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27 Jun 2024 08:34:07
So I am curious to see people's opinions on the team for next season. This will be with our current squad.
Most improved player. Elliott
Best player Mac
Biggest let down Trent.
Biggest impact on team Baj.

Agree0 Disagree0

27 Jun 2024 10:02:30
Most improved players:
Nunez, Szobo and Gakpo

Best player: Macca

Biggest let down:
Jota and Konate and you all know why.

Biggest impact on team: Macca. Honourable mention to Bradley, who I think can be anything he wants.

27 Jun 2024 10:53:33
I’m confused Walter.

Are you saying Trent is the “biggest let down” for next season, before it’s even started?

It’s becoming like Minority Report (great film! ) on here, players are getting criticised for things they haven’t even done yet ?.

27 Jun 2024 11:02:23
Well if that’s the case how’s he going to know if Macca is going to be the best player?‍♂️

He asked a hypothetical question.

27 Jun 2024 11:17:40
Quite a strange presumption to nominate someone who is going to be the biggest let down prior to the season.

27 Jun 2024 11:21:52
"Trent Bashing" would be a huge hit single this summer, if it was a song.

27 Jun 2024 11:26:26
In fairness he had 3 closed envelopes with names in dem and Trent just came out.

27 Jun 2024 11:38:11
If you predict Trent to let you down, can he possibly let you down?

27 Jun 2024 11:40:38
Quite sad that any supporter, even in a hypothetical question, should ask about the biggest let down (for which I have to admit I read ‘failure’) .

27 Jun 2024 11:48:47
Why don't we all just agree that next season the biggest let down will almost certainly be VAR/ PGMO and then we can focus on the positives:

Most improved: Darwin
Biggest Impact: Baj
Best player: Hopefully a battle Royale with 6 or 7 players in the shakeup.

27 Jun 2024 12:20:03
Biggest let down is still Klopp leaving early ?.

27 Jun 2024 13:00:06
Can I pick when the transfer window closes?

27 Jun 2024 13:16:13
Without throwing stones if Trent did go through a bad patch we have a very able replacement in Bradley so no “let downs”.

27 Jun 2024 19:24:49
Someone has been in Brendan's envelopes again.

27 Jun 2024 19:46:39
Hardly baj if he continues being late which is disgraceful at his age and at this or any club. If it continues he can be moved on.

27 Jun 2024 21:45:37
@Mizer, I know - imagine a teenager not turning up on time - absolutely unbelievable!

28 Jun 2024 00:59:48
Biggest let down - still waiting to hear about the court date for Man City while they keep buying 60m pound players to sit on their bench ?.

28 Jun 2024 22:08:06
WDW is that you condoning his lateness?

29 Jun 2024 06:39:25
Nah, me remembering being a teenager @Frode. I think it was Ed01 (apologies if incorrect) who suggested that the club don’t see it as a major problem, at least at the moment.

{Ed001's Note - I certainly never said that. I personally think it is a major problem, even though it is just a very Spanish attitude to timekeeping, it goes hand in hand with laziness. It is the start of a slippery slope for me and it needs nipping in the bud. For starters it is extremely disrespectful to others to be late. Not just your teammates, but also people like the coach driver who is kept waiting etc. They are the ones that players need to learn to show respect to, not each other. It is the tea lady etc that ends up having to wait around on them for an extra hour that won't get paid for it either and will only be on minimum wage to start with. I would not allow tardiness to become a habit if it was me.}



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