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30 Jun 2024 17:28:43
England doing really well without Trent in the team, I see.

{Ed025's Note - they are doing as well as they were with him in the side SR..

Agree4 Disagree14

30 Jun 2024 17:36:34
Yes, but Waistcoat Wally dropped Trent and not anyone else.

Then again, you could have put the 1970 Brazil team at his disposal and they still wouldn't play attractive footy or win anything.

30 Jun 2024 17:38:00
Is Walker wearing waders and is Trippier wearing flippers.

30 Jun 2024 17:43:34
Personnel are not the issue. You guys have an extremely poor manager. All teams except you lot are playing nice attacking football and showing intent. Even Austria, Turkey are pressing high and attacking their opponents, but you guys continue to play utter dross dragging the level of the entire competition down.

30 Jun 2024 17:46:08
Walker doing a VVD there lol. Playing everyone onside for that goal.
If you are watching this match Ed025, I want to repeat the question, What does Declan Rice actually do as a footballer other than passing backwards and sideways? Don’t bull with Southgate. Can he make a forward pass? Well he can’t that’s why Arsenal play Odegard and Jorginho.

{Ed025's Note - Rice and Bellingham cant play in the same side for me Jaguar, too much of a muchness mate, both very good players but you dont need 2 of them in there..

30 Jun 2024 17:56:35
Bellingham is no Gerrard anyway. Winging cry baby. Loving this game however ?.

{Ed025's Note - hes certainly not Gerrard MIZER, jude is a nice guy who is not up his own arse mate..

30 Jun 2024 18:03:37
Doesn’t matter who is in the side, with Southgate in charge it’s meaningless. We will play exactly the same expecting a different result.

30 Jun 2024 18:04:35
Absolutely pathetic display so far. I hope they turn it around in the second half. TAA, Palmer and Gordon to the rescue.

30 Jun 2024 18:27:10
Rice is just a BTEC Rodri.

At least Trent isn’t going to cop the blame for England going out. The biggest shame is that Southgate now won’t end up as United’s manager. I was hoping England would stumble through the knockout rounds and at least get to a semi final. Then Brexit Jim would be all over him. He’s completely blown his audition.

30 Jun 2024 18:42:56
We need a manager who isn’t scared to say that Harry Kane is garbage and shouldn’t be anywhere near the starting line up! No legs, not done anything all game but needs energy shots at the breaks, I would be fuming if I was Ollie Watkins - Watkins, Trent and Gordon need to come on!

30 Jun 2024 18:44:41
Declan Rice only passes sideways and backwards? For England, yes, because he’s being played in the wrong position. If you’ve actually watched him play for arsenal you’d see that he plays rather differently. Jorginho usually plays the deepest lying midfielder and rice plays further forward box to box.

{Ed025's Note - spot on PB..

30 Jun 2024 18:46:07
Hacko looks good we should go for him.

30 Jun 2024 19:00:02
Ed025 he definitely seems like he's changing rapidly in his behaviour Bellingham. Very petulant like. Scored a goal there for England but England are crap and all their players are overrated.

{Ed025's Note - i agree with the last bit MIZER, he is a good guy mate but pressure can get to anyone..

30 Jun 2024 19:45:08
Well, that's Football. An amazing game. Play like fakers and jokers for 110 minutes. Play well for10 minutes. Have only 2 shots at goal during 120 minutes. Score 2 goals. And win the game.

30 Jun 2024 19:49:43
Ed025,you can say whatever you like about him, but the great ones always step up. And he did.

{Ed025's Note - very good footballer ArAy...and thats it..

30 Jun 2024 19:54:55
Southgate doesn’t seem to have figured out Bellingham at 10, Foden tucking in from the left, and Kane dropping deeper = everyone’s in the same space. Better than the last game but barely…the setup and balance is still all wrong.

{Ed025's Note - absolutely SG..

30 Jun 2024 20:45:11
I mean he’s looking at the crowd and mouthing “who else” after he scores.

That seems a bit more billy big balls than Johnny good boy.

30 Jun 2024 21:04:02
Its the pressure making him do that Wassa, lovely fella?.

30 Jun 2024 21:22:52
I’m just glad Trent wasn’t involved in that car crash tonight. Media would be all over him if he’d been as ineffective as Mainoo or defended as badly as Walker.

30 Jun 2024 21:24:04
Why was Mainoo jogging back to defend for the second goal ed025? Looked like he wasn’t bothered to me. What do you think?

{Ed025's Note - i was too busy swearing to notice FF..

30 Jun 2024 21:34:12
Have a look when you get a sec. I’d be very interested to get you’re opinion on his effort and positioning for the goal.

{Ed025's Note - i cant see me watching any of that dross ever again FF, but if it comes up in a highlight reel i will certainly have a look mate..

30 Jun 2024 21:36:38
Gary Neville was calling for TAA to be brought on.

{Ed025's Note - thats how desperate things were Rigsby.. :)

30 Jun 2024 22:05:05
They were, Ed025, but it shows support for TAA from the media.

{Ed025's Note - hes better off out of it Rigsby, its doing nothing for their reputations at all mate..

30 Jun 2024 22:12:04
Walker drops a 2 out of 10 performance. We are losing and crying out for creativity and still Trent doesn’t get a look in.

I’m ashamed that fans actually applauded that win after the game. Worst performance I’ve seen and deserves no credit. Jude giving it large after scoring was absurd too. Have some shame get the ball and get playing again. Awful awful performance and I’ve said it since he started but Southgate is a championship level manager at best and that’s being kind.

30 Jun 2024 22:17:22
Waistcoat wally trying to play pep ball without the nous to play it, Slovakia were unlucky.

30 Jun 2024 22:59:04
England second best. But momentum is crucial.

30 Jun 2024 23:08:44
Neville was calling for Trent to be dropped not long ago. He wants to make his mind up. Still, every round England progress increases the chances of Southgate to United.

30 Jun 2024 23:26:13
What did Neville say, Vik?

30 Jun 2024 23:57:08
Hope Switzerland knock England out so we can stop talking about England every day

England getting the typical English favour amongst fans. Never seen so much hype around a team that is filled with players who many of us wouldn't even put into Liverpool starting XI lol.

01 Jul 2024 00:12:26
Was calling for Trent to be dropped during the group games. Daft manc can’t make his mind up. Serious cognitive dissonance there.

01 Jul 2024 00:35:03
To be fair to Neville (and I never thought I'd say that) he was calling for Trent to be dropped when he was playing in midfield. At half time, he said Trent is the best footballing RB in the country, and England needed to attack, which is why he was calling for him to be brought on for walker. Again, never thought I'd agree with him, but that take is spot on.

01 Jul 2024 01:27:00
For Trent’s sake the best thing for him is to have nothing to do with the impending sh*t show when England inevitably get knocked out.

01 Jul 2024 03:28:44
England play Switzerland next, Switzerland have been quite excellent, their play out wide is brilliant and the game against Italy was the most one sided game this tournament since…. Italy Spain? However you wouldn’t put it past England to put in another performance like tonight and make it to the semis, unfortunately…. if they somehow make it to the finals playing the most uninspiring football since pulis’ stoke (without the long throws as a reliable route to goal) it would be quite hilarious.

30 Jun 2024 22:54:43
You're right, Ed025. I don't care if he doesn't play for England again under Southgate. And I don't think Joe Gomez will get a look in at left back ?.
I don't understand Southgate's substitutions. There doesn't seem to be a pattern or reasoning to them.

The game reminded me of when United beat Bayern in the CL final. Two quick goals and you think how did they win that?

{Ed025's Note - lets be honest Rigsby if he cant get in that team ahead of Walker then there is nothing down for him mate, even just having him take the dead ball situations instead of Foden he would be worth a place...but thats not happening under this wally in the waistcoat..

01 Jul 2024 07:15:21
foden has pretty much been the most ineffective player on the pitch, but like trent you pretty much have to build the team around his skill set, england has a bunch of players like that right now, so it's sort of difficult to see how things can improve in the short run besides taking off some of your stars and putting in players who can work better as a unit. trent and gordon could work very well together but england is the exact opposite of direct and quick, they don't stretch teams like spain, so it's not happening. i do wonder what on earth cole palmer has to do to get a game, though?

01 Jul 2024 07:55:53
Imagine England and France going to the finals, the two most negative, boring coaches/ teams in the tournament ??.

01 Jul 2024 09:56:03
I honestly don't know how England can be so negative with the players they've got. We seemed to have regressed massively compared to the last couple of tournaments.

Euro 2016 we were a complete shambles and knocked out by Iceland - the less said the better.

World Cup 2018 we looked raw but we played pretty well getting to the semi-final for the first time since 1990, losing out to Croatia (probably for the best, France would have tanked us bad that year) . Also noteworthy was our first penalty shootout victory in a World Cup tournament, against Coloumbia who were a disgrace.

Euro 2020 was essentially a home tournament, we played very well scoring lots of goals and playing some pretty exciting football at times. We beat Germany in the knock-outs for the first time since 1966 but unfortunately we bottled it in the final. Italy were on the ropes and we really should have gone for the throat.

World Cup 2022 We again played fairly well, scored quite a few goals but unfortunately came up against a very, very good France in the quarter finals and just fell short, with Kane missing a penalty I believe.

Euro 2024 has just been a disaster and horrible to watch. The players look lost, we'd only scored 2 goals all tournament up until the 91st minute against Slovakia. Perhaps that will be a turning point and we'll actually turn up now.

We have never had a better opportunity to win a tournament based on the fixtures we've been given so far; Denmark, Slovenia, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and then I would imagine the semi final will be one of Austria or Netherlands who are both very beatable.

That being said, I am not confident we'll beat the Suisse, not with how we're playing.

01 Jul 2024 10:50:40
“You have to build a team around Trent’s skillset?

What? Have some blokes in the same colour uniform make some runs? We’re over thinking this one guys. It ain’t that deep. In midfield or at RB he needs movements to open space and to pass into.

01 Jul 2024 11:56:21
I have not seen another player in this tournament pull out of as many 50/ 50 challenges as Foden.

How is this the EPL player of the year? What has Southgate done to him? Or is Foden just micro-managed through Man City games by Pep and his on-field generals?

01 Jul 2024 13:02:34
Foden needs runners to get in behind and menace the defence, as well as wide players to stretch the pitch (given that foden is playing on the left flank coming in centrally to receive the ball in crowded spaces occupied already by Bellingham and Kane, and Trippier does basically nothing out wide to support him in an attacking sense, this is not possible) , then he can pick up pockets of space unmarked to operate or shoot. He has been poor this tournament but he is also playing out of position and there is no movement in his team, no players vacating space for him to drift into. Given that Foden does very little off the ball in terms of winning the ball back or running in behind himself, playing him in this system is pointless, he can't make an impact on the game at all.

01 Jul 2024 13:58:08
Faithinworks, going by current form, you're probably going to get your wish. Barring a miracle, I don't see how the English can get past the Swiss. Although I must admit I have this sense that the Swiss are overachieving.

01 Jul 2024 14:17:21
nothing wrong with overachieving aray, they'll feel like they can beat anybody and they don't have an entire nation expecting them to win the tournament so they can play with freedom, embolo is a real handful and vargas/ ndoye have been great.

01 Jul 2024 14:43:18
PatrikBurgher, oh they're all floating on cloud nine, judging from my family's reactions (Geneva is my second home) . I'm just used to the years and years of the Swiss exiting early in tournaments. So there's this little trepidation of "can they really do it? ".

01 Jul 2024 18:00:58
England will beat the Swiss, that’s not getting carried away either. England have been dire so far and the Swiss have been a joy to watch but I still think England will knock them out. Sat watching France…. they ain’t much kop either.



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