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30 May 2023 12:21:34
Do Eds/ posters think that the new Sporting Director may bring with him targets or will the targets already be identified?

I read that he signed Micky van de Ven for Wolfsburg in his previous role.

He’s a left sided centre back at 22 years old who has been linked with a move to fellow PL teams such as arsenal in recent times.

Knowing that we seem to be after a centre back, do you think he may suggest him?

Navy Keith

{Ed002's Note - They would have spoken to him about targets and no doubt he will have ideas but they will not throw away all the work previously done.

Micky van de Ven (CB) Dortmund und and Arsenal have spoken with Wolfsburg and been told he will be agreeing a new contract. It is not on the TMS yet but I understand it has happened. Liverpool and Manchester City were at a game against Dortmund in November - I had assumed to watch JB but van der Ven scored that day. Team Mino have now agreed a new deal so a sale this summer seems unlikely.}



09 Mar 2023 13:50:46
Ed001 / Ed002

There doesn’t seem to be any reported progress regarding the search for Julian Wards replacement.

Do you think fans should be concerned at all at this lack of progress? Or do you think lots of work is being done behind the scenes?

Will it hinder summer transfer plans for sales or recruitment?

Now that it seems a full sale of the club is less likely and a minority investment is more likely on the cards, will this speed up the process? I. e. any new majority owners may have wanted to bring in their own man and possibly deterred any potential suitors for DoF until the sale was resolved.

Navy Keith

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of any lack of progress Keith - as I have said there have been approaches made tothree (although it could be four) potential candidates. It is unrelated to the sale of the club or investment in FSG.}

1.) 09 Mar 2023 14:47:39
Ed2. Are you able to let us know who are the three or four candidates we have approached? If it’s unimportant, not to worry.

{Ed002's Note - As I have explained, it would not be appropriate at this time.}

2.) 09 Mar 2023 15:21:27
Ed2. I understand. Main thing is we are in the process of trying to hire one and that’s all that matters ?.

3.) 09 Mar 2023 17:40:39
I feel people worry far too much about the behind the scenes people these days.

4.) 09 Mar 2023 19:47:05
I agree Tristan but it's so tempting to get a peep behind the curtains with the insights Ed02 can give.

5.) 09 Mar 2023 19:53:22
I agree @Tristan, the club have been hiring back room staff for years and it’s never been something that’s been put under scrutiny. Not a criticism of the OP but it’s just another thing that absolutely everybody MUST have an opinion one and be quick to become adversary about without us actually knowing what we are talking about.

6.) 09 Mar 2023 20:23:36
People need to know everything these days and demand regular updates. At some point they'll be asking how the hiring process of a new cashier at the club shop is going.

7.) 09 Mar 2023 17:55:29
Based on Eds, other news and my own opinion, 4 possible candidates are Mitchell, Mislintat, Krosche and Freund. Due to contract situations the new DOF can only begin on 1st July 2023 anyway so no real rush.

8.) 09 Mar 2023 22:01:13
Thanks for the reply Ed002, appreciate the insight.

Few funny replies tbf. I’m not “demanding updates” ?.

{Ed002's Note - Well Keith, I would not worry too much about it. Up until now Liverpool have used Sporting Directors rather differently to many clubs. It has largely worked out in recent years. Those being looked at now would result in a shift of approach - I have previously mentioned Paul Mitchell as a potential option.}

9.) 10 Mar 2023 05:30:07
I think it’s the insinuation that hearing nothing means nothing is happening which means FSG is bad.
Not saying that’s the underlying feeling of the OP, but I often think people get too preoccupied with updates.
Understandable mind.



01 Dec 2022 08:22:05
Ed002 - please put to bed these rumours of Sven Mintslat taking over from Ward as sporting director?

He would be a woefully poor appointment to say the least.

Navy Keith

{Ed002's Note - I am not sure that the owners are looking to such appointments when the club will be chaning hands.}

1.) 01 Dec 2022 10:39:16
Just curious. How do you know he'd be a poor appointment?

2.) 01 Dec 2022 13:01:40
Signed a loada future superstars for Dortmund, has to be tripe.

3.) 01 Dec 2022 19:35:43
Hi ed2, there’s a Boston journalist reporting that it’s more likely that FSG will be taking an investor than a full buy out right now. Are you hearing anything similar or are you expecting a full buy out?

{Ed002's Note - As I have explained, for the past year FSG has been looking to sell part of the club but the interest is an issue. FSG want the money for a new project and that would require the sale of the club. All options remain viable.}

4.) 01 Dec 2022 20:43:49
New project requires sale of club mean looking into requiring another club by any chance?

5.) 01 Dec 2022 21:20:38
Oh mane mane and Jude.

You only have to look at his more recent appointment at arsenal, where he signed the following players:

That’s enough for me to say he would be a poor person to put in charge of transfers at Liverpool.

Yes he signed Auba and Dembele at Dortmund. But I don’t think that makes him qualified and with the attitudes on those two I would rather pass thanks.

I think Ed014 is the arsenal Ed (I may have that wrong), would be interested to hear from him, what he thinks of Sven Mintslat.

6.) 01 Dec 2022 21:56:55
And where was arsenal in the pecking order in the league when he signed them players .
When Liverpool where nowhere near who did we sign . Surely that has to be a factor . No champions league your not signing the best players simple.



10 Jan 2022 13:58:44
Afternoon Eds, and happy new year to you all.

How genuine is this reported interest of Newcastle in signing Origi in January?

Reports today that they want to have a striker signed and registered ready to play against Watford at the weekend. This seems quite ambitious.

If he were to leave do you think the club would/ should replace him in January/ from
within the club/ wait until the summer?

Navy Keith

{Ed002's Note - I don't think Origi will be moving this month.}

1.) 10 Jan 2022 15:08:09
I really hope they do sign him.

2.) 10 Jan 2022 20:25:52
I hope they don’t, would leave us up sh*t creek without a paddle as we’re already missing Salah and Mane.

3.) 10 Jan 2022 21:47:09
So you’d rather lose him in the summer for free when we don’t have the funds to buy a packet of walkers crisps?

Plus he’s rubbish.

4.) 10 Jan 2022 21:56:08
If someone was set to arrive then yes, but if not no we can’t afford to lose him at present.

5.) 10 Jan 2022 22:41:55
He's rubbish, but he scored a goal in the Champions League final.

6.) 11 Jan 2022 00:00:57
And 2 in the semi and most recent winner against a stubborn wolves but yeh I see your point rubbish he can’t get a game when he does you all expect him to be fowler/ rush . Think I need to stay away a bit longer.

7.) 11 Jan 2022 08:34:19
If a decent enough offer came in, I'm sure we'd let him go. His wages are way too high for someone who doesn't play regularly.

8.) 11 Jan 2022 10:10:03
He’s far more valuable in the squad than he is for the few million we’d get for him now. A few million quid now is meaningless if we then lose the next two league games and lose further ground on City, it is extremely unlikely that we’d bring anyone in replace him if we left. If he goes for a free in the summer then it’s fine, he’s done his bit for the club, I wish him all the best and he can leave with his head held high as both a premier league and champions league winner.

9.) 11 Jan 2022 11:14:38
I would agree VVVV.

10.) 11 Jan 2022 11:47:29
Spot on V4. Hugely underrated squad player. Has played his role brilliantly in the years he has been here and respite very little playing time and not fitting the system he always seems to find the net. I for one will be gutted when he goes. Let’s hope Minamino can be as useful off the bench and as backup.

11.) 11 Jan 2022 16:08:37
Let's be clear on this - origi is not rubbish. He is nowhere near the calibur of the players that start ahead of him but he's as good as most if not all of the bottom half teams strikers. I cannot think of a sinlge players of his ability that would be happy with the sort of game time he gets and, where he to leave, I hope the club will be thinking very carefully about why they would rather he goes. If the plan is to add a forward to the roster who is closer to top level and can rotate with out fully fit front 4 more then great, love the plan. If it is to replace him with someone else who plays some cup games and late sub appearance, we will almost certainly be downgrading the squad by loosing him.

12.) 11 Jan 2022 19:07:54
Looks like Newcastle are signing Chris Wood and a young French lad so I would imagine Origi is a nine starter.

13.) 11 Jan 2022 23:36:58
I agree with most Origi is a great squad player but I do think he deserves a chance at a club where he’ll play every week. See if he can go another level.

14.) 12 Jan 2022 00:16:29
@Hjikle - spot on with your assessment, couldn’t agree more.

15.) 12 Jan 2022 06:42:34
Origi’s goal was fantastic against wolves the other month and that moment was the shining light in what hadn’t been a great performance from the team. That could have been the kickstart moment he needed for
the season but unfortunately for him he hasn’t been seen since with an injury.



19 Jun 2019 01:45:13
I have heard Liverpool are interested in Pedro Rebocho from Guningamp.

From what I can see online, he’s a Portuguese left back, could be good cover for Robbo and probably wouldn’t cost the world.

He even got 8 assists last year in the league!

Anyway, I’m not ITK or anything just what I was told by a chap at work.

Navy Keith

1.) 19 Jun 2019 10:54:15
Sounds plausible at least.
Can't decide whether it's claptrap or hogwash from the Echo who say Junior Firpo or Philipp Max are tipped as possible left-back options for Liverpool. Well, they're left-backs but that's where the relevance ends. Both would want to be first choice and we've got that covered already. Just stop printing this crap.

2.) 19 Jun 2019 14:58:39
Have heard from my agent. Liverpool would like me as a second choice gk. anyones fine itseems. ali is going to play every game anyway😂😂😂.

3.) 20 Jun 2019 02:51:01
He is going to Olympique de Marseille. Villa Boas wants him. Apparently both him and the player share the same agent; as well as of course both from Portugal.




Navy Keith's banter posts with other poster's replies to Navy Keith's banter posts


24 Jun 2024 11:37:06
I’m surprised to see how much Liverpool fans have turned on Trent.

I’d come to expect it from oppositions fans who just repeat back whatever “expert analysis” Neville has conjured up that day on sky.

Opposition fans and pundits can’t wait to put a player down because it suits their agenda.

As Liverpool fans we will all have different opinions on our players and that’s great, it’s what makes the debates with your pals interesting.

However, I feel like we are now being sucked in by the media and social media into this myth that Trent playing right back or centre mid is somehow going to save us or doom us. He’s one player playing in a team of 11.

I don’t want one of our players to become a scapegoat for a managers failings.

When Gallagher has come on for Trent, have england looked any better? No of course not, because it’s a team game and the team has been instructed and setup to play a certain way. Playing or not playing Trent makes no difference to that.

Personally I think Trent should be playing right back where he and the Liverpool team have been most successful in winning the league and CL and he racked up double figures in assists.

However, I don’t think moving him there or not playing him will magically fix the england performances like we are being made to think.

Navy Keith

1.) 24 Jun 2024 12:13:20
Speaking of Gallagher, I do find it hilarious that pundits are talking about England as if they should be winning this tournament and one of the first players off the bench is Conor Freaking Gallagher hahahahahahaha.

2.) 24 Jun 2024 12:15:13
Fully agree with every word, Navy.

3.) 24 Jun 2024 12:55:36
It’s embarrassing Navy. We’ve got 4 world class players; Alisson, Trent, Virgil and Salah. I’ve seen people saying sell Alisson to keep Kelleher happy, people saying Trent doesn’t fit in any position, people saying Virgil is finished, and people saying Salah offers nothing now his pace has gone.

The 4 players in our team who would walk into any team on earth seem to be surplus to requirements according to a large proportion of the fan base. I hate the down season. I’m all for opinions being shared, and of course the beauty of an opinion is you can’t be wrong. It’s subjective. But if you took those 4 players out of our team and replaced them with the apparent favourites (Kelleher, Bradley, Pacho and Bakayoko) we are clearly a weaker team. So I’m struggling to entertain these really strange debates people keep starting about selling our best players or just simply trashing them. It’s got to be boredom causing overthinking, surely?

4.) 24 Jun 2024 13:26:47
The thing with Trent for me is that he's one of those players that is under appreciated by those from the outside but those that play with him know just how good he actually is.

He gets a lot of spotlight not only for his ability but he's the young leading scouse light in our team and has been since he came in so expectations are through the roof for him.

Plays at the back people want him like Cafu, plays in the midfield people want him to be Gerrard and those are the comparisons he has to live with. Massive expectations to live up to.

Personally I think Trent is a wonderfully talented footballer not only ability wise but game management too, watch him properly barking out orders moving into positions to cover others because he reads the game better, I think he will always be a footballer than does a lot of things that go under the radar on the pitch to the millions of eyes watching him and they don't actually appreciate everything else he does if he doesn't make an assist during a game or have a positive attacking effect.

At times you're only as good as the team around you or what the manager is asking of you and personally Trent is the kind of player you put tools around to make him shine. Something England do not do and our club have asked different things of him in the past few seasons to cover others shortfalls.

Not slating anybody else's opinion on the lad but I just don't see how people don't realise what an asset he is to any football team.

5.) 24 Jun 2024 14:01:24
For all of Southgate's failings, you can't deny that he is a master and directing attention away from himself. He came up with the myth of "Trent can't defend" to justify his own selection mistake by not including him in the England team then and instead bringing Trippier along. And now, after an abject start to the Euros, he suddenly says that they "miss" Phillips and that Trent can't play the same way as him, again causing the media spotlight to fall on Trent and away from his mistakes. That failings of the England team now can be placed squarely on him regardless of how much he tries to deflect it away. Trent isn't the problem, Southgate is.

6.) 24 Jun 2024 15:03:52
You guys are way too sensible on here today, I’ll come back tomorrow for the slagging off of of our players. You’ll never walk alone and all that. Just to make sure, this is sarcasm.

7.) 24 Jun 2024 15:05:28
Great post @Navy Keith. It’s typical stuff though - hype a player up and then knock them down as the fail to live up to the reporter’s themselves initial exaggeration.

TAA is an exceptional footballer but the fact is being lost by the lurching from one extreme to the other on social media and in the press.

8.) 24 Jun 2024 18:19:25
Dracred, my gyuy I thought I was the only one thinking and saying this. You see the stunt he pulled after the Denmark game where he said that the midfield was struggling cos he had no replacement for the "indispensable" Calvin Phillips? . Really?

Oh as for the "Trent can't defend", I have mentioned it on here many times that it was Southgate who cos he had NO idea what to do with Thrent and people would NEVER understand why he leaves such a player killing it at LFC at the time out the squad, he hung him out to dry and threw him to the wolves those years ago. The witchunt exists till this day, as you have explained with him taking Trippier. The guy is a bigger coward than a weapon's grade hypocrite.



02 Apr 2024 14:25:41
I was at the game on Sunday and it looked like Szobozlai was pushed much further up the pitch, often occupying the centre half next to Nunez when we were beginning attacks.

When he first joined he was deployed much deeper it seemed, sometimes filling in at 6 during games and being involved in the buildup play more.

It looked like a tactical decision to play him high on Sunday and I think the tactic isolated him for a lot of the game until around 70 mins when he started to show some good touches in the half spaces and create some chances.

I wondered what ed01 and other posters thought about this and if you saw the game/ his positioning the same way?

Navy Keith

1.) 02 Apr 2024 15:02:30
I only watched us on the tv @navy Keith so it’s always harder to see the full picture as opposed to the upper centenary etc but I thought he was finding some nice spaces but the ball was eluding him a lot which made him look as if he wasn’t involved I think when we slowed it down slightly and worked it around Brighton a bit more he came in to the game a lot more.

I thought he played well.

2.) 02 Apr 2024 15:15:58
He was definitely pushed up higher than earlier in the season. He was leading the press similar to how Lallana used to for us back in his prime. I think he grew into the role as the game went on and then started looking like a threat, having a shot fly narrowly wide and also playing the ball into Macca for him to subsequently create our winning goal.

Klopp actually referenced Szoboszlai's new tactical instruction after the game, calling him the "chaos creator". With Endo and Macca as such a solid base (similar to what Gini and Hendo used to provide for Lallana back in 2016-2018) it allowed Szoboszlai to effectively have a free role in possession and press really aggressively out of possession. Brighton are one of the best teams at beating a press as well so I imagine this will be extremely effective against team who can't play from the back quite so well.

3.) 02 Apr 2024 16:26:30
Mk spot on mate. Only thing I’d add is Mac was a joy to watch as well as a solid base of what we have been used to in the past from our midfield.

4.) 02 Apr 2024 16:29:31
Rumour going round he not settled and he wants out? Probably just bs.

5.) 02 Apr 2024 16:48:54
Szobo was also helping back on the right side of defence esp. in the second half with Bradley and Quansah cos that is where the Brighton overload was all game long. Really happy for him.

Mac10? Said it multiple times. I would have paid 80m for him, simple as.

{Ed025's Note - tell the truth Oli, Szobo has been awful for a while now and is very lucky to get picked, i know you support all your players mate but telling bare faced lies is not the answer..

6.) 02 Apr 2024 17:36:03
My God! If that’s awful Ed then there are a lot of awful players in the Prem. He’s not playing as well as he can, but he set a very high bar at the start of the season.

{Ed025's Note - he started off great FF and i said at the time that you have got a cracker there, since then he has fallen off a cliff mate imo..

7.) 02 Apr 2024 17:52:28
I’m just surprised how many bad players we’ve had and are still top of the League ?‍♂️.

{Ed025's Note - they are not bad players Irish but it’s unfair to say they are playing well if they are not mate. You have a great team ethic and everyone is pulling in the same direction that’s what makes you effective. Im not a fan of blowing smoke up peoples arses when they don’t deserve it. It’s a truth thing with me but of course some don’t like that..

8.) 02 Apr 2024 17:58:48
He still doing a job in midfield I reckon Ed, he’s not pulling up trees but he’s not doing a lot wrong either.

The midfield looks very strong to me when he’s on the the pitch. I’m sure he’ll play his way back into top form soon enough, but in the mean time, personally, I don’t think he’s letting anyone down.

{Ed025's Note - maybe its me FF expecting too much because of the start he made, i just think you have got a plethora of riches in midfield when everyone is fit mate..

9.) 02 Apr 2024 18:02:28
Not using it as an excuse for form etc but I’m sure I seen him do an interview where he spoke about being lonely and having issues socially . Which surprised me as he seems a really confident lad and very popular with the group . I’d say he’s just out of form nothing more as he has got so much ability.

{Ed025's Note - you may be right Dhfc mate..

10.) 02 Apr 2024 19:23:58
Ed0025 I’ll be honest mate Szob lately is a far better player to appreciate live than he is as he comes across on tv.

I agree he’s not playing as well in possession as he was earlier in the season but his desire and effort levels out of possession is something else.

I know that’s the minimum you expect from professional footballers but the more teams I see come to Anfield week in week out the more I realise that’s not the case mate. .

{Ed025's Note - i will take your word for that JK..

11.) 02 Apr 2024 19:34:33
I have to agree with ed025 on this one. If Jones was fit, he’d probably have his shirt and Dom be on the bench Thursday.

12.) 02 Apr 2024 20:18:13
I agree Ed, we’re lucky to have a really good squad at the moment. Some players will be in and out of form at different points of the season.

As football fans though I think sometimes we expect a little too much of players. I appreciate they get paid far too much for what they do, but to be fair I think that’s more our fault that theirs. If we’re all willing to keep throwing money at the system they’d (or rather their agents) would be stupid to not get as much as they can.

They’re still humans though, and humans are fallible. They won’t always be at their best, when they’re not, the least we can expect is for them to keep putting in the effort. So far I think Szob has been doing that, so fair play to the lad. I’m pretty sure form will follow.

Just my opinion.

{Ed025's Note - i have said that he is a very good player FF, as you say form is temporary mate but at the moment i dont think he deserves a starting place mate, but thats just my take on things..

13.) 02 Apr 2024 21:14:19
Ed025, totally agree with you, there is a great player in there, his 1st 5/ 7 games I thought OMG we've got a future bal Dor winner, since then not so sure.

Seen a few too many fashion shoots, drinking a fans beer at a match, new tats.

Still young, plenty of time for him.

{Ed025's Note - thats exactly what im saying IDLLK, I was just commenting on his present form mate and for me that at the moment means he is very lucky to be i the team..

14.) 02 Apr 2024 22:12:28
The lad has not been in the league for a few months. he has had injury problems, stop start season. don't help the lad he has had to change position he has been played at another club. The lad will be a season on next season. Let's see how he does then. its a bit like braithwaite for Everton, had a good season but one swallow don't make a summer.

15.) 02 Apr 2024 22:26:03
Fair enough Ed, I get where you’re coming from then. I just didn’t get the awful tag to be honest.

16.) 03 Apr 2024 07:23:34
He started the season gangbusters but then Klopp asked him to tweak his game to help the team more - it resulted him being less "flashy" but doing more graft. Having said that i do think he has come back a bit rusty.

17.) 03 Apr 2024 09:25:50
Ed25, that is not the argument and based on his present form it is clear you do not understand the job he is being asked to do. Klopp literally explained what he was asked to do and per Klopp, he did it brilliantly. Whatever your expectations are of him are not those of Klopp so whatever you nor I think really doesn't matter. Sorry, BUT not sorry.

Klopp based on the evidence from his own mouth, is asking him to press more, do a lot more graft and cover a lot more ground. He is being asked to do the hard graft tracking back to help out in defence and cover gaps to allow Mac10 and others to flourish, same way Hendo was doing brilliantly in his pump. Again, you would not understand cos well, pretty sure you did not even know that Klopp had addressed Szobo's new functions after the Brighton game.

{Ed025's Note - I only base things on what I see Oli. I want to see midfielders track back. Want the ball. Be involved and make a difference mate. Lately I have not seen that from him and after his excellent start to the campaign I expected better. Maybe it’s just me?..



29 Mar 2024 22:36:13
Site has gone into a bit of a meltdown since the Alonso news.

Just because a manager with 1 exceptional season under his belt has ruled himself out of replacing klopp, doesn’t mean we’re doomed.

I think we all fell a bit in love with the idea of alonso managing us. Personally this was partly driven by the romance of a former player coming back to the city; and partly because he's (seemingly) toppled the Bayern Goliath in Germany after 11 seasons of dominance - we love an underdog in this city!

However, LOTS still to play before between now and the end of the season and lots to look forward to next season as this squad grows and matures.

Let’s be honest, whoever follows klopp is going to have a very difficult time. I don’t envy whoever it is!

I’m heading to the Brighton game on Sunday and looking forward to seeing us bounce back after the cup upset! YNWA.

Navy Keith

1.) 30 Mar 2024 03:15:05
Couldn't agree more. It's not just the football we have to replace but the character, the passion, the personality. It's just an impossible ask. Just an unbelivable guy across the board loved by fan and foe alike. One in a generation or mabye a lifetime. Excited to see how the Klopp era ends but also excited to see what the new season brings. Dortmund were a great side post Klopp and I think we'll be just fine. Trusting the process.

2.) 30 Mar 2024 09:11:04
Navy Keith, if anyone is in meltdown cos Xabi chose to stay at Leverjusen, something many of us knew was a viable possibility then, they did it to themselves, IMO.

Same thing I see online with people berating Alonso for making a family and professional choice of NOT jumping into a top job and staying with the club that gave him his big chance. What's wrong with that? If anything, he should be commended for his honour, dignity and committment to Leverkusen which is a testament to the human being he is.

This is the pathetic and disappointing side of footie fans today, IMO. Imagine accusing a manager of "bottling" it cos he did not do nor make the decision you wanted? That is the "spoiled brat" mentality of today's footie fans I have NO time for.

3.) 30 Mar 2024 13:43:37
I don’t think Alonso bottled it Oli, I think he’s waiting for the Madrid job when Ancelotti leaves. Which he’s entitled to.

4.) 30 Mar 2024 18:35:02
If he joins Madrid after a year off I will lose a lot of love for him. Imagine a man with that much passion being wasted in a farmers league without any passion whatsoever. A total waste.



02 Sep 2023 06:10:54
After the close of another transfer window, I wanted to say a sincere thank you to the eds.

Not only did you call most of the transfers early doors and give us fantastic inside information, but you’ve also dealt with endless amounts of questions (and moaning) on here, and managed to do it with your usual dry humour (Ed2 and 25 especially! ) .

Put your feet up and pour yourself a well-earned gin and tonic (it’s 5pm somewhere! )

Navy Keith

{Ed002's Note - Thanks Keith.}

1.) 02 Sep 2023 09:47:08
Totally agree the Ed’s have been awesome.

2.) 02 Sep 2023 10:56:18
Hear! Hear! NK.

3.) 02 Sep 2023 11:45:31
As always, cheers for putting up with us, Eds.

Take a breath before the Salah saga and new Sporting Director pursuits begin.

{Ed002's Note - Thanks.}

4.) 02 Sep 2023 11:30:27
Washing machines in overdrive this weekend as knickers and bedsheets all being washed and dried.
Poor Eds double up as agony aunts on here too.
Kudos to the Eds, especially 025 who puts up with the teasing with such good grace.

{Ed025's Note - I’m an evertonian Flash so I’m used to it by now mate. Cheers .. ?

5.) 02 Sep 2023 12:00:32
Yup, big thanks to all the eds for keeping us up to date with their facts and opinions. I'll never understand the mentality of those that bust your chops for not telling them what they want to hear, but the vast majority of us respect and appreciate all your efforts.

And just out of curiosity, who are we going to sign in January? ?.

6.) 02 Sep 2023 12:04:30
Legends, all of them.

7.) 02 Sep 2023 12:38:01
Agreed. Been following for what feels about 15 years now. In many ways the best place in
Internet fantasy land. Glad ed 02 has thick skin people can be terrible.

8.) 02 Sep 2023 14:26:09
I still believe another centre back is needed due to the proneness of the others to injury.

I hope we are also still after Andre?

I am therefore hoping that Quansah can step up?

9.) 02 Sep 2023 14:51:28
Yuri, you do know that the Eds aren’t responsible for Liverpool transfers?



29 Aug 2023 09:48:49
It’s only been 3 game weeks and already we’ve seen a huge spread in refereeing standards for decisions on penalties, red cards and fouls.

Wolves v united - Onana dangerously wipes out the wolves player in the box with no contact on the ball. No foul given.

Spurs v Brentford - Van De Ven makes a clearance in the box and kicks through the Brentford attacker while making the challenge. No foul given.

Liverpool v Newcastle - VVD makes a challenge on Isaak, getting the ball but kicking through Isaak to make it.

It’s all very well pundits, ex refs and other fans “explaining” why the VVD challenge is a red card, but the issue for fans is the rules seem to change on a weekly basis and depending on who the ref officials are at a given game.

I’m not saying refs are out to get us (although it can feel that way! ) but the lack of consistency is shocking after only 3 weeks of games.

Navy Keith

1.) 29 Aug 2023 09:55:30
Well said Keith.

2.) 29 Aug 2023 10:00:26
Navy in the game itself, the rules were not being applied properly on both teams. Jolignton fould Endo twice and Macca once in succession and the ref swallowed his cards. Tonali stopped Macca in his tracks as he was baring down on their final 3rd. No card.

Joelington committed 7 fouls according to the stats and again, no card. Newcastle were kicking the ball away, the same thing Trent got booked for and nothing happened to any of them. Did the ex ref's and pundits address all this? Of course not. The refs may not be out to get us (even tho for some, that's debatable at this point) BUT their incompetence will hurt all clubs at the end of the day.

3.) 29 Aug 2023 10:05:30
I often have a small bet on certain players to get booked. Milner and Can were two of my favourites. Diego Costa another. I also fancy Anthony Gordon to get a card but I'm glad I didn't bother on Sunday. I'd have been more miffed had I had a bet, as well.

4.) 29 Aug 2023 10:17:43
Inconsistency is a big problem but I think the ref was heavily influenced by the crowd/ backroom staff on Sunday.

Trent got fouled and kicked the ball away, petulant but a booking. The newcastle bench went mad and he produced the card.
Trent fouls gordon, technically should of been a second yellow. But gordon goes down looking for it so glad the ref got to the right decision (not sending him off over the two offences) but in completely the wrong manner.

VVD, it's a red, how carra can say it's not denying a goal scoring oppurutnity blew my mind.

However, Gordon kicked the ball away, no yellow, think Joelinton did it too, no yellow. He also waved the imaginary card which we have seen others booked for this season.

As soon as the crowd got irate he buckled and that's why I was surprised Trent didn't walk. Although I wonder if he got word that leading up to the first yellow it was a clear foul. We have seen ref's try even it up in the past when they make an error.

One thing that needs to change though is managers and how they react to decisions. ETH claimed Onana wasn't a penalty, stevie wonder could of called that one. Likewise, VVD was a clear red once he gave the foul, but Klopp comes out and says he disagrees. It jsut adds to the fire and sometimes they do get it right and should be acknowledged for doing so, even if it goes agaisnt you.

5.) 29 Aug 2023 10:18:45
I was gobsmacked at the free licence that Joelinton was given to run round and kick Liverpool players whenever he liked.
Then you throw in the whole situation around the Trent booking and I came to the conclusion that nobody can be that incompetent.
That leaves the undesirable conclusion of clear bias, also worth bearing in mind that Klopp had a run in with this dull tart of a referee before.
If they want the refereeing situation to improve, they need to bring in accountability for referees. VAR needs to be completely revamped personnel wise or ditched as it's proving to be equally as incompetent/ biased.
The Premier League has some of the best teams, players, managers and coaches in the world. Yet they rely on referees the majority of which don't appear to be fit for purpose or are clearly biased.
You don't see Formula 1 teams relying on dodgy back street mechanics, do you?

6.) 29 Aug 2023 10:27:35
The problem is VAR is de facto being used to reinforce poor decisions under this 'clear and obvious error' rule because refs are only interested in protecting each other. Rather than it being used to get some degree of consistency across games.

I get that people don't want to wait for the VAR officials to look at 14 slow-mo replays, and then the ref to watch 11 more on the pitch side monitor for a decision, but some of the decisions, like Onana, are mind-bogglingly easy to get right. And yet the ref gets it wrong and VAR doesn't intervene because it's apparently not a 'clear and obvious error' to either miss or ignore a goalkeeper cleaning an opposition forward out.

7.) 29 Aug 2023 11:05:14
"Conclusion that nobody can be that incompetent".

Oh yes, he can be that incompetent, Flash. We've seen this guy before.

Remember the Villa game at Anfield last season where he not only failed to send Mings off for raking his studs on Gakpo's chest, leaving stud marks on his chest looking like Gakpo just went a couple of rounds wit Logan from the X-Men?

Yes, he (and I can list others) can be that incompetent. I do agree that the crowd and the crowd noise got to him and he was quaking in his boots hence, he lacked the courage to dish out the cards their players' actions deserved.

8.) 29 Aug 2023 12:26:15
Throw Luke Shaw and Connor Gallagher in that list as well Rigsby ?.

9.) 29 Aug 2023 12:34:59
Dont you have anything positive to say about the referees @Olired. These are your own words on other matters :)

10.) 29 Aug 2023 14:03:42
Good call on Luke Shaw, thomas and I'll bear Connor Gallagher in mind.

11.) 29 Aug 2023 14:13:34
@Habibi, like Oli, I’m very positive that the current generation of referees are useless.

12.) 29 Aug 2023 14:15:16
Refereeing in general is becoming a bit of an issue due to declining standards, but that klootzak we had on Sunday and at least one other should have their performances assessed and harsh questions should be asked of them.
It won't happen as the whole outfit is more interested in keeping things in house than being honest and transparent about it.
The hierarchy needs a good sweeping out until it's fit for purpose.

13.) 29 Aug 2023 14:40:25
WDW, that's great mae. Are you also very positive that some of the players we are linked to are also very useless :)

14.) 29 Aug 2023 15:27:17
@Habibi, don't you have anything positive to say about your team's performances this season like Man City? Aren't they are off to a flyer with 9 points out of 9? Surely, you must be chuffed to bits about that.

15.) 29 Aug 2023 15:27:43
FlashTheRed, "Klootzak"? You speak Dutch, my G?

16.) 29 Aug 2023 16:48:46
I have a Dutch friend Oli and he calls me that all the time!
Should I be questioning the term "friend" on this occasion?
He also slings in "kut" and "elkel" which I thought at first were complimentary.

17.) 29 Aug 2023 20:44:58
Liverpool lives in Harry's head rent-free even when he loves city lmao.

18.) 29 Aug 2023 23:37:15
@Habibi, I’m very positive that some of the players Liverpool are linked to - good, bad or indifferent - are fairy stories made up by sad sacks with no life away from a keyboard, if that helps.




Navy Keith's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 12:06:38
Cheers for the info Eddie.

I’m stumped on the Spanish player! Only one I can think of is Raphinia (Brazilian playing in Spain ) or Nico Williams (seems Barcelona bound) . Maybe that’s why it’s all gone quiet as they’re not a target anymore…

I have a gut feeling pacho might sign but remain at Frankfurt for another season, like we did with Naby Keita.

Navy Keith



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23 Jul 2024 15:16:20
@Patrik Burgher

It was my reply above on the Gordon/ Kubo points.

You raise a good point on Gordon thriving on running into space and using his pace rather than being a tricky player in tight spaces. He’s definitely a different type of player to Kubo. Kubo might be better suited to low block teams.

Equally, Salah and Mane always managed to make good use of their pace in previous seasons and had good success from it, I would prefer if we don’t setup tactically just passing the ball around in front of the opponents defence nullifying these in behind threats. I think that is as bigger problem as any. Haaland runs inn behind for city and seems to get plenty of goals despite low block teams.

I think it’s a leap to say Gordon wouldn’t work out at Liverpool because most teams play low blocks, depending on how Slot sets us up it could suit Gordon to a tee, we don’t know yet.

Anyway, there were posters saying Gordon wasn’t good enough at the time and my reply was more in response to that.

Appreciate the discussion mate??.

Navy Keith



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22 Jul 2024 11:47:06
Happy to take on the Viktor mantle for this one then chaps ;)

I wouldn’t be over the moon with kubo signing, he is a long way off Salah in terms of ability.

Output wise last season he was marginally better than Harvey Elliot for G/ A combined and is 2 years older I think.

He wouldn’t be my pick personally as I would prefer the club to target someone with better numbers. He’s also very small physically which can be a hinderance in the PL due to the physicality of the league I think.

I find it interesting that some posters didn’t think Gordon was good enough but do think Kubo is good enough, despite Gordon scoring almost twice as many goals and assists as Kubo (combined) last season in a harder league.

Navy Keith



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16 Jul 2024 20:38:02
Can’t say I have watched him play as I don’t watch ligue 1.

However it seems to be a hell of a lot of money for an unproven 18 year old who is out of contact next season.

I would prefer we go for someone more experienced to partner Quansah (and eventually replace VVD) .

Navy Keith



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08 Jul 2024 09:06:53
Gordon hit double figures for goals and assists last season in the premier league. 21 goal involvements for a winger in England is very good - let’s not forget he’s only 23.

Who else in the prem is putting up those kind of numbers and is attainable?

Don’t get wrong he wound me up when Liverpool played Newcastle with his theatrics and trying to get Trent booked.

However, maybe we need a few more players who have that desire to win?

Madrid have had those dark arts players for as long as I can remember. City have them too (Rodri, Bernardo Silva) .

Navy Keith




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27 Jul 2024 08:28:54
Let’s wait for the 3 strikers we already have to come back first then reassess?

Gakpo, Jota and Nunez are all still on holiday.

Navy Keith



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26 Jul 2024 13:33:59
He comes across quite diplomatic and he will be optimistic and excited for the season ahead I would think stepping up from Feyenoord.

He’s unlikely to say the team needs serious surgery. I don’t think that is in his character and he will be optimistic that it will be strong enough to challenge

Equally I don’t see him as a mourinho or conte type that might use media interviews to leverage something within the club anyway.

I still expect (like slot) that at least 1 player will sign, hopefully more.

If Salah stays I think a RW signing is less essential. At this stage for me, a left sided defender and a centre midfielder would be what is needed. Unless key players leave in which case they would need to be replaced most likely too.

I can’t see the club doing anything drastic like selling Nunez for a new CF, or selling VVD for a new CB. Minor tweaks at most I think.

Navy Keith



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26 Jul 2024 08:23:19
Personally, I’d like to see refereeing initiatives carried throughout the season, rather than only employed for an arbitrary period at the start then tailed off (eg cards for time wasting, players surrounding the refs, etc) either do enforce it for the whole season or not at all.

Oh and the players with holes cut out the backs of the team socks too… just get bigger/ better socks it’s ridiculous!

Navy Keith



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17 Jul 2024 22:36:23
Birmingham council was declared bankrupt and they were labour.

All these parties are inept as one another in my opinion unfortunately.

Navy Keith



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16 Jul 2024 21:15:51
I’m with you Ed25 especially for Trent for a player in his 20s coming into his peak (hopefully! ) . It could be argued with players over 30 like VVD and Salah it’s a balancing act. You don’t want to lose them too soon for nothing but equally you don’t want a player on extortionate wages who’s past their best and not playing regularly (like Thiago was towards the end) .

Navy Keith

{Ed025's Note - its a 2 way street NK and a balancing act that the people in charge have to get right (its what they are paid for), VVD who would have been 28 should have been offered an extension of a further 2 years for me mate, salah on the other hand should have been sold last season as we could all see his powers were on the wane and the offer from Saudi was a chance to rebuild, Trent should have been offered a 4 year extension because of his age, this is just me chewing the fat though of course...unless i get an offer to replace Hughes that is.. :)



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