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17 May 2021 23:59:05
Sorry, have been asleep for a few weeks but last time I checked the site it was all "season's gone" and "no chance of top four", as well as those preferring to finish 8th rather than the europa spot.
Have I missed something?


1.) 18 May 2021 06:27:34
Nobody anticipated Leicester and Chelsea to keep shooting themselves in the foot :P

But credit where it's due. 17 points from the last 7 games deserves praise.

2.) 18 May 2021 07:34:25
I'll be honest Burkeyboy I'd given up on Top 4 around February/ March. Will be delighted to be proven wrong.

3.) 18 May 2021 08:42:59
Arsenal beat someone.

4.) 18 May 2021 09:52:37
There's a bit of 20/ 20 hindsight going on here though isn't there. The team had been playing poorly since Xmas - for pretty obvious reasons - and were giving no reason whatsoever for any optimism.

5.) 18 May 2021 10:30:10
Don’t count your chickens till they hatch mate we all want top for but let’s wait n see 🤞🏼.

6.) 18 May 2021 10:30:19
Who would face predicted Arsenal beating Chelsea and us beating United away 4-2? In all honesty? And if those results went the other way we’d be in the Thursday Cup. Based on this season those results were highly unpredictable. Tonight gives us another chance, but we still need to win both of our remaining games and win them comfortably. Let’s hope Burnley and Palace have their flip flops on….

7.) 19 May 2021 08:11:18
Vic, just wins will more than likely do the job. We don’t necessarily need to win comfortably.
Not easy as Burnley and Palace are exactly the type of teams we’ve struggled against but wins by 1 goal should be enough as Leicester will need to beat Spurs by 3 and anyone who saw them last night would not be confident of that happening at all.



06 Oct 2020 07:38:06
I know not Liverpool related, and I know the figures can be exaggerated, but I read that though Cavani signed on a free, the agent's fees are expected to come in lower than 10m euros. Can that be right, 10m in fees? What do they do for that money?


{Ed025's Note - the same as what mino raiola done for the pogba to united deal burkey...he raked in £42m for that one, so very little, these leeches are bleeding the game dry mate..

1.) 06 Oct 2020 09:16:49
That’s disgusting they need to be removed leeches is being polite.

2.) 06 Oct 2020 10:07:19
I really don't understand why they get so much money? what am I missing here? I don't get it at all. There should be some sort of cap on it.

{Ed002's Note - There are already rules concerning agents and there are plans to change them that will possibly come in to force next summer.}

3.) 06 Oct 2020 10:13:59
Well that's refreshing news Ed! a long time coming.

4.) 06 Oct 2020 10:57:11
I feel like I can add something here as I did meet mino once and had a chat with him. I think I've posted the conversation before but I'll give the broad strokes here.

From the perspective of an agent, they feel they are worth their money because their job is to get the best possible financial deal for their client. They believe they're the only ones solely focused on their clients finances (clubs largely want to use the players talent and would not be focused on finance at all )

He (mino) said "footballers career is short. They spend much while they play. Its my job to make sure when the career is finished they still have money to spend and don't need to work in supermarket. Why should I negotiate millions for my clients and peanuts for myself? "

He also alluded a few times to the fact many executives in football get paid huge sums.

I'm not saying that his view is 100% correct, because it's not. But it's also not wrong either. Before agents had the power they do now footballers were paid significantly less and many footballers even at pro level had no money beyond their career.

5.) 06 Oct 2020 11:10:16
I know! Perish the thought of a footballer having to work like the rest of us until their 60s!
Even Ed002 still works although I'm guessing that's just to keep him in the finest gin and cocktails 😉.

6.) 06 Oct 2020 12:04:12
Agents may try and get as much money for their clients as possible but they quite often ruin careers and advise players to go where the money is rather than what will be good for their development.
Would be good if agents gave players useful advise on what to do with their millions such as good Long term investments rather than watching them continuously burn through it and keeping them topped up, that’s not good for when the players career does end and they are still burning through it.

{Ed002's Note - The players get advised over money matters but there has been a recent trend with some younger players running wild. Clubs rather than agents take this responsibility.}

7.) 06 Oct 2020 12:55:29
Thanks Ed002. I do worry to hear of some young players running wild as you say, makes me worry what kind of mess their lives will be like when they Eventually get thrown into the real world. Hopefully clubs will start to get a grip on it and keep these youngsters grounded.

{Ed002's Note - They will fall back on the typical post-football trades of publican or insurance salesman.}

8.) 06 Oct 2020 13:43:20
IMO athletes get the raw end of the stick, no one ever says anything about Oprah raking in 100 millions for having a talk show or even Kelly Ripa who earns a million dollars for talking about what she had for dinner the previous night (Mainly U. S references as I am state side) . In regards to an agent, I have had the pleasure of knowing some when they were starting out it is rough. I had a buddy who was going to the colleges in the U. S and begging players to sign with him prior to going professional. Then investing their own money into the player such as creating a profile along with marketing material and preparation for the upcoming draft. They would get the player drafted and prior to negotiating a contract, he would get a termination letter from the client, where they would get minimal reimbursement for services rendered.

The average footballers career is 8 years, god forbid they get an injury or have any long term nagging injuries that will impact them for the rest of their lives. Just my opinion.

9.) 06 Oct 2020 20:20:26
Plus, you have to remember there are thousands of agents worldwide and it would be interesting to see what percentage make more than the average salary in their own countries. We only hear of the small minority no doubt who are making millions.

10.) 06 Oct 2020 20:27:59
Harry your not wrong, also when you compare to other entertainment industries the salaries aren't so disproportionate to the salaries earned. However, usually agents fees are capped, likewise commissions. The issue I see is in extortionate fees and whilst not privvy to the detailed info the sancho deal and pogba transfers seem v v high.

The issue of earnings I can give a small insight into. Footballers are second to only stockbrokers as the biggest idiots with their money! I wish I had more as clients. so many wouldn't need TV work to supplement earnings and then maybe michah r and jenas wouldn't have to work anymore :)

11.) 06 Oct 2020 22:46:24
It's amazing to see United's history if doing deals with raola and his clients costing the club so much money while the record of transfers being a successful investment is rather poor. Pogba, di Maria, falcao, myhkitarian, lukaku, ibrahimovich were all his clients if I'm not mistaken and he negotiated huge deals which couldn't have been kind to United's finances. Is there a reason he has extra joy working with United for example? Would personal friendships etc play a part to help him?

And then for example there's hardly any previous signings we attempt to pursue for players signed under his agency. Do clubs purposely ignore certain players due to simply not liking dealing with their representatives?



21 Feb 2018 07:15:43
Been busy for a few days so haven't checked site much. Did a quick search for Wanyama after seeing some links, but can't find anything from Ed001 and 002 specifically ruling out any interest. Please tell me the links are crap.


{Ed001's Note - I do not know of any interest in him from us at all. No idea where the links come from, but it sounds like manufactured crap because he once played for Southampton.}

1.) 21 Feb 2018 07:28:44
I would be extremely happy if we could bring him in. He will do a great job covering the back 4.None of the players we have right now is a defencive midfielder and from what i 've heard and read mostly neither is Keita (I 've seen very little of him to form an oppinion) . In any case it is a position that needs strengthening in the summer.

{Ed001's Note - but he is awful at the role, he is constantly caught out of position and it terrible on the ball. He is just a big, powerful lump with none of the mental attributes required to be a top level player. You need more than pace and power to be good at the role of defensive midfielder, positioning is the most important part of the job and he has not got a clue about it.}

2.) 21 Feb 2018 07:54:47
Who would be your preference Ed001 for defencive midfielder? I remember the Southampton Wanyama who was really dominant. Has he declined that much?

{Ed001's Note - he was crap there too, I don't know what you are remembering at all. He uses pace and power to make up for his own mistakes but it does not always work. He is just an average player who has risen too high for his limited talents. Southampton and Spurs have an extra body alongside him to provide cover for those lapses in concentration he has numerous times a game, so they can get away with him being asleep, we don't.

I do wonder why I bother answering questions like this as I have said already on a number of threads who my preferences are. Is there much point me constantly repeating them only to get asked the same question the following day?}

3.) 21 Feb 2018 08:32:19

stevie started the rumours about wanyama. and actually it's quite funny when you think about it. A+ for idnteifying we need to solidfy the midfield and then he gets an F for saying we need to bring in a big powerful midfielder like wanyama to do that.

4.) 21 Feb 2018 10:30:24
Very worrying for Gerrard's credentials as a future first team manager 🤔

Ed001 didn't actually say Ndidi by the way. For years he wanted Gary Medel and more recently he has suggested Nampalys Mendy as his preferred choice. He's playing well in Nice to be fair.

Ndidi is a player he's said he likes though, along with Obiang and Doucoure. It wasn't his suggestion though.

I still think Demirbay might be the "powerhouse" midfield signing though. He seems to be regarded as an attacking player by most on here, but he is actually very similar to Doucoure. He is fast and powerful which does allow him to break forward from deep to score and create goals, but he actually averages 2 tackles a game for Hoffenheim which is comparable to an out and out holding midfielder. He's over 6 foot, very aggressive, and can play the holding role, box to box, or the No.10.

He's very versatile, and brings much needed steel to the midfield. Most importantly, he is a player we are actually interested in though. Don't forget Keita too who is also very aggressive and contributes a lot defensively. Not many teams would want to face a trio of Keita, Henderson and Demirbay! That is a lot of pace and power, combined with high quality on the ball. Wanyama unfortunately lacks the quality side of things!

5.) 21 Feb 2018 11:20:34
For all wanyamas bad points.

Having someone 6ft, strong, uninterested in wandering up field and will just plonk his was between the two cbs for me is just what we need. It will allow keita, Hendo and the 3 amigos to run riot whilst having someone help us keep our defensive shape.

Also if he is relatively cheap it could be a wise move for a few seasons, maybe focus the rest of our budget on cb and qingback needs.

6.) 21 Feb 2018 12:17:36
his bad points are the very reason to steer clear, as van morrrison would say keep mediocrity at bay.

7.) 21 Feb 2018 13:07:49
Unbelievable people thinking plonking Wanyama in front of defence will improve the midfield. This is not under 10’s football.

8.) 21 Feb 2018 13:31:12
Not good but still managed that screamer against us lol. I don't think he's that bad but he is not good enough for us, especially in a defensive position.

9.) 21 Feb 2018 13:32:53
I've watched Wanyama start twice recently, against Newport County and Rochdale and he was woeful in both games against quite terrible opposition.

There is a reason why Dembele (an excellent player) and Dier (a distinctly average player) are ahead of him in the Spurs team. He is poor. He runs around a lot and is quite strong, and every now and then he hits s thunderbolt of a shot which everyone go "ooooo".

I hope we steer well clear. (if we are even interested at all. which I doubt)



15 May 2016 09:01:45
Hey Ed001. Any chance Ings could be on the bench? I know he's only just returned to training, just wondering.
Also, so happy for Suarez. I know he couldn't wait to move on, but he gave his all when wearing the shirt.


{Ed001's Note - they were hoping he would be fit to take at least some part in the game. I don't know, nor will I ask as the club a long time ago asked me not to give out team details prior to matches, whether that is still happening. I want the club to succeed first and foremost, so, as they said it was giving an advantage to the opposition, I am happy to steer clear of team sheets etc. Sorry, I know it is not ideal for the sites, but the club is more important to me.}

1.) 15 May 2016 10:12:13
Well done 001.

{Ed001's Note - it has to be done. The club are my first love after all!}

2.) 15 May 2016 10:21:50
Are team sheets/ news banned now? I hope so for the same reasons Ed01. The people it benefits most are the opposition.

{Ed001's Note - no mate, I just have no involvement in them.}

3.) 15 May 2016 10:32:10
I hope your wife to be isn't reading, ed. Lol.

{Ed001's Note - she knows mate.}

4.) 15 May 2016 12:17:01
I'd say Ed most of us here aren't to bothered about team sheets. It's who's coming and going that we are more interested in.

{Ed001's Note - it does make a huge difference to traffic if you can post them up, so it only applies for those here now, rather than those we could attract.}

5.) 15 May 2016 13:13:00
Thanks for doing that ed, that's completely the right thing to do! Come on reds let's get top 5 and build for next year.



15 Jan 2015 00:02:54
A week ago someone mentioned aussie keeper Matt Ryan. I see a couple of papers are suggesting we're interested. Heard anything Eds?
From the little I've seen he looks a decent keeper with good distribution and is quite vocal. Pulled off a blinding save last week in their first group game of the Asian cup, ball looked destined for the top corner.


{Ed001's Note - from what I have been told there has been an enquiry from us, that has been leaked to try and bring others who are interested out of the woodwork.}

1.) 15 Jan 2015 07:48:00
Ed001 - a leak from Ryan's management or from Bruges?

{Ed001's Note - Bruges, they are looking for more money.}

2.) 15 Jan 2015 08:23:01
Seen him in a few games now. Not sure if he is the real thing YET, as he seems to loose his head (Like Grobelaar), but the kids got a big talent for sure

3.) Thanks Ed001. Presumed that would be the case, but just wanted to check.

4.) 15 Jan 2015 09:22:31
This bloke is 5ft11 just as well puttin Warwick Davis between the sticks

5.) 15 Jan 2015 17:21:20
Completely agree, far too short for the premier league. We are the worst in Europe when it comes to scouting and transfersz




Burkeyboy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Burkeyboy's banter posts


19 Jul 2024 06:37:33
Those with good memories will remember I posted a few years ago of my son's development here in Oz and his trials with Brisbane Roar in the A-League.
As a scouse immigrant with a few old National Soccer League games under his belt I was very proud of my lad.
Sadly, after just 2 sub appearances in the A League he ruptured his ACL. 12 months of rehab has taken its toll. A pre-season friendly bad tackle resulted in a re-tear.

Today he informed me he's pulling the pin and focusing on his job and young wife, not expecting to play at a senior level again.
He knows I fully support him but have to say I'm gutted. As an older bloke I'm not ashamed to say I hoped to live vicariously through my son's sporting achievements.
Pointless outpouring, I know, but maybe some fellow oldies can relate.


{Ed025's Note - thats a tough break for him Burkey, sometimes things are just not meant to be mate, you should still be proud of him because he gave it a go and tried to live the dream, good luck to him and all your family this is just a blip and he will go on to bigger and better things im sure..

1.) 19 Jul 2024 07:20:37
Burkeyboy much respect for sharing
Sorry to hear about the injury I feel for you all and can relate
The fact you wanted this so much for him and you felt compelled to share tells me what a great bloke you are
All the best for the next stop on your sons journey.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 07:36:36
A lot of the managers we see today had career ending injuries at a young age, brendan rodgers and kieran mckenna to name just 2.
It's a new exciting start at something else burkey.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 08:03:06
Gutted for him Burkeyboy. Sounds like he has made the right decision though. Sometimes all the talent in the world isn't enough if you've got rotten luck. It can be hard on the mental health side of things falling short so I hope he comes through it and finds his new purpose.

Hopefully he and his wife give you some Grandchildren to live your dreams through instead!

4.) 19 Jul 2024 08:35:03
Wish him all the best from us BurkeyBoy

These things can be hard on a person so give him love from all us LFC fans ?.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 09:20:44
It’s just a dropped stitch in life’s tapestry Burkeyboy. It wasn’t meant to be because your kid has a great life ahead of him. Who doesn’t live their life thru their kids as they get older ?‍♂️, no shame in that at all. Clearly your son has a great cheerleader behind him, that alone will take him far.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 10:23:13
It's difficult to focus on what has been achieved when there might have been much more, but your lad has done more than most mate. Congrats to him and now he can look forward to a rewarding family life.

7.) 19 Jul 2024 13:16:39
All the best to your son and his family Burkey. As a parent, the best we can do is support the decisions our kids make, and i'm guessing you're pretty awesome at supporting him.

As Digger said, there's plenty of other avenues open if he needs to scratch that football itch, and if not, no one can ever take away the experiences he's already had.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 13:32:06
Best of luck to your son and his wife and kids and to you Burkey you never know you may get a grandson or daughter that carries your hopes and dreams mate YNWA.

9.) 20 Jul 2024 07:05:15
Thanks for all the lovely comments fellas, much appreciated.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 08:47:00
Sorry to hear, BurkeyBoy.

I too wanted to play professional and got to play at semi pro level here in Brisbane/ QLD but also had a bad injury very early on.

It was very tough dealing with it all mentally. Even saw a therapist about it now in my 30s to bring closure to it which was one of my best decisions.

Keep an eye on your son over the next few years and don't be afraid to suggest seeing someone about it if you notice him struggling to get past it.

11.) 20 Jul 2024 14:13:30
Gregarious - thanks for sharing. Nice insight into the how wellbeing can be impacted. Imagine it’s same even for those who make it.



10 Jul 2024 19:48:34
Is it just me, or will anyone else be hoping for a Dutch win, up until Trent possibly comes on?


1.) 10 Jul 2024 20:07:44
I'm hopimg the Dutch win even if Trent comes on. I want him to play well when he comes on tho haha.

2.) 10 Jul 2024 20:28:52
It would be better for them to get to the final and then get destroyed by a 16 year old after all the English media hype them up.

3.) 10 Jul 2024 20:35:16
Defenders aren't allowed to try and block shots anymore it's seems.

4.) 10 Jul 2024 21:03:42
Aye Burkey, his rolling around won that penalty.

5.) 10 Jul 2024 22:34:43
I was hoping England win so we can have a ramsammy on Sunday whether
we win or lose the final.
Another disappointing victory and it's on for Sunday ?.
Ah well ?.



28 Mar 2024 23:28:30
Anyone have any insights into the supposed "sources" claiming we've pulled out of any attempt to sign Xabi?


1.) 29 Mar 2024 06:38:51
Seen it on twitter so probably nothing in it, I think it’s nagelsmann imo.

2.) 29 Mar 2024 07:39:09
It’s from Paul Joyce. I’d say that’s reliable: if we end up with Nagelsmann that would be a dreadful move for us. If I were him I’d not make much plans beyond staying in a hotel as he won’t last 18 months.

3.) 29 Mar 2024 07:49:45
We shall see but if I was Leverkusen I’d be annoyed with the amount of noise being made, they are on for winning a treble this year and being unbeaten. wouldn’t be surprised if there PR team and Alonso PR team have said something to take away the focus and leave them be.

4.) 29 Mar 2024 07:56:48
The Telegraph apparently Burkey…

Aka Phooey.

5.) 29 Mar 2024 08:07:01
In fairness it’s the same supposed sources who claimed we pulled out of the Bellingham race last year and were right.

It’s being reported more or less everywhere now.

7 weeks till Klopp leaves so time to move to plan b or c now by the looks.

6.) 29 Mar 2024 08:35:30
Next week “sources” will say he’s nailed on again.

7.) 29 Mar 2024 09:46:42
Anything could happen but all the usual reliable sources (Fabrizio Romano, David Ornstien, Paul Joyce, Chris Bascombe are claiming Alonso has decided to stay at Bayer Leverkusen for another season.

It was reported for a while that Micheal Edwards preferred Rubin Amorim due to stats. And is not swayed by emotions. Plus Fabrizio has reported not long ago that we are not waiting around and will proceed with securing Amorim.

I’ll be honest I am equally excited with Amorim. Plays a 3-4-3 formation. He is tactically exceptional and is an excellent man manager. He is also used to working with his best players being signed each season and still manages to be successful. Another great thing about him is he trusts youth players.

Looks like April is going to be crucial on the managerial front.

8.) 29 Mar 2024 09:58:59
IMO I lean towards Amorim as he has a few more seasons under his belt. The head always said amorim and the heart always said alonso. Hopefully Sporting will do business with us and he can bring over a defender or 2 from Lisbon.

9.) 29 Mar 2024 11:03:32
I think it's probably most likely correct. Ed002 has always said it was the most likely outcome when everybody said he was destined to leave and now all the major journalists ( reliable or not) are stating the same. It seems to me that he is targeting Madrid long term.

I haven't watched a Ruben Amorim team play yet but his record is fantastic and I really liked what I ve read.

What is your opinion of Ruben Amorim Ed001 and his style of play?

Having watched Leverkusen play, I was so excited to see what Alonso could bring to Liverpool. So it will be disappointing but we have to go for the guy who wants to be here with no indecision. That might be Amorim.

{Ed001's Note - it is impossible to have an opinion on Amorim, his team has Sebastian Coates starring for them, that is how crap the Portugese league level is. How do you know how that will transfer to a decent league? Yes they are attractive to watch, but he has no history of dealing with big egos as any they have are sold quickly, so he has no issue keeping them happy. I do think he is the next best option, but it is more because there are no good options out there right now. They are all a huge gamble. None have really overachieved to make them a standout.

I would say I am on the fence though, rather than against him. He could be brilliant or terrible. One thing is that the football should at least be entertaining and that at least makes it worth taking the chance.}

10.) 29 Mar 2024 11:22:20
That’s my thoughts Ed

Portugal is like German league
Porto, Benfica and Sporting between them and the rest usually roll over

However - he has done well with Braga and Sporting - and anyone who can do that with Coates starting regular has got something about him

Same as call so making Xhaka into a player.

11.) 29 Mar 2024 11:54:38
Most of the noise is being made by Bayern. They love to talk publicly about players from other teams and apparently now managers too.

12.) 29 Mar 2024 12:13:01
Ed1, is Bruno Fernandes still at Sporting when Amorim takeover? I would think that Bruno as someone who has big ego by the way he is conducting himself at Utd.

{Ed001's Note - no idea, but you are missing the point, he doesn't have to manage them as they are a selling club. They want to play well to get a big money move, so there is no need to motivate them as they know playing well is the best way to get what they want. Liverpool is an end point club. The club players aspire to go to, and once there they know there next move is almost certainly going to be a step down, so they have to be motivated to perform. While some are motivated by their own desire to win, some big egos need massaging to perform, but that is something he has never had to do.}

13.) 29 Mar 2024 12:37:52
Good point Ed1. Never thought about it that way. But there is not many managers out there that have that kind of experience. Most would probably need to be at top end clubs to have that kind of experience.

Most upcoming young managers would come out of selling clubs. Even Alonso at Leverkusen. The only options availables that would somehow has experience of dealing with big ego would be Zidane and to some degree Nagelsman.

But I would think you aren't fan of both. I would think Zidane is the best option if that is the route we want to go. But his football ain't that good. So, its kinda a tough ask I would say.

{Ed001's Note - that is exactly what I have been saying all along, the options are not good. Alonso is the best option and Amorim is probably the second best but miles behind Alonso. It is a huge gamble to go with second best in this kind of situation.}

14.) 29 Mar 2024 13:10:13
Nagelsmann’s experience of dealing with big egos was to upset them all and turn the changing room against him. He has too many red flags to consider him a suitable option, and as for Zidane, if we’re going down that route we might as well get Simeone as he does at least speak English and he’s got a track record of competing with teams who have greater resources than he has available and still getting results, while getting under the skin of his opponents and getting the crowd on his side. Zidane is a chequebook manager, who can’t speak English and is a total personality vacuum. He couldn’t have won what he did at Atletico. If it’s Anorim then it’s the best of a poor bunch, as he’s head and shoulders above the likes of De Zerbi, Nagelsmann, et al.

15.) 29 Mar 2024 13:13:09
All opinions at the end of the day but Amorim in my opinion is not miles behind Alonso. And that’s coming from someone that had Alonso as their first choice. Amorim has always been my second choice though. He has only turned 39 and won 6 trophies in 4 years, which is impressive however you chop it up. his team currently sits at the top of the league and are on course to win another league title. He took over and in his first full season (much like Alonso) and broke the strong hold of Benfica and Porto and delivered them the title. Only losing one game in all comps that season.

His team are defensively astute and concede the least amount of goals or thereabouts. Not to mention usually score the most goals. Sporting are very exciting to watch and he is brilliant at bring through, trusting and developing youth players. Another great attribute of his, much like Klopp is that he is well known as an excellent communicator and man manager. And as a result is very close to his players. Unlike managers like Nagelsmann or De Zerbi who I see mentioned. He never ever throws his players under the bus.

It is known that stats drive Edwards and emotions are a factor taken out of his decisions. And as a result, even prior to todays news it was reported that Amorim due to his stats has always been Edwards personal first choice. So if it is to be him let’s back the guy because he could, and I believe go onto to be a club legend.

16.) 29 Mar 2024 13:24:50
Alonso has confirmed it himself now in a press conference . He will be at Leverkusen next season.

The media who reported this are now reporting the two favourites in Liverpool eyes are Lisbon manager and De Zerbi.

17.) 29 Mar 2024 13:25:55
What about Gallardo ed001 if he were available? Take him over the lot or do you think he’s not ready for that kind of step yet?

{Ed001's Note - he has shown nothing to be deemed worthy of a shot. He bottled out of his chance to prove himself in Europe. No thanks.}

18.) 29 Mar 2024 13:26:43
In fairness not much club can do if he doesn't want to come, we've obviously put bit of yime into getting him but no luck. probably come a year 2 early for him.
Amorion looks next best on the 'list' by a mile but if we don't get him I don't know where we go, alternatives poor enough imo.

19.) 29 Mar 2024 13:51:23
I know Ed 2 said we are not getting michel or motta but surely they shouldve been on the list as much as amorim and de zerbi, now that alonso is out of the running my post klopp fear is kicking in over his replacement.

20.) 29 Mar 2024 14:13:23
Ed001 - Out of interest would Emery from Villa not be a good option?

{Ed001's Note - no, he has never been able to cope when the pressure is on.}

21.) 29 Mar 2024 14:27:31
Ed1, its been confirm by Alonso himself that he is staying at Leverkusen. There's nothing the club can do if the preferred option doesn't want to leave his club. My fear is that we will end up with De Zerbi and I read somewhere that Richard Hughes is big fan of him. I personally don't think his personality suits our club to be honest. He speaks too much if something doesn't go his way, be it the players or transfers.

{Ed001's Note - I know that, why are you telling me this? And if it is De Zerbi then anyone involved in appointing him should be immediately dismissed as clueless.}

22.) 29 Mar 2024 16:20:08
Ed mate, you took the words right out of my mouth re: De Zerbi. I want nothing to do with that fraud who has literally made Brighton worse than when he took over from Potter. For me, all he did was do some tweaks with Potter's system (an his players) and made them more lethal in front of goal cos we all knew Brighton played brilliant footie BUT just could not score a goal to save their lives.

Now, it's his team and sorry, getting the brakes beaten out of him and getting battered by the likes of Luton, WH, Villa etc. by 4 to 5 goals fills me with NO confidence at all. Too Jekyl and Hyde in terms of perfs. for me. You can add Naggelsmann to that boat too. Arrogant as heck.

As for us, we all knew there was a possibility that Xabi could stay at Leverkusen and to me, he has made the right move for his career short term. Where does that leave us? Amorim is someone I know nothing about and I'll give him a go for sure cos his teams play good football apparently. Also you knever know. With the right amount of funds to get better players in to play with the boss squad he will inherit, he could improve as a manager and then grow to be very good, to great. We shall see.

23.) 29 Mar 2024 16:26:22
Glad someone said it ed, amorin stinks of Marco Silva joining Everton and look where they ended up. De zerbi and nanglesman no thanks either.

Question is who do we go for now? I've no idea.

24.) 29 Mar 2024 16:51:52

{Ed077's Note - what about Graham Potter? The other two names I'd throw into the hat as complete outsiders are Roger Schmidt and Arne Slot.

My personal recommendation for next LFC manager would be Gareth Southgate?}

25.) 29 Mar 2024 16:54:30
What do you think about pep Lijnders Ed? I haven't liked his input the last few seasons but something to be said about him knowing the club, culture and personnel.

Sorry to bombard you with questions but do you rate Graham Potter as a manager?


{Ed001's Note - no thanks to Lijnders. He has already put himself on record claiming all the credit for everything and all the ideas. Ideas that he actually copied from elsewhere anyway, so not sure why he has to shout about how he thought of them when he borrowed them. Without Klopp there players would soon tire of that attitude at the top. He needs to go learn some humility, as one failed attempt at management hasn't taught him that yet.

Potter is fine in the right circumstances, but he needs a project to build up, we are not that right now.}

26.) 29 Mar 2024 18:16:24
Thanks mate appreciate your opinion on the matter.

Not too many great options out there.

27.) 29 Mar 2024 18:24:07
Yes a disgusting club all round totally unprofessional and they have been tapping up players since they signed Ballack and that Brazilian winger from Leverkusen all those years ago. Nice to see them struggling in the league a bit of karma.

28.) 29 Mar 2024 21:30:56
I mean Brendan Rodgers record in Scotland makes him look like a world beater.
Amorim has a good record in Portugal. He’s completely untested in a top league.
Alonso is out-performing his resources in Germany. If he continues to do that (only one season so far) he will get top job offers.

29.) 29 Mar 2024 21:52:35
Arne Slott may be worth a punt.

30.) 29 Mar 2024 19:34:27
Sorry, Ed77 BUT we will NOT be taking "The Waist Coat" off your hands this summer. No way that's happening. Sir Jim has annointed him as you savior so I propose you get with the program, lol.

{Ed077's Note - ???.



28 May 2023 08:22:15
Hey ed025 mate. How you feeling? So hoping for a win for your boys today.


{Ed025's Note - thanks burkey, but in the end its only a game of football mate.....who am i trying to kid.. :)

1.) 28 May 2023 08:36:21
Everton to win 3 - 0, never in doubt.

{Ed025's Note - i think there is a lot of doubt WDW..

2.) 28 May 2023 09:29:15
Cmon Everton. let's do this for Ed25 and every Scouser out there.

Today I'm a Blue.3 points here we come.

3.) 28 May 2023 10:18:03
Be careful what you say gents. I was positive yesterday with posts regarding Everton surviving and got slaughtered by a couple of Liverpool fans. Still want them to survive. Or its looking at the first fixture list next season for when we play LUTON.
On a Liverpool note. I am not up to speed with European football but would hope with a strong transfer window and refresh we should be in with a shout of winning the Europa. I know it leads to qualification to the Champions League the season after but would expect to qualify through our league position. My hope is Real Madrid don't finish third in their qualifiers and drop into the Europa.
Maybe Europa for Everton season after Ed025.

{Ed025's Note - either that or league 1 Gaga..

4.) 28 May 2023 14:03:51
Feels like We’ve been here hundreds of times.
In the end, Everton don’t get relegated, ever ?.

5.) 28 May 2023 22:40:52
Next season with the points deduction, they will go down I reckon.



15 May 2023 20:40:37
Still first half I know Ed025, but I will keep annoying you until you stop referring to Jones as championship quality ?.


{Ed025's Note - annoy away burkey least for another 45 minutes mate..

1.) 15 May 2023 21:06:47
If this result stands, a Great shout for Everton MVP this season.

2.) 15 May 2023 21:57:14
It makes Newcastle v Brighton worth a watch too.

3.) 16 May 2023 08:54:58
I Love Ed25. All day. Everyday.

{Ed025's Note - and i love you oli...most of the time.. :)




Burkeyboy's rumour replies


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15 Aug 2023 08:49:51
Do we know how far away Bajcetic is from a return?




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04 Mar 2023 01:53:26
I said about 3 years ago that he was my favourite player of the premier league era.
That smile, goal celebrations, unselfishness and work ethic made him a poor joy. How can anyone not like the guy?
Will always remember him putting the arsenal defence on the floor.




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19 Jan 2023 07:50:31
If vote for him VVVV.




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21 Sep 2020 04:15:21
So we’re all talking about a CB, but Eds, do we know of any actual solid interest in any? I’m hoping you won’t say Carlos.


{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of anything different to what has been discussed I am afraid.}



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03 Jul 2019 08:44:08
Not sure you're getting it tobi.





Burkeyboy's banter replies


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20 Jul 2024 07:05:15
Thanks for all the lovely comments fellas, much appreciated.




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16 Jul 2024 08:48:19
Would Klopp be obliged to answer questions from S#n "journalists"?




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14 Jul 2024 20:08:04
I'm with you SJ.
I'll relish a 16 year old demonstrating how to attack, until the moment Trent may come on, then it's a very different matter for me.
Also, can we stop calling it a National anthem, it's a royal anthem, entirely about one accident of birth. Or, is a monarch the only thing we're proud of as a country?




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14 Jul 2024 20:03:23
I have no problem with your post rigsby and also acknowledge your classy reply to Ron.




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11 Jul 2024 09:24:48
Fair enough Ed025, but Alexis Nunes, reporter, was at the ground and reported on Uruguay player's families being under threat and passing their young children over the barriers to safety.
But, I don't care how grave the threat actually was, I want a passionate player, on and off the pitch. Unless it's that other Uruguayan who likes to bite people and be racist.


{Ed025's Note - reporters can sensationalize an incident to suit their agenda Burkey, we have all seen little clips here and there mate but im sure the truth will out and we can judge fro there..



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