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28 Jun 2024 10:47:55
Kane needs someone like son playing along side him. Someone with pace, then you would see the best of Kane in the England team. He can drop off as he does for Bayern and did for Spurs.

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28 Jun 2024 11:01:45
Kane needs chances on a plate and 2 penalties a game.

He literally can’t run anymore but can still finish if you give him chances.

Personally I’d drop him for Watkins purely because we need to stretch defences with pace in behind to get the best out of Saka, Foden and Bellingham.

{Ed001's Note - Kane is not fit, he was injured at the end of the season and should be in rehab not playing.}

28 Jun 2024 11:39:36
Ed01, seems like the same schtick with Kane in the CL final vs us where everyone knew he was unfit BUT forced himself into the starting 11 and was a ghost all game long. Like he has been in this tournament.

{Ed001's Note - only one man to blame for him being there though, Southgate is at fault. He had options and didn't need him to get through the group stage, so could have let him rehab properly.}

28 Jun 2024 11:55:39
The few minutes Watkins has had have been lively and adding a new dimension to the attack. So if Kane is really not fully fit then why start him? Just like Shaw; why bring him to the tournament if he's not even recovered from injury?

Someone explain to me Southgate's area of competence and expertise? Because I see very little anywhere. It's mind-boggling that the English FA can't find better than Southgate since so long.

28 Jun 2024 12:38:39
The same with Bellingham. He had a good first half in game 1 and has looked dead on his feet for the other 2.5 games. He should have been rested too and others trusted in his place.

28 Jun 2024 20:41:30
That's always been Kane's game, iwillbered.
He's a fantastic player but he doesn't look right and the same goes for Bellingham. I'd leave both of them out unless they showed something in training that showed they were back in form
Play Foden as a 10 and bring in either Watkins, Gordon or both. Gordon could play on the left or through the middle and has pace.

29 Jun 2024 05:17:38
Have to start Palmer after the diff he made last week. Like Trent, not afraid to take on the opposition and take a chance. Gordon the same. I'd start all three. Southgate will bring in Mainoo for Girligher and that's it. We'll flatter to deceive again and scrape a win or go to pens.

{Ed001's Note - he made a difference because he was allowed to play. If he starts, he will have the exact same instructions all the others have and will struggle just as much. It doesn't matter who is on the pitch while the imbecile in the waistcoat remains in charge.}

29 Jun 2024 08:50:18
What difference did Palmer make? Keep reading that England were better after the subs came on but personally I think Slovenia ran out of steam after trying really hard in the first 45 minutes to get a lead they could protect. They looked shot to bits in the second 45 minutes and just camped out in their own penalty area because they knew England were too narrow to break them down. I didn’t see any improvement at all with any of the substitutions. It was exactly the same as the first 2 games except their opponent was the weakest they’d faced and only needed a draw. Lack of width, players out of position, no heart, Bellingham, Foden, Rice and Kane looking woeful etc. That game could’ve gone on another hour and the players that finished the game still weren’t scoring.

29 Jun 2024 09:08:44
I agree in a way with Ed001 and there is the sub thing to consider. When someone comes on to make an impact with fresh legs against more tired legs they can sometimes flatter to deceive. We then get the 'he has to start' the next game.
It's the same with players sat on the bench. When a team is playing poorly, they have done nothing wrong and couldn't do any worse so they 'have to start'.
Now I'm not saying that it's wrong and I do it but we shouldn't read too much into substitute performances.

{Ed001's Note - good job I was sat down then when I read that you agreed with me, even if it was only a little bit.}

29 Jun 2024 10:19:11
In a way not just a little bit, Ed001.
We should just agree to agree on this one. It's good to exchange views and it is nice to be right occasionally ?.

{Ed001's Note - you just enjoy it mate as I am not sure it has happened to you before and probably won't again that you are right.....}

29 Jun 2024 12:43:01
You're right, Ed001. I know where I stand.



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