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27 Aug 2020 21:50:14
Ed regarding your long post - thank you for the breakdown.

You mention Barcelona have three options for the left wing spot, mane and who?

Also, you said PSG as a potential neymar replacement - is that in the future or do you see him moving this year?

I know it’s not strictly Liverpool related but I’d hate to see mane leave, so just want to weigh up the options!


{Ed002's Note - You need to take it to the relevant page where it has been addressed already.}



12 Jul 2020 22:01:17
Ed’s, I know you have mentioned about Keita not impressing overly and an expensive mistake I believe was said.

Do you think he could leave this summer?

Personally not convinced by him, I do think he has shown flashes, but it often seems like he doesn’t suit the style, he drives forward and plays a risky pass every time, even if it’s not on. I know he has played so little he needs to learn the runs and develop the chemistry a little more but I don’t see him getting there. His shots also seem wayward and weak for a player who gets chances around the edge of the box.


{Ed002's Note - I would not expect him to leave.}

1.) 12 Jul 2020 22:33:55
He s finally getting a run of games together. He hasn't been terrible. YES he needs some work defensively but he's done a lot of good things on the ball and has done some really really good pressing things. He should be fine as long as he stays fit and continues to work hard at is faults. Like all players in the squad.

If he can stay clear of injuries and works hard I have every faith he 'll be a top player for us.

Injuries are my biggest fear with him. Ability wise he is very talented. He just needs more time on the training ground and less time in the treatment room.

2.) 12 Jul 2020 23:36:54
He’s not terrible at all, he's composed on the ball and does look to create.

3.) 13 Jul 2020 09:11:31
Yes he does all that Firmane but it's the other side of his game that he really needs to improve on.

4.) 13 Jul 2020 10:07:16
Doesn’t look fit enough for me. Has one good game then goes missing again for another 4 games. Am very disappointed after look the effort and expense we put in to get him.

5.) 13 Jul 2020 11:27:21
Haven't seen enough in the 2 seasons here to convince me he will be a regular starter in that midfield.



26 Jan 2020 23:36:46
I hope we don’t just go under 23s in the replay. It’s clear matip and Lovren need games, they looked welll off the pace - it’s the perfect time for them. I said before Adrian deserves another game, as I doubt he will get another all going well. There’s a big difference between a few fringe players and the best of the young guns, versus full under 23s. If I were Elliot, Jones, Williams or chiravella I’d be hoping to get a game for one, but I’d be hoping to have the best chance of winning it. I’d want another game after it.

From the squad today, maybe leave out salah Firmio, ox, fabinho and bring in a few others - but what If shaqiri is fit by then - has barely played im sure he’d be grateful for the minutes - origi too, Minamino barely played in months before joining us.

I’m happy to give youth a fair go at it in the cups, but the word there is fair - give them a helping Hand.


1.) 27 Jan 2020 05:02:44
I agree, just keep pretty much the same players bar Fabinho in midfield, replace him with Lallana and I think we’re good. I’m sure the players would rather stay in the competition than not, it’s a highly competitive match anyway unless we just drop like we did today, at Anfield we should have more than enough to get the job done with the same team. I understand Klopp a frustration but it’s our fault we couldn’t get past a league 1 side, we knew beforehand that they do replays so it’s our fault. I hope this does inspire the FA to make the necessary changes to the FA cup and league cup, but these competitions are for the smaller clubs in England, the world can’t revolve around the big teams who have billions of pounds of investment to be able to cope with fixture congestion, it’s not right either way but it affects the clubs at the highest level and that’s like 5% of the clubs that enter the competitions in the first place. A winter break gets put in place when we haven’t had that before and still room for complaints, Klopp needs to be careful going at war with the FA, we know how corrupt they are and they might just stiff Liverpool over in the future. Klopp is known for not whining as highlighted by Mourinho last season, but that seems to be changing now that he’s at the pinnacle of football in England. Get the job done in the replay, if he fields the same team as vs Aston Villa he can do nothing about his reputation of not taking the domestic cups seriously.

2.) 27 Jan 2020 07:30:59
For the senior lads coming back from injury I think a hot weather break could be good for them, but lads like elliot, Jones, neco ect. Even origi and minamino will be knocking on his door desperate to play in that game, see how it pans out but I reckon those players would rather start a competitive game at anfield than go on holiday, could be wrong though, I don't know any of them personally.

3.) 27 Jan 2020 07:45:05
Looks like all u23s. If I was fab, Matip, lovren I'd be begging for a another chance. they've had all the rest they need and owe the kids after that performance.

4.) 27 Jan 2020 07:45:51
I agree. Matip Lovren Fabinho Minamino All looked short of being match ready especially at a higher level. Then you have the likes of Lallana Keita Milner Shaq (if fit) all need game time. Would be a shame if we ended up getting knocked out with such a good chance to go through.

5.) 27 Jan 2020 08:51:56
I agree but unfortunately some of the players may have booked breaks away etc and from what klopp is saying he dosent want to make them change plans.

6.) 27 Jan 2020 09:32:12
ed001 I thought Fabinho Matip lovren and Minamino where awful yesterday. And it did not look like they needed a week and I think after putting in a performance like that you would hope they would want to make things right am sure Henderson would. Also with Naby just coming back and my be even Milner there is a lot of player coming back that could do with the minutes to get back to full speed. ed I would like to know your thoughts on the winter break I all ways think when we have had a week off we never look the same in the first game back.

{Ed001's Note - I agree with you, the players need games to get sharp, not a winter break. If they need a rest then give them time off training. The winter break is a nonsense idea. Half the time we end up with bad weather breaking up the season at some point anyway. To work, the break needs to be longer than 2 weeks to make sense but even that is pointless as the teams who have one spend most of it doing a mini pre-season anyway.

What is needed is a proper summer break for all players, to ensure they get the chance to switch off and relax. A mid-season break does not allow the players to do so, any more than just having the games less crammed together during the season would do and teams giving the players a day or more off training every so often.}

7.) 27 Jan 2020 10:47:21
ed001 I could not agree more, to make time I think its time the carabao cup has to go, Are season start to early I feel the start of the carabao cup has something to do with that as the second round starts before most other leagues start. Then you have Klopp and all the other managers moaning, But every year the clubs travel all over the world on preseason tours. Then there is all the international tournaments that seem to be every summer now. If the carabao cup went we could bring the fa cup forward use a few of there dates for early midweek leagues Fixtures Because end of December to end of January is just to much. My be make Boxing day fixture the Fa cup 3rd round that would bring a bit of magic back to the Fa cup with it being such an iconic date for football.

{Ed001's Note - personally I don't think getting rid of the League Cup is the answer. Why that and not all those pre-season contests?}

8.) 27 Jan 2020 11:22:06
for me ed the league cup most of the time its just full of the kids who most of them will not make it and they don't expect them to make it. Even the lower league teams make changes for it. But I do think all the preseason stuff needs to go and they all so need to sort out all the international fixtures when you play 1 friendly and 1 qualifier all them silly friendly's with 11 subs just a waste of time. But I think its just Money driving the game and it just looks like instead of going the right way we are going the other way and will just end up with more games with the champions league and the club world cup getting bigger.

{Ed001's Note - the simplest way would be to remove mid-season internationals and just have two separate seasons. One for internationals and one for club competitions. Then it won't be so stop-start.}

9.) 27 Jan 2020 13:49:46
I agree with that one ed1, I'm also of the opinion to make the season shorter by cutting out internationals.
Then have a 6 week international period once the season is completed.

Its better for internationals as they can actually train together for a sustained period, the players are picked over a season rather than 10 good games. I also think people would pay more attention to them, at the minute they are seen as a needless distraction.

I do get it's not that simple as different countries run their seasons at different points due to weather etc.

As for preseason I would love it to go back to predominantly playing english teams (not prem teams) but won't happen as there is too much money in pointless pre season trophies.

{Ed001's Note - the international game is suffering because teams don't get to work together as well, so it makes no sense to continue as it is. The Brazilian World Cup team of 1970 spent months together before the tournament as a team, that is why they were so good.}

10.) 27 Jan 2020 15:29:49
I hope some day soon the international game becomes an U23 game like the Olympics (even if it is unofficial I. e. a few elite players resign setting off a chain of resignations from international football) . I can't see what elite footballers get out of playing international footy. People will still go out to watch international footy whether it be Harry Kane or Calvert Lewin.

11.) 27 Jan 2020 15:54:53
I think Eds and posters should look at what has really happened here rather than pointing the finger at Klopp and LFC. In June 2018 (no, that’s not a typo, 2018) the Premier League, the Football Association and the English Football League issued a joint announcement about a PL mid-season break to be introduced in February 2020. As part of that announcement, the FA chief executive stated :

"Today’s announcement proves that football can come together for the good of the game. We have also found a way to give the players a much needed mid-season break, whilst keeping the much-loved Christmas schedule in place. As we head into summer international tournaments in the future we are sure that this mid-season break will prove to be a valuable addition for our players. "

So the FA, fully supportive of the PL mid-season break, had 20 months to arrange the FA Cup 2019/ 20 calendar so that the mid-season break was respected. And they failed. So let’s lay off Klopp and LFC please guys.

12.) 28 Jan 2020 00:49:59
WW, i agree 100 per cent, I can't believe that some LFC fans are not fully behind Klopp and the owners,
the FA have, after nearly two years brought in this winter break, aimed at giving the players a much needed rest, and were told Not to play or arrange any matches during this period . Klopp is fully on board, he can see his players def need a break,
in fact, we usually see some injuries around the christmas period due to playing too many games close together, Vardy and Kane even Mane come to mind,
Klopp is protecting his players, believe in Klopp .

13.) 28 Jan 2020 02:31:47
Get League cup and FA cup replays sloshed. Play the 1 game and decide winner. now I would debate the venue to be pre fixed either as lower ranked team venue so they get sort of home adv or the higher placed venue so that they earn some cash.

Scrap international friendlies mid season. So this reduces the season by few weeks.

Arrange the NFL games and euro qualifiers during summer.

14.) 30 Jan 2020 23:09:20
Yeah, the FA replay games need to go. That will help.

Play full 90 and then straight to penalties. Scrap this replay nonsense.



17 Aug 2018 23:48:46
Ed002 a question for you if I may - and bear In mind I may be getting things mixed up here.
You can sign ‘unatttached’ players any time right?
I remember you explaining something about buy out or release clauses (can’t rememvwr which) while back, where the club theoretically pays the player to pay his own clause, therefore buying him out his contract.
I’m not trying to find ways to break the rules - just curious - but if a player buys himself out his contract, he is effectively a free agent right?
What stops a club doing this outside the transfer window?


{Ed002's Note - A player who makes himself a free agent outside of a transfer window cannot be signed by another club until the next transfer window as the rules specifically require him to be a free agent before the previous transfer window closes - hence the reason why Claudio Marchisio left Juventus yesterday whilst the transfer window was still open and not today. Clubs can also only pay a player to release himself from his contract in Spain, else the money is taxable so it would be necessary to pay double.}

1.) 18 Aug 2018 10:29:24
Ah so no English team can take Marchisio as he wasn’t a free in their window?
Thanks for the reply, informative as always!

{Ed002's Note - That is not what I said.}

2.) 18 Aug 2018 11:37:05
Cracking question then Firmane and again great insight in the answer Ed002. Been following football for 36 years yet every days a school day on here.

3.) 19 Aug 2018 00:23:15
Indeed, JK23.

4.) 19 Aug 2018 08:51:46
Isn’t it more about player registration. There are 2 deadline a years, at the end of each window for players to be registered with the FA. If they are not registered by this date they cannot play for the club until the next registration window is open. The only except is free agents, who if they were a free agent at the registration deadline, they can sign and register for a club.

{Ed002's Note - No, it is as I said. It depends when he becomes a free agent. If, for example, Lazar Markovic were to come to agreement with Liverpool of October 1 that they were to end their relationship and he were to become a free agent, he cannot sign with Olympiakos until January 1 when the Greek transfer window opens. However, should Lazio decide they wish to sign Ross Turnbull, they can do so now as he was a free agent during the previous transfer window.}

5.) 19 Aug 2018 11:49:52
That is where I’m getting mixed up Ed, why can marchisio sign for English team of our window is shut, yes Markovic can’t sign for an English team? What am I missing lol.

{Ed002's Note - One is a free agent and one is contracted to Liverpool and can only be loaned.}

6.) 19 Aug 2018 20:19:44
Sorry ed, I meant in your example if Liverpool decided to end their relationship?

{Ed002's Note - He would not have been available when the transfer window was open. There is no way for Liverpool to cheat here. It is all perfectly clear.}

7.) 20 Aug 2018 00:43:42
Yet again a conspiracy against us! Not allowing us to cheat 😡.

8.) 20 Aug 2018 11:19:35
Thats a good move for Turnbull, but I hope he realises its like a foreign country over there!



13 May 2018 22:26:56
We have Keita coming and are linked with another cm. We are losing can. We have been saying for seasons we lack that bite in midfield and maybe Keita adds that, but something noticeable for me, against city and against Roma in the first legs, hendo, Milner, gini or Ox won 80% of lose balls, headers and 50/50s which WA Skye to our quick turnovers and counters for me.

I hope we don't lose that, and if we do sign another cm, I obviously hope they are a good footballer first, and suits our style, but can't help but think that physical edge would be great.
I know we have been loosely linked with Jorginho, but I don't believe he really offers that.
Are we linked with any who do?


1.) 14 May 2018 10:08:47
Do you honestly believe that Klopp would sign a midfielder who wasn't a good footballer or didn't suit our style?
Or couldn't stand up to the hurly burly of the Premiership?

2.) 14 May 2018 11:54:17
He DID sign Steven Caulker on loan at one point. lol.

3.) 14 May 2018 14:03:21
I propose a ban on the mentioning of Caulker on this site, Klopp has had an excellent record in the transfer window for us but every time someone mentions it, someone says caulker.

4.) 14 May 2018 15:16:11
Reynard, he signed him based on the opinion of someone within the club. He decided to trust this persons view and then learnt from it. That is entirely different to his view when signing a player.

5.) 14 May 2018 20:28:02
Loosen up, it's a joke (hence the "lol") . sad lack of humour on here sometimes.




Firmane's banter posts with other poster's replies to Firmane's banter posts


21 Feb 2024 22:55:45
I’ve said it a few times this season, but I just want to shout out Gomez. Thought he was terrific, I feel so confident when he’s on the ball, in the air and 1v1 defending. Bradley was excellent again too, especially second half when he inverted more.


1.) 22 Feb 2024 09:30:35
@Faith, I knew Gomez still had it in him but I must admit, not to this level where he has been playing lights out in mutiple positions. I never quit on him and most importantly, Klopp never quit on him and he never quit on himself despite his travails. Long may that continue.



28 Jan 2024 23:28:48
I think one thing that hasn’t really been mentioned is how often managers leave a squad of this strength and performing well and of their own accord. I can think of maybe heynckes, zidane and Ferguson off the top of my head, and you can argue that the latter two left squads not in the best shape. The new manager will have a team that’s hungry and experienced, some won it all, some ready to prove they can. There’s no huge overhaul needed, no culture issue, just a team that can be moulded and worked on. That for me makes me think alonso would be perfect. Albeit inexperienced, it’s always a challenge, but it’s not insurmountable. There are leaders and talent to work with, and players who I believe just want to win.


{Ed001's Note - Heynckes did not leave Bayern of his own accord, he was pushed out of the door for Guardiola. Ferguson's team was ageing and in desperate need of surgery. Zidane is a different one as Madrid were in the middle of a change in recruitment culture, so his squad may have not looked at its strongest but there were a lot of younger players on the verge of coming through.}

1.) 29 Jan 2024 07:00:44
I hope our new manger is smart enough and more importantly modest enough to come in and keep the changes minor, tweaks here and there of course but nothing major. My fear would be a manger who changes for sake of it so he can say its his team. bascially for his ego.

2.) 29 Jan 2024 06:33:58
Ed001 The best manager I know left a team very strong Sir Bob Paisley it was that strong I think am right in saying the next season it was the first English club to do a treble.

{Ed001's Note - correct.but Fagan was a brilliant man who was beloved by the players.}

3.) 29 Jan 2024 08:57:46
Ed01,and they put out in the media that Heynckes was retiring cos that's what I read at the time and tho I wanted Dortmund and Klopp to win the title and the CL final, I was happy for Heynckes cos he always kept his dignity even tho, he gets treated badly by some of the clubs he brought success to. The guy won Madrid the CL for the first time in about 40 yrs in '97/ 98 and STILL got the sack.

However, Heynckes would get his revenge when Bayern shamelessly and desperately had to go on their knees begging this same Heynckes to come in and save their season in the 17/ 18 season after Carlo Ancelotti had failed miserably and Bayern were very close to losing the title. Never had a bad word to say about Bayern and the way he got pushed out either for Pep who would failed at Bayern, btw compared to him. A man of true integrity.

4.) 29 Jan 2024 09:56:33
Digger, exactly what I was thinking. We need to be wary of bringing anyone in who wants to make wholesale changes just because they can. Souness did that IMO and look where that left us. We have a great young squad, apart from a replacement for VVD in the next few years it doesn't need major surgery or huge tactical change at this stage.

5.) 29 Jan 2024 10:56:42
Spot on, Johnnyr1970. We can't afford another Souness situation nor can we afford to hire some guy with an ego and arrogance the size of Anfield to come in and prove he is the new big man on campus with the "It's my way or the highway" type vibes. Nope, hard pass.

6.) 29 Jan 2024 10:59:51
Johnny I think even when Souness took over we had an ageing squad and the recruitment hadn’t been great. We had signed the likes of Sean Dundee and Glenn Hysen who were simply not up to standard.

This Liverpool squad is very exciting but what we don’t know is how much Klopp and his staff has to do with that. Is it the Klopp factor that gets the extra 10% out of good players to make them great or will they be great for the next manager too? At this level a very small drop off can be catastrophic.

It’s a great opportunity for someone to come in, take what Klopp has built and move it forward with a very talented squad. We just need to find the best person to do that and get the best out of the players we have.

7.) 29 Jan 2024 11:33:55
Sean Dundee? You sure about that? Houlier/ Evans signed him from memory. And Hysen was decent when we first signed him but he was already almost 30 at that point and started to get injuries towards the end of his career with us. In general though, yes, we did have an ageing team at that point.

8.) 29 Jan 2024 09:44:34
Ed01 who would you personally like to see get the job? Apologies if you have been asked this already.

{Ed001's Note - Xabi Alonso. He stands head and shoulders above the rest for me.}

9.) 29 Jan 2024 12:40:18
Kenny did sign a couple of duds towards the end of his tenure but Souness made changes beyond that getting rid of players that still had something to give and replaced them with second rate players.

10.) 29 Jan 2024 12:37:39
Ed, apologies, my knowledge isn’t that great clearly haha. But I guess my point was, how often is a new manager coming into such a strong position? And it seems very rarely. The biggest challenge probably will be the klopp comparisons, but as I said, alonsos lack of experience doesn’t bother me, as he has less issues here than he did at leverkusen for example, so pressure aside, is almost an easier gig to start.

{Ed001's Note - I do agree with your actual point completely.}

11.) 29 Jan 2024 13:43:05
Exactly, Firmane. the whole "Well, he's not Klopp" comparisons will be doing my head in, for sure. Bracing for impact, as we speak.

12.) 29 Jan 2024 13:47:50
That’s if they all want to stay. We might have an exodus of players for all we know.

13.) 29 Jan 2024 14:22:41
The Souness thing being mentioned again. Maybe those people should check the facts concerning players who were sold and the reasons why and the restrictions that Souness had to work under were completely different.

14.) 29 Jan 2024 16:09:19
Mark Walters, Mark Wright, Julian Dicks, Dean Saunders, David James, Paul Stewart, Razor Ruddock. Just some of the dross that Souness purchased and back then a lot weren’t cheap. There are others of course Kozma and Peichnik for example. In fact it’s easier to pick out the good players, Rob Jones, a steal but that’s your lot.

15.) 29 Jan 2024 17:54:59
Just food for thought on the whole xabi not being ready

Pep Guardiola had 1 season managing Barcelona b side then in his 1st season got rid of Ronaldinho and deco and low and behold went on to win the treble . He had great players at the club like messi Henry and puyol and great youth getting promoted with the likes of busquets and pedro

The point I’m getting to is whoever comes in are inheriting a great squad with some great youth coming through

I don’t think the club will be short of candidates because a lot of managers will be looking thinking hang on I could be on to a winner with these .

Not the club struggling to make an appointment the way some people are making out .

Klopps only a hard act to follow if your trying to be klopp .

16.) 29 Jan 2024 18:28:49
In response to the Sean Dundee point he was bought in 98 if memory serves correctly. So definitely nothing to do with Souness.

I believe he was 98 and then Erik Meijer the following season in 99.

What a time to be alive.

17.) 29 Jan 2024 19:15:03
Didn’t Kenny sign David Speedie and Jimmy Carter?

Klopp is leaving a good squad although Salah and Van Dijk could be on the move.

Alisson is a key player.

But Jota, Diaz, Nunez, Gravenberch, MacAllister - great solid foundation there.

18.) 29 Jan 2024 20:41:40
regarding Souness and his buys and players he signed, what you are ignoring is, this was at a time that uefa enforced the 4 foreign player rule on english clubs, which included irish welsh and scottish players. Either all the home nations had to be a GB national team or these British players were now classed as foreign. That is why he had to sell all but 4 non english players, and then try to sign english players to replace them. As all clubs were under the same pressure, most of the best english talent were not available.

19.) 29 Jan 2024 22:05:32
Stevie tell me why he sold Beardsley and replaced him with Saunders then.

20.) 30 Jan 2024 00:18:40
Saunders was signed before the rule change and was sold very quickly afterwards .

21.) 30 Jan 2024 06:02:17
souness did inherit an aging squad that needed an overhaul (Hansen's insights are interesting) but he has said himself that he did too much too quickly. Coupled with some dud transfers (which to be fair even klopp has done though even Keita wasnt as bad as Dicks or Piechnik) and the writing was on the wall.

22.) 30 Jan 2024 06:32:29
Correct stevie but under the same restrictions as other teams in the league we finished 6th in his first season. Some of the foreign players such as Kozma, Piechnik and Saunders to replace the likes of Staunton? He made a dogs dinner of it in my opinion and we never recovered ?‍♂️.

23.) 30 Jan 2024 08:47:46
Sorry Johnny I was thinking of Istvan Kosma not Sean Dundee. The Scottish connection confused me a bit! lol.

It was similar to the situation at Utd when Fergie left, we had an ageing squad that really had no right to win the league in 1990 but we then got the wrong guy in Souness who had no idea how to rebuild the squad.

Add to that the emergence of Blackburn and Utd at the advent of the premier league and we just got left behind.

24.) 30 Jan 2024 09:32:35
We seem to have a Souness fanboy in the thread here. He did a terrible job all round, defending his time as Liverpool manager is pretty much pointless TBH.

25.) 30 Jan 2024 09:38:49
The restrictions Souness was under have never been faced by any other manager. Fact. Of course he made mistakes every manager has. Souness also faced a medical problem needing a triple heart bypass operation and still managed us in the fa cup final. One of our greatest and deserves more respect than he gets.

26.) 30 Jan 2024 10:43:12
And also sold the story of his sickness to The S*n. He might have been a great player but he was a dreadful manager for this club and contributed significantly to the many years of dross that followed his reign. Someone needs to remove their rose tinted glasses.

27.) 30 Jan 2024 14:21:08
@Dhfc, Xabi will either be ready or he won’t. We won’t actually know until he is offered and accepted the role and has introduced the way he wants to best use whatever squad will be at his disposal. There is no real point in comparing him to x, y or x and their career development as each had / has their own unique circumstances.

28.) 30 Jan 2024 20:28:59
Complete tripe. Souness sold McMahon, Beardsley, houghton, staunton, Gillespie, burrows, ablett, all players who were still performing well and winning man of matches at their new teams. He replaced them in his first year with rubbish. No excuse, he ballsed it up completely.



23 Jan 2024 16:49:35
Random thought of the day, about Mac allister. Seems he is really developing in to a 6, but for me, he still has qualities of a great 8. On the ball, never had issues, but the other side of his game is coming along so well. I do think if we do still sign a natural 6, klopp could well have created the ultimate 8 for his systems. Work rate, technical ability, creative and now defensive nous and tackling ability to go with it. Probably going to get slated for this, but this seems like gini. Came in as an attacking minded midfielder, but became a stalwart to the left of a classic DM. gini often played within himself, but he he had clear qualities for our system, and think mac could be like gini 2.0.


{Ed025's Note - lets hope not Firmane, you would want Macca to perform on a regular basis, Gini contributed when he felt like it mate..

1.) 23 Jan 2024 18:41:59
Surely then there should be no seeking a DM especially with endo now performing and bajetics future. This is now i don't see trent getting into midfield anytime soon. We have a lot of excellent options in the middle. Sob who looks like he will be a worldie and Jones who's been our best midfielder and is only going to get better.

2.) 23 Jan 2024 19:37:53
Ed025, I almost said ‘when gini could be bothered’!

{Ed025's Note - i think that would be more like it Firmane mate.. :)

3.) 23 Jan 2024 19:40:04
Especially against Barcelona ??ed25.

{Ed025's Note - that was one of the good ones Ace.. :)

4.) 23 Jan 2024 21:51:48
Acered, that Gini moment will always give me chills
Sometimes I put the game on just to watch the Kops celebration
What a comeback.

5.) 23 Jan 2024 23:01:06
I loved Gini, his ball retention was exceptional. He would suck 3 or 4 players to him and maintain possession giving us so much space all over the pitch. The only player I’ve seen that was as good as him at it was Moussa Dembele at Spurs who I also thought was a great player and seemed hugely underrated.

I don’t really see that in MacAllister though. I’d say he could become more of a Modric type. Small in stature but strong in the tackle with ability on the ball and a great passing range from deep positions. As he is becoming more accustomed to receiving the ball from the back 4 in deep positions he’s learning when to turn on it and when to pop it off first time.

When he does have the time to turn he has the ability to play through the lines, drive forward or play the long diagonals to the forwards. I can see him getting better and better in that position and for me that’s where he should stay.

6.) 24 Jan 2024 03:30:34
Macca at 6 reminds me a bit of Fabinho at 4/ 5. Adept at doing a job for the team but the player will want to play in their most strong position long term.

7.) 23 Jan 2024 23:45:34
On the topic of Jones Ed025, you still sticking to your "he's championship level at best" mantra?

{Ed025's Note - i dont think hes as good as you are all making out Burkey, for me he is joe average mate and very much in the Hendo mould who cant get rid of the ball quick enough and passes backwards and sideways far too often, i just dont get the hype myself but hes young and local so i can see why you are all pulling for him, some of our supporters were the same with Tom Davies and i feel they were both cut from the same cloth myself..

8.) 24 Jan 2024 07:48:26
I liked Gini when he played for us. He was the 2nd most used player under Klopp and played over 230 games and averaged a goal and assist every 6 games whilst being part of a squad that won the lot.

If that’s going missing more often than not then I’ll take a few more Gini’s please.

On Jones he had a good end to Last season and has done very well when playing this season. He’s only started 8 league games of 21 so not sure he’s been our best midfielder or even best player as I’ve seen some say but the kid has come on leaps and bounds in the last 7 months.

Great to hear as well he’s not actually injured from the weekend as keeping him fit and available is half the battle.

9.) 24 Jan 2024 08:57:20
JK - I liked Gini too. Was pretty much always available, reliable and slotted into a position that played outside his natural game. Those guys are worth their weight in gold and as you say, he won a bunch while being a key cog in the engine room.

10.) 24 Jan 2024 10:43:52
Loved Gini, as well. However, it was the right decision and the right time to let him go.

11.) 24 Jan 2024 11:02:10
Gini was a vital and reliable cog in the Klopp's first title winning team. His only flaw was that sometimes he would play it too short and safe. But I'll never forget his tracking of runners, his surprising aerial ability, his pressure relieving ball carries in injury time and f course his double against Barcelona.

Curtis has all the attributes to be even better than Gini was - but needs to get on top of his injuries.

Mac Allister has more variety in his passing than Gini but lacks Gini's speed.

12.) 24 Jan 2024 11:11:08
Beckers I could not agree more I always thought Gini was our most underrated player at that time. Watching him live to on the Tv was night and day. The guy was so strong and all the talk about playing within himself I think was wrong I thought he was doing his job he was told to do. He covered the left side so well given Mane and Robbo more freedom than how we play now with Henderson doing the same on the right. That’s why then Trent never got as exposed.

13.) 24 Jan 2024 13:05:21
Macca has a lot to prove.

First 30 mins of last game, he was too light weight.

I have to admit Jones has improved a notch or two. Wasn't expecting this. Needs to sustain and avoid freak injuries.

14.) 24 Jan 2024 15:36:40
Back in the day you had more posters who would say Gini “went missing” too often etc. Now we have all sorts singing his praises ?‍♂️.

15.) 25 Jan 2024 07:50:35
@SamK - what would be your plan for avoiding ‘freak injuries? Genuine question.

16.) 25 Jan 2024 07:55:05
Did I see an Ed compare Curtis Jones to Tom Davies?

Whilst I agree a little about the holding onto the ball still too long I see huge development like most. TD never developed IMO at best he stood still, likely regressed his game.

Was good in Wonka tho ?.



07 Jan 2024 21:59:16
I have been quietly thinking for a few weeks how good Gomez has been lately and didn’t want to jinx it. Last season I’d shudder when he gets the ball, but he looks to me like he’s getting back to his best. Out of position, against saka, thought he did very well, and it looks a lot more solid when Trent pushes forward having a more defensive minded full back.


1.) 07 Jan 2024 22:26:37
Said this on here a few times recently and definitely agree on the solidity from left back. Maybe he keeps his place when Robertson returns? Good problem to have.

2.) 08 Jan 2024 06:28:28
I actually think having a right footed defender at left back helped against the left footed right winger in Saka . Played in to Gomez hands more than saka as saka doesn’t go on the outside ever.



02 Jan 2024 11:16:21
Just want to say how good Endo was yesterday, we will for sure miss him. Jones helps us too I think, especially when someone like szobo is in there, allows him to sit deeper and keep the ball moving. Looking a little thin in the middle, next game we have Mac Jones and gravenberch fit it seems, hope szobo is not out for long.


1.) 02 Jan 2024 12:22:07
I think the break will do Szoboszlai good, as he seems to be knackered. We can cope without him I’m sure. McAllister is back and Elliot is also there with the slightest hope Thiago isn’t that far off. If he stay fit he will be like a new signing. Hopefully Bacjetic isn’t far off either.

2.) 02 Jan 2024 15:05:43
Endo has been great in his last 5 games, getting better with his distribution aswel. like to see slob more over to right side while salah away . we have enough cover in the middle of the park, great to see diaz back to his best last night.

3.) 02 Jan 2024 15:49:17
Macca is also back at the right time as well. Hopefully Szobo's tweaked hamstring is not too serious.

4.) 02 Jan 2024 15:53:02
Endo and Jones have been brilliant. Such a shame to lose Endo for a while now.

5.) 02 Jan 2024 20:34:44
Actually Endo was only ok yesterday, re-watch their first goal, he is no mans land with the slightest feint from Gordon, school boy error.




Firmane's rumour replies


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30 Jun 2024 12:58:26
I would agree that Gordon is a player that thrives in space, not sure he would have the same impact when people park the bus. If Diaz were to leave, and we signed a big money left winger, I’d be pissed if i were Gakpo. Clearly his best position and never really had a shot there, and technically he is the best of the lot.




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06 Jun 2024 20:45:19
Great to hear we are still doing it the wrong way round then ?.




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03 Jun 2024 19:43:42
I hope not, can’t nail down a place at Chelsea, not better than what we have at all.




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02 Jun 2024 15:43:35
Hincapie sounds like he makes sense then if tsimikas were to leave, being able to challenge for left back and left centre back. Quite like a left back who is defensive minded when you have attacking minded Trent/ Bradley the other side.




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26 Apr 2024 22:35:11
Tbf nueur is 38, and Bayern may not have a better chance to replace him.





Firmane's banter replies


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10 Apr 2024 08:24:21
I do feel like when salah doesn’t perform we struggle to score. I’m not blaming him, he’s going to be inconsistent, coming back and with Ramadan. But nunez is the chaos and so is Diaz to a a degree, we need someone to be the calm. Jota perhaps would have been the difference.




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10 Mar 2024 21:31:41
Rabh by the rules of the game, Ederson should not have been sent off, it’s only a red and a pen if there’s no attempt to play the ball, and although the clattered nunez, it was clearly an attempt to play the ball, albeit, a terrible one.




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25 Feb 2024 19:28:05
It’s incredible for him, another great story. Never won anything in Europe, last minute signing and he’s leading a midfield of two teenagers to a cup final win.




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29 Jan 2024 12:37:39
Ed, apologies, my knowledge isn’t that great clearly haha. But I guess my point was, how often is a new manager coming into such a strong position? And it seems very rarely. The biggest challenge probably will be the klopp comparisons, but as I said, alonsos lack of experience doesn’t bother me, as he has less issues here than he did at leverkusen for example, so pressure aside, is almost an easier gig to start.


{Ed001's Note - I do agree with your actual point completely.}



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23 Jan 2024 19:37:53
Ed025, I almost said ‘when gini could be bothered’!


{Ed025's Note - i think that would be more like it Firmane mate.. :)



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