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02 Apr 2023 08:45:06
Hay Ed’s, you said recently Nicolo Barella could be moving in the summer. Would there be any interest from Liverpool? Cracking player and surely every team in Europe would would be interested if he was available.

6 Gold Stars

{Ed002's Note - There have been discussions with a couple of sides but there has not been any approach by Liverpool.}

1.) 02 Apr 2023 21:27:45
Excellent player who would immediately improve our midfield options. If only we could get him and Bellingham.




6 Gold Stars's banter posts with other poster's replies to 6 Gold Stars's banter posts


22 May 2021 07:59:50
Has anyone ever seen Ben Davies play Left back? I’m sure it was said on here that he played the role before moving to CB. Was thinking that maybe he was fetched in to provide cover for Robbo next season.

6 Gold Stars

1.) 22 May 2021 08:43:54
I think that the real question is-Has anybody actually seen Ben Davis?

2.) 22 May 2021 08:50:12
Never seen him play. But i did read that as a left back PNE were about to get rid as he wasn't good enough. Then a new manager came in and converted him to a centre back. So it's safe to assume he isn't going to be good enough as a left back for us either!

3.) 22 May 2021 08:52:38
I hope we don’t try to price him out of a move,

4.) 22 May 2021 11:38:44
Ben Davies does'nt exist, remember Keyser Soze.

5.) 22 May 2021 12:25:06
OP, have you seen Ben Davies ever?

6.) 22 May 2021 18:10:43
I am Keyser Soze🙋‍♂️.




6 Gold Stars's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 15:58:59
Get Inacio in asap. Even if VVD signs a contract extension, let them battle it out to be number 1 LCB. Plenty of games to play next season for the both of them to get the minutes.

6 Gold Stars



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23 Jul 2024 14:41:03
Brother in-law maybe?

6 Gold Stars



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19 Jul 2024 06:56:16
Liverpool obviously decided to step away. Whether that was to do with upsetting players like Quansah by paying an unproven lads sky high wages or because they felt that he would want to jump ship to Madrid the first opportunity he gets, I don’t know.
Never seen him play tbh, but I’m wondering if a young Yoro would be a better servant and asset to us over the next 3 years over someone like Inacio? Because with Madrid sniffing around, that’s maybe all the time he would spend with us.

6 Gold Stars



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19 Jul 2024 06:19:16
Has he even been offered a contract to sign yet? Give it a few weeks for him to return from his holiday and see what happens then.

6 Gold Stars



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11 Jul 2024 22:43:59
Not sure I would straight swap Gomez for Gordon. Would they be interested in Nat Phillip?

6 Gold Stars




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19 Jul 2024 23:10:52
Not sure what it’s like in Milton Keynes Adam, but I’m pretty sure the rest of the country doesn’t have a new generation every 15 years or so. Don’t they have the electricity on at night or something? ?.

6 Gold Stars



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19 Jul 2024 06:43:34
Can’t believe we are back on CB hight debate again ?.

6 Gold Stars



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08 Jul 2024 20:32:05
You are wrong about that Jaguar…. you legally HAVE to honour the contract of every player. If the player won’t agree to be sold, then he stays until the end of his contract.

6 Gold Stars



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07 Jul 2024 23:32:26
When fit and in form, a truly gifted footballer who was a level above everyone else on the pitch. A joy to watch and “elite” doesn’t do the guy justice.
His honours list doesn’t lie and to say that he was anything other than a legend would be criminal.
Sadly, he came to the premier league in the twilight of his career and his body couldn’t keep up with the pace of the most demanding league on the planet.
Wish we could have had a 25 year old Thiago, but he was one of the players on the planet who can pick what team he plays for, and he had other dreams to fulfill.

6 Gold Stars



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05 Jul 2024 17:53:04
“Not for sale at any price “ would be my response!

6 Gold Stars



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