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13 Jul 2020 10:39:55
I read Chelsea are willing to listen to offers for Kante, would he be a player we'd be interested in at all?


{Ed002's Note - Chelsea has not put Kante up for sale - there is interest in him from a couple of clubs - if one were to come up with an acceptable offer and Kante to Chelsea he wanted to move then they would not stand in his way. Liverpool have shown no interest in him and do not have the money to buy him.}

1.) 13 Jul 2020 11:27:39
We have fab why would we want kante.

2.) 13 Jul 2020 11:54:28
I would take him in a heartbeat. Like ed002 says though we can’t afford him, that’s a silly money transfer and we don’t have silly money.

3.) 13 Jul 2020 12:05:14
Personally, I think Kante’s legs are going and there’s not many miles left on the clock, I’m more than happy with Fabinho personally as his all round game is better.




Bill's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bill's banter posts


31 May 2024 10:56:00
Guys, any of you see the Rio Ferdinand interview?

He was hooked up to a lie detector during it and was posed the question if he thinks VVD was better than he was in his prime - he said no but when the results came out it showed he had lied lol

He was in good spirits saying 'no way man, really? ' but just thought it was funny.


1.) 31 May 2024 13:52:56
Should have asked him about his drug test. Lol.

2.) 31 May 2024 15:37:32
1985, he was definitely high when he said give Ollie blank cheque.

3.) 31 May 2024 19:05:51
@Bill, come on now. Did you really need this fraud to screw up in a lie detector session to know he's full of it?

4.) 01 Jun 2024 11:28:30
Remember Rio came out n said he heard from his source that one of the Saudis has bought United, only for it to fortunately not be true .



VAR Decisions Need Fixing

31 May 2024 07:39:02
{Ed's Note - Bill has posted a new article entitled, VAR Decisions Need Fixing


1.) 31 May 2024 11:14:24
Enjoyed that write up. PGMOL and the current crop of referees are poor. When you think that the premier league is the best league in the world and is flooded with the best players from all over the world but still only have refs from the uk. Until we start to get refs from across Europe we will sadly only ever have a poor standard of referees.

2.) 31 May 2024 14:38:38
Thanks Ashy77 I agree completely - we argue that we have the best league in the world and yet every single week of the season all the major talking points were about the officiating - like I said, if they were 50/ 50 type calls we'd accept that no bother but they are just so blatantly obvious it beggars belief the VAR official somehow 'doesn't see' what thousands of others see watching the same replays.



30 May 2024 14:50:00
VAR Image

Bill has written an article entitled, VAR Decisions Need Fixing




19 Mar 2024 10:35:28
10 games to go in the League - I think we win every game and the League is ours. Will be tough but we have done these type of winning runs before.

Also, if we can smash a few teams then goal difference won't matter lol, though a draw in the Arsenal City game would be a good result for us

10 Cup Finals, and we put Sunday's disappointment behind us lads.


1.) 19 Mar 2024 11:56:36
Bill, been over Sunday already. We lost and we have only ourselves to blame hence, we need to continue working hard and improving on all fronts including managerially.

We need to do this if we want to have any chance of winning the title and that Utd fixture at OT is looming large right now. However before any of that, one game at a time like we have been doing and with the injured players coming back meaning more options off the bench, we'll be solid for the run-in, IMO.

2.) 19 Mar 2024 13:40:59
Absolutely Bill, we'll do it mate, bring the lot of them on. It's our time to shine, we'll definitely be lifting that trophy. Personally, was only discussing it earlier I think arsenal will drop points, I don't see city dropping many but I believe we'll come out on top. Game on! It's an exciting time.

3.) 19 Mar 2024 16:59:07
Absolutely Bill mate. We start hitting 4’s and 5’s every game like we were earlier this year and we are golden on the goal difference front. But for my heart health I would rather a draw in the City Arsenal game. Or for City to win, because that would still put it in our hands.

The boys literally have to take it one game at a time and approach the remaining league fixtures like cup finals.

4.) 19 Mar 2024 17:14:53
Agree it’s going to take 1 team to get maximum points.

5.) 19 Mar 2024 17:24:50
One of the most (if not the most) exciting title races in premier league history.

City and Arsenal have tough CL games and Coty are still in the fa cup also.

We can put our primary focus onto the league and I’d still fancy us in the Europa with how we’ve rotated so far.

City and Arsenal will need to go fulll strength for every CL game they have left to play.

6.) 19 Mar 2024 19:32:15
@Bill - Yes, I have a feeling we will do it. With 10 games remaining it is a great place to be in.

Come on @Salah, @Davey Mates - let's get some good vibes in.

@Alonso1786 - I am not sure what I want from that game. A part of me feels City are more dangerous in the long run so, City losing will give us that comfort cushion. But if Arsenal wins this game, it will become difficult to stop them. Either a draw or an Arsenal win is what I am leaning towards.

7.) 19 Mar 2024 20:08:38
This title race is only exciting by recent standards. In the 90's and 2000's it wasn't uncommon to have 3 teams challenging for the title at this stage of the season.

8.) 19 Mar 2024 20:49:22
I think City will draw two games and one of those will be Arsenal and the other Spurs
I think Arsenal will lose one and draw two of their remaining games.
I think Liverpool will finish the season with 8 more wins and a couple of draws
We pip Pep to the title on the last day by a pube!

9.) 19 Mar 2024 23:27:22
10 cup finals and we can win each one. Sunday was a bad day at the office and we won’t make that mistake again. Pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and carry on.

10.) 20 Mar 2024 06:45:01
Finally some sense being spoken.

Thank you Bill.

11.) 20 Mar 2024 08:53:15
Shughes55, Arsenal's schedule in the final 10 games at least on paper is absolutely B-R-U-T-A-L! Rather them than us, me thinks.



18 Mar 2024 06:45:17
For a neutral that was a great game, a proper old fashioned Cup tie - gutted we lost, especially given we had so many chances

See a few posts about taking Salah off - in fairness, apart from his goal, he was poor. Nunez looked dead on his feet at times and our finishing was way off, and we had lots of chances

Hopefully they are all back fit and firing for our next game.


1.) 18 Mar 2024 10:23:42
Forest are dross. Go back to the Championship where you belong.

2.) 18 Mar 2024 14:40:57
Bill, Salah was not fit enuff to play 90. It was normal that he would come off. had we taken ou chances, this would not be an issue. We didn't and we got done. That said, we looked knackered and extra time was the last thing we needed cos our legs (hence, our minds) were gone. We needed the rest. the Quad? Klopp did not promise me any of that so Im good.




Bill's rumour replies


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19 Jul 2024 13:12:26
Inacio signing would perhaps see VVD leave? Seems like Inacio would bee his replacement.

Maybe Inacio and SVB next season with Quansah and Konate?




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05 Jul 2024 15:54:31
Very good player - hardworking and very versatile - would certainly be an asset to the midfield but the wage demands I've heard are high and apparently his agent/ mother is an absolute nightmare to deal with - to put it nicely lol.




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05 Jul 2024 15:51:05
Fair point that PB - him and Robertson on the left would fairly wind the players up in the big games ??.




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23 May 2024 10:43:07
Lads in fairness though should Salah leave can we honestly say for certain anyone playing rw can replace his numbers?

Look over the years, we always ended up with a great striker who scored goals - Fowler, Owen, Torres - then kinda changed that when we had Sterling, Suarez and Sterling, the goals were more spread over those 3 more (though Suarez scored loads in one particular season) . Then we got Mane, Bobby and Salah and it was mainly Mane and Salah that the goals came through.

What I am saying is that whilst, Doak or anyone else tbh, that replaces Salah may not necessarily score 20 plus goals we could see other positions score more goals as has happened before - the team will simply evolve.




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23 Jan 2024 12:45:59
Keep him, let him retire with us - guy is scoring 20+ every single season from the right wing, why on earth would we even consider selling him?

Honestly, the shape he is in he could play for years yet, let him and let him retire an absolute legend with us - hopefully with an extra couple of league winners medals etc lol.





Bill's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 12:49:36
For me some actual consistency would be key as well as a few of the above:
- I hate players that just fall over and get free kick too - Kane always did it, Sterling, Grealish - mostly English and don't get called out cos pundits call it 'clever' - if a Spaniard etc does it and it is cheating then it is cheating if an Englishman does it too!
- Time wasting, I agree with what has been said - stop the clock and just add it on and book people more for it.
- The throw ins annoy me too as, for some teams, they are never taken anywhere near where they should be.
- VAR - seriously like maybe a 60 sec time limit on it? If it takes longer then its hardly bloody clear or obvious and VAR should not get involved then!
- PGMOL - when we see these 'wtf was that' type calls, please do not try to tell us how that was the 'correct' decision!
- Also on the above, maybe actually manage the consistently poor performers? A week off is not a punishment really - especially if they have done this multiple times!
- Again consistency is the key, such as:
1. Players waving an imaginary card - booking. Every. single. time. no matter who the player is or what team they play for!
2. Players surrounding the ref etc - bookings! Think it should just be the captains that have a word
3. The refs to take ownership - too many times it seems like VAR refs the games
4. As above, book for time wasting.

Clearly the biggest issue though is VAR - as an idea it is a great tool but is being completely misused and taking the joy out of the game - waiting 5 mins plus for decisions is just wild and even more annoying when, having seen the same replays we all see, still baffling come to the wrong decision.

The VAR and poor officiating is just sucking the joy out of the game and needs fixing so games can actually flow again - hell, maybe they'll use it right and we'll get correct decisions quickly - who knows lol.




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26 Jul 2024 12:33:47
Teaching us all how to create space for others. in our hearts.




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26 Jul 2024 12:32:42
I'm not so sure Hailstones - we fell away the last 5 weeks but were top at April

We looked like we could concede but were scoring a lot before those last few weeks so honestly think if they work on the defending as a unit etc and make us harder to break down we'll not be too far off tbh

Though, even those games we lost we had an absolute plethora of chances that none of the front ones could bury - it was like everyone in the team forgot how to actually finish a chance

Then you have the abundance of referee and VAR calls that just cost us points after points.

Look, not saying we do not need players but we do have a decent team I think.




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24 Jul 2024 13:47:25
A crossbar challenge would be class to see - though, nobody beating Nunez on that lol.




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17 Jul 2024 13:53:27
In fairness though, despite an entirely new team we actually were right in the mix until about the last 5 weeks or so when our entire front line couldn't bury a single chance presented to them - despite injuries, our defence was grand.

Not sure how that can be labelled as a recruitment issue given they all had a crazy time in front of goal, nor can the repeated idiotic referee and VAR calls that went against us - as Adam says though, generally our recruitment has been decent but with the Copa America and Euros on transfers will obviously take a bit longer.

I'd love to see Szoboszlai get back to the sort of form he showed at the start of last season though myself - interesting times ahead lads.




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