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07 Apr 2024 18:18:28
This isn't reactionary but what do we do with our forwards next season?

Hard to guess what system it will be considering we don't have much of an idea what manager is coming now alonso is out.

But we can probably guess Salah is gone, but what do we do with what's left?

Nunez - great player with some awful finishing
Gakpo - . won't say my honest opinion of him
Diaz - incredible dribbler but horrific finishing, basically a straight downgrade on what firmino used to be
Djota - Ups and down, inconsistent and clearly injury prone

Honestly have no idea what we end up with next year.


1.) 07 Apr 2024 18:59:38
This is going to sound critical but it’s not because I like him.

But is Nunez a great player?

I think he’s a player with a lot of potential but he also seems to be the player that is above any criticism.

2.) 07 Apr 2024 19:24:25
He was a great player before 3.30pm this afternoon, now he's sh! #e.

3.) 07 Apr 2024 20:08:39
Watch them all start coming back from injury now it’s too late. Ali, Jota, Trent etc. my finger will point in their direction for fault.

4.) 07 Apr 2024 20:26:32
Nunez has been shocking for weeks, a number 9 who can’t score. Salah has gone completely. if the Vaseline clown hadn’t dived 10 minutes before the penalty he would have missed it. Macca should be taking them. Both Nunez and Salah have let us down re a title challenge. We’re creating 20-30 attempts a game, they should be scoring much more. Jones and Gomez nor Gravenburch and Gakpo can get up to speed in those type of games quick enough to make an impact. Jones was doing his usual holding onto the ball for far too long. Joe has been awful for weeks now. Elliot was amazing and turned the game back in our favour. City will win all their games and the title. Klopp has done his best with the players at his disposal.

5.) 07 Apr 2024 22:10:17
Jude where in my post have I said he’s rubbish?

6.) 07 Apr 2024 21:27:38
You and I were on the chat earlier JC and Nunez certainly isn't beyond criticism on there. However, he's had 2 seasons with us now and I'm not convinced.

7.) 07 Apr 2024 21:28:50
I meant JK.

8.) 07 Apr 2024 22:37:19
Oh bless, WarMachine73, another one who piped up out of nowhere to start berrating players cos we did not win, whereas he was nowhere to be found all this time we were winning.

9.) 07 Apr 2024 23:26:53
Watching the game with friends n no one is convinced about Nunez . captain chaos says it all. works hard but very hit n miss .

10.) 08 Apr 2024 00:41:26
All depends on the new manager but I doubt he’ll have any loyalty to Nunez.

Love his passion, love his energy, he’s just technically average.

We need more quality up front.



21 Feb 2024 07:22:53
The fact we're top of the league and I still don't think we'll win it is mad.

Just insanity looking at our injuries. We'll have to play a full strength City, and a full strength united and spurs, with 5 or so 1st team players out. Plus the cup final this weekend. I really hope we get at least 1 silver ware for klopps last season

And how have Arsenal managed to avoid so many injuries this season, maybe we need to steal that medical team!


1.) 21 Feb 2024 07:49:53
I believe De Bruyne is carrying a hamstring injury. Both Gvardiol and Grealish are out. Hardly full strength but their second string is quality. As is ours.

Arsenal are missing Jesus, Zinchenko and Tomayisu.

Everyone is soldiering at this stage of the season.

2.) 21 Feb 2024 07:59:25
Arsenal city spurs and Utd have all had big players missing for lengthy periods. I’m sure they felt just has hard done by.

3.) 21 Feb 2024 08:05:13
I’d expect us to have a few players back by City, Utd and spurs.

From now until then those teams could also lose big players to injuries and it’s also possible we might get some back and lose others also.

Lots of working parts in play that we have zero control over.

4.) 21 Feb 2024 08:34:33
It’s not as bad as it appears. We only have 4 PL games before the break. We can field almost a first choice back 4 with plenty options from the bench. Plus Trent will be back before City. Nunez and Salah will be back for Forest so that gives us plenty of options up front. Dom and Trent should also be back for forest which means for the City game the only guaranteed starter missing is Allison.

5.) 21 Feb 2024 08:54:37
This is what Klopp gets paid the big bucks for and why we have such a deep squad including our academy boys.

All the clubs in top 6 have suffered key injuries, so we just have to deal with it.

6.) 21 Feb 2024 11:16:35
DeanW, why do you think we won't win it?

7.) 21 Feb 2024 15:31:26
It's quite interesting to see the debate about injuries, squad size and game priorities. So many diverse opinions.

From my own perspective, we went into the season a couple of senior players short - a DM and CB. Injuries to Alisson, Matip, Ibou, Thiago, Curtis and Jota were inevitable based on history. I was comfortable with one of Bradley or Ramsay deputising for Trent.

There have been a few good surprises.

1) Quansah has done an excellent job when called upon - negating my concerns about not buying a CB in the summer.

2) I never thought MacAllister could/ would play no6 as well as he has been doing.

3) I never thought Endo would be good enough to play in big Premier League games.

4) I didn't think Bradley was going to be able to show this level of performance already.

5) I didn't expect Curtis to become our best midfielder.

Shows us what do really know about anything!

On whether we have big or small squad. That depends entirely on what you think of the first team quality of the kids. We only registered a 20-man (25 is allowed) squad for the PL, with Gravenberch, Elliott, Bradley, Quansah, Doak, Gordon, Clark, McConnell etc not counting due to being u21.

Was it a conscious decision to rely on the youngsters as much or was it down to not being able to do enough deals in the summer? I don't know.
Once the season started, did they believe that this squad was capable enough to go deep into all four comps? I don't know.

But, here we are.

8.) 21 Feb 2024 16:24:13
To win it I think we need to stay infront.

I can’t see us dropping points and being able to recover from a deficit (because of the injuries) .

9.) 21 Feb 2024 18:34:55
And to think there used to be moans on here the squad was too big.

10.) 21 Feb 2024 20:27:15
Well this is part of why, if we drop points at home against luton then its gone 100%.
But you can't expect to have a 100% record for the rest of the season with constant injuries.
Look at our bench tonight, no forward options, no midfielders to come on.
Its noone's fault but i don't see us winning the league, not when City are officially sitting on 2 injuries, and arsenal 4, to our 11 (i think is the official stat tonight with darwin and salah out)

11.) 21 Feb 2024 21:34:44
Dean give yourself a jab to the ribs.

12.) 21 Feb 2024 21:36:48
Just wondering why Man Utd have been mentioned? Mid table fodder have no business at the top table. We have a squad that can cope with injuries thank God and Klopp as manager so no stress. Obviously we have had a squad of minus 1 ever since Thiago signed. got to be in the top ten worst ever signings, he’s broken more than a lotus Elise.

13.) 21 Feb 2024 23:56:53
Dean, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. All Im going to say here is that you are using injuries to convince yourself that we won't win the title even after we smoked Luton tonight with 8 starters out and still you think we won't win. You act as if our injuries are long term which they are NOT.

Players will start coming back starting this weekend with Salah and Darwin (knowk on wood) and yet we are still top so this is just a temporary phase in the season, IMO. Unlike you, I take it one game at a time so I don't expect us to win all our games due to injuries BUT it seems to you that cos we can't do that, we won't win the title? Footie don't work that way, mate.

Now if you allow yourself to be convinced by negativity being pumped out by the media and rival fans then, that's all on you, mate. Our manager himself has said there are no excuses hence, he doesn't talk about injuries. The players don't do that either and they are delivering. Also, I would ask you to believe in the team the same way your manager does and the players believe in themselves BUT you have convinced yourself we won't win due to "temporary" injuries. Again, that's your cross to bear. The rest of us choose to make other decisions.



17 Dec 2023 19:44:44
Ed001, I got to ask, what do you do with our forwards? Mainly Nunez and Gakpo, both fairly new money signings. Both that seemingly can't finish.
I watch nunez, and I'm baffled at some of his decision making, he clearly has it in his locker, but somehow manages to make the worst decision at nearly every juncture. And his ability to be offside when he can clearly see the line is really confusing (this also applies to diaz) . Do you just have to try and develop them? or are we just going to be desperate like a lot of big teams for a proper striker in the summer?


{Ed001's Note - work with them, Gakpo is just a victim of his ability to play lots of positions so he isn't getting to settle into one position. Instead he is played here, there and everywhere. Nunez just needs time and work with the coaches, the ability is there. I wouldn't worry about the offside thing, a striker looking to run in behind is regularly going to get caught offside, it is just the way it is. You say they can see along the line, but they are busy looking at the man with the ball to look at when to run, not along the line. That is only really relevant if someone is out wide, as then they can see the back line out of the corner of their eye constantly.}

1.) 18 Dec 2023 02:28:15
Nunez has gone off the boil a bit in terms of his G/ A output, but I think the pundits are driving a bit of fan hysteria about it. I think we need to focus more on how do we move forward on the path rather than constantly trying to think about how to re-pave the path or whether to take a different path altogether.

2.) 18 Dec 2023 04:12:25
Great things take time. I get frustrated with Nunez too as we can clearly see he can be one of the best in world. But its going to take time. How long you ask? As long as it takes for pep ljinders to get out of the club. even yesterday we were very predictable untill gomez came then our attack sparked more. Should be using the flanks. I guess its going to take some time for the coaching staff to realise that and change. So let's be patient untill then.10 years ago we would be killing to be in this position. its not always about winning. By the way how can R. Keane call anyone arrogant?.

3.) 18 Dec 2023 04:45:30
Ed1, we seems to have lost the fluidity in attack that we usually see in Klopp team. Few seasons ago, our attack build up is fast and clinical with a lot of movement up front and most teams can't cope with that.

Last season and especially this season, we seem a lot more rigid and so slow in our build up play. Lack of overlapping full back and constantly trying go through the middle seems hurting us a lot. Do you think there is any chance this will change?

{Ed001's Note - not while Lijnders is involved, no.}

4.) 18 Dec 2023 07:53:08
It was nothing to do with any system yesterday. We played against a team with zero confidence and who had many players out injured. We showed no fight, no desire, we couldn’t pass the ball properly, we couldn’t control the ball. The fans were just as bad, it was totally flat, totally unacceptable.

Man U even had the best chance of the game. They better shake themselves or Arsenal will punish them.

5.) 18 Dec 2023 07:43:26
Most of Nunez offside yesterday he was stood on the edge of the Utd box.

I still don’t understand what he was doing when Diaz was challenged by their keeper and the ball was still in play with an open goal. My nan would have been quick enough to stop that ball going out and score it.

6.) 18 Dec 2023 08:21:29
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that we are ignoring one critical aspect in most sports - space. For all the intricacies to this new "fad" of playing through the middle with an overloaded centre nullifies our weapons in Salah/ Nunez/ Diaz. Far too often do I see Mo receiving the ball 50 yards away on the touchline with hard yards to get into decent shooting positions

Ed has mentioned it on plenty of match reviews that it doesn't work and If it does? Only To a certain style of opposition setups

Gone of the days where our fullbacks were competing with each other for the most assists.

Strangely enough, there's enough evidence throughout the year that JK, when reversed back to his original style, that we played with more fluidity from back to front and created more using the width of the pitch.

Sniffing around the top of the table and challenging is something I'm always joyfully grateful for but, the intensity to provoke crowd interaction and enjoyment is slowly dissipating which is why Klopp and Anfield was/ is such a great fit

In Klopp I trust but man oh man, can I shake him ?.

7.) 18 Dec 2023 08:21:38
I get frustrated with Nunez too as we can clearly see he can be one of the best in world. But its going to take time

you really haven't seen a lot of strikers, haven't you. I don't see any fuss around nunez. the fans making him some sort of Benzema that's it. the guy can't hit a barn door and all he has is a pack full of yellow cards which he picks up every week no matter what.

8.) 18 Dec 2023 08:29:04
I really don't get this blaming of Lijnders. Still in the Carabao, can go top of the league on Saturday and last 16 of the Europa, does he deserve praise for that? I've got no view on him one way or another, but if he does have such an influence, then the buck stops with Klopp for allowing it. No one mentions Lijnders when we're winning.

9.) 18 Dec 2023 08:31:49
I see above you mention Darwin working with the coaches
My worry is - do we actually do that kind of work?

Everything I always see is keep-ball on training
He’s still snatching at chances and trying to smash the leather off it

The biggest concern for me is this style of play doesn’t suit him, and he doesn’t fit in to this style of play.

{Ed001's Note - then we should change the style of play to suit him and our other players, because the way we are playing is not suiting anyone really.}

10.) 18 Dec 2023 08:51:03
Harry, that's one of the most contradictory posts you've ever put out. You say Nunez can be one of the best in the world, then say he can't hit a barn door and you don't know what the fuss is about. You obviously post utter nonsense just so people like me take time to challenge your rubbish and take the bait.

11.) 18 Dec 2023 08:58:14
Agreed Rome, he gets no praise when we win but most of the criticism when we lose. Yesterday was about how crap the players played nothing else. VvZv and Allison apart.

12.) 18 Dec 2023 09:25:22
People harking back to the ‘good old days’ when we had Trent and Robbo high are the same people that were moaning that we had no goals from midfield back then.

We now have midfield players that want to create, get forward and score goals so we simply can’t play with high fullbacks. Didn’t you notice Utd didn’t get in our half until Gomez came on? Then they didn’t attack down the flanks they just waltzed straight through the middle of the park!

We can’t play those tactics with attacking midfielders we’d ship goal after goal. Then you’d all be moaning about how off form VVD is and how he’s finished and we need new defenders.

You have to think about defensive tactics as well as offensive ones. As good a Virgil is he can’t do it all on his own.

13.) 18 Dec 2023 10:02:25
For me, we are still a work in progress and there are reasons for this. I disagree that the team had no fight and no desire cos we all saw how we started the game like a house on fire. The problem is that we looked disjointed going forward and creatively. That is where we are struggling. We have had the same issue for the past few games so nothing surprising happened yesterday, if we are all looking at things deeply.

Also, our forwards are out of form. Since the Int'l break, only Salah has scored a goal out of the forwards in the 9 goals we have scored coming into last night. Sorry, there is your problem, right there. In addition, we are having difficulty with fluidity in our build up and decision-making in the final third. I think we overplay way too much and take too many touches on the ball before releasing it to the forwards hence why at times, Darwin is offside. We need to play faster and love the ball quicker. For me, we are still a work in progress despite our great position in the table, IMO.

14.) 18 Dec 2023 10:07:44
I think it has everything to do with the set up. We witnessed against Luton, congesting the midfield with the inverted full back just doesn’t work! The same yesterday, United clearly came with a Burnley tactic in mind and we should have been ready for this.
Why we don’t use the flanks to create space is beyond me.

15.) 18 Dec 2023 10:12:19
Ed01- completely agree with changing our style of play
I personally think us playing on the counter would get the best out of the front 3 and avoid trying to get players to play a style they’re not used to.

16.) 18 Dec 2023 10:57:50
Rome1977!, are you meeting Harry for the first time or something?

17.) 18 Dec 2023 10:58:12
At what point will we admit that the tactics stink? It's been going on for multiple seasons now and we just persist.

We're basically trying to play a cheap rip-off of De Zerbi-ball with Klopp's racehorses.

18.) 18 Dec 2023 11:57:34
Drogie, even Burnley don't play that way anymore.

19.) 18 Dec 2023 12:13:32
OliRed, I know, mate. I'm an old fool who shouldn't rise to the bait. I was feeling a bit tetchy this morning!

20.) 18 Dec 2023 12:13:40
@Mark08, " he (Darwin) gets no praise when we win but most of the criticism when we lose".

And I got the receipts to back this up. Against Toulouse at home the the EL, Darwin scored a goal, had an assist and overall, a very good game overall. But cos he beat two players, rounded the GK and hit the post (Gravenberch scored off the rebound), that's all many people focused on. Got next to NO credit for his overalL contribution. So not only does he get slammed when we lose or draw, he gets slammed when we actually win and when he plays well and actually scores.

So for me and as much as I think he needs to seriously improve (and that goes for all our fowards), if you are not going to give him credit for the things he does do well then, don't come around here lamming him for things that he did not do well. Nor for things he and the other forwards are also guilty of. Just my take.



16 Jun 2023 20:26:32
Trent starting in midfield for england! pretty interesting.


{Ed025's Note - its a bit of a headless chicken role for me dean, neither one thing or the other and it might be ok against crap like malta but against a decent team it seems a waste mate..

1.) 16 Jun 2023 21:26:12
Goal and an assist, not to shabby, bear in mind harry Maguire is playing.

2.) 16 Jun 2023 21:57:13
Did trent play as a 'geniune' midfield? In a midfield 3?

3.) 16 Jun 2023 22:07:22
Digger it was a 4-2-3-1. He started as the number 10 and then when Eze came on he dropped into the double pivot. Looked better as the 10, but to be fair the game had gone stale by the time he dropped into midfield. Did enough in the first 30 minutes alone to be man of the match though in my opinion. A glimpse of what could be, maybe.

4.) 16 Jun 2023 22:10:37
Did you watch the game.

5.) 16 Jun 2023 21:55:36
Respectfully Ed I think trent has to have as little to do with defending as possible, I have always thought a free role, the old coutihno role or midfield is where he will flourish .

{Ed025's Note - the jury is still out for me hailstones, he was looking for the show stopper pass all the time and it never came off very much mate, wasted a lot of ball and its ok against rubbish but you cant be the big i am against quality teams or you will get found out..

6.) 16 Jun 2023 22:35:22
Cheers mk. I'd like to see liverpool play him in midfield but I think we guna stick with him as an inverted fb.

{Ed025's Note - i think MK was watching some different game digger, or that the reflection of his trent posters were distorting the real game mate..

7.) 16 Jun 2023 22:51:28
He definitely has trent posters on his wall 25. Haha.

{Ed025's Note - and a trent tattoo on his arse no doubt john.. :)

8.) 16 Jun 2023 23:14:01
Your right ed025 mate Trent can’t defend ghee can’t attack or link the play, if he has a good game it’s only down to the opposition being poor, he’s big grades and the jury is out on him. He ain’t never going to win anything with the suite of his swede he really needs to knuckle down and graft to get to the highest level. Might be an idea him watching some clips of Seamus Coleman to see how’s it done.

Jesus Christ Ed025 I love you to bits man but sometimes I think you’ve been shoehorned into this to wind people up ?.

{Ed025's Note - i actually think hes talented DTD but i dont know where he fits in, is he a defender?, a wingback?, or a floating creative midfielder?, im not sure klopp or the wally in the waistcoat does either mate, give him an actual position and see where it takes him i say..

9.) 16 Jun 2023 23:34:19
Digger, I'd prefer him to stay as an inverted fullback myself. Or similar to how Stones plays for City. On the night Trent was the best of a bad bunch. Saka and Trent were the only England players who showed up to be brutally honest. Everyone else did nothing or had nothing to do. And after 30 minutes Trent and Saka started cruising too which made it a very hard watch. Probably due to the heat, weak opposition and these games comically coming after a long season when the players should be on holiday. It was a very poor Malta team against an England team who couldn't be bothered but Trent and Saka were the difference before it went completely flat. Ignore Ed025, he's just being bitter ?.

10.) 16 Jun 2023 23:49:43
Trent is such a bad defender that we only won the league, Champions League, World Club Cup, FA Cup, League Cup and Charity Shield with him playing at right back.

11.) 17 Jun 2023 00:23:54
Totally agree ed but I feel he is now wasted at rightback as he is getting skinned, then there's a backlash that he can't defend which is definitely his weak point and has cost us this season on a few occasions. As you said he has to show it consistently and against top sides, his probing from the middle is promising and let's see how it plays out .

12.) 17 Jun 2023 01:30:52
Trent should be telling Southgate to eff off . Never watched it don’t care, who was playing. Read double pivot and inverted was enough for me to p. my pants.
God help us footy is going to become like choir practice.

13.) 17 Jun 2023 06:18:49
Midfielders have to be able to win back possession too. They also have to maintain possession until the opposition makes a mistake or commits themselves.

Trent as a midfielder? He has a lot to learn in my opinion.

14.) 17 Jun 2023 07:17:07
Ed025 but the fact you’ve just suggested he can play a number of different positions on the field doesn’t that say something also? It’s an opinion game everyone is entitled to. I’m not sure what he has to do to get plaudits from some people.

{Ed025's Note - he can play numerous positions DTD (im not saying hes good at them) but he needs to define a position for me mate, great crosser of a ball so maybe wide right i would suggest but of course Saka owns that for england, he seems to be trying too hard and at times and for me looks lost in the middle of midfield, wand of a right foot but positionally all over the gaff or is that just me?..

15.) 17 Jun 2023 08:18:04
Ed25. I bet ye mk doesn't have as many trent posters as I do. .

{Ed025's Note - each to his own Digger, my posters have always contained pictures of naked women mate.. :)

16.) 17 Jun 2023 08:24:26
I think I could play in midfield for England against Malta and do a job tbh. Tho I’m Welsh so I’d refuse the call and be getting the runaround by Armenia instead.

17.) 17 Jun 2023 08:43:54
Ok Ed025 so he can play a number of positions for club and country. Has won every major honour at club level, has developed from a young boy try to apply his trade. Scores, assists for fun right up there with anyone else yet to you he isn't good at any position, he is a big head and looks lost on the field.?!

Have a great day weekend mate.

{Ed025's Note - i just dont get all the hype mate, had an awful time last season at full back so to appease him was moved to midfield where he done ok without having an actual role, if Alisson has a drop in form maybe he will fancy a go in goal and no doubt his managers will kow-tow just to get him in the team, you have a good weekend yourself my friend, by the way its fine to disagree on things..

18.) 17 Jun 2023 09:08:28
?. On a sidenote ed25 why didn't u tell us u where starting for ireland last night? I'm sure eds and posters wouldve watched. it was only at kick off time when I seen lineup with smallbone in it I realised. ?.

{Ed025's Note - you would not like it on your nose for a wart Digger.. :)

19.) 17 Jun 2023 09:11:24
Daretodream, don't mind Ed25. He is just pulling our legs. He did the same thing with Gini and Bobbie thru-out their time here saying on the forum how poor he thought they were and all that whereas on the podcasts, he had nothing but great things to say about both players esp. with Bobbie who he adores. Sssh, don't tell anyone.

I don't pay attention to all the smoke he is trying to bring up about Trent. He has confessed that even tho, Trent had a poor seasons by his very own high standards, he is still one of the best RB's on the planet. His own words.

{Ed025's Note - thats not true oli, attacking wise when you were flying a couple of years back he was very good, but never the best RB on the planet mate, you have to be decent in the air and be able to tackle for that..

20.) 17 Jun 2023 10:31:52
He is Englands best player.

21.) 17 Jun 2023 11:23:30

22.) 17 Jun 2023 11:36:23
you could make an argument that TAA would be the only current Liverpool player to play in a Man City team.

23.) 18 Jun 2023 11:40:50
Only TAA? You think Guardiola wouldn't take Salah and Diaz? ?.

24.) 18 Jun 2023 11:41:48
Ed25, there you go again trying to deflect.

{Ed025's Note - i never deflect oli i tell it how i see it mate, i dont see things through tinted glasses if thats what you mean..



10 Jun 2023 22:01:03
Can't wait to get outspent by City after they have now won the treble.
Man this sport is in a terrible state.


1.) 10 Jun 2023 22:08:28
We won't get out spent by City as every player they sign will only cost threepence hapeny according to their official accounts. Like Haaland who absolutely definitely didn't cost any more than the accurate and true number that was given. So we are good.

2.) 10 Jun 2023 22:18:48
Well said ?.

3.) 10 Jun 2023 22:19:33
Indeed, Kimuraking. Clearly, Haaland cost more than Nunez according to the official financial statement City put out this season so we will be outspending them next season again.

4.) 10 Jun 2023 23:18:16
We’d have been outspent even more if they’d lost.




DeanW's rumour replies


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14 Jul 2024 19:35:33
If the player wants out, i don't see how they are going to change his mind without promising starting time. Which would be hard to do at this stage.




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14 Aug 2023 20:34:32
I know Ed002, was just being facetious.
Just must be a better more balanced way of managing the leagues.




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14 Aug 2023 17:49:10
Bring in NFL style drafting. Stop teams spending ridiculous money (especially as we don't seem to be able to do it) .
City quietly just spending 300mill a year after their huge investment, makes them nearly unbeatable over the full season.


{Ed002's Note - Obviously that is not possible. The NFL only has a small number of sides.}



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14 Aug 2023 15:56:30
the idea that baj and morton could be premier league ready is absurd. They need to be protected and brought in slowly.




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14 Aug 2023 12:12:11
I mean regardless of what you think, this can not be viewed as anything but a mess now. I'm not sold on lavia, and caciedo wanted chelsea so it is what it is, but realistically what took this so long when we knew hendo and fabs were leaving.





DeanW's banter replies


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22 Jul 2024 15:54:14
Crieff living in fairy land, you don't think Arsenal will be top 3?

And i find it hilarious that "klopp believes in him", as if Klopp could give anything but an endorsement. "nah slots crap. "

I think it'll be a rough start to the season and its going to take time to bed down relationships in the upper management. I would be surprised if we sign too many.




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18 Jul 2024 10:15:32
I personally see Gravenberch as the new keita, shows sparks but quite simply doesn't do enough! Would rather have chucked the mills onto the academy to develop our own youngsters!
Maybe he'll grow into it, he did have some better performances towards the end of the season.




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05 Jul 2024 14:19:32
Keeping Salah is probably a mistake financially, but maybe not for football.
We have a new manager so likely this season will be an adjustment etc, especially with how late preseason will start.
But realistically salah leaving for a free next year is a financial disaster as you're going to have to spend to get a top quality replacement. If you can lose him for a decent money and free up his wages, puts you in a much better place. Though could impact the quality of player we have available.




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21 Jun 2024 12:55:54
Interesting, though as we potentially lose a lot of money not moving him on.
I'd listen to offers, but i'm unsure you'll get someone of his calibre easily. Especially if he's on his peak.
Another point is salah would also have CAF and potentially world cup. so he could struggle next year.




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17 May 2024 19:00:05
I love to see people writing off trent as a midfielder without ever seeing him actually play there. We have a liverpudian born and bred who loves the club and has won a CL and PL with us, and people are like nah he can't be good enough to adapt, yet milner could play everywhere.
Some weird takes on Trent of late.




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