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08 Aug 2021 21:23:50
Heard a rumour down here near Southampton that they will be taking Ox on loan for the season. Doesn't seem right to me as he appears to be settled nice in the squad so far in pre-season.


1.) 08 Aug 2021 22:49:58
I don't believe that rumour. I do believe that JK has a plan for Ox.

2.) 09 Aug 2021 02:27:59
OX and Keita are 2 fringe players i don't think Klopp will let go off. he would want them to work out and he sees something in training that we dont.




Squiresy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Squiresy's banter posts


16 Oct 2021 19:21:58
I think Salah has now gone to that level where the best players in the world are, we now expect him to do something rather than hope he does.

What he's being doing lately is right up there, it feels like he's changed a bit as in maybe he was a bit selfish in some cases before but now it seems he plays so much for the team, but by doing so improves his own game to another level

It's just a pleasure to watch!


1.) 16 Oct 2021 19:47:46
I don’t know if it’s expectation, but whenever he’s on the ball in and around the box I feel like he’s going to do something special.

2.) 16 Oct 2021 20:08:03
Best in the world and by some distance. Him and Zmsne seem to be appreciating each other. Great to see.

{Ed0666's Note - whose Zmsne?

3.) 16 Oct 2021 20:23:23
He means Mane.

{Ed0666's Note - I thought we’d signed someone without me knowing

4.) 16 Oct 2021 20:41:25
He’s very confident and I think he almost expects to win both the League and UCL and speaks about them with every interview he does.

5.) 16 Oct 2021 21:16:31
How much did Zmsne cost?

6.) 16 Oct 2021 21:30:18
Hey VVVV what you said is that not expectation? :)

7.) 16 Oct 2021 23:04:33
I've heard were signing Mmboppo.

8.) 17 Oct 2021 06:33:39
I just had a giggle, bbc rumours saying real Madrid are going to offer hazard and money for salah! Hazard! Truly awful and always injured, as if we would want him! Not even on the same planet as salah! I'd rather we sign mickey hazard lol.



08 Aug 2019 21:07:45
Maybe Ed001 or Ed002 can give some info on this. An area I'm intrigued about is the loan situation, obviously with Pool players but also generally, and particularly with younger players

How do clubs and players go about this? How much say do the players have in it etc. I feel it must be quite difficult for say an 18 yr old to come to a club like Liverpool. This could be their dream move. An as soon as they arrive they could be "sent out on loan" - as is often the case. Is this explained before they join? Do they have any say in where they go, particularly if it were abroad? What about parents, are they consulted? What support is there - I know Ed002 have stated before Pool were lacking in this department but appear to have improved over recent times. It still must be difficult for them.

I get older players not in favour at their current club (Drinkwater Chelsea etc) going on loan to play, they are adults and able to make their own decisions really, within reason.

Some youngsters will be able to cope easier than others I guess, does this affect how the club sees the players ability to cope for a long term place in the squad?

Would really like to know a bit in depth explanation if possible, thanks!


{Ed002's Note - It depends on the club involved. Some clubs have a detailed plan for younger players which will see them start in the academy side, then perhaps go on loan a couple of times to get experience etc.. These plans are shared with the players and their families. Other clubs take a rather more ad hoc approach to loans and have few plans in place. The player can of course refuse a loan as they have to agree a contract. You are right about some youngsters not settling - and that is why some clubs retain player liaison staff to ease the process. There have been cases where players have simply been going from the club they are farmed out to back to a flat where they do nothing but play computer games. One club ensures the loan players get involved with the local communities etc..}

1.) 08 Aug 2019 21:50:34
Thank you for the info Ed002. Any chance you could say what club gets them involved in community projects? That sounds s very good way forward for them. I imagine with them being left alone can cause problems which clubs would want to avoid.

It’s all all very interesting, I have a vested interest which may come up sometime in the s few years so would be keen to understand


{Ed002's Note - Chelsea.}



06 Feb 2019 09:16:53
Hi all and particularly ED025, what are the thoughts on Everton fans actually wanting to lose to City to prevent Liverpool getting a lead on the Premiership?

Personally, although I understand they don't want us to win the league, I couldn't imagine wishing my own to lose? Or supporting the opposition as happened before?

Surely as there is still a long way to go you should just focus on your own team, especially as they need to improve drastically?


{Ed025's Note - its a very small minority squiresy, we have not got a lot to play for to be honest but i never want everton to lose, i imagine when liverpool played blackburn and they had to win or utd could have won the title some of your guys were thinking the same, liverpoool fans can be so smug though and thought nothing of carrying a blue coffin down county road when they thought we were getting relegated in 94 so its not just the blue half mate..

1.) 06 Feb 2019 14:12:55
Good reply ed025, football fans are a reflection of society and there are brainless morons all over society and therefore in football too - at all clubs. We should try and rise above it.

Fans who want their team to lose need to be careful what they wish for, a few bad results and their looking over their shoulder, slip down 1 league and it’s easy to slip down 2.

{Ed025's Note - very much so ron, we all have the odd idiot mate and it says more about the individual than their club..

2.) 06 Feb 2019 14:42:01
It will be an interesting atmosphere tonight though Ed won’t it? Especially if you do go in front. I’d imagine every cheer will be tinged with that little bit of sadness that you’re doing us a favour.
For the fans it’s win/ win though I suppose. Win and you’ve just beaten the champions, lose and you’re helping towards us not becoming champions.

{Ed025's Note - not for me bobby, i will be gutted if we lose as i am every time, these sort of things are usually excuses for getting beat made in advance just in case, im all for a bit of banter and rivalry, but thats just being nasty imo mate..

3.) 06 Feb 2019 14:54:51
Classy and true reply Ed025 can remember going to that Blackburn game not knowing what to do. Perfect result in the end.

{Ed025's Note - cheers eric..

4.) 06 Feb 2019 14:58:45
If only all blues were like you mate the world would be a much nicer place.
My blue mates are not even going because they reckon they’d find it too hard to cheer an Everton goal knowing what it means for Liverpool.

{Ed025's Note - thats quite sad actually bobby..

5.) 06 Feb 2019 15:00:10
Football fans/ supporters come in all types of flavors. Just the way it is, as mentioned above.

If there had been a ManU vs. ManC game this coming weekend, I'm sure we would have seen a fair number of posts wanting ManU to win the game so that our chances to win the league would be bolstered. But a fair amount would also prefer ManC to win, due to our historical animosities with ManU, despite perhaps causing our league title chances badly dented.

6.) 06 Feb 2019 15:12:32
Ar that’s very true but it’s a bit different to hoping your own team loses because you don’t want your rivals profiting from you winning. Imagine being a player and knowing that half of your own fans are hoping you lose.

7.) 06 Feb 2019 15:15:07
Decent reply as always ED, it does though seem more than just a couple as BB says above, as well as on a few forums

I get it must be difficult but so much more in the season and sure this one game won’t determine where the winner comes from.

I guess it’s nearly as bad as Pool fans cheering for an Everon win!

{Ed025's Note - that only happens every preston guild mate.. :)

8.) 06 Feb 2019 17:12:24
Bobby, I'd argue that they aren't real Everton fans if they really said that. I actually like Everton and would love to see them back near the top with us.

9.) 06 Feb 2019 17:54:08
It's really rare that a fan genuinely wants their team to lose, even if they've nothing to play for and their defeat will screw a rival club.

They might say "ha! I hope we lose to screw Liverpool", but deep down they probably don't actually want to lose the game. It's most likely a case of "well, if we lose I can at least take a little something from it cos it's bad for Liverpool. "

10.) 06 Feb 2019 15:51:51
Great replies ed25. I remember the Liverpool v Blackburn game and of course I wanted Liverpool to win but have to admit when Redknapp scored in the 90th minute I didn’t know wether to laugh or cry. That was probably more to do with who Blackburns manager was at the time.

{Ed025's Note - that would have a lot to do with it ace..

11.) 06 Feb 2019 17:32:31
Ed025, really want Everton to win 1/ 2 matches especially today ;) . Your sarcasm have gone. Maybe football taking toll in old age :p.

{Ed025's Note - i want you to win the league as well stg, proper football club and it would be good for the city mate..

12.) 06 Feb 2019 18:46:51
Ed25, I actually wanted to ask you the same question and the OP beat me to it. I do not believe for a second that a large part of the Everton fan base want the team to lay down and let City win. I did not believe it in 2013/ 14 and I definitely don't believe it now BUT leave it to the media to blow things out of proportion cos trust me, this minority give your great fans a bad name as bitter losers. In 94/ 95 season, LFC at least were professional and played the game honorably, beating Blackburn and letting KK (an LFC monument) that if he wanted to win the PL, he would have to earn it. Good luck for tonight, man.

{Ed025's Note - im too old in the tooth for bitterness redwolf and i leave that to the young and reckless, as you say the media love a good story but i cant see many true blues spending their time and hard earned money happy to see their side lose mate..

13.) 06 Feb 2019 22:40:02
Just had TalkSport on whilst driving home. An Everton fan phoned in saying he’s a season ticket holder and has tried to sell his ticket but can’t and he’s not going. There’s apparently been season ticket holders trying to sell on StubHub for £5 with no takers. Everton fans eh?
At least City will feel at home with a half empty stadium!



02 Jul 2018
New image uploaded to the
Liverpool Player Sightings page entitled, Respect from Bruce




01 Jul 2018 23:17:38
Hi all

I am a member of a Facebook group - i know please don't moan! Anyway it is a group of ex-football players from South Africa from years gone by to keep in touch

We recently organised a t-shirt to commemorate our history - there is a lot there!

Some friends still in SA recently met the legend Bruce and presented him with one of our shirts.

If you go to sightings (as long as the images have been uploaded ok) you'll see what he signed on the shirt. Absolute legend.

We are now auctioning this off in the group to raise some money for charity

Thought you may like to see!



1.) 02 Jul 2018 00:34:59
Thanks for sharing mate. Great thing you're doing there for charity mate, nice one. May I ask what charity you are giving to?

2.) 02 Jul 2018 06:04:43
I’m not sure yet as the guys organising it are in SA
I think they will be doing a children football related charity but will update when they do it
The signed shirt is great. I’ll upload a picture of that.




Squiresy's rumour replies


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10 Mar 2023 08:50:42
The Bournemouth Liverpool game? No chance it’s fine down here! We haven’t had any snow at all. You could even spend some time in the beach! ?.




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13 Jul 2022 18:12:33
Yes Ed0666 it is South African of Portuguese descent! There was a large Portuguese community in SA, with many coming down from Mozambique as well

Good Portuguese football community too! Very passionate, prone to going over the top sometimes, had many a battle against them in years gone by!


{Ed0666's Note - Those Portuguese are like the Irish they are everywhere ?



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03 Mar 2018 19:59:26
I actually agree. He may nnot t be too draw (at the moment) but he is a darn sight better than we’ve recently had. Defence seems more confident which is great

Give him time I reckon.





Squiresy's banter replies


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19 May 2024 14:27:32
Thank you Ed025 for that comment it shows your decency putting aside club.




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16 Mar 2024 14:05:51
Didn’t Bellamy turn it around later in his career and become more professional? Think I read his agent took him to Africa to see how some people live and he realised he’d been a bit of a twat before after seeing them there?




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15 May 2023 16:26:10
Top read Ed, when you read about his attitude etc, and many others who have gone the same way, you realise it is not only about ability

I’ve seen a lot of this watching my son go through Academy, scholarship and then into U21’s next year, and keep stressing how important it is to give everything possible to have that tiny chance.


{Ed001's Note - yeah that is vital. The ones that make it do so because they do extra training and work at becoming better.}



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07 May 2023 21:02:27
3rd? ?.




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12 Jun 2022 16:40:26


{Ed014's Note - ?? can you add Xhaka to that!



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