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27 Jun 2024 18:19:32
Ryam McAidoo eds, heard anything on him?

June nkunku

{Ed002's Note - He is a child from Chelsea - I would need to check. Is he 16 or so? It is a pity that Liverpool cannot build an academy.}

1.) 27 Jun 2024 21:23:59
A pity Chelsea don't build a team around the fantastic young players they develop instead of shipping them off to pay for some expensive kids you've never heard of from who knows where. Aren't they now after some Argentine kid who's only played three games? The irony is a team full of Chelsea academy alumni is genuinely better than the team they've got and how much did it cost them?

2.) 27 Jun 2024 21:27:30
We did, few of them beat Chelseas 1st team at wembley last february?.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 21:42:14
He’s 16 and is seemingly, according to the 4th estate, off to Arsenal. I assume the influx of nearly ready South Americans and ex-City Academy signings is disheartening for the kiddies at the Chelsea Academy.

4.) 28 Jun 2024 07:29:48
The same Chelsea who splashed £45 mill to sign Palmer form city ?.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 21:22:28
I think ours has been pretty successful Ed to be fair, I’m certain we would of kept hold of players like rice ake olise Guehi and not let them slip away, bit of a waste, it must be extremely frustrating Ed ?.

{Ed002's Note - I don't think the Liverpool Academy has been successful and it is something the club must work on for the future.

Players left Chelsea mainly because of a policy of not guaranteeing game time to youngsters - whereas in Klopp's time at Liverpool, players were promised game time to entice them to join - which in many cases was simply a lie.

Rice left when he was released by the club. Others like Musiala left for different reasons - in his case BREXIT.}

6.) 28 Jun 2024 10:40:26
So it’s basically irrelevant saying how great the Chelsea academy is if the players don’t even stick around. I’d understand if you still had them all in the first team but you basically just get them too a level and they move on and become even better. did you make Musiala and rice, not really! The players who may have been there at one point or at least the ones who look like they could become serious players in the future no longer play for Chelsea and jumped ship which says a lot.

{Ed002's Note - You are an idiot. You just don't get it. The Chelsea Academy has been churning out players who have been hugely success and stayed at the club for years. In recent times, Reece James, Loftus-Cheek, Mount, Christiansen, Colwill, Gallacher, Abraham, etc. have all come through the Academy and become regulars for Chelsea. Liverpool can only aspire to such success. Musiala left because of BREXIT and nothing else. Rice was released at 14. They have not been "jumping ship".

7.) 28 Jun 2024 12:23:25
I agree Chelsea's academy is way beyond probably all but Man City's in the Premier League.

But using Christansen (a player signed at 16) as a highlight of how good Chelsea's academy is, in a post lambasting Liverpool for looking at 16 year olds and not building their academy is very hypocritical to be fair mate.

{Ed002's Note - You keep scratching around embarrassing yourselves.}

8.) 28 Jun 2024 12:55:20
It's not realistic for Liverpool to aspire to Chelsea's level of success as Chelsea are working with a much larger talent pool in London and the South East compared to the North West where we are competing with massive academies like United, City and Everton.

Musiala also left because Bayern offered a clearer pathway into the first-team than Chelsea, not just because of Brexit.

9.) 28 Jun 2024 13:01:39
I'm honestly not scratching, just an observation.

I haven't mentioned ours being good or yours not being great. Just an odd name to use, given your argument was based around a 16 year old.

{Ed002's Note - That was not what my comment was regarding.}

10.) 28 Jun 2024 13:31:05
Elliott (to an extent)

Yeah. Awful.

11.) 28 Jun 2024 13:33:47
Gunn and yet people in this thread are saying Chelsea didn’t make Musiala the player he is, Bayern did and they signed him at 16. Bit of a double standard there.

12.) 28 Jun 2024 16:05:44
And Bradley?.

13.) 28 Jun 2024 17:13:25
Lmao all them players ed02 listed are absolute garbage. Trent jones Bradley quansah kehheler are all better than any of them very average if not rubbish players I think you lose this time ed.

14.) 28 Jun 2024 18:11:38
Joining lFC according to good sources. snatched away from AFC at the last minute.

15.) 28 Jun 2024 20:04:45
You have to agree with eds here. look how much money chelsea make by selling players who are on loan, guehi, tomorrow, Abraham etc. latest to join Hutchinson.

Who is last liverpool players who perform well on loan and then was sold for hefty sum. only IBe comes to my mind.

Chelsea have a seriously good business model where in they make lots of money on loaning and selling young players.

{Ed001's Note - and then use that money to buy worse players on a higher wage. It is far from a good business model and it has left them mired in midtable. Their system may make money, but it doesn't make sense.}

16.) 28 Jun 2024 20:47:34
The success of an academy should be measured by how many players it puts into professional football in my opinion. It’s very easy for us as fans to think of youth players as assets who will hopefully save us money or win us trophies one day. That’s a fairly commonly accepted idea of what an academy should do.

But ultimately these are kids with hopes, dreams, emotions and hearts that can be broken. So for me, the number one priority of an academy is keeping the kids in a football related career and if that isn’t possible, making sure they still learn the tools needed to succeed in life and emotionally deal with the devastation of having your dream crushed at 14-21 years old.

I think from that point of view, Chelsea are maybe slightly better at developing young people in their academy than we are (historically at least) . But our academy is doing very well in the last 5 years and is finally catching up to the likes of Chelsea. The players who aren’t making it for us are starting get better careers after they leave our club.

We’re not producing as many top level players as Chelsea still, but we’re getting a lot of them careers in the football league if nothing else. And you cannot underestimate the importance of that from a human aspect. I know people who failed to make it in football after years in various academy’s and some of them still aren’t over it mentally even in their 40’s.

We’re doing better than we were and things seem to be on an upward trajectory. We’ve not got more talent in the academy than we had in the past, we’re just giving them a pathway to first team opportunities or finding them loans that are good for them instead of loans that are good for us. We have had loads of talented players who we held back in u21’s football for far too long or tossed out on loan to clubs looking for squad padding.

But that’s all changed in recent years. We’re constantly bringing kids up from the academy to cameo for the first team. And when we get them loans, we get them loans where they’ll play. And if they don’t play we terminate them and find them a new loan. It’s significantly improved from the days where we allowed talented young players get stuck in limbo.

17.) 28 Jun 2024 22:05:43
Come off it Ed that is hilarious ?
hugely success and stayed at the club for years. In recent times, Reece James, Loftus-Cheek, Mount, Christiansen, Colwill, Gallacher, Abraham

Literally Reece James when fit hasn’t been bad and Christiansen but the rest please

John Terry and Graham lesaux (excuse spelling) are the only decent players Chelsea have grown while understanding the potential they had and not letting them go, churning out ???, + rice olise ake guehi they became the players they are under other managers nothing to do with the quality of the youth team, decent players educated by better management
Everyone else has been kak, not to mention the first team players Chelsea has dismissed and discarded, salah for example.

{Ed002's Note - It is simply degraded in to the usual embarrasing abuse.}

18.) 29 Jun 2024 06:54:34
I get the fact that the Chelsea has been “churning out” (great phrase) young men to be, in a lot of cases, sold on at a reasonable to large profit to the highest bidder and I also fully understand that it is a business, but I have to say a model based solely on the creation of profit with a view to feeding a market rather than bringing youngsters through to play at an elite level for the club, doesn’t sit well from a sporting perspective.

As has been mentioned, the fact that the money seems to be re-invested any any number of the ‘next big thing’ - especially in late teenagers / early young adults from completely different cultures, not only negates the effects of the ‘good work’, for want of a better phrase, but also suggests to me that it’s an awful lot of effort and kerfuffle to keep finishing mid-table.

I suppose I could wait to see what happens in 2030, when, no doubt all will be unveiled. I guess if it is I will feel mightily embarrassed.

Anyway, it’s the Liverpool site - who really gives a stuff about about Chelsea, to be honest?

19.) 29 Jun 2024 07:00:27
Ed002 - take no notice

Ed001 - it’s the 8 year contracts I find baffling, really not good if they want to move a player on.

{Ed001's Note - it is a mistake that will come back to bite them.}

20.) 29 Jun 2024 09:56:38
Reading this thread is like listening to Tories try to defend their increasingly undefendable position hahaha brilliant, just stop.

21.) 29 Jun 2024 14:20:27
@Drogie, why should Ed02 take no notice? I assume he / she is a grown-up who appreciates that there is give and take in life. The banter started with the usual preposterous claim about our interest in the Chelsea academy which is ironic really as the only one at either club who came from the other’s academy is Sterling. It seems Ed02 might have his / her own fixation about a Liverpool FC fixation that perhaps isn’t backed up by fact and is in fact the pot calling the kettle, or perhaps just the pot stirring.

22.) 29 Jun 2024 14:47:14
WDW - solanke.

23.) 29 Jun 2024 16:33:15
True that @Jay, my mistake.




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25 Jul 2024 19:23:26
Rooney was a top top player. will be good for Danns!

June nkunku



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21 Jul 2024 13:28:56
Disastrous to lose Virg this summer, would seriously jeopardise our hopes of top 4.For me staying in the champs lge is worth more than €55m.

June nkunku



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18 Jul 2024 15:55:29
Whatever are you implying vango? ?.

June nkunku



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17 Jul 2024 20:50:40
A fair post MK.

June nkunku



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17 Jul 2024 11:47:08
Fair play to utd, put their money on the table. Although this time last year colwill was the new defensive"messiah"and we seen how dat went.

June nkunku




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20 Jul 2024 15:50:08
Think every club in Europe would buy him for the knockdown price they'd get him for.

June nkunku



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20 Jul 2024 02:56:29
What Salah said.

June nkunku



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19 Jul 2024 14:59:45
By thhat reckoning MK there'd be no point targeting an Ignacio or a Guehi because if virg is here (which i think he will) then they WILL be on the bench most games.

June nkunku



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19 Jul 2024 09:03:59
Agree with a lot of that MK, would be a huge blow though to lose Van Dijk. His"decline"last year still would have had in in the leagues Team of the year for me alongside Saliba". Our challenge was built around him and to a certain extent Salah. Hopefully something can be sorted out because even past his imperious best Virg is still the best left-sided CB in the toughest league around. Oh and Trent signs a new contract 100%.

June nkunku



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19 Jul 2024 07:36:05
Why wouldn't we be Frode? we were finished with Arsenal and City and were better than every team we were still to face. People are annoyed with no signings so everything is being looked on negatively. True, maybe we did punch above our weight but with a few games to go we were top, it was in our hands. that's being in a title race to me, and anyone else with a tiny bit of sense. Liverpool fans (well, i'd say only about half of the fans on here actually support Lfc) have become a very negative bunch.

June nkunku



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