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27 Jan 2024 21:29:50
Meltdown incoming Ed's.

Xavi leaving Barcelona at the end of the season.,


1.) 27 Jan 2024 23:07:46
I imagine Jurgen would enjoy working in a different climate for his next job, but just don't see him going to a club with a backdrop of complex politics and renound player power.

I believe that he will take a year out, with the German national job being the most likely, since it would allow more time to live, however, my outside bet as far as club football goes would be Athletico, with Napoli a distant second.

Whatever you do Jurgen, bless you and your family, we wish you the very best.

2.) 28 Jan 2024 00:45:33
Who is having this supposed meltdown and why?

3.) 28 Jan 2024 09:39:17
I’m still in full on meltdown. No one’s bigger than lfc but Klopp is damn close. A leader of people and icon for the club, City and all LFC supporters worldwide. Devastating news and a real worry we go same way as when Dalglish left. Klopp gets every ounce out of his players, extra 10% which is only reason we have won a lot of those games this year. If that goes we are a top 6 team at best. They should have given Klopp a sabbatical year to recharge.

Given Linders the chance to step up and prove himself. Klopp has said in his interview Linders is a key man in all of this. For those of us who remember what Souness did and the decades it took to recover and only after a one-off legend like Klopp came in did we get back to where we were, it is definitely full on meltdown for me.

4.) 28 Jan 2024 13:24:34
Seems unlikely that Ljinders is in serious consideration for the job given his departure has been announced too.

5.) 28 Jan 2024 21:38:25
I find it odd seeing a few posts calling for lijnders to be given the role when last season everyone was bemoaning his influence on Klopp towards tactics played and kicking off about the release of his book. Back then any tactical change was attributed to his influence and it seemed many slammed him for taking us away from Klopps ethos of "heavy metal" football. I personally would look for a clean break. He'd be under immense pressure to maintain the status quo and any failures would bring immense pressure immediately. I'm not sure he has the experience or gravitas to manage that yet.

6.) 28 Jan 2024 22:07:02
Time for us all to put our big boys pants on. Jurgen has been absolutely brilliant and has made a grown-ups decision. We have to be grown-ups too, enjoy the rest of the season and then get excited about what’s next.




Paisley79's banter posts with other poster's replies to Paisley79's banter posts


10 Jun 2024 15:41:19
Thoughts go out to "Jockey" and his family

Best defender I've ever seen play for us and a true legend of the club.


1.) 10 Jun 2024 16:15:48
Absolutely, Paisley79. Must be in every Liverpool's supporter's best ever 11 team.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 22:23:18
He's the best I've ever seen. Best wishes to him and his family.



04 Jun 2024 07:57:23
I see our shirt sponsors are in the news (not for the first time, and not for positive reasons too).


1.) 04 Jun 2024 09:11:16
Yes, Paisley79, not a good look.



22 Apr 2024 18:56:31
I'd go for Slot

Absolute machine.


{Ed025's Note - love it mate..

1.) 22 Apr 2024 19:38:33
Not sure he’s worth the gamble personally.

2.) 22 Apr 2024 19:41:30
We'll have hit the Jackpot if we go for Slot.

{Ed025's Note - nice one Taurus...i hope he gets the job just for the jokes mate.. :)

3.) 22 Apr 2024 19:44:57
Haha brilliant gents.

I think we’ve hit the jackpot with this one.

4.) 22 Apr 2024 19:53:21
I’d press hold on this one.

5.) 22 Apr 2024 19:55:59
Taurus you beat me to the punch there mate.

6.) 22 Apr 2024 20:23:28
There'll be some japes about his name if he does sign.
Aaaah, metal slots and some strimmer wire. Nudge nudge wink wink, I've got a pocketful of pretty green.

7.) 22 Apr 2024 20:29:16
Imagine if we got Slot and Toney. That would be a match made in Vegas.

8.) 22 Apr 2024 21:19:08
Would be we have to sign sterling and cash.

{Ed025's Note - and with Gravenbirch...that would be 3 lemons in a row JK.. :)

9.) 22 Apr 2024 21:23:17
Arne will be back.

{Ed025's Note - good stuff Ron..

10.) 22 Apr 2024 21:39:02
Time to hold your plumbs lads it looks like we're in bandit country.

11.) 22 Apr 2024 21:49:48
I think Arne will Slot right in at Liverpool.

12.) 23 Apr 2024 01:23:43
Surely with Slot sterling and cash we’d finally be able to afford Mbappe and to clone prime Dalglish.

13.) 23 Apr 2024 06:59:33
Good choice imo, Slot would fit right in.

14.) 23 Apr 2024 07:32:49
Going backwards if we do get slot. lol might as well just get back Rodger’s or Rafa. ? be back to a medicore team.

15.) 23 Apr 2024 08:21:52
We weren't mediocre under Rafa.
I wish we had one of the midfields we had under him. I reckon we'd win the League this season with the likes Gerrard, Alonso, Mascherano and Sissoko.
Rafa was up against Ferguson though. Like Klopp is up against Guardiola.



12 Apr 2024 11:45:48
Our recent run of form has been disappointing and our performances (even in some of the wins ) have left a lot to be desired

I was going to post the following after the United match but refrained

Last season was awful compared with what went before

We finished 5th - 4points off a CL place and a full 22points off the winners

We conceded 47 league goals which has been our highest total conceded since 2015/ 16

We exited both the league cup and FA Cup in round 4 and got smashed by Real Madrid in the CL

We have to keep some perspective
To go from that position to challenging for the title and winning silverware is progress

Yes recently we haven't performed that well but we are still IMO a squad that needs adding to and that isn't going to happen overnight.

Realistically it has been not changing that squad early enough that has hampered us if anything

To be where we are after the season we had last time out is not something to be sniffed at - securing CL football this season was a priority and we should still be able to do that.

It's almost as if Klopp leaving has added additional expectation to what we can do.

We want to win everything - but we can't expect to win everything

Let's keep on the level, keep supporting all our players and enjoy the run-in.


1.) 12 Apr 2024 13:48:13
Hopefully last nite has given us a jolt and our players get back to playing how they can, as u say paisley we've been poor from man utd game in cup. slow, sluggish not sharp anywhere over the field. We give opposition a sitter in 1st couple of minutes of every game which to me means we not switched on, sheff utd Brighton and atlanta shouldn't be getting a sitter inside 2mins at anfield. eack of them 3 games we where 1-0 down or shouldve been that quick. I woulD expect last nite was rock bottom and will see a much improved performance sunday.

2.) 12 Apr 2024 14:09:55
I get your point but even if additions are needed it’s clear to me that we are a top top team with probably the best manager in the world, there’s no reason for us to crumble like that against Atalanta, however good of a team they are, clearly lots of people here know that we can and should do better. Of course that doesn’t mean that klopp or the players should play like they deserve a free pass to go through, that’s what’s inexcusable.
Of course they can still turn it around and I think it’s not outside the realm of possibility. If anything this team has given us a lot of joy this season, and they are good enough to not let themselves and us down.

3.) 12 Apr 2024 14:13:59
Spot on, Paisley and Digger. The fact that we are where we are during essentially a rebuilding season is a testament to Klopp and the players. Things are not perfect for sure but at the end of the day, our guys have risen and answered the call way more often than not this season.

I get it. The last two results and perfs. were not up to standard and hurt really bad. Our boys screwed up massively and they know it. Last night was the absolute worst we have played this season, hands down. However, It’s time to regroup and make the final push right now. With more heavy hitters now back, they will bring some more freshness and new energy into the squad. On to Palace and Up Da Pool!



31 Mar 2024 19:00:04
Outside of Amorim who would you like to see as our next manager?

For me I think we need to look at someone who plays a similar way to what we do know (otherwise player changes are required) and has a track record of batting well above their average (competing with the financial muscle of Chelsea and City will be a challenge) .

None spring to mind as fitting the bill to me- any stand out for you?


{Ed001's Note - no one stands out at all, sorry.}

1.) 31 Mar 2024 22:51:53
P79, there ain't anyone else out there, man. It is what it is.

2.) 31 Mar 2024 23:07:05
I still don't think Potter should be entirely discounted. He earned his chance at Chelsea and then was given a poisoned chalice with very little time. It was never going to work for him and they still continue to stutter.

Xabi was the only individual who immediately stood out, but in his absence there aren’t too many people who you would think you’d like to see which would have the sticking power and bring the stability we will need.

We don't want a caretaker or to drift from manager to manager every couple of years so I wouldn’t have an issue with bringing in a young, hungry Englishman who had garnered a great reputation prior to the disaster that is Chelsea (he’d have been nuts to turn it down after all) .

The fact that so many here are so quickly dismissive of any the options is nuts. We have to accept that we will likely have to suffer the dreaded transition with whoever it is that comes in.

3.) 31 Mar 2024 23:51:13
Potter should be dismissed as an option. We’re not a mid table club. If we appointed him, we’d be taking on a manager whose reputation is in the bin and a manager who has done nothing since failing so spectacularly at Chelsea. Why would we want a Chelsea reject manager? Potter would drag us to mid table, that’s not transition that is failure.

4.) 31 Mar 2024 23:53:31
This is Liverpool and I'm a lifelong Liverpool fan. I want the next manager to have at least won a couple of titles and championships) if from European leagues) so that he has a fair chance of continuing Klopp's work with the players he is leaving behind. I want to continue challenging and winning. Being hungry and young doesn't cut it for me as being enough. Neither is being an Englishman; we're past that stage since long.

I thought I'd explain why I'm dismissive completely of Potter.

5.) 01 Apr 2024 01:36:54
Brendan Rogers or Tommy Tuchel ArAy?

Success in an inferior league is a low bar for me.
They have to have other traits.

6.) 01 Apr 2024 07:47:11
Ron, given that the EPL is generally considered to be the best league in the World, anyone from another league will be judged as coming from an "inferior level league". Loads of managers have come to the EPL from lower leagues and done well: Mourinho, Guardiola, Conte, and even our own Klopp, as a few examples. The key is to find someone "on the way up" on his career path and create the environment where he can keep going up; very much as Klopp did.

7.) 01 Apr 2024 08:40:12
What I’m saying is winning titles elsewhere should not be the criteria - Rogers, Tuchel. Pep and Klopp had other traits. Pep had resurrected Barcelona and turned them into the best side in Europe/ the world. Both Klopp and Pep had distinctive styles of football which would translate well to the premier league. Klopp knew how to motivate players too.

Coming from an inferior league is not a negative, but it provides the context for their success. I don’t really care if they’ve won titles elsewhere, I want to know their football philosophy - will it translate to the fast paced ultra-aggressive PL- and I want to know how they are at motivating players (young players, established players and superstar players) and I want to know how they respond to extreme pressure.

8.) 01 Apr 2024 10:45:10
Ron, I don't disagree with you at all, we are actually interested in the same things. But going back to the original post, do you see Graham Potter as having enough of those traits which you mentioned given his record (relative success) at Brighton and (relative failure) at Chelsea?

9.) 01 Apr 2024 12:01:05
I do ArAy. That’s why he shouldn’t be discounted IMO. Young, hungry and English isn’t the be all etc, but it’s a bonus for me. Less likely to have their head turned by one of the other Euro giants and more chance of being a legacy manager. I may be wrong, but I think only 3 or 4 foreign mangers have lasted more than 5 years at a prem club. Most teams with consistent success have benefitted from having a consistent manager.

I don’t particularly see what he did wrong at Chelsea and if he were still at Brighton he’d almost certainly be in the conversation.

I think people just have to get used to the idea that the next appointment will not bring the same excitement as Klopp did from the off and by starting with a negative attitude of every name that is not Klopp or Alsonso it doesn’t bode well for the inevitable patience that will be needed.




Paisley79's rumour replies


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12 Jul 2024 11:46:18
Darwin will be fine

True to form he missed with 3 of the 5 attempts he tried.




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08 Jul 2024 17:12:20
Loves his kebabs I’ve heard….




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27 Jun 2024 13:00:06
Can’t risk those type of quality players leaving on a free
It should be seen as poor management by the club if it were to happen and surely a date needs to be set where they sign a new contract or are put up for sale.




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22 Apr 2024 20:50:06
It’s the lure of London
His wife is a designer I think so probably thinking about her business interests too

And - he may have more say in transfers at Wet Spam plus a bigger transfer budget.




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22 Apr 2024 18:54:46
Who is on the flight tracker?





Paisley79's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 21:11:37
I would like to see assistant referees make actual decisions
Not keep their flag down and wait for the ref who is 40yds away to make it - but actually flag one way when it is 2 yards in front of them

Does my swede in.


{Ed025's Note - im with you Paisley..



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24 Jul 2024 08:08:11
If I worked at the club looking after transfers I would be concentrating on all the data and metrics I have to hand to make decent purchases.




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17 Jul 2024 17:21:47
Most local councils which haven’t already done so are on the verge of declaring bankruptcy

They simply haven’t got a pot….




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14 Jul 2024 08:46:43
The following, when we signed them, weren’t arguably CL players:


5/ 11 starters

I’ll trust the club to see potential in players and then develop them into winners.




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05 Jul 2024 07:17:48
John Houlding would be on my list

Interesting range of involvements away from the club but without him…. No club.




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