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Bobby Banana's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Bobby Banana's rumours posts


14 Aug 2023 22:54:17
Hi Ed002, May I ask a question? Everybody is saying Lavia prefers Chelsea and that is why there has been no progress past Liverpools accepted offer. Do you expect Chelsea to make an offer. The reason I ask is that if they don't it makes things a bit awkward for Lavia and Liverpool. It's a bit like asking a girl out and her saying she would rather the bloke down the road took her out, then he doesn't ask her out. She then comes back to you and says you can take her out. Do you still want to take her out knowing she preferred someone else?

Bobby Banana

{Ed002's Note - Chelsea have had an offer accepted for Lavia and are now negotiating some additions to free him up for a medical and to complete the transfer in the coming days.}

1.) 15 Aug 2023 00:01:19
I for one am delighted. Good prospect but a squad player at either team and we can’t afford to spend £60m on a squad player. I think Chelsea will have a good young player but similar to Caceido have paid double his true worth. Let’s see who comes our way now these two have gone. Positive is we now know we have money to spend, negative is the inflated fees as clubs know we desperate.

2.) 15 Aug 2023 02:13:46
well that's one way to ask a question, beautiful.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 04:30:20
They had one accepted when we were fooling with MC . so the thing that happened is the boy tried cheating with another girl but the one who he originally was with and the one he cheated both went with the other boy whose girl he was cheating. so now our main character doesn't have a girl and has broken heart??but not to worry there are plenty of fish in the sea. just don't cheat on your people!

4.) 15 Aug 2023 06:15:45
Lets see whos available in the bargain basement? If the better DMs are going for upwards of 60m it sets a precedent. Not sure we will snap up the likes of Thuram, Kone, Luis, etc, for anything less.

5.) 15 Aug 2023 08:00:42

It’s not about less and it’s not about bargain basement.

The point is Kone and Luis are more experienced players than Lavia. Therefore the club may value them higher and be willing to pay more for them.

There will be other players they’re looking at too.

It’s not about looking for bargains. The club had a £110m fee accepted for MC.

6.) 15 Aug 2023 08:19:34
Cheers Ed002, at least we can now move on.

7.) 15 Aug 2023 08:29:56
The club were never ever buying Caicedo NK and we all know that, this was actually pure genius PR rubbish to please the fans. The one they really wanted went badly wrong in Lavia.
The management of the club from top to bottom is awful and I include stubborn Mr Klopp in this as he’s as much to blame in this utter shambles.
Where do we go from here I suspect nota great deal will happen and Klopp will carry on telling people that Gakpo is a brilliant midfield player.
It’s going to be a long season for a top 7 finish.

8.) 15 Aug 2023 09:21:38
I don't see Kone working in our system Navy. Good player but too slow for our system. I was all for him until I saw him in games with players flying past him. I think in a compact team he would excel or perhaps as an eight in our system but for DM it's a no thanks from me.

9.) 15 Aug 2023 08:49:51
Do we know how far away Bajcetic is from a return?

10.) 15 Aug 2023 10:22:05
“The club were never ever buying Caicedo NK and we all know that, this was actually pure genius PR rubbish to please the fans. ”

You cannot genuinely believe that? So you think the club are now making record breaking bids just for sh*ts and giggles? ??‍♂️.

11.) 15 Aug 2023 13:43:43
Navy, its better to simply ignore the troll and let it waste its own time.



18 Jul 2018 13:14:01
Hello Ed's

Any chance you are in a position to confirm that a fee has been agreed with Roma? Echo and others have reported its has, but I won't believe it until it's confirmed on this site.
Love u all

Bobby Banana

{Ed002's Note - I can't confirm it absolutely but I can say that someone involved was told over a breakfast time call with someone just off the coast of Antibe the likelihood of another bidder at that price is very slim.}

1.) 18 Jul 2018 13:50:22
I know it’s a lot to pay for a keeper, but the way I look at it is LFC will have payed Roma £100m for Salah and Alisson. Makes it sound much better to look at the deal through rose-tinted glasses.

2.) 18 Jul 2018 13:45:28
Ed002 is so beautiful and mysterious.

3.) 18 Jul 2018 14:17:58
Anyone actually watched him play and has a review on him? Not seen him much other then when we smashed them and then the WC!

4.) 18 Jul 2018 14:08:12
Cheers ED002.

5.) 18 Jul 2018 14:29:27
It's an absolutely horrific fee for a keeper, even by today's mad standards, but it does show the extent of the problem LFC have, that it is worth paying 70m+ to properly solve it.

6.) 18 Jul 2018 14:56:33
Let's not all whinge now about the fee we've all been saying we need a marquee signing for that position 😁.

7.) 18 Jul 2018 15:39:23
It's an astronomical fee for a human, but I thought that for VVD and we all saw his instant impact, therefore we have to pay top dollar to have a top keeper behind him (IF it's all true of course) . Unfortunately it's a sign of the footballing times and the game's gone sadly. but, I'd love it, love it if we get him. he's the final piece of the jigsaw almost.

8.) 18 Jul 2018 15:41:45
Ignoring the fact that all fees these days are exorbitant, is paying so much for a keeper really surprising. We have all said a top keeper would have put us considerably closer to city, that utd would be nowehere without de gea. Paying large fees for such an important position shouldn't be that much of a shock.

9.) 18 Jul 2018 15:47:29
But if it's true, it's a position solved for the next ten years perhaps.

10.) 18 Jul 2018 15:58:06
Who stays as number 2 ward or karius or neither.

11.) 18 Jul 2018 18:15:35
To be fair 60 odd million is nowhere near in proportion to the fee Buffon was bought for in 2001 compared to the world record fee at the time (30m compared to Figo for 37m) . Judging on percentages I'd say it's no surprise that top keepers will start catching up in cost. There just haven't been many major keeper transfers in a few years, have there? VVD won't be the most expensive defender for that long either.

12.) 18 Jul 2018 18:42:09
People stop complaining about the fee, Buffon went for what was it, 51 million? In 2001! 51mil in 2001 would be about 500mil in today's market xD it is about time the transfer record for a goalkeeper got beat.

13.) 18 Jul 2018 18:47:04
Bardzo. Buffon was 53 million Euros. Considering that was 17 years ago, it doesn't seem that extortionate.

14.) 18 Jul 2018 20:58:11
Ok fine, I was talking Pounds not Euros. Back then the exchange rate placed the GBP as being far more stronger than now (or the Euro being weaker) . But the point still stands.




Bobby Banana's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bobby Banana's banter posts


05 May 2024 11:54:43
Hi Ed001
Considering most of us didn't even know who slot was before Klopp announced he was leaving, any chance you could do a profile on him? I've read all sorts on here, like he plays with inverted fullbacks, a pivot, high press. Would appreciate your in depth take on him.


Bobby Banana

{Ed001's Note - I have added him to the list mate.}

1.) 05 May 2024 12:02:02
I get the impression that you’re not that keen on him Ed001? You just don’t seem very enthusiastic about him taking over.

{Ed001's Note - I am not sure. I am not a fan of inverted full-backs and he likes those, so that bothers me. He also plays very possession-heavy football, which can be boring. But he does like a high intensity level. I am just waiting until I can look at more of him before I get enthusiastic.}

2.) 05 May 2024 13:16:00
For me, Liverpool are gambling on potential with Slot.

He is far from a sure thing.

It really could go either way but I like how he handles the media at least. Seems confident and a strong communicator. Should be helpful.

I'm very looking forward to see how we play under him.

3.) 05 May 2024 13:33:08
Let's hope Slot gets a 7 with us.

4.) 05 May 2024 13:43:23
I’d argue klopp wasn’t a sure thing when we signed him . There are no guarantees in football . Slot may well come in and tweak his system to get the best out the players at his disposal. He might have not had the opportunity to do certain things at feyenoord that he wants to do at Liverpool . I will be firmly in the camp of let’s wait and see what he can do and I will not judge him after 2/ 3 games he needs to be given the time klopp was afforded . Unlike klopp slot will have a full pre season when he starts so I can’t wait to watch all the pre season content lfc related to see what’s coming . I’m actually excited about a new manager . Klopp is / has been quality for us but I genuinely think he’s made mistakes this season and i know it’s not popular because he’s leaving and we are celebrating klopps time etc but he is still accountable for things this season as are the players . Mostly making substitutions too late has been my criticism of klopp .

5.) 05 May 2024 14:42:52
“For me, Liverpool are gambling on potential with Slot”

To be fair Davey, that is kinda our thing.

6.) 05 May 2024 15:18:30
From my point of view I dislike Slot.
My opinion, my view.
I am certain he will fail and quickly.
I had a similar feeling about Brendan Rogers but not so intensely.
Following Juergen will be a mammoth task for any manager.
I don't like Slot's system at all.
There is definitely unease in the camp with Juergen leaving. I don't find this surprising.
I am biased. I don't like Dutch football or their managers. I have many reasons for what I believe will be a difficult coming period.
I don't have the attitude we must get behind the team no matter what. If I don't like something I will say so and not blindly follow.
Therefore if I dislike a direction I will say it, unconcerned about popularity.
Fasten your seat belts it is going to be a bumpy ride.
I just get visions of a once smiling Slot, standing in disbelief with his jaw on the deck, clueless to the events he surveys.
My opinion, just my opinion.

7.) 05 May 2024 15:43:39
Very few sure thing managers to be fair, if any. It’s always going to be a gamble, maybe Slot slightly more than others that have been mentIoned.

8.) 05 May 2024 15:49:10
@ yuri

Obviously entitled to your opinion but the fact you dislike the man before he’s even had a chance is nothing short of a disgrace IN MY OPINION
you may not like his tactics or playing style but to not like the actual man himself come on .

As a fan base we have to get behind the next man at least giving him a chance and not live in the past because the past is already gone and it was great with jurgen at times but it’s time to move on it really is.

9.) 05 May 2024 16:04:33
My ex wife left me because I gambled on slots.

10.) 05 May 2024 17:53:29
I don't mind if people think I am a disgrace because of what I am saying.
That's life.
For as W C Fields famously once said, "Never give a sucker an even break! "

11.) 05 May 2024 18:26:21
Slots first job will be to teach Nunez English and then the offside rule.

12.) 05 May 2024 18:32:46
Yuri01, you won't blindly follow Slot but you dislike him, his system and his direction before he has even managed one of our games and because of where he comes from?

13.) 05 May 2024 18:36:41
Looks like you've made your mind up Yuri ?.

14.) 05 May 2024 19:08:45
He will be flogging a dead horse there, JK. I'm starting to agree with the Andy Carroll song!

15.) 05 May 2024 22:30:52
@Yuri from the moment you dislike someone without even knowing them or having a chance to open your mind and judge their words, acts and deeds on the merits, is the living epitome of bias hence, your opinion on Slot or who/ whatever else means absolutely nothing to me cos it is based on inherrent bias and prejudice. Peace and Love.

16.) 05 May 2024 23:14:20
@Yuri - great motto for life that eh “Never give a sucker an even break”?

Anyway anybody who sees Slot as a replacement for Klopp is, basically on a hiding to nothing. Slot is the next Liverpool manager, no more, no less. For those who like to judge, he can only be judged on the circumstances he finds when he takes up the role in, presumably, July.

17.) 06 May 2024 00:00:28
It won’t matter how good the manager or system is, we need quality additions to go into the first 11. Some players just aren’t good enough over a season.

18.) 06 May 2024 00:18:54
the only thing i've seen of Slot is that clip of him laughing when antony goes down "injured", gets back on the pitch and goes down again only to get booked for time wasting.

19.) 06 May 2024 01:44:28
Yuri, you may well be right but at the same time we have to give him a chance, do we not? poor fella hasn't even signed on the dotted line and you're writing him off. He could come in and win us the league, he could come in and fail - point of the matter is we have no idea what will happen, I hope for the best of course but just got to wish the man some good luck and get on with it.

20.) 06 May 2024 02:33:48
I haven't posted my thoughts to be popular.
Yes, indeed I have already written off Slot.
Yet, that is my assessment. An average Dutch coach, probably a nice bloke but Mr Average Guy.
I am just going with my gut feeling.
Thank you anyway for putting up with my grumpy feelings.

I would probably agree with a certain Mr Maureen-ho.

Young modern managers maybe the way to go?
Or as Mario Zagalo the Brasilian manager used to say:"Who am I to tell Pele how to play football? "

Who am I to tell Liverpool who should be the next manager?
I am doing it, but it isn't Slot. Even though he is likely a nice man.

We cannot get Alonso or Amorim. Therefore, one grumpy to another. Hey Jose. Come over here and prove you can do it. I know that is what you want. You have enough trophies to prove it.

21.) 06 May 2024 07:34:28
Yuri, more football based detail rather than just gut feelings would add more credibility to your post.
Your post just smacks of negativity without any football based reasoning.
Also, I’m sure if we wanted Amorim we could have got him.
Ed2 likes him and I think he said he’d be the ideal choice before anyone else was even mentioning him. That’s a good start for me. Reason for my view because his view is well informed and founded on important relevant factors.

22.) 06 May 2024 08:52:21
Genuine question @Yuri, why do you keep telling us you don’t care if you are popular or not? It’s of no consequence to any of the forum users. It’s perfectly reasonable to put forward your opinion but, as has been said, it would be useful to have some clue as to why you have the opinion you have rather than just making emotive statements.

23.) 06 May 2024 08:55:23
Yuri, so it's a gut feeling about and not an assessment of Slot?
I respect your gut feeling but what do you regard as him failing, mate? What does he need to achieve for you to see him as a success?

24.) 06 May 2024 11:29:16
Very happy with Slot - good appointment.



27 Apr 2024 07:21:28
Great review of the Everton game Ed01. Totally summed up my feelings re Klopp. Feel a bit disloyal but can't help but feel he should have left a few years ago. I can completely understand why so many on here are criticising him. I feel a bit let down by him, which seems crazy really. I honestly just want the season to be over and the new manager to come in. I never thought I would think like this about Klopp as he made me a true believer again.

Bobby Banana

{Ed001's Note - it is horrible, it makes you feel sick inside.}

1.) 27 Apr 2024 08:09:38
As a side note - nobody should feel sick or bad about criticising klopp. When you can't criticise then you are basically a cult.

And someone else on here put it quite well - if the boss says he has nothing in the tank and can't be assed why should anyone expect more of the players?
That applies to fans too. We are fans of the club, when you work for the club that washes over you too, but the minute you stop working for the club you shouldn't expect undying support.

2.) 27 Apr 2024 08:51:43
Who is saying Klopp shouldn't be criticised, Nevada?
And Klopp didn't say I have nothing in the tank unless you have a quote that says otherwise.
Have you ever thought that the players might want to win the League for themselves? Do you really think they are only trying to win it for Klopp or because he tells them what to do?

3.) 27 Apr 2024 09:02:34
Great review Eds and pretty well sums up how I feel.

Watching the match I felt sorry for Salah, stuck out by the touch line with no support due to the inverting fullback, and hardly ever getting fed the ball, total waste of our game changer.

4.) 27 Apr 2024 13:33:37
Rigsby I'm paraphrasing but klopp did say he was leaving because he didn't have the energy to keep doing this.

That's his entire reason for leaving.

As for who says you can't criticise there are people who act incredulous when someone criticises klopp and point to the history and imply he should be immune. It's also a common insinuation that if you don't back klopp you're not a real fan, which jn my view is faulty.

5.) 27 Apr 2024 13:34:46
Also rigsby - if the players want to win it for themselves, why aren't they?

The issue is will and determination and drive. If they're self motivated then all those things should be present, but they're not.

6.) 27 Apr 2024 13:54:07
Lol he can’t even kick a ball anymore how can he possibly be a game changer?



17 Mar 2024 20:16:18
It's been a long time since we played well at old trafford. That place seems to have as much of a hex on the team as Real Madrid.

Bobby Banana

1.) 17 Mar 2024 20:25:45
You mean the 5-0?

2.) 18 Mar 2024 07:42:23
How about the 4-2 that also should have been 5 when Jota nearly broke the post?

3.) 18 Mar 2024 08:50:37
My goodness we missed Jota yesterday.



11 Dec 2023 21:35:37
Thanks for the Palace review Ed001. You must still be in the doghouse after the birthday stunt. The other half must be giving you the cold shoulder so you had time to do the review earlier than usual?.

Bobby Banana

{Ed001's Note - you are very right mate.}

1.) 11 Dec 2023 23:37:46
Been in that position many times. Either you gave her the gift and she didn’t see the funny side or things got that bad you thought sod it, I’m not giving it to her now. Just in case you don’t know, it will be you that apologises, so you may as well get it over with. Don’t want the argument to carry on into the weekend.

2.) 12 Dec 2023 01:08:12
Wait bday?

{Ed001's Note - not mine mate, hers. BB is right, but apologies have not worked so far. It is very peaceful though with her sulking and not speaking to me.}

3.) 12 Dec 2023 04:10:07
My yearly nightmare is mid-February. Valentine's day followed by wedding anniversary on the 16th. A double whammy. Two expensive dinners one after the other, and the strict condition that the anniversary gift is bigger than the Valentine's. Sigh?.

4.) 12 Dec 2023 04:49:52
ArAy, i've convinced my better half that we are unique and special and don't need to celebrate our love on the same day everyone else does. So we have ‘Valentines’ a week later every year. She hasn't twigged that the flowers and choccies are half price by then and the restaurants are back to regular prices ?.

5.) 12 Dec 2023 07:16:22
I must be really lucky my better half doesn’t believe in Valentine’s Day.

{Ed025's Note - hence your user name.. :)

6.) 12 Dec 2023 11:10:46
Wait Ed01, what have you done?

{Ed001's Note - nothing, that's the problem.}

7.) 12 Dec 2023 12:34:58

8.) 12 Dec 2023 14:36:36
Myself and my wife never do Valentines day either, nor have we ever in our 18 years together - both agree its just a 'manufactured' thing and not worth doing - result lol!

{Ed025's Note - there are no pockets in a shroud Bill, dont be a minge bag mate and treat your Judy for putting up with you.. :)

9.) 12 Dec 2023 19:07:56
Well I got married on St Valentines day, so our anniversary dinner is in a restaurant with loads of kids.

10.) 12 Dec 2023 18:23:24
Well Ed01, I see you made it out of the dog house alive so at least, that's a win, right?

{Ed001's Note - not so sure about being out of the doghouse yet.}

11.) 13 Dec 2023 10:38:06
Ed001, as long as you're not sleeping on the sofa, it's a win! ?.

{Ed001's Note - I dunno, the sofa would probably be the win as I wouldn't get woken up every couple of hours when the baby needs feeding. Its not my breast she is drinking from but apparently I need to be awake too when she feeds. Women can be so selfish at times! ;-)



09 Dec 2023 11:07:59
Thanks for the review Ed001. Wasn't sure we would get one considering the short turnaround. Great surprise on a Saturday morning. Got to agree with you on the Nunez tackle. Couldn't see any problem with it.

Bobby Banana

{Ed001's Note - very welcome mate, had a bit of trouble getting it done as it was the other half's birthday yesterday. She was upset with me anyway as I said I had tried getting her the perfect present but then realised she already had me so anything else would seem a bit crap by comparison. She seemed to think I should have got her something anyway. Ungrateful if you ask me!}

1.) 09 Dec 2023 12:17:43
Can you please share the match review url?

{Ed001's Note - just go to to find it. You can sign up to get an email when a new article is posted as well.}

2.) 09 Dec 2023 12:28:02
Thanks Ed001.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome.}

3.) 09 Dec 2023 15:54:38
Tell the other half that you are appreciated on this site and she is lucky to have you. Now get on with the Crystal Palace review, I’d like to hear your view on the Ayew sending off. The pundits said it was never a yellow but I thought he stopped a counter attack so the second yellow was his fault and he only had himself to blame.

{Ed001's Note - I don't think that will work, she is still not talking to me! As for the Ayew sending off, I don't see any argument for it not being a yellow to be honest. It was a silly challenge that he didn't need to make but he made sure to bring his man down. It was a defo booking. Ok, it wasn't as bad as the assault by Hamer on Mac Allister that wasn't deemed worthy of a card, but that should not be the yardstick. In fact the discussion in that case should centre around whether Hamer should have got a red or yellow. I don't think Ayew has a case to argue that he shouldn't have been booked.}

4.) 09 Dec 2023 16:22:28
My thoughts exactly Ed. I think the bar is very low for 2nd yellows and reds these days and it does ruin games but given what we’ve seen, even in this game, that was a yellow.

Gomez and Diaz both got booked for less in this very game.

{Ed001's Note - they know what the rules are these days and those deliberate fouls to kill attacks are automatic bookings. The mistake is when players aren't booked for those. Usually that only happens if you are Rodri or you wear a Spurs shirt though.}

5.) 09 Dec 2023 16:36:39
Clearly your mastery and knowledge of the female species is nowhere near that of the football game. ? Or you're a daredevil and love playing with fire, by not getting your wife a gift on her birthday. I suggest immediate corrective action otherwise you'll get reminded of it every year for ever. This is my 33 years of marital "discord" speaking.

In regards to Ayew, it wasn't his second foul that was stupid, it was the first one. The fool thought he would get away with obstructing a free kick. I always get reminded of your comment that "footballers are not the brightest lot". We see it time and again across the entire league where players clearly know the rules but end up costing their team heavily, for not applying them.

{Ed001's Note - I just thought it was funny. I do have her a gift but I have not given it her yet as I am having too much fun winding her up and getting peace and quiet to watch the footie over the weekend!

You are right, his first card was incredibly dumb. All he had to do was back away slowly, just enough to prove he was trying to get away but not enough to get out of the way for a quick free kick to be taken. Instead he just stayed in front of there as Virgil clearly motioned once to take it and still he didn't move, so he has no one to blame but himself.}

6.) 09 Dec 2023 17:54:51
Ed001, so I was partially still right. Yo are a daredevil who likes to play with fire! ?.

{Ed001's Note - and she is a dragon, so it is defo fire I am playing with but living life on the edge is so much fun.}




Bobby Banana's rumour replies


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21 Jun 2024 20:10:42
Didn’t we sell him to Forest a few years back? ?.

Bobby Banana



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19 Jun 2024 20:16:37
I think you should all wait to see how much cash they offer on top of Raphinha before you make a judgement.

Bobby Banana



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15 May 2024 12:54:28
I thought Ed02 was talking about Thiago’s brother and thought he’d lost his mind, then I realised he meant the ex Leeds player. Makes much more sense now.

Bobby Banana



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13 May 2024 18:27:48
I heard he was playing the lead role in the up coming Postman Pat live action film.

Bobby Banana



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31 Aug 2023 19:20:46
They play CB scouse john.

Bobby Banana




Bobby Banana's banter replies


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17 Jul 2024 14:47:05
Love it ed025.

Bobby Banana



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17 Jul 2024 14:44:52
Champions, both domestically and in Europe. Mind you I think that every year.

Bobby Banana



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10 Jul 2024 16:50:29
As you previously said NBG, you’re a scout so know whether a player is any good?.

Bobby Banana



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27 Jun 2024 08:07:28
How about putting Alisson up front. We’d be deadly at corners.

Bobby Banana



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21 Jun 2024 20:07:27
He might wear one in the next game.

Bobby Banana



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