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18 Jun 2024 09:12:12
Nice to see the EPL has a sense of humor . Our first game is the saturday 1230 k. o. first of 12 in that time slot we will have this season now doubt . Ipswich away isn't the worst start though . They have a tough opening two games, us at home followed by 115 charges FC away. Good luck to them but im looking foward tonour fixtures, 3rd game away at United will be huge.

{Ed025's Note - they do like to start with a mid table clash KK.. :)

Agree6 Disagree7

18 Jun 2024 09:18:11
As p taking as the start is don’t overlook the end!

Spurs (h)
Chelsea (a)
Arsenal (h)
Brighton (a)
Palace (h)

Probably five of the top ten in the last five games.

Two of them likely to be in the top four/ five

Good we have three at home, including Arsenal but that’s a tough run in.

18 Jun 2024 10:08:27
Only got 4 points out of those fixtures last season.

Not that it matters, as City will win the title comfortably again. The only question for us is how close to second we get as we were a long way off.

18 Jun 2024 10:29:55
The PL hasn’t even started yet and according to the most pessimistic poster on this forum we’ve already lost the league.

18 Jun 2024 10:55:47
Not as if we'll have had a game on the wednesday before it now is it?

18 Jun 2024 12:39:27
Don't Sky and TNT determine some of the kick off times?

18 Jun 2024 13:23:57
So VV gets bashed for giving his honest opinion but when almost every other poster bar MKS comes on and says 4th and a cup would be a great season there won't be a word?

18 Jun 2024 13:24:37
Hahahaha well fam, we only have ourselves and our worldwide following to blame for the number of 1230pm kickoffs we’re blessed with lol.

18 Jun 2024 13:58:36
Damn worldwide fanbase?.

18 Jun 2024 14:16:45
Don’t worry Wassa, we’ll have the title wrapped up by then.

18 Jun 2024 09:29:32
I see Everton start with a relegation 6 pointer against Brighton Ed025. Key game that so early on, as I've heard that the next team that gets found guilty of FFP breaches will be punished by giving Everton a 10 point deduction. So you need all the points you can get . I kidding my friend, I'm really looking foward to this season Ed. And hope the Toffees do well, it adds to it if both teams are doing well.

{Ed025's Note - it really brightens the mood in the city KK, i always want both teams to do well to be honest mate but i think i may be in the minority these days..

18 Jun 2024 12:04:57
Ed025 i thought the best bit of humour was that trent was a midfielder ? it was something to behold the build up to this new midfield mistro. Then the game happened and we seen a full back giving it his all in midfield. The pundits reaction and faces when the game finished. From neville, to linekar, to even souness. The backtracking was insane. Midfield exposes everyone of trents flaws and at right attacking full back you're able to see his best with passing and crossing.
I'm not an England fan so enjoy when they're humbled but i applaud Gareth as a Liverpool fan. Ending the silly debate a lot sooner so we can have proper midfielders starting come the beginning of the season.

{Ed025's Note - i think its unfair on Trent to be honest MIZER, he has only played a handful of games in midfield and the wally in the waistcoat has thrown him in at the deep end, im with you mate in the fact that his best position is as an attacking wing back, by all means bring him off the bench if thing are not going well but i dont think he should start..

18 Jun 2024 13:20:25
Hey Ed25.

Did you see Evertons fixtures from 30 Nov and through December?

Reckon you'll lose just one of those games. to us obviously!

{Ed025's Note - anything can happen with us JLC, if we lose a couple of players it could be a very hard slog of a season mate...especially if we start with a points deduction which people are predicting, we need the new owners in asap and take it from there..

18 Jun 2024 14:42:55
Ipswich away is a tough opener imo.

18 Jun 2024 15:45:48
Faith, are we getting any extra TV money for this? Seriously, honest question cos if we are not then, we definitely should demand it cos clearly, no other top 6 club is able to play games at mid-day.

18 Jun 2024 18:00:52
McG. It's like that on here since a very long time. It's just human nature. My feeling is that it is more about form than content. The polite and polished "negative" posters (like negativeredWalter) get hugs and kisses, while the direct and straightforward ones (who don't bother about the niceties, like VV or Olired) get the heaviest bricks that can be found and swiftly launched in their direction. (I must admit that VV's repetitive nature can be irritating, and Olired can really grate on your skin sometimes, but I get along well with both because I simply let them be) .

18 Jun 2024 18:22:49
Oli, I doubt it very much. Otherwise other clubs would be lining up to play at mid-day every weekend (I have no idea what their win loss records are like) . If we keep getting this Saturday mid-day timeslot it's probably because the club is not making a big enough stink about it. Klopp made his feelings clear enough about it, but I guess it needs to be louder.

18 Jun 2024 18:49:51
Oli, the TV money gets divvied up between the teams and you want TV money for being on TV?
What do you think the TV money is for? ?.

{Ed001's Note - you do get extra money for each appearance. It used to be £75k I think but I am sure it will have gone up substantially since then.}

18 Jun 2024 18:56:02
I'd take top four, definitely.
The reason we challenged for the title was because of Klopp and he's left us to go and watch Taylor Swift so I don't think we'll challenge for the title.
I don't mind admitting to being a pessimist and we might not even get top four with this new manager.
I'll watch and hope though.

18 Jun 2024 18:58:34
We will win.

18 Jun 2024 19:01:42
The clubs are paid by Sky using a formula. First off each team gets a fixed amount that is the same for each team. Each team gets a payment each time they appear on TV, they get paid more when they are at home than they get when they are away.

18 Jun 2024 19:04:51
Thanks, Ed001 but it's nothing like the money Sky and TNT pay all the clubs, is it?
I thought they both picked the games for their time slots each week and take turns in getting first choice.
I don't think it's coincidence that the bigger teams get more airtime.
If we kick off at 12.30 on Saturday it's because TNT want the viewing figures of a Liverpool match, I would think.

{Ed001's Note - it is part of the package, X amount split between the teams and then an extra amount per time they are shown. And yes of course it is about viewing figures. They want the team with the biggest audience, which is why it is usually us.}



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