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25 Jun 2024 13:21:11
Just to enter the Trent debate. For me he played his part in making us the best team in Europe for a few years as a wingback. Stupid tactics with this inverted crap have caused this debate. For me he has to stay a wingback the position that made him world class. Why take the best rb in the league ( shurrup with the walker and Reece James shouts not a chance ) and try convert him to a midfielder? Get him back to being the old Trent build the team around him. As for Bradley I love the kid but it's upto him to push to get into the team. Look at the history more accomplished / experienced players had to sit on the bench. There was a time Hansen couldn't get a start. You don't throw a hissy fit or change position.

Agree7 Disagree0

25 Jun 2024 14:11:42
Scouse John, I pretty much agree with you there, mate. We're blessed with two attacking right/ wing backs, let them both fight it out for their place. Hopefully there's 60 games to be played next season, so there's plenty to go around.

25 Jun 2024 14:38:23
100%. When we won the lot Trent and Robbo were wingbacks.

25 Jun 2024 14:47:56
Yep - I agree they were wingbacks - and we were all the better for it.

{Ed025's Note - all day WDW, it was not broken so why the hell did they try to fix it mate?..answers on a postcard..

25 Jun 2024 16:02:14
With all due respect, I don't think Trent was ever a wingback in the sense the term is generally used. Infact, if anything Robertson played like a wingback much more than Trent.
Our system was designed to enable him to put balls through the right channel and the right half-space. Generally these balls would be into the box, or would be swithces of play from right to left. Clearly, the idea behind moving him into midfield is to open up more passing options to him, as theoretically from a central position he can pass to both right and left. It also has a few downsides, as it pushes him further away from the opposition goal, so he is more of a facilitator rather than the final ball provider.
All in all, the best way to utilise him is to get him into positions where he has a little bit of time to play his passes. Ideally it would be as close to the opposition box as possible, while also allowing him to access the whole pitch. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. So whichever position he ends up playing, there would be some compromise.

25 Jun 2024 15:25:04
Pep linders happened ed.

{Ed025's Note - oh yeah Colonel, him and his book..

25 Jun 2024 18:32:00
Completely agree. Best attacking fullback in football is Sat infront of the defence. It’s a shocking decision and I can’t believe nobody has switched him back.

25 Jun 2024 18:49:12
Pep Lijnders was there when TAA was playing his best football and we won the League and CL.
TAA was playing in a better team though.



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