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13 Jun 2024 15:02:54
Good Day Ed002,

If you have some time today I'd appreciate a reply?

Not so much a question about transfers but more your opinion on some players linked regardless of them actually coming.

In your opinion from the midfielders we are linked to João Neves, Ederson or Koopmeiners , who in your opinion would be best suited to Liverpool regardless of if there is genuine interest.

Likewise for the CB's.
Inacio, Pacho, Hincapie or Colwill.

If you had to pick one CB and a midfielder who do you think has the highest ceiling?

Apologies for the randomness I just can't see much happening during the euros and your opinion is always well respected and appreciated.

Thank you Ed002.

{Ed002's Note - Neves is hugely expensive and it is had to see how he represents value for money. Ederson would be a good fit and is more likely than Koopmeiners now.

Inacio is a standout centre back but I expect him to head elsewhere. Pacho will be a good fit and is more likely than Hincapie. Chelsea are not looking to sell Colwill but another side is pushing and they may just offer an exchange that may appeal to Chelsea.

I expect Ederson and Pacho will emerge as the primary targets - and that should keep the Liverpool fans happy.}

Agree3 Disagree28

14 Jun 2024 09:23:22
I’d be happy with Ederson and Pacho Ed!

I like what I’ve seen of Ederson- great engine, physical and can play too.

Pacho I admit I haven’t seen play but he fits the bill lf what we need as a left sided defender, fee seems lower than other linked players, and he’s young enough to be developed by the coaching team.

14 Jun 2024 09:20:19
You keep us happy Ed! ;)

14 Jun 2024 09:27:44
I would be very happy with Ederson. Not sold on Pacho. We should pay the money and get Inacio. He is a class CB.

14 Jun 2024 09:34:12
Thanks for your reply Ed002, it’s a shame about inacio as I think he may represent good value eventually at 60m. I’m sure is well thought of by many clubs. Neves would be a big risk for Liverpool considering the fees involved and so young.

14 Jun 2024 12:27:54
Thanks for the detailed information Ed. Would you mind sharing who you think will emerge as the main targets of the attacking players we have scouted?

Many thanks for all your time and the info you share.

{Ed002's Note - It is dependent on departures Nick. If Salah, Luis Diaz and Alexander-Arnold stay then it may be no change. If Salah stays and runs down his contract, then perhaps there is no immediate need, else perhaps Bakayoko. If Diaz leaves, perhaps Chiesa. If Alexander Arnold and Salah go, maybe Rodrygo Goes. If Diz and Salah leave, perhaps Raphinha and Chiesa.

So tough to tell.}

14 Jun 2024 12:46:25
Pacho, Ederson and Bakayoko would keep me happy.

14 Jun 2024 12:53:09
Thanks for the reply. In your opinion if the three players mentioned above would you say Salah the most likely to leave and Alexander-Arnold the most likely to stay?

Also, regarding Diaz, is it his preference to leave?

Thanks for your reply.

{Ed002's Note - It will all depend on what offer Liverpool get for Salah, if any.}

14 Jun 2024 19:16:43
Thanks Ed02, Ederson looks to be a good player from what I’ve seen.

14 Jun 2024 21:44:34
With Liverpool fans being the most knowledgeable on the game of football it is quite hard to keep them all happy.

15 Jun 2024 01:47:20
Ed2 - regards Mo, I you’ve mentioned years ago and recently again that his agent had been offering him to other clubs. But not sure we’ve ever heard whether any other club ever wanted to sign Mo since he’s been with us? For a player of his stature and all the fear we’d lose him, it feels like we’ve never had to fend of interest like we had to for Coutinho, Suarez, Gerrard etc has the interest ever been there?

{Ed002's Note - There was interest previously, but not at the wages being requested. Again there was interest from the Middle East last year.}



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