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Pegleg's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Pegleg's rumours posts


04 Aug 2021 19:44:43
I've read from two separate sources now that klopp isn't happy at Liverpool. Is this true and if so is it down to lack of funds?


1.) 04 Aug 2021 20:07:59
What sources?

2.) 04 Aug 2021 20:23:14
Holy jesus this again, like the time he was resigning. All a load of crap.

3.) 04 Aug 2021 20:48:04
Pegleg hop along now.

4.) 04 Aug 2021 20:57:13
Well known, well to 1 person on here anyway, that he went on strike last summer to make sure Thiago was signed.

5.) 04 Aug 2021 21:02:30
OP, that was about two weeks ago. Try to keep up or whoever is teasing you need to get up to speed with the fabricated rubbish he is peddling.

6.) 04 Aug 2021 21:03:07
Red and brown sources?

7.) 04 Aug 2021 21:04:53
I'll hazard a guess and say that at least one of those sources and probably both were Tw@tter.
Which means obviously it must be true, along with the 350 players that we're definitely signing this window.

8.) 04 Aug 2021 21:46:10
All these players Klopp signed are signing long termers because he’s unhappy err!

9.) 05 Aug 2021 04:50:38
Exactly. How can the club sanction new 4-6 year contracts for virtually half the team with Klopp unhappy (and the club would know it if he was)? If anything, it can even indicate he will extend his own deal. It's a huge risk re-signing all these players and having a new manager come in and wanting players of his own choice.

10.) 05 Aug 2021 08:08:53
Players will sign contracts for the club not always the manager, he probably isn't 100% happy, he does miracles on a tiny budget and hardly gets backing when delivering, he has hinted before about lack of money but it's ok FSG saved us.

{Ed0666's Note - it’s not as if he’s operating on a meager budget. It’s a simple fact we can’t financially compete with Man city, Psg, Chelsea, United et al. But I can’t see klopp at any of these clubs either.

11.) 05 Aug 2021 08:35:20
this has to be a wind up right? everybody moans about budget or klopp working with nothing the club have pretty much given him everything he has asked for.

12.) 05 Aug 2021 09:02:12
Klopp must be really unhappy - In recent years he has signed one of the worlds best CB’s and GK, Thiago, Jota, Fabhino, Keita, not worked out but the outlay was wasn’t cheap -, not to mention Ox, Mané and Salah earlier.

13.) 05 Aug 2021 10:52:07
Yet after the first 14 players maybe we are very short, it's not like Liverpool are a mid table, unheard of side, we are literally one of the biggest going and the restraints we have to improve the squad are worrying, don't get how it's accepted this way, we could of won the League and more at least once with real backing and strong additions, maybe i'm too ambitious and supporting the wrong people, i'll support FSG instead of the side then.

14.) 05 Aug 2021 11:08:57
You must have had many a sleepless night under the previous ownerships. 30 years wait for a league title ring any bells. FSG might not be the best owners but they’re certainly mot the worst and have done more for us than Moore’s and party did in the years they had the club! New main stand, groaning ground, annie road end work has begun.

15.) 05 Aug 2021 12:08:39
You won't win that debate Drogie, too many of our fanbase are caught up in the #FSGOut nonsense and have zero perspective on the club finances.

16.) 05 Aug 2021 15:54:00
Some of that just sounds like paranoid babble. Like it or not, City were found not guilty. LFC/ FSG are trying to run a business in line with the FFP restrictions and by trying not to spend significantly more than their income, which is eminently sensible.



22 Apr 2021 12:03:35
A question for ed1 and 2 if I may. With the recent failings of this breakaway league do you still think that something will change in football? Personally I think something had to give with the rising transfer fees, agents fees and players wages all becoming silly. For me that's where things need to change first and then probably fifa/ eufa and the fa need to change and become a little more translucent on their dealings. Money is ruining football and I can only see it getting worse. I'd be interested to hear your views on how to improve it and if you actually think it will improve or get worse.

Thankyou in advance


1.) 22 Apr 2021 14:37:40
Mate if it's about money no one's going to budge🤔.

2.) 22 Apr 2021 17:42:57
I wonder if the higher end players may look to run down their contracts so that moves are still possible. Clubs are still looking for top end money that doesn't seem to be available.

3.) 23 Apr 2021 09:33:25
All running down contracts will do is move the money into agent fees and higher wages. What needs to happen first is that it should be made compulsory that a player pays their agent fees. I honestly think this solves a lot of problems as it means the player has a much stronger vested interest in who their agent is and when the agent goes in asking for 30 mill on the side the player either pays it or tells their agent to go f themselves.

It would stop at least one aspect where the clubs are literally being held to ransom in some of these deals to get them over the line.

4.) 23 Apr 2021 11:36:15
The thing about that is that players would then ask for higher signing on fees. I think if the agent fees were capped and the player had to pay them, that might work in combination?

5.) 24 Apr 2021 07:54:42
it was just about security of income that's all. Look at the impact dropping out of top 4 has on clubs and the time and money it takes to catch back up.

It's just about money and when money is available wages, fees and transfers go up. Not sure how it works any other way.

The number of games needs to be addressed or this will come up again in another format.

6.) 24 Apr 2021 19:48:50
Well the thanks in advance was a waste of time!



15 Jan 2021 19:16:01
Ed's, with current financial problems and our need for short term cover at cb is their anyone available to loan that might provide us with the cover we need?


{Ed002's Note - There is nobody I am aware of that Liverpool are looking to loan.}

1.) 16 Jan 2021 10:25:03
Thankyou for the reply, hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Has your daughter made a full recovery?

{Ed002's Note - Not quite but getting there thanks - the remaining issues are patchy taste and smell and a slight cough. Thanks.}

2.) 16 Jan 2021 16:01:49
Sorry to hear about your daughter ed. Sending my best for a full recovery.

{Ed002's Note - Thanks - It has been a few weeks and she is certainly much better than she was.}

3.) 16 Jan 2021 17:37:17
Patchy taste and smell with a slight cough I know that story Ed002.Tell her to get a good quality multivitamin or just vitamin C to take daily it will help with the fatigue.

{Ed002's Note - She is recovering from COVID-19 Barry.

4.) 16 Jan 2021 18:38:08
I got my positive result Christmas day and because I'm such a good father I passed it onto my children. Christmas really was a blast😭.

5.) 16 Jan 2021 18:31:42
I had it as well Ed002 and lot's of people were giving me that advice mate.



28 Jan 2014 18:58:19
Ed02, I noticed on here that you mentioned on here Newcastle were interested in Grenier(spelling?). After watching Lyon play on a few occasions he and lacazette have impressed me. Have any other teams showed interest in these players and would they be players that would interest Liverpool?


{Ed002's Note - Yes there has ben interest in Grenier in the past - both Chelsea and Arsenal enquired. There is no interest from Liverpool.}




Pegleg's banter posts with other poster's replies to Pegleg's banter posts


06 Mar 2023 07:41:40
Hats off to the lads for yesterdays result, unfortunately I didn't get to watch it. A lot of us have been quite vocal with our disappointment on how we've been playing this season so it's only fair to give the players some praise after a result like that!
Hopefully we can carry the momentum on for the rest of the season.


1.) 06 Mar 2023 08:12:08
“Some praise” for the biggest ever win over an in form ManU? Bet you’re already waiting for our next defeat aren’t you.

2.) 06 Mar 2023 08:04:20
Yes agreed. Fabs needs praise as he is suddenly getting to his previous level. Salah look’s quality again. Robbo was a man possessed it just shows what a refresh can do (that’s why squad is so important) . VVD much improved also, actually going to meet the ball. Gakpo is getting better and better, some lovely touches and great finishing.

Nunez, doesn’t look at his best and won’t run at the fb. I hope it’s the shoulder holding him back. I think he is much more effective through the centre but they can’t all play there.

Great result. Must keep it going.

3.) 06 Mar 2023 08:48:39
Everybody gets HIGH praise for me after that result. Nitpicking is futile at this point. Let's enjoy it and leave the nitpicking for later.

4.) 06 Mar 2023 08:50:44
Thank God we found some faults - for a second I thought the fans might have just enjoyed the day for what it was, a demolition of our arch rivals. Jesus wept.

5.) 06 Mar 2023 09:58:17
There’s no faults when Liverpool beat man United 7-0.
The result will last forever, the home kit will be iconic,
It’ll never be beaten maybe forever.

The season has been poor, but that match is legendary.

6.) 06 Mar 2023 10:42:56
"It will never be beaten maybe forever. "

This might be my favourite line ever on this site.

Starts off with bold statement.

It will never be beaten.

Then the doubt sets in. Maybe forever.

Maybe and forever in the same sentence. I honestly just love it.

Now I'm going to tell my wife that I'll love her maybe forever.

7.) 06 Mar 2023 10:43:26
Great result. For me the definite plus points would be:
- midfield looked really energetic and pressed very well. Hendo played well and Fabs looking really good the last couple he's played, Elliott was a question mark for many but was class
- full backs played with a lot of tempo and confidence again
- Konate and VVD look solid together. Too much chopping and changing of cbs this season for me, though injuries have been a factor
- front 3 really looking like gelling. Nunez and Gakpo interchanging a lot and the pace from the front 3 on the counter is amazing
- again, the look on Kenny's face compared to Fergie's was amazing!

That performance and result was definitely needed! We've been critical of this team this season and rightly so, but hats off. Liverpool's best ever result against Utd and their joint heaviest defeat ever inflicted, the last time they suffered that scoreline was 1931. To a man the team were amazing, well done lads ?.

8.) 06 Mar 2023 12:43:23
Letting my head overrule my heart and not paying a hefty price for two tickets on sat night will be with me until my death bed.

At the time it seemed like the obvious choice but I can’t believe I had the opportunity to be there live and didn’t take it up.

9.) 06 Mar 2023 13:30:47
Mark I think Nunez is far better coming from the left than through the middle. Said it the first time I saw him there and nothing I’ve seen has changed my mind.

He’s a player that thrives on a ball in behind that he can use his pace to run onto. Receiving the ball with his back to goal is not something he’s particularly good at so with him high up in the middle we end up with Salah and Diaz/ Jota/ Ox/ Elliott/ Carvalho or whoever plays on the left being forced to stay wide. This then impacts on the fullbacks getting forward as there’s no space for them in the channels.

With Nunez on the left Gakpo comes deep and can receive and keep the ball in tight situations which pulls defenders towards him leaving space for the pace of Salah and Nunez to make those out to in runs in behind which suits both of their games.

It works perfectly. I just hope that when Diaz comes back with don’t revert to Nunez in the middle as that was our problem in the early parts of the season until injuries ravaged the squad and gave us very few options to do anything really.

I honestly watch Nunez from the left and see shades of Henry. I think over the years he could be devastating coming inside from the left.

10.) 06 Mar 2023 13:31:38
Glad to be your favourite Davey.

11.) 06 Mar 2023 14:05:25
Ha LiverpoolFC8. Massive respect for you as a poster mate. Enjoy reading your posts always. And I get exactly what you meant. We really could have just witness something that lasts forever. That doesn't happen too often.

I just had to have my fun. I'm a sucker for banter.



31 Dec 2022 13:20:56
Anyone else worried about Elliot at all? I just don't see him doing it in midfield. I love the lad but worry he'll fall behind playing in this midfield. I always thought he'd eventually be a Firmino replacement and that's where I see him suited the best. Really think this lad has it all to be a big influence, just think if he carries on in midfield he'll fade away. Hope I'm wrong.


1.) 31 Dec 2022 14:13:11
Depends on signings and how Klopp decides to develop the system and midfield coz atm he's being asked to do the dirty job with Thiago which doesn't suit them neither Klopp is sure what system he wants going forward.

Coz we bought Thiago to evolve our game and play possession based football which doesn't suit our forwards now he's trying to go back and play high press game asking the likes of Elliott Thiago etc to cover the gaps which our fbs leave when overlapping and do the dirty job which has backfired

So it depends much what kind of midfielders we bring and how he wants to play going forward.

2.) 31 Dec 2022 15:44:43
JK23. Hope you’re well bud. Saw your reply on another thread where I spoke about Elliot. Basically said Kopforever said above. Current crop of players are not helping Elliot at all. In this system with the midfielders at our disposal he is at a disadvantage as he is being asked to track back, which is not his game at all.

3.) 31 Dec 2022 16:33:13
Alonso all good mate. Hope you are well. Get what you’re saying now mate.

4.) 31 Dec 2022 17:09:00
Alonso it’s football in 2022/ 2023 you can’t not track back no one in world football is good enough to be allowed to not do that . If he’s part of the midfield 3 it’s his Job salah tracks back better than Elliot and he’s part of the front 3 . I feel for the lad because I think he’s got super abilities but I feel he’s too slow to be able to play in our team if I’m honest .
Even his passing last night players wer having to slightly check their runs as everything was under hot hence slowing the play and allowing the opponent to get back more . Hope I’m proved wrong and have egg on my face as I’d love to see the lad succeed but atm he’s not good enough IMO especially defensively.



29 Aug 2021 10:40:54
Anyone else think we missed tamaskis's crosses into the box yesterday? I'm not saying he should start over Robertson for one minute, he m just saying his delivery has been excellent over the last couple of games and I was surprised he was dropped.


1.) 29 Aug 2021 10:49:34
Robbo didn’t look fit at all, we had too many players off the pace. He should have been subbed much earlier.

2.) 29 Aug 2021 10:58:44
Tsikmas should’ve started Peg. All day. And so should Jota who’s opened the scoring on both previous games.
Standing still in the transfer market has hurt us. We say we need everyone to stay fit to challenge, but the reality is Robbo and Firmino have already got injured.
We’ve stood still for 3 years and they’ve caught us.

3.) 29 Aug 2021 11:11:39
I felt for tsmikas yesterday, as you say I'm not saying he "better" than Robertson for one second but with no pre-season behind him and how well Tsmikas played in opening 2 games I thought Klopp would have went with him again and saved Robertson till after international break. I thought our left hand side looked weak yesterday between Robertson and manè didn't click unlike the right hand side. Onwards and upwards tho to Leeds and let's hope for a big 3 points. 👊💪.

4.) 29 Aug 2021 11:18:22
Is this Tamaski some new player?
I don't know if his deliveries would have made a difference. Chelsea defended well and our forwards just weren't quite sharp enough to take advantage of the chances that came their way.

{Ed025's Note - tsimikas should have started flash and jota for that matter, if you take your chance and play well like they have done i feel its very harsh to play your favourites ahead of them, it sends out the wrong message to me mate..

5.) 29 Aug 2021 11:31:20
Aye, I was surprised Robbo started if I'm honest, Firmino too, although he played rightly but we won our last 2 games so why change and what does it say to Jota who scored in the last 2 games only to get the hook?

6.) 29 Aug 2021 11:34:42
Robbo Bobby and hendo were all poor.

7.) 29 Aug 2021 11:46:59
I said yesterday that Robbo would start even though I would have kept Kostas. He is fitter and his crossing is excellent. I felt for Jota and Kostas neither of them deserved too be dropped lad's.

8.) 29 Aug 2021 13:25:20
We all knew there was a great chance that both Bobbie and Robbo could start so not sure where the surprise is here.

{Ed0666's Note - true dat Oli. I had both of them down to start and Thiago

9.) 30 Aug 2021 00:48:38
I don't know about needing his crosses, but we needed his energy and form. Robbo was a million miles away.

It's also just a real shame for Tsimikas who has been obviously been working hard in pre-season. He started the first two games well i thought but then gets dropped for no real reason other than Robbo is back and can run. I think we missed a trick there, and especially because we also brought back Fab and Hendo for their first starts too. In many ways we just looked like a new team.



08 Jul 2021 13:51:07
Anyone who says schemichael isn't a good keeper obviously has never played in goal and has no concept on what goalkeeping is about!


1.) 08 Jul 2021 15:11:35
There's is only Alisson and Ederson who are better in the Prem, he is a quality player.

2.) 08 Jul 2021 15:33:48
Well he’s got a premier league title winners medal so he’s clearly pretty decent. He’s not at the level of Alisson or Ederson but that’s no shame. Miles better than the Tyrannosaurus Keeper at the other end.

{Ed014's Note - I thought that was Nick Nack in goal for England! 🤷‍♂️

3.) 08 Jul 2021 15:20:35
He’s not bad, he’s just extremely overrated just because of who his father is.

4.) 08 Jul 2021 15:37:54
Was that the Man with the Golden Gun or Fantasy Island Ed014?

{Ed014's Note - definitely the man with the Golden Gun Barry but think he was in the other one too!

5.) 08 Jul 2021 16:34:28
He played Tattoo in Fantasy Island. It took me ages to remember Ed.

{Ed014's Note - haha, I couldn’t think of it either and didn’t want to cheat and google it, remembered Nick Nack but not tattoo.

Thanks, as it was doing my head in! 🤯😂

6.) 08 Jul 2021 17:23:20
Look da plane da plane.

7.) 08 Jul 2021 17:46:08
Keepers like Lloris and Schmeichel have always been underrated in the EPL. Miles ahead of the Pickfords, Harts, Hendersons and the rest of the bunch.

8.) 08 Jul 2021 18:02:07
Lloris? Never really rated him and he has been “ropey” for a good few years now. As for Pickford I don’t even know where to begin with him. Just imagine being a defender in front of him. Pulls out a blinding save followed by the rest of the match with a series of strange decisions. Not sure why the media rarely highlight his constant crazy moments. Whilst we are on keepers, Mr De Gea. His decline was quicker than his fellow country man El Nino. At one point this guy was like Superman, saving everything and anything. Now he struggles to get in the United team and is not in the picture for Spain. How fast life comes at you hey.

9.) 08 Jul 2021 19:59:20
I've never been in goals but I think he is quite under rated as a keeper.

10.) 08 Jul 2021 20:26:38
Schmeichel is an excellent goalkeeper. The likes of Alisson and Ederson are exceptional, the elite creme de la creme of stoppers.

{Ed025's Note - alisson is good keeper flash but like all keepers he does have the occasional brain fart, creme de la creme is gained after a good few years and when he has been with you 4 or 5 years we will be able to gauge how good he really is, some of you were hailing karius as the best young keeper in the world when he arrived...and look how that turned out mate..

11.) 08 Jul 2021 21:01:34
Allison had a poor season, next year I expect him to be back to his best. At his best he is the best in the PL by a distance.

{Ed025's Note - hes one of the best mark but by a distance?, he does command his area better than anyone i will give you that, but his distribution is not great and he does try to be a smart arse at times mate..

12.) 08 Jul 2021 21:25:26
Ed25, comparing Karins to Allison is just lazy. Secondly, not a soul on this forum or anywhere else said Karius was the best GL in the world. You made that up from whole cloth so that is not even worth addressing. If you’re going to banter at least use facts instead of fantasy.

Thirdly, Allison is a top class GK, proven in the PL and in Europe and top choice for Brazil along with Ederson as the Brazil manager rotates them. Yes, he had a difficult season with injury, sickness, CV and tragedy which clearly messed him up in n abnormal season. Hopefully he can regain his splendour going into his 4th season.

As for Schmiechel or Lloris, they are good GK’s, not great . They are under the Allison, Ederson and Emi Martinez status in he PL. Nowhere near their level, IMO .

{Ed025's Note - i never compared karius to alisson for a start oli, i would possibly compare him to mr bean not alisson, in fact if im not mistaken it was you who hailed him as one of the best young keepers out there when he arrived!.
Please dont lie to suit your agenda mate, its not very becoming..

13.) 08 Jul 2021 17:15:25
What's your gut feeling on whereBissouma will end up Ed014?

{Ed014's Note - sorry for late reply mate, was travelling, I think more likely Liverpool, I’m hearing he was not our first choice and that we’re back in for Auoar again who wants a move.

At the same time Klopp seems to have a hard on for another midfielder Zielinski I think he’s called.

The things I’m hearing suggest we’re going to spend big money but I’m doubting that too but if we did get White and Bissouma that would be close to £100 million and we’re already doing deals for others.

In honesty I pay no attention to anything in transfer windows I just wait until player A has signed then I can get excited.

14.) 08 Jul 2021 22:26:54
Thanks Ed014👍.

15.) 09 Jul 2021 01:37:19
Ali's distribution is not great?! Mate!? You need to visit an ophthalmologist! get your specs!

16.) 09 Jul 2021 10:12:22
Alisson's positioning is what makes him the best in the league, his handling is second to none and his shot stopping is top class, a few gaffs as acceptable as they are few and far between.

17.) 09 Jul 2021 08:56:10
Ed25, no lies, mate. I said Karius was ranked second rated GK in the Bundesliga the season before he signed for us. That is ALL I said cos it was a fact. Nowhere did I say he was one of the best GK's around. That is patently false.

Maybe it is you who needs to do a better job of remembering the specifics of what people actually say instead of accusing others of lying just cos you can't/ don't remeber what they actually said. That is unbecoming of you, man.

{Ed025's Note - your lie was you saying i compared karius to alisson oli, for which im still awaiting an apology mate..

18.) 09 Jul 2021 08:59:23
We are all the same waiting for news about Traore. We won’t believe it til it happens and then a few of the boys will get a bit worked up.



19 Apr 2021 13:32:53
Ed2, if this proposed super league takes off and I really hope it doesn't. Could the players walk away from the club as they're playing under fa and uefa rules?


{Ed002's Note - None of that has been addressed.}




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25 Jul 2024 22:24:30
Don’t know know how you can call him a horrible person ed25! How many people do you know that have a soft spot for granny’s like Rooney?


{Ed025's Note - i can live with the granny slotting Pegleg, its the nasty streak him and his family have that irks me mate..



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19 Jul 2024 08:42:27
Players come and go, I get that and don’t resent any player wanting to move on. What I do resent though is a player who’s been handed a chance with a club to run their contract down and leave on a free. That in my eyes is poor form and they’re no more than a rat in my opinion. Loved mcmanaman but he’ll never be a great for me for how he left the club.




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10 Jun 2024 19:11:03
No wonder comedy is terrible nowadays when people are so easily offended.




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07 Jan 2024 13:51:59
Is it klopps fault that he sees the talent that Chelsea missed?




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30 Aug 2023 08:23:58
Thing is the fans want him in midfield but where does Trent want to play? Does anyone actually know?





Pegleg's banter replies


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14 Jul 2024 09:44:13
I agree with everything you’ve said on this thread ed25. I’d be looking to move some of the older fans favourite players on aswell while they’re still worth money.


{Ed025's Note - yeah Pegleg it looks like the transition from Klopp to Slot may not be as easy as some may think mate, he has a very good squad to pick from of course but it does need a few tweaks here and there i feel, and there are the issues of players who are coming to the end of their contracts to be addressed..



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14 Jul 2024 08:39:26
Anyone thought that slot might want to get a feel for the players before he dips into the market?


{Ed025's Note - absolutely Pegleg, the problem is that all the desired players may have been snapped up by then mate..



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11 Jul 2024 10:51:26
Wassa, totally agree with you 100% not a penalty. Said it last night. If I was Dutch I’d feel very hard done too and if I was any other of the home nations I’d still be bitter ???.




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11 Jul 2024 09:14:20
I take it you’re not English Ranh? ??????????????????????????.




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09 Jun 2024 21:54:26
Is this a wind up?




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