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Sid19's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Sid19's rumours posts


19 Jul 2024 13:16:06
I know you've covered this Ed's but just reading an article, not twitterX, it looks like Liverpool are now favourites to sign Rabiot was offered a 2yr deal with a signing on fee of in and around €6mil plus €57,000 a week, Rabiot wants nearer €80,000 a week and will sign if those terms are met, obviously not saying it's true so don't shoot the messenger and that includes you VV, is this a runner or once again pure speculation/ bulls#*t.


{Ed002's Note - Adrian Rabiot (CM/DM) Juventus are looking to replace their midfield misfits. They are looking to sell and move off the wage bill players they no longer want to fund replacements they have already identified. As a free agent, Rabiot will, like every other player, be offered to Newcastle. A third party has been instructed to find him a new home and whilst he could have been used in part exchanges previously he has let his contract run down and will leave as a Free Agent in the summer. Liverpool offer an unlikely, at least to me, solution but they have declared an interest and know what the financial implications are. I suspect Manchester United interest has gone. Milan and Real Madrid offer wildcard options. Turkey could provide a solution. Wage demands are excessive.

Someone is teasing you over the wages.}

1.) 19 Jul 2024 14:47:58
Knew it bs as soon as I read the wages.

Rabiot is likely on 200-300k a week and I doubt looking for a pay cut.

Ed2 already stated we had a left field proposal for him which he’s unlikely to be up for.

@VV I’ll save you a type. “He’s sh@t and we should stay well clear.

I’d personally be happy with him as an option but doubt it’ll happen.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 15:11:02
Shaq, I thought that seemed high so I googled and Rabiot earns £148k a week according to salary sport (and that is probably a conversion from approximately 175k euros) .

Though you are right, he probably does not want to take a pay cut. I have no idea what his salary demands are but I've read 9 million euros a year which is more or less the same as what salary sport are reporting he earns now. Sure he'd expect a signing on fee as well though.

I like him as an option and I think he would improve our squad and just about get into our best XI, but for me he's a cheap alternative to Koopmeiners who is younger and superior as a player.

{Ed002's Note - This is why we don't talk about money - the tax situation is very different in Italy.}

3.) 19 Jul 2024 16:33:21
I’d hope we avoid the waster. Would add absolutely nothing to the team other than a huge wage burden. We’d still be left with a gaping hole in midfield. I’m hoping United beat us to the Frenchman as well.

{Ed001's Note - why do you keep making up lies about him? He is anything but a waster. He works hard, that is one of his biggest qualities. You clearly haven't a clue about him so why do you make up nonsense and spout it on here ad nauseum?}

4.) 19 Jul 2024 17:31:19
If he’s a free agent then he’s already taken a pay cut down to nothing I can’t see anyone offering more than 100k a week.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 17:55:04
VV is so pessimistic I bet even his Blood type is B Negative…….

6.) 19 Jul 2024 18:48:03
We’ll agree to disagree Ed. i've never seen him have a good game, to my mind he’s a nothing midfielder, not particularly great going forward and even worse defensively. We were poor defensively in midfield last season and he wouldn’t change that. He would just be a huge wage burden with limited miles on the clock given he’ll be 30 on his next birthday. If we sign him it will be a huge mistake. We should be signing players who can make a difference to the starting 11, not squad filler, and he’s squad filler at best.

7.) 19 Jul 2024 18:50:15
Because he is a liar. It’s been proven on here multiple times.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 21:22:01
Typical Thunderbird, personal insults and nothing of value to say.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 23:03:18
Viktor, there was no mention about his quality from Ed001. He merely pointed out that Rabiot is a grafter and is known for being hardworking, and not the waster that you described him to be. He may not be good enough but a waster he is not.

Btw, I would suggest not labelling players as such. If a player isn't good enough football-wise then describe them as such. Using words like "waster" and "damaged goods" to describe players goes beyond just describing their footballing qualities.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 00:41:25
Yeah VV. I agreed when you replied to Thunderbird on the personal insult. The irony is, you called another individual a waster. If that's not considered as an insult, I apologize.

11.) 20 Jul 2024 10:30:45
Is the Viktor guy just a troll? He said Olmo had poor end product and now he's saying Rabiot is a waster?!

12.) 19 Jul 2024 18:02:04
Ed002, I’m just disputing that he earns £200-300k a week and sharing a rumour with regards his salary demands. I’m not really interested in the money side of things as you can tell. If we sign him we can afford the wages, if we don’t we either couldn’t afford his wages or we didn’t want him enough to pay them. That’s all I really need to understand ??‍♂️.

{Ed002's Note - All of the figures provided here are incorrect. That is why I don't want to see discussion about money.}



03 Jun 2024 18:51:01
It was a one of tweet Ed 001/ 002 but someone has posted that Liverpool along with a few other PL teams and European teams have an interest in Chelsea's Trevoh Chalobah, obviously Eds I think he's a great player and would suit Liverpool as a CB or even a DM and I'm guessing he could be an elusive Home Grown player to boot, is this a stater or once again just Twitter/ X bull.


{Ed001's Note - I have no idea but I can't see why we would be interested when we have plenty of centre backs.}

1.) 03 Jun 2024 20:23:52
Chalobah is about as mediocre as it gets. Mid table player if ever I saw one.

2.) 03 Jun 2024 21:05:04
Chalobah is a bit of an Aldi Joe Gomez tbh.

3.) 03 Jun 2024 21:44:27
Mid table, in possibly the highest league standard in the world, rates a ‘mediocre’ these days. If you look through the binoculars you might just see reality about to disappear over the horizon.

4.) 03 Jun 2024 23:05:46
Depends on what your ambitions are WDW, if you want to finish 10th or below, Chalobah is your man. I’m guessing you’re pining for the likes of Downing, Cole, Konchesky and Lambert.

5.) 04 Jun 2024 00:13:59
The ambition is still the same as it has been for 60 years Victor.

Win the next game we play and do it with maximum effort and to the best of our capabilities, hopefully playing exciting football that is fun to watch

In my time, I’ve been very fortunate to watch us regularly play great football against all comers, at the highest level attainable and I was lucky enough to watch through the 70’s and 80’s and again, for a brief period in 2019

And d’you know what - when we achieve that level of football we even manage to win stuff

And d’you know what else? We took what you would no doubt dismissively call mediocre players time and time again and the management and coaching staff turned them into much better players.

Ambition is about building a squad where the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and not providing controversial soundbite uninformed / unqualified opinions as absolute fact (apologies if you have your UEFA badges by the way) .

While you constant criticism often has an element of truth buried somewhere underneath the insulting commentary you fail, without fail, (geddit), to ever offer the slightest inkling that our coaching staff might see things that perhaps forum board members may not notice that they (coaches) can significantly improve on.

6.) 04 Jun 2024 01:08:04
We're going to be linked with a million people, Sid. It's just that time of the year mate. Only things I believe nowadays is what Ed1 and Ed2 say, you may want to keep off x, it's full of utter nonsense as are the other social media sites.

7.) 04 Jun 2024 02:29:26
Great player? Over the last 2 seasons he can barely get in one of the worst Chelsea teams this century.

8.) 04 Jun 2024 03:46:48
Just seen a post on the Utd thread, I was bored and took a gander, a poster asked Ed001 about this player and this is his reply, glad to see I’m not the only one that can see potential there, I bet VV and the like will change their minds now and Salah mate I agree 100% but there is no harm in asking

Ed001's Note - I like him myself, if he was choosing a centre-back to keep out of Chelsea's bunch, he would be the one I would pick for the right-side. Good technically, good in the air, quick enough too. The main thing he lacks is confidence, so he really needs a leader alongside him to bring out the best in him. That is why he improved massively playing alongside Thiago Silva. Put him alongside Martinez and he would grow into an excellent Premier League centre-back I think. He is still a bit raw and inconsistent, but a lot of that is down to facing some really good players in the Prem that force a defender into places they are not used to going. More experience should iron out a lot of that, but even the best can have off days or players that they just cannot cope with at all. Vidic had his Torres for example. But Chalobah is physically imposing, strong, technically very good and fully capable of playing out from the back, it is the mentality that needs most work. Again a lot of that is inexperience, but the shambles at Chelsea certainly has not helped him. Of late though, he has shown signs of settling into the Prem and growing into a very good centre-back. }.

9.) 04 Jun 2024 04:58:25
Just think lads, if VV had anything to do with transfers at Liverpool, this would be the scenario, these players wouldn’t be with us VVD, Robertson, Nunez (Ron would be delighted), Endo, Mac, Szoboszlai (all came from mediocre teams or cheap transfers) and these players would be transfer listed.

Salah (can’t run), Trent (can’t defend), Diaz (he’s dad wants Barca), Jota (always injured), Gomez (can’t play) and Konate (made of crisps to coin his phrase) which would and I quote we’d have a team full of "the likes of Downing, Cole, Konchesky and Lambert".

10.) 04 Jun 2024 07:52:28
We have had worse players over the years for sure. We have won the champions league with worse and I 100% subscribe to it being about how a player fits into a Team/ Squad as priority over individual attributes. In fact, some over compensating individual attributes (over compensating inability to be a team player) can do much harm.

Oh and with worse players in our squad I don’t actually think we have ever finished lower than 8th (and then only a few times) since we returned to the top flight in the 60’s? 10 or below just is not a likelihood! We all want to be #1 though of course. I always trust the judgement and wait to see the player as part of a team before criticising or applauding a transfer tbh.

11.) 04 Jun 2024 09:19:48
it has come to the stage that VV's posts are so full of unremitting negativity that when I see his name attached to a post I give it a miss.

{Ed002's Note - He is very clearly the least knowledgable person on the site - most of his posts are no more than trolling.}

12.) 04 Jun 2024 09:20:20
Amazing. Chalobah. What a terrible shout.

He’s bang average.

13.) 04 Jun 2024 11:12:15
A Chelsea supporting friend of mine is a big fan of Chalobah and can't understand why he doesn't feature more.

Given his age, pace and strength he looks to be a very good prospect. Whilst no one would be shouting from the rooftops if he was bought, he ticks a lot of boxes.

14.) 04 Jun 2024 11:14:34
The people I believe on transfers are ed01 and ed02.

Ed02 is the most knowledgeable person we have and are lucky to get given their insights. Something I appreciate as big reds fan.

15.) 04 Jun 2024 13:14:13
I don't think VV is a troll though. He's just an extremely passionate fan, especially when it comes to transfers. I don't agree with a lot of his views but that doesn't mean he can't voice them out. At the very least, he is consistent with what he has been saying.

{Ed002's Note - His more abusive posts simply get deleted.}

16.) 04 Jun 2024 13:18:41
Kemlyncat, same here mate I usually skip when I see his posts, he's one of a few, I won't read. I read his post above purely because of what you said lol, you baited me to read his post damn you! :)

17.) 04 Jun 2024 16:43:36
VV Preferred Line Up (from the past) :

Pegguy Arphexad
Torben Piechnik
Paul Konchesky
Julian Dicks
Antonio Nunez
Jean Michel Ferri
Christian Poulsen
Bernard Diomede
Sean Dundee
El Hadj Diouf.

18.) 04 Jun 2024 20:41:49
Bog standard, you've just given me nightmares over that lineup especially with 1 CB, I'd have had Kvarme in for Dicks, Degen in for Josemi and try to find a place for Jimmy Carter (probably holding the half-time oranges)

19.) 05 Jun 2024 01:56:38
My apologies Ed, didn't know that his posts get abusive. In that case, I take back what I said. Being passionate should never cross the line to being abusive and if it has, it is right that it isn't voiced out in the first place.

20.) 05 Jun 2024 07:14:40
Those saying Chalobah hasn’t managed to get into a rubbish Chelsea team for the last 2 years are just ignorant. He was injured for 90% of this season and played pretty much every game after he came back from injury for the last 10 games or so. The year before he played in 6 CL games and 25 PL games.

21.) 05 Jun 2024 23:56:24
Hmmm - 90% Of season injured = hard pass.

We don’t need sicknotes.



03 Jun 2024 18:51:01
It was a one of tweet Ed 001/ 002 but someone has posted that Liverpool along with a few other PL teams and European teams have an interest in Chelsea's Trevoh Chalobah, obviously Eds I think he's a great player and would suit Liverpool as a CB or even a DM and I'm guessing he could be an elusive Home Grown player to boot, is this a stater or once again just Twitter/ X bull.


{Ed002's Note - There is plenty of interest in him but none from Liverpool.}

1.) 03 Jun 2024 19:43:42
I hope not, can’t nail down a place at Chelsea, not better than what we have at all.

2.) 03 Jun 2024 22:38:54
Chelsea academy? Get him in.

3.) 04 Jun 2024 21:15:36
Firmane, you mean when he was out injured for 6 months? Or the 10 or so consecutive starts he had after coming back from injury?



31 Mar 2024 11:03:54
Ed001/ Ed002 I've seen mentioned that Liverpool are looking at Thiago Motta, Bologna FC head coach/ manager, sorry lads, this is internet bull probably I'll admit and it's not a random name that I've thrown up, of course I know nothing about him only his playing days.


{Ed002's Note - Thiago Motta (C) MIlan and Juventus are showing some interest in taking Motta in the summer as his coaching career has been picking up and he is well thought of. Will perhaps be considered by former club Barcelona, but they certainly have preferred choices but could look to integrate him in to the larger coaching set up they are planning. There has been no approach by Manchester United or Liverpool that I am aware of.}

1.) 31 Mar 2024 12:29:03
With Liverpool, Barcelona and Bayern Munich needing a manger in summer. Possibly Chelsea and Man United.

It’s going to be a crazy summer this. We need it sorting before the euros.

2.) 31 Mar 2024 13:59:31
Motta is doing a great job. On the cusp of qualifying for european nights with a small budget. Wife is from Bologna so we watch many games. Motta sadly won't be there long as surely someone will pluck him soon.



10 Jun 2023 11:50:16
Benjamin Pavard Is name being touted to be on Liverpool's radar Ed's and yep you've guessed its all over twitter, you've probably answered this but can't say I can find it.


{Ed002's Note - Benjamin Pavard (CB/RB) Chelsea see Pavard as a direct replacement for Cesar Azpilicueta but with a RB already purchased for the summer they have another CB priority. The interest of Manchester United will likely not be of interest to the player who won't want to be in playing exclusively as a RB. Inter failed with an offer in January but will return in the summer. Milan have had ongoing issues with the RB position and may look to deal in the summer, something the player is open to subject to being able to play at CB as well. A wildcard option might be Barcelona or Juventus. Bayern are open to a new contract and Thomas Tuchel will not want to be looking for a replacement. Expect a new contract to now be rejected and clubs to open negotiations. If Liverpool are now interested I can only assume it is via the new Sporting Director.}

1.) 10 Jun 2023 12:29:47
Ed002 thanks so much for that in-depth reply I appreciate it mate.

2.) 10 Jun 2023 13:21:45
That would be a clever purchase. If we also added Gravenberch I would call that a good window.

3.) 10 Jun 2023 13:45:57
Acered you mean along with Thuram aswell or would you be happy with Mac Allister, Gravenberch and Pavard?

Have to admit I'd absolutely love to see Pavard come in he's the perfect player to fill in at CB/ RB or even the inverted RB/ CM role he's that good and has bag of experience.

Would personally love to add Thuram too and that window is golden.

4.) 10 Jun 2023 21:06:23
Skezza11 I don’t think Thuram arrives without Kone but those two would be great. Just can’t see that happening but we will see.

5.) 10 Jun 2023 21:35:20
So true Acered. I went for a job with a friend once and told the interviewer you hire us both or you don't get me. It's common practice.

6.) 10 Jun 2023 22:39:33
Not sure what anyone sees in Pavard. An average player that will probably not want to play second fiddle to Ibou and/ or Trent.

7.) 10 Jun 2023 23:05:25
I hope we don’t go for him. No pace, no mobility, poor attitude and a mediocre defender.

8.) 10 Jun 2023 23:07:40
@Davey, same thing happened to me one year at an audition for the Christmas pantomime. In the end they just hired me and the pantomime horse looked really weird that year.

@FPF, I agree, seems a potential purchase because we think we need a defender rather than it being the defender we might need. The only thing I can think is that they have someone lining up to buy Matip or Gomez. As we have TAA, Bradley, Ramsey, Matip and Gomez to play on the right side I don’t see the point.

9.) 10 Jun 2023 23:30:24
So in other words Matip and Gomez are better defenders VV give ya head a wobble as every player that gets associated with Liverpool are never any good give Klopp a ring give him some of your wisdom and expertise in transfers and player guidance.

10.) 10 Jun 2023 23:34:53
I personally think he’s a decent defender. Okay not the strongest or quickest, but makes up for that with intelligence. For me, not many better at the right back centre half cover/ competition.

11.) 10 Jun 2023 23:56:29
It’s the level we’re at, I think players like this will improve us.
When we get back into the champions league and back dining at the top table we need to buy the better players then.
Our mistakes can be beneficial for future success if we learn from them next time round.

12.) 11 Jun 2023 00:28:28
Don’t we have some young talented RBs?

13.) 11 Jun 2023 01:21:20
Pavard could free up Trent allowing him more time in his midfield role. gives us options and another dynamic.

14.) 11 Jun 2023 08:31:16
We do Ron but they aren’t as good because they didn’t cost £30m+.

15.) 11 Jun 2023 09:52:14
I would guess that if he signed it would be to play RCB as he is far more suited to the new system of 3 at the back when attacking than Gomez or Matip, but where is required to cover the RB space when Trent pushes into midfield.

Ibou plays this role well but can’t play every game.

16.) 11 Jun 2023 10:11:30
We were getting players like Sadio and Gini last time we were out of the Champs League, players on the way up. can't see this happening, not going to want to be cover to Ibou or trent and can't see trent going to midfield permanently. surely if we were going to sign a CB/ fullback player it would be a left sided one.

17.) 11 Jun 2023 19:34:17
Ramsay going on loan, and I would not be surprised to see Bradley have a season in the championship after his recent success.




Sid19's banter posts with other poster's replies to Sid19's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 18:45:08
Arne Slot's First Liverpool FC
Press Conference
Liverpool FC • Scheduled for 05/ 07/ 2024, 11:00.




19 Jun 2024 17:18:30
Mr Slot's first press conference on YouTube


1.) 19 Jun 2024 17:31:28
On TV? That means the man definitely exists. ??????.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 18:07:53
Cheers Sid.

3.) 19 Jun 2024 20:10:39
Sound mate, get in! can't wait to watch that later.

4.) 20 Jun 2024 02:21:33
He seems like a really genuine guy. Comes across as friendly. Knowledgeable and respectful of his former and new clubs’ culture. There are parallels between the Feyenoord and LFC fan bases that he name checks.

Dare I say it, he reminds me of Klopp a bit.

It will all be about his tactics tho. Can’t wait to see how he shapes the team.

5.) 20 Jun 2024 09:01:26
Can't wait for the site experts to tell us what Slot's getting wrong and how they would do better.
Hopefully he fills the "Bob Paisley" role to Klopp's "Shanks".
It's a big step up for him, it might take him some time to get the balance he wants.

6.) 20 Jun 2024 10:19:17
@Flash, you know it. You also forgot the regular "Oh, but he is not Klopp now, is he? " or "When Klopp was here, he used to . " cos you know that's coming.

As for the interview itself, I watched it and Slot came across as very focused, eager to get started and complimentary to Klopp and his time here. For me at the end of the day, this is all standard stuff that you should expect for the most part in a manager's first/ introductory interview, IMO.

The rubber will meet the road very soon so that is where my head is at right now. Im more than ready to give him time, just like I gave all our managers time to get things right.

7.) 20 Jun 2024 23:59:10
Oli, is that the Klopp you thought should have gone two years ago, my guy?



19 Jun 2024 16:46:33
After watching Slots first Liverpool presser on YouTube, he came across as great head coach put it this way, I'm sold and I for one can't wait for the new season to start.


1.) 19 Jun 2024 22:33:23
He’s articulate, enthusiastic, straight talking, really came across well. He’s got a hard act to follow, but he seems to have the personality for the job.

2.) 20 Jun 2024 09:27:37
Careful viktor, that’s borderline positivity :)

3.) 20 Jun 2024 10:20:28
That's the vibe I got too, VV. As the Black Eyed Peas sang once, "Let's get it started". Im excited.

4.) 20 Jun 2024 10:58:07
All this positivity about Slot's first interview is definitely out of place here, based on the recent "let's pick a person to bash for the week" trends. Let me try my hand at the "other" side.

Clearly Slot was well trained and the interview was well scripted by the club's PR department. He was instructed to speak slowly and smile at every question. And the man is clearly very smart and clever. He knows too well he needs to win the hearts of the club following, so what better than to praise the predecessor who has God-like status with many? But he tread a very fine line by praising the arch enemy Guardiola too. Just establishing his football knowledge credentials, I guess. Odd that he didn't slip in a mention of Shankly and Paisley in there somewhere. And it was so sly to say "we wanted to wait for Klopp's departure dust to settle" before we came in. It would have been more honest to say "hey, I busted my butt the entire season for Feyenoord, so there was no way I wasn't going to take my two week holiday first and get my face all burnt and orange".

How did I do? ???.



20 May 2024
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled,

Click picture for larger image


1.) 20 May 2024 15:17:04
I believe the kids call that "getting rekt".

2.) 20 May 2024 15:39:30
23 % definitely united city n Everton fans.

3.) 20 May 2024 19:43:35
There is nothing really offensive about this, if you are a City fan. I mean, you ain't THAT club and the nos. show that. It is what it is. Read it and weep.

4.) 20 May 2024 22:33:59
Money vs Passion. At heart, Passion always wins with genuine football fans.



30 Mar 2024 17:05:44
de Zerbi not signing a new contract, speculation he isn't, it's written in the stars perhaps he thinks, that he will manage our beloved Liverpool, god help us.


{Ed025's Note - worst case scenario sid..

1.) 30 Mar 2024 17:15:29
Don't really want him. I just don't think he's that good.

But he deserves to be given a chance if that's what the club decide, and I will support him if he arrives.

Hope he doesn't though.

2.) 30 Mar 2024 17:51:43
It’s all very worrying. I’m not sure he’s the right man.
He might try to play a blinder tomorrow also for the audition.

3.) 30 Mar 2024 18:06:07
Not saying i want him, but this time last year he was a genius.

{Ed001's Note - no he wasn't.}

4.) 30 Mar 2024 17:43:57
Eds, is the criticism of de Zerbi that his arrogance and petty drama behind the scenes a la the brodge the reason why it's best to avoid, as opposed to the style of football?

{Ed025's Note - I just think hes an arrogant sod who thinks hes a lot better than he actually is ajb, reminds me of Mourinho when he became an arse hole and i dont think he has improved Brighton at all mate..

5.) 30 Mar 2024 18:36:53
Ed025 mate, I agree with both your posts, who would you like to see get the job, bearing in mind, it’s a bit thin on the ground for decent mangers, I’m sure all or most Liverpool supporters wanted Alonso but as we know that may not happen, of hand I can’t think of anyone.

{Ed025's Note - im the same Sid, nobody who has been mentioned seems to fit the bill mate, its a great gig for somebody but who that will be is anyones guess..

6.) 30 Mar 2024 18:52:22
Like I’ve always said, it was never fsg genius that won us stuff it was Klopps brilliance and soon as he goes we will be back to 8th.

7.) 30 Mar 2024 19:14:05
Thing about Mourinho is that he was quite entitled to that arrogance as he had the medals to back it up. De Zerbi has nothing.

{Ed025's Note - good point VV..

8.) 30 Mar 2024 19:36:23
ED025, what about Steve Bruce, Alan Pardew and Big Sam. I reckon they are your dream options for the Liverpool job.

{Ed025's Note - i really want you to get Sean Dyche Greenflash....then you would know how we feel mate.. :)

9.) 30 Mar 2024 20:36:24
What about the scotland manager then Steve Clarke could he be worth a punt then a know he was with the king but as an individual worked wonders with kilmarnock and then s outland?

10.) 30 Mar 2024 21:50:37
I’d rather we went for Rab C Nesbitt than Steve Clarke, Rabh.

11.) 30 Mar 2024 22:10:37
I’d rather have Rylan Clark VV than that man, god knows where posters pull these names from, it’ll be Benitez next or Ten Hag when Southgate gets his job.

12.) 31 Mar 2024 03:35:42
Ah he was, everyone was raving about him. he won't get our job but he will end up at a big clyb. i do think he's a talented coach. We'll get Amorim by the looks of it, seems very good! none of them are Jurgen though are they.

{Ed001's Note - no, everyone was not raving about him this time last year. It was after he had caused rifts in the Brighton squad in the January window, which led to a very public falling out with Trossard. He then spoke very publicly about things and was accused of being a liar before Trossard left to join Arsenal. If you mean some people raved about him, then yes maybe. But I certainly never did and always said he had a whiff of Silva joining Everton about him, which I still stand by. Your hyperbole is just based on a few moron pundits in the media, not on actual reality. De Zerbi is benefitting from what went on before, but he is gradually tearing it all apart with his terrible rotation policy and inability to understand how to keep his big gob shut in public.}

13.) 31 Mar 2024 03:36:14
I also, was never raving about him and haven't seen many others either. I think Ed1 is spot on, media nonsense if anything.

14.) 31 Mar 2024 03:39:30
Maybe toward devseeved it.

I’m on board with de zerbi or Amorim.
I don’t mind bit of a rough edge.
For either, they’ve both been in the game a good amount of years and with their respective clubs and budget have achieved what you would hope for imo.

Let’s go and get cracking I say. This pontificating about minor perceived indiscretions will mean we end up with no manager lol.

{Ed001's Note - maybe he deserved it? Ignorant comment that. No he did not deserve it. De Zerbi is crap, has done nothing other than take Brighton backwards and can't even pick a keeper ffs. Guy is a crackpot. I am so glad you have no say in choices at Liverpool or we would be ruined. It is not pontificating, it is called having an opinion based on understanding of a situation, rather than ignorantly making digs like you did.}

15.) 31 Mar 2024 09:11:23
DeZerbi is responsible for the shambles we are seeing on the pitch at Brighton this season. The buck stops with him, period. A genius? Who called him that? Some pundits prolly BUT that means nothing cos they called Ten Hag a genius for Utd's good season last season even after getting Seven-ed at Anfield and nearly cost them CL footie near the end. Is he still a genius now? Yeah, exactly.

I have said it before, DeZerbi benefitted from all the work Potter had done from jump. All he needed to do was make Brighton score more goals and he did do that. This season, it is now HIS team and there is no way on this earth that a manager who has NO problems getting his arse handed to him and getting battered by 3, 4 or even 5 goals is some kind of genius at any point and that he is worthy to manage at the highest level at LFC. Not in a gajillion years, mate. ALl that, is on DeZerbi, end of.

I'll keep saying it. I don't want DeZerbi anywhere near LFC and even tho I have NO clue about Amorim, he has shown that he can improve and further the careers of young players and oh yeah, WIN things with what I have gathered from those who knew him. DeZerbi is a fraud and the receipts are there, IMO.

16.) 31 Mar 2024 09:18:53
Ed 1 what do you make of fernando diniz as a coach, not saying we should go for him but he certainly has a different approach than most to coaching, do you think his ideas could catch on in the future in europe.

{Ed001's Note - no idea sorry, not got enough knowledge of him to have an opinion.}

17.) 31 Mar 2024 09:22:31
Ed002 has hinted Barcelona and Bayern want him.

So if Liverpool were in the mix his choice would be:

•Dominant German club with a huge financial advantage after a poor season
•One of the big 2 in Spain who are struggling financially and need to replace a lot of players. Also having a poor season
•Liverpool replacing a legend who won everything and has seriously competed in 4 tournaments this season.

Given those choices, I’d say we have nothing to worry about DeZerbi coming here.

18.) 31 Mar 2024 09:24:08
whats your take on Amorin Ed001?

{Ed077's Note - RTP. He's continuously answered this for the past day or 2, at least.}

19.) 31 Mar 2024 09:43:16
He believes in "relationism " rather than positional play, having his players closer to the ball for quick short passes and one two's, was managing fluminese and won the South American champions league, think the style is called joga ball, which he says is the brazilian style and brazil lost its identity by copying the european style, i wathed a couple of videos about him and i think the coach of malmo is playing that style now, would certainly make games interesting if it were to catch on.

20.) 31 Mar 2024 09:49:46
Rather Stevie G than Zerbi. I would hope the decision makers would not be foolish enough to hire him. The options are so bad what happened to good managers?

21.) 31 Mar 2024 11:54:40
What about Potter - he looked like a contender until the wheels fell off at Chelsea, although it seemed like their co-owner (or whatever he calls himself) was just going out and buying whoever was mentioned on social media. Perhaps Potter falls into the category of the right man in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I thought I’d mention him as every other living manager in the northern hemisphere seems to have been mentioned.

22.) 31 Mar 2024 12:26:12
I’ll Be l honest De Zerbi wouldn’t be my first choice to replace Klopp but what do I know and I have zero say in it.

I know as much about him as I do the other managers being linked and I’ve never seen him interviewed to see the arrogance he is accused of. In fairness though I’ve probably never heard a full interview by about 95% of premier league managers.

I’m not sure though in what world does taking a team that finished 15th twice and 9th once to 6th on their record high points Talley and to the knock outs of Europe deemed as taking them backwards.

23.) 31 Mar 2024 13:08:13
what we need is a manager who can be his own man. Not many of that kind of manager around.

24.) 31 Mar 2024 16:15:05
Potter has blown his chance of managing a top club by taking part in Todd Boehly’s flying circus and I certainly wouldn’t want him managing us as it stinks of desperation.

25.) 31 Mar 2024 20:48:07
“Stinks of desperation” - that’s a million and one times with the exaggeration thing.




Sid19's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 19:32:05
Ed002 what do you personally think of Gordon, my honest opinion is that I’m not that fond of him, can’t see the hype around him and don’t think Liverpool need him but who am I too say.


{Ed002's Note - I am surprised by the level of interest Liverpool have - perhaps I have been missing something.}



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15 Jun 2024 20:00:47
Ed002 has already posted about this player, look and you will find.




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04 Jun 2024 04:58:25
Just think lads, if VV had anything to do with transfers at Liverpool, this would be the scenario, these players wouldn’t be with us VVD, Robertson, Nunez (Ron would be delighted), Endo, Mac, Szoboszlai (all came from mediocre teams or cheap transfers) and these players would be transfer listed.

Salah (can’t run), Trent (can’t defend), Diaz (he’s dad wants Barca), Jota (always injured), Gomez (can’t play) and Konate (made of crisps to coin his phrase) which would and I quote we’d have a team full of "the likes of Downing, Cole, Konchesky and Lambert".




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04 Jun 2024 03:46:48
Just seen a post on the Utd thread, I was bored and took a gander, a poster asked Ed001 about this player and this is his reply, glad to see I’m not the only one that can see potential there, I bet VV and the like will change their minds now and Salah mate I agree 100% but there is no harm in asking

Ed001's Note - I like him myself, if he was choosing a centre-back to keep out of Chelsea's bunch, he would be the one I would pick for the right-side. Good technically, good in the air, quick enough too. The main thing he lacks is confidence, so he really needs a leader alongside him to bring out the best in him. That is why he improved massively playing alongside Thiago Silva. Put him alongside Martinez and he would grow into an excellent Premier League centre-back I think. He is still a bit raw and inconsistent, but a lot of that is down to facing some really good players in the Prem that force a defender into places they are not used to going. More experience should iron out a lot of that, but even the best can have off days or players that they just cannot cope with at all. Vidic had his Torres for example. But Chalobah is physically imposing, strong, technically very good and fully capable of playing out from the back, it is the mentality that needs most work. Again a lot of that is inexperience, but the shambles at Chelsea certainly has not helped him. Of late though, he has shown signs of settling into the Prem and growing into a very good centre-back. }.




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12 May 2024 11:13:00





Sid19's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 21:56:02
Morocco led the Group B clash 2-1 and in the final stages of the game Argentina hit the frame of the goal twice before Medina struck in the 16th minute of stoppage time to level the match in Saint-Etienne, his equaliser sparked objects being thrown onto the pitch and players were taken off for their safety as Morocco fans invaded the pitch, supporters were then asked to leave the stadium with a message being projected on screens, after almost two hours without play, the game resumed behind closed doors with three minutes left on the clock and Medina's 106th-minute leveller was chalked off for an offside in the build-up, VAR couldn’t intervene as the game had stopped and could only advise the ref at the restart “buddy”.




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24 Jul 2024 20:46:05
That’s not quite what happened though, so you’re wrong, when Argentina equalised the Moroccan fans ran onto the pitch so game was abandoned for 2hrs, then the game was finished behind closed doors, then that was when VAR intervened with the goal.




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18 Jul 2024 12:37:13
Hasn’t Inácio said he’s open to a move to Man Utd, just so you know he could end up there.




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13 Jul 2024 09:49:59
Post of the year so far mate.




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13 Jul 2024 09:49:35
It’s always good to see posters get behind our players.




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