging in the next few seasons but for me if we add them to the we beat a big club list this season because we are competing against them then Brighton, Brentford and Fulham could arguably be in there as well.

12.) 21 Mar 2023 10:50:15
Awk aye op, it's doable alright. Let's face it Arsenal and City should be the top 2. Man Utd you'd think will get there, unless the wheels come off, few things going their way atm, case in point the Fulham match - crazy, crazy scenes and Fulham were the better team too until that madness - will their run continue? Who knows, certainly more solid this season so I think they'll make top 4 ok

Then you have Spurs, who look like they're doing a Spurs and their mgr has publicly called them all out for doing a Spurs. Talk he's going to leave this week so the implosion could well cost them top 4

Imo it is Newcastle we are in direct competition with. They've been playing well this season and have a good 'project' there

Definitely doable though, need to address our own flittering form though, we go on a good run though and it's definitely doable lads - we'll see how we get through the next telling couple of weeks though.

13.) 21 Mar 2023 11:06:21
this is probably the least optimistic i've been about finishing top 4. the first three matches in April will determine that in my opinion. if we get 9 points off of City, Chelsea and Arsenal, I'll like our chances, but I don't see that happening unfortunately. hope i'm wrong.

14.) 21 Mar 2023 12:29:33
Has the novelty of just being in it not worn of for any of you? I don’t think this team can win it without 2 summers work done. Chelsea United are out of it every other year and bring players in Arsenal haven’t been in it in years and bring players in.

15.) 21 Mar 2023 13:48:19
5 more games at home and 6 more away. I'd say its all hinging on the next two (both away) to city and chelsea. We are fairly solid at home but away is a didferent story this year. Fingers crossed.

16.) 21 Mar 2023 14:21:11
We've brought players in, Oney.
What makes you think we haven't?
And where's the novelty of just being in the CL? We've been in it for years and made the final three times under the current leadership.

17.) 21 Mar 2023 21:56:32
We got battered by RM In arguably our biggest game of the season. Are they somehow not a big team?

18.) 22 Mar 2023 15:30:23
Mark, we are talking about the PL and our chances of getting top 4. Beating RM would not have done diddly squat for our push to getting top 4. Try to keep up. Peace and Love.



03 Feb 2023 14:19:06
Anyone else waiting for the latest football manager update so they can play as Chelsea?!


1.) 03 Feb 2023 15:11:33
I'll ask my 10 year old and get back to you mate ????.

2.) 03 Feb 2023 17:19:26
Real pros manage Cork City for 10 years and earn the big jobs.

3.) 03 Feb 2023 19:42:44
I prefer the lower league management myself! Wrexham a great game to take on!

4.) 03 Feb 2023 21:29:44
I'd rather manage a championship team to promotion and then pick up about 10 players from Chelsea who are transfer listed after playing 2 games all season. Just you watch, fofana, badiashile and sterling will tear it up for Burney next year!



11 Nov 2022 07:42:33
So, just to put it out there, we win the league and Champions league this year and next (along with the Carabo Cup next season)

We sign Bellingham and a few kids this coming summer, Mike Oyarzabel the summer after.

Doak, Bradley and Gordon are starting to make their names in the first team, none of the others make it with us but we sell them for respectable fees and a good sell on percentage.

Mbappe is not interested and stays at PSG whilst Rice joins Real Madrid.

Oh, and Klopp goes to Chelsea .


1.) 11 Nov 2022 08:37:40
Nice thought mate, but unless this World Cup break sees a completely different Liverpool, with at least a nice shiny new midfielder in January, everyone injury free and ready to press the ? out of teams, then I cannot see a trophy this season for us sadly. Saying that, stranger things have happened, remember Istanbul 05.

2.) 11 Nov 2022 10:30:18
But won't Arsenal, Newcastle, Utd, Spurs, Chelsea and City also bring in reinforcements or so the rumors go ?.

3.) 12 Nov 2022 11:38:06
Tristan, are all those titles before or after Klopp goes to Chelsea? If it's after, then I guess Pep "the prolific writer" Lijnders should get a mention somewhere in your predictions?



23 Aug 2022 08:32:45
So Ed, what are we to do now that we are getting relegated and United have started their second period of world domination?




16 Aug 2022 08:35:29
I’m not sure how we can make back 4 points over the next 36 games. No one has ever come back from so far behind Man City before.


1.) 16 Aug 2022 09:03:07
If we had dropped 4 points but deserved them 4 points from the last 2 games then I would be feeling so much better with 108 points to play for. My worry is that we didn’t really deserve to win either game.

With my LFC cap off I think Fulham actually deserved the 3 points more than us and whilst we were the better team last night (we still weren’t very good) Palace still had the better chances against us having more half chances.

We are more than capable of shifting gear and ripping up this league but the way injuries are already going it has the “everything seems to be against us” feeling that the 20/ 21 season had.

Let’s not forget we were hammered by Villa before the injuries racked up and we just didn’t look our free flowing intense self from West Brom in Dec to around Apr time. Which looks very similar from our opening 2 games.

This isn’t a negative post this is just my opinion. I’d be interested to see how posters can put a positive spin on our opening 2 fixtures without talking about possibilities for the future.

It’s all well and good saying we’ll come good but surely Klopp and the players now realise that actions speak louder than words.

2.) 16 Aug 2022 09:18:00
JK - do you think Klopp and the players believed their words speak louder than their actions?

I don’t even know why we have to consider putting a positive spin on things as a bad thing. The reality is that we have 2 points, so then the attitude you adopt really speaks to your charachter and approach to moving forward.

3.) 16 Aug 2022 09:24:40
City will extend the gap.

No one said catching them can't be done. It just isn't likely on this showing.

4.) 16 Aug 2022 09:34:40
Fulham - we should have lost. We didn’t. That’s positive whichever way you try to spin it. That’s one point more than we deserved.

Palace - completely different game to Fulham. Palace hit us on the break in a game upto then we had completely dominated and played some lovely football. We’ve created more than enough to win the game and there where some genuinely pleasing performances. Harvey, Diaz and Gomez in particular. Also - it would have been extremely easy to feel sorry for yourself after the red card given we where already behind. They didn’t, got themselves back in it and largely dominated the ball again with 10 men.

So is it a good start - no. It’s disappointing but it could have been worse though.

You also have to put in context of the injuries. No offence but I hardly think any of us had Nat to be playing two games into the season.

The big issue at the moment is this run we are on of conceding first. That needs to stop.

5.) 16 Aug 2022 09:44:06
I had hoped we'd see a tweak in our system over pre-season but it looks like we're going with the one from last season, which, in my opinion is predictable and has glaring weaknesses.

They have a week to continue to work on it.

6.) 16 Aug 2022 09:44:46
Faith I’m sure Klopp and the players do mate. Last week Klopp said we lacked desire and commitment which for me the words backed up the actions of the players.

Last night Klopp said we were brilliant. Some might believe the players actions backed those comments up some might not.

In the CL final the positive spin was we were the better team we just didn’t score. When on the grand scheme of things words mean very little compared to actions.

7.) 16 Aug 2022 10:08:15
Why does everyone keep looking at the title? I’ll be happy getting a Win first and go from there. We looked shot in pre season bar the City game, Fulham out ran us, clueless against palace. And now it’s Old Trafford. Trophy’s are way off yet boys.

8.) 16 Aug 2022 10:26:49
As much as everyone keeps saying about needing a MF, I am more concerned by the fact we again had over 20 shots (24) yet only 4 were on target. This isn't a new thing either. the cup finals we played in last season, we just couldn't put chances away and we were lucky with 2 pen shootouts in the domestic cup competitions.

Goals win games, and we seem to have a real issue converting chances when it matters.

9.) 16 Aug 2022 10:36:40
Sorry JK, I’m really not sure where you’re going with this. In the end does it even matter what the players say? They have to say something in the media and are balancing far more than we are typing on our phones. I give them the benefit of the doubt no matter what they say tbh, even when Klopp bemoans the wind haha just don’t think it matters that much in the bigger scheme of things. You sound like a realist to me, so perhaps the positive psychology is going to appear weak for you!

10.) 16 Aug 2022 10:58:56
Challenge accepted JK.

We don't have to watch them again (unless your ed001 for reviews), that's about as good as I have got.

Oh and I was impressed by Eliott yesterday and Diaz once Nunez got himself a mid season break.

The problem is, this is exactly how the league should be, with even the best teams capable of the odd slip. However, we and city recently have set the standards so high that very few points can be dropped and we have used 2 of our 8/ 9 lives (based on 19 points being the average dropped by a league winner) so early that it now appears we have a mountain to climb.

But, the season is a long road and anything can happen. I. e. city could lose de-bruyne for an extended period of time which would be a huge loss even with their squad depth.

All I would say is our next few games are definitely must win starting with the old enemy on Monday.

11.) 16 Aug 2022 11:05:51
Faith my original point of talk was reference us as fans. Meaning it’s only so long we can say things will get better. I only then mentioned Klopp and players in reply to you mentioning them.

Wyred ??.

12.) 16 Aug 2022 11:16:21
stuie_boy - the stats don't tell us everything. Many of our chances are often less than half chances.

Yes, we can be more clinical but the chances are usually as a result of a forward fashioning a chance out of nothing or capitalising on loose balls.

We lack patience in our attacking play, exemplified by Trent looking to create an assist with every touch and us constantly spamming floated crosses into the box.

Our system is starting to become predictable. The opposition knows that our goal threat comes from our 3 forwards and therefore they match them up with 3 centre-backs. Usually we could overcome that if the forwards had good link up with each other, but unfortunately they are like strangers nowadays (ps this is an issue that I called out last season even with Bobby, Sadio and Mo starting) .

The job of the opposition midfielders is to focus entirely on nullifying our fullbacks, who are our playmakers.

So the move breaks down and the opposition counters. Historically, our no8s would counter-press this and pin the opposition in but this is no longer happening either.

That leaves Fabinho stranded covering 33% of the pitch and inevitably opposition runners are running at our back line with more frequency.

Don't get me started on our set-piece impotence.

Klopp and Lijnders have much work to do on the training pitch.

13.) 16 Aug 2022 11:42:25
Pelican, completely agree RE the stats, but the numbers are also alarmingly consistent. We tend to dominate possession in most matches so that will likely give us greater opportunity to attack, you can't score without the ball. Bur=t regardless of how you read the stats on what the chances were, we do have a pretty bad conversion rate. Salah seems off the boil, though still early admittedly, but I think a lot of people were hoping for him to start as he usually does now the contract is sorted.

As mentioned previously, the two cups we won last season came down to pens, which is a lottery, we could easily have ended the season with nothing because we could not kill games off and take our chances.

14.) 16 Aug 2022 11:32:12
You are all talking like City will end up with a P 38 W 38 D 0 L 0 record. They will drop points. And as for the question of how do we make 4 points up on them, beat them twice. Simple.

15.) 16 Aug 2022 11:45:36
JL - you said “ surely Klopp and the players now realise that actions speak louder than words”. Was responding to that.

16.) 16 Aug 2022 12:00:13
I'd like to know what we do in training, if anything, to improve the link up between the forwards. The games suggest very little.

And whatever prep we are doing on set-pieces are not yielding success. We had a period last season whereby our outswinging corners were yielding goals but the opposition clocked onto that pretty soon.

Re the midfield issue - that's neglect.

17.) 16 Aug 2022 12:04:30
Faith as I said mate I didn’t articulate my original comment very well.

18.) 16 Aug 2022 12:08:44
Fly - midfield has been neglected? 8 players there, mix of young and old. What’s the neglect?

19.) 16 Aug 2022 12:43:12
Faithinworks - have you been in a coma for the last two years? The midfield mix is not right and the availability/ reliability is an issue we have done nothing about in at least 2 years.

20.) 16 Aug 2022 13:53:37
Midfeilder is massively neglected, we should just rip up Ox and Keitas contracts as they are not good enough or reliable enough then we shouldn't have to bee start a 36 year old in midfield with the players we have. Id also say its time to move Henderson out of the starting line up and keep him as a club captain as he really isn't good enough for what we need right now.

21.) 16 Aug 2022 17:51:16
We last yr we scored 19 set piece goals 2nd only to city on 21.

We ain't that bad.




Tristan's rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 14:28:27




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19 Jul 2024 17:03:23
I used to visit The Bucket of Blood in the 80s. Used to take our caravan and stay on Beachside in Hayle for the entire summer holidays. Camp where you like for about a quid a night. Very different pub back then.




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16 Jul 2024 22:15:17
Always rely on Victor to change the subject and say something positive.




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11 Jul 2024 14:39:17
He had just lost his, probably, last chance to win anything with Holland, on top of an emotionally draining season with us. I wouldn't take everything he said to heart.




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09 Jul 2024 16:48:16
I'm just here for Victor's expert analysis.





Tristan's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 09:55:32
The only time, as a kid, that I was allowed the TV, was on a Saturday on FA Cup Final day. Grandstand from about 8am till the game had finished.




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12 Jun 2024 07:41:24
Jurgen was the man in charge, not Ljinders. The buck stops with Klopp. Pep can be blamed for the tactics but it was Klopps decision to run with them.




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11 Jun 2024 15:40:49
From kids, they are told how amazing they are, then get put on substantial amounts of money, whilst, again, being told how amazing they are.

Then, they have 1 had game, and hundreds of thousands are telling them how awful they are and how they're full of attitude.

They're being thrown from pillar to post. It doesn't matter your job, your wage or how privileged people think you are, these boys are human beings.

Though I'd loved to have been in a position to retire by 25, I also quite enjoyed my younger years not having every little thing I did, picked apart by old men.




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04 Jun 2024 13:35:33
That's something to talk to your wife about.




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02 Jun 2024 18:35:11
What I like most, is I knew it was Victor before he finished his first sentence.




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