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01 Jun 2024 10:24:43
I just saw a video, basically a compilation of Klopps best moment but it focused mostly on his connection with the fans.

I genuinely feel for Slot because filling that spot after Klopp? it's not easy. It'll take a lot for him to get fans on his side. What a man to take a job like this on though, his confidence must be through the roof. As of today he's officially our manager so a huge welcome to Liverpool, Slot.

Let's do what Klopp told us to do, from day one, we welcome this man and support him because god knows - he's going to need our support. I believe we're the best fans in the world, let's make it a little easier for him.

I can't wait for the new season to see how he has things set up. A little bit anxious about it? sure but I think we will be alright. The dreaded fear is we end up like Utd and fall apart but I can't see that happening. This fella isn't daft and we actually have a good team, one which no doubt will be improved this summer.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday! Stay well.

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01 Jun 2024 12:30:58
Salah I’ll be honest mate whilst I don’t agree with the term “we are the best fans in the world”

I do think that Liverpool fans are a pretty good bunch.

All managers that have come in have been given backing by the Anfield crowd and even when things aren’t going well during matches they are behind the team.

Yes you might get the odd social media melt down about the club or manager but you don’t judge a fan base on 0.001% of their fan bases opinion.

01 Jun 2024 12:53:37
Don't worry Salah, i'm sure he'll 'slot' right in.

I'll get my goat.

01 Jun 2024 13:18:44
As long as he doesn't try too hard to be as charismatic as Klopp, the fans will treat him well. I suspect the LFC media team will be giving him a fast track in image, tone and fan engagement.

Basically, do the opposite of Roy and Brendan, and don't try to be Jurgen.

01 Jun 2024 13:32:39
Everyone can appreciate a little Slot in their lives ?.

01 Jun 2024 13:53:56
Salah, I believe supporting a manager is a two way street especially at the beginning of his tenure. I believe Slot will get the full backing of the fan base (or large majorities of it) cos that is just waht we do. However, he has to do his part by getting the team playing a particular style of play that makes us look like we are getting somewhere even if the results are a bit patchy which is always possible, just like it was for Klopp when he arrived.

Now with every win Slot can at the beginning, the more time and support he will get so even tho we hit a dip (cos that will happen), he already has some credit in the bank that will allow the fans to stay with him and keep you know, actually "trusting the process".

I know, that is a toxic statement in some quarters BUT you get the point. Personally, I'm ready to do my part, just like amany others are at this point.

01 Jun 2024 14:03:22
I disagree, LFC fans are generally pretty good at giving a manager time and patience. I'm sure he'll get a massive welcome on his first game and regardless of what happens, he'll get a season minimum to settle, I'd think.

01 Jun 2024 14:24:08
I remember when Klopp started.
He criticised the fans who left the stadium after 78 mins. I can’t remember the game but I remember him going on about 12 mins.

He did 2 brilliant things.
He got the team to play to the death and I always remember a 2-2 draw at home to WBA and Big Div scoring with the last kick.
He took the team to the Kop and they all celebrated in front of the Kop. Klopp got abuse for that, ridiculed for celebrating a 2-2 draw at WBA.

But! From that moment on the fans knew this was going to be a team that played to the death and was never beaten. Norwich, Dortmund, Barcelona examples of lost causes which we won.

Secondly he established the routine of celebrating in front of the Kop at the end of the game. Loads of fans used to wait so they could cheer Klopp’s fist pumps.

In my opinion, Klopp worked hard to establish such a strong relationship with the fans. However, it’s impossible to replicate that for Slot. It’ll take time and patience.

01 Jun 2024 15:09:50
If we have the best fans in the world, we should be behind him straight away, not dismissing him because of who he's following. 2 different people. Klopp has gone, game over.

01 Jun 2024 16:48:34
The thing I like about Slot is he didn’t need asking twice, he turned down other offers, he didn’t bother to wait for other opportunities like Bayern or Barca. He didn’t try and play us off against West Ham unlike others I could mention. He’s very highly rated, he’s fluent in English and more than that, he’s not a monotone dullard like ten Hag. Strikes me as the kind of bloke who builds a strong team ethic. We have him in post early to get things going. I think we got the recruitment right here considering some of the names we were linked to.

01 Jun 2024 19:07:11
@Victor with what you are saying then, I think Slot had been eying the LFC job way before any of this happened cos he like you said, did not think twice before accepting the offer.

Same with Klopp when we went in for him. He must have known that IF any oppo. came around to coach LFC, he would jump at it regardless of circumstance. Klopp said he refused all other offers and even tho he had been on vacay/ sabatical, he jumped at the chance as soon as the call came which means, he had been looking out for it. Same for Slot, IMO.

01 Jun 2024 22:07:50
I am calling it now. Slot wins more premiership titles than klopp did.

{Ed025's Note - mystic Neg..

01 Jun 2024 22:27:54
Salah, Jurgen Klopp was a larger than life character. From the very first press conference, he had successfully charmed his way into the media's and fans' hearts. The fans will notice a difference regardless of whoever it was going to be to replace him. Because every coach/ manager is different when it comes to the way they relate and communicate with the fans.

But not all fans are fickle, and they know to judge based on what they see on the field. Like you said, Slot deserves our support.

02 Jun 2024 01:28:39
If the fans are only giving their backing at the beginning and then reviewing that depending on early results, then those fans are pretty much not backing the manager at all.

I’m prepare to cut Slot some slack here. Thing is, he is going to be battling from the first day every day inside and outside the club trying to create his own relationship on the backdrop of Klopp. Which means if results don’t go as well early on, then he needs even more support because it will just feel like trying to turn the titanic around.

He doesn’t need nor deserve that.

02 Jun 2024 11:28:46
Faith, let me ammend my statement. Sure, we should give Slot all our support BUT I think it will help even more IF results start coming in early. That does not mean that if they don't we turn on him. No way I'm having that, mate.

And like you, Slot should get even more support whenever he struggles cos we did that with Klopp BUT just saying what I think the reality sould/ could based on how events unfold. That's all, man.



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