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10 Jun 2024 21:16:44
Hey All, read online that Celtic are pursuing Caoimhin Kelleher and he's tempted by Champions League football. They'd want him for 15m but even that might be a stretch as Liverpool would want 20m plus. Apologies if this has been posted prior. Source [Graham Bailey].

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10 Jun 2024 23:07:29
£20-25m would be fair I think. He’s arguably worth more than that but realistically teams will know he wants to leave, and with less than 50 games under his belt in senior football at 25 years old there is a strong case that £20m is actually still a gamble. It’s a different kettle of fish being the first choice and having the back ups breathing down your neck. As a back up you are far less under scrutiny because it’s accepted that you are prepared to sit on the bench for 90% of the season and might therefore be rusty or at least, not as consistent as the number 1. If he transitions to a number 1 there is no telling how he may react mentally to the added pressure. On pure ability, he looks good enough to start for pretty much any Prem team from Chelsea (6th) down. Doesn’t always work like that though.

11 Jun 2024 00:06:35
Celtic would be a good move for him, but I can't see them spending £10+m on a goalkeeper (or any player, to be honest), so I don't see how it would be possible.

Maybe straight swap for O'Riley?

11 Jun 2024 00:22:56
Joe Hart is currently Celtics number 1 - I think the Irish connection is a bit of 2 + 2 = 5.

Caoimhin Kelleher could do a lot better than Celtic unless the Irish thing is a thing.

11 Jun 2024 05:02:57
Surely kelleher can’t leave for less than Trafford? He’s ten times a better goalie and actually has lots of PL starting experience, has won two league cup finals, has played in Europe, etcetera, we’re not talking about a talented reserve keeper who has the tools to make the step up, we’re talking about an actual premier league caliber goalie who can’t take the starting spot from Alisson, if he leaves for the same or less than Trafford (who wanted to leave as much as kelleher does) it would be an absolute travesty.

{Ed001's Note - Trafford couldn't even hold down a place at Burnley because he is dog muck, with the kicking prowess of someone playing football for the first time. So far up his own backside as well. I can't believe any team would be interested in signing him, let alone to spend money on such dross.}

11 Jun 2024 05:18:36
As an aside Ed, Kompany had free rein to make a lot of dodgy signings with the owner giving him the liberty to build his team in the long run, the fact that he left Burnley saddled with all of them after jumping ship to Bayern, when they might not fit the new manager’s vision in the least, does not reflect very well on him.

{Ed001's Note - and the fact that almost all of them flopped makes it bizarre that Bayern would even want him.}

11 Jun 2024 06:32:02
I think he would be a mug to go to the SpL, he’s better than that.

11 Jun 2024 06:39:47
King Carlos
Joe Hart has retired I think ?.

11 Jun 2024 07:30:09
Am amazed that Newcastle haven’t considered him. I mean Kelleher is 100 times better than Trafford!

11 Jun 2024 07:50:41
Surely a deal with a buy back option would make sense.

11 Jun 2024 09:16:44
Buy back or sell on percentage. other top teams do it all the time, I see no reason why we can't. Personally, I'd loan him for 2 years to a top tier team like what happened with Courtois, though I guess it's based on demand and players wishes etc. definitely a good player there.

11 Jun 2024 10:18:21
Celtic'd be a great move for any Irishman, just can't see how they can afford him.

11 Jun 2024 16:11:38
In Celtics 137 year history they're record spend is 16 million Euros.

Kelleher would likely cost double that.

Celtic win the league every season more or less easily enough already. Spending 30 odd mill on a keeper is hardly going to improve that.

11 Jun 2024 23:55:53
I agreed with stuie_boy - think he has come out saying he would love to be number 1 at LFC, if we organise a loan move to a relatively top team in two years time if he has been successful, it would be a good Alison replacement with him at his peak GK age. But finding a top club who would take a GK to start know their intention is going back after a couple of years would be difficult.



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