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11 Mar 2023 15:58:55
Hi Ed001 I vaguely remember a long time ago discussing Rogers with you while he was in charge of us. If I remember correctly (probably not) you were critical (rightly) of a lot of his methods and I was optimistic (wrongly) that as a young manager he would learn from mistakes.

It's not important who was right or wrong. I was just curious have there been any managers you didn't rate early doors but who improved and went up in your estimation? Cheers.


{Ed001's Note - loads mate. Usually it is because I don't have enough information to judge them when I get it wrong. There are also a lot who went down in my estimation as well.}

1.) 12 Mar 2023 07:32:43
Is that another list you could do ed1?

{Ed001's Note - I guess so mate.}

2.) 12 Mar 2023 07:45:54
How is Rodgers still in a job, he's made them relegation fodder.

3.) 12 Mar 2023 09:13:21
Madmax, I agree as well and trust me, he will take them down eventually if not this season, next season.

But have you noticed that both he and Moyes are catching NO heat at all from the media? Hmm, I wonder why ??.



23 Dec 2022 06:12:54
Lovely video this morning on the official site of the Liverpool and Everton lads at Alder Hey. Puts things into perspective and great to see. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a fit and healthy New Year!


1.) 23 Dec 2022 07:53:03
Alder Hey is a fantastic hospital. My youngest son (now almost 3) was born with a rare heart condition and was there for over half of his first year of life. What they have done and continue to do is unbelievable.

It's lovely to see both teams doing their annual visits and putting smiles on everyone's faces!

2.) 23 Dec 2022 12:01:04
Too right Dale. How is your boy now?

3.) 23 Dec 2022 13:37:28
Hope your kid is doing better, Dale. Peace and Love.

4.) 25 Dec 2022 13:45:15
Lovely of you guys to ask thank you. He's doing really well. Will need further surgeries as he grows as the conduit they fitted will need to grow as he grows but they saved his life and I can't thank them enough.

Merry Christmas to you all and let's have a great result tomorrow!

{Ed025's Note - nice to hear dale mate..



24 Apr 2022 18:29:36
Please, please, please keep big Divock! We absolutely love the man, Klopp loves him and he seems to love us. So happy we beat them in the end I’ve never wanted us to win against Everton so much. Not just because of what is at stake but the way they conducted themselves. Can’t stand Richarlison, despicable player and that Gordon seems to be going the same way. Loving Alli smothering the ball at the end funnily enough Everton seemed keener to get playing then. Pickford wasn’t winking and smirking at the end was he!


1.) 24 Apr 2022 19:12:52
Divock has served us well and with a level of maturity and professionalism which all9ws him to be sorely missed, wished the best for and gladly welcomed back with open arms. He deserves to be the main man somewhere else and if his ability isn't suited for that then so be it. He will always be a cult hero and no liverpool fan of this generation will forget him. The kop will always remember corner taken quickly.

{Ed0666's Note - I hope stays to be honest

2.) 24 Apr 2022 19:45:44
He’s already the main man for us! I hear ya tho mate if that’s what he wants then he’s earned it and will leave head held high and with all our best wishes. I’ll miss him like mad though. He’s the exact opposite of the type of big time Charlie’s at Utd. Quietly gets on with it, waits for his opportunity and gives us his all. The quick corner, the champions league final, Wolves in the last seconds, Everton goals and wiping the smirk from Pickfords face. He will always be a favourite of mine.

3.) 24 Apr 2022 19:53:41
What’s the point in keeping origi? He only scores against Everton so he might be on the start of a very long dry spell.

4.) 24 Apr 2022 21:12:09
Or Champions league semis and finals Mikey!



17 Mar 2022 18:03:53
Slightly corny post lads but my one year old was just lifting his bottle up over his head and I commented he looked like Henderson lifting cups. Think I’ve taken our recent success slightly for granted and realised how lucky we are to have seen him lift the premier league, champions league, club World Cup and domestic cup these past 3-4 years. Got the feeling there’s more to come. It of course was also a sign that my son is going to captain Liverpool one day and lift as many cups as Henderson. End of cheesiness sorry!


1.) 17 Mar 2022 20:19:42
I think it’s every dads dream mate that their son plays for the club they support. I hoped my lad would and he was doing extremely well with Bristol City Accademy but the whole lockdown situation really knocked his progress and he was not the same player cooking out of it that he was prior and has since been released. I’ve told him though that there’s still opportunities out there for him and he’s happy enough.

2.) 17 Mar 2022 20:41:11
Sorry to hear that JK will keep my fingers crossed for him mate. The game is a tough nut to crack and sounds like he was doing really well with Bristol so hopefully there is still plenty of opportunities. Keep us posted on his progress.

3.) 18 Mar 2022 09:00:53
My kids kick a ball like their mum, they have no frickin chance.

4.) 18 Mar 2022 10:51:43
Sorry to hear that, JK. Good luck to your son and hope he gets another chance. If he is as talented on the pitch as his dad is on this forum speaking on things then, he should be fine.



26 Sep 2021 08:52:18
A disappointing result but what a game! Absolutely loved watching it and full credit to Brentford. Two teams going at it, no controversy and plenty of respect from both sides. To think we’d miss out on matches like this when the super league happens. There’ll be plenty of teams who’d do well to get a point at the Community stadium this season.


{Ed025's Note - spot on bledd mate..

1.) 26 Sep 2021 09:32:04
Come on this is nonsense, if we would have put our chances away and stopped giving the ball away cheaply we would have been out of sight, Brentford played good football but we allowed them to do it. It was a great game to watch but Klopp will be livid and if we play against city like that we will be punished so have a word with yourself and think before you write this rubbish.

2.) 26 Sep 2021 10:24:47
Absolutely agree akimbo, we were very wasteful, I thought Robbo was poor, Matip was given a tough time by their forwards, and Mane didn’t beat his man once!
We should have won the game no doubt!

3.) 26 Sep 2021 10:32:54
Klopp has to blame himself as well for taking a midfielder off to accommodate a fourth forward, that handed the initiative back to Brentford. Poor decision all round.

4.) 26 Sep 2021 11:10:51
@Jimthered - that’s the point mate - we didn’t take all our chances and they didn’t take all of theirs - that mad3 it entertaining and fun to watch - two teams going at it and making mistakes is much more enjoyable than a perfect technical game.

5.) 26 Sep 2021 11:19:34
I’m not really sure that it did VVV?
We still were on top and should have put the game away.
A lot of their play was very direct, from back up to front, and missed out the midfield anyway.
Jones did well though, good energy and pressed well.
He’s quite a big lad now, must be 6’1”, and can put himself about a bit, though he’s not as aggressive as say Gerrard was.

6.) 26 Sep 2021 11:57:36
If you can’t appreciate games like that maybe competitive sports isn’t for you gents. As I said disappointing result however the game and spectacle was fantastic I thought. Yes we missed chances but so did they and it was nice to see two teams going at it with mutual respect at the end and no controversy. They’ll give a lot of teams headaches this season for sure.

7.) 26 Sep 2021 12:00:11
You come across very bitter Jim and don’t seem to be able to accept another point of view. Maybe stick to FIFA on easy setting.

8.) 26 Sep 2021 12:03:40
Juicer, at 3-2 it was clear that we needed to shut up shop and see the game out instead of going for another, the right play would have been to change the formation to an defensive sense rather than a offensive one to accommodate firmino. It’s easy to see in hindsight, but it was so end to end and we were getting caught lacking at the back time and time again. Instead of addressing that we just went gung ho and that’s what cost us. This is a game we win a couple years ago, but this is a different outfit now. Great game though, but you have to be worried about that defending when we’re up against city next week, they’ll run riot again if we don’t improve.

9.) 26 Sep 2021 12:50:41
Kman, I’m not worried about City cos I know we will be ready for them and they don’t even play the same way Brentford play. That said, I didn’t get the Bobbie sub either at the time but maybe we’ll find out soon enuff with the match review from Ed01. Overall even if we took our chance and won, it would still go down as a bang average perf IMO.




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12 May 2024 18:14:07
Not a flippant question but when has a high profile striker come good after being given a couple of years to settle? I do like Nunez he reminds me of an old school player who plays on instinct. But I can't actually think of a player who started knocking them in for fun in his third season.




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15 Sep 2023 18:31:16
Is Cancelo average? Always looked very good to me.




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15 Jul 2023 19:25:31
Mug but you've still been coming to the site for years?




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21 Jun 2023 18:20:48
These days its largely down to the client demanding an unrealistic project program and not providing the contractor with the required/ correct information. As Aray points out the roof wasn't removed when planned yet the handover date doesn't change. I'd hazard a guess that there's asbestos in the old stand too and that will slow things to a crawl. Only worked on one job that went belly up and it was the PM that copped it.




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19 Apr 2023 17:50:15
Connor Gallagher did well on loan last season. No reason to think if the attitude is right that Carvalho can't have a successful spell too. Be a waste of talent to just cut losses.





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25 Mar 2024 18:36:36
Where in Wales are you going Law?




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21 Oct 2023 16:22:14
They go into it in detail in a book about Italian football history called Calcio. Good read.




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08 Sep 2023 21:47:53
At the time it was Momo Sissoko for me. Was gutted after that injury.




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03 Sep 2023 17:57:07
Ohtobenegative there is always something "coming" and "we will see". Inevitably nothing actually happens. I'd take it all with a very big pinch of salt mate.




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03 Sep 2023 17:32:55
Think you're right unfortunately Tom. Was talking about this with my dad earlier and I think if anything Saudi Arabia signing all this talent may actually speed the Super League along. We found it hard to actually name a sport that isn't corrupt and free of controversy. Tennis came closest.




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