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12 Nov 2023 18:22:16
City are amazing but Christ they get the luck don't they, without fail.

Mr Bean

{Ed014's Note - yes such a lucky penalty for Chelsea! ?‍♂️

1.) 12 Nov 2023 18:37:58
I know we don’t like to give any other teams any credit but that was some game that. Chelsea actually looked like a very good team.

As a neutral and for entertainment purposes that was a big win for football. Would love to see more games like this moving forward over teams setting up not to lose.

2.) 12 Nov 2023 18:38:40
That was as good a game of football as I seen in ages in fairness to both teams. Hell for leather both teams ?.

3.) 12 Nov 2023 18:44:01
Maybe jumped the gun 14 but they still jammy ****ers, and no they don’t earn most of their luck!

{Ed014's Note - they are spawny phuckers for sure and thought Chelsea were the better side to honest.

4.) 12 Nov 2023 18:44:26
Brilliant game and fair result . Thought the refs where going to try take centre stage again.

5.) 12 Nov 2023 18:47:03
Anthony and the VAR team had 4-4. Christmas money sorted ?.

{Ed014's Note - they could have told us the selfish bastards! ?

6.) 12 Nov 2023 18:51:38
Yes, entertaining football at it's peak. And further proof that if you press Man City hard, run at them, contest every ball and have a serious go at them, they can be shaken. Not at the infallible team many make them out to be.

7.) 12 Nov 2023 19:19:13
Couldn’t agree more @Jk and ArAy. Absolutely love Enzo Fernandez. A true central midfielder. Touch, control, pass, Top draw. Palmer is going to be some player!

8.) 12 Nov 2023 19:40:32
Cracking game agreed, beat them next and we go 2 pts clear and maybe head towards Xmas at the top (MAYBE)

9.) 12 Nov 2023 23:51:17
ArAy1969, there's a reason why City like teams who park the bus against them cos they don't like being pressed and got at and if your team can do that, they will always be vulnerable, like they always are vs Klopp teams and like they were vs Chelsea today.

Hats off to Chelsea who never stopped believing till the end. City were bang average and prolly deserved to lose the game overall cos Chelsea were better than them, IMO. On to the Emptyhad after the int'l break.

10.) 13 Nov 2023 21:25:28
Yes, yes, Chelsea were clearly the better team. And deserved to win.



03 Oct 2023 18:44:05
Just listen to the var audio, and honestly I've got no words I really haven't. What an absolute shambles. Var could be awesome but with the stupid perimeters they put in place it's no wonder it's like it is. Ridiculous.

Not that it made much difference as we smashed the ball in our own net at the end anyway. On to the next one.

Mr Bean

1.) 03 Oct 2023 18:58:55
The game should be replayed. Making a subjective call that they later say was a mistake is one thing, but a screw up like that deserves a replay.

2.) 03 Oct 2023 19:05:22
It made all the difference Mr Bean as that goal changes the whole game and the end never happens.

I’m going to be generous here and give them the benefit of the doubt and try to believe that is the genuine audio. I’m not sure why it’s taken 3 days to release it so I have reservations but let’s say it is.

Darren England was told immediately, within seconds that he had made a mistake but chose to say he can’t do anything and, in my view brought the game into disrepute by allowing a knowingly incorrect decision to stand.

On drawing the lines he hasn’t drawn the line on Diaz which would’ve put an onside decision on the big screen so he hasn’t followed the correct protocol when checking for an offside.

Then when he realised he’d made a mistake he decides all of a sudden that the protocols are important and won’t correct it.

To have 3 premier league officials rule out a goal and know it’s incorrect immediately after the incident and do nothing it unforgivable and raises so many questions about the individuals and the PGMOL itself.

Are they actually interested in getting the right decisions? It seems not.

3.) 03 Oct 2023 19:07:09
I don't think a replay is possible, surely awarding Liverpool the point that goal gets them and exsponging the loss to a draw is though? Spurs don't deserve to loose out it wasnt their fault so they shouldn't get those 2 points taken. It will be the first game in history that a point was earned for one side and three for the other, but this is the first tie in history VAR have messed up like this .

4.) 03 Oct 2023 19:08:32
It's genuinely hilarious. Neither of the VAR officials noticed, the replay operator pointed out the mistake. Make him a ref. At least he has eyes.

Again, I have to ask: what were they doing? They weren't paying attention to the game, which is their job.

5.) 03 Oct 2023 19:11:25
A replay of the game is not possible, we've been told that enough times.

{Ed001's Note - it is possible. It won't happen, but it is possible.}

6.) 03 Oct 2023 19:16:53
The audio strikes me as someone “wanting” a decision to be rushed through

How could they not see that the official had given offside?

Do they not have a feed of the match?

And now- not Liverpool related- how many times has this happened in the past but we don’t know it as the audio wasn’t released?

7.) 03 Oct 2023 19:25:50
That’s not error I’m
Not having that . Var say offside goal
It’s only the operator that brings it up saying he was onside they were all in agreement he was off .

Until they realise its been picke up on and all back track

Why say offside goal if you think it’s onside .

I give up with these cheating b*******s.

8.) 03 Oct 2023 19:30:34
Fair play to the replay operator and Oli (? ) At least two individuals had the balls to grab the shaft and stop the game.

9.) 03 Oct 2023 19:31:50
Wow. It’s worse than I actually thought.
That’s the most corrupt thing I’ve ever heard. They Just continued the game after knowing full well it was a goal.

Wow I’m absolutely blown away. Liverpool were 100% correct, the integrity of the game is seriously at risk after this. How do they even begin to fix that error?

Robbed beyond belief.

10.) 03 Oct 2023 19:42:16
Arsenal v Sheffield was replayed in 1999.

11.) 03 Oct 2023 19:42:50
The more I think about this, the worse it gets. Removing all of emotional reaction from it, the PGMOL has existed since 2001. Part of its remit is to develop refs and improve refereeing standards in England. VAR's been in place since 2018.

And at no point in that 5 years did anyone in the PGMOL think to improve the standard of refereeing by adopting guidelines around clear language when it comes to VAR decisions for avoidance of doubt? Don't just say "check complete", say "check complete + the decision" ie. "check complete, Liverpool onside", so no one is in any doubt. No? Too advanced a concept?

The organisation is not fit for purpose.

12.) 03 Oct 2023 19:52:42
We have no idea how the game would of panned out so a replay is pointless in my opinion. Plus why punish spurs, although i don't want them to whinge about a decision again. Personally I want to see change to the system so it doesn't happen again.

13.) 03 Oct 2023 19:59:31
"Changes to the process".

You mean implement what half a chimp could've seen was necessary in advance?

14.) 03 Oct 2023 20:03:23
Like I said before, this issue is worse than you think and I had not even heard the audio. And after hearing the audio, I have my confirmation. Seriously, the VAR was more focused on following protocol rather than doing what it takes to get the decision right, stop the game and tell the ref it was a goal. So that's the prioirity now to these refs under the PGMOL? Yeah, we are well and truly screwed, for real.

15.) 03 Oct 2023 21:35:13
I’m not convinced it’s real. Either way though they realized they had made such an error and they can’t go back because play had been started you think the ref would have given the penalty on Gomez in at least a minor effort to rectify.

16.) 03 Oct 2023 21:35:39
WY, the only fair thing to do is to replay the game. We don’t know how the game would have panned out but we DO know that the officials have unfairly influenced the result and that they were aware of it.

Anything that happened after the goal is null and void so the game should 100% be replayed.

17.) 04 Oct 2023 19:41:30
So what is worse. stopping the game after it was started and correcting the VAR "mistake", OR, what actually happened, where they hid behind the fact that the game had restarted?

I know which of those 2 scenarios are worse. common sense should have prevailed. I'd lime to think that Spurs would've agreed with the stopping of the game.

The funny thing is, a team can be called back onto the field, AFTER the final whistle has blown, to take a penalty BUT the game cannot be stopped 10 seconds after a restart to declare a goal. are you kidding me?



16 Apr 2023 18:21:48
Arsenal limping up to the finish while city are closing the gap. Swear the one team that needs the least luck gets the most with city. We should have actually tried against city and let arsenal win except we bent over for pep then decided to try for one half against Arsenal.

Mr Bean

1.) 16 Apr 2023 18:36:17
That and the fact we were outplayed by City and they battered us.

2.) 16 Apr 2023 18:49:54
My god. arsenal have had more then their share of luck. City will finish top because they are the best team. As for Liverpool letting a team beat them. please.

3.) 16 Apr 2023 18:57:50
We just weren’t up for trying though aswell which had a lot to do with it, they suddenly decided to play 2nd half arsenal. I’m fully expecting back to normal tomorrow night in all honesty. Hopefully I’m wrong.

4.) 16 Apr 2023 19:13:53
And I wonder why ManCity have the best team hmm


5.) 16 Apr 2023 19:19:44
We should’ve won the league this year. I can’t stand this title race.

6.) 16 Apr 2023 19:23:51
1jj, I have no idea. On another note, Arsenal are the only team I know that expects to play 30 minutes of football at the start of a game and expecting to win.

7.) 16 Apr 2023 19:29:18
After 29 games last season we were on 69 points which would currently put us 3rd in this current seasons league.

I know people have said arsenal have been lucky and City not as good but compared to last season arsenal have actually currently set the bar higher at this stage of the season. I still think City will overtake them
Though and probably end up with a treble.

8.) 16 Apr 2023 19:39:09
Arsenal have had loads of luck. Much as i want them to win the league they cheated us at the Emirates. Even the Arsenal supporting pundits were baffled that Gabriel didn't concede a penalty for slapping Jota's cross out the air with both arms above his head. And the less said about the embarrassing dive from Jesus to win a penalty, the better.

If City win it'll be because when the chips were down, they delivered yet again. Not luck. It's a very hollow period of success after all the dirty laundry about financial doping got aired though.

9.) 16 Apr 2023 19:49:25
Well yeah all city have to do is win their game in hand and beat Arsenal when they play which is more than likely.

It isn’t about Arsenal bearing lucky or not more about city over these past 5/ 6 years winning it by one point with screamers from kompany etc, stone wall penos not given to Everton. All while cooking the books and cheating.

Football as a game is gone really, all this goes on while fsg are trying to swap their pogs for football players.

10.) 16 Apr 2023 20:05:21
The best teams always make it look as if you aren’t trying. A bit like when you’re playing badly people say they aren’t trying, they are tho, confidence is massive in sport.

11.) 16 Apr 2023 20:18:13
How do you know we weren't up for trying? City were better on the day and picked us apart. Our best this season is Robbo trying to press and missing the ball by a mile. Because he missed the ball, was it cos he wasn't trying?

I'm ok with whoever wins the league. At the end of the season, the table doesn't lie and the winning team have been the best all season. It will include their fair share of luck too, but you got to be good to get lucky and no team flukes a title over 38 games.

Kudos to City if they do it.

12.) 16 Apr 2023 20:19:04
Jk I'm going with the double, city will get beaten by Madrid when he naturally overthinks it, benches Haaland and sticks rodri up top!

13.) 17 Apr 2023 04:29:10
If city wins than they fully deserve it. I stopped the arsenal winning bandwagon after their Playacting, time wasting and divings in our last match. Especially when a player needs treatment for heading a ball away. City can have all the super stars but still they need to play as an unit which they are doing now. Title is for City unless arsenal put out the greatest performance in etihad. peace out.

14.) 17 Apr 2023 07:25:48
I don't want Arsenal to win anything.
The blatant theatrics that they use are despicable.

15.) 17 Apr 2023 07:56:11
Used to be a saying when we were kids that cheats never prosper, seems if your truthful earnest and honest in today's world you get dumped on from a great height, football is the breeding ground for all that is wrong in the world we stop cheating in football it sends a clear message out to others that cheating should never be a viable option, start with kicking city out of the football league.

16.) 17 Apr 2023 08:17:44
So you don’t want Arsenal to win it fir play acting but city are all good fir cheating, not clapping us, b silva singing hateful songs. Couldn’t make this up.

17.) 17 Apr 2023 08:37:42
I don't want Arsenal to win anything but I don't want City to win anything. I'd sooner Arsenal win the League though.
Whoever wins it will deserve it.

{Ed025's Note - i want arsenal to win it rigsby, a proper club with real history, city are a very good team of course but their rise to stardom is tainted by their financial misgivings and that does not sit right with me mate.. come on the gooners..

18.) 17 Apr 2023 15:54:35
Totally agree with that. I really hope arsenal win the league not only for the premier league and it’s not a pretty sight to see city pick it up every year. I have enjoyed watching arsenal play and always liked them as a club since the wenger days. Up the gooners.

19.) 17 Apr 2023 16:17:28
MK Scouser, spot on with that game at the Emirates. Granted, I still think Arsenal deserved the win with the way both teams played BUT when there was no VAR camera "allegedly", to check whether Saka was coming from an offside position on their second goal, many of the Arsenal fans told us to cry more and suck it up. Same with the Jesus pen where even Ian Wright was livid cos he felt we got cheated. They told us to cry more and get over it.

Now vs us at Anfield and now at WH, they were flopping all over the place when the heat got put on them and they were crying after the game about the refs not call them in their favour. They have had tons of luck BUT you're going to need that to win a title, for sure. I can handle that part BUT It's the diving, flopping to the ground to waste time, cheating and feigning injury I could NOT stand and they have nobody else to blame but themselves should they lose the title with such pathetic antics.

20.) 17 Apr 2023 16:47:37
City to win the treble and as a present Pep gets Bellingham to pair with KDB and Rodri. That’s title gone next year as well lol. Imagine that midfield? KDB and Jude my god.



07 Mar 2023 22:00:25
Mr John Henry's latest comments are all you need to confirm more penny pinching will go on in the summer, anyone who thinks these big signings will be happening are in dreamland. More of the same will be the moto.

Mr Bean

1.) 07 Mar 2023 22:44:19
As Doris Day said “Que sera, sera” - calm yourself Mr Bean.

I have to say though you must be a wealthy man, we’ve spent 150 m in the past 3 windows. If you consider that as penny pinching you should just buy the club from FSG.

2.) 07 Mar 2023 23:01:01
Oh no John Henry said something, FSG bad!

3.) 07 Mar 2023 23:03:59
To be fair, Jude did his best to knock about £60 million off his price tag tonight.

4.) 08 Mar 2023 07:55:53
Well it’s sensible and it’s how these clubs should be run. Are we moving on from the “City cooked the books” thing? Lol anyways, I’m all for it, it’s served us well for years now. This season doesn’t change my mind at all and I don’t think massive spending is the solution ala multiple examples from other clubs every single season.

5.) 08 Mar 2023 09:49:38
Its quite obvious you are a troll who doesn't support Liverpool, Mr. Bean. Perhaps stop wasting your time and find a new hobby. If fans wish to dream of big signings who tf are you to proclaim yourself the oracle.

6.) 08 Mar 2023 10:09:03
OP so if they had said what you wanted to hear, would you still think they were penny pinching?



04 Jan 2023 12:10:15
Van dik injured.

Mr Bean




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27 Apr 2024 12:56:41
He needs players and I’m not sure fsg will provide what he needs.

Mr Bean



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26 Apr 2024 16:10:07
Going to face all the same fsg problems Klopp good luck to the poor bloke, he’ll be tired in a few years too.

Mr Bean



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06 Feb 2024 07:21:33
Who’s me bean?

Mr Bean



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05 Feb 2024 16:34:49
Come on, Trent is so nonchalant with everything. Scores a decent goal and it’s forgotten just how bad the rest of his game is. He was only on the pitch for a few mins against Chelsea and it went to pieces.

Mr Bean



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05 Feb 2024 09:38:53
Nice, plenty more displays like yesterday then.

Mr Bean




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18 May 2024 17:09:55
Slot going to struggle li think, Nunez can’t hit a barn door and salah is shot. Fsg unlikely to provide what’s needed. Let’s not forget Klopp is a generational manager and he only won 1 pl, what’s slot going to do?

Mr Bean



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28 Apr 2024 19:10:44
Basing it on the contracts handed out previously to old players or was that Klopp and that’s why he left. Who knows.

Mr Bean



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28 Apr 2024 15:04:48
How will it be unbearable compared to a city win? Everyone forgets who wins it about a week later anyway, it’s only important to the winners.

Mr Bean



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20 Apr 2024 20:22:19
This was all said last week then Arsenal lost but so did we. Forgetting the fact we are probably not as good as the other 2 teams we are against.

Mr Bean



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14 Apr 2024 08:59:31
Yeah ok lads, you lot can crawl up mr Klopps arse, the so called legend that’s left you all hanging after signing a contract and not honouring it! Bloke thinks he calls the shots he’s not that great in my opinion, got lucky with salah mane and firmino. Since then he’s won sod all. Couple joke cups on penalties.

Mr Bean



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