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KingCarlos's rumours posts with other poster's replies to KingCarlos's rumours posts


09 Jun 2024 09:51:19
Youssouf Fofana from AS Monaco is a name considered to join the Reds this summer.


{Ed002's Note - No. Liverpool has shown no interest and talks are progressing with another club.}



20 Sep 2023 00:05:22
Hi Eds, are Liverpool watching Nico Schlotterbeck?


{Ed002's Note - No. He only moved a year ago and Liverpool have no interest.}



29 Aug 2023 10:21:20
Hi Eds - Any news on Thiago, I seem to remember some paper (or maybe trash) talk of a move to either Turkey or Barcelona and maybe Saudi.

Even being a fan of Thiago it would not be a surprise for him to make way for another non HG player to come in.

My guess is he will stay and sign a pre contract in January with a new team, I am correct in thinking this is his last season with us mighty REDS?


{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of any change from what has been explained but his desire to go to Barcelona will be unfulfilled if he is another year older.}

1.) 29 Aug 2023 12:06:30
Let Thiago get his move, bring in Valverde and we’re sorted for the next 3-4yrs in midfield once we bring in Andre in Jan ?.

2.) 29 Aug 2023 21:52:03
Last season for Thiago, and more than likely Salah might go next summer too . just a hunch really, too much money For LFC and Mo .



26 Aug 2023 11:44:52
Tyler Morton off to Blackburn Rovers.


1.) 26 Aug 2023 15:17:58
That's a shame. Thought we had room for him this season. Is it a loan?

2.) 27 Aug 2023 06:27:13
No he is taking his girlfriend.

{Ed025's Note - love it Ace..

3.) 27 Aug 2023 13:16:17
Welcome back to 2022.



18 Aug 2023 14:36:54
I heard a whisper that Manu Kone will be the next one in through the door.


1.) 18 Aug 2023 15:29:55
Feels like the Kone links have gone away a bit of late (presumable because of the injury he picked up) but I would be happy if true.

I still think Kone and Thuram would be great signings.

2.) 18 Aug 2023 15:54:30
Thing with kone is he'd take the last NHG spot which would leave us looking for a left footed cb u21 or HG

personally reckon gravenberch as he's Classed as u21. Unless a timi or someone moves on.

3.) 18 Aug 2023 16:07:52
Hincapie is 21 so they could sign him and a midfielder 22 and over non HG.

4.) 18 Aug 2023 17:03:06
If so, surely someone else is leaving. My money is on Kostas.

5.) 18 Aug 2023 18:21:56
Was it Kone's agent who was whispering to you, KingCarlos?

6.) 18 Aug 2023 19:13:02
Who would we replace Kostas with?

7.) 18 Aug 2023 19:18:59
Just as a side note was really gutted olise was going to Chelsea as I really rate him. The fact he’s turned them down means Salah is going at the end oof the season and he’s coming to Anfield ??.

8.) 18 Aug 2023 20:56:03
PearlJam, you could replace Kostas with that LCB and go 3 at the back.

9.) 19 Aug 2023 00:13:13
Why is everyone so preoccupied about the non HG quota? Do we really believe that the club are signing players without considering it?

10.) 19 Aug 2023 02:57:38
Gomez can cover LB as well as RB.

11.) 19 Aug 2023 04:45:24
My thoughts too
Why isn’t Gomez considered for the LCB role
Is he really just deemed as backup now?

But if we do go w 3 at the back, we would rly nd to move on our LBs

Personally, I did prefer we stick with 4-3-3 though.

12.) 19 Aug 2023 06:49:45
Gomez is definitely for the right side. Obviously he can cover the left I'm sure all of our defence could. They clearly want a left sided defender not just as cover though. Side note what has happened with gomez, he had and still has so much potential, I would really like to see him get back to his best and push to be a starter. Puzzles me a bit that Klopp doesn't use go Gomez Konate and vvd in a back 3/ 5 in certain games especially when we were lacking a midfielder against Chelsea.

13.) 19 Aug 2023 07:31:33
Hincape has a few lethal mistakes in him per game as far as i can tell.

14.) 19 Aug 2023 08:29:45
Gomez shouldn’t be considered for any side, left or right. We should cash in before he gets any worse.

15.) 19 Aug 2023 08:49:19
Beckets pecker- No but we don’t know what the club are thinking and this is a rumours page where people are speculating our next move, I personally think we will sign one more player but if we sign more than 1 the non home grown thing could become an issue. It was fairly obvious the initial plan was to sign Lavia who wouldn’t count on the quota and leave us space for 2 more players if needed, if that was the plan they now need to make sure 1 of those doesn’t count on the quota or get rid of someone who does.

16.) 19 Aug 2023 12:33:41
I seem to recall that Gomes played at left back for us one season and did an excellent job. Maybe he is the answer to our 3 centre backs formation?
Prefer the 4-2-3-1 formation myself, but we do need the 2 to be mobile, good tacklers and can play a long ball forwards.
So Trent plus 1 would be my thoughts play JoGo at right back a middle 3 of Diaz Gakpo and Salah with Darwen up front.

17.) 19 Aug 2023 21:05:24
Estupiñan would be a good LB Liverpool can bring next year.

18.) 20 Aug 2023 09:02:44
This has got to be the worst re build ever by a club. I’m so disappointed as we were promised so much but as usual delivered so little.




KingCarlos's banter posts with other poster's replies to KingCarlos's banter posts


23 Jun 2024
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, Pickford has always been an angry little person

Click picture for larger image


1.) 23 Jun 2024 10:53:27
? Great series, This Is England.
Some of the scenes with Combo were among the best I've seen on TV.
The clothes and soundtrack get me reminiscing and also introduced me to Ludovico Einaudi.

2.) 23 Jun 2024 15:23:16
Testimony to Steven Graham's acting again. The scene in series 2 with Lol's dad. horrific.

3.) 23 Jun 2024 16:32:13
Great film. Great series.



06 Jun 2024 08:36:36
Hat trick for Nunez against Mexico, mainly playing through the middle, I looking forward to seeing if Slot can utilize him better and make some small tweaks to get him hitting the ball into the back of the net more frequently.


1.) 06 Jun 2024 10:06:46
Fingers crossed mate, it's going to be very interesting to see what Slot does with him.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 11:45:13
Note that they were all tap-ins created by wingers getting to the by-line and squaring. Opportunities he rarely has for us.

Hopefully the Copa will be good for his confidence and he bounces into pre-season.

3.) 06 Jun 2024 12:23:36
For the second FPF it was Darwin's driving run down the middle that created the tap in for him but at least we know he is a sniffer.

4.) 06 Jun 2024 13:12:30
Calling a South American a sniffer is a bit naughty mate ?.

5.) 06 Jun 2024 16:51:14
Who knew that pace and width out wide created chances?

Also didn’t Uruguay play him as a lone front man with three behind him?

6.) 06 Jun 2024 17:41:42
How many times was he offside tho?

7.) 06 Jun 2024 18:10:47
Darwin has freedom to to float wherever he needs to be as the team plays for him as the focal point of the attack and just like he did at Benfica, he excels. Also, remember that Int'l footie is very different to leagie football.

Not saying we should do that with him here. Just explaining the difference in how he is used, IMO.

8.) 06 Jun 2024 19:08:40
Yeah international football is a lot slower, you have more time to pick your spot.

9.) 06 Jun 2024 22:14:23
Yeah, and international football has different kits and jerseys, too. Let's not forget that. ?.

10.) 07 Jun 2024 10:47:28
ArAy1969, the magic sprays and water bottles are diff. as well, eh?



04 Mar 2024
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, 2 Season's ago from ball boy to a brace at the kop!

Click picture for larger image




11 Feb 2024
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, Thank you Jurgen

Click picture for larger image


1.) 11 Feb 2024 12:12:08
Bro if this is real (I hope it is) then, Kudos to Klopp.

2.) 11 Feb 2024 12:13:03
Sorry, pressed send too soon.

I meant to say KC that if this quote is real (and I hope it is) then for sure, this would be Klopp's greatest achievement, lol.

3.) 11 Feb 2024 22:21:12
Im certain Klopp wouldn't say that. Its embarrassing to suggest the downfall of your rivals is more important than the success of your own team. Its very Fergie-esque.

4.) 12 Feb 2024 00:16:09
Agree @IDOG, although it is funny.



04 Feb 2024
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, I love this ... big up the big man!

Click picture for larger image


1.) 04 Feb 2024 11:55:58
That is a belter although my personal favourite was always:

“Luis Suarez could nutmeg a mermaid. ”.




KingCarlos's rumour replies


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13 Jul 2024 01:09:31
Exactly Longthing76, ask my wife!




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10 Jul 2024 11:05:03
Gravenberch arrived last day of the transfer window with the season already underway and little game time at former club Bayern.

I hope getting a pre season in, building on his confidence we will see a much improved player.




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04 Jul 2024 09:30:29
completely agree VV - plus I doubt Edwards would see him as LFC quality off the pitch never mind on the pitch.




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11 Jun 2024 00:22:56
Joe Hart is currently Celtics number 1 - I think the Irish connection is a bit of 2 + 2 = 5.

Caoimhin Kelleher could do a lot better than Celtic unless the Irish thing is a thing.




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01 Jun 2024 00:49:09
Love the comment Ed002 "Seen as an upgrade to Miguel Almiron" that is not hard!





KingCarlos's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 09:39:22
Hey iwillbered

I would prefer to replace throw ins with kick in, the ball from a kick in cannot be air bound any yes the linesman mark the spot to take the kick in from.




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14 Jul 2024 11:48:33
Does the wedding come with a holiday/ honeymoon? Asking for a friend.




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14 Jul 2024 08:09:25
We have a big squad of players if you include those returning from loan and those youth players who stepped up last year!


{Ed025's Note - but if you stand still KC you will be left behind mate, im not talking about loads of massive signings, i talking about one or two players who will freshen things up and possibly change the dynamic, i think it gives everyone a lift..



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11 Jul 2024 11:15:02
Ed025's said "give them lines" I am sure the South Americans will sign up for that!




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20 Jun 2024 11:07:47
A good player but one of those who really does turn it on for country, reminds me of Davor Suker.




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