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01 Feb 2023 21:29:39
Is there a situation with Nat Phillips within the club? There were rumors that he was to be sold in the transfer window. Myself, I would position him as our equal 4th choice center back along side Gomez, but in terms the skills of consistency and decision making, aerial ability and presence, ahead of Gomez and so I ponder why he is consistently framed to leave?

Viva Redspana

1.) 01 Feb 2023 22:43:51
Think the injury to konate put paid to a move in January. Really hope he gets his move in the summer.

2.) 01 Feb 2023 23:24:59
He's consistently framed to leave because he barely plays? He'd probably be gone if we hadn't priced him out of the market.

3.) 02 Feb 2023 10:57:53
We wanted £15m no one would pay. Then the price has been reduced still no one wanted him.

4.) 02 Feb 2023 21:08:18
Maybe he’s happy and doesn’t want to leave?




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21 Jun 2024 21:09:41
Also the fact that he and his family are very grateful to Bilbao, the city and the club, for the support that they have given to him and his family since being there. Also, Bilboa is a lovely city! Always the human factor.

Viva Redspana



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02 Jun 2024 20:53:22
I'm a fan a useful stats . the important ones, games, goals (not including penalties, grandma goals), assists, interceptions, headers won, tackles won, completed passes, touches in possession (not a concise list) . BUT all this "expected" ballorks is TV junk. How about "miss controls", "poor First touches", "bad decisions" (not wife related! ) that would see several players excluded from duty! Its not a complicated game!

Viva Redspana



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23 Apr 2024 19:27:23
I have a strong preference for not a Dutch manager. No disrespect to Slot or any other Dutch manager some of whom have been great players and outstanding coaches in the Dutch league. But, culturally they are not as compatible with the English game and player/ club culture as some other cultures. I'm not going to quote names, but there have been more than 2! This is not intended as anti-Dutch, its just an observation.

Viva Redspana



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04 Dec 2023 21:02:42
Careful boys - last time i questioned Mo's ability to maintain possession and control the ball i was placed under the Billy Goats Gruff bridge.

Viva Redspana



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04 Dec 2023 20:59:38
WDW - We won't get that many penalties!

Viva Redspana




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27 Apr 2024 17:32:12
Following on from games and players after match comments there has definitely been friction about "the forwards" not converting chances and rightly so. To be honest Salah was poor last season and worse this season, 17 prem goals (inc 5 pens? ) from 91 shots is not good music. Whomever made the decision to not sell him for a big bag of Saudi cash has a question to answer. Nunez shoots like a scared rabbit, there is a player in there somewhere for sure. Diaz is a creator and Jota a finisher. Gakpo, should be playing for Wrexham. or maybe the argument was about how long it took Mo to get ready and Klopp saying that that goal was avoidable if the changes had been made more timely. But the end result is the same, someone on the coaching team needs to be responsible for shouting "your going the wrong way! " We play with a front line of 6 David Batty's (no offence, he was good at what he did! ) . I am so happy that I have a watch and forget policy. moving onto the next 99 minutes. Peace.

Viva Redspana



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08 Oct 2023 19:59:06
Agree Mac looks like a race horse in wellies as the holding midfielder. ALSO, I hope someone tells Salah to face the ball at freekicks, he should have prevented the second BHA goal. The ball passed literally 30cm from his bonce.

Viva Redspana



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13 Aug 2023 21:30:48
You could see the midfield was all skewed. but all in all it looked on the most part ok.

Defense, who knows until the midfield is sorted its difficult to tell, but the positional play between VVD and Konte was sometimes to seperated. VVD keeps finding himself out of the line of the goal zone, beyond the front post so gets bypassed.

I was impressed by Gakpo, he was asked to play in an unusual position and showed good energy and movement, yes a few too many pirouettes, but that's how he turns players up top, but 100% I can't fault his effort.

As for salah, for a team that plays a possession based game you have to be able to fundamentally control the ball, make good decisions and pass the ball. Far too many time Salah loses possession and some of his shooting is woeful. Every now and then we get a great moment from him, but they are too few and too far and between compared to the crazy money a SA team would pay for him. Frankly, as in many games he deserved to get pulled and when below par or ineffective, he should be pulled more.

Elliot looked a man with a point to prove when he came on. and he proved it well.

Good start!

Viva Redspana



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