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31 May 2024 08:19:23
If Trent ran his contract down and left on a free, he would become as hated as Steve Mcmanaman by our fans. Basically erasing any good he has done at the club. Obviously I know this will never happen as he is about to sign a new contract, but that would be a nightmare scenario and would highly recommend Trent avoids becoming a traitor.

Agree6 Disagree0

31 May 2024 08:30:31
If “you know this will never happen” then why say it?

We need to be getting behind the players and the new mgmt team ready for this season not turning on players.

31 May 2024 08:41:46
He'll sign on, future captain.

31 May 2024 09:51:51
I don't get this thinking. Like I get you're just putting out there a scenario, but what's the point lol
comes across like you've made your mind up about trent already.

31 May 2024 09:30:53
Didn’t hate macca for it but did with Owen as he kept saying he was going to sign.

31 May 2024 10:08:08
Only Trent will know the answer to this but how tempting must Real Madrid be to him and any player currently.

Building a ridiculously world class squad with the likelihood of dominating their domestic league and CL for years to come whilst living in a holiday destination country on what would be exceptionally high wages.

I'd imagine Real see Trent as a Rb though despite some LFC fans suggesting he's a future world class midfielder.

31 May 2024 10:45:44
If it won’t happen then what is point of this statement.

31 May 2024 10:48:44
OP, do you ever actually read and think about what you have written before you hit the send button?

31 May 2024 10:56:39
Always remember Owen going for free and I couldn’t believe he would have done that at the time but i understand now because he’s a ****head.

31 May 2024 11:43:33
I must admit, if I'm Trent and they're interested? I'd be going but I'd make sure I did the club a favour and not go on a free. JK you have it spot on. Their team is pretty incredible and will go in to win everything for the next 10 years no doubt.

Having said that, I don't believe he's going anywhere, I reckon he will retire with us as a captain.
I hope so. He's one of us through and through, he's going nowhere.

31 May 2024 12:33:34
Always remember Owen wheeling away in celebration like he’d hit a worldie at the bernabeu after scoring one on one on a 15 year old keeper in his skills with Michael Owen vhs, longthing….

31 May 2024 13:41:12
Owen didn't go on a free.

31 May 2024 13:49:04
I think Ed002 mentioned that Madrid could try and persuade Trent to run his contract down.

31 May 2024 15:58:14
Trent AND Macalister going there? ?.

31 May 2024 16:44:03
"Hello trent?, Carlo here. any chance of being a good boy and not signing anything so we can get ye for nothing from your childhood team who you've supported all your life? "

31 May 2024 16:49:58
June but forced us to sell him at a cheap price.

31 May 2024 19:11:47
Owen went for 8 million. One year left?

31 May 2024 19:13:18
Nicolberry, why do you always speak in absolutes?

31 May 2024 19:16:33
Owen went to Man Utd so we’re talking a different level now.

I don’t hate Macca and I wouldn’t hate Trent.
These guys only have a short career and opportunities are fleeting. It’s their life.

Movement is normal in football it’s part of the game.

In fact El Hadji Diouf and Suarez brought a certain amount of shame on the club with their actions (spitting and biting) so I feel more disgust towards them.
Suarez was one of the best I’ve seen in a Liverpool shirt, but it still doesn’t excuse his behaviour.

31 May 2024 21:58:44
Hate is a strong word and to be honest, I definitely don’t hate him, so my mistake. I just remember my Grandad, who was born and raised in a 1 up 1 down in Anfield was very upset that he would leave without earning any money for the club with all we had done for him.

Once again, I didn’t mean to say hate more like soured people's opinions of him. A fantastic player and I suppose coming from where he did, why would he not want to join Real Madrid and win the Champions League in sunny Spain.

And Oli, I just express my opinions on stuff. I did not notice I spoke in absolute’s. I will work on that, peace mate.

31 May 2024 23:28:18
Once they've either fulfilled their contract or got a good price for the current club, I don't see why these players owe anything beyond that. I'm all for loyalty and gratitude towards a club but you see it less and less, by the day.

It feels weird to me to see all these players kiss and pull on the badge of their shirts. A year or two or three years later, it can easily be another badge. Loses all meaning or significance to me.

Just transient employees as has been said a thousand times on these pages.

01 Jun 2024 07:10:04
I get it with Europeans and Latin descent players, but I really don't understand why British players would want to go there. Entirely my own subjective opinion of course, but when I think about RM I get a icky feeling, like something isn't right there. I know they are well run and and it might be that they are supported by the state, I don't know. It might be that they never seem to lose fairly, there's always some excuse from the hierarchy, even when Mbappe signed on with PSG, it was like they feel entitled to sign who they want and win when they want. Excluding Ancelotti from that though. He's a great manager and gentleman.
Some above saying they would go if they were Trent. As an LFC fan even if I was as good as Trent I would stay a red even if we got relegated, each to their own though.

01 Jun 2024 08:35:59
Why would you hate anybody that plays football?



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