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20 Feb 2016 00:23:55
I'm sure this is all just hype after the couple of transfers to China, but Balotelli has been linked with a move to China.

Is there anything in this Eds?


{Ed001's Note - his agent would certainly like to get him a move out there, no idea if any of them are interested in him. They have shown little interest in lazy layabout players so far.}

1.) 20 Feb 2016 08:12:14
If they could potentially get him a deal would any China club pay us or would Milan buy him cheap and sell on straight away?

{Ed002's Note - Either way if it were to happen.}

2.) 20 Feb 2016 16:53:42
I'd be happy either way!

3.) 21 Feb 2016 04:54:50
Do you think his agent (Mino Raiola? ) will push for him to move out there? Surely it would be the best chance of a big payday for both agent and player? As well as probably the best financial option for Liverpool?

{Ed001's Note - he will move here where he can get the best deal, which is likely to be China.}



11 Jul 2015 10:53:23
Gary Mac confirmed first team coach.


1.) 11 Jul 2015 11:07:22
Great news! Garry Mac Garry Mac, Garry Garry Mac

2.) 11 Jul 2015 12:31:13
Great news knows our club and brings passion and professionalism

3.) 11 Jul 2015 16:18:57
Chuffed to bits, Class on and off the pitch he won't be doing any embarrassing shampoo adverts with Henderson either !

4.) 11 Jul 2015 18:05:17
Flash, I think Gary Mac used Wash & Go!

5.) 12 Jul 2015 01:02:44
Aye, he washed and it went!



31 May 2015 14:57:54
Eds, is Balotelli still of interest to Lazio in a loan to buy?

Also is there interest in Borini from Fiorentina?



{Ed002's Note - Liverpool will look to sell Balotelli in the summer but they need to reduce the price they are asking by some way. A number of clubs were approached in January but none were interested in a permanent deal at the price being asked. I suspect his representatives will focus on a return to Italy although have said how happy he is at Liverpool. Last year a sponsor tried to place him with another side once Milan were pissed at him and wanted him out - but that would no longer be an option. An alternative may be a Turkish side. Fiorentina and Inter were both open to discussing a deal for Balotelli - but the asking price has killed any chance of that, but Sampdoria would be interested in taking him on loan, or perhaps to buy at the right price. We'll see what happens.

Lazio were showing an interest in Borini, but it is unclear if they will push for a move. His representatives are aware that they need to look for options.}}

1.) 31 May 2015 15:12:02
Kovacic for balotelli would have been rreally Great :'-( Ed2 Do you know if the talk about the second bid for kovacic was bull ir something genuine?? If not are we still interested

{Ed002's Note - I explained about the bid and the joke made.}

2.) 31 May 2015 15:22:17
Thanks Ed002.



25 Jan 2015 16:18:28
Hello Eds, I don't usually get any info from people, regarding Liverpool, but I do have a friend who lives in Italy who is apparently close to someone at Lazio and he thinks they're in for Balotelli. Just wondering if you had heard anything of this sort?



{Ed002's Note - Lazio would be interested in Balotelli on a loan deal or at a price which is 35% of the asking price. There is no offer on the table but they may try to tempt Liverpool.}

1.) 25 Jan 2015 16:46:02
Eds surely the club know where going to have to take a loss on him

{Ed002's Note - The club have a price in mind - this has been done to death.}

2.) 25 Jan 2015 19:12:41
I would take the 35% and be grateful to get that much.

3.) 25 Jan 2015 19:51:44
We bit the bullet with Carroll. Looks like we will have to do it again.

4.) 25 Jan 2015 20:16:20
Hi Ed's, Ballotelli is a quality player, just not suited to the style of Liverpool. I assume that rather than unwilling he is unable to adapt to the demands of the team. Also being a high profile player with a massive ego, the danger is he will bring negativity to the dressing room. With so many young players in the squad, that is something we could do without. Therefore, a compromise for his exit should be reached.

{Ed002's Note - Liverpool would be happy to see him move on but I am not sure who the compromise would be with?}

5.) 26 Jan 2015 04:30:50
I'm shocked. Thanks Ed002, I guess if I hear any more I'll pass it on. Hopefully this isn't just a lucky guess from him lol.

6.) 26 Jan 2015 15:54:59
This is Nonsense. We played our best game against spurs. Sterling, Balotelli, Sturridge.

{Ed001's Note - so what is your point? We have been hawking Balo around for months now, so what is that to do with one, yes one, good performance?}

7.) 26 Jan 2015 17:49:38
The team performance against Spurs was good, but was Balotelli? 5 shots, 2 on target, 0 goals, 0 assists, an astonishingly bad 50% pass completion and hauled off at 60 minutes for Markovic.



01 Aug 2014 01:25:53
Hello Eds, any interest in Jovetic? I've always like him as a player since he smashed us at Fiorentina in the 2009/10 CL.
And given he's barely had a look in at City, mainly due to injury of course, I thought he may possibly be on the cards to leave City.

Sorry to just throw a random name out there Eds, I know even if he is available, he may be too expensive but there is no harm in asking I guess? ^_^



{Ed001's Note - nope.}




hsf's banter posts with other poster's replies to hsf's banter posts


02 Jul 2024 10:27:08
Anyone watching the Copa America? To make this somewhat about Liverpool, Nunez has been doing pretty well scoring a few goals.

I just got done watching the Uruguay vs USA game and I have a couple of questions;

1). Have they changed the offside rule?
I ask because the Uruguay goal was blatantly offside and even went to VAR but the goal was given.

2). Has the rules on stopping play to issue a yellow card also changed? The ref allowed play to continue while brandishing a card to a US player.

If not, seems the officiating in football matches is terrible on a global scale and not just in the UK.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 10:32:25
The advantage given when play looked like it was about to be momentarily stopped and the American player turning towards the ref to remonstrate in the assumption that play would be stopped while the Uruguayan players ran towards goal was very odd indeed, not sure why the copa doesn't have automated offside either.

2.) 02 Jul 2024 12:40:44
In fairness you’ll not find many South American refs who’ll find in favour of USA.

3.) 02 Jul 2024 17:37:26
I don’t think the ref should waste time or attention on brandishing a yellow card. He should make a mental note of the players number and card him at the next stoppage.
Otherwise he’s not watching the game.

It doesn’t matter really, it’s a minor gripe.

Don’t know about the offside.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 21:13:38
Haven't seen the game. May need to check it out.

5.) 02 Jul 2024 21:25:38
I think they are trialling the new offside rule at copa - gives way more advantage to the attacker.

6.) 03 Jul 2024 05:42:42
offside rule at Copa hasn't been changed. they just got it badly wrong.

7.) 03 Jul 2024 09:17:19
At the end of the game Pulisic asked the ref why he wasn't over with the Uruguayan players celebrating. A couple of minutes later he tried to shake the refs hand and the ref refused.



02 Sep 2023 18:20:32
Me: VAR will fix everything in football.

FA: Let's employ people who have been hit over the head with a hammer to moderate and regulate VAR.


1.) 02 Sep 2023 19:18:52
They have to employ blind people, either that or they cut the feeds to VAR for budget costs and they just flip a coin on whether they stick with the decision or overturn it.

There is a bigger argument that he intervenes compared to not being involved. I just don't get how they miss that or interpret that as not interfering.

Personally I'd just say anyone offside is offside, at least then we would all know where we stand. These refs clearly need it black and white!

2.) 02 Sep 2023 21:51:07
Not sure why the City goal by Ake where Akanji was clearly offiside and tried to flick the ball into the goal hence, intergering with play.

3.) 02 Sep 2023 23:50:03
Howard Webb has made VAR worse. It’s quite an achievement considering how bad it was in the first place.

4.) 03 Sep 2023 09:05:51
Aye BP, unfortunately there is something every week

How VAR officials see the same replays we all see yet somehow come to different interpretations is just inconceivable.

{Ed025's Note - its pathetic Bill, borderline incompetence or maybe even cheating i would say mate, how Akanji was not deemed to be active when it basically nutmegged him was unbelievable, and just the latest incident in the farce that has become VAR im afraid..

5.) 03 Sep 2023 11:55:18
Ed25 i have no idea either.

Anyone who knows anything about the offside rule, knows in this scenario the goal should have been disallowed the moment Akanji nutmegged himself. The PGMOL continue to rewrite the simplest of rules on a week to week basis to protect themselves, it seems.

Mike Dean called it perfefecly in his confession too.

{Ed025's Note - im with you Oli..



02 Sep 2023 06:49:10
Question for everyone, including the Eds if you'd like to chime in.

Every couple of years we see a new nation that has been reasonably or very obscure within the football world, attempt to break into the scene.

A few years ago it was Russia, a couple of years later it was China, now it's Saudi Arabia.

Do you think this will end up being a flash in the pan like the Chinese and Russian clubs or does this have potential to stick around, or something else?


{Ed001's Note - Russia was just a few rich oligarchs. China was similar but with govt backing which then got withdrawn. This is totally different, this is the nation's government pumping money into building up their league into a sustainable entity. This is like MLS launch on steroids. It won't go away, they are obsessed with footie in Saudi Arabia, and it is about building a long term economy ready for when the oil is no longer viable.}

1.) 02 Sep 2023 09:05:40
If sustainable is the word, they’ve a long way to go. I doubt some of their clubs have made 300m in revenue in their entire history, let alone the revenue to the extent that paying this kind of figure would be sustainable without cash injections.

2.) 02 Sep 2023 09:43:20
And they want to bid for the 2034 World Cup, and according to them "win it". So this is all about building up a sustainable league that will improve the quality of the local game and their players.

3.) 02 Sep 2023 09:53:35
Lowe mate I think what Ed is referring to is to inject capital now so that it can build towards break even / sustainable operations in the future. Think of it like venture capital investment in a young Amazon or Facebook to help them reach escape velocity where they can be run sustainably going forward.

4.) 02 Sep 2023 09:27:43
OP, The Saudi league has existed for decades but is is only now that MBS and his regime are focusing on funding it with the financial might of its wealth.

Imagine the MLS being funded by the U. S Treasury where they deal in Trillions (yeah, Trillions with a T) . That is exactly what we have here and this time, money is of NO issue to the Saudi govt right now. We’re here for a long ride, IMO.

5.) 02 Sep 2023 10:26:20
Would need to be a hell of a break even with them paying players 700k a week.

The leagues wage bill must surely be the highest in world football.



27 Aug 2023
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, No caption needed lol.

Click picture for larger image


1.) 27 Aug 2023 21:37:32
Cry more.



23 Aug 2023 21:22:31
Guys, not Liverpool related but I found the greatest thing ever.


1.) 23 Aug 2023 23:01:31
That's too funny.

2.) 23 Aug 2023 23:11:41
Now that's funny.

3.) 24 Aug 2023 10:05:01
Love it!

4.) 24 Aug 2023 10:21:52
Awesome, the Asian hadn’t a clue what was going on ??.




hsf's rumour replies


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10 Jun 2024 23:35:42
This thread hurt my brain.




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27 Apr 2024 10:59:17
It's just people trying to push the narrative of a disaster scenario for Liverpool.

Allison, Salah, Nunez, Klopp, Diaz, everyone is leaving, including the This is Anfield sign and the Tea lady.




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05 Feb 2024 17:13:26
It's most likely distasteful cope.




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29 Jul 2023 23:51:02
This is very kek. Much laugh.




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06 Feb 2023 11:15:14
Manchester City, financial irregularities? I'd have never have guessed. Probably something to do with one of their sponsorships, which allegedly pays them silly money even though they've not turned a profit for 18 years or something, ha.





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12 Jul 2024 09:51:00
Knee above the waist, studs showing. It's a foul and a yellow card anywhere else on the pitch because it's considered a dangerous tackle, so why would it be different in the box?

Honestly some people will pick up on anything just to dump on England.




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09 Jul 2024 04:23:12
It's difficult to compare historical Euro Championships as they keep adding more and more teams every 2 decades or so. But.

From 1960-1976 there were only four teams.
1960 - 17 goals.
1964 - 13 goals.
1968 - 7 goals.
1972 - 10 goals.
1976 - 19 goals.

From 1980-1992 there were only eight teams.
1980 - 27 goals.
1984 - 41 goals.
1988 - 34 goals.
1992 - 32 goals.

From 1996 - 2012 there were 16 teams.
1996 - 64 goals.
2000 - 85 goals.
2004 - 77 goals.
2008 - 77 goals.
2012 - 76 goals.

From 2016-Present there have been 24 teams.
2016 - 108 goals.
2020 - 142 goals.
2024 - 108 goals so far (Yes, I manually counted them as google kept showing own goal stats instead. )

So as you can see 2024 is going to surpass 2016 for goals so I wouldn't say it's been the most boring ever, I mean it could have been 1968, which also included an extra match as they had to replay the final lol.




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01 Jul 2024 09:56:03
I honestly don't know how England can be so negative with the players they've got. We seemed to have regressed massively compared to the last couple of tournaments.

Euro 2016 we were a complete shambles and knocked out by Iceland - the less said the better.

World Cup 2018 we looked raw but we played pretty well getting to the semi-final for the first time since 1990, losing out to Croatia (probably for the best, France would have tanked us bad that year) . Also noteworthy was our first penalty shootout victory in a World Cup tournament, against Coloumbia who were a disgrace.

Euro 2020 was essentially a home tournament, we played very well scoring lots of goals and playing some pretty exciting football at times. We beat Germany in the knock-outs for the first time since 1966 but unfortunately we bottled it in the final. Italy were on the ropes and we really should have gone for the throat.

World Cup 2022 We again played fairly well, scored quite a few goals but unfortunately came up against a very, very good France in the quarter finals and just fell short, with Kane missing a penalty I believe.

Euro 2024 has just been a disaster and horrible to watch. The players look lost, we'd only scored 2 goals all tournament up until the 91st minute against Slovakia. Perhaps that will be a turning point and we'll actually turn up now.

We have never had a better opportunity to win a tournament based on the fixtures we've been given so far; Denmark, Slovenia, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and then I would imagine the semi final will be one of Austria or Netherlands who are both very beatable.

That being said, I am not confident we'll beat the Suisse, not with how we're playing.




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05 Jun 2024 02:30:46

No balls, no balls at all.




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04 Jun 2024 18:09:06
It all depends on the type of player. If a player relies on pace, reactions and skill tend to not do well when they lose one or more of those attributes.

Players that rely more on creativity, footballing IQ and technique tend to do much better as they adapt to different roles better as they age.

The players that you've listed for other clubs were not like that, except for Giggs, who completely changed his style of play to stay useful.

Out of the Liverpool players you've listed, VVD and Alisson are most likely capable of adapting as they get older, however I'm not so sure about Salah - there is just something that makes me think he'll be unable to adapt as his legs go.




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