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24 Jul 2024 13:06:14
Just a whisper. LFC are quite so confident that VVD will stay for this season. Konate, however, needs to compete with JQ for the starting spot, may be tempted to go to PSG at the right price.

Hence, two replacements might be needed - one for Konate this summer, and another for VVD in 2025.

Inacio (left footed) is the first choice for the replacement. Other options being scouted extensively are Bremer (right footed), Hancko (left), and Jhon Lucumi (Bologna, left footed) .


1.) 24 Jul 2024 13:38:10
Thanks, that saved me reading all the footy gossip this morning ?.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 13:46:01
I see a right sided CB as more likely this window than a left sided one. I mean we need to replace VVD, but assuming he extends, who exactly is the left sided CB we’re going to bring in this window that is of the required level to replace VVD in a year or two and also will be happy to be in that back-up / squad player role?

3.) 24 Jul 2024 14:20:58
Inacio could be available for as little as £25m. Better to get a replacement sorted now, rather than be in the market for one in 18months, as prices will go up 10-15m as clubs will know we're in the market. Look at the CDM situation last year.

Also, Konate, Gomez, Quansah, VVD and even SVDB (likley to leave) are all right footed. a left footed cb makes the most sense, you're even covering LB as well. Jorrel Hato, Ajax kiddie must be on Richard Hughes list also.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 14:33:05
Why is inacio price now 25m thought he was 40m at least?

5.) 24 Jul 2024 14:33:11
I've read an article this morning stating that Leverkusen could be looking to sell Hincapie as it seems more likely that Tah stays. Problem is he expects to be a starter. But as he can also play LB, he might be ahead of Robbo. But I guess the same could be said about Inacio/ Hancko.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 15:05:37
Faith, Dean Huijsen as a longer term replacement, predominantly left footed but comfortable playing right side as well, 6’5”, strong on the ground, good in the air (as you’d hope) and relatively mobile for a big lad. Had a decent season at Roma and Juve are looking to sell to get some money in as he’s a very saleable asset.

7.) 24 Jul 2024 15:32:41
@longthing76 - Not sure mate, was stated on the yesterdays RedmenTV podcast that he's now available for around £25M.

8.) 24 Jul 2024 15:58:59
Get Inacio in asap. Even if VVD signs a contract extension, let them battle it out to be number 1 LCB. Plenty of games to play next season for the both of them to get the minutes.

9.) 24 Jul 2024 16:11:03
100%, potentially around 50/ 60 games next season, Konate and Gomez are bound to pick up a few knocks along the way.

10.) 24 Jul 2024 16:24:24
Juve aren't looking to sell. They may need to sell but their preference is not to and they'll avoid it if they can.

11.) 24 Jul 2024 18:50:52
Hasn't Gomez been talking to Emiliano about a move to SA?

12.) 24 Jul 2024 19:22:55
Joe needs to move on, great player on his day but injuries have cost him badly.
Konate cannot string 5 games together without looking wilted or getting injured, again a beast on his day but way too inconsistent to be considered reliable.

13.) 25 Jul 2024 04:44:04
Sepp and Phillips likely to leave so we'd need another CB (at least) in the squad. Also we're one VVD injury away from being in a terrible place defensively so you'd think the CB coming would need to be seen as a starter.

14.) 25 Jul 2024 08:49:49
VV - not sure Hjulsen is the name fans are salivating for.

But I would see that as a far more realistic option in this window as a transition from VVD. Can’t see us getting someone like Inacio in this window unless he’s coming in ready to compete and potentially not play a lot. That would be the scenario for a “big name” but seems less likely imo.

15.) 25 Jul 2024 15:05:01
“Just a whisper”

Scene - Sefton Park, early morning. We see a man sat by the lake, he is feeding the swans, he is approached furtively by another man in an overcoat and fedora.


“What? ”

“Shhshshs shhshhs shshhshs new contract for Virgil”


16.) 25 Jul 2024 23:30:32
I want to know when it became normal for CB's to specialise as being either left or right sided to be honest. Maybe I just never paid enough attention when I was younger but I don't recall Ferdinand, Terry, Campbell, King, Adams, Hyypia, Carragher having a 'side'. Yeah they can have a preference but they shouldn't be incapable of doing the other side. It's like Jones saying "oh no I can't play on the right side of this midfield 2 or 3. I can only play left side".
Baffling honestly.



19 Jul 2024 13:21:42
Anticipating some news next week on the new number 27 addition to the Team from PSV Eindhoven.


1.) 19 Jul 2024 13:36:54
Come on Riddler, give us a name. This is a rumour site, not Crystal Maze!

2.) 19 Jul 2024 13:48:53

3.) 19 Jul 2024 14:24:30
Is that you Yoda? Talking in riddles.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 15:14:05
PSV's number 27 is Hirving Lozano. Lozano sounds like Lozenge. A Lozenge is used for a sore throat. Sean Dyche sounds like he has a permanent sore throat. Dyche also manages Everton. Gordon used to play for Everton.

I've cracked it, we're signing Anthony Gordon!

5.) 19 Jul 2024 15:20:15
Whoever it is needs to live up to the legendary number 27s that have gone before him. I still miss Origi.



16 Jul 2024 10:52:03
Gonçalo Inácio of Sporting is close but Liverpool has to deal with complications coming from the historical issues between the Club and Liston hierarchy.
The player expressed the desire to move. Expected fee would be around 52 mln pounds.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 11:26:26
That would be class.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 11:33:19
He checks a lot of boxes. SOURCE?

3.) 16 Jul 2024 12:05:25
It would be great but it does sound like a contradiction to say that it is close but there are complications.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 11:48:00
I’m in if indeed he is what is needed, remember it’s about character too, not just the position and skill set a player has.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 18:48:49
Hi Shipley,
By the 'complications' I mean the payment structure, other players' contract situations, and that the player is enjoying some holidays after Euros.



22 Jun 2024 11:11:39
LFC may choose to bid for Alexander Isak to replace Nunez in the upcoming weeks. Several transfers need to happen with the dominos effect - DCL from Everton to NU, Broja to the blues, Sesko to Arsenal (AFC are also interested in Isak but the Slovenia striker looks more viable) .


1.) 22 Jun 2024 11:46:52
Sesko just signed a new contract.

2.) 22 Jun 2024 12:44:33
Stan none of your predictions have come to fruition as of yet!
I’d have a word with your source :)

3.) 22 Jun 2024 13:36:15
…. sesko is staying put, so is it safe to say that your rumour isn’t going to happen ?.

{Ed002's Note - He is simply trolling the site.}

4.) 22 Jun 2024 16:38:53
DCL to Newcastle currently has legs and doing the rounds, not saying that will begin a merry go round but I’d like it too :-D.

5.) 22 Jun 2024 20:07:40
The thing is frode does DCL have the legs to pass a fitness test, can't believe anyone would even pay money going on the last couple of seasons showing.

{Ed025's Note - hes a very good player you know Hailstones, had a few injuries but if he is paired alongside the likes of Isak and Gordon he would thrive imo, Everton have not played to his strengths at all and left him isolated for the most part mate..

6.) 22 Jun 2024 20:52:07
Is that an Everton fan rationalising that, at the very best, DCL is average? He doesn’t shine in a very mediocre team.

7.) 23 Jun 2024 08:12:53
I think dcl had the makings of an excellent player a few years ago but I think injuries have taken there toll, don't see him reaching his potential because of that.

8.) 23 Jun 2024 10:38:24
Agree he's a great player on his day 25. But think hailstones points are valid, don't see why a tol team would take a risk on someone with those injury issues.

{Ed025's Note - he got injuries because he was worked to death Bmena, Dyche has had him playing a lone furrow up there with little or no support mate, the others dont press so its up to him to chase down every ball when the opposition have it and its just not sustainable im afraid, if he does go to Newcastle you just see how he performs when he has the likes of Isak, Gordon and co helping him

9.) 23 Jun 2024 11:15:21
How do you feel about Gordon coming out in the media and saying his all time idol is stevie, calling him a ‘god’, and then adding that his role model for work ethic right now is our mo, ed025? Never thought he’d be so eager to say he’s a Liverpool fan given all that he said about being a lifelong blue in the past ?.

{Ed025's Note - hes a good player PB but hes also a bit of a prat, Mo i will have as an example because of his lifestyle, work ethic and charity work, on the other hand he admires Gerrard who is a bit of a scum bag really, good player but as a person a bit of a low life...and one miserable bar steward to boot..

10.) 23 Jun 2024 13:12:29
Can’t disagree with that Ed, by all accounts stevie surrounded himself with an entourage of thugs too, I’m just surprised that Gordon would volunteer all that information about how much he adores two Liverpool players given how much he has said about being a blue to the day he dies and given the Everton fanbase already has it in for him for forcing a move, is he desperate to wear the red shirt now or something?

{Ed025's Note - hes only young PB and i bit naive i think mate..

11.) 23 Jun 2024 13:39:14
StanUA - why bother with all the bollux comments - if you told us the time we’d all buy watches! ?
When we lost to Everton DCL certainly got much the better of our CB’s but his off-field antics aren’t LFC plus he’s too injury prone!
If we had Isak we would definitely be competing on all fronts imo ??.

12.) 23 Jun 2024 15:25:24
i know it doesn't seem like it, but i think nunez is a much better player than isak. okay, he doesn't finish like isak, but in terms of getting shots and getting on the end of good opportunities nunez is one of the very very top in europe. add to that the fact that he is always looking to participate in the build up and creates a lot of assists as well, and you are looking at a top top level forward, one of the best in europe, once he starts putting chances away. of course we are all frustrated with his decision making and finishing sometimes when he's not in form, but if anybody can make nunez start converting those chances, nobody on here will spare a thought about trading him for anybody in the world (except mbappe or somebody like that) .

{Ed025's Note - i really like him PB, but yes he doesn,t finish like Isak mate...he finishes like Mr Bean.. :)

13.) 23 Jun 2024 14:56:54
DCL is an average player that in a by gone age every team had this sort of player ten a penny.



11 Jun 2024 10:58:33
Just throwing in the new name - Jake O'Brien from Lyon, 3yrs still left on the contract. He was scouted but there are a few CBs regarded as preferred choices.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 12:54:08
Never heard of him, immediately checked if he is HG and I don't THINK that he is as he was at Cork City (ie outside of the English League system) until he was c20 when he was loaned to Palace.

I like the idea of unearthing a gem though, it's what we do best!

I would be surprised if we went for him though as he's a right footed CB and we already have VVD, Konate, Quansah and Gomez.

{Ed002's Note - Hardly unearthing agem. There is plenty of interest in him but none from Liverpool.}

2.) 11 Jun 2024 19:38:06
Ryan Sessegnon for free anyone?

3.) 11 Jun 2024 23:05:55
I am an O. L. fan as I live in the city of Lyon. He was OK for O. L. this season, but the team was shocking in all fairness. Lovren still plays for us . That says it all. Jake is OK in French league 1, as many of his mistakes don't go unpunished as they would in premiership. His positional sense, aerial duals and tackling are very suspect to say the least. Physical player who always gets done for pace and always error prone. Ball watcher and poor concentration levels. His true level is league 1 mid table team or English championship mid table at best. Extremely limited in every department. Loaned by palace as the owner also owns O. L. too I believe. Definitely not lfc standard by any means. Apologies for being too negative and critical about him. Just my opinion of course, but I've seen plenty of his games last season.

4.) 12 Jun 2024 00:15:17
Isn’t he the one who nearly prompted a suicide pact on here when he went to Fulham instead of signing for us? No thanks.

5.) 11 Jun 2024 21:20:28
No thanks Langland, his career has gone all Spursy.




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25 Jul 2024 10:25:50
Hi All,
Imo, no chance the Club will move for more than one wide striker this summer. If any of Neto, Kubo, Bakayoko, etc. is negotiated, Gordon won't get signed (costly, NUFC won't sell to us now as they are all sorted with the sustainability rules) .

Even if Diaz leaves, we still have 3 senior strikers.
Only if we let 2 attackers go, then we'll be more concerned.

I'd be happy if we sign 3 - CB, DM and right winger.
Plus some cover for LB would be good to have for luxury.




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24 Jul 2024 11:05:54
The lad was asking about the Georgian midfielder from Levante. It's not a goalie from Valencia who's name is Giorgi Mamardashvili.




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16 Jul 2024 18:48:49
Hi Shipley,
By the 'complications' I mean the payment structure, other players' contract situations, and that the player is enjoying some holidays after Euros.




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13 Jun 2024 09:37:20
Note: Joao Neves is the Portugal national squad for Euros. If any bidding, we'll probably find out only after they get out of the competition.




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17 May 2024 14:33:49
Nicholas Williams from Bilbao, lol :)
Seriously, Liverpool scouts were spotted at the Athletic stadium.





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