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06 Jul 2024 07:51:22
When Newcastle signed Gordon, I thought they had rocks in their heads. I couldn’t see the appeal. I have watched him a load and I get it.

He’s got the thing I feel Diaz lacks. Can go both ways past the fullback. He can get to the line for a pullback or cut inside and get a shot off. He’s also got the Jota thing of running directly at the goal. He doesn’t pick it up and head to the halfway line to get touches. He plays in one direction only.

He’s also a nark. He’s bristling with confidence. He’s 23, and he hates the blues.

I’m all in.


1.) 06 Jul 2024 08:34:44
He played for the Blues. He seems alright in the brief interviews I've seen with him.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 10:01:58
He needs stabilises on his bike though!

3.) 06 Jul 2024 10:05:13
Only ever really seen him play against us and his pace has caused us issues.

Problem is majority of the teams we play against don’t play a high line and will try and make the pitch as small as possible with hardly any space in behind.

Whilst on paper Nunez and Gordon in a front 3 looks electric teams would be crazy to set up with space in behind against them.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 10:49:14
To be fair JK23, we could’ve done with someone who thrives against the bigger sides that play a high line. We dropped points against City, Arsenal and Spurs. We also failed to win twice against Brighton’s high line, we went out of Europe to Atalanta who played a high press in the leg they won 3-0. We could’ve done with more pace and willingness to run in behind in the biggest games of our season. I reckon we would thrive in the big 6 head to head games if we had someone with that blistering pace in behind and ruthless 1v1 finishing that prime Mane had. He didn’t always rack up the goals against lesser teams but he was a big game player who always seemed to get goals against City and Arsenal.

It is something worth considering but teams knew how quick Haaland is and he scored a shed load of goals running in behind 1v1 with the keeper. If the movement and the pass is right I think it can still work even against cautious opposition. Mane and Salah’s pace in behind was scary back when they were both younger and teams could sit back if they wanted, but it still didn’t stop them tearing it up. Gordon and Nunez could hopefully have a similar impact. I’m admittedly an optimist though!

5.) 06 Jul 2024 11:01:47
Watched his interview with Gary Neville and to be honest I thought he came across a little disingenuous.

{Ed025's Note - seeing him from a youngster at Everton he did come across as a bit of an arsehole Nevada, hopefully he has matured a bit because he does have the ability mate, needs a strong manager for me but i dont know much about Slot to be honest but if he does come he needs to stop that diving malarkey as its embarrassing..

6.) 06 Jul 2024 11:33:05
Mk all Great points there mate and definitely food for thought.

Perhaps Gordon and Nunez could be phenomenal together and I suppose we would only know if and when it happened.

I certainly wouldn’t be against his signing but like I said I’ve hardly seen the lad play as I only watch the reds and catch highlights of others here and there when I can be bothered.

I was actually surprised by his stats if I’m honest and they are more or less identical to Nunez in the league.

I think the chances of us actually signing him now Newcastle have met their deadline is unlikely though.

7.) 06 Jul 2024 11:27:35
@25, I thought he was a To$$er when he broke into the Everton team. His falling over if there was a bit of a breeze was a pain too. Now he seems to have turned into a charming, articulate, academic young man with fine footballing skills ??. Bit of the Emperor’s New Clothes in my opinion.

{Ed025's Note - i thought you might say that somehow WDW, but if he doesn,t join you im sure your opinion of him will return to type mate.. :)

8.) 06 Jul 2024 12:44:55
Seriously we need a RW. Don’t we?



19 Jun 2024 11:36:31
Konate had a bad couple of games so he's:

Dead baller
Or any other e-red term you can think of.

Konate is a young defender with absolutely every tool at his disposal.


1.) 19 Jun 2024 12:01:52
I don't think Konate has ever been labelled them things.

But the best ability is availability and he's never fit. So if the opportunity of a sale and the right player is available, I would personally cash in and try and replace him.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 12:11:12
Mate, almost very single player has been bashed this past month or two, it's rediculous. Fed up of reading it to be honest. There's no loyalty these days to our players, I would understand more if a player is consistantly bloody terrible but none of them have been? Players have bad games, they can't be at their best every single game, give them a break.

3.) 19 Jun 2024 12:44:03
Konate is a great player and one I would happily have in the team. Unfortunately he is incapable of staying fit and can't be relied upon to play the required amount of games.

4.) 19 Jun 2024 12:44:49
Salah, old friend, how dare you question people's right to sling mud at players who play for the club which they support. That's scandalous in the extreme. ??.

5.) 19 Jun 2024 13:11:54
Lol love it, ra. Hope you're well mate :) .

6.) 19 Jun 2024 13:12:41
I Can't even enter this conversation.

7.) 19 Jun 2024 14:00:04
Indeed, @Salah. Someone called Konate a poor footballer on this site at the weekend. Can you imagine calling a player who has played some immense games for us in his time here, was MOTM in the '22 CL final and outplayed Saliba in the FA Cup tie at Arsenal as th leader of the defence with VVD out in Jan, poor footballer?

It's as if there is no perspective anymore. Klopp even said in a couple of his late season interview, that he could not understand how fans can bash the players the way they do just cos they had the audacity to have a band game whilst forgetting that, "they had played even worse in the past". Seems like a sign of the times, IMO.

8.) 19 Jun 2024 14:11:26
Yet you did ???.

9.) 19 Jun 2024 14:36:17
Salah, all fine and good thanks. Trying to remain sane in the off season. Resisting the urge to bash posters, players, teams, and managers all together, after reading the trends on here. But I've had success in staying neutral so far. ???.

10.) 19 Jun 2024 15:39:02
I have never said any of the things above about Konate, however I don't think he's top class. I do think he's our 3rd best CB behind Virgil and Quansah, but it's a bit blinkered in my opinion to imply he has no deficiencies.

Konate reminds me of Lovren. Not in terms of their attributes or characteristics because they're very different in that respect. However I think they have the same weakness and that is "football IQ" for want of better terminology.

Konate in my opinion has an issue where 9 times out of 10 he'll complete an action with no fuss and look great. Might be heading away a cross, making a 1v1 tackle, playing an incisive forward pass etc. He's capable of pretty much most things. However he just always has a mistake in him. I'm not talking like 2 or 3 high profile errors a season; every defender has those and they're always blown way out of proportion by the media for a story. I'm talking about small fundamental errors that occur several times throughout almost every game he plays. Small errors that repeatedly put us under pressure or result in our play breaking down.

For me, Konate is liable to things like misjudging a header completely, running forward with the ball and losing it, taking a poor touch, rushing out and clattering someone who was going away from goal, getting nudged off the ball, being too handsy instead of just playing the ball, playing a hospital pass etc. These are not things that happen as a result of him being technically or defensively incapable, but it just seems like he lacks concentration or consistently good judgement maybe? Or perhaps it's just rustiness because he can never stay fit for long enough to settle down and put a good run together.

Either way I don't want him as our first choice starter. I'm more than happy to have him in the squad because he seems like a good character and he is a decent Premier League level CB. I really just want what is best for Liverpool and if that is a crime, then arrest me officers! Because I don't think Konate being first choice is that.

For the record, I'm more than happy with Virgil and Quansah being first choice CB's next season so this isn't me pining for a shiny new toy. I think most of our issues were defensively as a team due to a lack of structure and intensity. I'd like Konate as back up to Quansah and a new CB to phase out Virgil gradually. Ideally that would've been Sepp vdB but he's shot his Liverpool career in the foot with his media comments I reckon.

I'm just saying it as I see it, without bias or and agenda.

11.) 19 Jun 2024 16:45:24
MK, there have also been games where he has been better of the two center backs between him and Virgil, and others where klopp just chopped and changed Virgil’s partner even though Ibou or Jarrell played well the previous game, whether that‘s because he doesn’t think ibou can play two games a week is up for speculation, but it hasn’t always been because ibou isn’t fit, that’s as far as I can remember anyway.

12.) 19 Jun 2024 17:16:30
But for the injuries i'd have him in the top handful of CB's in the league. Bar Virg and Saliba im struggling to think o anyone better.

13.) 19 Jun 2024 17:16:52
He is rash, positionally inept, and seems to not have the smarts to not push the attacker in the back and give away soft free kicks constantly that cost us goals.

Add to that the injuries he seems to be another player who we had high hopes for that imo will never reach the levels we had hoped. Quansah is already ahead of him in nearly every aspect. Great to have on the bench but not a starting centre back for a club like Liverpool.

14.) 19 Jun 2024 17:27:30
Thiago Silva, Ruben Dias, John Stones.

{Ed001's Note - Stones? He is not a good defender, never has been and never will be.}

15.) 19 Jun 2024 17:56:48
Thiago Silva of this season? Dias hardly plays.

16.) 19 Jun 2024 18:50:22
Oli, it was me that called Konate a poor footballer and I stand by it.
When I say footballer I mean one that is comfortable on the ball, can pick a pass and doesn't panic when pressured in possession. I think of Hansen, Lawrenson, VVD etc as good footballers not Konate.
I also class footballers as good decision makers and that doesn't include Konate. The derby being a good example when DCL made a fool of him. Konate continued to try and win the ball early even after giving free kicks away and DCL outmuscling him almost every time.
He might be a good defender but he's too rash, panicky and uncomfortable in possession to be a good footballer.
And I'll give you some more perspective, mate. Konate was not MotM in the CL final. It was Courtois.

17.) 19 Jun 2024 20:35:50
The derby was his worst game of the season, but every player in our squad has had a similarly poor game. And Rigsby Ibou was imperious in that final.

18.) 19 Jun 2024 21:42:49
He played well, from memory, June.
Not well enough to be MotM which is the point I was making.
The derby was a good example of Konate's poor decision making. There are others which I can't remember so I just used the good one.

19.) 19 Jun 2024 22:20:32
I like Konate. I don't see the hopeless defender that he seems to be as it feels like when I read comments on here.

Strong, fast and deceptively good technique bit like Matip.

I just think it's better we stick with him, help him continue to develop his body and we get the best out of him rather than take a multi-million dollar punt on someone else.

20.) 19 Jun 2024 22:28:41
To be honest I can think of a lot of CB’s in the Prem better than Konate (in my opinion, sure other posters and Eds may disagree) .

Virgil, Quansah, Saliba, Gabriel, Dias, Akanji, Varane, Branthwaite, Botman, Anderson, Torres, Carlos. That’s just off the top of my head but I’d personally say they’re all better or at least as good.

To reiterate I think Konate is a decent Prem CB, and PB is right when he says that at times he has outperformed Virgil even. But he just isn’t consistent or reliable enough. His fitness issues may even be the root cause of it all. Must be hard to be at the top of your game when you’re constantly carrying or recovering from injuries.

{Ed001's Note - how can you say that is the reason for Konate but include Varane, who is far more injury prone, inconsistent and unreliable? Also not that good when at his best, but ridicously overrated as he played for Madrid.}

21.) 19 Jun 2024 22:41:27
Same things were said about Sakho on here. Fans get too attached. Konate will be replaced and forgotten about because he’s not good enough for Liverpool Football Club.

22.) 19 Jun 2024 23:43:32
I meant them as separate points Ed001. Initially, I was just answering the question posed by June Nkunku about who is better than Konate in the Prem “but for injuries” to quote June directly. You can’t answer that by taking Konate’s injuries out as a factor, but then not do the same for the others in the league or it’s an unfair and pointless comparison.

I wouldn’t want Varane as our starting CB either due to his injuries, but I do think when fit he is better than Konate. Not by a lot, but he edges it for me. More composed.

I’ve waited patiently for years for Konate to stay fit and show some consistency and in the end Quansah came along and beat him to the punch. The way I see it, Quansah is showing rapid progression whilst Konate is no better than when we signed him 3 years ago. That’s not me saying he’s a bad player, but I think it’s time we moved on from hoping he’ll be a 38 game a season starting CB that will take us to major trophies like the PL and CL.

{Ed001's Note - sorry but Varane is terrible defensively, being composed is no good if you are 5 yards out of position.}

23.) 20 Jun 2024 10:31:46
Rigsby "I think of Hansen, Lawrenson, VVD. ".

So you are ranking a young CB who clearly has great potential and has played a ton of good to great games for us and can still improve, to the giants of the game at LFC? Sorry, your comparison is the stuff of absolute waffle.

You can pick out individual games to support your point. You know what? I could pick out individual games where he was immense say, a MOTM in a CL final (something you conveniently NEVER addressed) so that is irrelevant.

Does Konate need to improve? Yes BUT to say he is porr footballer despite the great games he had for us is wide of the mark, IMO.peace..

24.) 20 Jun 2024 16:29:34
Oli, my guy, I wasn't ranking Konate and those three. I was telling you who I classed as good footballers and why. Konate is a good athlete and could be a good defender but he is a poor footballer.
A ton of good to great games? How many games has he played for us? Go on, address that.
I've addressed your MotM in a CL final waffle twice but I'll do it again: Thibaut Courtois was MotM in the CL final you are talking about.



13 Jun 2024 07:37:20
Joe Gomez is an excellent player. He’s had significant injuries and they always take time to recover. He’s now back to match and actual fitness and is a very good player.

The people who denigrate him are more interested in the dopamine hit of a new signing. The idea of supporting your team and its players are as unfamiliar to them as they assume, good hygiene.

Joe Gomez was superb this year - but yes, Haerculo Spataccci and Vicenza is levels above him and must be signed.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 07:56:08
Gomez is a top player. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to move on though. Think about it. If you have Trent and Bradley for RB. VVD, Konate, Quansah at CB and we’re looking to add more there. Robertson and Tsimikas at LB. Beck probably replaces Tsimikas. He’s not even 2nd choice anywhere which isn’t anything to do with him it’s just the quality ahead of him.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 08:16:35
Gomez played a lot of football last season but none at Centre half.

But just because he wasn't Klopps or Peps (whoever picked the side) first choice centre half to partner Virg then it doesn't mean he won't be Slots.

Gonna be a clean slate for more or less every player to put their marker in the sand.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 08:17:59
If Joe wants to stay, I’d give him an extension.
Simple as that.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 08:40:54
Joe Gomez is an excellent player and was superb this season? I think I must have different definitions for the words excellent and superb.
He's a decent squad player; that's it.
Anyway, I'm off for my weekly shower.

{Ed025's Note - I’m with you Rigsby… not in the shower of course .. ?

5.) 13 Jun 2024 08:57:38
Agree Rigsby. He’s so excellent that he couldn’t get a game in his first position of CB pretty much all season, and he couldn’t get a game at LB until Robbo and Tsimikas were injured, then couldn’t get a game at RB until Bradley and Trent were injured.

So for Klopp and Lijnders he was realistically 3rd choice RB, 3rd choice LB and 5th choice CB. He quite simply has profited from an injury crisis that was absolutely relentless all season. You could argue that by the end of the season he’d probably overtaken Tsimikas as 2nd choice LB but that’s not anything to write home about because Tsimikas isn’t good enough either.

Gomez is emergency cover as far as I’m concerned. Now is the perfect time to sell, whilst his stock is relatively high and he’s still only 27. JK23 did make a good point though that he might be perfect for a role in the system Slot wants to play which ultimately isn’t clear yet so we’re all just speculating. But calling Gomez an excellent player is just blind loyalty in my opinion. He was supplanted in his preferred positions by Bradley and Quansah who were playing League 1 only 12 months ago.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 09:01:36
Ooh, I was going to let you do my back, Ed0025. I've just put a new blade in my razor, too.

{Ed025's Note - its not a Venus one is it?.. :)

7.) 13 Jun 2024 09:10:47
Joe Gomez is a good versatile squad member. But he’s not a starting centre back.

8.) 13 Jun 2024 09:11:47
What are his weaknesses?
Pace? - no, physicality? - no, aerial ability? - no, tackling? no.

His weaknesses from my point of view are positioning, marking and reading of the game. His fitness issues play into these weaknesses.
Reading the game is a skill which deteriorates with time away from competitive games. It is essential to be good at reading the game to be a defender. Positioning and marking absolutely depend on you being able to read the game.

Joe had a great run last season, a serious upturn in form. To call him excellent and outstanding might be excessive but he was dependable and in good form.
Being a good defender in the fast paced PL these days is a fairly rare commodity.

Joe needs games, then his form dramatically improves. Same with Curtis. Both are young enough.

In addition I think it’s well known Klopp’s team put a huge emphasis on training intensity. We suffered loads of hamstring injuries when he first arrived with reports of players vomiting during training due to the intensity.

I’m not knocking Klopp’s coaches, that was essential for the way his teams played. However, I think Slot will be different again. He could be more intense, he could be less. He will certainly have different methods and training philosophies.

So players who’ve struggled with sustained fitness under Klopp should be given a clean slate with new coaches and playing style.

I’m confident with Joe and Curtis and they should get our support.

9.) 13 Jun 2024 09:11:48
Gomez might not be a regular starter but xan play anywhere across the back. n with the injuries we have, he was a very valuable player for us esp last season. but can see him wanting a new challenge esp with his England place . Personally Id want him to stay.

10.) 13 Jun 2024 10:45:23
Its a sell for me, emergency cover who could bring in gOod money to strengthen the first 11.

11.) 13 Jun 2024 12:17:49
We have Beck and Quansah, tbh Gomez needs to go for us to get some funds, he has been caught up with this shout of "shoot" near enough every time he plays, as annoying as Coutinho got.

12.) 13 Jun 2024 12:52:59
Ron, Gomez is a bit suspect in the air and that’s being generous, also makes a few too many mistakes, like that time he twerked against Brighton instead of properly pressing the attacker and cutting off any chance of shooting. Good squad player but no way is he a starter as things stand.

13.) 13 Jun 2024 15:17:37
Have to strongly disagree with those saying we should sell.

Players who can competently cover the entire backline are exceptionally rare. And for every mistake Gomez has made over the years there are an equal if not greater number of excellent performances.

Versatility is a drastically underrated quality by fans.

{Ed025's Note - there is room in the squad for a jack of all trades Nevada, even though he is a master of none..

14.) 13 Jun 2024 16:16:54
Very true Nevada, but if he's 3rd choice in all four defensive positions and could bring in 25 odd million do you keep him around? if were lucky in the backline with injuries next year where does he play? he's 27,he should be 1st choice somewhere.

15.) 13 Jun 2024 16:21:23
I agree Nevada that a player who can cover the whole defence is rare. Where we disagree is how you define competently.

He is woeful at LB. All he ever does is come inside and shoot and he has no left foot so we always lack width down that side.

At CB he is too weak in the air and leaves every defensive set piece to Van Dijk. He’s so poor in the air that despite being 6ft3 he doesn’t even get sent forward for offensive corners. He also doesn’t watch runners or the offside line so he’s far too easy to run off the back of.

Don’t even get me started on DM. He has no spacial awareness and wants far too long on the ball.

Where I believe he is competent is at RB. But even then he’s miles off the quality of Trent and Bradley.

If Bradley or Trent were to leave and Slot’s style is similar to what we’ve seen in recent years, he’d be an okay back up RB but still one I’d wince at if he had to start in a big game like away to Madrid or in a cup final.

He’s just not elite and that is the level we want to reach. If he went to a team like Bayern I’m sure he’ll do fine. The German league has a habit of reviving careers. Even Sancho and Dier look half decent.

As I said earlier though, all this is based on what Klopp and Lijnders wanted from him. I said on here a few weeks ago that Slot likes fluid systems and one thing he has done at times is have a full back tuck in to form a back 3. On paper that might suit Gomez as the best game I ever saw him play was on the right side of a back 3 for England against Brazil. His best attributes lean towards that being more up his street. So we can only really speculate until Slot gets a look at him and the tactics/ system he wants to deploy in English football become clearer.

All this talk of excellent and versatile though I’m just not on board with it. At the levels Man City and Arsenal are it (and where we want to be) he is a run of the mill squad player and he is ineffective in most of the positions he plays in.

16.) 13 Jun 2024 17:48:08
Jude - if he's 3rd choice in all those positions I'd sell all the second choice players in those positions and have Gomez as reliable cover for all the positions, saving a fortune in wages and allowing for investment elsewhere.
I'm being tounge in cheek of course, bit I don't think anyone here is saying Gomez is a world beater. He is a capable and versatile squad player for the defence, just like Milner was in midfield and defence. A good squad needs that sort of player and I personally think he's it. Each to their own though.

17.) 13 Jun 2024 18:02:28
So you would sell Bradley? ?.

18.) 13 Jun 2024 19:24:34
Some of the amateur analysts on here like the sound of their own voice a little bit too much.
Some of out best performances last season came when Gomez was playing at left back, Newcastle, Chelsea and City at home spring to mind. A defender that can play all positions across the backline is worth their weight in gold.

19.) 13 Jun 2024 21:52:50
@TB2, when I was a kid we used to go out and kick a ball about and get into mischief which usually ended up with some sort of punishment and - if we were lucky - some sort of lesson learned which helped us in our efforts to grow up.

Nowadays kids spend hour after hour after hour staring at some sort of box / screen and ‘learn’ about life through video games and experts (seriously what are influencers ??) on social media. The end result is they form their opinions in a vacuum and imagine that they ‘know’ about things.

Everybody has an opinion about everything. The thing that they miss is that their opinions are mostly based on specious data which they automatically assumed was true when they read it because it was on social media and that their opinions are mostly just incorrect (to put it nicely) . I reckon people need to get out more and hopefully get over themselves.

20.) 13 Jun 2024 22:19:06
How can an opinion be incorrect ?‍♂️. I agree WDW, you definitely need to get out more. If not that then at least look up the meaning of opinion.

21.) 14 Jun 2024 00:58:32
Gomez stock is high? We’d barely make back anything worth re-investing and we’d be losing a solid squad player and as important imo, the perfect personality and character for the dressing room and club. No issues, gives his all, fills in cold and gives solid performances.

22.) 14 Jun 2024 07:02:31
Thunderbird, this may come as a shock to you but you are also an amateur analyst. The difference between me and you is that you believe your opinion is fact and for years you’ve primarily trolled others for giving their opinions if you disagree with them ??‍♂️

I don’t care if people rate Gomez higher than I do, but given this is a discussion forum, with your permission I’d like to continue to share my views? Thank you in advance your holiness ??.

23.) 14 Jun 2024 07:16:35
27 year old england squad member faith, wouldn't fetch a bob or two?

24.) 14 Jun 2024 12:43:52
WdW what a condescending post that was, kids these days watch the same games we do and have many other leagues thrown in as well, football has never been so readily available to watch i have an 11 year old who through video games, watchin and playing football could tell each one of us more about a player than the EDS, we have a common theme on this site from us Liverpool fans that we look down on everyone else, it needs to change, opinions are opinions, don't need to agree or disagree on one, its just someone else adding something they think is relevant.

25.) 14 Jun 2024 13:56:12
@TIR, there are people who hold the opinion that the Holocaust never actually happened. Opinions can be and usually are wrong.

I really am genuinely mystified that you think opinions can’t be wrong.

I absolutely understand that people have a right to have opinions and to express their opinions but that doesn’t make an opinion correct.

26.) 14 Jun 2024 13:58:03
Apologies if I sound condescending, I’m just putting forward an opinion @FSG. Are you saying that only opinions you agree with are acceptable?

27.) 14 Jun 2024 14:43:43
I think we all agree that Joe Gomez happened or is happening. We disagree on how good he is for Liverpool. There is no right or wrong opinion and I don't think I'm being disrespectful when I say he's no more than a decent squad player.
I would keep him unless we could sign a better player than him. That shouldn't be too difficult and, again, I'm not being unfair about Gomez.

28.) 14 Jun 2024 16:17:43
@ WdW no not at all pal but you dismiss opinions of people as clueless if they are a little different, half these so called experts on TV have terrible opinions half the time, does that make them better judges than one of us? Someone's opinion can be wildly different but it's not for us to push the mantle of being right or wrong or even not important, if someone has a differing opinion the best to do is I find is read it as if it is your own opinion then break it down as to why it doesn't make sense to you or differs from yours, it takes seconds, or the best thing most days (especially on social media ) is to just read it and move on, plus no need to apologies, sorry is thrown around as much as the use of world class on here these days haha.

29.) 14 Jun 2024 17:00:16
That was a long sentence, FSGfleecingus.
Just my opinion, of course ?.

30.) 14 Jun 2024 21:08:07
Surely the benchmark for players is, are they world class or potentially world class?

IMO, if someone offers 40+m for a squad utility player, we take the money and reinvest in the squad. Filling holes when people are injured is the what the academy is for.

All that said, the power is all with the player. It's Joe's decision.

31.) 16 Jun 2024 13:15:28
Genuine question - those who are saying gomes is low choice, not very talented in any position what makes you think he's worth £20m you're describing a sub £5m player not a £20m one.

Baffles me how often fans call players dead wood then expect good fees for them. Either you're wrong about their ability or your wrong about their price, you can't be right that he's awful in all positions AND worth good money.



03 Jun 2024 10:43:55
Bryan Mbuemo ain’t it. He’s okay. He’s nothing like Liverpool quality.


1.) 03 Jun 2024 10:46:08
Why oh why, Why0why?

You got to chuckle!

"Fans", eh?

2.) 03 Jun 2024 12:45:23
People said the same when Edwards bought Mane, Jota, Wijnaldum and Robertson. Even Virgil had detractors, including myself. Sometimes buying Prem proven players with the capacity to go up a level, is worth more than just buying a big name player. Even Oxlade-Chamberlain and Shaqiri were pretty good for us.

Who was our best signing last summer? The Bayern Wonderkid? The Leipzig superstar? Nope. Brighton's "second best" midfielder.

3.) 03 Jun 2024 14:03:30
Or the Stuttgart captain MK.

4.) 03 Jun 2024 14:17:30
I think he’s exactly who we should buy and let salah play as the 10 roll with Dominic and Gakpo competing for left side midfielder. People said the same about mane Robertson wijnaldum and some poster said his stats are very similar to manes before he joined us.

5.) 03 Jun 2024 14:23:37
Taurus, another lesser known player, good point. He was seen as just a cheap stop gap. Another case really of it not being about signing the biggest name, but the right player. I wouldn't say he was as good as Macca still and he's certainly not a long term solution, but he was arguably man of the match in the League Cup final so without him, we probably would've ended Klopp's final year without a trophy.

6.) 03 Jun 2024 17:55:14
I wouldn't be against Mbuemo but let's not forget we are going into a new era of management with a new style that none of us really know all that much about. From what I've heard the 'wider' forwards in Slots teams play more like number 10's than the dual role wingers/ inside forwards in Klopp's style, plus more of a pass and move style than heavy metal footy with an emphasis on quick transitions and breaking at pace.
If all this is true I think Elliot could do the job. I've never seen him as a Salah type winger as he isn't quick enough, but as a right sided number 10 type player? Yeah I could see that.

7.) 03 Jun 2024 18:45:47
I think we buy Johan Bakayoko and move Salah to the middle. We sell Diaz, and let Jota and Gakpo alternate or fight it out, on the left. Nunez to fill in wherever there are injuries or low form. And when Salah leaves, Nunez to come in full time. Or be sold.

My point is that Salah's replacement (whenever the departure is), should be bought now.

8.) 04 Jun 2024 11:16:04
ArAy1969, I fully agree that Salah's replacement should be bought now since he will go next season. I trust the club to bed in the replacement gradually with Salah being here already to help him bed in, Bakayoko or whoever.



11 Aug 2023 02:15:12
Liverpool - Moises parts the Red Sea.
Midfielder arrives in a £110m deal.

FSGout spokespeople have not been found for comment.

Turns out Liverpool are bare sneaky.

Lavia - y’all got in a flap over Lavia, Moises was the actual parting.

Deal done. Moises is red.


1.) 11 Aug 2023 02:39:23
Lavia has to be the greatest smokescreen in the history of smokescreens.

2.) 11 Aug 2023 03:10:07
What a night. Actually seeing the news break in real time was something. Caicedo was the dream signing for me and until now it was just that, a dream. Get in! Welcome to Liverpool Caicedo ???.

3.) 11 Aug 2023 04:21:19
I don't think any body even dreant of caicedo ???.

4.) 11 Aug 2023 06:14:39
Wow. Just wow.

5.) 11 Aug 2023 06:25:44
Dont want to sound like a killjoy but he hasn't signed yet has he? Not celebrating until he pens that deal. ?.

6.) 11 Aug 2023 06:29:54
I half feel sorry for lavia tbh .

7.) 11 Aug 2023 06:33:15
Nothing is yet official so I wouldn’t cream your panties just yet!

Caicedo would be great though!

8.) 11 Aug 2023 06:37:10
I dreamt of Caceido, we should have always been in for him when Bellingham didn’t happen. Not quite the same player sure, but he is a terrific player.

9.) 11 Aug 2023 07:42:46
Better to keep your dreams to yourself frode mate.

10.) 11 Aug 2023 08:13:39
Friday August 11th 2023, I was present at the biggest back flip in the 60 years I have been watching / supporting Liverpool.

It would be fun if we do sign him to make him captain for the day and lead the team out against Chelsea. One or two of us on here thought Adams, Lavia and Caicedo were nailed on for the Bridge ?.




Why0why's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 15:05:01
“Just a whisper”

Scene - Sefton Park, early morning. We see a man sat by the lake, he is feeding the swans, he is approached furtively by another man in an overcoat and fedora.


“What? ”

“Shhshshs shhshhs shshhshs new contract for Virgil”





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24 Jul 2024 12:27:37
So I just heard from a fella I know who polishes solar panels with Brillo pads that the Spanish player is Zubamendi. He’s moving in and has a special paddock for his Aplacas (Trevor and Simon) .

He will be sharing the no.6 shirt with Ederson. Deals done, just need to confirm the Alpacas don’t have rabies.




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23 Jul 2024 16:00:33
I didn’t have “a series of replies defining what an in-law could be” on my Bingo card today.

Kubo of the Two Strings is a done deal.
Ederson has got the no.6 shirt.
Diaz is off to PSG
Ignacio has signed in secret

All told by my Aunt Beatrice (dead) at a seance.




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17 Jul 2024 11:13:42
Red Flyer

This is madness. Absolute madness.




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04 Jul 2024 09:35:32
Is it IMF?

There mission, should they choose to accept it - is to find a buyer for Nat Phillips. Mission Impossible 8: Fools Errand.





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