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03 Jun 2024 12:15:22
Alright Ed001? I want to get your thoughts on Mo, specifically since he seems to be losing a bit of his pace but he’s getting better and better with his creativity and passing. Sublime even.

Do you think he can move inside and be a more productive there? Of course subject to how Slot sees his role in the team etc.

{Ed001's Note - I would think so. I think it would suit him playing closer to the goal.}

Agree2 Disagree7

03 Jun 2024 12:40:42
Can you see him in that King Kenny Totti support striker style mate?

03 Jun 2024 13:07:14
Been saying this for the whole season. Stick him as a number 9. Use his strenghth and link up play. Then get him in the box and finish those chances. Couldn't be simpler.

03 Jun 2024 13:07:47
Lost a bit of his pace? Poor bloke couldn’t beat Oliver Skipp in a straight race which doesn’t bode well as Skipp has the pace and turning circle of an actual Skip. Personally think it’s time to move Salah on while there’s an opportunity to get a transfer fee.

03 Jun 2024 14:13:40
Mo’s passing sublime? Come on now, are we even watching the same player?!

03 Jun 2024 14:15:56
Not 9 I don’t think he has hold up play but 10 in slots system would suit like stengs, good passing shooting and pressing skills. He could see his ending career here as stengs isn’t the fastest.

03 Jun 2024 15:37:39
One more season for me then let him go on a free, and sign his replacement this year and he’d them in over the course of the season.

03 Jun 2024 15:58:33
I’ve got a feeling if a big Saudi offer comes in early in the window and we have time to replace then he’s gone.
Really wouldn’t mind seeing him pushed somewhat inside though, I can still see him doing a job there unlike out wide, he looked well off it when playing wide this season.

03 Jun 2024 16:33:28
Personally I think the club would benefit more from having the transfer fee and wages to reinvest rather than 1 more season then leaving on a free.

03 Jun 2024 16:37:58
Brummy, did you forget how he was playing and creating earlier this season? Such short sightedness.

03 Jun 2024 17:21:21
Ask2 didn’t you know if a player has a poor run of form it means he’s finished and should be sold or fed to the lions whichever is easier.

People forget how poor Mo was last time he came back from AFCON too. He was on fire in the first half of the season scoring over 20 goals then I think he got less than 5 goals after coming back.

A similar thing has happened this season. Let’s not write him off too soon he’s a world class player.

If he chooses to leave then fine, let’s get what we can for him and move on. If he wants to stay then we as Liverpool fans should be ecstatic because players like him don’t come along every day.

03 Jun 2024 17:49:47
Link up play? Salah? Nah. Don't get me wrong his ability to play a worldy pass is undoubtable but these are scarce moments when being pretty awful for the majority of most games. His highlight reel for the last season will be impressive but his all round game is so so poor these days. Awful touch, looses the ball so often, can't remember the last time he out skilled or outpaced anyone. Without penalty's he only scored one more goal than the wasteful Nunez that everyone wants rid off. No sorry but Salah's time has been and gone in my opinion. He'll always be a legend but just like we kept Hendo, Fabs and Milner a season too long we shouldn't do the same with Mo.

Watch him play CF next season and bag 30 goals and 20 assists haha.

03 Jun 2024 18:26:53
It's way too much money to give up, for the club to allow him to go on a free, next summer. Whether it is a 100 million or 50 million, it's a heck of a lot of money. So the club will either sign him up for an extension this summer or sell this summer. I don't think they have any other option.

I am his biggest supporter. I want him to stay. Just off the top of my head, the history books will show that he has been our 4th or 5th best foward of all time. So I don't take what he has done for us, lightly. But it's a football club, not an appreciation society or similar, and tough decisions are dictated by on the ground realities.

{Ed002's Note - The club gave him a contract and cannot force him to leave.}

03 Jun 2024 18:39:10
With 12 months to go on his contract Mo holds all the power.

If he wants to stay and play CL football I can’t imagine the club isolating him from the squad on 300k a week.

If he wants to leave now for a huge pay packet then I can’t imagine the club standing in his way as they would lose a substantial amount of money on him leaving on a free.

However he could still chose both and stay and play one more season and then arguably leave on even bigger terms for free next season.

Realistically the decision is all his.

03 Jun 2024 19:08:37
I think some are being too over emotional here. The end of the day, he’s a transient employee. That’s a cold hard fact. He’s also the wrong side of 30 and in visible decline. Given that we need to sell to be able to have enough funds to adequately replace him (and the key word is adequately replace) or at least replace what he brings to the side, not selling on the grounds that me might miraculously recover pace or his decline will suddenly reverse is borderline insanity. He’s a lot harder to replace when we don’t get a transfer fee for him and we do work on a hand to mouth basis, as Ed002 has pointed out on numerous occasions, we don’t have a magic money tree.

I’d also say he’s set his stall out on his priorities by wanting to play for Egypt in the Olympics. So if he was poor after the AFCON, he’s not exactly going to be much use with no pre season and a summer tournament behind him.

03 Jun 2024 19:43:14
The "sell Salah" theory appears to be based on the assumption that a club, almost certainly one based in Saudi Arabia, will come in and offer £70m or more for him. And he'll "have to go" because they'll offer him some ludicrous amount of money like £2m a week after tax.

I've gone into it before, but I think it's far from guaranteed that a) a Saudi club will do that. I very much think that the £150m deadline day bid was made in the expectation that we'd reject it. Otherwise wouldn't they have made it 3-4 weeks previously when we might have accepted it? And b) that Salah will want to go into early retirement at just 32. I can see him preferring to run his contract down and stay in Europe until he's at least 33.

If the best offer we get for him is £35m or £25m, should we sell him then?

03 Jun 2024 19:46:31
I've been saying for years Salah has to go. He's served his purpose which we as fans should be greatfull for.
Now the only purpose he has is too boost our income by getting sold. Hopefully the money after tax etc etc is enough to purchase a suitable 1st team player, or even two.

03 Jun 2024 20:15:48
SR, if we get that offer as you say, is Mohammed Salah worth 40-50 million for us to play for only one season and then let him leave (salary of 15 million + 25 million to 35 rejected offer) .

03 Jun 2024 21:51:12
Ah for those far off golden days when we all thought Salah was going to be a Liverpool legend. Thank God we have discovered that he is too slow, can’t pass a ball to save his life and would. Be better off leaving so we get a bob or two.

03 Jun 2024 22:36:36
Salah will always be a legend, but Rush was a legend and we sold him twice. Fowler also a legend was sold.

I’m not fussed either way, as long as he puts in 100%.

03 Jun 2024 23:09:32
WDW, Salah is already a legend. But time and age has caught him up. He is a player who largely relies on pace and acceleration, once that has gone he’s nowhere near as effective. Sentiment doesn’t win titles. We can’t afford to carry passengers and unfortunately that’s what he will be next season.

04 Jun 2024 00:27:16
Try reading to some of the words here, when they want a player to be sold.

And try to recall, what they'd say when a player wants to leave and at that time that player was flying playing his best games?

Just saying.

04 Jun 2024 05:12:06
Haizan - I don't think it's a surprise that supporters would want players playing well to stay and players not playing well to be cashed in on? No one here has said Salah is rubbish. It's just about practicality. We are not City with infinite funds.

We have a player who is still considered a worldwide superstar with a specific value to an area of the sport that is investing heavily in top players and whose play is diminishing very rapidly. He is clearly burning out and is awful for long periods after every national tournament and he wants to play another one this summer.

Yeah, he might stay next year and get another 25 goals (10 or so of them probably pens and the rest tap ins) but then we lose him for nothing and I put it to everyone on here that we are at a stage where the team will be better without him and what we get for him, whatever it might be, reinvested where it is needed.

Sometimes selling a player considered the lynchpin of a team to reinvest can be the best course of action. Selling Coutinho was considered madness, but it was the catalyst for the investment that brought our biggest period of success and best team we have had since the 80's.

04 Jun 2024 09:13:10
I think Mo is perfectly capable of reinventing himself as a number 10, he can still put in the hard miles in terms of work rate and can contribute in terms of defensive duties too, playing behind the strikers he doesn’t need to beat players on the flanks anymore and can concentrate on getting into pockets of space to wreck havoc in tight areas, i think he has shown this year that he is still absolutely elite in these situations since his speed of thought is still top notch and his technique playing through balls is unquestionable (just sometimes his team mates might not be on the same page or a step behind him)

If we give him a one or two year extension and play him behind the striker in slot’s system I think mo will still be a devastating player, I would keep him over trying to find another number 10 in the market personally

I don’t agree that his game is totally oriented around pace, it used to be, but he has shown, even statistically, that he has it in him to be a deadly creative influence in more central areas high up the pitch.

04 Jun 2024 11:13:41
ArAy1969, isn't that always the question?

04 Jun 2024 11:47:57
yeah, er, I'm not seeing this build-up play from Mo that others are seeing! And actually, it's the lack of involvement in build-up play that I think he been where he's left me wanting more, so much more.



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