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27 Jun 2024 17:38:41
Hey edd002 seeing a few rumours that we are one of the clubs in for kimmich any chance you can clarify? Cheers.

{Ed002's Note - Joshua Kimmich (DM) Bayern Munich may now make him available, a significant fee would be sought - well beyond what interested sides Barcelona or Manchester City would pay for a 28 year old on €400k per week although Manchester City may well look to find a solution that suits everybody. A wildcard option would be Manchester United or Arsenal. New coach will have a say at Bayern Munich.}

Agree2 Disagree10

27 Jun 2024 22:06:53
Hope not. He’s over the hill.

28 Jun 2024 08:25:59
28 and over the hill.
Quality stuff.

28 Jun 2024 08:36:23
How is 29 over the hill? ??‍♂️

At £400k a week he’s not a sensible signing but there is no evidence he’s over the hill. Still one of the top 5 players in world football at both RB and DM.

I can only assume you’re about 16 years old Victor because you clearly have no idea about the aging process if you think 29 is over the hill. Most people I know hit their physical peak around 30 years old.

If 29 years old is over the hill then christ, Ed025 has fallen in the Grand Canyon.

28 Jun 2024 11:27:50
Do most footballers hit their peak at 30?

28 Jun 2024 14:42:48
He is well past his sell by date at 29. He’d get absolutely rinsed in the premier league. And let’s not forget what a waste of money the last 29 year old was that we signed from Bayern was, Kimmich would be just as bad if not worse because of his horrendous wage demands.

28 Jun 2024 18:50:44
Most definitely peak around 28-32 years old. Kimmich is in his prime.

Thiago was one of our best players when fit. It’s a shame his injuries got progressively worse for us, but let’s not pretend he wasn’t a joy to watch when he was fit. That’s just dishonest. We wouldn’t have all been so gutted when he got injured if he was a bad footballer.

28 Jun 2024 20:21:45
Nonsense that 28-32 is peak years, from 29/ 30 is when performances tend to start tailing off as a general rule. 24-28 is more like the peak years and certainly there’s no point signing 28 year olds, let alone someone who will be 30 soon. Given Kimmich is 30 during the season he is at the tail end of his career.

By your reckoning Casemiro should have been at his peak when he signed for United, however the truth was he was way past his best at 30 and got absolutely rinsed. Or when they signed Schweinstieger when he was 30.

Now they can’t get shot of an unfit 32 year old on huge wages who they paid an absolute fortune for. Similarly and I must question your memory here MK, how badly did Fabinho fall off at 29? How badly did Wijnaldum fall off after he turned 29?

There is no doubt that Thiago was a poor signing in the cold hard light of day. That’s not at all dishonest, it’s a statement of reality and all of the circumstances.

How often was he available? He was injured more often than not. And what made it worse is that the red flags were there from before he signed him with his horrendous injury history. I’m not swayed by a few fancy flicks and the odd Hollywood pass.

As for Kimmich, he is too old. He’ll be a very expensive failure like Thiago or Casemiro. And that’s without going into the fact that he’s known to be a toxic player around the squad, certainly along with Neuer, Muller and Sane and we don’t need that.

28 Jun 2024 21:16:52
Hence why I said most players VV. for every player you can list who peaked before 30 I could name one who peaked after so that’s a pointless route to take in this debate. Modric, Thiago Silva, Ibrahimovic, Totti, Nesta, Ronaldo, Kroos, Puyol, Zidane, Alonso, Lewandowski, Benzema, Giroud, Kompany, Hyypia, Beckham, Lucio, Milito, Sneijder, Gilberto, Cafu, Carvajal, Chivu, Milner, Nacho, Klose, Costa etc

It has to be taken case by case still, of course. But in my opinion the average peak years are 28-32. For speedy wingers maybe it’s closer to 24-28 on average but even then Robben and Ribery peaked around 30 years old. It varies. You can’t throw a blanket on it for every player. Kimmich has shown absolutely no sign of decline. He was one of the only bright sparks in Bayern’s season.

Saying he is over the hill because he’s 29 is just lazy. You just look silly to be honest mate. Virgil was 28/ 29 when we won the league. Henderson, Matip, Firmino, Mane and Wijnaldum were similar. Salah, Fabinho and Alisson weren’t far behind. Milner was about 34. Even Robbi was about 27. By your logic they were all over the hill about past their peak. Make that make sense for me. There’s only one person on these pages consistently talking nonsense mate. You’ve gotten yourself labelled as a troll even by the Editors with your over the top sweeping statements.

29 Jun 2024 11:18:01
Of all the players who helped winning us the league that year MK, all at the age on 28/ 29 and lower. Which one of those has played on a higher level after that season?

29 Jun 2024 16:44:01

Ali - 31
VVD - 32
Joe G -27
Robbo - 30
Tsimi - 28
Endo - 31
Diaz - 27
Jota - 27
Mo - 32

Let’s see if Arne agrees with your strange view that a specific number dictates their footballing capabilities of any player who happens to be that age.

I’m still waiting for you to reply about the 2nd choice keeper, left sided defender, defensive midfielder and right sided attacker that you would buy this summer and the reasons why.



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