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SamiKewell's rumours posts with other poster's replies to SamiKewell's rumours posts


23 Oct 2017 21:41:41
Hi Ed's

Dont we have any defenders in under 23 or 21 who can play for the main 11?

Atleast to fill the 11?



{Ed002's Note - you have to pick players who can fit right in.}

1.) 23 Oct 2017 23:11:27
Lloyd Jones would be the only one with half a chance but would be a big gamble that.

2.) 24 Oct 2017 02:32:39
Is masterson the best cb in u23?

3.) 24 Oct 2017 23:02:59
Would love to see Masterson given a shot, unless that means fans jumping on his back after a mistake and ruining his confidenece!



31 Aug 2017 18:38:09
Any chance of Lucas Vasqez if Lemar is not done and we sell Coutinho?

Very good player to have but not be like for like replacement.

Good job Ed's.



{Ed002's Note - Of course - I have explained that over and over but all we get is dribbling from the Liverpool fans so I don't bother anymore.}

1.) 31 Aug 2017 18:43:32
Who is Lucas Vazquez going to replace in the team? Mane or Salah?

2.) 31 Aug 2017 18:49:01
Highly unlikely Sami we are suddenly going to chasing a differant player in the last few hours mate. It was all about 2 players, neither happening.

3.) 31 Aug 2017 19:03:20
He will get more game time here than RM.

How abt spending Coutinho money for Kovacic and Lucas V from RM?

We would get more and competition.

No defenders because we only play attack.

4.) 31 Aug 2017 18:57:26
Ed02 start a Venmo account, so we can send you money for a few pints because it seems like you are going to need it. Plus when you drunk you repeat yourself anyway.

{Ed002's Note - I don't need the money thanks.}

5.) 31 Aug 2017 19:41:36
Lucas Vazquez really isn't that good. Not better than Mane or Salah and hardly a number 10.

6.) 31 Aug 2017 20:37:42
Whose better than mane right now? That would be very difficult.

7.) 31 Aug 2017 20:56:13
Is there a possibility we might come back for VVD in January if nothing materializes in this window Ed001?

{Ed001's Note - yes.}



04 Aug 2017 14:37:26

How is the Coutinho situation now?

Do you expect him to be with us this season?

Is there a possibility of Bale if we let Coutinho go?



{Ed002's Note - (a) Barcelona would like to buy Coutinho but Klopp doesn't want him soild. (b) I suspect he may not be as he is keen to move and the club have kept putting a price on him. (c) I wouldn't think there is any chance at all.}

1.) 04 Aug 2017 15:45:17
Has our price increased from the €100m euros we quoted PSG earlier in the year, Ed002?

{Ed002's Note - Various prices have been boucing around but Barcelona will be putting a second offer on the table very soon.}

2.) 04 Aug 2017 17:50:23
We don't want to sell but I think anything over £100 million we may find hard to turn down. £100million and Rakitic?


3.) 04 Aug 2017 18:12:55
I rate him very highly, certainly the heartbeat of this young side. I do have to admit though in terms of consistency he still falls behind players like Suarez who could take any game, any challenge, and come out fighting. I can't think of many games Suarez cruised through without some impact for us.

Maybe I'm saying I'd consider that swap :)

4.) 04 Aug 2017 18:36:31
100 mil and rakitic! That would be very hard to turn down. I cannot see them offering that. Although if we are going to be one of the club's directly affected by neymar's big money move then we should drive the hard bargain? . 80 mil plus rakitic. Why not? I would say yes to that. Reluctantly. If he wants to go we should not stop him. But we should have something definite lined up to fill the void if he leaves. My worry with ratikc is his age. He is very nearly 30 and thus on the downhill slide. I think he'd be great though.

{Ed001's Note - we would be mad to take on Rakitic and his huge salary now.}

5.) 04 Aug 2017 17:39:03
Who would you reckon we go for to replace him eds?

{Ed002's Note - Vazquez is a player that Liverpool would consider again as he is versatile - but Real Madrid has re-iterated he is not for sale. Max Max As I have said before, Max Meyer fits the bill of a young attacking midfield player who would fit the bill if Liverpool were to lose Coutinho and he could be a player they may look to - but right now they haven't and another side is chasing him down. Geoffrey Kondogbia is available but I would stay clear. Luan would be the wildcard if someone could resolve his ownership issues.}

6.) 04 Aug 2017 20:12:21
Ah, good point ed.

7.) 04 Aug 2017 23:53:50
I wouldn't mind Manuel Lanzini. Of course, never a "like-for-like" replacement for Coutinho as Couts is in a league of his own, but this late in the transfer window I can't see us being able to sort out a "bigger" signing, especially knowing how painfully slow we are to get transfers done. Coutinho leaving at this stage of preseason would be a huge blow for us as it leaves us little time for a big transfer and because he's looked instrumental in the midfield. Add to that Lallana is out injured and all of a sudden we have very little creativity in the midfield. Lanzini would be in a similar creative mold to Lallana's level I think and plays slight on that left side of midfield like Couts. good player in my eyes.

8.) 05 Aug 2017 01:15:24
Rakitic and LanzinI would be poor recruiting. Rakitic is past it. Too old and over the hill to be of any use. Lanzini simply isn't good enough. He lacks that extra quality that Coutinho has. If we brought these two in we may as well wave a white flag now.

9.) 05 Aug 2017 11:45:34
Have people actually seen these Rakitic and Lanzini types play exactly cos if they have, they would not be proposing them as Couts replacements.



29 Dec 2016 02:37:07
Hi Ed's

Any substance in Jese Rodrigez from PSG rumours?

Think he would be a good addition.



{Ed002's Note - Jese Rodriguez is available (because he has not settled, has been playing badly and has had a dreadful time since arriving in Paris) and has made it clear he wants to return to Spain. If Firmino, Coutinho or Mane were to leave it would make sense - else it makes absolutley zero sense. Right now PSG have shared two approaches for the player - neither of which is Liverpool.}

1.) 29 Dec 2016 09:25:40
Ed why does someone have to leave it's a squad game and we need different options to compete plus looks like we might have European games next season so will need bigger squad.

{Ed002's Note - Liverpool have a large squad and there are limitations. You cannot simply keep adding players - they will all want to play and Liverpool do not have the money to do that in any case.}



19 Jun 2015 04:55:13
Hi Ed's,

what's the latest on ARDA TURAN?

I was waiting for someone to post on ARDA but looks like everything has gone quiet. Even his agent has gone quiet.

Do you see anyhitng happening with ARDA and Liverpool?



{Ed001's Note - no.}

1.) 19 Jun 2015 10:44:22
Ed, don't you mean 'NO'




SamiKewell's banter posts with other poster's replies to SamiKewell's banter posts


26 Jul 2024 10:37:24

Just saw a YT video of Bobby taking up new role as a Pastor.

Is it true?


{Ed002's Note - Yes - he is not the first.}

1.) 26 Jul 2024 10:50:05
By far my favourite player of the Klopp era, such an underrated player. Seems a very humble and genuine person, wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 10:53:10
Amazing do you know how much he charges to render an internal and external wall.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 12:26:26
Pastor ball to Bobby he will score.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 12:33:47
Teaching us all how to create space for others. in our hearts.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 13:26:34
So underrated, more so to those who didn’t watch him live - he was the glue for the front three - super player.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 15:13:18
Spot on, Bill. And all power to him.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 20:18:30
And the joke goes over Oli’s head as usual.

8.) 27 Jul 2024 03:06:37
Well he was part of the holy trinity in our forward line so its a natural progression.

9.) 27 Jul 2024 08:08:00
I would have loved to see him play with Gakpo and pastor the Dutch, he on the left hand side.



03 Aug 2023 12:28:47
Hi Ed01,

Do we practice any specific situation routines?

like -

1) We are leading 2-0 or 1-0 and we have 20 mins to go. Is there any specific way to control the game and not to keep loosing the ball? To close out the game?

Remember Gerard used to try one too many holywood pass and that would put us in difficult situation those days.

Yesterday Robbo was trying the same instead of keeping it simple.

Also when Diaz scored the goal, he got kind of carried away and started doing too many stuff and kept on loosing possession.

I have never seen Klopp play with control. It is always hunting in packs. When it works, it looks great but many a time it is awful because you don't seem to have the ability to control the game with this system.

Is it the players don't have required skillset (not cofortable on the ball) or the system that we play dictates to always hunt in packs and attack irrespective of game situation?

Yesteday, we could see some basic things were being missed.

The system is entertaining but too hit and miss to be honest.


{Ed001's Note - we do work on shape and getting back into it, but it doesn't matter when the distances to cover are so great that it is simply impossible to get back quickly enough. Trent is being asked to play all over the midfield and then run all the way back into the right-back area if we lose the ball. You can practice that a million times but it is still going to mean the opposition have space to get at while he is getting there. And while the centre-back is out there covering there is a space in the centre of defence to attack instead. Unless everyone shifts across, like they did yesterday and then leaves a space on the left where they tormented us.

It just doesn't work. There is too much distance to cover to make it defensively solid and leaves too many gaps. We are closer to playing the system that took Southampton down than anything else. They played this way and kept getting caught. When City were struggling to keep pace at the top last season, they also played this system. It is far too narrow and leaves easy out balls for the opposition, which makes the press inoperable. You can't press a team if they can just lift a ball into the corner and know they will easily get the ball. For a press to work you have to make sure there is no easy out.}

1.) 03 Aug 2023 12:44:09
Agree with Ed completely, articulated it better than I could. I also think the bottom line is that Andy Robertson can't play this system. If you're going to have a back 3 (which we basically do), then they all have to be centre backs. Playing two centre backs and a full back is ridiculous.

{Ed001's Note - agreed. He looks so uncomfortable.}

2.) 03 Aug 2023 12:45:45
You’re speaking a lot of sense today Ed.

I don’t like it one bit mate. ?.

{Ed001's Note - it won't last don't worry.}

3.) 03 Aug 2023 13:35:13
Ed001, do you think 433 is better, with Trent in midfield, or stick to the 3223, and have three centre backs? Still could leave us exposed Down the channels, unless konate hangs out wider. Also don’t really know what happens if a team play 442, who marks the left and right mids?

{Ed001's Note - 4-3-3 works better with our forward line and they are our best players, so you work around that.}

4.) 03 Aug 2023 13:36:25
It’s beyond belief that grown men, professional footballers, don’t understand that they have to shift 10 yards to the right when Trent vacates his position, as he is asked to do.

{Ed001's Note - the problem is that they are not very bright. Matip showed that when he was shifting 10 yards to the right when Gomez played there a couple of games ok and ended up spending his entire time stood on top of Gomez's toes.}

5.) 03 Aug 2023 13:14:45
You should give Klopp a ring Ed01? See if he'll dump Lijnders and replace him with you!

{Ed001's Note - I am available right now and would probably be a fair bit cheaper.}

6.) 03 Aug 2023 13:43:56
My question is why doesn't the coaching staff see this Ed?

Surely if its that simple to see they would stop going with it.

{Ed001's Note - I have no idea. You would need to ask them that question. Arrogance maybe? Stubbornness? Bit of both? It could be that they just think practice will fix it and they do see the issues.}

7.) 03 Aug 2023 13:55:39
Totally agree Ed001.

8.) 03 Aug 2023 14:02:03
Ed001 what would you do if LFC offered you the assistant managers role and then Saudi came in and gazumped them.

What you doing. Love or more money.

{Ed001's Note - it is different for me, the money LFC offered would be lifechanging for me. The pay of an assistant manager at Prem level is much more than I earn mate. So it would be love + money or more money. And it is a dream to work for LFC, so I would stay.}

9.) 03 Aug 2023 14:08:24
As in life and in football, keeping it simple / doing simple things is the most difficult I suppose.

Yesterday's gave was very good example of how we could have played simple (common sense) football and easily came out winners instead we ended up loosing.

Have to admit their last goal from their milky boy was hit and miss. You just can't do anything with those type of shots.

{Ed001's Note - I do wonder if he will ever score another like that in his entire career. Probably not.}

10.) 03 Aug 2023 14:25:43
Now we’re discussing the fluid back-system, or lack of systeme, Arsenal started using it last season too, with Zchenko playing that role. They seems to want to play like city all the time. Salah tormented them in that game, we were just too bad defensively yourself. I think they will try the same as u’s this season, so it will be a walk in the park for United, City and Chelsea claming top four next year.
It seems, and that's the question for ed1, that Kloop trust persons lige Pep L and otters too much and seems to stubborn to change things before its too late. Like ladt season, shifting back to the press too late, the season with all our defenders crocked, starting too play Phillips and the Young lad too late. Why doesn’t he change things before it goes wrong, I thought that was one of his strog sides the first years with us?

{Ed001's Note - because he is loyal, too loyal at times, and will stand by those he trusts. But that is also part of the reason for his success, because his loyalty makes players play better for him. It is a difficult road to walk, to be loyal to those around you but not to the point of letting them walk you into difficulties.}

11.) 03 Aug 2023 14:32:23
There is a reason Lijnders was sacked by a Dutch 2nd Division side and nobody has approached him about a head coach job since.

12.) 03 Aug 2023 15:54:04
Yet he's Klopp's right hand man.
It's almost as if Klopp knows what he's doing, eh?

{Ed001's Note - and yet Guardiola's right hand men constantly get job offers. Strange how Klopp's right hand man doesn't.}

13.) 03 Aug 2023 16:52:40
Wonder if he still mates with previous assistants? There must be one out there who call him up and say that’s crap that jurg what are you thinking?

14.) 03 Aug 2023 17:02:56
Robertson forgets he’s playing as a 3rd CB. No need to aimlessly press 20 yards forward. I think with the right players the system works. We don’t have the right players and i don’t think we’ll sign them.

15.) 03 Aug 2023 18:10:14
My worry is that we all can see it, Klopp must be able to see it.

Pep realised and adapted. Southampton did not. Klopp is persevering. I hope his stubbornness to make it succeed doesn’t cloud his judgement.



16 Jul 2023 10:42:23
How about a fan poll on which of the Ed's you would like to see play for Liverpool?


a) Ed01
b) Ed02
c) Ed14
d) Ed25
e) Ed33
f) Others

My option is d) Ed25 in the playing 11 and Ed01 as sub.


{Ed033's Note -

Liverpool Ed poll

1.) 16 Jul 2023 11:20:35
It has to eds1 because he’s the only Liverpool fan there.

2.) 16 Jul 2023 11:21:25
It's going to be Ed001 in a landslide.

3.) 16 Jul 2023 11:29:06
Ed025, just to see his reaction wearing a Liverpool top!

4.) 16 Jul 2023 12:01:25
Ed2 because he loves all things Liverpool really - methinks he doth protest too much ??.

5.) 16 Jul 2023 12:13:20
Ed014 because from how they talk i reckon he's the only Editor in that list under 35 and we've only just managed to move on Milner!

6.) 16 Jul 2023 12:28:55
Ed002 just cause I think he’d put his foot in and wouldn’t take any carp.

7.) 16 Jul 2023 12:33:53
Ed002 would get the best fan reaction :-)

8.) 16 Jul 2023 12:39:40
Maybe Ed077 given he's the only one of playing age! Oh and Ed001 sorry who turned 22 recently.

9.) 16 Jul 2023 13:01:02
ed25. I would Love tosee him and trent play as a double pivot ?.

{Ed025's Note - i would certainly make him a better player digger, any slacking and i would put my boot right through his arse mate.. :)

10.) 16 Jul 2023 13:07:37
None other than ed025.

{Ed025's Note - you cant afford me Das, im considering offers to join my mate Hendo for the big bucks mate.. :)

11.) 16 Jul 2023 13:17:46
I’m all over 25 playing for us can u imagine klopp telling him to touch the this is Anfield sign!
He’s me fav Ed too I’d pay to meet him!
01 can coach
02 the money man
14 can get a game too Cus he’s sound and a honest gooner.

12.) 16 Jul 2023 13:35:16
Got to be Ed002, he'd be Souness-like with taking down his opponents!

13.) 16 Jul 2023 13:55:45
Ed02 would be the manager we all know this.

14.) 16 Jul 2023 17:49:36
Simply has to be 25.
Our blue brethren would disown him.

15.) 16 Jul 2023 17:06:21
Ed025, I hear once the Saudi’s have the players and managers sorted, the next big step is a PIF funded rumours site. My sister’s best mate’s cousin is married to a lad from somewhere in Arabia and the list he’s seen said there’s definitely going to be offers made to a couple of the Ed’s on this site … Happy days ahead mate.

{Ed025's Note - it will take a massive offer to beat my present contract WDW.. :)



02 Dec 2017 18:26:25
Robertson did decent and a good assist as well.

Would prefer him to Moreno akways.

Thought Couts does not trust him as much as moreno and did not pass to him when he was in a good position.

Couts was looking jaded via body language and no real interest to be here but still got 2 goals.

wij was rusty maybe due to position but we could have made subs earlier or had AOC or Grujic instead of Milner.



{Ed0333's Note - On the contarary i thought our lad from Brazil’s body language was pretty positive today mate.

1.) 02 Dec 2017 18:46:47
I Thought Couts was very good, they couldn’t handle him at all and resorted to clipping his heels, ultimately he had the last laugh by rolling the ball under the jumping wall.

Whether he wants to leave or not he still played well today.

Agree with Milner though, the lad is hopeless and seems to of been replaced by Wijnaldum as the utility player.

2.) 02 Dec 2017 21:22:51
Makes you wonder if their has been progress on his move.



23 Oct 2017 21:41:41
Hi Ed's

Dont we have any defenders in under 23 or 21 who can play for the main 11?

Atleast to fill the 11?



{Ed002's Note - you have to pick players who can fit right in.}

1.) 24 Oct 2017 07:51:08
Aside from Gomez, no. None of them are ready for the first team.

{Ed001's Note - the only time you can really know that is when they play. Some players just play to the level they are at and so can step in seamlessly. Others fold under the pressure. However you never know for sure until they get the chance.}

2.) 24 Oct 2017 08:08:51
Whelan and Masterson are the highest rated in the academy. Both can play anywhere across the back line. Are they ready for senior football? Only by playing them will we find out.




SamiKewell's rumour replies


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31 May 2024 15:40:14
OMG. scrapping the bottom.
instead we can give opportunity to some youngsters.





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24 Apr 2024 10:22:45
Inverted goalkeeper. OMG can't stop laughing.

Looks like Ed02 is on all time high :-)




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24 Apr 2024 08:38:09
We should get Kuyt, Zenden and Ryan in the Babel copter.




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27 Aug 2023 15:01:48
$130 M seems very less if it is true.




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13 Aug 2023 15:20:21
Based on 2 min youtube highlights -

Sagnare seems ideal replacement for Fabinho.

Same ungainly run with bigger turning radius than Fabinho.

It is never good to slate anyone but just initial impressions.





SamiKewell's banter replies


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11 Jul 2024 06:18:57
Looking forward eagerly to Ed25's rundown on this episode. :-) :-)

He has gone over and above his compatriot - Super. Can't wait for rival fans taunt him for his antics.


{Ed025's Note - i have not seen it yet Sami, i was watching the disappearance of Cody Gakpo mate.. :)



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15 Jun 2024 04:32:44
Honestly there isn't anything new.

Keep coming here 5 to 6 times a day and nothing new.

Square Tomato used to give quality inputs on Joe. not seen him here for long.

nothing from Macca these days.




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13 Jun 2024 04:22:51
It looks more Daniel Levy than Slot.




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12 Jun 2024 06:07:46
I haven't read ED01's review about Jones. I want to agree with him badly but sadly the fact is - Ed025 is correct.

He was always average and was winning over me with few good performances last year before the red card and injury.

Ed025 sometimes offers Third Eye view which we lack as LFC fans which is very crtiical but mostly true.


{Ed001's Note - are you for real? He just has a downer on anyone who plays for Liverpool and sees what he wants to. He thought Firmino didn't do enough. While he thinks Pickford is world class. So I am glad you agree with him and not me, if you think he has an eye for a player, as you clearly don't either.}



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30 Apr 2024 12:45:15
After your review of Everton game, first time it gave a feeling that the reivew came out of full frustration.

(esp around Klopp should have gone 2 years before and all)

But you hit the nail on the head here when you said that if we need to play possession style, we don't have the right/ intelligent players to play that sort of game.

Honestly the evolution from heavy metal to the current style was required and the right apporach. Unfortunately we did not have players to execute and hence we have looked so dull in most of these games. (the results were covering us up untill the last few games) .

Every team we have played this season looked like the have come to challenge us and were looking better most of the time whereas we were able to grind out results.

Hence we had so many fans say x, y, z team would roll over against M City, Arsenal but a team at 20 or 19th spot would give us a run for money everytime we played them. (that feeling)

Wished Mo Salah could have handled it better when he was asked while he was leaving. We can fogive whatever happened on the field as there might have been too much tension brewing but he could have kept quiet and put this to rest by just keeping calm instead of fire comments.




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