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04 Jan 2025 11:24:11
Morning Ed,
Seen some pieces and gossip surrounding us looking at Álvaro Carreras at Benfica.
Is this someone the club are looking at and would he be a potential LB for the club. Don't know a great deal about him so just asking the question.
Thank you as always, happy new year to you and all of the community.
1.) 04 Jan 2025 12:01:34
He was on Utd’s book until this summer. I think they have a buy back clause too of around 20mil.
Don’t know how good he is but imagine he might be on Utd’s list to bring back in the summer.
2.) 04 Jan 2025 12:31:19
Sold to Benfica from Manchester United in the summer. They have a buy back option on him, but unsure if he is interested in going back there. The last player to play for us who was at United when younger was Beardsly! I don't know much about the player other than many UTD fans are very upset they let him go and are clamoring to sign him back as he'll cost them next to nothing and they say is a much better option than Dalot and Shaw. I have personally never seen him play once.
17 Dec 2024 20:33:15
Evening Eds,
Rumours doing the rounds that we are just a measly 100k a week short of what Trent is asking for.
Apparently the club have offered a 70k a week pay rise to put him on 250k weekly.
I guess my question to not only yourselves but also the readers and contributors is, is Trent worth that? Giving him what would be double his previous deal would surely hammer any available funds available for new signings.
I get he has seen the club smash their previous budgets to secure Mo, hence he will be thinking they will do the same for him. It's just astronomical numbers being toured that the general working folk couldn't ever comprehend.
{Ed025's Note - my response to him would only be two words RedQ....and the second one is OFF..
1.) 17 Dec 2024 20:46:41
There's no way real Madrid is going to give him that type of money, but if they are then as much as I'd hate to lose them, it's time to say goodbye. That's the type of money you can invest in other players to build Slot 2.0.
2.) 17 Dec 2024 20:55:24
I know it is all hear say and paper talk. But if true it has a feeling of setting outrageous demands so that the narrative can be:
I was willing to do a deal, I wanted to sign, but the club didn't value me and wouldn't meet my expectations.
Don't get me wrong this isn't Trent bashing and I am one that truly hopes he signs, but at the right point.
I understand Madrid have likely thrown a figure together with a ludicrous signing on bonus at both he and his agent, which will now skew expectations. But (if true), my position would be unfortunately, time is up.
Do you think the club have however made a rod for their own back. After all, going outside of the budgets to secure Mo last time around was always going to cause the rest of the team to have the thought. Well you did it for him, so why not me?
Either you value me as a star signing or you don't.
3.) 17 Dec 2024 21:05:28
Just let the fella leave at the end of the season. Never reached his full potential.
For me he will always go down as a half decent servant for the club.
4.) 17 Dec 2024 21:35:53
Should have been sold in the summer if he wasn’t extending. He’s wanting too much but even then if we spent £50m on Frimping on 100k a week wages who’s not half the player it would work out the same as Trent being on £350k a week over 4 years. We’ve saved millions on Thiago and Matips wages and didn’t bring in a CM or CB when we need players in this roles who’s to say we won’t do the same with RB. Let’s not try to paint Trent out to be someone he isn’t or disregard everything he’s done for us over the years. We’ve had years to tie him down.
5.) 17 Dec 2024 21:37:41
RedQ it was the same with Salahs last contract as it is now. If anyone wants the same wages as Mo, then score and set up as many as he does and we’ll happily put them on the same salary.
6.) 17 Dec 2024 21:44:09
Negativeredwalter2.0 with the emergence of Bradley that becomes a lot easier option for both the club and fans.
7.) 17 Dec 2024 21:44:31
NRW the beauty of this site is that we are all entitled to air our opinions.
I respect that.
But a half decent servant to the club is one I just simply cannot agree with.
8.) 17 Dec 2024 21:51:45
Anyone remember Bryan Robson, back in the day, and his move from West Brom to Man United? His contract was coming to an end and he ‘made it known’, as they say, that he wanted to join United. The story rumbled on for weeks and was only ended when West Brom gave him a blank piece of paper and asked him to write down whatever he wanted. The story goes that Robson went off and listed what he wanted. When he handed the list to the West Brom chairman he said ‘You can have everything you want’ without looking at the list and Robson replied “I’ll have to think about it’. When the season ended he joined United.
Not saying it’s the same principle going on here but the old story did pop into my mind.
9.) 17 Dec 2024 22:04:32
Does he not want 100k pay rise and we have offered 70k so that’s only 30k short. The money we have wasted on bang average players in the past this deal needs sorting out. And why would real not give him a package 0f 300+k a week when they are picking him up for nothing. Seems they have done that a lot recently players they have signed .
10.) 17 Dec 2024 22:32:37
As much as I love Trent I don’t know how you can justify 350k a week for a right back. That being said it’s not my money so give it to him. A shame he didn’t/ couldn't make the transition to CM where he could dictate a game more and add some goals to really justify the wages.
11.) 17 Dec 2024 22:35:22
Apparently Salah promotional video is done and Kirkez bid has gone in.
12.) 17 Dec 2024 22:43:12
The highest assisting full back in the history of the league, and still only 26.
At the same time, - Bradley on a great day looks like a better all round player to my eyes at least.
The best should be rewarded, so that the top players can see a pathway to fulfilling all of their needs at LFC-Is Trent as important as VVD, Mo and Ali? is he at that level?
13.) 17 Dec 2024 23:12:57
I put forward that Trent's demands might be excess and asked questions about his true intentions on here several months ago and was told how disgusting I was.
14.) 17 Dec 2024 23:20:38
I know I'll probably get raked over the coals for this, but I have zero sympathy for anyone who is being offered a pay rise that is more per week than most make per year.
15.) 18 Dec 2024 02:31:07
Another way of looking at it is the ‘right player at the right price’ idea. Of course, it’s player retention rather than buying a player but there are certain similarities and - for argument’s sake - assuming the reports of what the player wants Ian accurate, then it sets a precedent about what future players might see as a ‘norm’ in terms of contract payments. If our payments last year were reported as high, and perhaps hampered our efforts in bringing players in due to financial restraints, I’m pretty comfortable from my perspective as a fan, with the club setting a ceiling for contract payments that mean we don’t end up with 115 financial irregularity charges in seasons to come.
Just to be clear. I’d be happy if Trent decides that he wants to stay.
16.) 18 Dec 2024 03:17:13
Personally I don't believe that is the case, all media BS trying to stir things up.
17.) 17 Dec 2024 22:47:34
Is the first word “Dance” Ed025? ?.
{Ed025's Note - it could be Ron.. :)
18.) 18 Dec 2024 03:58:25
The OP started the post by saying it is a rumour, but you guys are now saying stuffs about him as if like it is a fact?
19.) 18 Dec 2024 05:50:14
@Salah, I agree with that - just making stuff up to sell papers or debt people to click on social media.
20.) 18 Dec 2024 06:40:38
Peeps having a go at someone because of a rumor. entitled much.
21.) 18 Dec 2024 06:54:31
Call me conspiracy theorist but here goes, Trent and Rashford are buddies Rasher is on how much 350 per week Trent wants 350 per week, Bellingham is I would expect circa 350 per week, can you see a pattern emerging, my final contribution is Rasher now wants a new challenge and Trent is being linked to that newspaper football team in Spain, what's the bets Rasher and Trent front of Marca in July all in white, like a P Diddy promotional, might even throw a tenner on it.
22.) 18 Dec 2024 08:30:34
All based on a rumour.
Comical stuff.
23.) 18 Dec 2024 08:38:51
Need to let him go. If he was ever going to reach near 350k pw it would potentially be the contract after this 1. Love what he can do with the ball at his feet but right now he's still dogged by some dodgy defending. Hard to swallow but I think he's gone and using the broken negotiation as an excuse when really he probably just wants to go.
24.) 18 Dec 2024 08:40:50
I like Trent but salah is way more important to the team especially with Connor 100% ready (ask Mbappe) so comparing wages between them is not right.
25.) 18 Dec 2024 09:31:44
He hasn’t signed a contract and we’re getting ever nearer to the point he can start talking to clubs abroad. Personally think if it’s not agreed by 1st January then he’s gone. As for whether he’d get £350k in Spain, you’d have to account for the fact that the top rate of tax for high earning footballers is a lot lower than the uk, so they don’t have to offer £350k, just an amount that would be the equivalent that he’d get the same take home pay as if he was on £350k here. We’ve been here before and it seems like it always goes the same way, once again leaving it far too late beginning negotiations. My view is that the club should ask him his intentions and if he says he wants to go, get as much as we can in January for him or stick him in the under 23’s for the rest of the season. A player who wants to leave is no use to the collective effort of the team.
26.) 18 Dec 2024 09:47:30
The problem is that we have 3 top players all negotiating new deals at the same time. They will all be watching what happens with the others. If you give Trent £350k a week, then you have VVD saying “well if he is worth that, then I want the same or more”.
The fact that there probably isn’t a team on the planet that VVD doesn’t walk straight in to…. he would have a good point. Same with Salah!
27.) 18 Dec 2024 11:09:59
Surly Madrid would have to pay an astronomical signing on fee as well as the wages.
28.) 18 Dec 2024 11:12:10
Trent has all the attributes for me, sure sometimes his defending is a bit lapse but the biggest thing for me is his body language, being a hometown boy I’d expect a lot more from in at certain times. Ain’t no gerrard heart that’s for sure, but clearly can play.
Brilliant that we have Connor that many believe can’t fill the void if Trent decides to go, however his injuries are very worrying…Trent gone and Bradley injured then what?
So we sign Trent up, give him what he wants? I would…. not my money.
29.) 18 Dec 2024 11:55:22
I read this story and as has been touched on by a few people it is a bit ambiguous. When they state that he wants 100k more they do not say what he wants 100k more than.
If he wants 100k more than what he is on now (I believe that would be £280k / week) then I would probably say ok. He will be difficult to replace and will almost certainly take over as captain when VVD moves on or retires so you can just about justify it.
If however he wants 100k more than what is currently being offered I believe that would be £350k / week) then I would politely tell him to jog on. As I said, he would be difficult to replace but his impact on the team does not come close to that of Salah (or even VVD, Alison and at present Gravenberch) and as such you can not justify those wages.
What we do need to bear in mind though is that this story could also be 100% fabricated nonsense.
I'm still hoping that we will have agreements in place for all 3 in the next week and on Christmas Day as a massive present to all us supporters they will release the photos of all 3 signing new contracts!
30.) 18 Dec 2024 13:12:19
I believe the rumour originates from the **** Newpaper so….
31.) 18 Dec 2024 13:36:39
@RedQ I do understand why some rate the fella. For me though he's fell way bellow expectations.
The only great thing I can recall him doing was that quick corner.
He's scored one Great free kick.
The rest of his career has been nothing more than a half decent player would achieve.
I genuinely can't name ten brilliant things Trent has done.
Personally I don't rate Salah either but could list 20 great things Salah has done. See the difference?
{Ed001's Note - you are being deliberately obtuse now Neggy. You must not watch him pass the ball or you are just trolling.}
32.) 18 Dec 2024 13:40:48
@Magico1234, his defending being a bit lapse is somewhat of an understatement, at times it is down right non existent. Against better teams, you can plainly see they target his side and try and get in behind him. Let’s not forget, his offensive stats look great, for a full back. Are Liverpool, or any of the top teams for that matter going to make a full back their top paid player? Personally I doubt it as it would have an inflationary effect of the wages to be paid to the traditional top earners, star strikers.
Much as I enjoy watching TAA, the narrative around him is tiresome, the poor defending, the lack of concentration, and effort, the leaked goals, the casual wayward passes, which are all often overlooked because he hits one worldy pass in an otherwise mediocre display in a match.
If Liverpool have identified a replacement, then I would trust their research and let him go. Even if they have to pay 50m, if the RB is young enough, you could be looking at 5+ yrs of good service. TAA could be back in the UK long before that if the Madridistas get fed up with his poor defending in big matches.
33.) 18 Dec 2024 13:48:29
Iron Man, unless they're getting rid of Vini Jr and Mbappe, why would they even consider Rashford? I'd expect PSG to be front runners for him.
34.) 18 Dec 2024 15:04:14
This story comes from the rag!
35.) 18 Dec 2024 16:24:02
Kinda miss the Ed2 answer you would always get to these type of posts stating 'this is why we do not discuss the finances' or words to that effect.
36.) 18 Dec 2024 16:46:11
I think it's becoming clear why our dearly missed Ed002 said we shouldn't discuss money as most posters clearly have no idea.
37.) 18 Dec 2024 17:54:32
He isn't worth that kind of wage in my opinion. He's a RB firstly and we all know the towards get the big dosh.
Also, I think you can't deny his passing abilty but, some the passes he typically makes with ease have been off more than usual, his defence has improved but I still think over the years he has been in the first team. his defensive capabilities have improved that much but 1 thing that really f**ks me off is, he's laze at getting back. Every game when he wonders off out of position he hardly if ever busts a gut to get back in position.
I don't know about anyone else but when I'm watching the games, I watch things happening off the ball and you will always she Trent jogging back. Infact when. I've been at Anfiled watching the warm up, I've seen 10 players working hard and he doesn't.
I'm sure I'll upset some people but it's my opinion.
38.) 18 Dec 2024 18:01:08
Surely it’s simple, pay Trent what he wants, whatever it is. He is an 80 million pound asset. Forget his footballing ability. Just think about it in terms of asset value and it’s straightforward. Re-sign him, protect the asset value. Sell him if that’s what slot wants, but do not under any circumstances lose an 80 million pound asset when it’s preventable. No business in the world operates like that. Personally love him as a player, maybe not quite the generational talent we all thought he might be, but definitely one of the top 5 players in the world in his position and he’s one of our own. I think Bradley could eventually get to his level, but it’s not about that now, it’s about protecting investment. Even if paying him an increased contract affects our ability to sign players in the short term it is worth it in the long term. You can always sell him if he’s under contract, but letting him go for nothing makes no financial sense whatsoever.
39.) 18 Dec 2024 19:19:17
@ edd 1 not trolling mate just my take on things. As I said I can understand people rate him I've just never seen it.
Maybe I just expected way more than he could deliver. No hate to the fella.
You spoke of his passing but again I see it as above average. Alonso Scholes Gerrard Pirlo Barnes Beckham are what I think are top passers/ crosses for me Trent is the level below. That's just my opinion.
{Ed001's Note - if you say so. But you saying that about his passing is just like Leek's bull**** views. It is either being deliberately trolling or moronic. It really is that simple.}
40.) 18 Dec 2024 19:48:01
I think this comes down to how the club view Trent and his direct impact on their success. A very rough calc shows 250K/ week for 5 years comes out to about the same cost as bringing in a new RB for 40M (all in - including agent fees) and 100K/ week for 5 years. Certainly, you get a big drop off in ability, impact, and culture while spending the same amount, so I think Trent is poised to land well over 300K/ week on his new deal. It's kind of a no brainer to me given how unique his skill set is and how red his blood is. He isn't just a world class player, he's the heir to the captaincy.
41.) 18 Dec 2024 20:30:22
I think we should be more mindful about bashing our own player based on a rumour. The press like to go hard on our players, and also black and mixed race players. Maybe we just see what happens.
42.) 18 Dec 2024 20:37:35
@Hoody, no business in the world operates by paying their employees whatever they want. All employers have to weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of retaining their employees versus the inflationary impact of raising the wages of one employee so enormously. TAA doesn’t exist in his own financial or performance microcosm.
43.) 18 Dec 2024 21:15:31
He’s a very good player Trent, and in this market he’s worth an increase. I can well believe he wants the figures being mentioned, because if he was willing to accept closer to his current level it would have been sorted already. I do agree with others though how could we sanction that amount when he’s not even the best in our team, 3 or 4 others would want the same.
44.) 18 Dec 2024 22:15:53
He’s entitled to seek whatever salary he wants.
If we won’t pay it and he wants to go somewhere else to earn it, that’s also his decision.
I won’t have as much respect for him as if he stayed and tried to win more success with Liverpool. And it will be a shame to see him go.
But I’m not going to slander the guy either.
We all know footballers are obscenely overpaid but that’s on all players, not just one individual.
45.) 18 Dec 2024 22:58:14
Honestly? Not my money, it wouldn’t bankrupt us, rather it be in Trent’s pocket than some mega rich consortium. Pay the lad, he’s one of a kind.
46.) 19 Dec 2024 01:19:14
The issue is passing is only one aspect of a player's game and he can't dictate the game from right-back for it to be an essential part of our play. His presence in the team doesn't make a material difference to the team like Salah and Van Dijk do so you can't justify disrupting the wage structure for him.
47.) 19 Dec 2024 01:47:04
it's a good way to invalidate someone' ability to assess football players. Concluding that Trent's passing is above average is just asinine.
48.) 19 Dec 2024 07:17:02
I don’t think the team would miss him all that much if he does leave. Players come and go, I wouldn’t say Trent’s absence will be noticeable.
He’s a good player, he doesn’t play in a premium position really. We can replace him.
49.) 19 Dec 2024 07:37:36
@d-day, that is true, but in most businesses employees are not saleable assets are they? Companies don’t pay transfer fees when a head of marketing moves between two firms do they. So it’s not a fair comparison. Trent, like all footballers are assets owned by the club whilst under contract . The clubs value is informed by, amongst lots of other things, the value of the playing squad. He is an asset that needs protecting.
50.) 19 Dec 2024 20:59:09
As a scouser who supports Liverpool I just can’t comprehend being offered 250k to play for the club I love, likely captain in the next few years and wanting more money (or leaving for that matter) .
I know it comes down to what he thinks he’s worth and maybe this is a very naive view but I just don’t get it.
At the end of the day I get football is a business for the players as much as the clubs but when we are talking obscene money anyway it just makes me sad that the love you have for a club is overshadowed by money.
51.) 24 Dec 2024 02:45:12
You guys are absolutely mental. Trent is by far the best right back in world football for a variety of reasons. He's also 26, club trained and local.
He regularly gets double digit assists. from right back. A couple of years ago he got more assists than de bruyne.
He also greatly reduces pressure on both defence and keeper because he's the only member of the back four who can fire a ball out of defence on whim and reach an attacker while under pressure. People underestimate what an asset that is for helping defence and if was something we sorely lacked last season while he was injured.
Bradley isn't close to being the same player and oddly is prone to some of the same issues as Trent (caught out of position often) yet none of his positives. Bradley can make a slide tackle better than Trent but he's behind on everything else.
Finally, Trent is not a bad defender. He regularly hits top 3 in our squad for interceptions, blocked passes and blocked shots. All key metrics for defenders.
10 Aug 2023 11:43:04
So we cannot stump up the extra for Lavia
Instead Skysports are reporting we have outbid Chelsea's offer of 80m for Caicedo.
What is going on in this transfer window.
{Ed002's Note - Chelsea's offer is higher than £80M.}
1.) 10 Aug 2023 11:58:55
Dont get your hopes up, we are not paying 100m for Caicedo.
2.) 10 Aug 2023 12:02:23
So Liverpool's "offer" is higher than Chelsea's bid that is higher than 80mil? lol let the games begin!
or perhaps it's just the noise around the real transfer talk which of course we have no idea haha.
3.) 10 Aug 2023 12:03:17
I'd heard this too.
Obviously, I'd be more than happy with Caicedo, but do we really think this is true?
That'd be a huge swerve and why would we suddenly jump into the race for Caicedo all of a sudden? . Perhaps they just believe that there's no chance with Lavia now?
Again, I'm doubtful.
4.) 10 Aug 2023 12:10:30
Appreciated Ed002, i am unsighted to the details of the Chelsea offer etc. As mentioned i was stating what has been reported.
I guess my point was more, those negotiating transfers (Not FSG as many in the #FSGout movement seem to believe) wouldn't add a percentile to the Lavia deal to get it over the line, but will likely place a substantial amount more this close to the season opener to recruit Caicedo. (that is if reports are to be believed) .
If true it shows that actually the budget is there to spend should those negotiating wish to use it.
5.) 10 Aug 2023 12:18:04
Nightmare scenario is Chelsea get both!
It’s all very frustrating and I feel sorry for Jurgen.
{Ed002's Note - And Tyler Adams.}
6.) 10 Aug 2023 12:27:45
Chelsea do realise they can only play 11 players per game?
{Ed002's Note - Chelsea have sold a large number of players this summer and will be shipping quite a few out on loan to Strasbourg. They know what they are doing.}
7.) 10 Aug 2023 12:24:40
Ed is their business model that much better than ours mate? To spend that much snd pull in those 3 players after the likes of Enzo etc. Jesus how can we compete with that.
{Ed002's Note - It is not to do with business models it is about identifying players the club wants and acting responsibly to sign them. If Liverpool had not screwed up with Amrabat and Ugarte they would be in better shape.}
8.) 10 Aug 2023 12:35:48
Same old chelsea.
9.) 10 Aug 2023 12:36:58
ED:002 fair enough! and whilst you are hear thanks for keeping us up to date with all the transfer news!
I can assure you it is very much appreciated.
{Ed002's Note - You are welcome.}
10.) 10 Aug 2023 12:39:07
Unlike Liverpool I presume Ed002.
11.) 10 Aug 2023 13:14:43
It’s not a case of not having the £50m for Lavia (or willing to sign off on a £50m package) it’s Liverpool not valuing him at that amount. They may feel Caicedo for £90m and maybe different terms is better value.
12.) 10 Aug 2023 13:29:54
@Cobra, the right player at the right price - that’s been the clubs aim for the past few windows ….
Nice to see that ‘Chelsea know what they are doing’. Fined £8.5 m and back in the cross-hairs of the FA again. Seems the FA have a good idea of what Chelsea are doing too.
{Ed002's Note - You should begin your posts, "Speaking from a position of complete ignorance ....". TThe "fine" was actually a settlement - and it was Chelsea who declared the misdeclaration to the FA.
When you know nothing about a subject, it is best to say nothing and therefore avoid embarrassing yourself and the other Liverpool supporters.}
13 Jan 2022 09:56:25
Saw a mention in a player caler Musa Barrow this morning. I'm not entirely familiar with the player but the write up about being a versatile forward player who can pay off the wings and/ or through the middle seems to match the Klopp type player.
Do any of the eds know much of the player and whether there is any legitimate interest.
{Ed002's Note - He is as you say versatile, typically a LW but can play as a striker. I am not sure how you decide if he is a "Klopp type player" but I would not hold your breath about a move to Liverpool. He will be at AFCON at the moment and I am not aware of any interest from Liverpool at all.}
1.) 13 Jan 2022 10:54:30
I've heard we've made enquiries about his younger brother "Wheel"; I think he's more in line with our transfer budget.
2.) 13 Jan 2022 11:58:02
I wound brother with his brother Wheel. They say he’s always tyred. Maybe he just needs a brake.
27 Sep 2021 23:18:39
Evening Eds, is there any news surrounding Trent not travelling with the squad to Portugal?
{Ed001's Note - none just that he didn't go but had trained ok before that. So hopefully just a slight knock.}
1.) 28 Sep 2021 22:27:31
groin strain.
2.) 28 Sep 2021 23:04:19
Groin strain and klopp said he's not looking good for Sunday. It's why milner was subbed once the game was won.
RedQ's banter posts with other poster's replies to RedQ's banter posts
21 Sep 2020 08:05:14
Ed's excuse me if i am not entirely correct with this list, however, with
GK: Kelleher, Grabara
Def: Gomez, Trent, Nico, Nat Phillips*
Mid: Hendo, Milner, Ox*, Jones,
Forwards: Brewster*, Wilson*, Elliot.
(asterisk marking players either linked in the media with a move or fans have suggested be sold to finance a non HG player move)
is there any plan by the club to fix the potential dwindling HG player quota? or is it more a case of don't believe everything you read. It would be interesting to know if the club are looking at bringing in any HG players.
Thanks for all your hard work and answers year round.
{Ed001's Note - the club always looks at homegrown options before buying. We tried for one at left-back if you remember. It is just not that simple as there are only a very limited number of homegrown players and the numbers of good ones is falling rapidly with a lot of the better ones choosing to move abroad now. Players like Musiala will be English (well even that may change as he could choose to represent Germany) but potentially will not come into the homegrown category in the future. So the pot will dwindle still further and make the few good ones even more expensive. That is why the academy will become even more important in the future.}
1.) 21 Sep 2020 08:22:52
Ed001 thank you for the swift reply, i was just wondering as i'm not entirely sure on the ramifications of falling below the allotted quota. If the players touted for a move were to go, surely we would be dangerously close to breaking the rules set out and as such would receive the punishment.
I was just wondering as obviously Academy players would take time to blood through to a standard. Then money is obviously tighter with the current climate and HG players carry a premium. A high premium at that if they are of the wanted standard. Maybe there is a crop of ready made superstars waiting in the academy wings.
{Ed001's Note - there are no ramifications, you just have a smaller squad of players aged over 21. There are no rules stating you have to have them. It is not a quota. It is simply a space reserved in Premier League squads for homegrown players that cannot be taken up by other players.}
2.) 21 Sep 2020 10:09:17
Hi RedQ. If i am getting your question correct, below is my attempt to answer.
Out of the 25 available spaces in a squad. You need to have 8 reserved for the homegrown players, of which 4 should be club home grown like TAA, and 4 can be association home grown. Like henderson.
Now, remaining 17 can be non HG players. If you have more than 17, you will not be able to register all of them. Remember, 2 years ago, Juventus was not able to registet Emre Can for ucl games. The way our squad stands at the moment, we either need to sell some non HG players over 21 else we will have to exclude some of them while registerimg our squad.
3.) 21 Sep 2020 10:45:16
@Bullet. I'm sure the requirement for 4 of them to be club developed is only applicable to our squad for European games.
I'm pretty sure the EPL rules, are just 8 HG players. Players that spent 3 years before 21 years old playing in England and Wales.
{Ed002's Note - I answered this a couple of days ago, but again:
There are two things to consider and not to confuse:
(1) Home Grown: The EPL squad rules are a max of 25 players over 21, of which a max of 17 can be non-Home Grown. The remaining eight have to be HG (spending 3 years between 16 and 21 with an English or Welsh side, regardless of nationality, e.g. Nathan Ake is Home Grown for the EPL). If there are not enough HG players, then the squad size reduces, so if there are only six, the squad reduces to 23. In terms of UEFA competitions, the rules vary slightly with the eight "HG". A maximum of four of those eight can be trained by other clubs in the English and Welsh association. The remaining have to be club developed and trained. So If Arsenal were to recruit Mason Mount, he would fall in to the category of being association trained (by Chelsea) rather than club trained. Again, if there are not sufficient club trained players the squad size is reduced. So for Liverpool, Caoimhin Kelleher, Harry Wilson and Trent Alexander-Arnold are the three that meet this criteria so the squad size in Europe will be 24 rather than 25 (or 23 if Wilson is sold).
(2) Club developed: In terms of "club developed and trained" means that they have spent at least 12 months with the club before the year of their 19th birthday. As such Ryan Sessegnon is not club developed by Spurs nor Joe Gomez by Liverpool.
Non HG (19)
Andrew Robertson
Diogo Jota
Divock Origi
Georginio Wijnaldum
Joel Matip
Konstantinos Tsimikas
Marko Grujic
Mohamed Salah
Nobby Keïta
Roberto Firmino
Sadio Mane
Takumi Minamino
Virgil van Dijk
Xherdan Shaqiri
HG (7)
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
James Milner
Joe Gomez
Jordan Henderson
HG and Club Developed (3)
Caoimhin Kelleher
Harry Wilson
Trent Alexander-Arnold.
Herbie Kane (CM) is HG and Club Developed but not listed in the First Team squad
Nathanial Phillips (CM) is HG but not listed in the First Team squad and is being sold}
4.) 21 Sep 2020 11:01:36
Ed and Bullet,
I think I have just had a long standing misinterpretation of the whole HG situation. For the longest time I believed that the HG ruling was a quota that clubs needed x amount of HG payers in the squad. Now having it explained in the terms that it's only an allocation of your squad taken for only HG player it makes sense.
Thank you for putting it into laymen's terms for my understanding. So basically if we were to sell a portion of our HG players the only backlash would be self issued in the sense of having a smaller squad for a more condensed season ahead.
{Ed002's Note - The club are over the limit for Non HG players that they need to reduce to 17. After that they can have up to 8 HG players. If they have only four, the squad size reduces to 21.}
5.) 21 Sep 2020 11:31:17
RedQ, when these rules first came in, Chelsea's eight homegrown players, for two or three seasons, consisted of John Terry, Frank Lampard, a reserve goalkeeper whose name was Turnbull I think, and five empty spaces.
30 Oct 2019 18:58:05
Are bookings cross competition? If so with Fabs on 4 for the season are we likely to see him play tonight and just happen to pick up a booking meaning the one game ban would be Villa and then he is a guarantee for the City game?
Or do you see Klopp as a risk taker and he will rest him for tonight and hope he can be on his best behaviour at the weekend? Fabs has been integral so far this season and I couldn't imagine us going up against city with out him in the 6.
1.) 31 Oct 2019 01:00:26
I think that Klopp will tell Fabs to not take any chances and avoid that yellow card, we really need Fabs V man city, we have to win this match, more so while city are missing players . this game V man city is crucial, City win and they are closer to us, we win and the gap gets bigger .
30 Oct 2019 13:42:53
Are bookings cross competition? If so with Fabs on 4 for the season are we likely to see him play in the 6 tonight and just so happen to pick up a booking meaning he would be out of the Villa game but a guarantee for the City game?
or is Klopp a risk taker and he will rest him this evening and just hope he is on his best behaviour on the weekend? With Fabs being integral in the 6 this season thus far, it would be a major blow if he was out of the City game when it would be easily avoidable.
1.) 30 Oct 2019 14:13:46
What will happen will happen. I hope he doesn't deliberately pick up a card because it's the definition of cheating. Hendo can play at 6 against City if needed. It's a collective sport- Ox, Gini and Hendo can do a job against City at Anfield.
2.) 30 Oct 2019 15:04:02
I'd prefer Hendo than ox for the security of the midfield. Ox may pop in a good run or two but I don't fancy a Silva or KDB getting in on the space. Hendo frustrates me but he does a job well.
3.) 30 Oct 2019 15:30:51
We need Fab for City.
4.) 30 Oct 2019 16:04:28
@LRG: considering the last few times Ox played against City we won, and all our matches against them after that without the Ox resulted in a draw at best, I'd say a midfield containing Ox in it wouldn't be that bad a bet.
5.) 30 Oct 2019 17:10:14
In all fairness we need fab for BOTH prem games in my opinion. Villa ain't no gimmick or guarantee we will win, what's the point of him deliberately miss the villa game if we end up dropping points and hoping he makes a bigger impact for th city game. don't play him tonight he needs a lite rest, play him at villa saturday and what will be will be. If we cruising and he hasn't picked up a yellow bring him off then but its pointless prioritising games when we don't know any outcome.
6.) 31 Oct 2019 01:04:09
I agree, Fabs has to play against Villa, its still 3 points, I still think City will drop Points soon, another draw maybe .
7.) 30 Oct 2019 01:03:09
Personally, I would play Ox vs City cos based on visual evidence in the games he has played against them, he is unplayable. He is able to break the lines and attack that soft under-belly down the middle. But that's just me. Klopp will play Hendo cos well, he is fully trusted by Klopp to do the job he is asked, whatever the job is. On the other side, Ox is a more than brilliant option to bring on.
But before any of that, our full focus should be on the Villa game cos if we don't win that, the City game becomes even more massive and complicated cos we will only have a 3 point diff. VILLA, first.
04 Feb 2025 11:55:12
I guess by the same logic Chelsea didn't rate Rio Ngumoha as he signed for us?
Players in the youth set ups move for all sorts of reasons, doesn't always mean the club didn't rate them. Only time will tell if he is playing for Spurs or Southport in the future. There is just so many unknowns in developmental football.
03 Feb 2025 20:14:57
Just read an article that alleged that West Ham are pushing a move for Tyler Morton. Could be nothing but it is a rumour. Think it'll be a really good move for the lad if it has any truth.
22 Jan 2025 10:29:07
Harvey is the closest to one of us on here managing to make it at LFC.
I feel the club would have to prise his fingers off of the doors to get him out if they wanted that. The boy is a Liverpool fan through and through and it is fantastic to see.
21 Jan 2025 14:12:00
Oh no, more conversations surrounding the semantics of contract negotiations incoming!
Crikey Ibou do you not know we have been through this enough on this page. We just need an announcement that it's done.
14 Jan 2025 10:03:50
iwillbered - Save the Eds the time, use the search on this matter. It has been done to death and the bottom line is some on here don't care where the money comes from as all Billionaires are rotten to the core. Money is money.
Others represent the values of the people and would not have then man anywhere near the L4 postcode.
Either way whatever your opinion on the matter, just search the man's name and you'll find the reactions, debates, fallings out and everything else that went with it.
07 Feb 2025 09:06:12
My Papa was of Irish decent and moved across settling in Formby.
As a kid in the 90's - 00's staying with him every weekend in order to go to the games with him and my father, there was nothing more special.
Unfortunately after his passing and I grew up, made a career for myself, life has caused me to live elsewhere and like most getting a ticket today is near on impossible. I would love nothing more than to take my girls and their Papa to Anfield to experience the magic. Maybe then they would understand why every weekend for 90 minutes Daddy becomes a little kid again ?.
05 Feb 2025 10:44:16
Trent should come out and say if he is staying or going?
That's the point, nothing has been signed either way so he cannot announce something that hasn't happened. Nobody can.
If people want him to stay maybe get behind him and show him why he should rather that the utter BS thrown his way and attempts to tarnish his name.
05 Feb 2025 10:32:27
A lot of ex-reds opinions are irrelevant and inconsequential to the matter. So long as Arne and his staff are happy with what Dom is going and his performances what else is relevant.
A lot of folk are paid to be expert analysts of the game for the sports coverage or cause controversy when in reality the majority would not cut the mustard managing a development squad tactically let alone the team top of the league, top of the champs league and in the running for all other domestic competitions.
Most of Doms work happens off the ball, albeit a goal or assist more would do him no harm.
02 Feb 2025 10:10:24
I'm sure the discussion has been had before, the reason pacey teams target Trent's side of the pitch is due to the way two managers in a row have asked him to play.
He is tactically set up and asked to push up the pitch which leaves space in behind him to be covered by the center back. But don't let that stand in the way of the narrative that Trent is a poor player.
I'm sure one of the best managers we have ever had and another who (not to jinx things) seems to be his second coming and progressing the team to the next stage, know less about football that some on here.
How come both have had other options at there disposal but still persist with him as he is the best player for the role he is being asked to play? The options that he offers?
I for one absolutely agree he is not worth shattering the harmony of the wage structure for as it'll lead to a United type situation that you have every man and their agent wanting parity. But on the other hand I would be gutted to see him go.
Hindsight is a great thing, and in my opinion (for what it is worth) a lot of fans will realise how much is missing should he depart.
31 Jan 2025 13:30:15
Either the winner of PSG vs Brest or Monaco vs Benfica.