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To OliRed's last 5 banter replies


OliRed's rumours posts with other poster's replies to OliRed's rumours posts


28 Apr 2022 10:00:46
Guys, just seen that LFC and Klopp are in negotiations for a contract extension beyond 2024 Can anyone confirm this? It came from Paul Joyce apparently.


{Ed002's Note - Michael Edwards has said that the club would look to persuade Klopp not to leave at the end of his contract.}

1.) 28 Apr 2022 10:06:49
I hope it happens. Would be the biggest signing in decades.

2.) 28 Apr 2022 10:15:23
Looks true his agent was at the game last night to speak with FSG afterwards. Best signing we will make if it happens.

{Ed002's Note - FSG?}

3.) 28 Apr 2022 10:28:03
Best news possible…. It’s really the biggest piece of the jigsaw…. Really hope he does extend his contract.

Only thing left then will be to extend the Kop … I know there are infrastructure issues but surely there is some way to do it?

{Ed002's Note - There is no way around the infrastructure issues and the huge additional costs the club would face from the Council.}

4.) 28 Apr 2022 10:32:46
Assuming he meant Mike Gordon Ed he was at the game last night to maybe try and convince him to stay longer.

{Ed002's Note - That is not how contract discussions are dealt with. Whilst both may well have been at the game there would not be such discussions after the match.}

5.) 28 Apr 2022 11:57:07
This could be the fastest negotiation in history:

FSG: What do you want Jurgen?

Klopp: Lifetime contract, £500k a week and free teeth whitening.

FSG: Here you go, we have one ready prepared.

Klopp: [whilst signing] So, shall we take Mo to Pret to get his sorted next?

6.) 28 Apr 2022 12:04:47
This would the best signing ever! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.

7.) 28 Apr 2022 12:09:39
Possibly they were just meeting up for a pint after the match Ed02?

{Ed002's Note - Seems most likely - or pehaps they met during the day?}

8.) 28 Apr 2022 13:56:32
Please God, he signs an extension. 🙏🏻
This would be the best news ever.
The thought of him leaving doesn’t even bare thinking about.

9.) 28 Apr 2022 14:13:03
This would be fantastic. I’m not sure Klopp could do elsewhere what he’s done with Liverpool. Other clubs at his elite level simply wouldn’t afford him the time to deliver what he was granted here. Hopefully he knows that and will give us an extra 2/ 3years before retiring or taking over the German national team?

{Ed0666's Note - every club in world football would give him 2 years he’s Jurgeun F’ckin Klopp!!!

10.) 28 Apr 2022 14:37:25
But where would he go Ed0666 that’s the issue? Do you see him at Barcelona or Real because surely they are the only teams at or around our level? I don’t see him at PSG and none of the Italian clubs are that great at the moment. Doubt he’d go to Bayern really.

I’m in no way questioning the man, he’s a hero, but where is a logical step up from here? May as well carry on the good work here after bringing in the likes of Konate and Diaz to make the squad a bit younger.

{Ed0666's Note - who cares mate he’s signed a 2 year extension!! I’m
So f’ckin happy 😂😂😂

11.) 28 Apr 2022 14:58:13
He and all his assistants HAVE signed 2-year extensions! Expect an announcement soon.

12.) 28 Apr 2022 15:18:50
As long as my old mate Bobby Smythe is alive and living in Skerries Road, The Kop or Kenny Dalglish stands will not be extended. He's as Blue as his language.

13.) 28 Apr 2022 16:29:47
Wants Backing on signings, wanting Mane and Salah sorting, backroom staying on, option for longer, best contract negotiation i've seen.

14.) 28 Apr 2022 17:01:50
I bet the statue company are p. ed 😂.

15.) 28 Apr 2022 18:45:02
Clearly Klopp has an affection for pit ponies, dead dogs, flat caps and smog.

Best news ever!

16.) 29 Apr 2022 03:09:32
Well, wherever they met it looks like they are on the same page Ed02 - that might have been the shortest contract negotiation in the history of the sport.

{Ed002's Note - I have no idea how long it has taken to reach agreement.}




OliRed's banter posts with other poster's replies to OliRed's banter posts


05 Apr 2024 15:44:06
Just saw a stat that Mac10 is the first LFC player to score or assist in 6 consecutive games in all comps. since you guessed it, Steven Gerrard.

Now I have said on multiple occasions, I would have paid 80m for him thru out the season cos he was that good at Brighton. I hereby, change my mind.

Now, I would have paid 100m for him if I knew he would be anywhere near this good. Why? There is NOTHING that guy can't do. He is a true modern midfielder, IMO. Bravo, sir!


1.) 05 Apr 2024 15:54:48
How rich are you oli?

2.) 05 Apr 2024 16:46:23
DHFC, try me lol.

3.) 05 Apr 2024 16:47:20
Texan oil tycoon. Oli is an anagram for Oil, the clues are all there.

4.) 05 Apr 2024 18:19:06
Maybe change the name to loadred ???.

5.) 05 Apr 2024 18:22:00
Sling some of that money my way OilRed, I'll assist you by fetching you pints for the next 6 games!

6.) 06 Apr 2024 01:30:31
Oh OliRed
Now the secrets out
I guess you’ll soon have many new friends, distant relatives and benefactors you never knew existed or aided you in your life till date
And I’m saying I’m one of them, just can’t recall what or how I made your life better, but I’m sure I did, some of the 100mil on my way as well?

On a serious note, Macca is now really coming to the fore and I think he has Endo to thank for. Without endo, he may still be playing 6, whilst good, not world class. But now that Endo is around, it’s Macca unleashed.

Maybe, just maybe, his goal against Sheffield is the Gerrard moment vs Olympiakos in CL 2005 for us in the title race this season.

7.) 06 Apr 2024 02:49:12
I am your father Oli, remember me? show me the money! :)

8.) 06 Apr 2024 04:48:35
You once told me you love me forever and ever.

9.) 06 Apr 2024 08:07:32
Oli, you once shrewd and clever man. You let the demons out of Pandora's box. Now you're never going to live this down.

I propose a new contract for Kelleher. Oli to conduct negotiations and also pay the difference. Might as well go for two birds with one stone, and do Salah's contract too. Same conditions. ?.

10.) 06 Apr 2024 08:38:16
Without Endo Macca would have never scored that goal on Thursday night.

11.) 06 Apr 2024 15:36:42
JK, Endo did not play on Thursday night. Nor was he on the bench. ?.

12.) 06 Apr 2024 15:40:05
Endo didn’t play? Have I missed something?

13.) 06 Apr 2024 16:40:39
Was said in jest gents in regards to Mac is only playing well because of and should thank Endo.

14.) 06 Apr 2024 20:32:18
Mac Allister is future captain material.

15.) 07 Apr 2024 11:24:35
You guys are simply hilarious. Btw th way, Im bros. with Wu Tang as well, "Cash rule everything around me. ", lol.

@Salah, you ARE my father, lol.

@HaizanMSS, I did say that. I sent you a b day card saying so. Did you not get it?

Big up, guys. Peace and Love.

16.) 07 Apr 2024 11:27:21
Oh and JK23, I do not believe you said that in jest, Im sorry.

You said you were at the game if I recall and if that is true, how could you not have known Endo was not playing? Did you not read the lineup on the scoreboard when it came up? The back-pedalling is heavy on this on, bro. Lol.



22 Mar 2024 21:57:01
Watching the Spain v Colombia game and Diaz (who's having a very good game so far) just provided a boss assist (after cooking his defender "Kyle Walker" style) to his rampaging fullback on the other side who rifles it home off a scissors kick. Check it out if you haven't seen it. Oh, and Pedro Porro is getting cooked as well by Diaz.


1.) 22 Mar 2024 23:07:02
Porro's not very good, imo.

2.) 23 Mar 2024 10:13:16
@SR and yet, you will find people saying Porro (or Walker) is better defensively than Trent. Trust me if Trent got his arse handed to him the same way Walker (in the City game) and Porro (vs Columbia) were by Diaz, they would still be writing about it till this day. But alas, you won't see it cos well, Walker and and Porro getting cooked does not sell clicks and reactions hence, money.

They only do this to Trent (the best RB defensively this season, IMO) cos they love the money they can make off his head by trashing him every time they got. We understand the assignment. and Im sure he does too.

3.) 23 Mar 2024 10:25:12
He’s so much more direct for Colombia. For us he receives the ball with his back to the defence too often. For Colombia he’s wider and facing the defence when he receives the ball.

4.) 23 Mar 2024 10:50:31
I agree one kiss. I believe there’s players in our squad who are asked to do a job that doesn’t suit their game in order to benefit the team.
I’m not a massive fan of Diaz personally, I think there’s better wide forwards out there, but he’s used in a way to release Nunez and Salah which makes his impact in G/ A quite poor compared to say Jota.
Szobo is another, he’s being asked to do a job, which is great for us, but he looks half the player that arrived in his first few games where he was electric almost unstoppable. Sacrifice for the team which is a great thing
I also agree with everything you said about Trent Oli 100%. He’s the benchmark for every fullback. All comparisons are with Trent.

5.) 23 Mar 2024 11:02:18
Blinkered fans will say Walker is good so that must mean Trent is crap.

Almost like it’s not possible for there to be more than one good player in any position out there especially outside their own club.

To counter the argument we are saying Trent is the best so everyone else must be crap.

There’s lots and lots of good players worldwide outside of Liverpool.

6.) 23 Mar 2024 11:16:23
Lfc8 I disagree a little on Diaz mate. I’m a big fan of his but his goal and assist return should be better but I think it’s down to his composure more over what he’s being asked to do. Over the last few months he’s getting around 4-5 good chances a game which he hasn’t capitalised on which could also be directed at Nunez.

For Colombia he’s their maverick and everything goes through him. For us he’s just 1 of 10 very important cogs in the outfield playing system.

He’s not had a great deal of playing time with Robbo this season and with him liking to cut in having an over lapping fullback is key which Gomez doesn’t offer, despite Gomez doing very well at Lb he also likes to come in onto his right foot.

7.) 23 Mar 2024 13:09:12
The Lucho discussion is an interesting one.

Might sound contrarian but I think he's a very good finisher. I think he scores that one on one chance with City more often than not.

He's also excellent in the air, in the box or when battling for a switch out wide.

he has a great engine on him and hardly gives the ball away, even when doubled up on.

Where I do agree he could do better is look up a bit more when he has the ball at his feet. Sometimes a pass might be better and quicker than the dribble. A bit more vision let's say.

His first full season was decimated by that shocking assault by Partay at the Emirates. Surprised nobody seems to bring that up. That was an intentional follow through. This season started well. He was our best player against Chelsea on the opener and was immense at Spurs when we were robbed by that outrageous refereeing performance. The situation with his parents would have been incredibly difficult for him to focus on football, even after the relief of them being released safely.

I get the feeling he's going to have a big part to play in this final stretch. He seems happy, full of energy and is bouncing into games.

Whether there are better left wingers out there to replace him. Well, Vini Jr, Mbappe and Martinelli are not available to us and I am not sure Leao and Kvaratskhelia are any better than Lucho, or affordable to us.

8.) 23 Mar 2024 16:08:46
I watched Lucho v Colombia and indeed, he is not really asked to track back as he stays up when the team is defending in transition cos he is their outlet due to his pace in behind esp. vs Spain who play a high line. Now the main issue I see and have seen with Diaz id that yes, he is an electrifying player, a brilliant dribbler and loves cooking his oppo. defender to the point of borderline embarrassing him.

Now we know he needs to do better in front of goal or have better decision making and here is what I have observed. Because of the speed at which he plays, he seems to lack a form of spacial awareness where he loses his bearings after running that fast. And when he slows down in the final 3rd, he seems disoriented and when trying to steady himself. then, he is off balance and then, stumbles and the chance is gone or the pass is short or over-hit. He did that vs City and did that vs Spain. He just needs to know when to slow down and play smart. it's about self control and better focus in the final third. Just my take.

9.) 23 Mar 2024 16:11:08
"To counter the argument we are saying Trent is the best so everyone else must be crap".

Err literally, nobody (not me, at least) has said any of this, bro. All we are doing is playing the "what if" game here esp. since we have receipts to prove that Trent gets way harsher treatment than any other FB in the PL who get cooked. That's it. Maybe you should read the posts again.

10.) 23 Mar 2024 18:22:58
Trents not even the best RB in the league and quite possibly in the near future not the best at the club.

{Ed077's Note - Dalot is better ? }

11.) 23 Mar 2024 19:36:45
Err literally, nobody (not me, at least) has said any of this, bro

Well that was a quick contradiction in one sentence. which is it? Literally nobody or just you ?‍♂️
Maybe you should read JKs post from the top.

12.) 23 Mar 2024 20:02:23
Oli with the superior complex you regularly parade on this site having to read your posts once is already enough for me mate.

13.) 24 Mar 2024 00:36:06
Trent is already not the best RB at the club. To be honest I doubt he ever really was, just an exceptionally talented player being asked to fulfil a role.

14.) 24 Mar 2024 19:35:11
Bradley has been exceptional but it is very early days still. Trent is the best right back at the club. Has been since he broke into the team. Jeez.



06 Mar 2024 12:15:48
Just saw a brilliant stat about Darwin. Darwin has scored 7 goals away from home in the PL this season.

He has opened the scoring 4 times and scored 3 stoppage time and of those stoppage time goals, 2 have been stoppage time winners. Not to forget the game winner at B'mouth in the Carabao Cup.

Yeah, opposing fans. Keep calling our Darwizzy "a s*** Andy Carroll" and let's see how that works out for you.


1.) 06 Mar 2024 13:37:16
Even fans chant it in jest now, I believe. The game is coming round to the fact that Nunez is a world class player and that’s all there is to it.

2.) 06 Mar 2024 14:09:15
Carroll scored 6 goals in 44 appearances. Nunez has already exceeded that (29 goals)

3.) 06 Mar 2024 18:14:22
That’s precisely the point isn’t it cooler? (From a sarcastic pov) . He’s so s*** at being AC!

Nunez is a s*** Andy Caroll!
I love the ring of it.
And then he scores and you are left wondering do I continue chanting that or not?
Let it keep coming and then we see how we keeps scoring and they are left to re-examine their reality.

4.) 06 Mar 2024 18:33:45
@Cooler to your point, when people call Darwizzy "a s*** Andy Carroll" that means that Darwin is a worse version of Carroll which intimates that Carroll was actually a good CF, something NOBODY with a functioning brain has ever said. These fans just sing senseless nonsense without even judging the context. Go figure.

5.) 06 Mar 2024 19:54:05
I don't know what worse, calling Nunez a s*** Andy Carroll or calling him Darwizzy!

6.) 06 Mar 2024 21:13:16
£85m down the drain; Darwin Nunez scores again.

7.) 06 Mar 2024 22:53:52
TB2, tons of LFC fans (prolly the young hipsters) online call him Darwizzy.

8.) 07 Mar 2024 00:48:12
So you’re saying you’re a hipster Oli?

9.) 07 Mar 2024 09:35:28
Oli I got to say man I love watching him - yes he could definitely score more and needs to be more clinical but jeez, he is pure chaos for defenders and to be fair to him he never stops pressing, working etc and even when he has missed a few, he doesn't let it affect him, he just keeps going - absolute nightmare for defenders to pick up lol.

10.) 07 Mar 2024 12:50:05
Rival fans at their home ground should not be allowed to sing banterish songs about our players.

They gave Nunez some stick (which is an underhand compliment) and he had the last laugh by scoring. Not really sure what the fuss is all about.

11.) 07 Mar 2024 13:21:20
JK23, read the post again. No fuss is being made about anything. If anything, we are extolling Darwin's qualities and some f the stuff he has actually done and having a laugh at the rival fans. That's it.

Nobody has said rival fans cannot banter our players. You are the only one saying that. Don't be the Party Pooper. It does not fit you, lol.

12.) 07 Mar 2024 13:22:06
Thunderbird 2, if the shoe fits?

13.) 07 Mar 2024 13:45:06
Calm down Oli we got a big game on Sunday that you’ll need to free stream on youtube hours after the final whistle so don’t be wasting all your internet data telling people what they can and can’t do on here.

14.) 07 Mar 2024 14:07:55
Apparently chanting about Nunez is disgusting and despicable .

Oli this is your post 4 days ago.

IronMan, same goes for the Meicester fans last season. So happy they got relegated and Im afraid, the same goes for these lot from the Forest fan base.

Those Forest fans to be specific, got exactly what their disgusting behaviour deserved. Hats off to them for helping their team lose. Long may it continue should they keep up this despicable behaviour. All the way to the Championship, if need be. Hey if the shoe fits, wear it and wear it with pride and chest.

“If you’re going to continue to try and talk down to
People on here like you’re superior At least try not to
Contradict yourself so much”.

15.) 07 Mar 2024 16:44:46
It's all part of the game and has been for years. As long as it stays the right side of the banter/ abuse line then just go with it.

I still smile at the memory of entire crowds singing "If Carlton Palmer plays for England, so can I".

{Ed025's Note - its all good banter and there is nothing wrong with it in my book Shipley, its even better when the player being slagged scores and shoves one right up their jaxi,s mate..

16.) 07 Mar 2024 16:53:47

Not that Oli can't defend himself but I think his data may have ran out.

That being said, I think that post may of been aimed at the other chants the Forest fans were singing. I may be wrong tho.

Fans chant that at Darwin because they are just jealous he ain't in their team.

17.) 07 Mar 2024 17:21:27
Forest fans found out that hard way that effing around is directly proportionate to finding out.



26 Feb 2024 13:54:47
Just found this online and it is killing me.

Official PGMOL statement regarding the officiating in last night's League Cup final btw Chelsea and Liverpool:

"We would have gotten away with it had it not been for those pesky kids".

Seriously, I'm finished.


1.) 26 Feb 2024 15:04:19
That honestly can't be serious. It must be some joke or some feeble attempt at cynicism or sarcasm.

2.) 26 Feb 2024 15:10:20
Scooby-Doo Doo quote .

3.) 26 Feb 2024 15:30:47
always nice to see rubels fc suffer and it probably hurt more the way we won but that was other goal ruled out that will never happen again or even be checked by var unless its against lfc.

4.) 26 Feb 2024 15:54:27
ArAy1969 as Mcgoveb said, it's a reference from the Scooby Doo cartoons. I thought it was hilarious, really.

5.) 26 Feb 2024 17:56:43
Ahhhhhh. It's been 50 years since I last watched cartoons. You guys still watch them? ?.

6.) 26 Feb 2024 18:06:41
Nah, ArAy1969, some of us just have a good memory. or better yet, we never fully grew up and remain young. At heart, lol.

7.) 26 Feb 2024 18:53:12
To be fair ArAy, that quote is part of pop culture nowadays, you don't have to have watched scooby doo years ago to know about it. But to answer your question, yes, I'm 40 and still watch cartoons!

8.) 26 Feb 2024 19:30:45
Well, gentlemen, squeeze me for not having a good memory, for being fully grown up,
and for being oblivious to pop culture! Geez, Ed025 is so right. You LFC supporters are so uptight!

9.) 26 Feb 2024 19:39:39
Cowabunga, dude!

10.) 26 Feb 2024 20:01:09
Rugby Parker, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan from the 90's, I presume?

11.) 26 Feb 2024 22:54:10
You got me Oli, Michaelangelo was always my favourite!

12.) 27 Feb 2024 07:55:27
Oli, I collect Marvel and DC comic books. Have like 10,000 of them. Most of it from the 80's and 90's. The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles included. ?.

13.) 27 Feb 2024 10:10:26
ArAy1969, not a fan of comics in general . That being said, I totally LOVE the Batman cartoons of the 90's produced by Werner Bros. Those were pretty dark and sinister like horror movies, IMO.



10 Jan 2024 18:05:34
Okay guys, so I learned a new one today called "Field Tilt". Hear me out.

According to a few Arsenal fans in the first half of the FA Cup game when it was goaless, went on the Tw@tter and said even tho the game was goaless, Arsenal were better based on Field Tilt.

Now can anyone tell me what this schtick means cos I have no idea what it is?

Thanks, guys.


1.) 10 Jan 2024 18:16:31
Having looked it up, it's the number of touches each team has in the final third of the pitch expressed as a percentage of the overall touches in the final third by both teams.

So for example, if Arsenal had 200 touches in our third of the pitch, and we had 100 touches in theirs, their Field Tilt is 66%.

These sort of stats aren't entirely useless for examining performances, but realistically what does Arsenal's apparently superior Field Tilt tell us when juxtaposed with the scoreline of 2-0 Liverpool? That Arsenal can't finish their dinner? I could tell that by watching the game.

{Ed002's Note - very exciting- in the good old days it was goals folks used to use as a guide.}

2.) 10 Jan 2024 18:21:21
I don't need to know what field tilt is to know that in the first half Arsenal were the better team. Anyone with eyes could see that.

3.) 10 Jan 2024 18:56:53
If a stat does not have any relevance to the final result of the game, how much use does it have? Arsenal clearly had a higher field tilt than us, but they still lost. And the only use I see for analytical purposes is to point out inefficiency and ineptitude of their players. Which will be great for the Arsenal players' confidence and morale.

And for our players, this kind of stat falsely indicates we "overachieved". Which is another "not so useful" sentiment to have in the dressing room.

Obviously, a pinball obssessed nut is responsible for this new stat.

4.) 10 Jan 2024 18:58:57
Ed02, that's what I was going for cos back in the day, it's either you scored a goal when you were in the box or you didn't. Nobody cared about all the other stuff @SR kindly explained. cos apparently now, these Arsenal fans were bragging about how they won the first half by winning the "Field Tilt" battle despite having no goals (you know, that thing that you need to win) to show for such a "win".

Thanks for the info, @SR btw.

5.) 10 Jan 2024 19:26:38
If games were won on “field tilt” Barnet would win the league, given the size of the gradient at Underhill.

6.) 10 Jan 2024 19:36:54
Just another useless stat for morons on YouTube to make shows about and for the betting companies to scam more money out of people.

7.) 10 Jan 2024 19:44:10
Again, I don't think these sort of stats are entirely useless. They're potentially useful for determining how a team is playing and how likely they are to get good results in the future or if a bad result was a fluke or unlucky.

But they can't be taken in isolation. Take xG for example. Got an xG of 3.1 whilst your opponents got an xG of 0.8 and you lost 1-0?

Okay, how many shots did you have? If it was let's say 9 or 10 shots, then you're unlucky and will likely win next time doing the same things. If you had 35 shots and an xG of 3.1, that means you basically did not get into the opposition area, kept trying to shoot from 30 yards, and need to rethink your tactics.

And ultimately, stats don't replace watching the bloody game do they? That's why scouts still exist.

{Ed001's Note - it is not unlucky necessarily though. I mean Arsenal spent big money on Jesus, despite knowing he can't finish his dinner. So if they miss lots of chances and they are falling to him, that isn't luck, that is him being poor.}

8.) 10 Jan 2024 19:46:18
Imagine using goals to decide which football team was better. What a moronic idea, it'll never catch on.

9.) 10 Jan 2024 19:47:50
Couldn't agree more. Arsenal definately have the biggest tit on the field. he's name is ArTITa.

10.) 10 Jan 2024 22:02:54
Ed01, exactly. Jesus was who Arteta, Arsenal and anyone else paying attention, thought he was YET this same people thought he was the one to fire them to a title despite being essentially a failed CF at City playing on the right. In fact, City won a title without a CF despite having this clown in their squad. Trully, they do it to themselves. Same for this wretched stat. And their fans dare compare this bum to the artist named Bobbie Firmino. Seriously?

I knew they would regret selling Balogun for this clown. He is who man of the Arsenal fans whishes Jesus was - a true CF who knows where the goal is. It is Arteta's arrogance that has got him here and they have no one else to blame but him. However, Im sure these same fans (not all of them) will find someone or something else to blame. May I suggest they blame the Anfield pitch for being wet?

11.) 10 Jan 2024 22:18:33
Really dislike Arteta as a manager and worried he’s taking Saka backwards. Not a player who will ever play for Liverpool but someone I’ve enjoyed watching play the last few years. Just didn’t look the same player on Saturday for some reason.

12.) 10 Jan 2024 22:42:30
Arteta looks like he wears mascara.

13.) 10 Jan 2024 23:21:42
I think arteta got what he expected in Jesus and Havertz. Firminio, but saka isn't Salah and martinelli isn't mane. Imo both as false nines have done their job, but arsenals failure is assuming their wingers could reproduce liverpools counterparts and Man City's 1.0 of Sterling and marhez/ sane (their goal contribution assisted by a proper 9/ 10 in aguero playing false 9/ 10 and dragging them through)




OliRed's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 12:01:03
At the end of the day and regardless of whatever we think about Rooney (could not be bothered, really) or Plymouth as a club, Danns needs to be playing regular, Big Boy football with actual seasoned professionals so if Plymouth under Rooney is what that will take then, so be it. Just my opinion.




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26 Jul 2024 11:57:19
Shughes55 and if Inacio, Carvalho and Sporting refuse?




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23 Jul 2024 11:44:55
"Gordon thrives on having space ahead of him to attack at pace and is an excellent player in transition, but it still remains to be seen whether he can operate in the half spaces breaking down a low block. ".

And this is one of the reasons I don't want Gordon at LFC. He is more like a Martinelli type player. Give him space to run into and he looks boss. Playing vs a low block with no space to run into and he is neutralised. Sorry, I don't want such players at LFC.

As for Kubo, saw him play a bit a few years ago (with Isak and Januzaj at Sociedad) and looked a tidy player who ran at the fence playing on the right with a good eye for a pass. Not seen him since so I defer to those on here who have done so on a regular basis.




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09 Jul 2024 14:45:31
ED02, thanks for all you do. Really appreciate all your efforts.


{Ed002's Note - You are welcome.}



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09 Jul 2024 14:46:48
If Akira knows his stuff then, I hope Valverde does come. He is awesome.





OliRed's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 21:15:55
Thunderbird 2, you ain't never lied. We hear the same thing all the time. "Oh, A Rodri type player is who we need", "We should be looking to bring in a top class, athletic, and bruising DM who is great on the ball to come in and . " etc. Does the latter exist or do we have to create him in a lab somwhere?

So since there is only one Rodri (or Rice), maybe we should actually start coming up actual names of these human beings at the DM position we can get that can do all this "Rodri" or "Rice" type stuff so we can discuss the topic a lot deeper. Now wee can always create our own model of DM that can do all this stuff in a lab somewhere in Siberia somewhere. That would be nice.




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26 Jul 2024 15:14:48
Nice one, Rome1977!.




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26 Jul 2024 15:13:18
Spot on, Bill. And all power to him.




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26 Jul 2024 15:12:49
Hailstones if Slot said "we shall see if we can challenge" or something like that, what message is he sending to the Salah"s, Ali's, VVD's and Trent's of the world, some of whom have said that regardless of who the manager is, the standards do not change? Ali said the exact same thing last season when he was asked about Slot coming in. We challenged last season so in the players' eyes and minds, what stops them from doing so this season? It's a mentality thing, my guy.

Slot is saying what the players (esp. the ones I mentioned) want to hear as that will spur them on to challenge esp. since they are used to challenging on all fronts regardless of success or not. Players at the club right now ain't trying to hear "Oh, we won't be challenging this season" cos that's not in their DNA anymore. These guys grew from "Can we? " to "Yes, we did" under Klopp. That will not go down well in the DR and that's not the way you want to start your reign at an institution like LFC who are used to competing and winning over the past decade or so. Just my opinion.




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26 Jul 2024 11:30:49
Chalobah? Hard pass. Would rather keep the likes of Gomez and Sepp (I know, he's off) than sign such average players.




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