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- Something Red -'s rumours posts with other poster's replies to - Something Red -'s rumours posts
18 Sep 2020 20:40:14
Delighted with Thiago and the apparently imminent arrival of Jota, but where's the money coming from?
Are confident enough of offloading Grujic, Wilson, Karius, maybe Origi or Wijnaldum that we're pressing ahead knowing we'll ultimately break even (ish) . Or are we borrowing?
Or is this a bad question that'll give an Ed a headache?
1.) 18 Sep 2020 23:11:22
Why are you trying to kill the buzz mate? We’ve won everything in last couple of years playing great football. Why does money concern you? there are better people at the club than us to take care of that. Enjoy the ride or you will miss it.
2.) 18 Sep 2020 23:11:24
Trust Edwards and fsg. They know what they’re doing.
3.) 19 Sep 2020 01:24:32
It is called Creative Accountancy from Fenway.
4.) 19 Sep 2020 01:24:49
This has me worries that some "shock" deal will come out of this, and Mane's leaving.
5.) 19 Sep 2020 02:45:00
How can you be concerned with money?
Win the Champions league - spend nothing
Win the league - spend less than the competitors.
Liverpool have access to the cash to buy whoever they want without coming anywhere close to distress.
Also, who cares if they borrow? Every business borrows money to better itself. (LFC has always been a business btw)
{Ed0666's Note - I’m not sure we have the money to buy whoever without stress at all Mr Risdale.
6.) 19 Sep 2020 02:57:01
People need to be clearer on terms of how transfers are agreed before questioning financial sense. Thiago will only cost us 5mil this year and 5mil each of following 3 summer. Jota is not signing on the condition we pay a big lump now. he's going to be on a 5 year contract and because Liverpool are strong now clubs will be easier to agree to future bonuses or add ons. We see our players winning individual awards, top of goal scoring lists, club titles looking more common so those add on payments are easier to negotiate. Apparently we only more than 20 mil for thiago if he wins either league, CL or ballon d'or in his contract length so jota likely to have clauses as no chance we pay any big money this year. We will sell players which is obvious but it was silly to think we had to wait to get a certain amount which was then allowing us to spend instantly. For example it was possible that coutinho winning the European cup at any stage during his Barcelona contract length meant we would receive a lump of payment that was not guaranteed in the figure that was publically named as total cost. The likes of Danny ings having such a strong season and reaching accolades etc may be reasons behind us getting earlier than expected income. Jota will likely be balanced in our books with the likes of Wilson, shaqiri, origi or Brewster now seemingly on the market. With 2 or even 3 not being needed they will easily pay the jota cost and more. Hoever brings in 10mil as does lovren so 20 mil at least income for rarely needed defenders.
It's not so simple as thinking we can't deal with transfers until the minute we officially anounce a sale and just get that price immediately in the bank to spend. We've obviously been planning on thiago and jota for a period of time with realistic prediction of what players will leave and earn us so financial impact will never be a wishful gamble. We moan and get frustration but we never have any clue to what is happening within so always presume that activity in the public eye represents the activity in real life. Why would we actually operate under that strategy openly? Every other club would get negotiation strenght if that was so obvious. Bayern would be able to be stubborn if knowing that thiago was wanted only after gini for example left and we were in need for his replacement. If we tried to immediately offer decent money for a CB after lovren left clubs could have held out for more. It's smart business that we have prioritised the areas we weren't yet desperate to fill. I expect we now focus on shipping out the weaker players who thiago and jota will take upgrade while adding another defender at some point when the price best suits us instead oflooking forced to replace our defensive outgoings.
{Ed0666's Note - you took my advice well done sir and Thankyou.
7.) 19 Sep 2020 05:57:40
OmG har has used paragraphs, well done sir 😄.
8.) 19 Sep 2020 07:53:57
That grammarly software is good, isn't it? 😂.
9.) 19 Sep 2020 07:54:47
Christos, obviously haven’t frequented the page much recently. Ed002 has repeatedly explained that we had pre spent much of our tournament winnings. I am a little concerned with where this money is coming from but I am also not Liverpool’s accountant, wish I was. Any recruiters lurking I’m fully qualified, come get me ;) . Either way, I trust the club to be doing the right thing and I imagine we are confident in sales of out of favour players rather than Mane.
10.) 20 Sep 2020 00:23:11
Cotsi, it isn't possible to pre-spend money. Businesses invest according to their anticipated cashflow. ED002 is wrong.
The windfalls from winning the CL and EPL might lower the debt % but the winnings certainly weren't "prespent" as that isn't how any of this works.
13 Dec 2019 18:10:37
It gets better: Milner signs a new deal.
1.) 13 Dec 2019 18:32:25
That's more good news.
2.) 13 Dec 2019 18:54:40
Perfect. Milner more than deserves it.
3.) 13 Dec 2019 19:00:31
What next today eh, even more good news coming out of the club!
4.) 13 Dec 2019 19:45:28
Kylian Mbappé to sign in January!
5.) 13 Dec 2019 19:52:42
Really pleased Milner has done that. He embodies everything Liverpool has become. One of our best.
6.) 14 Dec 2019 04:02:28
Does he get 10 ribenas as goal bonus now?
7.) 14 Dec 2019 10:02:47
Am I mistaken or he told he is not drinking anymore Ribena? 😅.
8.) 14 Dec 2019 10:36:46
This is excellent news very happy. Hopefully the younger talent can lean from a true professional of the game.
26 Nov 2014 18:43:22
Team: Mignolet, Manquillo, Skrtel, Toure, Johnson, Lucas, Gerrard, Allen, Henderson, Sterling, Lambert
Be interesting to see how Gerrard and Lucas are deployed. I'm assuming it'll be a diamond with Gerrard at the tip and Lucas at the base, but I'm worried that it'll be both of them as DMs which didn't exactly work against West Ham.
- Something Red -'s banter posts with other poster's replies to - Something Red -'s banter posts
19 Jan 2025 15:52:25
Looking forward to Shappy's next article:
"How being smacked 3-1 at home by Brighton is actually a good thing. "
1.) 19 Jan 2025 16:01:24
Shappys articles always Brighton up my days.
2.) 19 Jan 2025 16:02:51
Fecking lol.
3.) 19 Jan 2025 16:08:44
Wonder if the United fans saying “well, statistically, Onana is the best keeper in the league” are still saying that? As my eyes tell me something different. He’s less competent than Sander Westerveld, and I’ll never forget the own goal I saw him score against Chelsea, so to be worse than that takes some doing. Only footballer who goes into work in a clown car.
4.) 19 Jan 2025 16:24:08
5.) 19 Jan 2025 17:07:02
Poor Shappy??.
6.) 19 Jan 2025 17:26:59
Do you think United fans are currently worse than we were when they were winning everything and Stewart Downing was hitting the crossbar 20 times as we lose 1-0 to Fulham?
7.) 19 Jan 2025 18:35:52
@AceVentura - Yes.
8.) 19 Jan 2025 18:48:35
Well, I was told by Utd fans that Utd were favorites for the title after they "won" 2-2 at Anfield and the FA Cup after the dumped Arsenal out. I thought they had FINALLY turned a corner.
Well, I guess the corner they just turned led to the same dead end they have been stuck at since Fergie left. Long may it continue.
9.) 19 Jan 2025 21:23:02
I know a lot of United lads and not one of them would have said they were favourites for the title after their draw with us and knocking Arsenal out of the cup. Not one of them.
What sort of United fans do you know, Oli?
10.) 19 Jan 2025 23:21:41
Im sure i read Shappy suggesting anthony and a few other gems aren't so bad, just didn't fit the system of play. whaaaaaa?
11.) 20 Jan 2025 00:33:06
I found Amorim’s comment amusing - possibly the worst United team ever - made me wonder who picked the team. Something happens to United managers’ heads when they take over. Next he’ll be telling us he’s not Ron Weasley.
12.) 20 Jan 2025 14:58:07
If you ever watch Goldbridge when he is watching the matches it's great viewing these days lol - proper steam coming out of his ears these days.
02 Jan 2025 07:39:01
{Ed's Note - - Something Red - has posted a new article entitled, Worst Liverpool FC XI
1.) 02 Jan 2025 08:04:33
Really interesting article.
Karius was without doubt the worst keeper for me. One good save aside, he was very much aided by having a very good side in front of him. Jones had some good games and had hardships to deal with that would not have been easy. No way would I have him in this team.
The guy we got from Madrid in exchange for Owen could not play football. He was magically awful and should never have been near a Liverpool shirt. I think he was called Nunez.
Great effort though. I would not have been able to put a list together as good and well explained as you have just done.
I would simply have posted a great job post were it not for Jones in goals. Just don't think he deserves to be on this list.
2.) 02 Jan 2025 09:26:07
Thanks a team that SR…. only 1 I’d slightly disagree with is zavier, thought he was alright to be fair although agree he didn’t last long.
3.) 02 Jan 2025 09:48:24
Great list as it makes me feel sick in the pit of my stomach reading it. Who was that winger I think Benitez brought in that was supposed to be the Spanish Zidane. He was worse than Diouf.
4.) 02 Jan 2025 09:58:13
Karius was the worst player I’ve ever seen for Liverpool. It wasn’t even his performances.
It was that dreaded nervousness he single handedly spread around the stadium every time he played, he was easily the worst.
5.) 02 Jan 2025 10:15:05
I agree with most of those although I do think Torben Piechnik could easily replace either of those centre backs, he was truly awful!
Also didn't think much of David James either. Despite all the hype surrounding him, I thought he was generally erratic but Brad Jones was definitely worse (on field)
I think Mignolet gets a little too much stick tbh, I didn't think he was THAT bad and I remember him making some quite important saves for us. It was mainly his decision making when coming for crosses and flapping that let him down. well, imo opinion anyway!
Still, nice write up though! Good job!
6.) 02 Jan 2025 10:45:19
I feel some of the things said are harsh on Karius just because of how bad he was in the Champions league final, because I always thought he was merely an average keeper leading up to that point. He's arguably the worst first choice keeper we've had in my time watching us, but I don't think he's anywhere near the worst keeper we've had at the club. Some of our second and third choice keepers have been diabolical. Bogdan, Cavalieri, Itandje, Doni, Carson, Jones etc.
We've had some howlers who thankfully only played about 5-10 games each. But yeah, if we're talking the worst first choice keeper I've ever seen then Karius would be just (only just) below Mignolet in bottom place I'd say. Dudek and Reina sit well above the pair of them, and Alisson is then well above those two even.
7.) 02 Jan 2025 10:54:54
@2Shoes From memory (and if rumours are to be believed), David James became addicted to video games and his erratic performances were often because he had stayed up all night playing video games the night before a match. In other news, it turns out that he is now a genuinely decent artist!
{Ed001's Note - it was more because he would skip training regularly and party too hard. The video games were just an addition to that.}
8.) 02 Jan 2025 10:58:20
2Shoes - you mentioning Piechnik and David James suggests you might be of a similar vintage to me. It's a period I remember very well for the wrong reasons and coincided with my teenage. That fall off from the sensational 80s teams into the appalling early 90s was comparable to what has happened at Manchester United over the last decade.
Some other names I would throw in. Istvan Kozma, Mike Marsh, Barry Jones, Mike Hooper, Julian Dicks, Nick Tanner.
Meanwhile, in the same period we sold players like Peter Beardsley, Ray Houghton, Gary Gillespie and Steve McMahon, all of whom still had something to offer. Never really understood that. Expensive replacements like Dean Saunders, Mark Wright and Mark Walters just weren't good enough.
9.) 02 Jan 2025 11:16:35
Good read that mate, nice one.
10.) 02 Jan 2025 11:17:12
I agree with MK in that the things said about Karius is a bit harsh. He had one extremely bad game in the CL final which demolished what little reputation he had. Up until that point, people were saying that he was an upgrade on Mignolet even. So he is definitely not out worse keeper. Personally, I think Bogdan was the worst I've seen. Can't remember a game where he didn't make a mistake tbh.
11.) 02 Jan 2025 11:49:33
Some notorious names mentioned there. Great article by the way. Trip down memory lane for all the wrong reasons. The 1990s and naughties in general. The body quivers thinking about those 2 decades. May I add a few more clangers to the list. kromkamp, Joe Cole, Harry kewell, Jay spearing, David ngog, ivanovic, markovic, cb from rangers when kk was in charge, dicks, burrows, bogdan, carter, and last but not least ziege.
12.) 02 Jan 2025 12:00:41
to be fair to karius he was ten times better than mignolet, sorry simon but you just weren't great for us.
13.) 02 Jan 2025 12:11:24
We had some really awful players in later 1990’s and 2000’s. This current team and the team of the last decade are at the best level I’ve seen and compare well with the Beardsley Barnes era which was the other best team I’ve ever seen us have live. VVD, Mo Mane and Ali in their prime, and the two fullbacks in full flow a couple of years ago, were the most complete team but individually brilliant as well. Enjoy this era, we’re lucky to support this club. Particularly for the under 30’s they wouldn’t believe how bad we were for periods of time in the last thirty years.
14.) 02 Jan 2025 12:18:16
Cool article, Something Red. We've had some shockers over the years haven't we?
Shows you how far we have come as a club from a recruitment perspective.
15.) 02 Jan 2025 12:58:11
I agree Patrik - Karius had done well to get us to the CL final, but his confidence never recovered from that awful performance. He was certainly a better option than Mignolet at the time. He was very young, and from time to time looked like a decent prospect. Everyone was crying out for Mignolet to be dropped for him. We will never know if it was all down to the elbow to the face, or if it just wasn’t meant to be. He clearly didn’t have the mentality though.
16.) 02 Jan 2025 13:04:07
@RR You're probably quite right. I saw the end of the Beardsley, Barnes etc era when Dalglish initially left and saw the downfall when Souness came in. I remember the players you mention (Although can't remember Barry Jones? ) I remember Rob Jones and Barry Venison.
Rob Jones was actually a very good right back and unfortunately had to retire early because of a back problem. He was very good though. Mike Hooper I also thought was a fairly decent number 2 to Bruce Grobbelaar whenever I watched him (although that wasn't much tbf)
17.) 02 Jan 2025 13:10:34
Yeah I think the stick Karius gets is harsh as well. As much as I would never say he was decent, he wasn’t as bad as is made out, take that final out of the equation and he would just be known as a stop gap keeper who did alright for a while. He was never going to recover from that final so we did the right thing in replacing him. But Mignolet should be known as the keeper who was the worst in recent memory anyway, out of the first choice keepers anyway, I don’t think it’s right to include back ups when keepers are discussed.
I think you could just post Roy Hodgsons Liverpool team when discussing worst Liverpool 11s to be honest, nobody would argue with you. The dross, incompetence and mediocracy ran right from the owners to the tea lady in them dark days. lol.
18.) 02 Jan 2025 13:30:32
I've a different take on it than most others, Carra for spitting, Coutinho for throwing tantrums, Owen for joining Utd, Suarez for trying to eat people, Macca for Real Madrid, Keita for not bothering his ar*e.
19.) 02 Jan 2025 13:44:44
Robbie Keane deserves an honorable mention.
20.) 02 Jan 2025 13:57:57
Great read mate. Of course now to turn things a little more positive- how about the greatest ever players.
21.) 02 Jan 2025 14:06:21
What about Neil Ruddock?
22.) 02 Jan 2025 14:18:11
Saying that criticism of Karius is harsh is a bit like the guy who complained about being nicknamed "Porky" when he had only f****d one pig.
23.) 02 Jan 2025 14:27:57
Jamie Carragher encouraged Salif Diao to sign for Everton. Diao was worried about the reaction of Liverpool fans but JC told him not to worry about that and to go ?.
He said he was a decent lad though.
24.) 02 Jan 2025 15:29:53
Rob Jones was a cracking rb, Neville would have gotten nowhere near that England team had he stayed fit, honestly a great player
In terms of players, anybody remember Bjorn Kvarme? Not sure where he went, just disappeared or even Veggard Heggem, the guy we sent to find him lol? Biscan another one from around that time too, I remember he scored a decent header just lol, bout all I remember about him now
Diouf easily the worst, an awful player and an absolute odious man
We had lots of bad keepers, Migs, Karius, James, Westerveld, Bogdan etc
Though we've had howlers everywhere - Diao, Kvarme, Heggem, Ruddock not great, Paulsen awful, Konchesky - have we had a worse defender?
Some shockers though, I watched the disaster that we became when the Premiership started, jeez Souness didn't half muck that up did he, aging team yeah but jeez, awful how quick that drop off was.
25.) 02 Jan 2025 15:30:52
I think Karius is getting a lot more credit than he deserves. He was dire.
26.) 02 Jan 2025 15:39:20
Appreciate the alternative views lads. Always good to have a light-hearted chat about these things.
I restricted it to players I saw play, so that ruled out Piechnik, Tanner, Dicks and Kozma, none of whom I gather were particularly good. They were a couple of years before my time.
Regarding goalkeepers, maybe Jones is a harsh call, to be fair. My thinking is, he failed to displaced Mignolet, so he logically was probably worse than him. I rate Karius above Mignolet, in spite of what Karius cost us. Reasoning is when Karius wasn't making obvious errors, he'd save shots that weren't basically at him, could use his feet and would punch an occasional cross clear. Mignolet when he wasn't making obvious errors was only good at saving penalties. Most of Reina's understudies were unremarkable, neither good nor bad, so they're out as options. Adrian had some poor moments, but was generally okay when he got a run of games (we won the league with him making 11 appearances) . I really don't remember Bogdán's appearances, but I know he wasn't good. Maybe he was so bad I scrubbed him from my memory.
The only other option was David James. And whilst James made a lot of mistakes in the 90s, and according to Mark Wright possibly cost us the title, he would still pull off some good saves in the middle of it. Logically, the true 'worst keeper' in my time is probably either Warner or Neilsen, who failed to displace David James in the mid 90s. They didn't even make a single appearance, though, so what could I say about them?
Some other 'nearly men':
Voronin - Was actually good for 2 months when he signed. That's more than can be said for Balotelli and Dundee.
Antonio Nunez - Quite technically limited for a winger and certainly a candidate, but I just think Diouf was worse. Most people would probably include both with Diouf as a striker, which is fair enough. But I felt Balotelli deserved a mention for being such an obviously daft signing.
Zeige - Wasn't bad, just had a poor injury record before we signed him which didn't get any better after we signed him.
Kewell - Nah. His first season at the club and 05-06 are good enough to rule him out of contention.
Joe Cole - Deserves a mention for Purslow bringing him in a poor effort to cosplay as a club that wasn't 3 months away from administration (as we were at the time), but he did score a few goals for us and I think other players we had were worse.
Danny Wilson - Not exactly Alan Hansen to be fair, but half his appearances were at left back when he was a center half, so I don't think he really got a fair crack.
Kromkamp - I don't remember this guy as being especially bad, he was just a powderpuff of a player with no physicality despite being fairly tall for a fullback. If anything, Josemi, who he replaced, was worse.
Aquilani - I though he played okay when he was actually able to get on the pitch.
Jovanovic - Another one who'd make it in easily. I just reckoned Diomede's disappearing act was worse.
27.) 02 Jan 2025 15:54:35
Kvarme ended up in France I think Bill.
28.) 02 Jan 2025 16:07:17
Irish Rover, I certainly think he was very average but dire just feels like hyperbole to me. I don't think we'd have even made it to a Champions League final if our main goal keeper was dire, as it's one of the most important positions. I only remember coming away from 2 games Karius played in and thinking that he had cost us the game; when Bournemouth beat us 4-3 in the league and obviously the Real Madrid final we lost 3-1. He conceded quite a few soft goals, but so did Mignolet, Dudek and Reina. Mignolet is still to this day the only keeper I've ever seen hold the ball for so long that the ref actually penalised him and gave an indirect free kick (which we conceded from btw) . I've never seen any other keeper do that in any of the 1000+ games of football I've watched. I've never even seen a pub league player do it at grass roots. It was utterly embarassing.
For me, Karius unfortunately just had his worst day in a Liverpool shirt on a day he was playing in the biggest game of the season. I think that skews memories because as humans we tend to remember things via the emotions they made us feel at the time. It's subjective thought mate and people are entitled to remember things how they want to at the end of the day so I respect your choice. Up to that point though Karius had displaced Mignolet with some decent performances. Certainly enough to have Klopp believing he was the better keeper, and Klopp wasn't a bad judge of a player after all.
29.) 02 Jan 2025 16:32:44
MK - Karius was losing flights of long shots from about March or April, I remember him just watching a shot he could've got to hit the post in one of the games against Roma, I think. And stuff like that was starting to creep in, he just got away with it. But there was something going on with him before the CL final.
As I said above, I do think he was a better keeper than Mignolet and he definitely made saves that Migs couldn't. But that says more about Migs than about Karius, if I'm honest. We had a solid year, if not more, of essentially conceding from the first decent shot on target when Migs was in goal. Genuinely don't know how he made it to the Premier League. But there are a few keepers you could say that about.
30.) 02 Jan 2025 16:50:06
Man, people go way too hard on Karius because of his CL final performance.
He wasn't world class or anything like that but he was a reasonable GK, he just happened to have a complete howler in the biggest game of his career. His confidence was shot to bits after that.
We have had much worse keepers, Charles Itanje comes to mind.
31.) 02 Jan 2025 18:02:52
Karius was less than decent but it went down rapidly for him after he got too big for his boots and tried to imitate Ronaldo's CR7 with LK1.
32.) 02 Jan 2025 18:32:42
Karius was a sorry excuse for a footballer, some talent but no application. He wasn’t the worst we’ve had though, we’ve had plenty with less talent and a few with less application as well. The Souness and Hodgson era teams were packed with them, hard to pick a few they were all that bad.
33.) 02 Jan 2025 19:55:24
Interesting thread.
Karius broke his wrist in pre season, when he came back he was not great and never recovered, certainly not after Cl. But, he was still better than Mingolet.
No one remembers Michel Ferri? Houlliers first signing I think. played 45 mins. I have seen the brief highlights.
Dundee, Diouf, balotteli. are definites.
34.) 02 Jan 2025 20:39:17
Jimmy Carter anyone?
35.) 02 Jan 2025 21:36:16
Sebastian Leto. Marc Gonzalez. Josemi. Anthony Le Tallec. Sinama-Pongolle. The list is endless looking at players between 1990 and 2011.
36.) 02 Jan 2025 22:38:14
If Karius was that bad then, what does it say about Mignolet who got binned for him? Does that not make Migs a "poorer excuse of a footballer"?
The OTT stuff about Karius is just cringe and obnoxious.
37.) 02 Jan 2025 23:06:49
Love this thread. For me, the worst were: David James. At the time he was hugely expensive, but completely lost the plot with crosses, and I think stopped the Roy Evans team from pushing aside Man U.
Christian Ziege: left back has been such a problem since Graeme sold Staunton, and this guy was so highly regarded. But he was awful for us.
Kewell: just ruined by injuries by the time he joined us (at a time when he was the Eden Hazard of his day) .
Nigel Clough: replacement for Beardsley. Grim.
01 Jan 2025 08:14:05
- Something Red - has written an article entitled, Worst Liverpool FC XI
1.) 01 Jan 2025 09:57:10
Some stinkers there for sure. I’d personally have Nicky Tanner ahead of razor. Julian Dicks pushing for selection at LB.
Aquilani and Ferri (as well as several Houllier signings) coming into midfield contention
And one of the worst players I’ve seen Paul Stewart for a striker birth.
2.) 01 Jan 2025 10:17:18
I don’t agree with all of your choices and that’s not a shock given there’s hundreds of options to choose from but all of your suggestions are fully deserving of being in the debate. Can I also say that this was absolutely brilliantly written. Funny and articulate throughout. Hope you’ll write more. I’d rather read these than Shappy’s latest defence of the indefensible!
On who I’d have in there; Adam Bogdan in goal. I swear he let in a howler every time he played. I vaguely remember a corner going straight in but might be mixing him up.
I’d also have found places for Oussama Assaidi, Iago Aspas and Danny Wilson. Aspas is in just for that corner!
Great article mate. Best thing I’ve read all year ?.
3.) 01 Jan 2025 10:33:53
Great read Sr and can’t believe Voronin didn’t even get a mention after our conversation the other night.
Mk thanks for letting us know Bogdon once conceded from a corner. Utd have this minute put a bid in to sign him.
4.) 01 Jan 2025 10:41:55
I’d give Loris Karius the number 1 jersey to be honest.
5.) 01 Jan 2025 11:33:23
@SR, I must say that I have near NO complaints with your selection there even tho I think like @Razor said, Karius could easily replace Jones cos Jones actually won a title with Feyenoord when he left us so not that bad.
Bravo, sir and hopefully it did not take you too long to get to this article.
6.) 01 Jan 2025 11:35:01
Not only should Aquilani be in the team, he should be captain. For me he epitomised everything a Liverpool shouldn’t be.
7.) 01 Jan 2025 11:49:17
Good lost something red, though Karius in GK for me, he was truly awful. Was Xavier that bad? I can’t remember now as I was young.
8.) 01 Jan 2025 11:51:43
Shame that Aspas was bad for us, he is one of my favorite non-liverpool players ever, i have a soft spot for Celta and I think he only left because they needed money?
9.) 01 Jan 2025 12:16:01
If you agree or not that is a terrible team and just shows what a good job FSG and Klopp did to turn us around
Up the pool.
10.) 01 Jan 2025 13:42:31
Good to hear alternative opinions, the worst Liverpool XI is just as open ended as our best XI.
I tried to keep it to players I actually saw play, so that ruled out Tanner and Dicks (as well as the likes of Piechnik and Kozma) cos they were a year or two before my time. I forgot Ferri, cos although I was supporting the club at the time, I didn't see any of his presumably outstanding 45 minutes for us. Certainly a good call though, as it was alleged Houllier signed him as a dressing room spy and not for his ability to play footie.
Jones in goal might be a harsh call tbf. My thinking is that he failed to displace Migs, and looked wretched when he was given a chance, so he must've been worse than him. I rate Karius above Migs, cos at least when Karius wasn't making an obvious error he'd still save a shot that wasn't straight at him and could kick a ball. Whereas when Migs wasn't making an obvious error, he still couldn't save any sort of decent shot whatsoever. Apart from Cavalieri, who was decent, most of Reina's understudies were just 'meh' and never got chances outside of the cups.
So really the only other option was David James. And whilst James made about 10 million mistakes in the 90s, and according to Mark Wright cost us the title, he would still pull off some good saves in the middle of it. I suppose logically, the true 'worst keeper' in my time is probably either Tony Warner or Jorgen Neilsen, who were 2nd and 3rd choice in the mid 90s and failed to displace David James. They didn't even play in the cups, so presumably they can't have been any good. But as they didn't make a solitary appearance, what could I say about them?
22 Dec 2024 15:31:44
Time to wind both Manchester clubs up. This is tragic.
1.) 22 Dec 2024 16:07:46
They have frozen Rashford though so they're back!
2.) 22 Dec 2024 16:16:50
So when Utd were humbled at home against anyone recently, everyone said thatbthe players were not playing for ETH. what's the excuse now?
3.) 22 Dec 2024 17:30:40
I remember watching us season after season in parts of 90’s through until Jurgen got established thinking the players weren’t playing for whichever manager we had, or bemoaning injuries and bad luck and other things. We were always one or two players away from winning. Truth was looking back we weren’t anywhere near good enough, and other teams were just much better. That’s the hard truth for Man Utd, their transfer business for the last ten years has been abysmal and it shows on the pitch no matter who the manager is.
4.) 22 Dec 2024 18:51:48
As with us for the better part of 25 years the main issue was the way in which the club was managed. The players, with some glorious exceptions, weren’t good enough but it wasn’t the players’ fault - it was the decision makers who were making poor decisions. It’s basically the same theme at United now. The longer the Glazers are there the better.
5.) 23 Dec 2024 00:11:34
At this point, I have no idea who these players are playing for. Starting to question if they actually play for Utd to begin with.
6.) 23 Dec 2024 01:04:12
@WDW - The structural issues at United are worse than what we had to deal with imo. Our club was stuck in the 70s under Moores, Robinson and later Parry, but at least they still *attempted* to be successful, even if their endeavours in the 90s were largely hopeless. H&G had no money and heaped a tonne of debt on the club, but at least we got shot of them relatively quickly and eventually came out the other side in okay shape. Now we have FSG, who aren't perfect and have made mistakes with appointments (remember Damien Comolli? ), but again are at least attempting to be successful.
United on the other hand have existed solely to maximise shareholder value since the Glazers took over. If United could make the same money in the Championship, the Glazers would have zero problem with being relegated. They're a disaster on the pitch, but it doesn't matter cos they sell out the stadium every week. Said stadium has an indoor waterfall (apparently an intermittent issue since 2012), but the fans can just pack an umbrella. No need to spend money fixing it properly. And given that Brexit Jim is going around terminating admin staff who are probably earning £30k a year and looking for a big wad of cash of the government to help build a new stadium to replace their current toilet, I don't think he's exactly got an infinite supply of money to turn things around.
And do you know what the best part is? That the biggest legend at that club, Mr. Ferguson, is the man who let the Glazers in the door and is permanently tarnished by it.
7.) 23 Dec 2024 06:58:40
Fair points @SR, although I think the end results of our, at times misguided, attempts and the Glazers money grabbing, avaricious efforts both resulted in the respective teams being unable to achieve anything like good football let alone trophies.
25 Nov 2024 22:21:19
Another refereeing blunder in Newcastle v West Ham.
Mavropanos practically mounts Wilson as they go for a header. No penalty, VAR doesn't overturn it.
How long will this nonsense continue?
1.) 26 Nov 2024 03:48:17
“How long will this nonsense continue? ”
2.) 26 Nov 2024 07:18:50
@SR. I saw an article the other day about how VAR has made more correct calls this season than last season at the same time.
Maybe it's because they've decided to not get involved in such calls, like that specific one in the game last night, that their numbers look better
To me, VAR should have sent the ref to the monitor. who could've then overturned his decision, as it was a pen all day long
I hope I'm wrong, but it seems as though VAR is deliberately staying away from making calls.
3.) 26 Nov 2024 07:43:26
That is almost a haiku Something Red.
4.) 26 Nov 2024 08:53:04
The biggest issue they're having, apart from half their officials being unable to discharge their duties in a competent fashion, is they can't seem to apply the 'clear and obvious' error rule consistently.
On one had, it wasn't a clear and obvious error that Southampton got a penalty for a tackle that was outside the box, cos if you took a still shot of the contact, Robbo's foot might've barely overlapped the line. And it somehow wasn't a clear an obvious error that Newcastle didn't get one because I don't even know. But then you have Oliver looking for any excuse to give a penalty against Man U three or four weeks ago, with even Webb admitting that he became fixated on giving a pen.
5.) 26 Nov 2024 09:52:03
Football rumour haikus. Has to become a “thing”!
Homage to Ed2:
US football king
Expertise and driest wit
God we will miss him.
6.) 26 Nov 2024 12:49:11
Ref fixated on giving a pen against manu. That’s not something in the 90s I ever expected to hear!
- Something Red -'s rumour replies
29 Jan 2025 17:25:55
Jurgen Norbert Klopp who wanted Julian Brandt instead of Mo Salah, 007?
28 Jan 2025 18:01:44
The more pertinent question is has he been formally offered something to reject.
28 Jan 2025 09:02:32
Liverpool has a PH of more than 7, Zed.
26 Jan 2025 21:38:23
Was never revealed exactly *why* they fell out, was it?
Apparently they are talking again though.
20 Jan 2025 13:24:46
The more salient point for me is that we're not in need of attacking midfielders and wingers.
Can we buy a center back? Please?
- Something Red -'s banter replies
12 Feb 2025 16:56:52
Have an inkling that we might see O'Brien push right on from right back to win headers against Robbo and Everton will try to build 90% of their attacks from there.
Progressive football.
07 Feb 2025 12:37:44
He's still the only player I can remember faking a head injury after clearing the ball from a corner. He should've been banned from football for that.
02 Feb 2025 22:09:14
Huijsen or Branthwaite. Lose Quansah.
Baleba in. Morton out.
Isak in. Jota out. Because he's constantly injured rather than not being any good though.
02 Feb 2025 19:04:04
Saw some of the first half and it was really weird. City were still very technically competent and for the most part have the players to play out of very tight areas, although obviously they got caught out twice in the first half.
But they struggled to play through Arsenal's midfield in that half and when they did, they just ended up playing consecutive 5 yard passes around in circles in the Arsenal third with absolutely no attempt at variation whatsoever, until they gave it away and got out run on the counter. Marmoush ran in behind a couple of times and was ignored. So he stopped doing it. Think of us at our worst this season (Notts Forest at home), except even slower with the ball.
tl;dr - Still a very talented team, but with predictable tactics. What Ed001's said for years about Pep overcoaching players seems to be coming true. At the same time, I wouldn't want to give them a head of steam to build their confidence.
02 Feb 2025 17:17:50
Only saw the highlights of Utd v Palace but Lenny Yoro looked genuinely horrendous in them. Every Palace bar one chance involved him making a mistake. Say what we like about Quansah, at least he didn't cost us £60m.