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hailstones's rumours posts with other poster's replies to hailstones's rumours posts


01 Jan 2024 23:20:20
Very important question? . who is breaking it too mo he needs to sort the hairline!


1.) 01 Jan 2024 23:34:43
As a very bald guy I can’t talk but yes his hairline is creeping back and it looks like he’s got a bald spot on the crown. However none of that matters when he scores goals in the quantities he does. 150 PL goals for Liverpool. Awesome.

2.) 01 Jan 2024 23:45:42
I love the guy he could have what ever hairstyle he wants he is a legend. wonder if we will ever see skin head mo .

3.) 02 Jan 2024 00:43:22
No way. The power is in the hair.

I sometimes think Nunez should cut his hair. A little bit because it gets in the way in some games and he ends up having to redo it. But mostly I think he will somehow become Lewandowski 2.0 when he does a magically start converting all his chances. There. I said it. The hair is holding him back.

4.) 02 Jan 2024 03:44:20
Lol love it hail mate, I would give the job to Robbo and Konate or if I was going for a kinder approach Cody all the way.

5.) 02 Jan 2024 06:31:39
He's not going to the afcon, he's going for a hair transplant.

6.) 02 Jan 2024 12:25:46
You want someone to cut the hair of Samsun? It won't end well ;)

7.) 02 Jan 2024 13:02:05
I thought he was modelling it after his fav simpsons character, krusty the clown.

8.) 02 Jan 2024 14:20:19
It might be me imagining it but I seem to remember Mo having a hair cut a few years back and being rubbish until it grew back. Also his hair was short at Chelsea. So the power is definitely in the hair.



29 May 2023 10:18:02
I hope we are looking at Rabiot of juve he is a baller but also has that physicality along with the skill, free transfer would be nice and proven quality experience, world cups, psg and juventus.


{Ed002's Note - Adrian Rabiot (CM/DM) Juventus are looking to replace their midfield misfits (Zakaria, Arthur, McKennie, and Rabiot). They are looking to sell and move off the wage bill players they no longer want to fund replacements they have already identified. Rabiot will, like every other player, be offered to Newcastle. A third party has been instructed to find him a new home and whilst he could have been used in part exchanges previously he has let his contract run down and will leave as a Free Agent in the summer. He was offered to Chelsea as part of a deal for any of several Chelsea players Juventus are interested in, but Chelsea wanted to keep transfers as clean as possible. With Manchester United struggling to find midfield players, he becomes a squad option but the wages being asked could kill off any deal. A return to PSG is seen as an option but PSG have preferred targets. Monaco is a good option. Approaches have been made to Barcelona - but they will look to others, and Arsenal who have a much preferred target but should not be discounted. Liverpool, Everton and Spurs may provide options having scouted the player on more than one occasion.}

1.) 29 May 2023 11:12:08
Hailstones, that is what you hope for?

We definitely do things differently.

PS there’s no such thing as a free transfer.

2.) 29 May 2023 12:25:00
Rabiot is quality, better than all our current midfield.

3.) 29 May 2023 13:23:37
There kind of is though FP. Obviously wages and a possibility of a signing on fee but there is no fee for the transfer itself.



21 May 2023 14:48:08
Ed 02 I respect u get asked a lot of things you can't be assed asking but specifically do you know of any Defensive midfielders that we could be seriously looking at? , as we seem to be looking at 10s and 8s which is important but nowhere near as much of a priority as the defensive side of our midfield.


{Ed002's Note - I previously listed them for you.}

1.) 21 May 2023 20:18:24
Thanks all the same ed is it in the chat or a seperate bit.

{Ed002's Note - it will be on the Rumours page.}



17 May 2023 18:45:15
I wonder if there is still interest in Sangare of PSV I could see him fitting in nicely in the English game. Mainly a defensive midfielder but has an eye for goal whilst being a unit.


{Ed002's Note - Lots, but not from Liverpool.}

1.) 17 May 2023 19:04:52
My personal opinion on Sangare is he is solid defensively and works hard, but lacks the quality on the ball to play for a Premier League team with Champions League aspirations.

2.) 17 May 2023 19:43:36
Ed02 are you the fabled oracle, or is you just a sorcerer like me julie.

3.) 17 May 2023 20:09:41
Yes MK I have heard he is a good player for us but at the same time heard he is a bit rash and could get caught in transition.



18 Apr 2023 20:12:34
I am preying we are looking at kephram thuram and he would be up for playing for us, absolutely everything we need and dare i say better than mr B.


{Ed002's Note - Have you tried searching.}

1.) 18 Apr 2023 20:41:51
Hi ed i think i have seen PSG want him, why do you think we will make a strong effort to sign him? I would imagine the cream of the crop are interested.

{Ed002's Note - I have explained the interest over and over.}

2.) 18 Apr 2023 21:13:54
Sorry forgive me ed, i missed it .

{Ed002's Note - You are forgiven.}

3.) 19 Apr 2023 04:05:12
Also you shouldn’t be preying.

4.) 19 Apr 2023 08:21:25
Concerning hailstones. If we end up signing him, please don't eat him.

5.) 19 Apr 2023 09:31:29
Watch out for hailstones, he's a wolf!

6.) 19 Apr 2023 08:19:55
That's how Ed025 met his wife Waqas.

{Ed025's Note - my bird won the lottery with me stuie. ?

7.) 19 Apr 2023 12:35:30
Ed was she flicking together with her friends?

{Ed025's Note - everyone flocked around me when i was younger mate..

8.) 19 Apr 2023 15:39:35
"everyone flocked around me when i was younger mate"

"Even the Sheep"!

Only a wind up Ed025!

9.) 19 Apr 2023 14:29:53
Flicking? That’s a personal question to ask about Ed25s partner….

10.) 19 Apr 2023 16:17:17
Ed you might be the new and possibly the most qualified candidate for up your own head 11 captaincy mate.

{Ed025's Note - thats why i have such empathy with my mate trent waqas.. :)

11.) 19 Apr 2023 16:38:36
Hailstones we are one of them cream of the crop teams your on about we are Liverpool football club.

12.) 19 Apr 2023 17:51:17
On a serious note with Thuram, I'd make him plan A. I think he's incredible. Powerful, fast, strong in the tackle and he's 6 foot 4. Yet he has unbelievable close control and dribbles out of tight spaces like he's 5 foot 8. Attribute-wise I think he might be the perfect midfielder, he doesn't have a weakness. If you can improve his decision making and get him tactically set up to play in a top team you'd be looking at one of best midfielders in the world. Like a hard-working Yaya Toure. Can we sign him please? Happy to start a gofundme. Thanks.

13.) 20 Apr 2023 14:15:06
Absolutely Thomas, you're spot on. I place Kephren Thuram right behind Bellingham on the list of "most désirables".

14.) 20 Apr 2023 16:08:00
Is K Thuram a friend of Konate anyone know? May help if we are in for him.




hailstones's banter posts with other poster's replies to hailstones's banter posts


26 Jul 2024 11:56:28
1 thing I didn't agree with slots press conference yesterday was he said this squad Is capable of challenging and its very hard to improve the current squad. I strongly disagree! the 2 teams above us have already strengthened and the reason we finished 3rd last season was because there squads were stronger and we were weaker in key areas . If we don't address this we could easily slip out of the top 4 never mind challenging.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 12:18:48
In fairness if that’s what slot and the club thinks then great.

If they believe this squad can challenge then let’s go out and give it our all.

But if we don’t challenge then they can’t say it’s because the squad isn’t strong enough.

We had this a few seasons ago when Klopp told the world we didn’t need a midfielder to then 180 with a few days to go of the window and sign Arthur.

I’ve liked Slots press interviews and he can certainly talk the talk. Let’s hope he can walk the walk as well.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 12:32:42
I'm not so sure Hailstones - we fell away the last 5 weeks but were top at April

We looked like we could concede but were scoring a lot before those last few weeks so honestly think if they work on the defending as a unit etc and make us harder to break down we'll not be too far off tbh

Though, even those games we lost we had an absolute plethora of chances that none of the front ones could bury - it was like everyone in the team forgot how to actually finish a chance

Then you have the abundance of referee and VAR calls that just cost us points after points.

Look, not saying we do not need players but we do have a decent team I think.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 12:42:43
It's probably him just playing to the media Hailstones and supporting his players in public.

He said himself that he was watching LFC for a while already, even before he was officially announced as head coach.

I have no doubt that he is fully aware that we need to reinforce.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 13:16:24
The team last year was ruined with injuries. Not much to improve really replace Matip and Diaz if he goes (hopefully) and maybe cover for endo but bajetic is back. If we can sort the injury / recovery time out that would be a great help.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 13:33:59
He comes across quite diplomatic and he will be optimistic and excited for the season ahead I would think stepping up from Feyenoord.

He’s unlikely to say the team needs serious surgery. I don’t think that is in his character and he will be optimistic that it will be strong enough to challenge

Equally I don’t see him as a mourinho or conte type that might use media interviews to leverage something within the club anyway.

I still expect (like slot) that at least 1 player will sign, hopefully more.

If Salah stays I think a RW signing is less essential. At this stage for me, a left sided defender and a centre midfielder would be what is needed. Unless key players leave in which case they would need to be replaced most likely too.

I can’t see the club doing anything drastic like selling Nunez for a new CF, or selling VVD for a new CB. Minor tweaks at most I think.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 13:44:17
We lost not because of players but because the way we was playing was unsustainable and a loss of form from key players in the business end of the season.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 14:25:45
Challenging and winning are two entirely different concepts. He is absolutely right in that this squad can challenge because it did that last season.
There's over a month left in the window and he is hardly going to come out and say "the squads crap, probably looking at top 4 if I'm lucky"

8.) 26 Jul 2024 14:27:48
Hardly going to come out and say the squads rubbish is he.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 14:58:00
We will find out the ambition of the club under Slot in this window.
This squad can’t and won’t win the league.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 15:12:49
Hailstones if Slot said "we shall see if we can challenge" or something like that, what message is he sending to the Salah"s, Ali's, VVD's and Trent's of the world, some of whom have said that regardless of who the manager is, the standards do not change? Ali said the exact same thing last season when he was asked about Slot coming in. We challenged last season so in the players' eyes and minds, what stops them from doing so this season? It's a mentality thing, my guy.

Slot is saying what the players (esp. the ones I mentioned) want to hear as that will spur them on to challenge esp. since they are used to challenging on all fronts regardless of success or not. Players at the club right now ain't trying to hear "Oh, we won't be challenging this season" cos that's not in their DNA anymore. These guys grew from "Can we? " to "Yes, we did" under Klopp. That will not go down well in the DR and that's not the way you want to start your reign at an institution like LFC who are used to competing and winning over the past decade or so. Just my opinion.

11.) 26 Jul 2024 15:26:51
Two things which are weird habits. For some reason everyone thinks we were really shaky at the back when in reality we tied arsenal for best defence until about march or so.

Secondly that we were awful all year, we were top for significant parts of it just failing after those spirit crushing two defeats against United. If either of those is a win im confident we be champs now.

12.) 26 Jul 2024 15:27:04
The money is there to spend, the ambition will be down to Hughes, slot and the recruitment team - Not FSG.

13.) 26 Jul 2024 15:29:29
He said it's hard to improve the squad also. This by definition is true as there are a couple dozen players in some positions to possibly only a couple of players if any that improve us depending on the position. And when you remove the ones that are literally not available at any price plus the ones that would cost outrageous fees / demand wages way outside of our structure, well then you realise that it is actually quite difficult to improve the squad and especially the starting 11.

14.) 26 Jul 2024 16:19:20
Nice summary PickleRick.

15.) 26 Jul 2024 17:09:59
you disagree as you want a Shinny new toy soon as we sign someone you will be ecstatic. Sad and pathetic OG.

16.) 26 Jul 2024 17:11:21
stevie Wonder can see that we need atop No 6 , macca needs to be higher up the pitch, wasted at No 6, BAJ needs to be eased back in

17.) 26 Jul 2024 20:46:40
A new coach and tactics can make all the difference. If Leicester can win the league after almost getting relegated than a team that finishes third can certainly challenge and win.

18.) 27 Jul 2024 03:04:52
Problem is, Nevada, that we were poor even though we were top of the league for periods last season. I lost count of the games we narrowly drew or won by a goal in the last 5 minutes. Overall, our performances were pretty average.



19 Jul 2024 22:56:44
Dont know about everyone on here but i am very uncomfortable if trent does not give us an answer this window on if he is staying or not, if he doesn't commit he has to be sold a. s. a. p we can't have a key player using us for a season then going to madrid for zilch, also not ideal having a player whose head is with real madrid for a season amongst lads who are fully committed . let's face it he wants madrid plus Bellingham.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 01:01:31
Can everybody just relax? I’m pretty sure he’s still on holiday, he’s a lifelong Liverpool fan and a scouser, let’s trust for now that the club and the player want what’s best for the team. Whatever the eventuality is let’s make peace with it but let’s stop assuming the lad is already mentally checked out and licking his lips at the prospect of sunny Madrid.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 01:24:58
I think it applies to all 3 - Salah, VVD and TAA. Why should any of them be allowed to walk of for free next summer? Granted you can't force a player to extend or sign a new contract, nor can you force them to leave on a sale. Find a way, get it done. Others do it.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 02:17:47
You are being paranoid. He is going nowhere.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 02:56:29
What Salah said.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 05:31:23
Using us in what way? By honouring his contract?

6.) 20 Jul 2024 07:20:18
This generation’s need for instant gratification is a real concern. “I need an answer and I need it now” is so Veruca Salt.

Let the guy enjoy a break from football, after a lousy personal experience (for him) and come back to the fold, speak to the new manager etc.

He owes me (personally) nothing. He doesn’t have a duty to tell the fans first what his intentions are and if he chooses that he would like to play in Madrid, enjoy the excellent quality of life there, the food, the wine and the sun. Then so be it. Let him be.

Sadly, Liverpool does not have the allure of London, let alone Madrid. We should not be surprised that our best players want to test themselves at the best club in European football, probably the world.

7.) 20 Jul 2024 08:29:33
The only way he leaves is if Liverpool fall off a cliff because Klopps gone.

8.) 20 Jul 2024 09:38:24
The worst thing about not signing an extension is that single cell fans will use it as the reason for any hint of lacking effort, for every missed pass etc etc.

9.) 20 Jul 2024 10:08:19
Mcmanaman did it. He still had a decent season before he left but nowhere near the brilliance he’d had the season before.

That’s my only concern with players winding down their contracts. That final season is a throw away season if their agent has a move sorted for them.

I’d hate to see that from Trent, Mo or Virgil.

The only way to deal with it, in reality, is to sell them cheap to the team they’re intent on going to anyway - I think we did this with Michael Owen. Saves a season of wages and gets a nominal fee in.

So if that’s the way it’s going then this may be our only “out”. Otherwise the club will just have to suck it up.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 11:26:52
Guys; relax and let the process play out. I will believe Rent will go when I see it actually happen. Till then? Have a great summer, people. It's hot out there in these streets and beaches.

11.) 20 Jul 2024 13:35:48
I am absolutely relaxed about the situation certainly not paranoid. the lad has 1 year left and is seen as a generational talent I bet his agent is inundated with offers and he is relaying all the info to trent naturally, with that being said he will certainly be thinking of Madrid and his mate bellingham also in his ear.

12.) 20 Jul 2024 16:03:37
We had the same convo about Mane, Bobby and Salah a couple of seasons ago when all their contracts were due to expire in the same summer. In the end one signed a new bumper contract (Salah- the one we really wanted to stay), one was sold (Mane, seen as good business as he was waning) and one left on a free (Bobby, with his head held high) . I bet this is what happens this time with VVD, Trent and Salah but it will be Trent who stays. I think this shows the club know their options, know what they are doing and they know how to balance a situation from a business perspective.

13.) 20 Jul 2024 19:29:55
McManaman was and is an utter pleb. Arrogant and self entitled both on and off the pitch. I’m hoping Trent has a better sense of maturity than him and he values the club in equal measure.

14.) 21 Jul 2024 11:38:08
It’s us plebs who never walk alone @Frode, or have I got it wrong and the name calling means something else?



14 Jul 2024 22:51:44
There is talk niko Williams is being courted by ourselves, if Hughes pulls that one off he is a miracle worker.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 23:28:57
The one from Notts Forest?
Well, as Sir Gareth will tell you: you can't have too many right backs.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 23:36:01
Not going to happen. Apparently he only wants to go Barca.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 23:53:35
Being so certain over an ‘apparently’ ??‍♂️.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 23:58:45
But Barcelona have no money.
We might end up with both N Williams and we are in need of another right back and another left winger.
We should sign Venus, Serena and Robbie while we're at it.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 00:01:30
Very dangerous player. 100% Think Barcelona would prefer this kid than Diaz and if so, I reckon he’ll stay with us.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 00:39:53
Great post Rigsby, I still live in hope, us Williams are a formidable clan ?.

7.) 15 Jul 2024 03:05:42
I think his wage demands might be a bit too rich for us to consider him personally, even if he doesn't end up at Barca. High fee and high wages don't make for a very attractive package. To be fair though, he's outperformed all expectations at the Euros, that performance will probably bump the fee up even more. He does seem to want to go to Barcelona and Laporta talks about him openly to the press, so.

8.) 15 Jul 2024 05:48:29
We won’t be singing another attacker before we offload Diaz. I won’t be surprised if Diaz is still here after the window.

9.) 15 Jul 2024 08:08:05
Well Thunderbird, you can be guaranteed that he won’t be playing for us next season, or the season after that or in fact ever. Just like Bellingham, Tchouameni, et al.

Javier Tebas is on record as saying Barcelona can afford to sign him within Spanish fair play regulations, so I’d say that’s him sorted.

10.) 15 Jul 2024 08:53:15
Well Victor, Bellingham was very much interested to play for us. We did not had the money to bring him in. That’s not the case with Williams or Touchemani. You are right he won’t play for us.

11.) 15 Jul 2024 08:59:48
In the grand scheme of Elite football and the table the club sit at i don't think Williams fee is that high.

I believe he would cost less than what we paid for Alison, Nunez, Kieta, Szob, VVD and Diaz as its being reported its 49 mill.

If Williams is after 200k a week then that's roughly 10 mill a year so couldn't the club off set that with a bigish signing on fee for him to keep his wages down.

Williams at 49 mill and 50 mill (bare in mind some were happy to buy Gordon for 70 with no wages) wages over 5 years is a gamble but its around 20 mill a season an the likelihood is you're buying world class that could demand a far higher fee to sell in the future than it is to buy.

So even just having him for 4 years you're going to have a world class player that you could sell at possibly a higher amount than what you paid.

If Diaz goes for 60 Mill then Williams comes in for exact same fee or less.

12.) 15 Jul 2024 10:04:33
JK23, I read on here from Ed002 that Williams wants 350k Euro a week plus a significant signing on fee. So 200k with potential to negotiate that down with a signing on fee is way wide of the mark if Ed's sources are accurate.

With that in mind (and also his rumoured desire to play for Barcelona one day) I just don't think it's sensible. We'd smash up our wage structure if we signed him in my opinion. Which might be worth it if we'd get 8-10 years of world class performances out of him but odds are Barcelona will come calling once their financial issues are under control and then we'd have another Suarez/ Mascherano/ Countinho/ Reina situation where someone at the club is forcing their way out to get a move to Barcelona. Then what are we left with? Probably a good profit on the 50m euro we'd pay for him sure, but also probably a inflated salary budget because it drove up the wages of everyone in the squad when it came to contract negotiations.

We just don't give that kind of money to young players who still have 3 or 4 contract renewals to go in their career. United, Barcelona, City and Madrid might be able to afford that through whatever means they're using (selling off future earnings, selling lots of CR7 pencil cases, inflating sponsorship deals etc) . However we're just not a club that pays those sorts of salaries.

Williams is 22 years old and has and scored 11 goals in 103 La Liga games, so it's not even really up for debate, he quite simply hasn't done anything in his career yet to justify 350k a week. The 50m euro transfer fee is for his potential so that is fine, but the wages should reflect what he offers in the here and now. Therefore I'd much rather sign Gordon who is himself only 23, will have significantly lower salary expectations, most likely won't swan off to Barcelona in a few years given he's a Liverpool fan, counts towards the HG quota (hence the extra 20m on his price tag) and has a slightly better record of 19 goals in 116 Premier League games despite half of them games being for relegation fodder.

Williams therefore, makes very little sense financially or from a squad harmony perspective. At least not to me, but everyone is entitled to their view and transfer debate is all based on hypotheticals and assumptions anyway so nobody has the authority to claim dominion over what is right or wrong in such a subjective debate. I'd just prefer Gordon.

13.) 15 Jul 2024 10:23:18
MK i hadn't seen ED002's comment on that mate so i was just plucking numbers out of the air. I'll be truthful that was the first time last night that i have seen Spain and therefor Williams in the tournament.

I've not even looked at his stats so that's quite surprising they are that low. I've clearly got match of the day fever which is similar to Youtube fever except you only watch the game once.

14.) 15 Jul 2024 10:33:32
In my opinion at isn’t such a big deal that a player wants to go to real or Barcelona at some point in their career. It turned out fine for Manchester United with Cristiano Ronaldo and for us with coutinho. Also apparently Salah wanted to go to real ever since he got to Liverpool and he’s still with us. As for the qualities of Nico Williams, I have no idea, I haven’t watched any games of him before these euros and international football is a lousy way to judge a player.

15.) 15 Jul 2024 11:38:31
Cracking young player but very raw - young, so to be expected lads to be honest

Looks very dangerous on the left wing and always seems to be one of the players likely to make something happen for a very good Spain side - definitely a good player as it is and one with cracking potential too

That being said, the wages rumoured seem high - think that is due to the club policy though of attracting Spanish and Basque only players perhaps so maybe just pay them well?

Talk is though he only wants Barcelona, but then the talk was Bellingham wanted us so who knows - who knows if Barcelona can actually afford him either.

Saw links between us and Kravadona over the weekend too so shaping up to be the usual summer lol.

16.) 15 Jul 2024 12:39:17
JK23, I'm similar to you mate. I'd never seen him play before these Euro's and I've only watched him 3 times in the this tournament as well.

When I was looking at his record, I also noticed that he has never scored or assisted a goal in a La Liga game against Madrid or Barcelona in his 3 seasons so far. Not to mention that 9 of his 19 La Liga assists in the last 3 seasons came in games where his team scored 4 goals against cannon fodder. So is he a flat track bully? I'd need to watch him at club level to put some context to his goal/ assist record before I could make an informed decision. On the face of it, he doesn't jump out as a significantly better player than Gordon but he still has 11 goals and 19 assists in a strong league by 22 years old.

Gordon scored 7 of his 11 goals last season against Liverpool, Arsenal, Man City, Man United x2, Chelsea and Spurs. However, 8 of his 10 assists last season came in games where Newcastle scored 4+ goals. So although you can make a case that he is a big game player in terms of his goals, he does also love racking up the assists in games where Newcastle are running riot.

I don't think there is a right or wrong answer mate so I wouldn't be harsh on yourself with the "MOTD fever" stuff, as he did have a very good game and the way some people have been talking about him you would be forgiven for thinking he scored 30 goals last season! Williams and Gordon are probably at a very similar level and one is a higher cost up front with his fee and the other is a higher cost long term with his wages. So I'd pick Gordon off the back of him wanting to play for us and also being less of an issue to renewing the contracts of others in future.

17.) 15 Jul 2024 13:24:16
MK cheers for the insight and very interesting read.

I quite like Gordon and only used him as an example as the outlay fee would be significant and then throw in his wages.

I agree that when looking at all the factors the fact Williams wants to go to Barcelona and Gordon wants to come to us is huge, plus one is premier league proven.

Gordon can play across the 3 so in a dream scenario we would bring both in buts its probably more likely that we will bring in neither over the likelihood of 1.

18.) 15 Jul 2024 17:57:31
It was Ed001 that mentioned his wages and he is already on 350k a week as Bilbao pay high wages to their better players as they don't spend money on transfers like other clubs.
If he doesn't want to accept a pay cut then he won't be playing for Liverpool regardless of Barca’s financials.

19.) 15 Jul 2024 19:54:58
Forget the 350K he is asking for, I'd question the sanity of any team ready to pay him even the 200K per week at the age of 21 for a record of only 20 goals in 130 senior club games and 7 goals in 29 games for Spain.

Don't get me wrong. He's wonderful to watch. Fast, tricky, a dribbler and exciting like we all like young footballers to be. But a goal every 6 games for those kind of wages? Pay him more than Gakpo and Diaz? What for? (For reference, Endrick the Brazilian wonderkid joining Real Madrid, is slated to be on 40K per week and Lamine Yamal of Barcelona is on 100K per week) .

20.) 16 Jul 2024 05:51:02
Williams according to the internet is on 170k a week currently.



28 Apr 2024 15:20:39
I wonder if lloyd Kelly would be an option, can play left back, centre back and obviously must know richard hughes well.


1.) 28 Apr 2024 16:46:31
I personally don't rate huges at all. Think he and Edwards are both very poor appointments by the club but time will tell if I'm wrong and i hope i am or we'll regress back years once again.

2.) 28 Apr 2024 17:22:18
Nice one for p. ing on me chips mate, you can't really make a proper call on that til the end of the transfer window, Jason wilcox has just joined man united not exactly a glitzy name.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 17:36:42
MIZER, you're basing that on what exactly?

4.) 28 Apr 2024 18:26:18
MIZER basing that on the games he doesn’t watch because he only supports the team when they are winning.

5.) 28 Apr 2024 19:10:44
Basing it on the contracts handed out previously to old players or was that Klopp and that’s why he left. Who knows.

6.) 28 Apr 2024 21:02:40
Hailstones, I can’t see Lloyd Kelly being an option as we had an issue with him and his agents before, apparently to the point that Edwards was furious with his agents so I can’t see that one happening.

7.) 28 Apr 2024 21:48:31
Mr Bean, Edwards is not the DOF anymore and will NOT be interferring with player recruitment either.

As for Kelly, Im sorry BUT we can do WAY better than him cos he is old news and that ship sailed years ago. Revisiting such an option makes no sense, IMO. Next.



23 Apr 2024 13:44:20
Jota injured again for 2weeks, how we juggling this one for the derby?


1.) 23 Apr 2024 14:05:32
We should be looking for a buyer for Jota. His injury record is unacceptable for a top club.
One of the things I really hope leaves with Klopp is our APPALLING injury record and inability to improve it. Beyond the impact on our performances, it’s just irritating that “professional” players can’t stay fit. p.

2.) 23 Apr 2024 14:07:54
Jota puts his body on the line gives every last drip but pays for it by getting injured frequently.

3.) 23 Apr 2024 14:38:52
Fantastic goalscorer but the bloke is made of quavers. So frustrating.

4.) 23 Apr 2024 14:43:44
Getting silly now, always injured and a waste of wages if you ask me. I like the lad, when fit he knows where the goal is but come on, he can't keep at a club like Liverpool constantly (or almost) injured, it's stupid. I agree with you Lowe, it is irritating.

5.) 23 Apr 2024 14:50:10
Blimey, it's two weeks!
We've Salah, Nunez, Diaz, Gakpo and Danns. Everton will be without Beto, surely and DCL, probably ? so let's not get too despondent about the Derby.
I was relieved to see Beto give the thumbs up on Sunday because it was very worrying at one point.

{Ed025's Note - im glad Beto is ok as well Rigsby, but it would be more worrying for me if he played mate...i think hes terrible..

6.) 23 Apr 2024 15:10:12
Where's all the money coming from to replace all these players people want shot of? if they are injury prone then we'll not get a big transfer fee for them. So far it's Matip and Thiago, added to those is Tsimi, Jota, Grav, Salah, Nunez, today Jones as he's injury prone and Diaz coz his father is always mouthing off. Gako is being given a stay of execution after having a couple of good games so his head is currently not on the block.
Considering one of the Ed's today said that we might not be willing to pay Amorim and his staffs release clauses it's looking like money is tight again so hard to see how we afford to replace the above.

7.) 23 Apr 2024 15:45:14
Players get injured and I’m sure it’s frustrating for Jota as much is it is for us fans. But the guy is injured every season.

And saying he is our most clinical striker is all well and good but what good is that when he is not available? I would and expect he will be sold in the summer. One, to raise funds and two to bring in someone who not injury prone.

Btw, here is his injury record stretching back to the 18/ 19 season. I would add the fact that he joined us in 20/ 21, so the previous two campaigns below are from his days at Wolves.

23/ 24 - Knee collateral - 51 days
23/ 24 - Muscle injury - 28 days

22/ 23 - Calf injury - 116 days
22/ 23 - Hamstring injury - 31 days

21/ 22 - Ankle injury - 14 days

20/ 21 - Foot injury - 11 days
20/ 21 - Knee bruise - 84 days

19/ 20 - Calf injury - 21 days
19/ 20 - Ankle injury - 28 days

18/ 19 - Bruise - 25 days
18/ 19 - Hamstring injury - 32.

{Ed001's Note - I do wonder how much of a part his long hours playing videogames has to play (sorry bad pun) in his injury problems. It is not good to be sat still for hours on end.}

8.) 23 Apr 2024 15:48:29
I'm a big fan of Jota but his injury record is extremely concerning.

Its no good really what a player brings to the table if they're only coming to that table half the time you want them there.

I gave Nunez a bit of stick (in SF eyes was a hammering) yesterday but one of his big positives is more often than not he's available for selection.

9.) 23 Apr 2024 15:53:03
Ed025, I know what you mean. Beto is a big lad but apart from that I'm struggling to see what he offers.

Why is everyone so convinced that Salah is leaving? I'd be tempted to sell if a big offer comes from the Saudi league but would he want to go there and give up CL football?
I'd be disappointed in him if he did.

{Ed025's Note - i struggle as well Rigsby, a very slow battering ram is how i would describe him mate..

10.) 23 Apr 2024 16:03:36
The best ability is availability.

11.) 23 Apr 2024 16:05:53
Don’t know mate. Some posters are convinced we are signing that striker from Sporting who is valued at £70 mill plus replacement lined for Jota, Nunez. Diaz, Salah and what more ??????
People have short memories. This club works on Sell to buy.

12.) 23 Apr 2024 17:04:25
You need a long memory to qualify when we last sold to buy.

13.) 23 Apr 2024 18:01:38
Ed01, that simply means he is not getting enuff sleep nor enuff rest hence, his ability to recover is severely subdued, if your premise is true.




hailstones's rumour replies


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29 Jun 2024 00:18:05
3rd choice keeper ?.




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22 Jun 2024 20:07:40
The thing is frode does DCL have the legs to pass a fitness test, can't believe anyone would even pay money going on the last couple of seasons showing.


{Ed025's Note - hes a very good player you know Hailstones, had a few injuries but if he is paired alongside the likes of Isak and Gordon he would thrive imo, Everton have not played to his strengths at all and left him isolated for the most part mate..



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28 Apr 2024 22:37:34
Brilliant shout both hanko and geertruida can play left, right back and centre back I really hope that happens.




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27 Apr 2024 12:02:02
The only worry I have is this league is unforgiving the spot light and pressure if he doesn't start well will be intense, everyone outside of liverpool will be looking for anything negative to throw at him and in reality he will need time to adjust.




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16 Apr 2024 01:01:24
Go away niko.





hailstones's banter replies


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20 Jul 2024 13:35:48
I am absolutely relaxed about the situation certainly not paranoid. the lad has 1 year left and is seen as a generational talent I bet his agent is inundated with offers and he is relaying all the info to trent naturally, with that being said he will certainly be thinking of Madrid and his mate bellingham also in his ear.




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19 Jul 2024 11:20:24
The problem we have is our squad is bloated and not everyone is back for slot to know who wants to leave who is staying and who is good enough etc . Then there is the issue of did we get the full potential of the squad last season players need to be trusted in there best positions e. g elliot, Jones, mcallister, szbozlai, gomez, trent etc there is a lot to take into consideration before buying.




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02 Jul 2024 23:53:42
I thought possibly lettuce or rhubarb, every one is different I suppose.




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08 Jun 2024 11:28:38
Steady on.




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28 May 2024 20:41:43
I would also like bajetic to have a loan to consistently play and get stronger wouldn't like to rely on him as a squad player yet.




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