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11 Jun 2024 14:27:51
So I was watching some of Darwin's performances from his first season at benfica, and bizarrely he was exhibiting a lot of the weaknesses that make him a frustrating player for us- getting caught offside all the time, lacking composure when presented with easy chances, choosing to shoot when the pass is on but more often choosing to pass when the shot is on, running into a cul-de-sac sometimes, getting frustrated with himself and snatching at chances etc, but he also got team mates involved a lot and racked up the assists even when not scoring because of bad decisions. he was also played on the left wing instead of through the center at times and actually looked more effective having space in behind to take full backs on one v one and the. Cutting inside or delivering cutbacks

As we all know Darwin got flak from benfica fans for missing a lot, went off social media, worked on his game in the off season and turned in a blinder his last season at benfica, topping the scoring charts, lighting up the champions league, becoming the hottest non-haaland property on the market that year and then moving to us, all while continuing to develop his all around game and rectifying a lot of the faults that he showed in the season before

Oddly enough the exact same thing has happened again, maybe this sort of ebb and flow is going to take place once more? Very enigmatic and emotional player, but he's shown that when he has confidence and space to attack in front of him he can be a monster.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 17:50:57
Darwin really found his feet during the season but the final international break seemed to throw him along with a whole load of players out of form.

I think he will benefit from the new era under new coaches, without the pressure cooker environment that was created by Klopp's imminent departure.

Call me hopeful.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 18:35:16
This season coming is Darwin’s third season with us tho. He should have been doing what you said last Summer.

3.) 11 Jun 2024 21:05:42
I doubt Nunez will ever not frustrate, but as long as his numbers are good, he will always be worthy of a place in the current team.
As for his end of season dip, it happened to many, but it also coincided with us playing slow deliberate keep ball around the halfway line. Rather than looking to utilise his strengths behind the backline. We saw many times with the lethal Haaland, if you don't provide the ammunition, it's difficult to score.

4.) 12 Jun 2024 00:32:12
OP, Isn’t what you are saying basically that he hasn’t changed / improved ?

I think he has one more season to show consistency in his game awareness and scoring ability. If he doesn’t do it next season I doubt he ever will (at least for us) . we signed him for @ € 75m which is a hefty sum of money for an inconsistent return.

5.) 12 Jun 2024 06:51:17
Actually what I mean WDW is that he did improve, but then fell back into old patterns again, but the way in which he reacted to being made the target of ridicule and derision before shows that he has the ability to react. I think the issues with him are both mental and tactical, he is a player who needs confidence and needs space to attack, he’s not the kind of player to pirouette past players near the corner flag in a packed box and play one-twos in tight spaces, he needs space to run directly at defenders and the game around him has to be fast and direct rather than slow, methodical and ponderous
I think with slot keeping his wingers out wide rather than cutting into the box and the number 10 and two 8s pushing high up to feed Darwin we could see an interesting turn of events for him, though I think at the same time slot’s football is considerably less direct and more calculated than vintage klopp, so we’ll see what happens.

6.) 12 Jun 2024 09:06:21
Sirshanks, City keep the ball better than anyone and Haaland still scores more than anyone. A big difference, as well as City taking their chances, is that it's ok to do that when you're winning and not chasing games. When we are conceding so many goals keeping the ball isn't what is needed.
A lack of control at the back, in midfield and up front meant that we were often on the back foot.

7.) 12 Jun 2024 09:18:31
Make or break season for Darwin I feel.
Hopefully the new coaches can work on his confidence and composure.
He’s good enough, he needs to believe in himself and focus.




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23 Jul 2024 17:18:03
Navy, we have Darwin to do that. Kubo, salah and mac allister feeding Darwin, who doesn’t have to be as involved in build up, will work a treat.




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23 Jul 2024 09:24:00
To the poster asking why would a Liverpool fan want kubo over Gordon despite having supposedly inferior numbers, Gordon thrives on having space ahead of him to attack at pace and is an excellent player in transition, but it still remains to be seen whether he can operate in the half spaces breaking down a low block.

kubo on the other hand can be like a 10 starting out wide, he has exceptional ability manoeuvring through small spaces, playing one twos, threading through balls at the right time, ghosting into the box to get on the end of chances himself. He is very quick but not the sort to play off the shoulder of the last defender like Gordon, rather he provides a spark of genius and vision to play in the final third. Kubo, salah and Darwin would be a fantastic combo imo.




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22 Jul 2024 11:17:34
MK, he is a super technical player but also very direct, loves picking the ball up deep and driving at the defense or going on a dribble into the box, has an outstanding first touch and great vision picking out runs into the box, good finisher with good first time technique but scoring goals isn’t his forte necessarily, a lot of sociedad’s attacking play goes through him even though he might not get the final assist or goal, he is also very very hard working and presses well (sociedad are the most aggressive pressing team in the whole of la liga and he leads from the front) . Of course he is far from the tallest player but he is extremely hard to get the ball off of and almost
Impossible to press. Magnificent player, hope we get him.




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22 Jul 2024 09:34:39
He is a superb player with a top attitude, very hungry to be the best, also very well liked in the changing room, he has been through adversity and is now a fan favorite, he does love sociedad and the fans love him though, so I’m taking this rumour with a pinch of salt.




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21 Jul 2024 11:53:31
I get that longthing, but losing our most important player and captain besides Ali while getting accustomed to a new coach and way of playing might prove rather too much for us to handle in a short span of time, Virgil‘s skill set is very difficult to replace (not to mention he’s always the biggest threat on any set piece in the box), and from what I’ve seen inacio is a brilliant player in the buildup but probably not capable of filling in for Virgil in other respects.

Who knows, maybe slot will play much more conservatively than klopp did and not use his two center backs (especially Virgil) as a get out of jail card, but from what I’ve seen of feyenoord his center backs do have a lot of responsibility on and off the ball, so I’m dubious to say the least.





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27 Jul 2024 02:59:04
I’ve been a Liverpool fan for 30 years give or take, and the player I idolised the most growing up will probably be an unpopular one- McManaman ?. I played on the wing because of him, and I will admit to watching him play at Real even though he left us under acrimonious circumstances. I would say that besides choosing Macca for sentimental reasons, Fowler would be an obvious pick, and Xabi was always a joy to watch spraying passes from deep.

I would probably say that overall the best player I have seen play for Liverpool is Virgil at the height of his powers, though, when he was switched on he was in my opinion the most awe inspiring player in world football, a one man back four who could outpace and outmuscle anybody, was never caught out of possession or dribbled past, could win any battle in the air or the ground and with a ridiculous range of passing. So I think that my final answer would probably be Virgil.




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25 Jul 2024 19:07:01
I think you will find that he plays in Spain, jaydee….

I think the fact that two of sociedad’s most important players, merino and oyarzabal, shone at the euros for Spain and technically clinched the trophy for them galls their fanbase, they are basque not Spanish, just as Liverpool are scouse not English (though part of sociedad’s fanbase is actually serious about basque independence)




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25 Jul 2024 15:52:09
Strange how posters judge a player based on a highlight reel. I’ve watched him play lots this season, given he is one of my favorite players, he is an excellent player, if he ends up at the club I will be ecstatic and I’m sure he’ll win fans over in short order. There’s a reason why sociedad fans and his team mates love him.




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20 Jul 2024 02:35:34
Virgil isn’t a generational player to you, mk? In his pomp he was a one man insurance plan for the back, covering pretty much the entirety of the space behind the midfield when the rest of team was caught upfield, his range of passing is so essential to the way the team builds up or switches play too, I don’t know if we’ve ever seen a center back with his exact skill set, he set the bar for what a modern center half can do, and I don’t know if any other center back can reach the heights he did in his pomp. Alisson too in his position, I would say.




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20 Jul 2024 01:01:31
Can everybody just relax? I’m pretty sure he’s still on holiday, he’s a lifelong Liverpool fan and a scouser, let’s trust for now that the club and the player want what’s best for the team. Whatever the eventuality is let’s make peace with it but let’s stop assuming the lad is already mentally checked out and licking his lips at the prospect of sunny Madrid.




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