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22 Jun 2024 09:54:54
Is it any wonder so many scousers who in my opinion know more about football than any other city in the UK detest supporting England. Having to listen to these pundits and media outlets talk absolute trash is just laughable. To blame it all on Trent is as lazy as it comes. He is being treated the same way he is during the season and it is disgusting.

My advice to Trent would be to go to Madrid and escape this foul little country full of brain dead pundits and media outlets. Every single England player has been average and that is it. Personally I am just looking forward to this tourney being over already. sick of listening to these televised morons.

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22 Jun 2024 10:14:51
TbF I don’t think they blamed it all on Trent- but did say it was a gamble/ mistake (which it is) for Southgate to play him there
I don’t know many other countries that would stick someone who has played his senior career at RB into a starting CM role in a major tournament

The way Southgate has set up basically negates all Trent’s qualities anyhow so it’s pretty pointless having him in there
Slow passing-no pressing-no quick turnovers- no runs in behind- no opportunity to play king raking passes

Southgate is a complete fraud and his team boring to watch.

22 Jun 2024 10:17:06
Is it any wonder so many scousers who in my opinion know more about football than any other city in the UK


22 Jun 2024 10:22:20
There's a lot more to the Scouse not English thing than football.

I don't think TAA is getting all the blame either. Maybe I'm missing it but I'm seeing other names and reasons for the performances not just TAAs. And is it just hate towards Trent? It is a risk playing him in midfield in a major tournament with so little experience playing there but he doesn't pick the team and Trent isn't above criticism or analysis.

One person, thing or decision will not be the reason we don't win the competition playing brilliant football but I do realise that sometimes is easier to have one thing to blame. It's human nature and I've seen it on here with Southgate, too.

22 Jun 2024 10:44:25
Plenty of other footballers outside of Liverpool have been trashed over the years also. It isn’t just a Liverpool.

22 Jun 2024 11:01:07
Wait until you find out how much they get trashed at Madrid.

22 Jun 2024 11:43:22
Yeah after living in Madrid for one year, I realised how much worse the media is there than here. Just go ask Vini Jr.

22 Jun 2024 13:37:14
Got to have a snigger at the scout lambasting clueless pundits.
Pot, kettle and all that.

22 Jun 2024 15:55:23
@OP, I here RM are in the market for a top class armchair scout - I’ve put your name forward,

22 Jun 2024 16:50:17
All these people saying Trent isn’t getting all the blame, every major pundit on BBC and ITV are putting the tactical disasterclass on Trent.
Neville: “Trent has no talent to play in midfield”.
Keane: “Trent should be nowhere near there”
Rooney: “Trent can’t defend”.

I mean just go on the Sky app and it’s all about the Trent experiment must end. Gallagher came on and was woeful and far worse than Trent. If England played on the front foot Trent in midfield would work. If they put Bellingham there with these deep lying tactics and no desire to press he’d be garbage too.

22 Jun 2024 18:42:49
I’m not hearing Trent get all the blame. Well other than Roy Keane who makes his critique more about Trent’s ability in midfield. Which btw is a view shared by many in here.

22 Jun 2024 18:58:15
I don't think it's all about TAA either. Trent doesn't pick the team so if the experiment doesn't work then someone else is accountable.
He's not the best defensively- I think we all agree on that- so what did people expect?
To be fair to Rooney and Keane, they criticised the move to put him there before the first game. They questioned the selection not the player.
And I keep hearing that word 'blame' again. We've played two games and are top of the group! Is TAA and his selection in midfield to blame if we win the group or the whole tournament? ?.

22 Jun 2024 20:27:12
Rigsby, you said it yourself. Southgate is who is to blame for the experiment so why is the player who did not pick himself nor deploy the "experimental" tactics, being criticised for the experiment NOT working? Could it be that it's cos the bias towards Trent was already in place years a go and purely orchestrated by Southgate himself when he was asked why Trent was not picked for a game in the 20/ 21 season and he hung him out to dry in the media?

IMO, that was when the witchunt against Trent started cos Southgate did NOT know what to do with such a player and cos he is a defensive minded manager, he washed his hands off him and now plays him in midfield in a crappy setup. And do you not find it interesting that The Waist Coat literally said the midfield was struggling cos of the absence of the "indispensable" Calvin Philips? I mean, this guy is a "real" one, isn't he?

{Ed025's Note - its hardly a "Witch Hunt" Oli, but i do agree the way England are playing is down to nothing except the ineptitude of the coach..

22 Jun 2024 20:57:45
I think Southgate is getting a lot of stick, too.
Some of those that believe TAA is getting abuse are themselves abusing Southgate.
Don't get me wrong, I've no time for Southgate but let's not make out that it's all about Trent whilst insulting the manager at the same time.

22 Jun 2024 21:08:33
To be fair TAA is playing below his potential but that is mostly because the coach doesn’t have a clue and who flatters (the press certainly) to deceive with his concern not to lose rather than win, let alone play entertaining football.

I think it’s fair to say that the players picked generally play as 11 individuals (including TAA) rather than a team and that, again, is down to the coach.

The pity is that there’s a lot of talent and emerging talent in English football at the moment and it’s a genuine shame that the press refuse to see the Emperor’s new clothes.



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