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09 Sep 2023 16:18:51
I heard a proper old fashioned rumour that the bid for Salah was all a stunt. Something to do with rigging the google search algorithm. There is a teacher who has been sentenced to death over there for criticising the state on twitter, and it’s a PR disaster for them. Apparently, this teacher is also called Mohamed and the hopes were the Salah story would knock this story off the top of their headlines. It’s probably a load of BS, but a good story nevertheless.


1.) 09 Sep 2023 17:00:56

2.) 09 Sep 2023 17:19:59
The only thing that stops me from absolutely guzzling down the Kool Aid on that one is that Ed002 appeared to think there were legs in the Salah bid. At least in so far as Salah's reps touting their client for a big payday.

Although I still find it odd that for all the media noise, the only bid received for him was verbal and on our deadline day, when let's face it there was some possibility that it might have been accepted had they made it a month previously.

3.) 09 Sep 2023 17:21:03
According to TopG he’s already gone, he’s already played his last game and he was adamant about it too.

4.) 09 Sep 2023 17:24:01
TopG already held up his hands about that one tbf.

5.) 09 Sep 2023 18:57:49
For me, it was a PR stunt by the Saudis to keep their league in the papers and get free publicity despite them knowing that more than likely, the deal would not get done esp with them making a verbal offer, whatever the football that meant.

It also fed a media narrative that the club was somehow in disarray cos we didn’t sign players like Caicedo who many didn’t even want due to the fee and obvious character red flags. Or Lavia who the club clearly thought was not worth the money at first.

6.) 09 Sep 2023 19:12:28
I imagine the narrative is coming from our press, not the Saudi's who most likely put in a bid that was simply rejected.

7.) 09 Sep 2023 19:31:49
And people were counting the money and spending it.

8.) 09 Sep 2023 19:49:28
It was a sarcastic post.

9.) 09 Sep 2023 19:50:01
They love taking a head (line) off over there. Beheddie Howe's mob could only benefit from LFC disruptions too.

10.) 09 Sep 2023 19:50:56
Hmm something doesn't sound right here, what are the odds of someone else called Mohamed. I call shenanigans!

11.) 09 Sep 2023 21:28:14
mohamed mclovin.

12.) 10 Sep 2023 00:44:35 Saturdays are slow days when there’s no game ??.

13.) 10 Sep 2023 09:49:52
Ok, am genuinely confused as to why a quote from Amnesty International doesn't get posted but an inappropriate football rumour on a man's death sentence, further described as brilliant, does?

{Ed033's Note - This is a football website, not the talk sense website.

14.) 10 Sep 2023 12:33:44
Fair enough, that makes sense indeed.
Thanks Ed.



05 Sep 2023 10:41:19
I think for £200m if we go and buy 2 top centre backs and a right back then we could be winning some more titles pretty soon. Our defence has injuries, mistakes, age and lack of confidence all in an abundance. Konate is good but he gets injured far too often.

Strangely enough I kind of like Matip, but he makes mistakes. Gomez, he’s a disaster and I’d be happy for him to move on. Trent was excellent today, but I still don’t trust him at right back. £200m would rebuild the defence, but I’d ask them for £300m just for a laugh.


1.) 05 Sep 2023 11:08:14
Gomez gets far too much stick. Lad has always been a good player for us, is home grown and has never complained about lack of game time, can play anywhere across the back line if needed. Would rather keep him and move matip on without a doubt.

2.) 05 Sep 2023 11:13:56
I agree monty, that money plus what revenue the club would have available to spend on top of it, could be used to rebuild the defence and buy a replacement winger, could get us in a realy good position squad wise.

3.) 05 Sep 2023 11:24:02
Mo is still too good to sell now, even for 200m

Certain Teams have proven that spending money isn't the answer.

We need to keep Mo.

You don't win things by selling your best player.

4.) 05 Sep 2023 11:35:25
He has to stay till January, then when we have time to find a replace him we can decide then.

5.) 05 Sep 2023 11:44:57
Completely agree JLC, how do you replace his goals and assists? Mbappe? Not going to happen.
The club went through a lot last year to keep Salah, as long as he is still making a contribution to the team, keep him.

6.) 05 Sep 2023 11:53:23
JLC certain teams have proven that spending poorly/ recklessly isn't the answer.
If we spend that money smartly, it's going give us a hell of a strong squad.
We won the prem and champions league and a big part of that was getting van dyke and Allison.
Funded by selling coutinho who one of our best players at the time.
We have to reinvest we don't have big oil owners.

7.) 05 Sep 2023 11:48:45
Keep Mo unless he wants to go. If he wants to go, then get the most money you can for him.

While the money is insane, Mo values his brand as much and he might think that his brand needs another year or two with us while the Saudi League establishes it's platform/ coverage.

However, with us not being at the top table in the Champions League this year, he may have doubts. Who knows. Only Mo.

8.) 05 Sep 2023 12:34:16
I’m old enough to have been on these boards when the hungry racist was leaving,
We’ve been here before chaps, £200 million up front one payment and we get to January with Jota, Gapko, Diaz and Nunez ( 2 of whom who January signings themselves)
Don’t panic. Stand firm.

9.) 05 Sep 2023 14:07:25
Gomez a lot better player than what people give him credit for.

10.) 05 Sep 2023 14:53:28
We could always sign Lord Bowen. I have a hunch that Mbeumo might be in the offing as well.

11.) 05 Sep 2023 15:47:30
To all those who say we must keep Salah, and there are many of you, I have only one question - if not now, when?

In your reply please indicate whether you have ever run a business.

12.) 05 Sep 2023 16:30:01
That’s why most of us recognise the dilemma - Ity a business decision versus a football decision!

13.) 05 Sep 2023 17:50:10
When are we going to sign two centre backs and a right back? January? Next summer?
Why not do it when we sell Salah rather than sell him and then have to wait?

14.) 05 Sep 2023 18:13:53
Jackmytton, when? When he ceases to be Liverpools most productive player, a player who is pretty much always fit. His lifestyle indicates to me that his form will continue for a couple years at least. that's my opinion.
If the club are thinking it too good to resist for too long then at least sell him at the start of summer so as to leave enough time to spend any fee accordingly, not after the window has shut.
Have I run a business? No, have you ever managed a competitive sports team?
I don't see what my running a business has to do with anything. You’re on a thread discussing the pros and cons of selling a truly world class footballer who has no equal in terms if his position and the numbers he produces in the world.
Let me ask you a question, who do liverpool sign to replace him? In january? Great time that that is for signing teams best players.
Liverpool sell Salah then for me, the impact is beyond his goals and assists, it makes this season a write off.

15.) 05 Sep 2023 20:19:20
Semi, we bought Suarez, Coutinho, Gapko and Diaz in January so that may not be the point you think you’re making.

16.) 05 Sep 2023 20:43:26
If the Saudi’s had offered £200m on July 1st would people have taken the money?

{Ed025's Note - rule 1 of wanting to win dont sell your best players..

17.) 05 Sep 2023 23:26:02
Great discussion this one
It’s hard not to think of the money being talked about and what we could use it for but for me Mo brings too much value as a person and a player to sell this year.
If I am lacing my boots up and look up to see Mo putting the shirt on I know it lifts me as a player
Another 25+goals please Mo and I’ll sort you a share in my Sunday market store profit…$$ if you do read these pages the thing is I don’t make a lot of profit sorry

18.) 06 Sep 2023 03:54:05
Spot on there, Ed25. You cannot with one side of your mouth, demand that the team compete and to some win things while with the other side of your mouth, be fine with selling your best player, the one who should be spearheading the trophy charge cos you’re salivating at how much you will get for him. That logic makes no sense to me.

19.) 06 Sep 2023 11:54:47
Easypeasy, that is true. However the club bought those players in a completely different context, the club wasnt in as string a position as now when Suarez and Coutinho came in, and Gakpo and Diaz were players that came in to be integrated into the squad (I know Diaz in particular hit the ground running but that was a bonus) . At this current time, the only player who adequately replaces Salah is going to have to be one of the best players in the world, Mbappe is the only player I can think of that would be a direct replacement, and I doubt he will be wearing red anytime soon.
If the club sell Salah this season I can inly see it having a terrible impact on the rest of the season.



30 Aug 2023 18:05:58
If we could only sign one player, then I’d go all out for a Centre Back. So many problems at the back. We used to be so good too. Allison is by far our best and most important player. No other elite keeper is called into as much action as he is. Not only that, he seems like a great character and for me, I’d have had him as a captain in a heartbeat, but what do I know. Point is, he is our best defender and we need another CB in. Gomez did okay yesterday but that usually follows with 2 bad games etc. same for Matip. Our first choice back 4 isn’t looking too hot these days either. Not going to be sliced with a new DM.


1.) 30 Aug 2023 19:00:18
Inacio still has a release clause. 51 million, no negotiation, just pay it. Job done.

{Ed002's Note - Talking to another club.}

2.) 30 Aug 2023 19:42:18
MartyMcfly11, if only things were that simple.

3.) 30 Aug 2023 20:21:24
I know Oli! Thing is, it really good be!

4.) 30 Aug 2023 19:52:24
Oh really, who? Do you still think Scurrs could be an option Ed?

{Ed002's Note - There remains interest inSchuurs from several sides.}

5.) 31 Aug 2023 05:53:57
Us? Who is your shout for our defensive signing eds? Cheers.

{Ed002's Note - From my perspective, Liverpool made a huge mistake in not following up their interest in Micky van de Ven. Of those where there was prior interest only Antonio Silva and Perr Schuurs remain potentially available. Hincapie has made no secret of his desire to move to Liverpool but it gives BL a huge problem as Tapsoba could yet potentially leave.}



24 Aug 2023 19:33:32
Everyone seems to be talking like the window is shut and we have been relegated. Look it’s not fifa23 or Football Manager, it is not always possible to get the player you want. What people haven’t mentioned is the fact that we aren’t in champs league football. I think this has a lot to do with a cautious approach, and whilst people don’t like this, I’d rather the club bought the right player than buying a load of Keitas just to keep the fans happy.


1.) 25 Aug 2023 19:44:23
Not always possible? Doesn’t help when a club give u a price but u keep low balling and after wha walk away and start again and repeat! I might be Miles off but it’s what it seems this summer!
Fans are in up roar and so what the big rebuild hasn’t fulfilled!
9 out 3 in!
Klopps persists with having loyalties to players Will be his down fall!

2.) 25 Aug 2023 19:52:31
I agree monty no champions league does change things but explain why we continued to haggle over Lavia when he wanted to join us then have to bid a higher price once we messed him around.
Not FIFA not football manager just poor business.

3.) 25 Aug 2023 20:24:58
Now explain to all @Clee, How did we fell off from CL places?

4.) 25 Aug 2023 20:30:37
It's amazing how many posters on this forum know exactly what is wrong with the club, its financial situation, and its recruitment policy. It must be great to know and understand more than one of Liverpool's greatest ever managers, who is operating against clubs with bottomless pockets. The truth, more likely, is that Klopp and Co know slightly more than all these play station warriors.

5.) 25 Aug 2023 20:31:02
Jay - £60m plus all the additional costs for a player that is purely potential? 19 more games than Bajetic?

I completely agree with the clubs decision.

6.) 25 Aug 2023 20:37:52
Did lavia want to join us, must have missed that one?

7.) 25 Aug 2023 20:42:29
There’s plenty of real life examples of teams spending big to try win and being successful doing it. The computer game comments don’t come off as looking clever. Waiting for the right player is an excuse it worked once with van dijk. We’re the right players last year only Bellingham Tchouameni and Arthur. Were they this year Caicedo Lavia and Endo. There are plenty of players who would improve our CB and midfield options it’s not like they’re littered with players who’ve been winning us multiple titles. The fans want to try win the league and the players want to try win the league. We all know it’s not possible without squad additions. We need to see if the owners and Klopp want to win the league.

8.) 25 Aug 2023 20:57:34
If we had met the asking price after the first bid would he be a Liverpool player we don’t know for sure but we wouldn’t have payed nearly £20 million on a player with no sell on value.
£50 million big potential 12 years playing at this high level.
£20 million good player but 2/ 3 years left
It’s just poor recruitment from a club with limited funds.

9.) 25 Aug 2023 21:19:34
OneKiss, we are in a rebuild while you and Harry keep talking like we are still primed to go on a title tilt. Some may agree while others may disagree BUT you can't say other people's opinions are just excuses just cos you disagree. The players like Tchouameni and Bellingham didn't want to come to us. Get over it.

Caicedo didn't want to come and many fans were unhappy cos he cost too much and are relieved we did not sign him coss he cost too much and has character issues up and down the shop. You can ignore that and that's fine but others disagree. Lavia? Not sure we wanted him that much to begin with.

We all want to win the title not just you (not sure Harry cares cos his team have won 3 in a row) but some think we aren't ready yet and you know what? Maybe even Klopp thinks that as well.

10.) 25 Aug 2023 21:24:08
The 3 highest spending teams in premier league history are City, Chelsea and Utd and apart from like 31 out of 36 premier league titles they haven’t won much else bar some CL’s and quite a few domestic cups.

11.) 25 Aug 2023 21:35:44
We literally just spent 20mil on Endo who will have likely no sell on value. We’ve literally let Gini, Ox, Keira etc leave for free, probably Thiago too. Keep that narrative rolling tho.

12.) 26 Aug 2023 00:04:41
Do we lowball on Caceido when we agreed to pay £111 million?

13.) 26 Aug 2023 09:04:18
If we aren’t ready to win the title then we need to pull our finger out and bring in players to make us ready. Two years ago we finished 3rd and won nothing and we were all in agreement it was a poor season if that happened this season it would be attempted to be passed off as a good season. You can’t be lowering the standards and expectations just because the people running the club want you to.

14.) 26 Aug 2023 09:09:06
Good question, Rigsby. I await the answer with baited breathe.

15.) 26 Aug 2023 10:21:19
Don’t hold your breath too long Oli. You’d be a huge miss on the site as a poster and an Ed.

16.) 26 Aug 2023 12:12:36
You'll get more joy tempering your expectations than you will expecting the people that run the club to adjust theirs, Oney.
Remember what Mahatma Ghandi said about changing the world, Kissy.

17.) 26 Aug 2023 12:30:56
OneKiss, you’re doing that thing again where you think people are making excuses or lowering standards just cos you disagree with their takes. How is people who think we may not be ready win the title this season due to valid concerns over players and systems, are now being seen to you, as lowering their standards? Pls, you are no more motivated for our team to win than any fan out there so again, all that chest beating rhetoric is of no consequence to me, personally.

As for you saying 2 seasons ago we finished 3rd and won nothing well if that was 21/ 22, we win a domestic double on our way to playing a CL final and not winning the title by one point finishing second. Also, we are not that team anymore hence, the Klopp 2.0 rebuild. You may want what you want but reality says otherwise to those who disagree with you on the possibilities and that again, may include Klopp. That’s all I’m saying.



14 Aug 2023 20:43:35
I just heard Klopp wants to go to Chelsea now. Said he is raging with all the fans moaning. :)


1.) 14 Aug 2023 21:32:22
We should do what Brighton did and let their manager go to Chelsea.
That went well, didn't it?

2.) 14 Aug 2023 23:27:33
That's funny and good stuff.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 07:57:51
That was hilarious, Rigsby.




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14 May 2024 19:41:36
Like I don’t want to spoil the party or anything, but surely wait a player looks like is not relevant and edging to troll territory. I personally think he’s a good player and would improve our squad, but not for £100m. That’s mental. He is a player I like to watch though, but like Cole Palmer. Either of which may not even be considered in the England squad this summer which is crazy.




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09 Feb 2024 23:39:36
Steve cooper instead of Toney? I’m really confused but love the craic.




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07 Feb 2024 08:04:18
Think it’s fair to say that Trent divides opinion. I think we have looked slightly more solid at the back when he was out, but like at the same time, he does so much going forward. Klopp is happy to take those risks and knows a lot more about it than us. I like Trent but I think Bradley looks like a cracker too, great to have all these great players at our club.




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04 Sep 2023 13:01:31
This is quite ironic because you clearly remember Elisha Scott, even know the point you were making was saying people won’t remember Salah? Haha. Look according to TalkSPORT, gabby Agbonlahor is an Aston Villa legend, so if he gets legendary status then I think Salah needs a small country named after him, his own currency and maybe a religion too haha. All jokes aside though, he’s a good lad and I want him to stay.




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02 Sep 2023 18:29:55
Ultimately I think we should accept it if it is crazy money. Fair enough we can’t go into the market again til January but we would have time to plan who we want. That being said, we didn’t seem to be well prepared for this years transfer window.

I personally love Mo, think he is a legend and unfairly gets a hard time from some fans. I don’t know why? But each to their own I suppose. Would be sad to see him go. Always said to see a good player go.





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28 May 2023 00:27:02
Salah is our best player. If he was British everyone would love him. Hate all the constant negativity about him. Couldn’t blame him if he wanted to leave. Our fans all hate our best player since gerrard and arguably better than gerrard.




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19 Apr 2023 20:48:58
I’m not really sure I’d take any English player apart from JB. Most are overrated, and definitely overpriced. Not really sure what all the fuss in Mount is about. Chelsea are awful and he can’t even get into the team. Why would we sign him and why would we give him those wages. He isn’t an elite footballer, he’s a season away from ending up at Palace or somewhere.




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04 Apr 2023 09:57:37
It doesn’t matter if we win tonight. Top 4 is well and truly done and dusted. I actually hope we finish outside of europa because inevitably if we are in europa next season, Klopp will use the schedule as an recuse to underperform in the league.




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04 Apr 2023 09:55:42
He is nowhere near good enough. Reminds me a bit of TAA, with his approach. Shows quality and skill in patches but lacks concentration and strays out of position too often, like Trent.




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03 Apr 2023 23:18:45
We need to be looking at fullbacks. I think it is more important than the midfield at the moment. I’d keep what we have but there are definitely better fullbacks out there. It’s fine to play with no discipline or defensive qualities when you are wiping the floor with teams, but everyone has improved and we have got worse. So we can’t afford luxury players at the moment. We need players that will play in their position and stop making stupid mistakes in every single game.




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