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14 Jul 2023 01:30:31
Damn it. They should have given Keita a new contract. Could have gotten €30 million for him from the Saudi’s as well. ?.

A-Klopp-alypse Now

1.) 14 Jul 2023 05:47:10
Might be rich but they aren’t thick!

2.) 14 Jul 2023 08:15:37
Maybe that's why Adrian got one.

3.) 14 Jul 2023 08:46:59
Nice one, Jay Dub. That was funny. Heard Naby is on a massive 23k a week at Bremen. The bro took a 100k pay cut. The guy milked us for every money thus, using us to climb the wealth gap, so to speak, only to then, go play for peanuts at Werder. The guy really stopped being arsed about footie the day he signed for us and saw those numbers on his paycheck.

4.) 14 Jul 2023 10:23:29
Must be hard struggling to survive on £23k a week.
He'll be at the food banks soon, poor soul.

5.) 14 Jul 2023 10:35:49
Doubt he would have been in a position to command anymore than that.
Such a disappointing transfer.

6.) 14 Jul 2023 12:06:14
Spot on, Semibythesea3. This one is going to leave a scar for a while, man.

@FlashTheRed, you're not wrong there, lol.

7.) 14 Jul 2023 12:22:50
Stay blessed Naby. YNWA ?.



10 Jun 2023 22:05:16
As a 51 year old Liverpool fan, seeing tonight treble hurts. Irrespective of the 113 charges against Man City, THIS is where we used to be. Competing in competitions like this AND winning them.
Last season was a massive failure.
I only hope Klopp has learned from this and realised being overly loyal to certain players wins nothing.
The great Shankly came to realise it and busily a second great team during his tenure.
Paisley, knew when to “cull the herd”. Thanks for your service but it’s time to go.
Even at UTD, Ferguson knew when it was time to move a player on.
Time to be ruthless Jurgen. We are Liverpool. A previous manager who won us the treble in 2001, made mistakes in the transfer market. The Kop let him know a season and a half later what they thought. The banner read “Houllier sort it out. Not good enough for L. F. C. ”
Take heed Jurgen.

A-Klopp-alypse Now

1.) 10 Jun 2023 22:12:27
Mad how a year ago we came so close but so far to winning everything and going In the history books forever. To then what happened this season, we need to add some real world class players to this squad and that first 11. Going to get even more difficult year on year to win anything. Unfortunately I fear our owners will leave us behind.

2.) 10 Jun 2023 22:13:36
I agree mate. It’s our fault. We were the only ones on a par with these over the last few years.
I’d even go as far to say Our last summer transfer window and pre season gave them this treble.

3.) 10 Jun 2023 22:17:41
Doesn’t hurt me in the least bit, OP. We all knew this would happen when they got taken over. They will spend and keep on spending till they get it right and over 2.5bn later, this is what you have.

The fact that they had to “allegedly” cheat to even get here shows how much and how hard they had to “work” to get here cos even tho they knew it would be tough, they had to “accelerate” the process potentially illegally. Hurts? If it was Utd? For sure. These bros.? I sleep easy.

One last thing, we used to be this team under Paisley so you’re going a bit too far back to make your comparison. All City have done is win as many CL titles as Villa, Hamburg, Dynamo Kiev and Steau Bucharest. Just my take.

4.) 10 Jun 2023 22:25:21
Why does it hurt? If anything it shows what Klopp has done for us as a team winning everything we have. City are state owned financially doped frauds. With a cheque book manager. They won’t be penalised for their cheating because the FA are to scared to do anything.

Klopp won the champs league with us before city and then spending well over 1 billion to do so.

We are where we are due to Klopp, and as you can see now with Newcastle who’s new sponsorship deal is through their owners, that they will be the new city, and it’s just extra motivation for Klopp to beat them too.

Where city the best team tonight? No chance Milan should have won that game then reactions like this post wouldn’t of happened.

5.) 10 Jun 2023 22:25:47
Exactly Oli. Why let it bother you? We have already bought a good player already this month and the season only really ended today. If I’m honest I’m optimistic for next season can’t wait.

6.) 10 Jun 2023 22:28:05
Doesn’t hurt one bit.

Proceeds and writes a further 15 lines of bitterness ?.

7.) 10 Jun 2023 22:37:01
JK23 how is it bitterness? Is it not true that city are financially doped? Is it not true Newcastle are doing the same? Is it not true Milan were the better team tonight?

Don’t see any bitterness there just facts but it is what it is you always get one comedian.

8.) 10 Jun 2023 22:41:49
115 charges actually.

Was there a game tonight?

Seriously though, they were always going to win it eventually. Shame on Bayern and Real for not laying a glove on them. And shame on us deciding to take a year off.

9.) 10 Jun 2023 22:52:35
Kloppthekop my comment wasn’t about your comment. When I posted my comment your comment wasn’t even there.

10.) 10 Jun 2023 23:16:07
It was inevitable that they would win it, like it was inevitable that Madrid would when the European Cup started, back in the day.

If I think about it it actually says a lot about City and their management that it has taken so long and so much money for them to do it.

Have to say, when they were sliding down the divisions and ended up in the old division three the bloke who ran the paper shop near my dad’s house was a fanatical City fan (regular in the Kippax end) . It’s a long time since I’ve been in the shop - might not even be there any more for all I know But if he’s still with us I hope he (and all the fans who stuck with them) are enjoying tonight.

11.) 10 Jun 2023 23:26:24
I think we should be magnanimous in congratulating the FFP cheats and their chequebook manager on their well bought win.

I mean earned. Sorry.

12.) 11 Jun 2023 02:51:52
First of all, I will say congrats to City. Despite what we know about them, they still had to deliver on the pitch and I don’t want to be a bitter fan.
However, I am completely emotionless about City, they don’t resonate with me as a football club. They are a team where endless money has been spent for success. Where as Utd for example are a club where money is all important. I have football emotions about Utd, generally negative, but I am interested. I was interested in Ange Postecoglu at spurs being an Aussie, I was pleased for Hammers fans for winning a trophy after 43 years, I was pleased for Wrexham even despite their relative wealth compared to their rivals. City though, every aspect of their success is backed by bottomless amounts of money. Until they answer to the charges laid against them and not stall via their barristers their sporting integrity is zero and their trophy’s will always have an * for me.

13.) 11 Jun 2023 03:41:27
Besides this season and the injury freak season, we have been competing for trophies every year since Klopp came in.

Time to wipe away the tears and enjoy the off season.

14.) 11 Jun 2023 06:31:30
I must admit there is a part of my that is annoyed City have won the treble, given how the club is essentially a money manufactured success, which we all know about so I won’t go into why how they have established themselves is morally against the spirit of the game and FFP. That said it’s done and they are there now and those building blocks shouldn’t take away from the efforts of a group of highly talented players and staff who have worked their socks off to achieve an incredible result this season. Just applaud a great team and be confident it will make our comeback all the more sweet when we become even greater in seasons to come despite the many disadvantages we have.

15.) 11 Jun 2023 07:37:11
Kloppthekop, you essentially posted the same stuff and facts that I did in my comment and so have others on the thread yet I’m bitter and you and them are not? Is Ed25 bitter as well for not congratulating City cos they cheated? You said it yourself, there’s always that one comedian.

16.) 11 Jun 2023 08:40:18
Oli I apologise for upsetting you.

Let me know when you’re at Anfield next season and I’ll get you a beer as an apology ?.

17.) 11 Jun 2023 09:18:13
Hahaha jk23 ?.



14 Feb 2023 10:37:41
It’s a funny old game, football. Tarkowski’s header hits the post. A couple of inches the other side, the goal from that alters the DNA of the game.
Instead within 30 seconds, we were one up.
Fine margins of football.
Great to get the win. Bajcetic was a joy to watch. Huge game V Newcastle at the weekend. Hope we show up for it and not slip back into the doldrums again.

A-Klopp-alypse Now

1.) 14 Feb 2023 10:55:11
For the opening goal Pickford reminded me of the very first fifa game when it used to glitch and suddenly drag the keeper off to the side of the pitch and keep him there. Robo certainly found something highly amusing about him.

{Ed025's Note - to be fair to pickford he had 3 men waiting for the ball and i think he thought it would bypass salah so gambled it would go to the far post baz, it never of course so it made him look foolish but i cant apportion blame to him on that one mate..

2.) 14 Feb 2023 11:10:20
Small margins very true. We totally out played them though and we’re back to looking our usual selves. Small steps.

3.) 14 Feb 2023 11:32:33
No of course not Ed but it did look funny. I've been waiting and waiting for a break away like that involving Nunez and Salah. With the pace them 2 have it should happen much more.

{Ed025's Note - funny is not the way i would describe it baz..

4.) 14 Feb 2023 11:37:19
Blue-tinted specs there, Ed. If he’d stayed in his goal and stood tall he’d have half a chance against any of the three strikers. Taking a punt on just one of them is poor decision-making, especially as he steamed towards a striker with zero goals and left 30-goal-a-season Salah in acres.

{Ed025's Note - hindsight is a wonderful thing IDOG..

5.) 14 Feb 2023 11:43:53
You can only beat what’s in front of you but I’ve got to say last nights Everton were the worst side I’ve seen live at Anfield.

Great atmosphere though with some stand out performances from Baj and Nunez. Much improved performances from the rest as well and onto Newcastle.

6.) 14 Feb 2023 11:44:56
Incidently Ed I wasn't at the game
Last night due to work so I don't know if the aoshphere had the usual Derby bile. But I see the there's been some eyebrows raised about the Leeds and Man u game. What do you think can be done about these things if anything? Bans from grounds are all well and good but I've been in pubs and heard some people bragging about banning orders and making them out to be a badge of honour. Its frustrating as a lot of people I know are not just mindless knuckle draggers but a game like a derby just brings out the worst in them.

{Ed025's Note - im afraid the halcyon days of rival supporters travelling together and having a few friendly drinks with good banter are behind us baz, the interned fueled bile coming from this modern generation has seen to that mate and knife wielding morons in black hoodies have replaced the scarf and rattle brigade of my youth, mind you its not just the young unfortunately, the last derby i went to i heard chanting about hillsborough and heysel from 40-50 year olds who should know better, i have never been since and will not go ever again, liverpool fans were just as bad to be fair and the toxicity between the fans towards each other was deplorable..

7.) 14 Feb 2023 12:08:07
Ed025 is right.
You can't blame Pickford for making the wrong decision and looking very foolish.
It'll be Jeremy Corbyn's fault. Again.

{Ed025's Note - its this bloody tory government rigsby, they are the fault..

8.) 14 Feb 2023 12:10:28
Sad but true Ed.

{Ed025's Note - yeah baz..

9.) 14 Feb 2023 12:12:51
Was in the Sir Kenny stand, last night. I've been to more toxic Derbys, that's for sure, certainly in the early 2000s, but it's certainly no longer the friendly derby. I'm not from Merseyside, but no one should kid themselves in thinking that that the Red half don't want Everton to go down. Last night told me that they do, not that I needed to find that out last night.

10.) 14 Feb 2023 12:21:10
He was off looking to make a legitimate knee high tackle. Probably should have been concentrating on the game.

11.) 14 Feb 2023 12:21:22
Nunez ripped Everton apart last night.

{Ed025's Note - hes very very quick MR, but if you can imagine a guy with usain bolt,s speed and the head of mr bean...thats him in a nutshell mate..

12.) 14 Feb 2023 12:25:38
Didn't see the game, nor any highlights. Who was man of the match?

{Ed025's Note - a mile mate..

13.) 14 Feb 2023 12:51:28
Agreed Ed025, looks like Liverpool mY have a good one there in Bajcetic. It's probably a slightly easier position for a younger player to progress in because there isn't the expectation to weigh in with goals whereas we demand good performances AND goals from those further forward e. g. Elliot.

{Ed025's Note - hes a very impressive young man johnny..

14.) 14 Feb 2023 14:29:01
Only Pickford can tell you what that football he was doing on that first goal. The more you see it, the worse it gets.

15.) 14 Feb 2023 15:14:48
I used to stand in the Kop with both sets of fans for the Derby. I can’t imagine the supporters mixing anywhere near as much. I used to go in the Everton ends when we were away, no chance now.

16.) 14 Feb 2023 15:15:53
I believe Pickford is claiming an assist for Mo's goal.

17.) 14 Feb 2023 16:26:15
Cheers Ed. All season it's we need a midfielder, and we clearly do, but it's become so tiresome hearing it all the time. Have high hopes for Bajcetic, and it goes to show sometimes it really is worth the risk in giving the younger lads a chance. Saving us quite a few million along the way too.

{Ed025's Note - he was very impressive walkon and not intimidated by the presence of onana, gueye and dacoure mate, you have been looking for a good midfielder all season and had one right under your noses..

18.) 14 Feb 2023 16:55:00
Markp08, same here, mate. Gone are the days when there'd be blue dotted about the Kop. It didn't go down well but it didn't cause a full scale riot like it would now.

19.) 14 Feb 2023 22:12:25
I miss those days, mate. Even when we weren’t very good the atmosphere was nearly always top class. I must admit though it came across as a good atmosphere last night.

20.) 14 Feb 2023 22:39:29
Good atmosphere last night. Not as good as against City, though. Hope it's better still next week.

21.) 14 Feb 2023 17:38:26
From what I've seen Ed, he does look class. Very composed. Right, I'm away to seek out highlights.

{Ed025's Note - enjoy mate..



03 Sep 2022 19:26:20
Absolutely terrible. Won’t make Champions League next year, let alone the Premiership this season. Players not good enough. Don’t know what Guardiola was doing…….
What? You mean this is not the standard reaction after an away draw? Tsk! ?.

A-Klopp-alypse Now

1.) 03 Sep 2022 20:15:16
Again, Mystic Meg has spoken. Just keep your mouth closed or filter it before it comes out please.

2.) 03 Sep 2022 20:16:09
Before you jump on me, I'm retorting in the usual way too.

3.) 03 Sep 2022 20:29:31
Gotta Forget about everyone else when we’re playing like this mate. We’re getting outplayed in big periods of games against teams that are nowhere near us in quality, nowhere near.

4.) 03 Sep 2022 22:27:38
Normally a draw at Everton is not a bad result but I think people are more worried about how we are playing.
We've had two centre halves out, the two fullbacks are not up to their standards, the midfield is very fragile and the front three hasn't got started.
We're not far away from what I'd like to see from us but injuries, suspension and looking leggy have hindered our start. Klopp didn't get his midfielder but we can't blame him for that.
I've also got to mention Diaz. People are raving about him but I've got to reserve judgement. I don't think he'll ever reach the level of Mane in his prime and he goes missing for far too long in games.
He'll have a spell of 15/ 20 minutes where he runs the opposition ragged but then almost disappears. Mane would always be a threat even when he wasn't at it.
Maybe it's an unfair comparison but I'd to see more of Diaz and that could change when Nunez does find his feet.
Look for the "golden sky", Redmen.

5.) 03 Sep 2022 23:51:02
I agree about Diaz, Rigsby, he's not as good as Mane. But part of that is because peak Mane was an exceptional player, not that Diaz is bad. It was always unlikely that we were going to find someone of the same quality because there just aren't many players that good around.

Diaz is a good player, but his end product is the main difference at the moment. There are occasions that imo, Mane would get a cross or shot off where Diaz doesn't and usually ends up having to recycle to a midfielder. But he can work on it. Let's not forget that Mane "only" scored 13 goals in his first season for the club. Wouldn't be exactly shocking if Diaz put up that many in his first full season here.

6.) 04 Sep 2022 10:29:36
I agree with you, SR.
And hopefully we're now stronger through the middle if a little weaker on the left.



31 Aug 2022 18:51:07
Honestly can’t wait until the transfer window closes. No more twitter links being posted. No more Eds heads being wrecked as they’re asked about every clickbait gossip nonsense.
A return to just football. And the bitching and moaning that generates.

A-Klopp-alypse Now

1.) 31 Aug 2022 19:04:34
A transfer and banter site where lots of posters don’t like transfer talk or banter. Welcome to the 21st century.

2.) 31 Aug 2022 19:19:10
I was SOOO cross when I headed over to Bookface and all of the posts were family pics or asinine proverbs. I specifically went there to find out if the no 32 bus stops at Talbot Road. Could I find out that information? Could I heck!

I'm going to complain to their owner, John Ratzenberger, to see if he can do anything about it. Bloody yanks who won't dip into their miserly pockets so I can find the right bus!

What a world!

3.) 31 Aug 2022 19:23:13
Unfortunately I think after C.V. there is a little less patience online (and offline too) . No matter what anyone says, it was a trauma these last few years and the world has changed so much since. Hopefully as things go on we’ll all improve. Get a little more patient with each other.

4.) 31 Aug 2022 19:24:09
Or rumours, please god don't come on with a rumour! you'll get the"ed002 didn't mention it so i don't believe you"lark?.

5.) 31 Aug 2022 19:30:42
It seems a large percentage on here think they are one of fsg or klopps representatives and they have been sent to dismiss all of our opinions or negative comments about our team when in reality its just speaking the truth.

6.) 31 Aug 2022 19:40:10
Aoe, so you YOU tell me if the no 32 stops at Talbot road?

Or else I will not be responsible for my (completely OTT) actions!

7.) 31 Aug 2022 19:54:08
Now calm down zeddicus. It’ll be all grand. We just need to keep our heads.

8.) 31 Aug 2022 20:06:14
You need to give it a week or two. After today will be questions asking the ends if we can sign from countries whose windows haven’t shut. Then it’ll be questions about unsigned players we could sign.

9.) 31 Aug 2022 20:33:10
Faitinworks, by that time it will be January again. Sorted ?.

10.) 31 Aug 2022 20:52:21
There’s plenty more time for lots of transfer questions and then people to moan about them. Everyone will be kept happy.

11.) 01 Sep 2022 07:19:51
Everyone is entitled to opinions - it’s the continued moaning that eventually grates on one. Not to mention the posters that only pipe up when we haven’t spent on a shiny new toy, and dare I say it, if we don’t win.




A-Klopp-alypse Now's rumour replies


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16 May 2024 21:27:45
Only getting around to reading this now. Thanks so much for the info Ed002. Class as always.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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18 Mar 2024 19:33:10
Don’t think it would work out for him. He’s a Smalltown Boy and Leeds have asked him not to Leave them this way. ?.

A-Klopp-alypse Now

{Ed025's Note - love it mate..



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13 Dec 2023 08:45:03
A horribly lopsided set of wingers. That gave me a laugh, Ed.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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11 Aug 2023 17:27:36
The guy doesn’t want to join, which is his prerogative. Move on.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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10 Aug 2023 20:31:12
Instead of Moses Caicedo and Romeo Lavia we’ll end up signing Victor Moses again and Lucas Levia will come out of retirement. ?.

A-Klopp-alypse Now




A-Klopp-alypse Now's banter replies


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22 May 2024 21:49:28
Not really mate. But impressed with Koopmeiners tonight. Decent game.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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20 May 2024 23:56:17
I think klopps finished. Imo he's past his best. Unless he goes to Madrid full of superstars when IF he were to sign he'd do well. Anywherelse he's getting found out. He's been making terrible decisions these past 3 years and it's cost us. He's forgotten what made him successful as a manager and his style of play.

From about 2 weeks ago. Enough said.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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19 May 2024 22:38:41
Like that one P79.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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19 May 2024 22:37:37
Don’t mind saying it as a 52 year old but I shed one or two today as well. That big smile is just so infectious. Will be so very missed. Will be weird not seeing him in the dugout next season.
Best of luck to the new Man, Arne.
Ps wasn’t it great to see Kenny there again today. What a legend.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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11 May 2024 10:08:18
ArAy1969 -Sneaking a 12th player onto the pitch when nobody’s looking is my guess.

A-Klopp-alypse Now



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