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05 Jul 2024 17:12:36
I for one would be hugely disappointed if Quansah was part of a deal for Gordon unless the toon club were to pay us a significant price for the pleasure!


1.) 05 Jul 2024 17:53:04
“Not for sale at any price “ would be my response!

2.) 05 Jul 2024 18:09:37
Really? So 200m you still wouldn't sell quansah?

"At any price" is a silly cliche.

3.) 05 Jul 2024 23:55:11
MetroRed, I read that too and I have no idea what genius came up with that nonsese if indeed, it is true.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 00:07:08
Not for sale at any realistic price. No-one is going to be offering 200m for Quansah.

5.) 06 Jul 2024 11:08:55
What would you consider a realistic price because quansah is decent but fans acting like he's the new Hansen is overboard. His value is probably around 20-30m so if someone offers 50 that's a price you should probably sell for.

He's a good prospect but it's way to early in his career to say he's unsellable, that's a term you reserve for Messi or Zidane.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 15:32:56
If someone offered 500m for Zidane youd be mad not to ta.



29 Apr 2024 09:53:34
We’ve lost 4 league games this term with a completely new midfield and we are all but certain of Champions League next season.

Of course no fan accepts just the one cup as ultimate satisfaction, particularly as it is the lowest ranking of the 4 but what were we really expecting at the start of season? If I tracked back and read the posts at the beginning, most of you thought we’d be mid table obscurity - simply somewhere like where the Red Devils ultimately find themselves (much to my happiness).

It's not a 'great' season by any means and a shame that it fell off towards the end, but the work to give it a run and to improve - somewhat with a fair amount of change and also with some very decent youth in the ranks too - for me it is okay and with something to build on!

Our new management inherits some decent talent and I am sure will want to bring in some of his own.

I for one will get behind Slot, but before that I will continue to get behind this manager and his squad and thank them for their efforts in what is the most challenging league in the world without compare!



1.) 29 Apr 2024 10:38:02
Well said MetroRed.

How quickly we forget. According to some sections of so called Liverpool supporters Klopp should have left two years ago and now because of the touchline spat at the weekend they want Salah, one of the Premier Leagues best of all time wingers who has broken most records gone in the summer.

99% of Premier League clubs in their entire history can only dream about winning what we have won under Kloop.

Thanks to these guys and all the others the numbers on the trophy wall had to be changed practically every season and for that I will be for ever thankful.

2.) 29 Apr 2024 10:49:36
You, like many others unfortunately, are talking absolute nonsense. We were such overwhelming favourites for the Europa League that many fans have now got plane tickets and hotels for Dublin that they need to shift. As an absolute bare mimimum this season I expected us to reach the final of the Europa League and take City and Arsenal right to the wire.

We spent roughly £160m (not even including add-ons) on a whole new midfield because it was universally accepted that we failed last season due to the decline of Henderson, Milner, Ox and Fabinho. We had the front line and the backline to go toe to toe with anyone, and we rectified the glaring weakness in the side.

We proved in the first 30 games of the season that we are good enough to compete for the title and win several trophies. Instead of all this revisionist nonsense, why can't people just accept that we've underachieved? It doesn't make you less of a supporter to call out the truth. It doesn't mean you are disrespecting Klopp's overall achievements to say that he's lost his edge. By his own admission he couldn't do this anymore. It's just a sad reality, but living in this fantasy land where 3rd and a Carabao Cup was the best we could've hoped for is delusional. Just ask all those lads who've now got a random holiday in Ireland next month.

3.) 29 Apr 2024 10:54:07
Yeah most of us would have taken that before the season started.
But also as the season went on it was obvious that the squad was capable of going all the way as well.
So I think it’s a bit bitter sweet, because we all know another title was possible with a bit more luck.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 11:08:08
Although I agree with you that a prem title was not an expectation. We were sitting on top a couple of weeks ago and the wheels have completely fallen off. So peoples frustration stems from the fact we had the title in our own hands and to put it bluntly, compitulated. I really thought this season was going to be full of emotion and full buy in from the team and fans for a manager that gave us fans and his players all he had. It has baffled me how things have turned out. At the start of the season I would have happily taken 4th place as a pass mark. I don't know how to process how the season is ending right now.

5.) 29 Apr 2024 12:02:18
Nothing Wrong with feeling disappointed with how things have turned out but also realising that we had over performed to get in that position. One question if arsenal had similar injuries to us do you think they would be challenging for the title now.

6.) 29 Apr 2024 12:35:02
I'd put a years wage on that most posters or fans didn't expect mid table obscurity at the start of the season.

I'd even go as far as saying i could probably name the 2 who would have thought it and that's Harry and Walter (both great posters with their unique opinions)

But there is absolutely no most about it.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 12:57:48
Sorry MK but personally I don’t see how fans can be mad if they have booked flights and hotels in expectation and then complain the team doesn’t get there. You take your chances - that’s the game and we all know that. Liverpool could have easily gone out on a ref howler rather than a turgid performance. There are any number of reasons why you can get knocked out of a cup competition and those lads would still need to enjoy their Irish holiday all the same.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 13:52:49
I don't think anyone thought third and the Carabao Cup was the best we could achieve. And I think anyone that thinks a place in the Europa Cup final is a bare minimum is delusional.
I think a lot of fans took a punt (pun intended) on flights and hotels because Dublin is so convenient.
Had the final been in Kazakhstan I don't think that would have been the case. Either way it was a gamble, it didn't pay off and nothing to do with the team.

9.) 29 Apr 2024 14:10:26
You're missing the point though lads. I'm not saying those fans have a right to be annoyed about their money, because they don't. It was their risk to take and I certainly wouldn't have gambled hundreds if not thousands on us winning it. What I'm saying that people planning their trips there months in advance is clear evidence that many people were expecting more from this team. Especially after the favourable draw put Leverkusen, Milan and Roma away from us until the final.

It's just a bare faced lie to say we all thought this team was only capable of a Carabao up. I read this site daily and we were as a collective very optimistic about this season. Last season was being called a blip after the Quad chase took it out of us. Even the Blue nose Ed025 was speaking in glowing terms about our signing of Mac Allister. Szoboszlai signing generated a huge amount of excitement. We were all saying Nunez could really kick on and Virgil was back to his best.

Why are people lying to themselves to defend our capitulation? It's flaky at best. Call a spade a spade.

10.) 29 Apr 2024 16:54:00
MKS, I see what you're saying. for me, it is perfectly normal to feel the ay fans are feeling about how the season panned out cos Im just as frustrated and pee'd off about it cos the issues we had were there to be addressed and were never addressed. We were not clicking offensively nor defensively at a consistent level and were rising above these issues by sheer will and desire, IMO. At some point, that's going to burn you a and the chickens have now come home to roost.

At the same time, people should not come on and start acting like they thought we were shoe-in's to challenge and win the title cos none of these "fans" were saying that at the time esp. after the whole Caicedo debacle. Many of us did not even know what we were going to be cos there was so many unknowns and you guessed it, Klopp said so himself when he was asked if he knew we would be this/ that good at the time. It is the lack of perspective and disingenuous revisionist history I cannot stand. One can't complain that we won't challenge for the title in preseason and then when we do and fall short, you cry again cos we did not achieve what you yourself said at the start we would NOT achieve. Make up your damn mind, will ya?

Now it's tough the way things have happened and how the season has ended. I feel sorry for Klopp cos he looks spent. Did we under achieve? That's tough cos remember, the only way we would have achieved anything this season with the level of uncertainty going into the season, would have been to actually OVER-achieve. Did we do that based on that? Love to hear your answer.

11.) 29 Apr 2024 20:43:05
It’s all a process lads. When we won the league before we had to endure a couple of seasons of near misses until the players had the experience to maintain the challenge.

We had so many new players and have been forced to play a lot of young players throughout the season and they fell short this time but it’s their first attempt.

It doesn’t have to be a failure, that’s just not understanding the game at all. The fact that they have been in the thick of it gives them valuable experience and they will know how to deal with it better next time.

The worst thing we can do is to dismantle the team because of the last 6 games of the season. They have shown they are capable we should keep hold of them as now they have something to prove. Trust me they will be hurting so next time that will make them all the more determined to make sure they don’t fall away at the end.

Obviously it all depends on how the new manager gets on too but all this talk of players needing replacing is just knee jerk nonsense in my opinion.



22 Jan 2024 07:53:25
I'm surprised I can't see this mentioned anywhere but did anyone else view Mac Allister as the stand out player in the Bournemouth game? Seems his game yesterday was taken a little for granted in punditry and media circles! I thought it was outstanding myself.


1.) 22 Jan 2024 09:01:25
I agree metro I thought Mac was quality yesterday.

When Endo came into the team in Dec it was almost forgotten about that Mac had played the previous games beforehand at Dm and we’d only lost one which was the Spurs game.

Mac and Endo both have their strengths and weakness’s like every other player worldwide but I’m so happy we have both in our squad doing well.

2.) 22 Jan 2024 09:29:18
Mac Allister was my man of the match. That is backed up by his stats too - he won back possession on 15 occasion and competed in 19 duels and made 7 successful tackles - all game high stats (and I think the tackles stat is the highest by any Liverpool player in any game this season) .

I also thought Konate was immense.

3.) 22 Jan 2024 09:32:16
MoTM for me. Even in the first have he was decent when others were struggling.

4.) 22 Jan 2024 09:40:33
Metro, I did. He was phenomenal in near every way possible hence, why I posted that I was having difficulty giving the a MOTM award cos he was the one I really wanted to give it too BUT Darwin, Jota and Gomez are also great candidates, IMO. You know it's a good day at the office if you have struggles like this, right?

5.) 22 Jan 2024 13:59:39
His best performance for us till date? Definitely
But he can play even better
But I think this match showed he can actually be strong on the ball in the defensive end and be switched on, just not sure if it’s also Bournemouth not being particularly good too that made him look even better. I remember at one point he won the ball, rode 2 challenges and passed it well. In that moment I was like ‘whao, that’s a proper 6’.

6.) 22 Jan 2024 14:04:23
Wait till the match review mate! Btw the Southampton one hasn't been put in a long time too???.

{Ed001's Note - I won't have time to do one for the next couple of weeks as my parents are visiting. Sorry.}

7.) 22 Jan 2024 14:24:41
@ed 001, really you guys have parents, I thought all editors were molded by the gods and put among us mere mortals for insight in football matters. That’s enough brown nosing from me today. Joking aside enjoy the time with your parents, as a Belgian living in Brasil I know how precious it is to have loved ones over from your homeland.

{Ed001's Note - maybe that is how the other editors arrived here, but I was put among them to prove that even an editor is merely human. Thanks mate, it is very good to see them, though not seeing them for so long makes it really hit home how old they have gotten! How did you end up in Brazil? Are you like one of those Scots that went abroad for a World Cup and just never left after it finished?}

8.) 22 Jan 2024 15:48:32
No mate, I’m not interested in international football. I met my wife, who’s Brazilian, in Belgium. We decided to visit her family for a couple of months and I just never returned. We bought a small farm in the mountains and that’s the story really. But you’re absolutely right, it’s hard seeing your parents and in my case also my grandfather age when you don’t get to see them for prolonged periods of time.

{Ed001's Note - how long have you been there?}

9.) 22 Jan 2024 17:15:46
5 years now, how long have you been away from Liverpool?

{Ed001's Note - just 2 years now, I went back for a few months before moving here.}

10.) 23 Jan 2024 01:27:48
Hope you enjoy your time with your parents Ed mate.

{Ed001's Note - thanks Salah it is really nice to see them.}

11.) 23 Jan 2024 10:22:35
Fantastic Ed, moments to be cherished mate.



21 Jan 2024 10:36:45
I saw a post referring to Keita above being a “main example” of a “ready made superstar” and, I will be honest, I’ve not laughed as much since caceido gave away a penalty on his debut for Chelsea (a golden bullet dodged)!

Then I realised this is the Banter page!

Serious BANTS the best for a good while ???.


1.) 21 Jan 2024 11:59:49
To be fair, a ready made superstar was what he was supposed to be.
I’d have him down as Klopps worst ever signing for us though.

2.) 21 Jan 2024 12:57:00
"I saw a post referring to Keita above being a “main example” of a “ready made superstar”.

Im not sure that ever happened. I do remember me and many others salivating at the prospect of having him in our team at the time due to his immense ability shown the season before he joined cos I watched him for a full season before he joined us and he was THAT guy. Ready made superstar? Not sure, that was the case.

As for Caicedo, he is a very good player (we wanted the guy for a reason, right? ) who is struggling mightily in a crap team with no system, not proper tactical structure and purpose. Same for Hojlund. Sad for Caicedo BUT he got the move he wanted and we got Endo so all parties are satisfied and good luck to him and Hojlund.

3.) 21 Jan 2024 13:34:36
If anyone had the profile of a ready made superstar it was Keita.
To say he didn't hit the heights myself and others anticipated would be a crushing understatement.
Injuries played their part in the curtailment of his expected explosion on the Premier League, we may never know for sure how much of the rumoured laxness was actually true.

4.) 21 Jan 2024 17:34:19
That was me that said that Metro and it’s absolutely true. At the time we signed him he was one of the most sought after players in Europe.

We all know what happened but that doesn’t detract from the facts. He was supposed to be a world star.

5.) 21 Jan 2024 22:29:24
Nah, BP I disagree. i never thought Naby was a world star cos had he been, we would not have been able to afford him even tho, we paid a lot for him mainly due to Klopp tapping him up.

µTo me, he was a player who was on the up and was ready to make that big jump to the next level cos those were the types of players we targeted like Mo, Sadio, VVD, AB1, Fab etc. Those players were not world stars either, man.

6.) 21 Jan 2024 19:23:25
Yes, yes it's very true and it happened. He was going to be our "Kante". I can't quote posts exactly, but he was going to improve our midfield exponentially. "World class"? I don't know. But to be rated second after Kante (who was the best at the time) should have meant something. Clearly Klopp thought so too since the club bought him one year in advance, which is something you never see. If it weren't for the injuries he would deservedly have been out on loans the whole 5 years!



08 Jan 2024 07:51:10
Gomez really has done well since coming back in but I have always liked him and thought he deserved a run. I have always thought Saka to be one of the most overrated players in the prem and Gomez did a lot to help maintain my view ?.

Bradley came in on right and superb too. Martinelli can be a tricky player but his positioning, pace, concentration, energy looked accomplished and solid throughout.

Arsenal most definitely need a striker!


1.) 08 Jan 2024 09:33:39
Hasn't Arteta spent enough money?

2.) 08 Jan 2024 09:42:40
Metro, I agree with you on Gomez. He has always been a very good player BUT the injuries have taken away part of his physicality and esp. a yard and a half of pace cos I remember him being able to stay with Leroy Sane and Adam Traore step for step in a foot race back in the day. That said, he is a very solid defender and Im so happy he is doing so well and his versatility has been a huge place.

As for Saka, I love him to bits BUT I don't think he is overrated. I think he is super tired and is struggling physically cos the yard of burst he had is gone. Why? IMO, Arteta has mismanaged him (an Martinelli) as they play WAY too much footie as young players. Arteta has NO cover for either so they have to play every game and that is ruining them, IMO.

As for Arteta and a striker, they had a striker in Folaring Balogin scoring for fun last season at Reims in the French League. It was Arteta who binned him off in fav. of two strikers in Jesus and Nketiah who are NOT in Balogun's league goalscoring-wise. That's on him and no one else, IMO.

3.) 08 Jan 2024 11:30:05
How did Ben white not get a yellow for throwing jones to the ground last night!?

4.) 08 Jan 2024 12:13:20
Longthing76, I have NO idea whatsoever.

5.) 08 Jan 2024 12:26:47
It’s great to see Gomez having a very good season so far.

6.) 08 Jan 2024 12:51:33
Gomez is playing really well at left back.

Questions need to be asked of Arteta, awful manager with lack of tactical ability to be able to change a game.

7.) 08 Jan 2024 16:29:03
Brummyred, you could level near everything bad happening on the pitch at Arsenal at Arteta. Incompetent and supremely arrogant without the cache to boot, a Brendan Rodgers regen in my book.

8.) 08 Jan 2024 20:40:23
An awful manager who has managed to get Arsenal thereabouts in the challenge for the Premiership in the last few seasons.




MetroRed's rumour replies


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09 Jul 2024 10:51:44
Ultimately foundation is important BUT you can have the best foundation laid on the best land area if the Brickie, Plasterer, Hod Carrier etc don’t then work in some form of unison and with the best Site Manager (s) then the building will not stand the test of time and definitely ain’t going to get any rewards/ awards!

And after all it is the successful awards that count in the ultimate!

Chelsea’s and Barcelona’s buildings have crumbled somewhat of late?!




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03 Jul 2024 18:41:35
Great Diaz fan personally!




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02 Jul 2024 08:33:36
I think Neto is a very decent player and in the right hands could be a diamond in the rough.

Injury is perhaps the only real worry not goals, but his body is young enough if the right care is taken. I don’t think because Mo was hardly prolific at 24.

In the right hands, with better quality squad and supply around etc his un-deniable talent could be nurtured.




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04 Jun 2024 07:52:28
We have had worse players over the years for sure. We have won the champions league with worse and I 100% subscribe to it being about how a player fits into a Team/ Squad as priority over individual attributes. In fact, some over compensating individual attributes (over compensating inability to be a team player) can do much harm.

Oh and with worse players in our squad I don’t actually think we have ever finished lower than 8th (and then only a few times) since we returned to the top flight in the 60’s? 10 or below just is not a likelihood! We all want to be #1 though of course. I always trust the judgement and wait to see the player as part of a team before criticising or applauding a transfer tbh.




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10 Mar 2024 21:28:49
Hmm Bayern Guarantees him a title? Really? Tell the current manager that! Some odd sentiments there!





MetroRed's banter replies


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22 Apr 2024 16:49:15
I think someone just misinterpreted a quote from KK who apparently said if we do get Amorim there ‘are neh slots’ left to fill! ?.




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25 Jan 2024 07:55:05
Did I see an Ed compare Curtis Jones to Tom Davies?

Whilst I agree a little about the holding onto the ball still too long I see huge development like most. TD never developed IMO at best he stood still, likely regressed his game.

Was good in Wonka tho ?.




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23 Jan 2024 06:31:53
The original post made reference as if our academy brought the players to fruition. I am sure when we bought him as ALREADY A DEBUT PREM PLAYER that we helped develop further, as we do with all player we purchase no matter of their age or experience.

My point is I am not sure we can claim him a “product” of our academy when he was already ready to make a Prem debut as a result of another’s academy, or does that mean you can be a product of multiple academies.

I really am not bothered by what the “official” academy player rules are that is for alternate purpose as opposed to bragging rights about the greatness of one’s academy.

I, as a Liverpool fan, don’t have to take a “freebie” to be proud of what we have in our academy structure and I certainly don’t want other fans claiming I do!




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22 Jan 2024 08:11:39
Not sure we can claim Elliott as “came through the academy” when he made his actual premiership debut at Fulham but I get and agree with your point about the excitement.




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30 Dec 2023 08:11:25
None of them look good enough to survive? I actually think Luton will at the expense of another. They have some heart and team spirit for certain.

And I actually think Gravenberch ain’t all that bad.




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