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03 May 2023 22:17:11
Thought Liverpool were excellent tonight. Did enough all over the pitch. ??.


1.) 03 May 2023 23:04:48
Our offside trap still isn'tworking right. We let Vinicius and Willian in far too easily on a couple of occasions. Aside from that we were good and well worth our win against a stubborn Fulham side.

Jones gave the ball away in a dangerous area at one point but that moment aside I thought he was superb again. Trent bossed it (again) . Alisson was ridiculously good. Nunez worked hard and won the penalty. Salah worked hard and buried the penalty. Diaz is feeling his way back to his best. Fabinho actually kept the ball and defended well. Henderson wasn't 30 yards too high and was getting tighter to their midfield as a result.

It was literally just the organisation of the back 3 again. Virgil, Konate and this time Tsimikas looked like they'd never met eachother. I do really think we can nail that with a proper pre-season though so I'm not worried about it long term. I know some people aren't keen on the inverted right back but it overloaded the midfield completely and Fulham couldn't get the ball off us tonight. We also need to be more clinical though. Should've had at least 3 tonight.

2.) 04 May 2023 07:25:27
I thought we were good overall. Things need to get better of course defensively and our final pass needs to improve but all in all, a solid team performance. As for Marco Silva saying Darwin dived to get the pen, once a bitter, always a bitter.

3.) 04 May 2023 08:07:47
I thought Fabinho had his best game if the season last night.

4.) 04 May 2023 08:40:01
Nunez was terrible. He is simply not a footballer and his build up play and awareness is awful. Can’t afford to have him and Salah in a front 3 when neither seem to be able to pass a ball 5 yards.

5.) 04 May 2023 10:50:23
I get you @Joshkel. Especially with Salah, it's infuriating. One game he can be pinging outside of the left boot passes, the next he would struggle to complete a simple through ball. He is technically very inconsistent with his passing. Idk why. It's not like he doesn't know how to do it.



01 Mar 2023 21:52:00
Great to see Trent with his ‘swagger’ back. I know you think he was getting too cocky ED025, and I get that, but maybe that’s what’s been missing.

Long way to go, but I thought he was really good tonight.


{Ed025's Note - he had a decent game last night Ff but even a broken clock is right twice a day, liverpool were still awful for a lot of the game mate and i think we might find out more about trent and the guys at the weekend..

1.) 02 Mar 2023 06:52:35
We won, played ok, better in the 2nd half. Elliott played really well in patches, could have scored a couple but also liked a pass to the Wolves team ?. We are not even close to our fluid best and my hope for the Utd game is just not to get beat, of course I want a win but I’m realistic to know where we are at the minute. Just keep the small unbeaten run going past Utd and take it from there ?.

2.) 02 Mar 2023 06:53:26
Oh, and Everton got beat ??. Sorry No25 ?‍♂️.

{Ed025's Note - it was a football match of course we got beat mate.. :)

3.) 02 Mar 2023 08:03:12
Even playing worse we are playing for a while, we are within touching distance of top 4, one thing this season would have taught the players is to be humble and not over confidence. With new signings, a proper pre season and humble exp of this season, next season should be way better.

4.) 02 Mar 2023 08:23:08
Might not have been great but a win is a win and how we have been I will take that. But Manchester United will be a different kettle of fish. Just hoping the lads raise the game knowing it’s derby match because a victory there would be a good game to gain some momentum.

5.) 02 Mar 2023 08:53:12
Good thing about last night was that we got better as the game went on. So many games in the last few months we would’ve got impatient and started making mistakes and either lost the game or it would’ve petered out to a 0-0.

The first goal helped obviously but we were pushing before that.

6.) 02 Mar 2023 08:53:22
Job done! Three points! that's the name of the game!

7.) 02 Mar 2023 09:48:10
Confidence seems to be a massive thing with the squad.

Trent was good first half and then at the start of the 2nd he gave 2 balls away and had a wobble but actually then went on to play well again.

Jota and Numez seemed to be doing a lot of the same runs and Jota didn’t really offer much up until his run for the goal that was disallowed. After that he had his best 5-10 min spell of the game where he looked more confident.

Elliot and Baj look like even if they make a mistake it has zero effect on them.

Vvd and Konate at the back were a massive comfort blanket for Fab and he went from looking nervy early to having one of his better games of late.

Tsimikas had a good game and a great assist. One thing I’ve noticed though is that a section of the Anfield crowd don’t have a great deal of patience with him which is a little surprising.

8.) 02 Mar 2023 10:10:11
I think after the double header with Barcelona, the cup final and a tough game last night it will catch up with us and I have a feeling you’ll beat us Sunday. Hope I’m wrong but I think we’re due a defeat and you’ll be bang up for it Sunday. Think you’ll do us 2-1.

9.) 02 Mar 2023 10:48:33
Cheers Stand. But Utd definitely is going into the tie as favourites. You're the in-form team at the moment while we have been stuttering all season. But will definitely hope your prediction comes true though!

10.) 02 Mar 2023 10:48:46
You got that right, Stand. We will win. ??.

11.) 02 Mar 2023 11:22:21
I hope not 1969 ?.

12.) 02 Mar 2023 11:22:44
If the guys aren’t fired up for the United game something is seriously wrong. We haven’t been great but I still fancy us against their tired legs. I’ll go 3-1 to us.

13.) 02 Mar 2023 10:59:33
Give Trent a break 025 Jesus christ mate lol. A young man trying his hardest every game he goes onto the pitch, yes he been off it a bit but your making out he should be playing in the championship. He’s won everything mate. Give him a break.

{Ed025's Note - "tries his hardest every game"!!!!, now you give me a break DTD, he had a decent game yesterday but for the past 6 months has been strolling around like a fell rambler, hes talented no doubt but is such a mars bar that he thinks he can do as he likes when it suits him, he needs a kick up the arse imo and told some home truth,s so he can get back to being the player he could and should advice to him would be smile a bit more, get your bloody hair cut and drop the attitude..

14.) 02 Mar 2023 14:39:51
Hello Stand-united, I wish LFC had current fixture congestion such as you and also had won a major trophy this season, as that means we will have had a successful season rather than the current mediocre one!

Statistically LFC could win this season's CL but not for me realistically?

In fact if they win this season's Champions League, i'll show me @rse in the centre circle of old trafford!

15.) 02 Mar 2023 14:54:49
Hello Ed025,

Don't be cruel to "MARS bars" i like them a lot! in fact i was in a bar last night with a load of Martians and "MARS" Bars are their favourites also, and that very famous arsenal footballer marc overMARS he loved a MARS bar as well!

{Ed025's Note - sounds like a nice TREAT for you bond.. :)

16.) 02 Mar 2023 15:22:53
Ed025, do you not get the impression that some people use "recreational substances" as their main source of daily nutrition? ??.

{Ed025's Note - yeah but not me ArAy, im a lager lout and chain smoker body is a temple.. :)

17.) 02 Mar 2023 18:57:08
I'd rather be a broken clock and right twice a day than a working clock set to the wrong time. Clocks like that end up in relegation battles.

Good on Trent having a better performance. Not the best, but better. The whole team is working back to their best, not just one player.

{Ed025's Note - the first half was a bit turgid faith but a definite improvement in the second mate, there have been too many false dawns to say the mogadon days are over but improvement is improvement..

18.) 02 Mar 2023 18:58:19
Think you’re right Ed025. He’s won quite a lot at a relatively young age, thinks he’s made it and stopped working hard. Needs to get the hunger back.

{Ed025's Note - a year ago this would not even be a conversation tom, but his regression has been dramatic this season and he needs to get back on track and fulfill the potential we all know he has in him, yesterday was better but he has to start doing it on a regular basis mate..

19.) 02 Mar 2023 19:43:56
Poor old Stand-United?

It is Twenty Years to the day when we beat man utd 2-0 at the Millenium Stadium in Wales to win the Worthington Cup!

2-0 Sunday will do again!

20.) 02 Mar 2023 22:31:23
For me it was more about the confidence that Trent was playing with as much as an improved performance. He’s always made mistakes, but what he did going forwards more than made up for it. As I said in the OP, he seemed to have a bit of the ‘swagger’ back, hopefully it continues and he gets better and better. He’s a massive part of our game when we’re playing well.

21.) 02 Mar 2023 22:49:51
Dare to dream- ed25 is bang on. No doubt Trent is an amazing talent. But his effort in some games this season has been appalling. I think a kick up the arse is mild. He could do with a few kicks … I know I know tactics don’t suit etc etc etc. all I ask for is effort like Diaz, nunez, Elliot and a few more every time the play they run themselves into the ground, Trent strolls around like he’s gods gift. Now I still think he’s brilliant and I’m not saying get rid, but I’d love for some competition to give him a little fear.

{Ed025's Note - 100% effort should be the minimum requirement for any player JB, trent has the ability to be a liverpool great but he has to show more than he has been mate..

22.) 03 Mar 2023 12:21:34
When we win on Sunday i don't want to hear any of this lark about utd's "tired"legs! God love them, be still going for a quadruple with two games to go and see how tired your legs are.



21 Jan 2023 23:53:37
Interesting that the BBC have gone with Newcastle drawing with Palace as a positive result but a negative for both Liverpool and Chelsea drawing.


1.) 22 Jan 2023 01:24:51
Make newcastle darlings = more clicks

Make liverpool and chelsea losers = more clicks.

2.) 22 Jan 2023 02:13:21
That would be because we're flattering to deceive and Newcastle are punching above their weight.

They are speaking in the context of what each team is aiming for. We are doing badly at challenging for the title, Newcastle are doing excellent at challenging for a top half finish.

3.) 22 Jan 2023 02:28:06
Well we are trying to catch-up to them so . . .

4.) 22 Jan 2023 04:43:37
On paper we are a far far better side than Newcastle. I would say the same about United. What is going wrong with us is a mystery. The decline is a chasm from last season.

5.) 22 Jan 2023 08:34:03
Right now Newcastle and Utd are being coached better than we are.

6.) 22 Jan 2023 09:56:17
Newcastle goals starting to dry up, tension of the race and teams taking them more seriously and been up for it will effect them. If we can find anything like our usual consistency we could still do this, hopefully consecutive clean sheets is the albeit hard to watch first steps of this.

7.) 22 Jan 2023 11:16:54
I thought what faithinworks said.

I also said a while ago about what would happen the longer Newcastle are top four, Jude. Are they going to gamble more to win games as the season goes on? That could affect their run in but saying that, some of the usual CL teams are rubbish.

I don't think we are that good on paper, redflyer. I don't think Elliott and Gakpo in the front three really worries anyone. Keita in midfield? And no van Dijk on our team sheet? I think teams would be encouraged by seeing our team on paper.

8.) 22 Jan 2023 11:44:05
Rigsby, why would any team be worried when we play an attacking midfielder as a left winger and our left winger as a center forward with our center forward sitting on the bench?

9.) 22 Jan 2023 12:35:45
I saw the Newcastle V Fulham game last week and some of the Palace game last week. They are nothing special at all, simply benefitting from how poor some of the usual Top 4 suspects have been this season. If any team is likely to drop out of the current top 4 spots then it will be them.



21 Jan 2023 23:53:37
Interesting that the BBC have gone with Newcastle drawing with Palace as a positive result but a negative for both Liverpool and Chelsea drawing.




06 Jan 2023 21:44:07
I find it interesting how similar the current situation with Liverpool’s midfield is to what was happening a couple of years ago with the attacking line up.

I remember posters saying how we’d left it too late to revamp the attack. We were becoming predictable and our players were too old and the club wouldn’t spend the money to replace them. Since then Mane has left. Jota, Diaz, Nunez, and Gakpo have been brought in.

The same can be said about the defence where Konate has been added without any big sales happening to fund it.

Also, several young, relatively low cost, low risk, players with high potential have been added to the squad.

I’m not getting the doom and gloom currently being spread around at all. Things need to be sorted, but the club have shown that they will continue to evolve the squad when needed.

Maybe it’s been a little too late with the midfield. Maybe that’s more about the tactics, as has been suggested several times by some on this site.

There’s nothing so far to suggest that the club won’t buy the players needed going forwards. There’s no guarantee that this will lead to Liverpool winning every trophy possible, football doesn’t work that way.

Personally I think there are good times ahead.


1.) 06 Jan 2023 22:16:36
Please don’t compare any of those forwards to Mane. Hopefully given time they can achieve what he did. As for the midfield just way off the pace. Only way to play is be compact.

2.) 06 Jan 2023 22:40:51
Mane was immense for us, I’d be more than happy if he was still here. A lot of people on here said we needed to freshen things up though, and many said he wasn’t good enough when we first signed him.

We’ve freshened up the midfield with young talented players, bit weird saying you can’t compare them with Mane. Which Mane, the one who first signed, or the Mane that left?

3.) 06 Jan 2023 23:50:01
A lot of people wanted Mane gone halfway through his last season with us.

He found his form when he was moved to the central attacking position after Christmas (when Bobby was out injured I think) and the calls for a revamp of the front 3 switched to giving Mo the old heave-ho as social media had him bad mouthing the club and wanting £ 15m a week just to turn up for training.

Mane wasn’t truly elevated to his legend status until he left the club. Just saying.

4.) 07 Jan 2023 00:55:38
I'm with you on this, Footyfan.
Mane was superb for us but he was on the decline. We replaced him but to replace him with a younger Mane is very difficult.
I loved Mane and I will fondly remember the Mane years but it's time to move on. A Mane downgrade and a Firmino upgrade could be interesting though.

5.) 07 Jan 2023 01:31:41
Mane was exceptional the season we won the league. Better than Salah in my opinion.
In 2020 when he got C.V. early in the C.V. he came back and had lost his pace. He just couldn’t go past people anymore and I think that’s why he was replaced with Diaz.
His form picked up a bit in the second half of last season when he played through the middle but he was awful with his back to goal and lost the ball every time it was played into him. Nunez is an upgrade with a lot less miles on the clock.
If we wanted to freshen up the front line something had to give and it was Mane as he had declined more than the others.
Forget about what he’s doing at Bayern it’s a 1 team league.

6.) 07 Jan 2023 14:56:59
@Rigsby @footyfan mane would still do a better job than nunez. If you mane was on the decline then salah has also been on the decline. He’s scoring and creating less goals and missing more chances, whereas nunez can’t even score period. I’m not saying we should get mane back but you can’t just say he was on the decline when most of team is now too old and on the decline!

7.) 07 Jan 2023 15:38:04
So Nunez hasn't scored any goals this season?
Those lying TV channels and websites.

8.) 07 Jan 2023 16:13:16
I can say Mane was on the decline and I can say Nunez is not on the decline. I can also say that Diaz- a Mane replacement- is not on the decline. I can also also say that Gakpo- another Mane replacement- is not on the decline.
Add to those Alisson, TAA, Konate as players not on the decline, as well.




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12 Jul 2024 21:56:33
Great question, succinct answer, thanks SR and Ed, good stuff!




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03 Jan 2024 11:07:03
Is he ‘still very much on the fringes’? Seems very much a first team regular now.


{Ed002's Note - He is not a regular starter with the likes of Mac Allister, Szoboszlai, Gravenberch, Elliott and Thiago ahead of him when all fit.}



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01 Jan 2024 23:13:12
If Chelsea don’t know what to do with them then why not? ??‍♂️.




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01 Sep 2023 00:37:12
I think some on here will be disappointed if Salah doesn’t leave. That’s a real shame.




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17 Aug 2023 22:48:21
We do love a chelsea reject! ?????.





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12 Jul 2024 23:12:48
Excellent Baz! ??????.




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30 Jun 2024 21:34:12
Have a look when you get a sec. I’d be very interested to get you’re opinion on his effort and positioning for the goal.


{Ed025's Note - i cant see me watching any of that dross ever again FF, but if it comes up in a highlight reel i will certainly have a look mate..



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30 Jun 2024 21:24:04
Why was Mainoo jogging back to defend for the second goal ed025? Looked like he wasn’t bothered to me. What do you think?


{Ed025's Note - i was too busy swearing to notice FF..



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16 Jun 2024 23:54:33
He was alright.


{Ed025's Note - hmmmmmm..



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06 Apr 2024 15:38:09
Personally I disagree ArAy, irrelevant of what happens tomorrow Liverpool will still be a much better team that’s in a much better place at the moment.

That could all change in the future of course, but at this moment in time Man U are way off both on and off the pitch.




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