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08 Nov 2014 13:59:01
ed anything in the story that if we can sell balo we will try get jackson martinez in january thanks


{Ed001's Note - not that I know of.}



01 Nov 2014 13:40:20
ed are we interested in mattia perin few papers saying we have made an offer thanks


{Ed002's Note - I don't see Perin moving in January but there is every chance that he will move in the summer. Genoa have said that they will not consider any discussions at this time after AC Milan made an offer involving Matri, Gabriel and some cash. There is a lot of interest in the player, perhaps including Liverpool.}



11 Jun 2014 11:26:19
ed sorry this a moreno question but a report has said that the way savilla want payment is beyond Liverpools means and we have given up do u no if we have thanks


{Ed002's Note - Read the posts Danny - to be honest I am sick of answering this same question over and over.}



08 Jun 2014 11:30:44
ed is isco for sale this summer not playing much any teams looking at him thanks


{Ed002's Note - If Real Madrid were to make Isco available he would be priced at a level where all but a handful of teams could afford him. Real Madrid were recently discussing another player with Chelsea and I am sure he would have been mentioned if they were looking to move him on. There was interest from Manchester City and Bayern Munich in the past, but right now I am not aware of any interest.}



16 May 2014 14:26:25
ed do u no if we have bid for dani parejo and do u no if we won't both him and lallana thanks


{Ed002's Note - There has been no bid but I expect there to be one. The club would like both players.}




danny88232's banter posts with other poster's replies to danny88232's banter posts


31 Dec 2017 18:58:51
thanks for all the info in 2017 ed002 you are mve make sure you get a pay rise haha happy new year mate.


{Ed002's Note - Thanks Danny, keep it greasy.}



18 Nov 2017 22:43:30
thanks for the sharkpod btw.




18 Nov 2017 22:42:55
ed 002 drunk question what languages do you speak apart from french and american english.


1.) 19 Nov 2017 11:46:07

2.) 19 Nov 2017 21:38:40

{Ed002's Note - I can speak English, French and some Italian, Spanish, German with a little Hebrew.}



09 Sep 2017 13:23:15
hope klopp stops this game no point in second half refs in this country are are disgrace.


{Ed002's Note - Obviously Liverpool can refuse to play the second half if that is what Klopp wants. As for referees being a disgrace; would you be happy if an opposition player ran at a Liverpool player with his foot 6 feet in the air and kicked him in the head forcing him to be carried off? Woould you be screaming for him to stay on the pitch?

Is Klopp that stupid?}

1.) 09 Sep 2017 13:32:18
It's a 50/ 50 challenge he earned his right to go for the ball, if it wasn't a keeper he'd of got a yellow, fact!

{Ed002's Note - You might want to read the guidance to the laws of the game. It is pitiful that yet again there are fans trying to defend a simple matter.}

2.) 09 Sep 2017 13:33:59
Yellow card for me, but studs were showing, ref had no choice due to the directions he's received from his bosses. Not refs fault.

{Ed002's Note - So you think a foot six feet in the air, studs showing, and hitting the opposition player in the head is a yellow card?}

3.) 09 Sep 2017 13:35:51
Oh come on Ed. He's got to go for the ball. If he nicks it that's a goal. Are you saying you would of pulled out of it? . He's unfortunate that the keeper has put his head in and he's come off in a bad way. If he wasn't hurt he wouldn't of been sent off.

{Ed002's Note - Really, only sent off because the player was hurt? Astonishing stuff.}

4.) 09 Sep 2017 13:36:02
Love to hear the opinions on this considering when Nani did this and his high boot hit a player's chest. Liverpool fans said instant red.

Be interested to see how the opinions differ when it's a Liverpool player this time and he caught the player in the face with studs showing.

Carragher is correct. Instant Red. What's the difference with studs showing a foot off of the floor or five foot off of the floor?

The latter is far more dangerous in my opinion. It's a shame as the game was a good game. But a red nonetheless.

{Ed002's Note - You are wasting your time Syd.}

5.) 09 Sep 2017 13:36:17
Come on Danny. It was a straight red. Ref got it spot on.

Harsh on Mane as he had eyes on the ball but he took Ederson out. Raised foot to the head? Definitely a red.

6.) 09 Sep 2017 13:36:58
Sorry Danny but that is a red card, studs in the face . not got the ball. take the emotion out, whether he meant it or not it is a red card. Yes it ruins an entertaining game but it is still the correct decision.

7.) 09 Sep 2017 13:38:20
Red card All Day Long, get off your red tinted glasses.

8.) 09 Sep 2017 13:40:50
Do you really not think that was dangerous from Mane?
Ref has made the correct decision.
The keeper was not ducking into the ball and Mane foot was head high.
Should be criticising Mane for not going with his head also to attempt to win the ball fairly.
He was making a genuine attempt to win the ball but chose the wrong option as to how to try to win it.

9.) 09 Sep 2017 13:41:18
It's pityful that all the experts and fans of soccerball are wrong and ed002 who doesn't even follow a team really, is right as always.

10.) 09 Sep 2017 13:42:03
man its a simple thing his foot his high and its a missed timed tackle. no intension to injure anyone but its a missed time tackle its a red . just let it go.

11.) 09 Sep 2017 13:44:36
To be fair I think most players would have gone for that ball, but the red card is clear as day. He kicked him in the face for god's sake.

12.) 09 Sep 2017 13:44:59
The goalie was sold out by his defence. Mane wasn't wrong for going for it, but he caught the keeper and he would have been lucky to get a yellow, so you can't really complain about a red. It wasn't malicios, and feel sorry for both Mane and their goalie. Hope he's okay.

13.) 09 Sep 2017 13:57:41
If mane got the ball and took it down and scored would the ref called it back for a high foot?

{Ed002's Note - What are you talking about, is that the ball and the head? Or the ball only if the goalkeeper was nowhere near by? Hopeless, absolutely hopeless.}

14.) 09 Sep 2017 14:06:03
I love how people think if Mane got the ball it would be a guaranteed goal xD even if he beat the keeper too the ball, he would have just launched it or it would of ricocheted off the keeper head anyway.
And the ref got it spot on. I don’t get the whole "he was out of his area so he was an outfield player" regarding the keeper. He still took stood to the face at some speed and looks to have fractured his cheek an jaw bones.

15.) 09 Sep 2017 14:06:19
Its hardly hopeless. Its a genuine question. I'm not saying it wasn't a red or was. If the keeper had came out and mane knocks the ball over him and scores does the ref give a free kick against mane for a high foot?

{Ed002's Note - So did the goalkeepers head get hit by his foot or studs, how close was the goalkeeper - it is absolute nonsense and the standard attempt by a Liverpool fan to clutch at straws and feeble excuses. It was a red card, there was certainly no malice, but he had to be sent off.

But what if he was a minute earlier to the ground today and got that lucky heather from the old gypsy woman - would it still have been a red card?}

16.) 09 Sep 2017 14:13:46
Embarrassing comments or just blind - not sure.

17.) 10 Sep 2017 08:21:47
The ref wouldn't of called a foul if mane won the ball and scored so that tells you it wasn't a foul.

Both went for the ball. One got caught but it was 100% not a red card. Ruined the game. Moss isn't fit to ref in nt he prem anyway, maybe this will be the nail he needed.

Onto the next game.



14 Dec 2016 21:33:12
well ill eat my hat now when did lallana become a goal scorer took him 3 seasons and 2 manages 1million cruyff turns but am happy he is now contributing consistently.





danny88232's rumour replies


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19 Apr 2024 16:50:32
Think nunez could be a better if we played him on the left over diaz and got a proper 9 that can finish the chances.




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29 Mar 2024 21:09:13
Negelsmann would probably be the safer and best choice out of the options we have now imo.




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22 Mar 2024 11:57:51
Diaz upgrade is needed even if salha stays would go all in for vini if real get m app and build team round him.




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22 Feb 2024 22:26:06
When he wins the league realistically he would have achieved all he can so why stay when when the stars have aligned for him to come lfc witch mite not happen again.




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13 Feb 2024 17:54:31
Bayern will do what they do best and poach the best players from them to make it a one horse race again so pointless him staying if that happens.





danny88232's banter replies


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07 May 2024 12:04:26
Darwin has more g/ a then Diaz even tho he missed a great chance most
games and is a few years younger still likely to get better so be mad to sell him imo.




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11 Apr 2024 21:56:53
Lucky the second leg is at Anfield.




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11 Apr 2024 11:59:37
Cant rest core players away in Europe when it's are best chance at another cup get the win and try rest them elsewhere.




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08 Apr 2024 17:42:50
Anything less then all titles striped with a ban from Europe for as long as they have cheated is a farce, mite as well say cheating pays off in football if its less would also say jail time would happen in any other business but this is football.




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03 Mar 2024 15:38:18
Love to see us try a 3 man back line to jam extra cm in think we are good enough to get away with it with endo dropping in when we lose ball.




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