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BarryinLouth's rumours posts with other poster's replies to BarryinLouth's rumours posts


17 Dec 2020 08:37:28
Good morning everyone. Really looking forward to Ed001 match review.


1.) 17 Dec 2020 20:23:29
I hope he talks about Moanrinho's living obviously in an alternative reality.

2.) 17 Dec 2020 21:34:12
I know England has a fair few bad pundits, but listening to ESPN's coverage and people like Craig Burley saying "Klopp is annoying me" and "I don't care if it annoys people, I like watching Tottenham more than Liverpool" are enough to drive me up the wall. They make the case that if Bergwijn finishes his chances its 3-1. what about all of the chances we had that went literally right at the goalie? Salah on his right foot scuffing it? Mane drilling the crossbar? 11 shots on target to 2; 17 shots to 8? 74% possession? 813 passes to 254? Sure, someone can make a comment about Klopp not making any subs, but who was he going to bring on? Ox and Keita who are literally not fit? These pundits live in Mourinho's world. I have watched Tottenham several times this year and get no joy from it. They set up to play exact as we expected and got punished for it when they took their best player off the pitch.

3.) 18 Dec 2020 00:26:04
Craig Burley and Richard Keys hate us. They are horrible individuals that get to stay on air knowing their words cause controversy.

4.) 18 Dec 2020 05:24:34
the talking heads can do my head in sometimes. well, actually, the writing fingers on here can do my head sometimes too hahahaha

each to their own tho. Some people laud the pragmatism of Mourinho's style. We were mature and lucky enough (we should admit) to ride the waves and eventually come out on top.

5.) 18 Dec 2020 14:41:07
I don't enjoy listening to football pundits. I find commentators to be really annoying. In my view they spoil the occasion. I would much prefer to watch a match with just the crowd noise. No commentator. No pundit. No idiotic and pointless statistics. We aren't we allowed to just watch the game?

6.) 18 Dec 2020 15:48:38
I just watched the game in full again and just don’t get it. Tottenham basically set up to defend and Liverpool completely dominated the game. We could have killed it off with decent finishing while they were basically limited to 3-4 key moments, while we dominated midfield and created at least a dozen good opportunities. I also think if Son had been subjected to the same scrutiny as Mane vs Everton, he would have been offsides. No question at all in my mind, the better team won.

Special mention to our midfield who were imperious, Bobby Firmino who was brilliant, Robbo who has been my player of the season so far, and Rhys who did an excellent job on Debut.



20 Sep 2020 20:45:03
Why was Henderson taken off?


{Ed0666's Note - injury

1.) 20 Sep 2020 20:59:00
Oh thanks Ed.

{Ed0666's Note - no worries mate hope you enjoyed the game.

2.) 20 Sep 2020 22:11:26
I think it was just precautionary (tight thigh they said on commentary) but also the perfect scenario to introduce Thiago’s skill set to the game.

3.) 20 Sep 2020 21:25:53
I was worried before the game I must admit but 10-15 minutes into the game I started to relax a bit. Now the sending off did of course help us no question there. I was really interested in watching Timo play and plenty of pace but would he suit our style of play? I definitely think we need more cover at CB even tho Fab was just fab.3pts in the bag Ed0666 and extremely happy mate👍😁.

{Ed0666's Note - Yeh I said earlier I’m not sure Werner would have suited us and I stand by that. He’s phenomenal in a counter attacking side. Buying a CB is imperative mate as fab can’t be expected to pull out that type of center back display as an auxillary consistently if god forbid he had to. It was also telling that even tho Matip & Gomez didn’t play Billy the kid wasn’t picked so clearly Klopp doesn’t feel he’s ready to step up.

4.) 21 Sep 2020 07:57:14
I believe Billy was injured according to an injury update on the LFC website so Klopp may still consider him adequate cover.

{Ed001's Note - he was.}

5.) 21 Sep 2020 08:00:13
Was gomez injured? Seemed odd to not even have him in the bench if so.

{Ed001's Note - yes.}

6.) 21 Sep 2020 08:14:09
I thought fabinho was excellent at cb to the point that I’d like to see him there every week. He reads the game well makes great interceptions great tackles and good in the air. Add the fact that he can play a bit as well and I think you’ve got a perfect partner for VVD there. Held his own against a very good Werner on more than one occasion. Thiago with the exception of the challenge for the penalty looked exceptional, I’ll be honest I didn’t see the need for him as we have plenty of midfielders but in 45 minutes he proved with almost every touch of the ball that he’s a different class. Playing with a swagger of someone who has won everything and wants to win more. Liverpool at times looked in a training match just keeping possession and probing for Weakness for long stages. Chelsea miss pulisic and ziyech and will be a different prospect when they’re fit however Liverpool went to a team that want to be contenders and made them look average for 90 minutes. A very good squad developing now with cover across the pitch.

7.) 21 Sep 2020 04:15:21
So we’re all talking about a CB, but Eds, do we know of any actual solid interest in any? I’m hoping you won’t say Carlos.

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of anything different to what has been discussed I am afraid.}

8.) 21 Sep 2020 10:36:44
Fab has a mean streak in him, as a DM this is okay, but not as a CB. The risk would be too much.

{Ed025's Note - hes your second best centre back after VVD for me xpertoyin, reads the game very well and kept werner quiet yesterday which is not easy mate..

9.) 21 Sep 2020 10:49:20
I agree Ed025. Gomez is a very good young centre back but Fabinho is just better in every defensive department except recovery pace. He even holds the offside trap better.

{Ed025's Note - he has something better than speed HMB, he has speed of thought, reads the game very well which although hes young gomez fails on imo, just my opinion though mate..

10.) 21 Sep 2020 11:03:48
Was just going to say the same thing Ed. I thought he was exceptional and I think what I liked most was how well he read the game and his calmness with bring the ball out of dangerous situations. With regards to Thiago, I was also one that didn't see the need to go for him but wow, what a player. He strikes the ball so well and effortlessly finds a red shirt. I'm very excited to see more of him in midfield.

11.) 21 Sep 2020 13:25:55
As they say Ed025, the first 5 yards are in your head.

{Ed025's Note - dead right mate..

12.) 21 Sep 2020 13:39:02
I hope we don't sign a Cb think Gomez and VVD are a great pair big games like yesterday Fab can cover with the lower end clubs the young lads can cover if Matip and Gomez are both out. If I could sign one more player I would rather we get better cover for Alisson as Adrian proved last year in the fa cup and champions league he is not good enough.

13.) 21 Sep 2020 07:47:56
Think klopp said billy had a knock too.

{Ed0666's Note - thanks mate

14.) 21 Sep 2020 16:31:38
Can I ask who is Billy the kid? Haha.

15.) 21 Sep 2020 21:42:05
Gomez is far better than Fabinho at centre back.

I'm ok with Fabinho providing cover but no way would I agree with Fabinho actually being better than Gomez as a center back.

Excellent yesterday but if he playing there regularly I think he'd be caught out (lack of pace and strong but a bit clumsy so I think he would give away a fair few penalties) .

16.) 21 Sep 2020 23:14:18
Fabinho played superbly vs chelski. id be happy to see him there, maybe Tiago and Hendo infront of him. Would allow Keita to play slightly further forward. Or maybe play Bobby in a "10" role, move Mane inside, play Jota left channel and keep Salah down the right channel. Either way, and more, we've signed some great players in great deals, giving us a chance of retaining the title. Come on REDMEN. YNWA.



29 Jul 2020 11:57:38
Why did Liverpool not sign Harvetz? Was it lack of money? Or were they even interested in him?


{Ed002's Note - No money and not a player Liverpool looked to tap up.}

1.) 29 Jul 2020 13:40:13
Nice little jab there Ed, you’re quite partial to those. I’m pretty happy with the championship winning midfielders we have right now, so I guess we’ll have to look at tapping up a center back that Klopp so desperately wants?

{Ed002's Note - The statement is correct.}

2.) 29 Jul 2020 16:56:27
Everyone Liverpool look at were tapping them up. I now we’ve done it in the past but surely it’s not every transfer we’re looking into Ed . that would be worrying.

{Ed002's Note - Liverpool did not speak with RBL about Werner. Liverpool have not spoken with Bayern Munich about Thiago.}

3.) 30 Jul 2020 07:03:30
It seems apparently every player Liverpool are genuinely interested in signing is being tapped up by the club according to some people.

4.) 31 Jul 2020 10:55:53
For me I’d like to see williams play more at rb and taa in cm I’d like to see jones get more playing time too. I feel like gomez and VVD have a great partnership and would like to see sepp or hoever more involved in first team games. The biggest concern for me as a fan is our chance conversion rate. Also the lack of options outside the front 3 . Our first team is excellent I hope to see Naby play more and get more goals next season. Pressure of 30 years no league is gone I hope they can push on and play with some more freedom. LB and cf the positions I’d like cover for maybe try playing Minamino a bit more too.



05 Jul 2020 14:45:29
Victor Osimhen is/ could there be money for him if JK listens to this scout?


{Ed002's Note - No Barry.}

1.) 05 Jul 2020 14:59:30
I don’t see the fuss with Osimhen, he needs about 6 or 7 shots to get a goal and more often than not his efforts end up in the keepers hands or in the stands. Can’t see what he offers that we don’t already have in Origi in terms of being a big quick target man. Other than filling Lille’s coffers to the tune of £70m and us not getting a £70m player, surely we should learn from Arsenal getting mugged off over Nicolas Pepe?

2.) 05 Jul 2020 21:52:06
Sorry for the badly worded question Ed002 but at least you understud it mate and thanks for the reply.

{Ed002's Note - No problem Barry.}



29 Aug 2019 23:20:29
Is Lovern all but gone Tris?


{Ed001's Note - all but gone? No, he might well leave but nothing has been done yet. No offer has been acceptable so far. Plenty of time yet though.}

1.) 29 Aug 2019 23:54:31
Looks like Roma have got Smalling instead.


2.) 30 Aug 2019 00:39:51
With Roma seemingly looking like they are getting smalling I'm guessing they have ended their interest in lovren?

3.) 30 Aug 2019 06:30:26
Jeez, they must have been desparate, Smalling is an awful footballer.

4.) 30 Aug 2019 17:00:46
I'd suggest Lovren is staying after what Klopp said today i. e. we had four CBs last season and still had to have Fab do it due to injuries and that they will ALL be needed again this season.

5.) 30 Aug 2019 18:55:25
If we want to challenge for all the top honours you need 4 capable CBs over the course of maybe 50/ 60 games. Be a huge risk to let him go, just 1 injury immediately leaves us bare at the back. Lovren is far from perfect but as squad player for backup with his experience there aren't many CBs around with better quality as a 4th choice. 1 more year and then let him choose his next club if he can't hold down a regular spot for us.

This time last year matip was in his position but took his opportunity to claim 1st team spot. Competition is strong in CB and let the young lads have another year of development before we prematurely rely on having to use them.

6.) 30 Aug 2019 20:42:13
I really don't understand all of the negativity about Lovren. I know he's had a few bad games but he's a very good defender.

If we get an injury or two and he gets into the team, I'd put money on him doing a Matip and keeping his place (injuries permitting, of course) .

When he gets his chance, he knows what he needs to do to keep his place. He's seen it with his own eyes.

{Ed025's Note - hmmmm..

7.) 30 Aug 2019 21:35:49
One thing that has been clear is lovren looks much better beside VVD, as does matip and Gomez. Yet matip and lovren are poor together. The key is when they have a leader, someone to organise and talk beside them they look much better. Lovren and matip don't show those qualities.

Like Ferdinand and vidic were such a good pair as they complimented each other's strenghts.

Henchoz looked good with hyypia leading but put henchoz beside matip for example and they would struggle.

You need the right pairing to suit your players strengths. Lovren and matip have had a much better performance level over the last 18 months with virg than anytime previous.

8.) 31 Aug 2019 23:46:28
For once I’m with Ed25 on this. Lovren is not a very good defender. He’s a decent 4th choice but one that you hope you never have to use.

9.) 02 Sep 2019 00:34:12
{Ed025's Note - hmmmm.

why hmmmm, what are you insinuating ed025 . He is a Liverpool player so must be very good . an earlier post put Matip as one of the best CBs in the world, Lovern is not far behind if not even better, world cup and champions league finalist . The red shirt automatically turns you into the best in the world, remember Djimi Traore, a champions league winner.

{Ed025's Note - you sound like redwolf roy, now i know your very tongue in cheek here but matip has done very well to be fair to him mate..




BarryinLouth's banter posts with other poster's replies to BarryinLouth's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 13:34:27
Here's a solution lad's sell Virgil keep Sepp and promote Trent to captain?.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 14:02:39
Only sell Vvd if he doesn't sign a extention . as for Sepp iv not seen much of him since he went out on loan. but looks like we don't really see him as a option esp a starting option, as they want 20 mill for him.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 14:31:12
Hi Barry that’s like tossing a Papa John’s pizza in the bin and pulling out some frozen rubbish that’s been in the freezer for months. VVD was world class last season.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 15:02:52
I've a feeling but I could be wrong that VVD maybe looking at a potential move that's why I'm saying sell now and keep Sepp. Hope everyone is doing well on the site?.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 15:35:08
I’d keep virg no one going to buy him at his age ( no one that he would play for)

5.) 20 Jul 2024 15:50:08
Think every club in Europe would buy him for the knockdown price they'd get him for.

6.) 20 Jul 2024 16:05:31
Alright Barry? Good to hear from you ?.

7.) 20 Jul 2024 16:27:14
Ron you legend or is it leg end??.

8.) 20 Jul 2024 18:30:45
You must be a fan of the Conference league Baza!

9.) 20 Jul 2024 22:11:15
Sepp can't lace Virgils boots.

10.) 21 Jul 2024 11:33:15
Would you be willing to place a wager on that @OneKiss.



05 Apr 2024 10:56:11
Hello my fellow Reds?What a goal from Macca lad's. Anyway I need your help I am flying into Manchester airport at 7:20 the morning of the C. Palace game will there be trains running from that time or not? Before you ask it was €200 more to fly into Liverpool.


1.) 05 Apr 2024 11:01:38
Loads of trains that morning Barry. Get onto the train website today and you can book for as little as £6.

2.) 05 Apr 2024 11:08:46
Ah nice one JK. What site is that? Thanks to Port Red on this site who sorted the family for tickets. It will be the little man's 1st ever time at Anfield, he can't sleep with excitement bless him?❤️.

3.) 05 Apr 2024 11:34:26
Try thetrainline. com Barry mate. When I've booked on there it hasn't mattered if I end up getting a transpennine express train or arriva on the day. Sometimes train companies can get weird about that. Enjoy the match!

4.) 05 Apr 2024 11:42:28
Trainline . Com mate.

Hats off to Port Red ?.

If you get chance mate take him to Taggys bar. He'll be able to get a photo with the replica Premwir league and CL trophy.

5.) 05 Apr 2024 11:49:28
I just use Trainline. com just easy to navigate loads of trains that morning for you.

6.) 05 Apr 2024 12:06:10
Brilliant lad's thanks again??? YNWA.

7.) 05 Apr 2024 12:49:16
Return tickets booked lad's. We get into Lime Street at 09:30??.

{Ed001's Note - thanks for the warning, I can pass that on to Lime Street to make sure they evacuate the area in advance and prepare security.}

8.) 05 Apr 2024 13:01:32
Or get the very long overdue red carpet out??????.

9.) 05 Apr 2024 13:35:43
Hope you have an incredible time away Barry mate.

10.) 05 Apr 2024 13:56:07
I just can't wait for the kids to see Anfield for the 1st time Salah. I will shed a tear YNWA.

{Ed025's Note - Anfield is a bit old hat for me Barry, nice enough but lets be honest its not Bramley Moore is it mate, have a great time my friend..

11.) 05 Apr 2024 14:05:49
I think it looks much better these days than 15 odd years ago with all the redevelopment done on site.

I am glad we didn't just build a new stadium in all honesty. I remember going to a lot of Atletico games at their old stadium and when they moved to Wanda Metropolitano something just didn't feel the same anymore. The old stadium as old and out of date as it was, had a cracking atmosphere no matter who they played.

12.) 05 Apr 2024 14:10:27
Bramley Moore will be fantastic Ed025. Can't wait for the Champion-ship to dock.

{Ed025's Note - hopefully not MK, it does look brilliant though mate..

13.) 05 Apr 2024 14:13:32
Will Liverpool ever reach Everton standards Billy? Well let's hope not????.

{Ed025's Note - they are giving it a good go Barry...but probably not, im sure your lad will have a great experience mate and it will be a memory he will treasure..

14.) 05 Apr 2024 14:18:14
Bramley Moore lol soon to be called the biggest paperweight in the Championship.

15.) 05 Apr 2024 16:24:10
Hope you and the family are all well Barry.

16.) 05 Apr 2024 14:31:56
Don’t worry Ed25. Everton will soon be plying their trade in the championship and Bramley Moore will become Europes biggest Asda.

{Ed025's Note - you wish AA, look we are crap i cant argue with that but its become a laughing stock because of the people at the top mate, we all wished for a billionaire owner and the one we got turned out to be a pot herb, but as usual its the fans that are the losers here and are the ones paying for their mistakes, i still think we will be ok but i certainly would,nt be putting money on it..

17.) 05 Apr 2024 15:54:29
Hopefully he will Billy and this will be an annual trip with just the 2 of us going. If anyone would like to organise a ticker tape parade for us please don't hesitate ??.

{Ed025's Note - good stuff Barry mate..

18.) 05 Apr 2024 18:24:04
Have a great time Barry, and hope yer lad has the experience of a lifetime! I'm still hoping to get to my first Anfield game next season, was supposed to be my 40th birthday present from my dad, but if I can squeeze it in before my 41st in November, it still counts!

19.) 05 Apr 2024 18:03:19
All the “dead wood” in the Everton team and they build a stadium next to Terrys timber??‍♂️ ( had to soz ed25 )

{Ed025's Note - thats a fair point John.. :)

20.) 05 Apr 2024 20:54:20
Hello me old Northern Irish pal how's all in Liam Neeson land hey?Yeah the family are great although we she bumped up the premiums on my life insurance I'll never know?Hi RP hope your keeping well??.

21.) 06 Apr 2024 02:52:05
I'm sure you will all love it. It's one of them memories which they will never forget, enjoy mate. Memories to treasure.

22.) 06 Apr 2024 07:36:13
Bramley door looks like a christmas tin of biscuits, Tranmere will love playing there.



04 Oct 2023 08:59:04
I say that we petition Utd to give Ten Benson and Hedges a 20 year contract for his services to comedy?.


{Ed025's Note - hello Barry. Nice to hear from you mate. Still my favourite Liverpool supporter. And that includes my wife and kids.. ?

1.) 04 Oct 2023 09:08:43
Heya Barry mate. Great to see you posting. Hope you are well. Totally agree. Keep him as long as possible.

2.) 04 Oct 2023 09:08:45
Hiya Dad❤️.

{Ed025's Note - hello son.. ?

3.) 04 Oct 2023 10:49:01
If you were a punk rocker, we'd all spit on you to show our appreciation at your comeback ??
You have been asleep for thousands of eons and the world is now a very different place.
It's ruled by morons dressed in black, been re-named the Planet Var, and we've all got to have a frontal labotomy before were allowed to watch the football.
But don't let that put you off, Everton fans are saying they've never felt as good.

4.) 04 Oct 2023 11:00:17
What's up, Barry. All good, mate?

5.) 04 Oct 2023 10:51:01
So your family support Liverpool eh? Nice to know they decided to support the better team in Liverpool mate?.

{Ed025's Note - bandwagon jumpers they are liverbird. My lads were groomed by thier mates (they certainly take no notice of me). And I know more about quantum physics than my wife does about football mate and comes from a long line of neer do wells.. ?

6.) 04 Oct 2023 14:47:33
Hey Barry, I agree lol mate.

Was out late with the wee fella yesterday and got back for the last 5 mins of that match - logged onto the Utd live chat to see how they felt. got to say, a right honest bunch in fairness to them.

My friend, also a Pool fan, text me laughing about the result and I have to say, I did enjoy it, particularly with all the stick they have been giving us about them being in the Champions League and us in Europa - though, at this rate, they'll not even make the Europa when they drop out of the Champions League lol

Ed25, I feel for ya - my whole family are Utd supporters, it's bloody awful. Then, I swear just for the craic, my sister married an Everton man - surrounded I am these days!

7.) 04 Oct 2023 11:58:54
Ed001 just let me off Gimp Island for a bit.

{Ed001's Note - big mistake that was.}

8.) 04 Oct 2023 16:02:19
Hi Barry, good to hear from you mate.

9.) 04 Oct 2023 14:42:02
Now now, Ed025, let's respect the wisdom of the family and all that. You're human, nobody expects the right choices every single time, even when they're life long and blue. ?.

{Ed025's Note - my families wisdom is what Les Dawson was to piano playing ArAy, thats the problem mate.. :)

10.) 04 Oct 2023 17:25:23
Ron Keague you old fossil you?. Bill, Juicer, OR good to hear from you. Right better go here's Tris to put the shackles back on?.

11.) 04 Oct 2023 18:42:31
Nice one, Barry. Don't be a stranger, bro.



03 Jun 2023
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, What can you say!!!

Click picture for larger image


1.) 03 Jun 2023 23:08:13
Ah Barry welcome back mate.

2.) 03 Jun 2023 23:17:45
Disgusting, but social media used correctly and got this idiot arrested.

3.) 04 Jun 2023 01:01:34
Horrific. Apart from that- lovely to see you post Barry. Hope you are well mate. Sometimes it’s great to take a break and rebuild the carapace armour before coming back onto the site. You do make it a far better place when you are posting.

4.) 04 Jun 2023 01:44:25 A hope he regrets what he has done very idiotic a hope his prison officer is a fan of LFC and watch him squirm.

5.) 04 Jun 2023 04:47:37
I'm curious, did he do this from home or did he pay to have it done at a shop? I can't imagine they'd do it for him at a shop, surely?

6.) 04 Jun 2023 05:42:55
The person who printed it is actually just as sick.
The bloke must of been really young or not even born at the time of the tragedy.97 people died supporting a football team. This tit, supports is team by mocking the deaths of other football supporters. I hope whoever printed it gets outed as well.

7.) 04 Jun 2023 07:33:58
Disgusting! As a club, if Man Utd had any decency they would ban this 'fan' for life.

8.) 04 Jun 2023 08:37:20
When I first read about this, I thought he meant that not enough was done to get justice for the 97.

9.) 04 Jun 2023 08:50:28
Obviously this P###k got exactly what he deserved should be banned from football matches for life scum.

10.) 04 Jun 2023 11:20:43
That guy need some serious mental health cos if you possess that type and level of hatred in your heart to be able to execute such a despicable act, I fear for you and your state of mind.

11.) 04 Jun 2023 12:01:53
Absolute door handle needs a lesson in history, too much of this vitriol in today's society, and the fact that a licensed shirt seller printed this horrified me, lock him up and place him in the caring hands of the staff at HMP Walton.



18 Jul 2022 11:11:44
Ed001 can you tell me why on God's Earth is Owen still associated with the club? Now I'm not talking about him going to Utd I'm talking about the other stuff he did behind the scenes.


{Ed001's Note - because he is a well known name around the world. A mistake imo, but he is seen as good for marketing.}

1.) 18 Jul 2022 11:40:01
I/ You could think of better ex-players than him to represent the club. Howard Gayle for example but then he's not known around the world but he is a local hero and a brilliant community worker. Plus all the racist abuse he had to endure when he was playing. Then you tell me what big corporate world be interested in any of Howard Gayle stories mate.

2.) 18 Jul 2022 11:54:09
Personally, I would let Neville Southall have 10 mins with him in a sound proof room.

3.) 18 Jul 2022 12:55:26
I’m with Larry on this one!

{Ed001's Note - I actually think that is a brilliant shout. Great guy is Howard Gayle and really interesting to talk to. Unlike Owen who has the personality of a tin of spam. An empty tin of spam at that.}

4.) 18 Jul 2022 13:10:54
There are worse players than Owen representing some teams. Ed, do players receive a salary for acting as ambassadors etc?

{Ed001's Note - usually well paid and get expenses and flights etc at the club's expense too.}

5.) 18 Jul 2022 13:30:20
so owen fleeced the club while playing, and still is
he was a great poster boy when, esp given his WC98 exploits, but the more i learn about him, the less respect i have for him

he scored tons of goals when we were crap and won us stuff, but doesn't seem a good representative of the club with how he left, joined MU, toyed with youth players, and be a complete noob of a commentator.

6.) 18 Jul 2022 13:51:07
Ouch, Ed01 lol. Go easy on the lad, mate.

{Ed001's Note - I was being nice. I could have said much worse.}

7.) 18 Jul 2022 14:11:52
Owen get's paid AND expenses God of Almighty ??.

8.) 18 Jul 2022 14:57:17
Sadly it’s not about the person, it’s about the perception of him that people who don’t know him have. If he brings money into the club I’m prepared to let him do it. That said, if he was appearing in our back yard, ‘I’d close the curtains’, to paraphrase the quote.

9.) 18 Jul 2022 15:10:21
I’m with Larry on this one!

10.) 18 Jul 2022 15:14:40
You should have been a speech writer Frazer?.

11.) 18 Jul 2022 15:27:44
Bloody hell bazza I think your right!

{Ed0666's Note - I think he was being ironic Larry but nonetheless I think you’re a worthy part of society.

12.) 18 Jul 2022 15:56:09
I'm with Frazer and Ed0666 on this one?.

{Ed0666's Note - I meant worthless worthless stupid auto correct ?

13.) 18 Jul 2022 17:11:51
I’m confused, is Frazier with Larry on this one?

14.) 18 Jul 2022 16:20:19
You don't mean that Ed?.

{Ed0666's Note - you know I love you to the moon & back Larry ❤️

15.) 18 Jul 2022 18:49:58
BB I think Frazer is with me on this one?.

16.) 18 Jul 2022 18:56:48
Well we’ll we’ll go on you 2?.

17.) 18 Jul 2022 19:36:03
I’m not sure he is Barry. Maybe he could confirm ?.

18.) 18 Jul 2022 20:04:40
Owen's commentating makes Trevor Brooking's sound like a WCW commentator.

19.) 18 Jul 2022 20:47:07
Sorry we weren’t crap when Owen played for us. Have a bit of respect he helped us win a few trophies.

20.) 18 Jul 2022 20:52:32
Best quote I ever saw about Owen's commentating: "His voice would kill a witch. "

21.) 18 Jul 2022 21:15:53
How many crap teams win a treble in one season?
Then make it 5 trophies in around 16 months?
If we were crap during that period than every other team we played and beat must have been absolute dog turd, and that includes the European ones as well!
Owen's voice while commentating is a great cure for insomnia though.
Either that or inciting hateful rage.

22.) 18 Jul 2022 22:13:22
HRT we aren't talking what he did for the team we are talking about his antics behind the scenes that makes him in a lot of supporters eyes not the best choice for club ambassador.

23.) 18 Jul 2022 23:09:51
I'm with Larry, Ed001, Ed066 and Frazier on this one. I'm against Owen on almost everything.




BarryinLouth's rumour replies


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21 Jul 2024 20:32:02
As Ed002 has said Kudus would be a Salah replacement and Gordon would be a Diaz replacement.




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17 Apr 2023 18:42:23
Did Paul Mitchell turn down the job then Ed002?


{Ed002's Note - No.}



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16 Apr 2023 19:32:00
Ah it's a classic film it's right up there with Shaving Ryan's Privates. I'll see you Aqualani and see you Dossena?.




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21 Jul 2022 14:52:22
That's just like me approaching the wife Ed002?.




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20 Jul 2022 20:20:10
That's harsh Ed0666 in fairness she does a mean take-away. The way she dials those numbers ?.


{Ed0666's Note - you better believe it bro ?




BarryinLouth's banter replies


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22 Jul 2024 14:43:07
OMG I loved SOAP?.




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20 Jul 2024 16:27:14
Ron you legend or is it leg end??.




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20 Jul 2024 15:02:52
I've a feeling but I could be wrong that VVD maybe looking at a potential move that's why I'm saying sell now and keep Sepp. Hope everyone is doing well on the site?.




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17 Jul 2024 22:50:02
I was at their 1st gig Ed?.


{Ed025's Note - i bet you were baz.. :)



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17 Jul 2024 22:40:39
Underneath the Arches Ed0025?.


{Ed025's Note - you have a very good memory Baz.. :)



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