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30 May 2024 18:57:13
One for Ed002, there were rumours of Nico Schlotterbeck last season, which you discounted as he had only just moved to Dortmund, although you said he would be a great addition.

Are you hearing anything about Liverpool being interested in him this summer?

Is he settled at Dortmund or could a move be welcomed?


{Ed002's Note - Liverpool has other targets now.}



15 May 2024 01:03:38
One for Ed002 - does Jeremie Frimpiong have a (£ or €) 35m release clause that comes into effect in the next transfer window?

Do we hold any interest?

And would he be classed as HG to an EPL club given his youth career was at Man City from the age of 10-19?



{Ed002's Note - Jeremie Frimpong (RB/RWB/RM/LB) Being versatile has made him attractive to Chelsea and Arsenal who will likely now have him as first choice after losing out on another. Chelsea opted for Malo Gusto but know they may need a replacement for Reece James. 10 years at Manchester City might be against a move to Manchester United, but they have looked. Agent is offering him around major European sides including back to Manchester City, Bayern Munich and Barcelona with Bayern Munich having a serious interested in updating their RB position in the summer. He is HG in England but Liverpool has no interest in him - although if Alexander Arnold opts to leave he may be someone they look to.}

1.) 15 May 2024 11:01:21
Thank you very much Ed002, very informative.

Yes, my thinking on him was if TAA were to move to RM (in a PX deal perhaps as you suggested), we may look to Frimpong to ensure we had an established (but still young) RB to rotate with Bradley.

With a lot of folks suggesting TAA moving, Jones moving and potentially with Kelleher moving, having HG options would help a lot.

Do you have (or are you willing) to share any information about his release clause?



12 Aug 2023 20:35:28
According to Romano, Caicedo agreed (through his representatives) an 8 year contract with Chelsea in May with the option of a 1 year extension.

9 year deal will be the longest offered under Boehly’s tenure.


1.) 12 Aug 2023 21:05:46
So it’s not that he wants to join Chelsea for any other reason than money…. 9 year contract yet one bad injury and his career could be over. Mercenary good luck getting him sold to real in 2 years.

2.) 12 Aug 2023 21:30:10
Football is crazy ATM.

3.) 12 Aug 2023 21:57:08
No wonder Caicedo was so keen to join them
Be interesting to see what the agents fees are too.
Boehly has an interesting way of operating.
I've never known anything like it for throughput of players.
He's presenting Poch, a new manager himself, with almost another all-change new team.
Two British record signings in midfield now.

4.) 12 Aug 2023 22:17:12
There’s a reason why teams don’t give players long contracts.

Where’s the motivation for them to work for their next contract?

You’re basically giving these kids obscene amounts of money and guaranteeing they will get it for their entire 20s. Yes you’ll get the odd one with the right mentality to work for trophies but most of these kids just want the money and they’ll get that regardless of what they do.

Newcastle tried it years ago and got relegated. I see Chelsea going the same way.

5.) 12 Aug 2023 22:19:57
Chelsea are no different under bohley other than the new “long term” contracts. He will sack poch by Christmas being in another manager another whole new team of over priced players until he runs out of funds. His pockets are limitless and he will soon realises this.

6.) 12 Aug 2023 22:26:31
Chelsea are not going to get relegated lol they also have enough money to just replace these players if they don’t perform so can take the risk.

They are building a quality side and with enzo and Caicedo in the middle will be a real force this/ next season.

7.) 12 Aug 2023 22:37:09
That’s the problem Brummy, if they give everyone 8-9 year contracts they could be left with a very unmotivated squad that they can’t get rid of. The margins at the top level are fractions so a 5% drop off in effort can lead to disaster.

They might have money but even they can’t keep signing players whilst keeping all of their existing players who are not contributing.

If it worked then everyone would be doing it. Boehly is not some genius that’s just reinvented the wheel. It’s been tried before and failed so most sane people know that it’s not the right way to go.

8.) 12 Aug 2023 21:16:33
I thought this length of contract was banned or have I mis-interpreted the rules?

9.) 12 Aug 2023 21:16:35
Right it’s done move on get the Lavia deal done if he will still come to us.

10.) 12 Aug 2023 21:59:30
Hi Ed002,

Thanks for all your info and patience re Caicedo. Just wondering as a point of interest, I thought fifa or uefa had banned contracts for over 5 years starting this summer? ThNks!

{Ed002's Note - OK, thanks.}

11.) 12 Aug 2023 22:32:04
A force? Under whos guidance? They have a manager known to be to lax with players he won’t develop them. And they have money for now. So did plenty other teams and look what happened.

12.) 12 Aug 2023 23:57:05
6times red, a club can give a player any length of contract they want, how could you stop them? Jesus it's how employment works. What fifa banned or reports they banned I'm not sure how accurate is paying tgw fee over longer that 5 years, helping clubs around ffp.

13.) 13 Aug 2023 01:52:15
Contract length is not restricted, but using extremely long contracts as a ploy to work around FFP is rooted out by stipulating that costs of purchases are recognised in financial accounts over no more than 5 years.

In typical accounting the cost of something is recognised over its useful life (e. g. cost of a 20k car which lasts 10 years is 2k per year) . Longer the useful life, smaller the per-year cost. UEFA have cracked down on spreading the cost of *transfers* over more than 5 years so to not artificially lower the per-year cost of transfers. Contracts can be as long as you want.

14.) 13 Aug 2023 05:11:13
Nailed it hani

There’s a bug difference between
- the length of the players contract (which isn’t restricted)
- the timing and payment terms of any transfer fees (which aren’t restricted and can be set however the two clubs agree)
- the accounting policy of the contract value (which as you describe above stipulates the ‘value’ of a player contract cannot be amortised over more than 5yrs)

FFP is based on the accounting rather than the payment terms, but most people on the planet (or this site) don’t know much about accounting rules, hence why Ed02 keeps saying don’t focus on the financials as it just confuses everyone.

Wise advice that we should all listen to! (And hopefully I didn’t get this wrong ?)

{Ed001's Note - the timing and payment terms of transfer fees are restricted - there is a limit to the length of time you have to pay up in transfers between English clubs. After the debacle at Portsmouth, the FA tried to ensure that didn't happen again where a club ends up in trouble due to outstanding payments owed for years into the future. I think, iirc, it is 5 years maximum, but that maybe wrong.}

15.) 13 Aug 2023 07:10:39
It is also worth mentioning that although we aren't used to seeing footballers get contracts of this length, it is common practice in US sports such a baseball and American football.

I know people will say football over here is different, but it is what the Americans are used to.

16.) 13 Aug 2023 10:11:15
In baseball maybe. Don’t see NGL and NBA players getting 8 year contracts these days haha.

17.) 13 Aug 2023 10:13:37
FIFA updated their rules regarding contracts. IFA, football's governing body, outlines that contracts should be no longer than five years. Jan 18, 2023. A quick google search would help you.

18.) 13 Aug 2023 12:55:23
I knew I would - thanks Ed01 for the correction :)

Main point I was trying to make is player contracts and accounting a two different things and most don't understand accounting so it's best to ignore the financials and FFP as it just confuses everyone!

{Ed001's Note - it is so difficult to keep track of it all I really wish the papers would stop spreading crap about it. Almost everything In the media about FFP and football finances is utter nonsense. Only Swiss Ramble that I know of is worth taking notice of.}

19.) 13 Aug 2023 13:07:40
Rosenthal, I believe it is the case that FIFA says player contracts should be no longer than 5yrs, unless they are permissible under local country rules, and the UK allows contracts of more than 5yrs, but as Ed mentioned there may be some restrictions on payment terms in the UK.

Accounting is definitely restricted to 5yrs by UEFA to level the playing field on FFP calculations.



09 Aug 2023 22:51:58
Have Chelsea submitted a bid for Lavia, Ed002?

It’s being reported that it is closer to Southampton’s valuation than our last bid.


{Ed002's Note - I told you what would be acceptable to Southampton and which clubs are interested.}

1.) 09 Aug 2023 23:31:30
May be I missed what is acceptable for Southampton, but if it is 50mil as reported by the media, doesn't make sense for both Liverpool and Chelsea to bid 2 or 5 mil short. I know you don't like to talk about numbers, but do they expect to get 50mill after they pay 20% to city?

{Ed002's Note - I have explained. It is hopeless to just keep doing the same over and over.}

2.) 10 Aug 2023 09:54:18
Ed2 said a few weeks ago that perhaps £48m would be acceptable.

3.) 10 Aug 2023 09:53:13
Maybe Lavia will end up in the Chelsea academy and we can sign him from the club which buys him from the academy ?.

4.) 10 Aug 2023 11:23:48
Chelsea haven't bid the reportedly acceptable amount to Southampton either.

But I suppose we have messed Southampton around for long enough, they might just accept Chelsea's bid.

We are after all the worst club to deal with according to some on this site.



14 Jul 2023 18:27:25
One for Ed002 - you mentioned Nico Schlotterbeck or Lutsharel Geertruida as your shouts for CBs 2-3 weeks ago.

Are you aware if Liverpool have made approaches for either of them recently?


{Ed002's Note - Not that I am aware.}




Zeddicus's banter posts with other poster's replies to Zeddicus's banter posts


12 Jul 2024 15:48:35
Well done to LFC and Jurgen in adding him as the honorary President of the LFC Foundation.

Just confirms how much of an impression we make on people that former managers like Jurgen and Rafa (for example) want to stay connected with the Liverpool community.

YNWA Jurgen.


1.) 12 Jul 2024 16:20:49
I don't know which article you read Zed, but the one I read named him as both President and Ambassador, in the same article. I guess any dork can be a journalist nowadays. ?.



20 May 2024 10:41:37
Question for Ed033 (probably) - is there a time limit or 'number of posts returned' limit on search results? I tried searching on 'Dijk' to find posts from before VVD joined us and the search results stopped at 2020.


{Ed033's Note - Using VVD as the search term, results in posts as far back as 07 Aug 2017.

The search function is very limited on number of results and only searches Eds Notes.

1.) 20 May 2024 14:38:40
Ah OK, thanks '33.



07 May 2024 10:38:35
Question for Ed001 or other Slot watchers.

In the coaching that he has done to date, is he a coach who adapts his tactics based on the players he has or does he have a system that he tends to stick to?

I know he has played 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 but I'm wondering how adaptable he is? In my mind, the best coaches are the ones who adapt, either to the players they have or even mid-game based on the oppo and how the team is doing.

The Darwin conversations over the last few days/ weeks have made me muse on this point. Ron's post from a few weeks back, where he said we are not playing to Darwin's strengths, made me wonder on this.

For the last 6-7 years we had been set up to play with Mane and Salah being our primary goal threats from wide, with Firmino having almost a secondary role.

Mane's gone, Firmino's gone and there's every chance that Salah will be gone by the end of the window too.

I wonder if making Darwin the focal point of our attack, a la Kane for example, would a) be a better system for us (so if Darwin still can't perform, we will find another striker to be the focal point) and b) continue our evolution beyond probably our most potent front 3 for at least 30-40 years.

In my opinion, if Slot is adaptable, I can see Darwin being given one more season - he's in contract until 2026.


{Ed001's Note - I don't actually know, I have only seen a little of him. It is difficult to get Dutch footie here.}

1.) 07 May 2024 11:09:21
I don't think Nunez can do what Kane does. He's nowhere near good enough with his back to goal. Gakpo is better at it but he's no Harry Kane.
I'd keep Salah for at least another season and try to build a team round TAA not Darwin Nunez.

2.) 07 May 2024 11:57:46
Don’t watch Dutch footy but from research it appears Slot likes the cut backs, similar to how Pep had City scoring during the Sterling, Sane days. That might suit Nunez as he has less time to think, and once he is scoring his confidence will go up as a result and that’s when you see a different player.

Nunez is a tricky one. I think it would be a big risk to build a team around him. Im happy to keep him but also happy to sell to raise funds. But if pushed and it was down to me I would sell him, along with Diaz and Jota (injuries) . I would keep Salah, Gakpo and Danns.

Salah should be moved centrally and we should buy a pact right winger who can score to rotate with Elliott depending on the opposition. Szobo should play as a left inside forward or central attacking mid i. Slot’s 4-2-3-1 formation. Gakpo is capable playing with his back to goal and as a central striker, but equally as good as a left inside forward with allows for flexibility and rotation. This also gives Danns time to be integrated into the first team for when Salah eventually goes in a year or two.

3.) 07 May 2024 11:59:44
What's up, @Zed. Hope you're doing well. Never seen Feyenoord play a minute of footie under Slot however, you are correct that he plays a 4-2-3-2 ( a variation of the Dutch version of their famed 4-3-3).

He likes to press high, play high intensity and uses his wingers very well. In fact, he loves wingers to death so Diaz and Gakpo would be excited about that. However, Slot is a Guardiola disciple hence, loves his team to have the ball a lot and loves inverting his FB's (Yay, really looking forward to that, lol) .

As for Darwin, Kane would not be the one to compare him to cos whatever we may think of Kane BUT as a footballer and a CF, he is absolutely immense. The guy can do everything even playing in the 10. Now even tho I think the abuse (football wise) that Darwin gets is a bit OTT and frankly, a bit tired cos the jokes are stale, I do believe we need to be playing to his strengths a bit more. Also, it is possible to build a team around him cos well, Benfica did it and and Bielsa with Uruguay is doing it now and he flourished/ flourishing in both situations cos both teams actually play/ played to his strengths.

Would I do that? No. He has to improve in several facets of his game to be that focal point, IMO.

{Ed002's Note - 4-2-3-2 it is then.}

4.) 07 May 2024 13:09:10
Ed002, I take it you didn't see Alisson's header against West Brom then? ?.

5.) 07 May 2024 13:10:54
So Oli, is Alisson going to be playing in defence or up top?

6.) 07 May 2024 13:18:32
To be fair a 4-2-3-2 formation is going to solve a lot of our problems ??.

7.) 07 May 2024 13:44:32
I love a 4-2-3-2, me.

In all seriousness, I have no idea about how Slot plays but rumours are he does still like to build from deep and use inverted fullbacks on occasion. That suggests it is not rock and roll Klopp 1.0 and more like Klopp 2.0.

Personally, I would keep Darwin and hope that Slot does a better job of coaching our forwards. With Darwin, it's not as if the games are passing him by or that he is ballooning attempts high and wide. His assist execution is pretty good too, in fact better than some of the others. Therefore, I would work on his finishing choices and composure. It should be a coaches dream to be able to work with these raw assets. He has all of the ingredients to be like his compatriot Cavani.

While I have no evidence of it, I am not convinced our current coaches are working with the forwards to improve their interplay or decision making. We were probably spoilt by the fact that Firmino was as cool AF.

8.) 07 May 2024 13:46:43
Damn fat-finger, lol.

9.) 07 May 2024 14:30:11
Slot already signing refs?

10.) 07 May 2024 15:25:14
“sell him (Nunez), along with Diaz and Jota (injuries) . I would keep Salah, Gakpo and Danns.

Alonso- interesting take!

Usually agree with you on most things but on this one I disagree.

Salah should go for me - looks like he’s just playing for himself, he’s lost a yard of pace, not playing well for most of the season (despite scoring goals) and probably still our most lucrative sale to rebuild the forward position.

Diaz - in my view he’s one i’d definitely keep! Always looking for the ball, always shows for it even in the big games and when the pressure is on, a true battler and hardworking player and one of the few players we have that can take on a defender. If we lose him I don’t think we have that ball carrier anymore.

Jota - seems to divide opinion but imo he’s our best finisher and always looks like he will score when he plays- an invaluable skill to have in games where you need a goal

Danns - too early to tell, still a child.

Gakpo - I can’t decide on. Blows very hot and cold. Maybe slot can get the best out of him. Has the ability to link the play which we miss otherwise.

11.) 07 May 2024 17:59:47
From general observations it seems Slot likes to use width and he likes to play quick one touch passing (a la Thiago) to break the lines.

We’re going to need very technical players - good for Bajcetic, Mac Allister and Elliott.

That’s all I could realistically put my finger on in terms of style.

The old 4-2-3-2 is a favourite for sure.

12.) 07 May 2024 18:16:34
Thanks for the replies.

I favour the 4-2-3-2 myself. Maybe Stephane Henchoz could come out of retirement as our rush goalie? I remember his handling in the box was impeccable at the 2001 FA Cup final!

13.) 07 May 2024 22:30:25
In my opinion, if Diaz leaves, Nunez should be the replacement. Then perhaps one forward in to fill the front spot.

I think Nunez can be better playing as a winger.

I hope he stays. I really think he can be way way better.

14.) 08 May 2024 01:39:05
Jose Mouriniho did say . we will play without keepers in the future n the first one to do it will be called a genius . so that 4232 might be right . well. one day.

15.) 08 May 2024 02:39:29
By focal point, are we saying that he plays more like a traditional 9 and play more direct off the shoulder?

If that is the case, then yes, I would like that for Nunez. I think Gakpo gives us better flexibility if we are playing more fluid across the front 3.

16.) 08 May 2024 04:04:13
Personally, id like to see a 5-4-3-2-1 formation just so the Kop could sing the Manfred Mann song in support.

17.) 08 May 2024 08:03:18
They would have to fundamentally change the laws of the game to “play without a goalkeeper”.
Totally disagree with Mourinho, the first person to do it will be branded a moron or an arrogant fool.

{Ed001's Note - Mourinho never actually said to play without a goalkeeper. He said to take off a goalkeeper near the end when the team needs a goal and replace with an attacking player or even a playmaker to get on the ball from deep.}

18.) 08 May 2024 11:03:46
If we play 4 - 2 - 3 - 2 and play a goalkeeper too, doesn’t that mean we’d have 12 players on the pitch?

19.) 08 May 2024 20:44:29
Thanks Ed001, completely different to what was suggested on earlier posts.

{Ed001's Note - I actually watched the interview just a day or so ago and remember thinking it actually makes sense to play a player who can just get on the ball on the halfway line and allow the rest to push up further. But he was certainly not advocating for the removal of keepers from teams for 90 minutes.}



21 Mar 2024 15:41:34
I see that Bayern's President - Uli Hoeness - is trying to destabilize Leverkusen and Alonso again - check the article on the BBC Sport website.

Clinging on to the hope that Bayern could still win the league this year!


1.) 21 Mar 2024 18:19:47
Zed, they run this gambit all the time when they know they won't win the title. They did it when Klopp rinsed them to win back to back titles. They're so full of it and desperate, it's hilarious.

2.) 21 Mar 2024 20:54:44
Well, it seems to work, in the end. See their number of titles won in recent decades. Not to mention the fact that they always get their choice of players and managers from both the local and European leagues.

Surprising that they have a convicted criminal in charge (yes, he did his time and paid his dues) but the stain remains for ever. Unless you're Bayern Munich.

3.) 22 Mar 2024 05:17:15
Bayern President tries to undermine major rival in Bundesliga. Imagine that, it’d never happen in England.

4.) 22 Mar 2024 09:30:37
ArAy1969, such stunts only work IF you allow it to get into your head, mat. There's a reason why it has only worked cos the other teams bottle it like Leverkusen and Schalke did in 00/ 01 and 01/ 02 respectively and you can add the biggest bottle job in Dortmund of last season into the mix.

The only team it did not work for (or against) was you guessed it: Klopp's teams who won it back to back. Hmmm, I wonder why? Could it be that Klopp's boys were made of a lot more than these other teams and had the mentality to win and never allowed Bayern get into their heads? I guess we'll never know.



10 Nov 2023 10:10:40
I'm just going to put this out there.



1.) 10 Nov 2023 10:41:16
Internet breaks.

2.) 10 Nov 2023 14:07:07
Well it's out there now, OP.

3.) 10 Nov 2023 14:32:51
@Zed, he’s getting on a bit - he’s nearly 25. He won’t fit into out plans for 2032.

4.) 10 Nov 2023 23:43:56
If we get him next season, WDW, he will be nicely placed to be a first team coach in 2032 and he could, in that position, be the missing link.

Always think ahead.

5.) 11 Nov 2023 08:35:43
Damn, that’s a cunning plan - I love it.




Zeddicus's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 17:32:33
Do not feed the trolls WDW3.




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23 Jul 2024 14:33:38
"In law" could be brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

Plausible, and thanks for sharing OP.




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12 Jul 2024 12:09:08
I may be pushing it, Ed002, and if so I apologise. Has Frimpong ever played at RW? In wondering if we could bring him in as a potential LT salah replacement given his speed and (from the very few clips I have seen) crossing ability.

Otherwise, he looks like a great prospect but only if TAA leaves (which I sincerely hopes he doesn't! ) .


{Ed002's Note - Liverpool would not look to him as a Salah replacement.}



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11 Jul 2024 23:29:05
Good point on Mutu, Ron, but he took drugs, not defend his family, IIRC.




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11 Jul 2024 20:00:22
I too agree that Nunez (from the wider videos rather than the edited snapshots being more widely shared) did the right thing and there'll likely be no meaningful sanctions.

However, let's consider the fantasy situation where Darwin was banned for 8 months (which is what Cantona got for a far more serious incident) . In what world does a club buy a £100m+ player as cover for one who is out for a lot of the season?

Just madness, schools must be out already!





Zeddicus's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 22:42:34
Shipley seems like a prickly chap.

But hey, why let silly things like facts stand in the way of a sensational point well made.

All power to you, brother!




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24 Jul 2024 22:41:07
Retire? He's 29!




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12 Jul 2024 17:16:16
Exactly what your missus said LFC8.




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12 Jul 2024 15:26:06
They're people too, ArAy.




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12 Jul 2024 14:54:18
Looking online, he seems to be around 6'3", 6'4" now - could be our own powerhouse when he fills out too!




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