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01 Aug 2015 16:09:07
For gods sake BR sort things out with Sakho and Llori.

Come on, as manager of our great club we will all be behind you if you start to man up to some of the difficult decisions that have to be made. Many of us have man management issues in our jobs and just get on with it. You have two talented CBs that you are clearly alienating.

I'm not going to be negative or criticise (too much) because I want us all to get behind the club and whoever is deemed appropriate to lead it. I've been a fan all my life, had season tickets, travelled abroad to many to loads of matches (incl 3 euro finals, 2 of them champs league) and been to as many games as poss, bought all the merchandise and been a supporter of the best club in the world.

Let's just unite and get behind the club even though there will always be things we disagree with the mgt on.


1.) 01 Aug 2015 16:56:24
Sahko and Llori all the way

2.) 01 Aug 2015 17:12:04
His name is Ilori. Why is that so difficult for everyone?


3.) 01 Aug 2015 17:17:17
Look at my last banter post and you'll see what has annoyed straight away!

4.) 01 Aug 2015 17:27:15
Or even Ilori ffs

5.) 01 Aug 2015 18:23:08
Wish we'd give Lorry more game time

6.) 01 Aug 2015 18:47:16
Seriously lads. Giving out to people about spellings. Grow up ffs.

7.) 01 Aug 2015 19:58:41
Llori the welsh Ilori?

8.) 01 Aug 2015 21:08:07
JQLFC96, how would you like somebody refer to you by a different name by changing the first letter? Besides, if people really want him to start they should at least get his name right.

9.) 01 Aug 2015 22:20:54
JQLFC, it is less about spelling and more a criticism into fans crying out for a player to be given a chance by BR and not being forgotten while being unable to even get his name right. It's jist funny and a bit typical of some of the stuff on here at times.

10.) 01 Aug 2015 23:03:35
Red Ilori Yello Ilori.

11.) 02 Aug 2015 01:42:41
WaRedMan, I'd get on with life mate lol. wouldn't bother me in the slightest haha I'm a bit too old to be correcting people on the little things in life. (Please note I changed the first letter of your login name to indicate a prepubescent teen crying because people don't get his name right 😜)

Puzzled Red, completely understand where you are coming from thanks for the explanation I just thought people had gone all DaRedMan and gotten personally offended by spellings lol.



13 Jul 2015 10:44:12
Not liking the rumours about Jerome Sinclair wanting out.


1.) 13 Jul 2015 11:51:30
Eds do you guys know anything about this Jerome Sinclair rumour at all?


{Ed002's Note - I know he has turned down a contract offer.}

2.) 13 Jul 2015 12:55:16
Do you expect it to be resolved Ed002? Cheers.

{Ed002's Note - I have no idea. Sorry.}



10 Jul 2015 12:07:18
Obvious cut and paste here but one for the Benteke bashers (I'm undecided but will support whoever we go for) - interesting to see what real experts who all love the club think:

John Barnes

"He would cause people a lot of problems. With Benteke, you need to be a little bit more direct. Would that be a bad thing? Not necessarily, balance is important. At times. Liverpool overplayed which really came off two years ago but didn’t last season".

Robbie Fowler

"I’d go for Benteke. I think he’s excellent. In terms of all-round play - strength, speed, physicality, finishing - I think Benteke could be the main man for Liverpool.”

John Aldridge

"Liverpool should pay whatever it takes to lure Benteke to Anfield. He is a proven performer and a real handful leading the line. He might not be a typical Rodgers type of player, but I think he would be great for Liverpool"

Ray Houghton

"Benteke’s a huge player, and he’ll fit into the style of play Liverpool. He’s big, he’s physical, and he can upset defenders. He has genuine pace, and he can score goals".

Stan Collymore

“Benteke can become a great European central striker, he’s a potential European superstar. Over the next four of five years Villa need to build a team around him.”

Jamie Carragher

“He [Benteke] has been a brilliant player for Villa but they’ve always been fighting relegation when he’s been there and he’s always been the one who’s dragged them out".

Brendan Rodgers

"[Christian] Benteke is one of the very top players at this level. He makes great runs and scores goals, and he caused us lots of problems."

Steve Nicol

"I'm positive about Benteke. I wouldn’t like to play against him. The guy is a beast [and] he doesn't get the credit he deserves for the talent he has with his feet. I'd be happy for Benteke to be at Liverpool next season."


1.) 10 Jul 2015 12:39:56
There's no denying the lad has ability. The question is, will he fit into our style or become another Carroll, Balotelli, Lambert?

Red Rum

2.) 10 Jul 2015 12:46:08
What a ridiculous post Dcal. Everybody knows that internet hate crusaders are far more knowledgeable than ex-pro's and managers ;)

In all seriousness though, great post mate. Fully agree with regards to his ability. Still got reservations about his attitude but people forget he's only young.

3.) 10 Jul 2015 16:43:37
And how many of those quoted are known and respected coaches and managers? Rodgers (who is bound to give him a glowing review as he wants him signed) and Nicol. Sorry but being an ex-player means nothing - there opinion doesn't carry any more weight than anyone else's.

4.) 10 Jul 2015 17:52:00
Wish people would stop talking about our style of play and he doesn't fit etc etc. Do we really have a style of play under the current manager? At least he will be played up top to get on the end of mignolet hoofs lol. So at times that was our style of play last year anyway.

5.) 10 Jul 2015 18:34:02
Just because he is an ex player doesn't mean he knows what's best for the club, especially as he was Al terrible manager.

6.) 10 Jul 2015 18:35:54
Yeah perhaps his signing shows that we are changing the style of play. Obviously their opinion is noteworthy but how sure are we that they are giving their genuine opinion.

7.) 10 Jul 2015 20:00:57
His ability is not in doubt. it`s all the other dumb stuff that he needs to improve upon if he wants to hack it at a big club. say what you want about Suarez BUT one cannot deny his desire and will to be better and do better on the pitch. Benteke needs that type of fire in his belly to hack it here because if not, it`ll b Andy Carroll fiasco



07 Jul 2015 08:26:05
I hope Gerrard imparted some tips and knowledge on dead ball expertise as we have no natural threat from edge of box free kicks. Phil and Hendo loss best options but they'll need a lot of practice.


1.) 07 Jul 2015 09:20:56
We'll have Milner and Firmino. Both very good at set pieces.

2.) 07 Jul 2015 09:21:31
Milner is a very good set piece taker

3.) 07 Jul 2015 09:23:11
Interesting point. Looks like the deadball duty will be shared between Coutinho and Henderson. Perhaps Milner and Firmino will be interested too.

4.) 07 Jul 2015 09:38:50
Hendo is more than capable of taking good free kicks at the edge of the are,as is Milner,infact Milner is quite adept at them from when I've seen him take them.

5.) 07 Jul 2015 12:17:58
Of who i have seen, i would go with Milner. No idea about Firmino. Hendo is ok and Coutinho is up and down.

6.) 07 Jul 2015 13:23:23
@Andy K, up and down is what you want, up over the wall and down under the bar! I'll go get my coat.



02 Jul 2015 09:35:19
Really can't fault FSG in this transfer window and I know we can't buy every player out there but would Carvalho be wonderful - a truly beast like DM that we have been crying out for.

As I've posted in the past, look at all the best teams in Europe (esp the prem) and they have all prioritised this position regardless of the rest of the te style of play. You can still play a high pressing game with a DM indeed you need it more given the spaces that can be left. You can't undo what's happened and we joe have some great midfielders but someone will get a wonderful player who will be the bedrock of their midfield for the next decade (seems like an FSG type of player to me).


1.) 02 Jul 2015 09:37:54
Wow that was a quick post, thanks - need to check the predictive text next time.

2.) 02 Jul 2015 09:57:28
If you could have Carvalho and no additional striker and no Lucas, would you take it?

3.) 02 Jul 2015 10:15:09
Nice question and a hard one indeed.

Remember we still have Ings, Origi, Sinclair and Sturridge (not to mention the ones likely to leave) to come back. Also with the amount of attacking midfielders we have you would have to say that one out and out striker is likely to be the formation - backed up with Llanala, Ibe, Formino, Coutinho, (Sterling?) so I would go for Carvalho who as I said could be the DM rock for a decade.

4.) 02 Jul 2015 10:34:50
I can't see us affording him or him coming to us anyway.
Spend on a striker and keep Lucas.

5.) 02 Jul 2015 10:53:56
He'd cost less than Benteke and Lucas is going so maybe not that unrealistic.

6.) 02 Jul 2015 11:49:30
i agree the guy looks good but if we retain lucas , whom seems a real loyal guy he could help make can into a beast of a dm he has the potential imo

7.) 02 Jul 2015 12:26:14
Like Lucas but think Carvalho could do an even better job for years to come if we can shift on a few to afford him but a goal scorer needs to be the priority

8.) 02 Jul 2015 12:42:45
I don't know Carvalho at all but appears highly rated by many. A striker and Lucas for mine right now although a stong DM can allow others to cheat and will shield your backline. We have looked our best when Lucas has been in form. It allows many formations and frees up your creative guys so i am not againt investment in another DM if Lucas is to leave.




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10 Jun 2024 23:32:10
My goodness, I’ve not posted for years and looked on from afar. I thought this was meant to be about football and LFC in particular.

Far too much PC and people trying to be “correct”. Get real, stop being offended and love our club without having to be so sanctimonious. I’m happy to leave this wonderful forum if its full of gen z’s.




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06 Jul 2015 22:23:45
Psynwa - go on then suggest some, that's the whole point genius. If you can't add content and just want to be negative then go play with your toys.




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06 Jul 2015 16:50:31
Not sure if he would be interested but Lacazette would be a better fit for our team and when you look at the rumoured transfer fees for him and Benteke it seems a clear one to me.

That said whoever we sign I'll be right behind.




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25 Jun 2015 08:00:34
Kovacic is a really exciting player but how the hell are we going to play with all the midfielders (good ones as well) we have amassed? Just feel for Ibe and Markovic (who might go on loan) with scarce chances.

Nice problem to have I suppose but while he's a class act I think £20m or so could be better spent elsewhere.




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23 Jun 2015 14:27:50
Great news if true.





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18 Apr 2016 07:44:07
He didn't say "the next Sterling" he said better than Sterling. best to read first.




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14 Jan 2016 09:03:09
Agree totally re set pieces, bit of a waste of time for us at present.

What baffles me at present is Migs. I appreciate we might have to "protect his value. " But if the rumours about a pay rise and a 5 year contract are true then that's crazy.

I hope Ward turns out to be decent for us - we need a decent keeper.




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10 Oct 2015 13:09:29
Did the same last night, also went for the Klopp hat.

Let's all get and stay behind him.




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18 Aug 2015 09:18:25
I agree Ed, from the evidence of the last two games we are losing the midfield possession battle and need a three (Can behind Milner and Hendo ideally and if Hendo injured I'd play Lucas behind Can and Milner).

That at least provides a base for a front three of Ben, Cout (thank god we have him) and Ibe/ Firmino.

Still think we need Sakho's athleticism but have been impressed with Clyne and Gomez isn't doing a bad job.




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18 Aug 2015 09:31:19
I'm not a fan of playing people out of their natural positions (although as professional footballers they should offer some degree of flexibility for goodness sake) but Moreno as an out and out winger on the left would give us a left footer who could get to the line and cross / cut back. I'm a fan of Ibe who will be great for us but we might be placing too much faith in him too soon.

Just a potential option and would get the most out of Big Ben.




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