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09 Aug 2023 20:55:37
Seeing links that Man U are in for Pavard. We seem to have been linked with him earlier on in the season. Would he be someone that we are interested in and actually act on it?

Ibiza Red

{Ed002's Note - Not so far.}

1.) 09 Aug 2023 22:56:22
Apparently Chelsea have bid for Lavia and nearer to the 50 wanted any truth Ed that your beloved chelsea have embarrassed us?

{Ed002's Note - It is not about embarressment.}

2.) 09 Aug 2023 23:08:18
It’s very embarrassing that we actually want this player and now messing around over 4 mill 4 days before the start of a season.

3.) 09 Aug 2023 23:38:36
Would love pavard, perfect rb cb option.



07 Apr 2022 12:20:53
Is Serge Gnabry someone that could interest Liverpool if Salah doesn't stay on or even as a long term replacement for Salah/ Mane. Obviously he's done pretty well for Bayern since joining then but can't say I have seen a lot of him.

Ibiza Red

{Ed002's Note - Serge Gnabry (RW/LW) Seems to fail to settle at any club and is not open to signing a new contract without a significant increase in salary, and it is his very significant financial demands that are proving to be a problem. Barcelona have him on their list of options, but they are going to have to balance summer transfers carefully and his wage demands will be an issue. The wages are less of a problem for Juventus where tax laws are beneficial. Real Madrid consider him an option to Mbappe as they look to shake up their wingers. Versatile enough to be considered a Martial replacement at Manchester United and on the list for Liverpool as a potential Salah replacement - but none will want to break the bank for him. Has been offered to Chelsea and PSG by his agent, but both see the wage demands as far too high.}

1.) 07 Apr 2022 17:23:43
Thanks for the reply.



21 Mar 2022 18:24:30
Ed's with Dybala looking increasingly likely to leave Juve on a free (albeit with a large signing on fee I'd imagine) would he be someone Liverpool may look at to replace Salah considering his predicament. Also do you actually rate him can't say I've watched him a lot and doesn't really seemed to have hit the heights he was destined for. I'd imagine there will be a host of clubs going in for him Inter, PSG, Man U, Spurs?

Ibiza Red

{Ed002's Note - This has already been answered on the European pages.}

1.) 21 Mar 2022 20:20:32
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me to let Salah leave then throw big (although not as big) money at Dybala. I'd rather pay the extra wages to keep Salah.

2.) 21 Mar 2022 22:58:21
Not a Klopp style player - doesn’t work hard enough and not quick enough - nothing to see here.

3.) 22 Mar 2022 19:15:24
Age isn't on his side for me, I'd prefer we invest in a younger player. Dybala makes sense as he'd be more than likely to guarantee goals, but surely we'd end up with an aging squad predicament in a few years time, needing to reinvest yet again?



21 May 2021 07:17:25
Whilst I accept we won't be making any offers for kane all the pundits have him nailed on for City and that makes them unbeatable. But surely with FFP if they spend £150 mill on a player they will have to have some serious outgoings? Do you think any of the likes of jesus laporte ake Garcia Torres Silva maybe will be actively looked to be sold. Would Jesus or Laporte be worth a look for us? Personally I think if spurs could get Laporte/ Ake and Jesus and £50 mill for Kane they would be crazy not to do so.
Also will we be looking to add a keeper at all I presume Adrian will be leaving.

Ibiza Red

1.) 21 May 2021 08:25:19
Garcia out of contract in the summer lad, supposed to be off to Barcelona.

2.) 21 May 2021 08:26:27
Kane is not better than Aguero of 3 years ago when we battered them 5-1 in the Champions League. Unbeatable? We slapped Bayern with Lewandowski. We slapped PSG with Neymar and Mbappe. We slapped Spurs with Kane in a Champions League final. We battered Barcelona 4-0 with only 1 of our front 3 despite them having Messi.

Have a word with yourself mate.

3.) 21 May 2021 09:00:55
150mil for Kane when Haaland is available for a similar price makes no sense to me.

4.) 21 May 2021 10:24:07
Haaland is another level above kane and a better investment also, if you bidding 100m + for a striker.

5.) 21 May 2021 10:38:31
Ibiza Red, I don't think we need to worry about who City gets unless they are after the same players that we want. While having Kane to replace Aguero is important for City, I won't say that they are unbeatable. On our day, we can beat anyone, try asking Barca.

But it will concern me if other clubs strengthen and we don't. I hope we don't mess up the transfer window and we'll bring in some good additions and get rid of the players that won't get a chance to play.

6.) 21 May 2021 11:25:32
Mk Scouser I am not saying they will be unbeatable I am saying that's what many pundits have been saying. That if City sign Kane they basically wrap everything up.

7.) 21 May 2021 11:30:41
And your comparisons are almost stupid. Kane added to an already very very good squad is not like playing against a spurs with kane or even a barcelona squad of a few years ago that have been past their best for a very long time. But the main reason for the post was wondering if City will be restricting in even bidding for Kane or Haaland because of FFP even though we know they have the money to buy either one. So MK I don't need to have a word with myself thanks.

8.) 21 May 2021 12:24:23
Kane would be a fantastic addition to City. he already creates so much and puts away goals in a crappy spurs team. can you imagine him with sterling, b. silva, mahrez funning around him and de bruyne, gundogan, foden pulling strings behind him. hahaha, just hatin' to say he would make no difference lol.

doesn't mean we can't beat em, but c'mon now.

9.) 21 May 2021 12:35:35
City will just pay their way out of any FFP fines, FFP is a load of bollox that let's owners like ours hide behind it.

10.) 21 May 2021 12:37:21
The way you wrote it came across as though you thought it makes them unbeatable. If it was genuinely just bad wording then of course, it is the pundits who need to have a word with themselves. My comparisons are most definitely not stupid though. One good players doesn't make a team. Adding an elite player to a good team also doesn't guarantee success. Injuries can happen. Squad balance can be affected. Style of play can be affected.

I couldn't care less where Kane goes next season. The colour of the shirt he wears in Van Dijks pocket is irrelevant to me.

11.) 21 May 2021 13:20:04
Signing Kane to replace Aguero makes sense. Their squad on paper at least will be stronger than the squad of this season with Aguero mostly out injured. I don’t think it makes them a stronger squad than the one we saw the season previously to this year though. So next year and the year after when we are back to normal again will they be unbeatable? No. Not for me. They will be as strong as the team we beat to the league last year for me, so a there or thereabouts team as usual. If we have an injury free season next year then I would still fancy us for first or second.
And saying all that, who’s to say Kane won’t flop? We have seen plenty of great players move over the years and we have all said they will be unstoppable and then it all goes wrong for them. Torres to Chelsea anyone?

12.) 21 May 2021 15:16:07
I just don't get the Kane hype. WGAF? Wouldn't have him near this squad!

13.) 21 May 2021 15:37:01
Ferran Torres looks a really promising player but I doubt they’d sell him.

14.) 21 May 2021 17:18:38
When city buy a top class striker they will have all the pieces of their puzzle. They will be out in front next season by a bloody long way challenging on all fronts. Front to back they have a pretty unbelievable set of players. For us I think it will suit us feeling like the underdogs. It will hopefully bring back that dogid mentality back! Come on you red men.

15.) 21 May 2021 17:21:06
Kane will go to Man U
Greenwood Lingard and Williams in opposite direction plus some 80 million.

16.) 21 May 2021 20:13:18

Why on earth would we sell Greenwood? He’s 19 and going to be too class. No chance he’ll be sold. I also think Kane will defiantly end up at City and with an already formidable squad that signing would guarantee the league for them next season IMO.

17.) 21 May 2021 20:34:08
+1 for Adam and Cymru.

Kane is much more like a Man Utd signing, who tend to want to buy players 'ready made'. Haaland could give you another 10+ years of sterling service (no pun intended! ) and is still improving.

18.) 21 May 2021 22:59:43
If city get kane and we can get close to 100 points again doesn't matter who they have it take some beating.

19.) 22 May 2021 06:20:12
United would have to offer a lot to Tottenham to get Kane for 80mil, plus Levy knows City can and will pay more. I just don't see how It's can afford Kane and why he would want to go there if he wants to win titles? He may win the odd Europa League with them but that's it.

Whilst City/ Chelsea and us exist in our current forms, United are going to struggle to win the league. City have formed an amazing defence now and have a team firing on all cylinders. Chelsea will spend again to try and beat City, and we have half our first team coming back.

United apparently have much bigger issues in their team GK/ CB/ CM than strikers, Kane so improve that for them!

20.) 22 May 2021 08:38:17
If we add konate, a striker and replace gini and City add kane and loose aguero, I see no reason why they are unbeatable. Our front 3 is as good as theirs, our defense is better, our keeper is better and their midfield is better (but not by much) . A pretty even contest.

21.) 22 May 2021 19:21:48
MK Scouser For me Kane is a better player than Aguero. Aguero is a goal scorer with great movement but Kane offers far more and I think has a slight better goal average playing for a team nowhere near city level. I would love Kane upfront for us I could see him getting 30+ league goals a season for us.



15 Feb 2021 08:20:36
Have seen Rodney Marsh has posted Liverpool are making an official club statement at 10am this morning . Obviously everyone is presuming its klopp related. Could there be anything else any sort of new sponsor deals or just about the CL game tomorrow night. Also rumours that Alisson and Robertson were involved in a bit of a scuffle after the game Saturday?

Ibiza Red

1.) 15 Feb 2021 10:38:08
Thing is that Marsh has literally no connections at the club, so how that wasted up old fart knows anything is beyond me.




Ibiza Red's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ibiza Red's banter posts


27 Apr 2024 18:53:54
Even if we had won the game today overall, the performance was poor and not good enough. Quality was missing, but for me more so the hunger and desire wasn't there.

Defensively, we always look very vulnerable. Midfield was sloppy and again the attack, even though we create chances, we very rarely look like scoring.
The changes for me came way too late and were the wrong men. Diaz was our best player today, and he goes off?

Such a shame and a sad way for Klopp's final season to finish. Especially is if you had asked a lot of Liverpool fans at the start of season if we get back to CL and win a trophy it's a step in the right direction. Madly enough, it was the kids that rescued our season and since the first team players have come back, we've looked disjointed and a mess.

Some of the players over the course of the season have shown that maybe they are not quite what a lot of us believe them to be. So there is still plenty of potential there, but plenty of work to be done.

Would love to see a solid number 6 come in, another left back to keep Robertson on his toes. Would take a number 9 if salah leaves and have nunez playing out wide where to be honest he looks more dangerous. Jota unfortunately can't keep fit all season.

Ibiza Red

1.) 27 Apr 2024 19:35:23
I wish that was all was needed.

2.) 27 Apr 2024 22:14:41
We were playing well but klopp and Pep ljinders decide tweak tactics, it was no longer heavy metal football, more like classical boring music.

3.) 27 Apr 2024 23:07:52
Have you ever listened to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, Leek?
It's better than anything by Whitesnake.

4.) 28 Apr 2024 10:04:58
I wouldn’t say classical music, for example you could hardly call ride of the valkyries boring, Leek. I’d say what we’re witnessing is more in resemblance to elevator music, or if you’re ever on the phone to a company and placed on hold, that awful rendition of greensleeves which appears to have been played on a telephone key pad.

5.) 28 Apr 2024 10:32:49
Or maybe even The Moody Blues, to paraphrase Malcolm Tucker.



21 Jan 2024 18:53:47
Is there any updates on our injury list. With Fulham. Norwich, Chelsea and arsenal all coming in next 2 weeks could do with have some players back to rotate.
I would like to see him start strong against Fulham and hopefully have the tie killed off by half time, on the basis we might get away with a slightly weaker team against Norwich at home in the FA Cup.

Ibiza Red

1.) 21 Jan 2024 20:03:31
Ibiza I listened to Klopps presser earlier on dog walk and I’m pretty sure he said Trent and Szob were close and then joked Robbo was pictured walking on a cat walk but gave no further update from what I remember mate.

2.) 21 Jan 2024 21:23:00
Salah coming back to England for treatment and will only return if Egypt get to the semis.

3.) 21 Jan 2024 21:56:12
@JK23. Hope you’re well mate. Klopp was talking about Trent walking on a catwalk not Robbo, because he was at a fashion show in Paris. Trent goes to quite a few of these around Europe.

4.) 21 Jan 2024 22:21:55
Nice one there, JK23.

5.) 21 Jan 2024 19:20:49
Quite a cocky attitude tbh. And thank f*** Klopp doesn’t look at it that way.

6.) 22 Jan 2024 01:25:32
I completely agree with the analysis of Gravenberch. He runs around at about 70-80% and doesn't apply the same pressure as the others in midfield. However, he's fantastic with the ball, physically strong, has excellent technical skills, and a good understanding of the game. If we've conducted this analysis, the coaches should review it afterward and hopefully develop a plan to match the intensity of the rest of the team. At the moment, though, I think he's quite low in the pecking order. A very good match (2nd half) from both Jota and Nunez, but man of the match for me was Mac Allister. He won nearly every duel, disrupted the play, initiated attacks, and dictated the game in my opinion. Well, onwards and upwards for the next match.

7.) 22 Jan 2024 08:23:04
Alonso cheers mate.

Makes sense now that it was Trent he was talking about.

All good mate hope you’re well? I’ve got tickets for the Chelsea game if you’re there also and fancy a pint.



22 May 2023 21:08:20
We know the players that have been released but beyond them are there many players you see leaving? Kelleher, matip, carvalho. And of the players released there has been a lot of talk about Milner to Brighton and good luck to him, also feel Bobby would fit in well there. Has there been any clubs interested in Ox or Keita?

Ibiza Red

1.) 22 May 2023 21:39:24
I think there are a few interested in Khelleher, Brentford, Tottenham, Brighton and Forrest I think. I hope we keep Carvallho and Matip no idea. I’d assume Matip’s wages would be an issue unless we released him for free.

Nothing on Ox - but I’ll guess he ends up at West Ham.
Nothing on Keita - but I’ll guess somewhere in Turkey.

2.) 22 May 2023 22:34:17
Matips like the 14th highest paid player in the squad and I think only Hendo, Gomez, Milner and Bobby have been at the club longer.

3.) 23 May 2023 01:05:59
Wouldn't be surprised to see diaz an nunez move on we could upgrade and sell whilst value is still reasonably high along with thiago, gomez, tsimikas.

4.) 23 May 2023 01:59:55
Next season Matip is entering the last year of his (current) contract.

It would make financial sense, given his injury problems and his apparent role as back-up to Konate, to seriously consider any ‘decent’ offers.

Apparently his wages are £100k per week [Transfermarkt]which aren’t exorbitant for a player with his experience and skill. Ironically Arthur is on 10k more per week and Naby and Ox on 20k more.

5.) 23 May 2023 06:36:20
Diaz is going no where, he's the most creative attacker we have. Nunez won't be sold, he was massively expensive and the club will not want to admitt it was a mistake, not this soon any way. He will get at least one more season.

6.) 23 May 2023 06:37:47
@WDW, I agree that Matip should be moved on and an upgrade brought in. I would have liked Ndicka to be that player but we seem to have left it a little too late to make a move for him.

@hailstones, Diaz is recovering from an injury and is showing rustiness whereas Nunez is still a relatively new player adjusting to a new league. I wouldn't write either of them off yet and would at least give them a year to show that they can reach the levels expected of them.

7.) 23 May 2023 08:13:25
Matip needs selling this summer and replacing, no sentiment, time to look at what money the club can get, it's bit us in the ass too many times now and it's put us back.

8.) 23 May 2023 08:25:23
I’d agree on looking to move Matip on. He’s been very good for us considering he came in on a free transfer and he’s won the lot.

I’d have him ahead of Gomez but due to Gomez being home grown it would be Matip I moved on.

If it’s to be believed that we do need money to buy players then I think Gomez would in fact bring in a higher fee though.

9.) 23 May 2023 10:25:50
Diaz, Gakpo and Salah are the one part of this team we need to just leave alone. Top notch front three and if we can get the midfield to that level were sorted.

10.) 23 May 2023 10:29:35
Wrt Matip, again it proves we haven't learnt our lessons. since he has a year left, which automatically reduces he's true value

I fear he'll most likely leave on a free as well next season. but should he leave now, we'll only get half of his true value.

11.) 23 May 2023 10:42:34
Nunez and diaz are mavericks plus they haven't learnt the language, they are not system players they are probably best in a team were they can play there natural game for me they look the odd ones out in what we are trying to do.

12.) 23 May 2023 10:43:08
@JLCBM, take your point about lessons learned but this one is an exceptional case as Matip came in on a ‘free’ transfer. Any transfer fee we get for him could be considered a bonus.

13.) 23 May 2023 11:26:07
Klopp said in his last presser that apart of the 5 boys who will be leaving, he does not see any of the players the OP mentioned leaving. Obviously that could change. As for Diaz and/ or Darwin being sold, don't hold your breathe.

14.) 23 May 2023 11:58:17
What have you got against Nunez and Diaz? Both have scored goals, created goals, played some good footie and look to be better players, with a bit more of a tweak to the system, full pre-season, no interruptions and language imrpovements.

15.) 23 May 2023 12:23:05
I hope neither Nunez or Diaz are sold, 2 of the quickest, attack minded players we have, if Nunez doesn't hit 30 goals next season all comps, id be shocked, him and Gakpo are going to be our main hope at getting back challenging for titles, they will be frightening, if we get sorted behind them we will be in the mix for the CL and Prem.

16.) 23 May 2023 13:28:33
Diaz was our best player before his injury. He’s also the only forward we have who can consistently beat a man and make a 5 yard pass. Will be a massive part of our success next season.

Nunez I can take or leave but would like to see him come good. Just think he is such a confidence player and will never be world class.

Matip, get rid imo unless we sell Gomez instead.



01 May 2023 07:22:13
Now I don't expect either Henderson or VVD to leave this summer, but sounds like Milner will. Who do you think will be the starting captain for i us next season. If we get 2 new midfielders Henderson will start less and less so then I would presume VVD. But with his performances quickly declining and he's not getting any younger who is the next LFC captain. Trent? Robertson for me could make a decent captain (even if his performances have also left a lot to be desired) I just feel he will be more vocal than Trent.

Ibiza Red

1.) 01 May 2023 08:35:09
We need to buy a central midfielder who can be a captain immediately or within a year, like Bellingham would have been. If we want a moaning, waving arms in air and blaming everyone else for his mistakes captain like Fernandes at Utd, it’s VVD and if he can’t improve ASAP he needs replacing quickly. Robbo and Salah are too wide to influence rest of team. Trent maybe if he plays in the middle more. Fabs is too nice/ quiet and needs replacing. So I think we need to buy one or it’s VVD and given his negative reactions and poor form this year, that’s not ideal at all.

2.) 01 May 2023 09:01:30
Don’t the players vote for the captain or the group of captains we have? Isn’t it Hendo, Milner, Vvd and Robbo and the only other one that has been captain in the past (if memory serves me correctly) was Trent.

Only my opinion but in this day and age do these elite sports men and women really need a person on the pitch to motivate them.

Not blaming Hendo here but he came on the pitch yesterday and heads and performances didn’t get any better so does that make him now less of a leader or show that a captain role has little relevance these days.

Look over at Utd. They are having a decent season but their captain is Fernandes who has the moral compass of an Alley Cat. The guy would literally turn your life support machine off to charge his phone.

I’m sure the decent season they are having isn’t because of the leadership or human qualities he portrays on the pitch.

3.) 01 May 2023 09:21:43
Having a captains armband has no relevance. You get to shake hands and maybe have a chat with the ref during the game.
Are you saying VVD doesn’t wave his arms about when he doesn’t have the armband or Hendo will give off to players while his own game is going to pieces.? I don’t think so, if it’s in your personality then having an armband won’t change that in my opinion.

4.) 01 May 2023 09:48:25
We should have "Eleven Captain's" on the field of play at all times?

5.) 01 May 2023 10:07:43
Ali should be our captain!

6.) 01 May 2023 10:11:46
I’d make Robertson captain if I had a vote. Bit of a natural leader, not worried about getting stuck in and he tends to not suffer many injuries. Captain of his country and they seem to be going quite well.

7.) 01 May 2023 10:51:49
Honestly, I think Virgil is a poor captain.

You can say 'it's just an armband' as much as you like, but the fact is, even pre-injury, he plays worse with it than without. It's like the expectation that he'll lead the team weighs on him or something.

Trent and Robbo are next in line after Virgil. I don't think the fact that Robbo plays fullback and Trent may or may not play fullback next season are really an issue. I'd give it to Robbo.

8.) 01 May 2023 11:15:19
Alisson or Robertson for me, but probably Ali. He’s a vocal character and always leads by example.

9.) 01 May 2023 11:42:00
That’s not a FACT SR, that’s your opinion mate.

10.) 01 May 2023 12:22:24
VVD should be nowhere near the armband as he has shown he lacks the skills to be a leader in that way cos it literally affects his game, IMO. VVD is a meader but leads in other ways which is good and should stay that way. He is the captain and leader of the defence along with AB1 and long may that continue, in my view.

For me, I don't care who the captain is provided he can do the job esp. in the dressing room where the real leadership job is done and not have that affect his performances on the pitch.

11.) 01 May 2023 12:30:07
Urban Dictionary

Some one who talks like a Yer from Southmead, Bristol (England) . A meader is commonaly a chav due to the rough area lived in : The girls are normally pregnent .

12.) 01 May 2023 12:40:01
The OP didn’t ask who were captains for their country.



28 Apr 2023 06:23:33
How does everyone see the Spurs game going? Their second half display was decent and will encourage them even though it was as much United being awful. I'd like to see Nunez start as he had a field day against them at their place. You always fancy Jota to put away a chance, the problem is I rarely see him doing much to create that chance. Hopefully we won't play too high up the pitch as that will play into their hands as that's all they really can offer is pace on the break. Hopefully Salah will be much more involved than against West Ham. As much as you don't want to change a winning line up and again I thought he was poor when he came on against West Ham I see Thiago starting Sunday. Spurs midfield is woeful without Bentacur and this should allow Thiago to control the pace of the game.

Ibiza Red

1.) 28 Apr 2023 07:47:25
From unconscious bias I’d like to see Nunez get more starts because I like the lad. But he was also sloppy when he came on the other night and if to start for Liverpool is based on performance then it should be Diaz replacing Jota and not Nunez.

Same as Thiago. I don’t think he was poor the other night but I also don’t think he was great. But I thought he offered far more passing and tackling wise than Hendo did where he just seems to try and point every few minutes.

{Ed025's Note - well i was the one who christened hendo the traffic cop JK.. :)

2.) 28 Apr 2023 08:22:31
I'd play Milner or Elliott instead of Henderson. Thiago was terrible when he came on at West Ham but it went under the radar because Henderson was beyond terrible. Probably would give Diaz a start too ahead of Jota. Other than that I'd go unchanged. Not fussed if Konate starts over Matip but it'd be harsh to drop him.

3.) 28 Apr 2023 08:50:04
Wouldnt have Nunez in the starting 11 at the moment. Just doesn't keep the ball well enough. Im like everyone, everyone likes him and wants him to succeed and while he's a handful he has one of the worst football touches and brains i've ever seen. We played some lovely passing football on Wednesday, moves that'll break down with Darwin in the side. Diaz got 30 mins during the week i'd start him and see if he can give us an hour.

4.) 28 Apr 2023 09:01:05
Son could rip us apart if we play this inverted fullback thing. Gomez right back. Trent instead of hendo. Then maybe Diaz for jota and thiago for jones. But both of them may have done enough to keep their places.

5.) 28 Apr 2023 09:08:12
I wouldn’t play Elliott, I’d rather stick with Hendo. I’m not sure if Diaz would be up to starting, he’s been out a brave while and I would certainly play Konate if fit.

6.) 28 Apr 2023 09:50:35
I worry about the inverted fullback thing playing against Son. It's just giving him free run at Matip or hopefully Konate if he's back. Hendo should be dropped after his last few performances. I've been saying this all along but I'd play gomez right back and trent in hendos place. Jones and Jota probably done enough to start though I'd rather thiago and Diaz start instead.

7.) 28 Apr 2023 09:42:59
Why is Milner still getting touted for a place? Can’t people see the reason we’re mid table and out of all the Cups is because him and Henderson are still getting games? Diaz won’t start a game this season unless we’ve got absolutely nothing left to play for in a game where it wouldn’t matter if we had to bring him off early. Best to let him build up minutes slowly and be ready for next season.

8.) 28 Apr 2023 09:49:41
Nunez has lost confidence I think. Earlier in the season he was running at defenders causing havoc, then he was erratic to say the least in front of goal. Now he just stops and passes it square, scared to take anyone on. I can’t see him starting.

9.) 28 Apr 2023 10:05:05
If we're going to get the best out of Nunez we need to forget trying to get him too involved inn the game and expecting him to link up. Keep his involvement minimal like Pep does with Haaland and leave him on the shoulder of the last defender to stretch teams. For a guy with so much pace, his inability to take a man on and beat him is frustrating but it should be obvious by now that's not his strength. Even just a half decent amount of technical ability to drop a shoulder would do the trick but clearly he's not there yet.

It does make me wonder what he's been taught all year because he doesn't seem to have improved any of his weaknesses.

What he is very good at though is running in behind, creating space and battling physically. He also puts a surprisingly excellent cross into the box (particularly along the floor) when he gets to the byline and despite some confidence issues he is a very capable finisher as he proved in his Benfica days. He will be a great player, the coaches need to learn to adapt on occasion though instead of expecting players to do 100% of the adapting all the time. At the moment though, Gakpo offers much more in attack and his link-up play has also been a big help to Mo Salah.

10.) 28 Apr 2023 10:07:38
Konate for matip. thiago for hendo.
That would be my changes. possibly nunez for jota but not sure on that.

11.) 28 Apr 2023 10:10:18
The more I think about Nunez the more I think we have a big decision to make about him in the summer. His strengths aren't suited to how we play either down the middle or on the wing. So what are we going to do with him? play him in bit-parts on the wing or down the center to be more direct? Is that an effective use of the record breaking fee we paid for him?

12.) 28 Apr 2023 10:30:05
I agree faith, i'd think bigtime about letting him go if it enabled us to strenghten the first 11.

13.) 28 Apr 2023 10:31:59
Faith, I wouldn't worry about Nunez that much. It's still very early in his LFC career and Klopp has to work on ways to fit his strengths into the way he wants to play while Darwin also needs to do his part by learning the language and improving in his press and his positional awareness. IMO, Darwin is going nowhere next summer, after next season either so no decision is getting made any time soon. Even with him coming on yesterday and he still could have scored with a bit more luck. The guy's talent is not in doubt, IMO.

IMO, Klopp does NOT care about the price either cos if he did, he would have tried to shoehorn him into the team at every turn which is not the case so let's allow the manager cook and do his maic we know he still has.

As for the game vs Spurs? We go with the same team that has won 3 in a rwo. Never change a winning team if not required.

14.) 28 Apr 2023 10:57:02
Or we could just add some different ways of playing Faith. I'm far from one of these who is going to slag Jurgen off but one criticism I do have is he expects the players to do 100% of the adapting and he doesn't adapt to his players enough. Sometimes you have to find a system that suits the talent you have, rather than nullifying them by shoehorning them into a system you won't compromise.

15.) 28 Apr 2023 12:16:50
Nunez’s English still isn’t very good confirmed by Klopp and sometimes his passion gets the better of him where it potentially leaves us exposed.

I think it was Wolves home where he was our left forward and he was closing down Wolves left back in open play leaving Robbo completely exposed as Wolves switched the play. I remember looking down to Klopp on the touchline and he was going mental.

At the time it was clear Nunez just wanted to put in big effort and get involved but he charged 50 yards across the pitch wasting energy and then left us open to a counter.

16.) 28 Apr 2023 12:27:34
We go with the same team that has won 3 in a row.

We changed the team with Matip on Wed from the team that won the prior two.

Are you sure you watch as many games as you claim to Oli?

17.) 28 Apr 2023 15:30:20
Never change a winning team "IF NOT required".




Ibiza Red's rumour replies


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05 Sep 2023 19:12:42
Whilst I’d love Salah to stay as I think he is so under appreciated especially by rival fans who don’t rate him. I also think he could easily play in the prem for next 5 years and break Shearers record, realistically he would leave for a free in 2 years when his contract runs out. So if we get offered anywhere near the £200mill mark I think we have to take it. Could we get Paqueta and Toney in for that? Possibly sell jota too.

Ibiza Red



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01 Sep 2023 14:00:34
I know the Saudi leagues transfer window shuts next week, so they have the same time frame in January as premiership?
Could it be likely they come back at start of Jan when we have more time to replace Salah.
He’s an amazing player very disrespected by rival fans but £150million is crazy money to turn down.

Ibiza Red

{Ed002's Note - They have the same January window.}



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27 Aug 2023 17:24:10
To be fair you couldn’t blame Salah if he did leave. The money is ridiculous but more importantly you just see Liverpool struggling to compete this season. The recruitment for last few years has been poor. The tactics strange too. Trent’s had a disaster today. Robertson not much better. Would’ve left Diaz on rather than Gapko.

Ibiza Red



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12 Aug 2023 06:19:31
The only good thing about this Caicedo business for us Liverpool fans is that it shows the money is out there for us to spend on the right player. I would love us to go out and buy Valverde and use any other money on another defender.

Ibiza Red



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28 Jan 2023 00:00:01
All over Twatter that he’s joined arsenal for £60 mill.

Ibiza Red




Ibiza Red's banter replies


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26 May 2024 08:01:39
Unfortunately the rising costs and the impossibility of getting tickets is all down the the marketing of the premier league being the best league in the world. It’s also the most expensive and exclusive. Lived in spain for years and bar maybe the Classico it was never an issue getting tickets for Barca. The Madrids or Valencia. They have category pricing so you know roughly what you’re going to be paying for depending who you want to see them play. My first game at Real Madrid was 2006 (Reyes was playing for them) it was €14 a ticket and I wasn’t up in the gods! I paid more than that first time I went to Anfield 10 years earlier.
It’s no wonder people buy fake kits and use dodgy Firesticks. The costs involved following footy teams is astronomical and that’s without going to match days.
But it’s the price we pay for wanting the best players in the world.

Ibiza Red



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27 Apr 2024 23:34:38
And if you’re on about spending £70 mill I’d rather test the water for Isaak at Newcastle.

Ibiza Red



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10 Feb 2024 06:07:21
Let’s face it this blue card business is a load of crap. It’s being brought in because the refs can’t do their job. For years we’ve had this dissent issue and were told the officials were going to clamp down on it by issuing yellow cards. What happens they do it for the first 2/ 3 games of the season then it stops. Mainly because the refs then give a yellow card for a next to nothing foul a player gets sent off then it’s highlighted as soft sending off and spoiling the game. The bigger issue is the tolerance level for yellow cards it’s ridiculous every foul now is deemed a yellow card. I love my rugby and think football needs to get closer to rugby in terms of the respect players have for officials, but then at the same time the refs are helped more in rugby with TMO where in football the refs do like to be centre of attention. Sin bins is a horrible idea for football and will kill it. It works for rugby in a game where there are far more stoppages anyway, line outs and scrums eat up much time but the players need that slight rest because of the physicality of the game. In football it will completely ruin the spectacle as the team with players in the sin bin will just time waste unless they are already losing.

Ibiza Red



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27 Jan 2024 08:35:16
The timing is right in terms of trying to get Alonso as I’m sure Ancelotti has just renewed a contract at Madrid and I’m sure Alonso was/ is on their radar to replace Ancelotti. So if we went someone else first Xabi might not be available when we want him. Also he loves and get the club and city. He’s doing a remarkable job at Leverkusen. Hopefully he will be our man after he wins them the Bundesliga and klopp walks away with a quadruple.

Ibiza Red



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11 Jan 2024 07:08:29
For the Bournemouth game I really hope Klopp plays Nunez on the left Jota through the middle and Diaz on the right. Midfield go with jones MacAllister and Elliott.
Think that’s our best front 6!at moment.

Ibiza Red



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